by Frank Holmes, reporter
The left has staked out its agenda for America – and it will cost you your money, your freedom, and your country.
Left-wing elites, powered by billionaire donor George Soros, met for a top-secret meeting to plot how they can create a socialist America last week.
The Horn News has obtained details of the Democracy Alliance’s hush-hush, four-day conference.
The group, which is one of Soros’ most important political vehicles, met from April 15-18 in Atlanta’s exclusive InterContinental Buckhead – where the starting price for a room is almost $500 a night. And Soros’ people don’t sleep in those rooms.
The Democracy Alliance is a shadowy collection of megadonors who pool their financial power to replace the U.S. Constitution with huge, unaccountable, international government. Members pay $30,000 a year in dues, then donate $200,000 each year to political causes picked by the group’s board.
They meet in America’s most exclusive luxury resorts, with tight security, to plan the anti-Trump “resistance.” You can read our report about their fall meeting here.
The Horn received a copy of the spring meeting’s agenda, called “Charting the Course for Progressive Power.”
One of the sections shows the delusional left daydreaming that it’s already won, and transformed America into a bastion of PC liberalism.
At an elegant “2022 Victory Party,” they asked donors to imagine that it’s four years from now, and they’re “celebrating policy victories across the nation.”
“Because we’re governing with gusto, we’re seeing victories up and down the ballot – including winning a governorship in Texas and putting 38 electoral votes in grasp by 2024,” the make-believe manifesto said.
Texas is the only large state that still votes Republican, and Soros-funded leftists have dreamed about turning it Democrat forever by giving illegal immigrants the vote.
They also plan to turn Arizona, Florida and Virginia “solidly blue.”
All of the details are in a dull economic report all attendees received, written by Amelia Warren Tyagi – whose mother is Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
The document plans to overwhelm American votes with illegals, then force U.S. citizens to shower left-wing groups with taxpayer-funded programs and services.
The plan would ban all local law enforcement from helping the Trump administration to identify and deport all illegal aliens – even criminal illegals – turning America into one enormous sanctuary city.
Democrats would then give all illegal aliens U.S. citizenship within eight years – and turn them out at the polls.
Once illegals put Democrats in power, Soros and his minions plan to reward every part of their coalition – and make you pay royally.
The first item on their post-Trump agenda is passing former Sen. Bernie Sanders’ socialized medicine scheme, which he falsely calls “Medicare for All.” It would take choice and freedom away from taxpayers and drain their pockets by an estimated $1.4 trillion every year – or until the Chinese foreclose, whichever comes first.
But a key buried in the plan shows that it’s really a pay-off for illegal immigrants.
Doctors will have to give everyone who shows up in a hospital “free” care – and no one is allowed to check on the person’s citizenship.
That’s right – Soros wants the middle class to underwrite Medicaid for every poor person in the entire world.
Soros’ plan would make America a magnet for medical tourism – inviting the world’s sickest people to flood U.S. emergency rooms, fill up hospital beds, and get the world’s best (and most expensive) medical treatment paid for by America’s hardworking men and women.
Young voters would get “free” college.
And Soros thinks he can buy African-American voters, who have surprisingly strong support for President Donald Trump, with one huge lump of cash.
“Next on the agenda is Reparations,” the Democracy Alliance agenda said.
Reparations means taxing all Americans to “pay back” black Americans for slavery. Slavery was a great evil… that was abolished 153 years ago. No one alive today was a slave or a slaveholder.
Shiftless welfare cases get a promise that the federal government will guarantee everyone a job – even if it had to give federal jobs with huge benefits to every man and woman in the country.
And Planned Parenthood, which spent $38 million electing Democrats in 2016, gets taxpayer-funded abortions for upwards of 14.5 million women by repealing the Hyde Amendment.
Working people get something, too: Higher taxes. The death tax, capital gains taxes, corporate taxes, taxes on doing business – all go up.
Sorry, somebody’s got to pay the bill, and it won’t be Soros.
Frank Holmes is a reporter for The Horn News. He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”