Hillary Clinton has been called many things throughout her political career.
To thousands of Democratic delegates and liberal voters at the Democratic National Convention, calling Clinton their party’s nominee was more than they could stomach.
Bernie Sanders loyalists warned that the Democratic Party could rupture after a volatile night that saw a massive group of Sanders delegates and supporters exit the party’s national convention to stage a sit-in at a nearby media tent.
Insider video of the emptying DNC is stunning —
The walk-outs rejected Sanders’ call for unity even after the Vermont senator took the symbolic step of declaring Clinton the winner of the state-by-state delegate count inside the convention in Philadelphia.
“I suspect we are witnessing an event that will fundamentally change American politics,” said Cory James, 22, a college student from Flint, Michigan, who expects the Democratic Party to break apart over Clinton’s victory.
Thousands of activists have taken to the streets during the convention this week to voice support for Sanders, a liberal U.S. senator, and his progressive agenda. The “Bernie or bust” brigades that have marched across the sun-warped city threatened to disrupt Clinton’s moment as the first woman to be nominated for president by a major U.S. political party.
“We all have this unrealistic dream that democracy is alive in America,” said Debra Dilks, of Boonville, Missouri, who spoke as a protest broke up near Philadelphia’s City Hall.
She said she wasn’t sure she would even vote in November.
“Hillary didn’t get the nomination. The nomination was stolen,” Dilks said.
At the media tent protest, some had their mouths taped shut, while a few others spontaneously sang, “This land is our land.” They said they were holding a peaceful protest to complain about being shut out by the Democratic Party.
In the streets outside, Sanders supporters who had spent the day protesting began facing off with police. They started scaling 8-foot walls that blocked off the secure zone around the arena parking lot. Police and the Secret Service immediately arrested four protesters, who will be charged with entering a restricted area. They’re scheduled to appear in court Wednesday.
Protests continued into the night as Sanders supporters and an anti-police group joined together. Later, another protester set an Israeli flag on fire as people chanted, “long live the intifada.”
Others then came together for a candlelight vigil.
Earlier in the day, activists held a midday rally at City Hall, and then made their way down Broad Street to the convention site. By early evening, a large crowd had formed outside the subway station closest to the arena. The crowd consisted of an assortment of protesters espousing a variety of causes, but mostly Sanders supporters and other Clinton foes on the left.
“I think people were hoping we could sway the delegates and show that there really is a movement here,” said Alexis Holmes, a school janitor from Carbondale, Illinois, who has been protesting in the city since Sunday.
The longstanding bitterness between Sanders’ supporters and Clinton’s seemed to grow worse over the past few days after a trove of hacked emails showed that officials at the Democratic National Committee played favorites during the primaries and worked to undermine Sanders’ campaign.
Sanders had urged supporters Monday to fall in line behind Clinton for the good of the country. But many were not swayed.
Engineer Chris Scully, of Troy, New York, said he opposes Clinton because of her war record as U.S. secretary of state. He carried a “Jill Before Hill” sign Tuesday at a demonstration at City Hall, in a nod to Green Party candidate Jill Stein.
As Scully spoke, a passer-by called out: “That’s a vote for Trump!”
In a separate protest against police brutality and racial injustice, about 500 people marched down Broad Street to City Hall. Protest leader Erica Mines told the crowd that it was an “anti-police rally” and a “black and brown resistance march” and instructed all white people to move to the back.
March participant Tiara Willis, of Philadelphia, said she subscribes to the slogan “I’m with her … I guess.” She said she would not back Trump and called Clinton, “the lesser of two evils.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Even the uninformed showed some backbone – it’s about time the Democrats met with some internal dissension.
The Dem’s and Hillary deserve what they are receive for cheating in regards to Sanders. Who knows were this curmudgeon might of rose to if it weren’t for Debbie Wassermann Schultz and the DCN elites.
Hell no DNC. NO VOTE FOR HILLARY!! LOCK HER UP!????????????
Never voting for wealthy bought and paid for global puppet Hillary Clinton. She should not be running for office she broke laws and I do not trust her. ????????
Put Hill and Debbie in the same cell..Bill can watch from another cell.
Heck yes!! Vote TRUMP!!! Lock Hillary up!!!
If you want America Great…Again and safe VOTE TRUMP
That should be a surprise to no one. Clinton is the biggest lying cheat on the planet. Outside of slick willie that is!
Hillary Rotten Clinton needs to be under the prison.
You forgot to mention OWebummet the liar in chief
Please let us all know what Clinton has done that was NOT cheating or corrupt? We all know that so is the devil incarnate so why is she the Democrats candidate. She should be about to stand trial for what she has done but she has something on Lynch that got the charges dropped. I never though that I would ever say this but the “Democrats have learned from Robert Mugabe on how to rig and election. This is the new Democrat Party that states, “Its not who you know that matters, it is what you know about a person that matters, or how you can bribe them”.
I’m thinking, that she will do anything and everything possible(with Soros’ money), to try and steal the election, in some way shape or form!!! That means, doing whatever she has to do to keep Trump out of the presidency, because she knows, that if Trump gets in office, she is going to prison!!!
I was wondering why they had it so dark at the DNC, now I know it was to hide the EMPTY SEATS!
I am surprised they did not pay people to attend. They might have to pay people to vote for liar Hillary
I believe paying people to vote for them is illegal, but wait, Hillary and the DNC would not care, now, would they?
All Clinton cares about is her self.,
Finally there are smart people that knowing what they want and fight for. Bernie had sold out his supporters for a vague promise from hiLIARy.
I’m a repb,,,,,,,,, even I’d vote for Bernie…
Not a very intelligent “repb”.
Yep, all demonRat representatives have no policy or commitment to their supporters. They promised to win votes and if the DONT they sold themselves and the heck with their supporters who spent times, money and efforts to support them. Bernie sold out. Feel bad for the entusiastic supporters and I am sure they will not vote for lying HiLiary. If playing fair and square HiLIARy can’t win over Bernie and the crooked woman is fearless that she hires Debbie Shutz immediately after these dnc emails exposed to the public. Couldn’t she wait until if she can cheat again to win? HiLIARY is fearless and she believes she is untouchable .
William –I say that because sanders is really no better than the “witch” . He will give this country away to the illegals, radicals and those who have been and will always collect freebies. I would NEVER vote for either one. I have a Doberman that would make a better president than either one of them.
Amen to that. Bernie wants a free college education for all, paid family leave, free medical care for all, a high minimum wage, and on and on (and Hillary is much the same), but he doesn’t say how he intends to pay for all this (somebody has to), and that’s why this country is trillions of dollars in debt. I know, why don’t we all just stay home and wait for our gov’t check??? Bernie is an avowed communist. For those who don’t go back that far the communist party was declared an enemy of the United States back in the fifties. The only logical choice is Trump, even with all his warts.
You’re right about that. Let’s make our country great again…………………….its about time!
That ia how they keep the middle class down, we are after all the silent majority, we pay all the taxes. The poor cant an the wealthy have irs loop holes.
Peter’s comment reminds me of an old story…that goes like this —
Once upon a time, many centuries ago, a wise king called all his scribes together and gave them a chore . He asked them to go out into the world and discover the true meaning of life. Take all the time you need, and then bring me your findings. So the scribes left and ventured into all parts of the then known world. Through much conversation, bickerings among themselves, and the enduring editing of their ideas, they came to an agreement which they wrote and presented to the king. He congratulated them on their efforts, and smiled as he read their findings of the true meaning of life, condensed into one sentence — “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.”
Those words of wisdom are just as true today as then.
Are you listening Barack? Hillary? Bernie?
Peter’s comment reminds me of an old story — It goes like this:
Many centuries ago, a wise king wanted to know the true meaning of life. He called his scribes together and asked them to go out into the world and discover the true meaning of life. Come back and tell him. They were to take all the time they needed. So they left and ventured to all corners of the world, came back and settled in a room to discuss their findings. They argued, fought, comprised, and eventually came to a conclusion to which they agreed. They contacted the king and told him they were ready to present him with their version of the true meaning of life. The king congratulated them on their efforts, then smiled as he read their decision, condensed into one sentence —
“There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.”
And that wisdom could very well apply to today as well.
Are you listening Barack? Hillary? Bernie?
a monkey flipping an honest coin is FAR more appealing than anyone running. america would at least have a 50/50 chance., which is far better than we have now.
The Democratic Party is s Disaster . It’s good to see they are finally exposed for how corrupt they really are . What the hell are they thinking electing Hilary . The woman is a disaster , and her record speaks volumes . Truly hope and pray that Americans wake up to this corrupt party . I think everyone but those in public office and on wall street can say they are Worse off today . Democratic run cities are a Total mess . Why would Anyone want to stay on that tract ? Give Trump a chance to give America a chance to survive and to thrive once again .
George Washington gave a very astute warning about the dangers of political parties. Yes, they knew a thing or two even way back then. (Research it!)
All white people to the back, huh. Well, I think all of you white people who support this violent black organization should move way to the back and take your support with you. Let them fight their own war by themselves. Then let’s see how far they can get without whitey’s help. I can tell you this, anytime they run anything it implodes. Look what is happening in Africa since they ran out whitey British. Just like our liberal, democrap, commie cities in America, they are killing their people by the hundreds.
Amen to that! Jamaica got its freedom, then it started on a downhill slide, murders, poverty, scammer government. You are warned not to walk the streets alone. I was there via a cruise, never again. Haiti, same thing, only great, safe, prosperous islands are “whitey” controlled. Grand Cayman, Saint Thomas, Saint Croix.
Let them run and protect their own ghettos, they forget it’s the white working middle class who’s taxes pay for their free rides. So don’t take our money either, it’s been touched by whitey!
Lolol, Thank you ladies…… Very insightful and true.
Hillary has been involved in doing do much mind control training that now she just appears so robotic on anything video taped.. My youngest son stated it reminds him of the leaders on Hunger Games. I have heard they juice her up on something prior to live speaking events.
The Bernie Sanders supporters walking out of that damned Demoncratic National Convention did the right thing. I hope that the damned Clinton owned
Demoncratic party will be totally destroyed and be NO MORE. Since the damned POS white trash, racist,Facist,Athiest,bigoted, greedy, nasty,evil,venal,wicked,crooked,corrupt,murderous,lying,cheating,stealing,snotty,rude,arrogant,bullying,bossy, pushy,vote & election rigging Clinton’s have not only stolen what used to be the Democratic Party, but hijacked it in 1992 has alienated the Working Class, the Working Poor, the Senior Citizens, the Labor Unions some of whom have and are waking up and are not supporting that damned POS white trash B@&CH Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton, the Veterans & our military. The country doesn’t need the Clinton’s in the White House. HKRAKC stolen many primaries and the Demoncratic Party nomination, just like former Figurehead Sleazeball, draft dodger,rapist, POS white trash, bigoted Bill Clinton did in
the primaries in 1992 and in the fixed & rigged elections of 1992 & 1996. The vast majority of Bernie Sanders supporters are going for Donald Trump, Gary Johnson, Darrel Cassell of the Constitution party & Jill Stein of the Green Party, Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton & the Demoncrats are the true & real losers this election unless that damned POS white trash B@&CH Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton has the election fixed & rigged. All voters cast your vote for Donald J. Trump & Michael Pence and defeat that damned POS white trash B@&CH HKRAKC. NO MORE CLINTON’S, NO MORE DEMONCRATS, TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vote for Trump, its our only chance! Hillary is corrupted wake up world!
vote for TRUMP
killary for jail with slick WILLY AND OBAMA
Hopefully the former Bernie supporters will switch to Trump en mass, or in failing that, switch to a ‘Green Party’ candidate.
Sorry Hitlery (not really) if your scam backfired on you.
Where was all this rage and protesting when we found out that there was so much election fraud in 2008 and 2012 ?????? How come people didn’t hit the streets for that—- jeez — I wonder !!!!!! Bunch of hypocrites.
It looks like HILLARY was using DEBBY for her own personal gain & got her fired. Now Debbie working for the Clinton campaign. Debbie was only following Hillary’s instructions.
This whitey will never take a back seat to them!!! Terrorist freaks!
Why are these terrorists like Louis Maggotkahn allowed to spew his “fighting words”
calling for the killing of white folks??? The KKK, Arian Brotherhood, Neo Natzi’s, and others
ought to march in all the major cities too!!! I never before believed in these white groups, but
I am changing my mind!!! Hillary is a chump for pandering to these thugs!! Guess what,
she and Billy boy are two of the white folks.
My dear Susan, I once supported the KKK until after I became an older and wiser man. It was then I realized that the KKK was only another Pseido political organization promoted by Democrats just like these idiots are. It is and has always been the liberal Democrats that are proponents of division in our society as well as slavery. That is why that I keep posting quotes from Plato and Socrates such as the one below..
Dictatorship Naturally arises out of Democracy and the most severe slavery out of the most extreme liberty. (Plato)
please delete this comment above! Rhonda
Bill Clinton had a good speech although totally unbelievable. He always has been good at talking the talk. If Hillary was such a wonderful person and good wife, why did he need to find outside women throughout his career? It’s sad he felt he had to make a speech to make her seem human. I would love to see Sanders followers head for Trump.
Good point. If Killiary was Slick Willie’s “BFF” why did he cheat!
How can you call sexual assault “cheating”? Cheating implies consent with both individuals. And remember folks Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones were Democrats, not “the vast right wing conspiracy” Hillary tried to paint them with. He sexually assaulted HIS OWN PEOPLE. Now he and his enabler want back into our white house. Why do people believe Bill Cosby’s accusers but not these poor women? Hmm. Don’t forget whitewater, travegate, file gate, attempting to steal whitehouse furniture and artifacts, bengazhi, email server scandal, Monica Lewinsky, pay for play, etc.
Trump had some things done to him too. The GOP refused to help him with any money as they normally would a presidential candidate. Vote for Trump he is not a career politician and spent much less in the primary and had the most votes in the history of the Republican Party. He is not Hitler as some lady on TV said. He is for upholding our precious Constitution will make America Safer and we get lower taxes and jobs ???????? He is against NAFTA which shut down jobs small farms mines and manufacturing and related services look on his website and realize what he wants He works for Americans ???????? Let us take care of just ourselves for a change Not try to take care of the whole world all the time. Shameful and humiliating to have a wealthy criminal running for our highest office. She always gets away with breaking laws and no one does anything about it. I am a woman veteran voting for Trump/Pence Trump has a great team that will help him with planning scheduling budgeting and technology and negotiations and foreign relations ect.. We will be America still. I do not desire to be global citizen with the open borders and terrorists and diseases and billions it costs like Sweeden and Germany and France Not to mention the increases in FGM and rapes. there was already 1000 cases of FGM last year in the U.S. According to American children’s doctors. ISIS is our enemy what are they doing about them? FBI is not checking vetting immigrants They will with Trump????????
Yes We Will with Donald Trump America First???????? ????????God Bless You ????????
“Fell the Bern!” More like “Bernie got Burned!”
Bernie “The Sell-Out” Sanders abandon his loyal supporters and sold-out to Clinton. One week, Bernie says Killiary’s not qualified, next week he’s supporting her. What changed?
One week, Bernie says Killiary’s not qualified, next week he’s supporting her. What changed?
Bribes, threats, or both. That’s the Klinton MO. Has been for decades. The penalty for disobedience is death, as several dozens will testify(in the world to come), since here, “dead men tell no tales.”
Americans have no inalienable rights as proclaimed in the Bill of Rights. Only a Bill if Temporary Privileges. Just as any Japanese-American confined during World War II. AND WHO LOCKED UP THE JAPANESE? A Democratic president FDR!
Did any of you readers ever hear the words to the rap song “A Slick Bill”? The White House interns must be shivering in their skirt and pants suit and whatever else they might wear to work simply at even the thought of having a sexual predator like “A Slick BIll” being a resident at the White House again. The big dread is that this time he’d be even worse because he wouldn’t be worrying about getting reelected. Thank God Almighty for presidential term limits. This is structural limitation that should be placed on just about ANY elected offices in our beloved homeland.
That’s amazing….we didn’t watch the dnc circus last night (or any other night)….I don’t suppose the hillary media covered that defection….ya think???
My bumper sticker says “life’s a bitch, don’t vote for one”.
???????? Let every one be civil. Issues of Benghazi, National security compromised, Undemocratic principles were rampant during primaries, Sanders a victim of name calling by the DNC. Corruption at high levels by the elite of both parties should be an eye opener for majority of the people especially Service men, veterans, seniors, women and the milineals. It makes lot of sense to vote for an outsider, a non politician on Novemebr 08:2016. Wishing all like minded people to take charge of your destiny and bring in New faces, non-politicians all over the country ???????? JNTV
Iowa was the first vote.Even Christie had more votes than all the dems and was last (Chris Christie del 0 votes 3,284 % 1.8%).
I’m sure the few that caught this were blown off by the media whores. That’s why they use percentages instead of numbers. I gave the numbers to Judicial watch election fraud so they knew. I could of made more of an effort, but I was busy keeping the insiders out on the other side. So what was the choice at the DNC? A bum that didn’t have his 1st job til he was 40, and his freebie backers, and the wicked witch of the west and her flying monkeys. From what I seen supporters for Hitlary and Bernie weren’t the brightest bulbs on the tree. The fix was in for Hitlary back in 2008. For those that don’t get it, we lost our country Nov. 22, 1963!
Iowa was the first primary. Total dem votes 1406
top total rep votes 166,134
1,681 of 1,681 precincts reporting (100%)
del. votes %
Hillary Clinton 23 701 49.9%
Bernie Sanders 21 697 49.6%
Martin O’Malley 0 8 0.6%
Other 0 0 0.0%
Uncommitted 0 0 0.0%
1,681 of 1,681 precincts reporting (100%)
Ted Cruz 8 51,666 27.7%
Donald Trump 7 45,427 24.3%
Marco Rubio 7 43,165 23.1%
Ben Carson 3 17,395 9.3%
Rand Paul 1 8,481 4.5%
“The Game Is Rigged!” George Carlin on American Dream
One would think that the people who supported Bernie Sanders would support Donald Trump. The huge problem which has never been corrected is that our election process is so completely corrupt that the liars in the corporate media probably already have their Tele Promp Ter reports for November 9th written already to inform the people that hillary Benghazi clinton won with 125% of the votes.
If our fraudulent voting process is not corrected before November, Donald Trump doesn’t stand a chance of becoming our next president.
Blazing. You are absolutely correct about the corrupt voting . This is how Obama won both times . This is a critical issue. I hope the Republican party and Trump tea realize this.
Lorraine E Blazich-
Best i can tell, the essential difference between Trump and Sanders is that Trump wants to reward those who WORK to climb the ladder to success, who wish to honestly EARN their way there; Sanders wants people to rely on gov’t agents and programs to pull them up with no effort on their part other than to wait and hold on…a long-proven recipe for disaster, for such people are ALWAYS and FOREVER dependent upon the whims of those holding the rope.
They BOTH have accurately identified the problems facing America, but Sanders’ “solutions” pale to insignificance when compared to those of Trump.
They want
Free Housing
Free utilities
Free Food
Free medical
Free phones
Free college tuition
Free cars
Free gas
They want to come here ILLEGALLY and LIVE FREE
They want to be THUGS on the streets and do as they wish and be FREE of consequences.
America is the country for FREEDOM. not FREE SHIT.
This is what happens when you raise a bunch of illiterate THUGS. They cannot even read, nor understand the word FREEDOM. Unless, of course they are heading to jail. And then ..they start screaming that they deserve their FREEDOMS.
Lock them all up!!! Start with Hillary and Bill and the thugs in the WH that are LOOTING. They are all THUGS and don’t deserve freedoms They don’t deserve to be FREE let alone live off our tax payers money for FREE
Wonder why? Really what would make them unhappy. The FBI is now untrust worthy after email sham investigation. Now they are supposedly investigating the hacked DNC web site lol. Now the IRS is investigating the Clinton foundations for corruption RIGHT, I bet they conclude that investigation before November and seal the records for 30 years or more with a nothing corrupt here broadcast. Really what are they mad at you reap what you sew.
its time you/we republicans learned, its time to clean house our own party is sitting pretty and we the people are always looking the other way
I am not sure the Republicans even want the Sander’s supporters to come the Republican Party unless they accept the Parties values. They will do the same to the party that the refuges that will not support the american values and way of life.
Just look what the Democrats and liberals did to California, Oregon and Washington when they moved into those states.
Bernie should have stood on his principles. Instead he chose to sell out his supporters for the biggest liar and crook there ever was. No one has any respect for Bernie now. I wonder how much he got paid for endorsing Liar Hillar???
Grace the Clinton’s own Bernie Sanders, the FBI, the DOJ & the AG lock, stock, block, barrel, the entire Buffett, entire banquet, the Demoncratic party and then some 975 gazillion times over those damned POS white trash,bigoted,Athiest,bullying,bossy,snotty,pushy,rude,arrogant,egotistical,selfish,greedy,cut throat,evil,wicked,venal,murderous, election & vote stealing & rigging, non tax paying Clinton’s that are exempt from the law. The country doesn’t need Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton(HKRAKC) in the White House at all. My vote is for the TRUMP-PENCE ticket, TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have voted Democratic until this year! What was pulled on Sanders is a disgrace to the voters who had the best choice. I feel the Bern so much I will now vote Trump / Pence! Come on GOP make them feel the Bern! Any other Bernie supporter should through their support around the outsider Trump. He can’t be bought like so many of these politicians! Go Trump!
Bernie was tricked, used, double dealed. If various branches would’ve ( or would) do their duty regarding alleged things that have cost others far far more than Mrs. Clinton, you millennials and other supporters would’ve been pitted against DJT by now. While I am, admittedly, not in the pool of Bern supporters, I might’ve enjoyed a clearly defined race of Capitalists vrs. Socialists instead of all this cult of personality bull.
B, Bal-
i completely agree that Sanders was a victim of theft, hornswoggling, deceit, tricks, and outright illegality in re: the dem primaries.
Had he stood his ground, INSISTED on re-counts, investigations, and arrests instead of kow-towing to The Liar, he would have kept my respect even though i believe his “solutions” to be preposterous and insane.
However, he not only endorsed The Liar and author of his defeat, he said he’d VOTE for her, too!
This was a total betrayal of his base, those who believed in him and his message – typical for politics, but the Pie-in-the-Sky Piper led them all astray, like the rats of the fictional Hamlin, to be drowned in the sea of duplicity.
As far as i am concerned, Vermonters should vote him out of office and never vote for him again for ANYthing. Let him gnaw the ends of old commie plots in the dark, forever ashamed and forever rejected by those he deceived.
All Dens representatives are all talk and if they lose they won’t hesitate to sell their supporters to their rival like thus case with Bernie, he got some vague promise from hiliary to beg his followers voting for hiliary but many of Bernie supporters don’t bite it,my hey know hikiary is a liar just promise many things but don’t deliver. Bernie would of been praised as history go on but NOOOpe he sold himself to hilIARy’s promising him either money or position.
Go see Hillarys America . Democrats have been crooked for a long time. They want to rule over us and take away our freedoms.
I doubt that Hillary is worried about making the Sanders supporters mad. She thinks they will vote for her when they go to the poll in November. After all most liberals can’t believe that anyone would vote for Donald Trump.
The problem is most Bernie Sanders supporters realize that the process was rigged and that he had no chance to win. Although Bernie may appear to be a Team Hillary player, his supporters are having to come to terms with the fact that their candidate did not have a chance of winning. They also realize the candidate who cheated Mr. Sanders out of his chance to be president now wants them to vote for her. For Hillary the presidency represents a grip on power that she wants. She has no problem lying, cheating or stealing to get that ultimate power position.
Just think on this : If Donald Trump should win the election > 1. The President chooses who is to be his head people in all the executive branches (IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, Attorney General, etc.). Let Oboma’s FBI do their thing. It took IRS a long time to put All Capone in prison. By the time this election is finished, hopefully a new administration will pick up the case and put all involved in prison. VOTE TRUMP ! to make it happen because you can bet your Bippy that Rotten Killary won’t.
Both Parties have failed America people once again, again, again. Indians call our government leaders liars, forted Toque, don’t trust them or believe anything they say. It’s all about their money and power. They failed to understand God Final Judgment will
bring His justice at the end. The Final Judgment will take place in Rev 20:11-15, all evil and corrupt people will pay the price at
judgment. What ever they sow they will reap Gal 6:7. You might ask who is God Servant: Read Isa 41: 9-13—- They are called
God Chosen ones. Thank for listening.
VOTE Trump, U Dems, get a LIFE beyond Hillarystien.
Dems mean & do Nothing.
Promises BUT Never delievery since 1965 save Taxes & More Govt.
Dems never prodiuce but Taxes & Govt.
Dems are Con artists to the Core
Never trust Dems.
Screw the RNC & DNC Estd which got US this Mess.
Not a fan of Bernie Sanders nor approve of the ranting and violence some of his supporters have displayed in the past. But they have a right to their opinions and a right to express them. And it is a disgrace how the DNC manipulated the nomination process to deny that nomination to Sanders and give it to Hillary. Who can blame his supporters for not voting for Hillary?
I hope there are enough intelligent voting Americans to shut down our out of control corrupt government and not let these sleeze bags starting from the president on down to destroy our country. If it can be done in the voting booth but I even wonder if this government of ours might be so corrupt that it can’t be done. If they can’t win they might just take their brain dead followers and start a revolution.
If Hillary is too big to jail…BUILD A BIGGER JAIL!!!!!!!!!!