Encouragement poured in from across the nation for a 14-year-old Muslim boy whose homemade electronic clock led to his suspension from school, with President Barack Obama, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and a NASA scientist among those offering support.
As word spread that Ahmed Mohamed had been placed in handcuffs after coming to class with the clock that officials at his suburban Dallas school thought resembled a bomb, the teen became a star on social media. Many took to the internet to criticize police of overreacting because of the boy’s religion.
Officials say the boy’s religion was not a factor.
Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, a Sudanese immigrant, said at a press conference in front of his family’s home that he was moved by the support for his son. He said Ahmed is an electronics whiz who repairs the family’s clocks and phones.
“I am grateful to the United States of America,” he said, attributing the widespread support to “something that was touching the heart for everybody.”
Ahmed was pulled from class Monday and taken to a detention center after showing the digital clock to teachers at his school in Irving.
Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd said the clock looked “suspicious in nature,” but said there was no evidence the boy meant to cause alarm at school. Boyd considers the case closed.
He said the officials reaction to the clock “would have been the same regardless” of Ahmed’s religion.
Take a look at the home-made clock and decide for yourself –
The Associated Press contributed to this story
Robert says
that teacher? needs a job with the rest of the half-wits at homeland-insecurity or the T.S.A…if they were so stupid to think that was a bomb they would fit right in with the rest of the fools.
gary says
most likely a Democ rat?
Anita says
All I can say is with dealing withe these terrorists sobs, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Maybe he was just doing a trial run to see if he could carry out a terrorist act and not get caught. Had it been a bomb and no one did anything then the authorities would have been blamed for not doing they jobs. They are damned if the do, and damned if they don’t. Personally, I would rather over act than not act at all and have many innocent children killed. And by the way, what so called religion uses body bombs to kill innocent people?
Somebody says
The story does seem to lend some credence to the adage…
“Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach”
Half-wits teaching school children.
To become what? More half-wits?
Linda says
Who makes a clock in a brief case, but someone being taught jihad?
Hank B says
What would any Muslim expect the reaction to be? Islamist Extremists use children to blow up innocents, men, women and other children so why would a Muslim father or teenager (old enough to know better) expect this situation to be treated any differently? Muslims need to accept the fact that they have extremists among them causing death and destruction in the name of their God Allah! The reaction was appropriate and to be expected in today’s climate of terror all around the world and expecting it not to happen here is foolish, thus the actions of those in charge of protecting our children were correct and I would be livid if my child attended that school and they over looked the potential that this supposed clock offered.
Hank B says
Question for Obama and the Muslim apologists in our midst…….How do you think the Secret Service would have reacted if a Muslim student brought this device into the school his daughters attend?
josee munday says
Better to be safe than sorry. Good job
Pat Bantner says
You need to get the whole story. Sister at same school was also detained for bomb threats weeks before, father harassing and pushing for sharia law in Irving, father taking many trips overseas to Sudan, parents wouldn’t let police remove cuffs because they wanted pics by the photographers…… Come on get the full story. That school reacted the exact way it should.