Some of the fiercest opponents of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump vowed they would do whatever it takes to stop him throughout the primary process.
They weren’t lying.
Over the weekend, reports surfaced that some of the most powerful Republican insiders were gathering and planning to launch a third-party campaign to derail the Trump train.
The Washington Post‘s Robert Costa first broke the news of a meeting between 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney and influencial conservative Bill Kristol.
NEWS: ROMNEY took the meeting… he met privately w/ Kristol on Thurs at JW Marriott in DC. Kristol urged Romney to consider indpnt bid…
— Robert Costa (@costareports) May 6, 2016
According to Costa’s report, “The closed-door huddle was held at the J.W. Marriott hotel in Washington, which is just blocks from the White House. It was requested by Kristol, according to a person close to Romney who requested anonymity to discuss the session. Kristol said the conversation was held over glasses of water.”
“Kristol has been working informally for weeks to seek out a prominent political or military figure who could be drafted into the general-election contest, such as retired Marine Gen. James N. Mattis, who recently declined such overtures,” Costa said.
This is all despite the clear will of the GOP voters, some of whom pointed out that Trump in 2016 gained a larger percentage of the popular vote than Romney’s failed candidacy.
#NeverTrump had fewer votes than #NeverRomney
— Matthew Sheffield (@mattsheffield) May 6, 2016
Republican and conservative foes of Trump have also announced plans to cause headaches for the party’s presumptive presidential nominee at this summer’s GOP convention.
Anti-Trump forces have announced they will use this July’s GOP meetings to keep him from reshaping the party, perhaps with fights over the platform or even his vice presidential pick, according to a report by The Associated Press.
Trump’s foes concede he’s likely to arrive in Cleveland exceeding the 1,237 delegates needed to become the nominee. Yet many are still reeling from the contest’s unexpected finale last week and are just starting to think about what they could do at the convention that would be productive.
“There’s going to be a lot of thinking, a lot of praying and a lot talking between all of us,” said Kay Godwin, a Cruz delegate from Blackshear, Georgia. “I wish I could give you an answer right now but I think if I did, it would be out of emotion.”
“There are probably some who hope Trump will stick his foot in his mouth or some scandal will come out and that they’ll be able to rally everybody at that point, but at this point there’s really nothing they can do” to block his nomination, said Jason Osborne, a GOP consultant.
Many Trump opponents see the Republican platform, the party’s statement of ideals and policy goals, as a place for a stand in Cleveland. The convention’s 2,472 delegates must approve the platform before formally anointing the presidential nominee.
All — including those chosen to support Trump — can vote however they want on the platform. Many conservatives say they will use that vote to keep Trump from reshaping GOP dogma.
“We’d want to make sure the platform is protected from Donald Trump,” said Rory Cooper, senior adviser for the Never Trump political committee.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
The GOP dream. Hillary on national tv at 11:00 pm EST , Nov 1, 2016 giving her victory speech.
The corruption of Washington has never been more vividly obvious. We are heading toward the SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTUON.I know I sound crazy even to myself. The pledge the Whores made thinking Trump would never win ! See what LIERS THEY ARE.As a past supporter of Romney I would not give him the sweat off my but.
What a con.!!! I will take my chances with a guy who stands to loose a lot if he screws up.
Hilary and impeached , pervert husband must not get the keys to the Whitehouse.
Right on, the establishment jack asses have destroyed the party and it is time to have a new party by the people for the people.
Let Romney and the rest of his gang go hell.
I agree this party is falling on its face the people have spoken is this not bye the people by the people?
make sure to be prepared to defend our country, from its self!
That is EXACTLY why our founding fathers made the right to bear arms the 2nd amendment, right after freedom of speech.
The will of Americans will never be denied. Hopefully we all take of this in the voting booth in November..
There is no more republican party. With the 2nd election of osama obama the “republicans” threw in the towel and started acting and lying just like the liberals they emulate. NOW they aren’t even trying to conceal their back stabbing of the candidate that is the choice of the people. “republicans” in office are saying they’d rather vote for Clinton….how much more plain does it have to be said before people realize they and their votes do not matter?? If people do not vote for America and freedom and conservatism, capitalism as the greatest voting mass in history… Clinton will finish osama’s job of completely destroying America and turning it into the biggest pussy country.. next to France, in the world. A Clinton in the W.H. is like putting a sign up saying ,” we don’t care what you’ve done ,we don’t care if you’re a murderer, rapist, terrorist, we …the government just don’t give a shit so come on down our land is now yours for the taking” !
Right on the money!
If they do anything against Mr. Trump, to deny him the delegates he has earned, then it will be all-over for the Republican Party. I will Write-in Mr. Trump’s name and vote against every Repubilcan wanting to be re-hired by voting for an Indie or a Dem. They don’t want/like the best man for the job, none of them will have a job.
That is a promise!
I agree Trump is the best man for the job. If you or I did the things that Hillary has done. We would already been convicted and put under the jail. Hillary is a trader to this country. Its time for the American people to stand up and let those in power know that we will no longer put up with them. Vote Republican and join Donald Trump in making this country great again………….
When are we as a nation going to wake up as our nations core problem. That is our income tax system that by passes our Constitutional Republic rendering us we the people nearly powerless. We need to unite and demand House and Senate bills HR-25 & S-155. This removes half of the lobbying power and returns it to the people. I think it is an absolute must for any stable improvement.
Agree! They only care about themselves not the people and OUR country!
I agree completely, I voted for Romney and he proved to be weak! I would never vote for any of the traitors they are promoting. I vote tomorrow, and it will be Trump, he might not be a smooth talker but, he loves America, Americans, our Military, Policemen, Firemen. Those other are pretenders and will not have my vote!””
Right On Deb! You and others have stated it plain and clear. We want all the traitors out of OUR White House whether a supposed DemoRat or Neocon. They have to be escorted out while there still is time.
Great Comment. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I just pray that the GOP party will come together and work together. If not Hillary Clinton will be the next president and that scares me.
Bunch of conniving Scum bags. Oh we don’t want him as our nominee, screw the American public we don’t care what they want. Yeah well screw the GOP ! Take Romney and shove him where the sun don’t shine. Obama kick his white bread a$$ last time. Now your going to give Hillary a shot! Man you guys are dumber than you look. For God’s sake, Let trump take Hillary to the wood shed.
Our two party system have taken our country from us. Our gov is suppose to be for the people, by the people, of the people! No by the gov, for the gov, of the gov. Every vote should count. One vote period. It’s time to get rid of these parties, Dem & GOP! I’m sticking with Trump anything else and we might as well bend over and kiss our A__ goodby
If the GOP does this the Republican Party is DONE! This proves what I have thought for a long long time. Both parties are the same. Lying and corrupt. All they want is their cushy jobs and our money. The GOP lied to us in 2010 and 2012. They said if give them the Senate and House, which we voters did, they would STOP Obama’s BS. They didn’t and they lied and took advantage of the voters. Now the voters are striking back. Trump will be voted in by mass turn out of voters fed up with the Republican and Democratic parties. Hillary will NOT win. Bernie may win the party as Hillary may be put on house arrest. She will never see jail. Obama will see to that. Paul Ryan, you are a traitor. The voters have spoken and you don’t have the intelligence to see that we a fed up with you and the establishment Republican elites. You all must go. Trump will win by a land slide cause the voters have been fooled by the Republican BS long enough. We see through Ryan, his statement against Trump, and where the GOP is going with this election. Romney is so used up and no one wants him. Go home Romney. You are nothing but Obamalite.
Wow – that was spot on!
I agree
I will be done with them.
The Republican Party as it has been for decades is already dissolving… it is over for the old school.
2016 marks the start of the NEW REPUBLICAN Party…
All Politicians are now Career Politicians. The party has little to do with anything. The Will of the People has nothing to do with it because all they care about is keeping their Establishment jobs instead of serving the poeple and then going home to their old job, as was intended by the Founders. We need to vote out every incumbent politician until we get some in there who Get It!
That may not be easy. If you recall they (Congress) have the actual number of those up for reelection it would not help. Even if every one of them was new, the old persons left would have the new ones corrupted before we could get the old ones out of office. Whoever coined the phrase “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Perhaps we should start a movement to force “truth in advertisement” for all elected officials. They are indeed selling something. Then they should sign a non-revocable letter of resignation if they do not fulfill the promises they make.
I was going to write a reply but after reading yours , all I have to say is “I agree with every word” Right on Buster. From Aunte E
My thoughts exactly!
The Republican Party as well as the Democrats, are exclusive clubs which do not take lightly the fact that an outsider is daring to breach their walls. Each party claims to be the party of the people. That is a bald face lie. Neither party represents the people of this country, they only represent the will of the hidden cartel that handles the money to keep them in office. When was the last time you saw anything substantive passed by Congress that would have a positive affect on the country?
Buster, you are spot on. We need to clean house in Washington. ALL incumbents need to be voted out. No mainstream Republican nor Democrat should be voted back in, especially to the White House. Their only goal is more, more, more and yet still more control over the working people of this country to extract more and more taxes to support their socialistic programs.
If you had any knowledge of politics at all you would know that the Republicans in both houses did all possible to stop Obama without losing elections, Obama invoked executive powers to bypass congress to get his agenda mostly illegal in my view. Had congress sent every executive order to court they would not be heard by the court until after he meaning Obama would be out of office anyway so hey look at reality Obama pulled a fast one on America now you want your money back no can do. Republicans were the only ones that prevented complete destruction of the American way don’t give up on them now. Remember Trump was the callind for third-party if he didn’t get the nomination so he was bent on the destruction of the party from the start.
Robert you sound like you are one of the traitors against Trump !!! No you are wrong the Republican RINOs did nothing to stop Obama everything he wanted they give it to him they was straddling the fence so to speak Ryan and Mitt Romney needs to go and a few more of those money hungry politicians who are looking out for themselves!!!!
You are right on the mark . We need to start with Mitch McConnell.
Robert – You hit the nail square on the head in your First sentence: “… without losing elections”! The Republicans did what they were told to keep their jobs. Nothing more.
Right, you are spot on!!!
I agree with Buster and all those who feel the same. They don’t give a damn for our country and we the people. Only what THEY want to keep their cash flow coming in. I will NOT vote for anyone who takes a part in this.
I have to agree I thought it was weird that Obama could do what he wanted and nothing got done!
By republicans or democrats.
They have forgotten how many military members we have in this country, most of them “laid off” by our wonderful president.
Well we all will not take this.
It’s hard to believe that the Statists just refuse to understand how fed up we are.
I agree with you. Ryan, Romney, and the other corrupt establishment bas tards see us as stupid little people way beneath them. They are so used to manipulating the public that they think they are entitled to doing whatever they want and getting away with it. That is because they have always selected their own as nominees and always had full control of the election. Thanks to Trump, they now are running around like roaches when the light is turned on because Trump and the people have taken over the nomination picking process. Just remember, to them we are the little people, the gum on their shoes, so I’m not surprised to be treated that way. The more those bas tards squirm the more satisfaction I get – I’m loving it! I want President Trump and to see Ryan and the others on the unemployment line and their expensive houses and cars being sold and even better – them in jail!
Ryan is a pathetic lying RINO and has always been so. As proof of his propensity to lying remember how he insisted he didn’t want the House Speaker job? What BS. He had been lusting for that spot his entire career. Wisconsin voters ought to do the right thing and throw his a$$ out of office. He is absolutely Boehner 2.0.
Thank you !
“How many times do Republicans need to brush off a looser, to make him a candidate again ?” (Romney)
Answer:”As many as it takes !”. This should joke should be hanging on EVERY GOP office in this nation, and specially needs to be sent to Paul Ryan’s office.
Ryan alone lost the last election to GOP in our county ! – When Romney picked Ryan, and Ryan said “no abortion even in cases of brutal rape pregnancy” , there were full page adds in our town “Republican Women for Obama”. True story. Do we really need these 2 suits to be candidates AGAIN ?
My friend said if that happens she will take a billboard and post “I’d rather puke than Ryan/Romney”.
It is that bad.
So , yes , we need to keep at it, and keep the suits to straight and narrow.
The problem with the Republican Party and Trump is that they will be unable to put him in their pocket!!! And that is one of the reasons I LOVE HIM. Romney didn’t do anything for Massachusetts; I live here. Shame on all the GOP!!!!!
You are right. It is WAY past time to clean house. Vote them all OUT!
Buster-You are spot on! There is no difference between Boehner and Ryan. They are both traitors to America! At this point we are now down to a desperate last chance to save the Republic and Trump is the only guy that could do it. The bankers, the RINOS, and all of the remaining traitors are scared to death of a Trump Presidency. If Ryan, Priebus, and Romney try pulling a third party scam at the eleventh hour at the convention- there will be angry patriots in the streets all over America. A Washington coup will follow! The WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE CANNOT BE DENIED AGAIN!
A vote for anyone ohther than Trump is a vote for hillary.
NOT in this life time, she needs a new suit preferably one with stripes, Crooked, lying, deceitful traitor
And absolutely responsible for the death of the four Americans during the Benghazi attack. I saw the movie and guys that were there as security operatives were advisors to the film producers. Stevens took orders from Clinton and Clinton took orders from Obama concerning the gun running operation when the Congress specifically refused to sell arms to Syrian rebels. That refusal is in the Congressional record.
Don’t want a murderer as President. Read the 13th Hour about Bengazhi!
Killary is a proven career criminal! What are you smoking?
Here, dear readers, you see an ignoramus and an idiot – but i repeat myself.
Either this guy is ignorant of Hillary’s long criminal history, he’s currently on the dole and doesn’t want his gravy train to end, or he’s a plant, a troll trying to stir up people to respond to him.
Look, you maroon, you ignoranimus, you dolt, go watch “The Clinton Chronicles” at youtube, for free, then come back and tell us WHY you’d vote for probably the biggest criminal running for the office of the presidency in the history of the entire United States, ok?
Apparently the GOP now wants Hillary.
Glad I’m leaving the party.
I second that!
GOP establishment supporting a third party candidate would be the most ignorant thing they could do. It would take votes from Trump and would positively give away the election to Clinton. It would also be the end of the GOP party forever.
Main Street, I really have to agree. In fact I’ve come to the conclusion that the so called Republicans in government are nothing but a bunch of Socialists, the same as Hillary, Bernie and Barak. They WANT one of those three to win so they can keep their agenda of being the FILTYY RICH in charge while we the people will be no more than the dirt poor. They fully intend to be the ruling class who tells us how to live and when to die.
American citizen dream . . . Hilary Clinton being cuffed and led off to jail as Trump is giving his Presidential victory speech!
This “republican insiders” are fools or they are Hillary fans because by not coming together and now wanting to start a 3rd party are leaving it a democrat win for the wicked witch Hillary.
Heaven help us from these self important “insiders”.
Heaven help us from these self important insider republicans
What are you smoking woman
Are you being sarcastic or are you a stupid liberal? Just wondering.
I agree with all of you but there is one sure thing we can do half the Congress an the house are coming up for reelection an there is someone in every sta t email to do what they can to vote these people out of office an the rest come up two years later an get those HO MO’S out of office an we can keep removing them in every election until they understand the people run this country an we will do what is good for all not just the few like special interest wall Street an the congressman pocket book. We need to kick these ass holes out of Washington an make sure they never return.
The career Republirats are trying hard to elect The Wicked Witch in spite of her being a serial liar like Hussein Pinocchiobama,
If this happens and a third party run by anyone other than Sanders will give Killary Clinton the white house pure and simple
None of the slime in washington give a dam as long as they ( D or R) keep their jobs and their power
Let’s see:
The Commie Democrats are anti-American and anti-Trump.
The GOP are anti-American and anti-Trump.
So let’s ave a third party, A party for Americans, by Americans, with the goal of making America Great again.
I’m in.
In that case I guess we would have to help Sanders to create his 3rd party, as it would derail Hilary.
In our town Bernie got 70% of votes. So he could deflate the dem party quite a bit.
There is a Youtube recording made on a cellphone that shows how in Nevada Clinton campaign folks violated election rules by ONLY registering voters who were about to vote for Clinton. That in addition to 2 current lawsuits
regarding changing voter affiliations, and then telling them they could not vote , after they showed up at a polling place.
paul ryan Gop d-elite types are products of their party support to be elected ..once they had to open their mouths for current events Of Trump..public now can see how punkishly stupid they really are
Romney, Ryan, and their cronies deeply insult the rights of the registered republican voters of the United States of America!
Agree 110%
I think the GOP is killing the party and they have no one to blame but themselves. Trump would be a good president for Gods sakem My dog would be better than Obama has been, what does the party won’t a yes person.
They do not want to give up their power to an OUTSIDER
We need to boot all of them out of office (Republican Elites) so we can move ahead in rebuilding our country after the two terms of President Obozo and his merry band of malcontents Hillary the “Hun” Clinton, John the “Hawk Nose” Kerry, Valarie the “B _ _ _ _” Jarrett, Susan the “Beast” Rice et. all.
You are so right!! I think the GOP Establishment are dems in disguise. We elect conservatives in House and Senate so they have the purse and what do they do? They bend over backward to give Obama the omnibus w more money than Obama asked for. We should have had term limits a long time ago! Look into members of the Illuminati and 33rd degree Masons and you will be shocked by what you find. The Devil is having a hayday right now – we need to pray to God for our country, but I fear it’s too late!
That should read “Valarie – IRAN – Jarrett”
BOO WHO my guy didn’t get nominated so I am going to throw a temper tantrum. For your information the people (voters) of this country spoke and nominated Donald as there man. You worthless GOP pukes had your chance to do something but just sat around with your thumb up your ASS. You had your chance to slam Obama but blew it. Just remember the people you represent spoke and hopefully when your up for re-election those same people will bounce your worthless ass out of office. BOO WHO!!!
You are so right Dennis. I am with you brother 100%. I can’t believe Ryan said what he said. WHAT AN ASSHOLE!
Get rid of the whole damn works! Aren’t they suppose to work for us!
Am I the only one that sees what is going on… the establishment wants an establishment candidate to win, someone that works with/for Washington DC’s “political mafia.” They don’t care if it is a Democrat or a Republican – just as long it is an insider.
Both parties are always spouting “for the good of the party,” just like the Communist party used to the Soviet Union. You hear the same thing in the Socialist countries.
The politicians in the US don’t care what the people want! When are you going to get it…?!?!?!!
They “fix” all the elections to insure they get what they want!
Just shows how the Republican Party run by a bunch of 2nd grade recess bullies are destroying the party and guarantee Hillary will win. Doesn’t matter what the majority wants. They gotta keep their control. Hand on their man part and to (he l) with everyone else.
The Establishment do not want TRUMP–They want to continue getting rich off the People.. That is with the Democrats and the Republicans
Very disappointing. I though Romney
had character. His Father, George
Romney, did.
Yes his father George did have character he tried to kill the Auto Industry when he was Gov. of Michigan.
What is it that the GOP is so afraid of? Are they in fear of Trump blowing the cover off their power grip over the American people. Trump can’t do any worse than these morons have done. The American people are fed up with the way they have been doing their jobs or the lack there of. It is they who are to blame for the rise of Trump. They all need to go. I hope the American people learn from this part of our history and work to ensure that we never allow this to happen in a our country’s government again. I know, wishful thinking.
Yes Dale R Lang.
The GOP are afraid the free gravy train will end if TRUMP get in and so is the rest of the world leaders that
have been on that gravy train. Trump will clean up corruption and make sure all the corruption end.
Trump will also end all BIG BIS free ride and bribery because he knows first hand how that works. Trump was not afraid to admit he was on the other side and now it is time to stop all that in order to make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Trump will also change the election process so it is a DEMOCRATIC process. The way it is now is Dictatorship and corruption.
If the Republicans don’t win the White House this time, there won’t BE another time as the Browns and the Blacks plus the Liberals will be in the majority forever more. Pure and simple.
Sad thought!
I don’t know why the GOP establishment can’t get it thru their heads the people have said who thy want for a nominee. Any other or third party will give it to the crook.
Its time for everyone to shut up..everytime the purists start baiting Romney and any others they are doing Clintons work Mitt Romney Paul Ryan and most of these guys are good men too…Lots of purists sat home on Romney too..Here’s the reality it the GOP or its Hillary Clinton and i’m all about A B C anybody but clinton I love my party and i hate what you all are doing to it ..The greatest President said i’ll take a guy who’s with me 80% of the time over someone who’s never with me…Ronald Reagan insisted we enlarge the tent..theres room for all people who love america..Theonly person who agrees with me 100% of the time is me…lets stop this and go kick the snot outta Hillary
The GOP is making sure they give the Democrats the House and the Senate with their spiteful actions. Who do you think is going to vote for you. You are on a path to no return , people will not forget in November You think the last 8yrs were horrible watch out for the next 8 if Hillary is elected. You expected Donald to honor his contract by not running on a third party ticket why do you not give the same respect. I actually changed parties so I could vote for Donald Trump but I assure you I won’t be part of this party for long. Romney is only mad because he lost 8yrs ago. Him and his off shore bank accounts.
Trump was the Dark Horse in the campaign for the GOP presidential slot and they did not take him seriously and neither
did many others. But he shocked everyone and came out on top when all was said and done, he spoke to the common
person and spoke their thoughts that the politically corrupt could nor or would speak where people could hear them. Rather
they spoke in Lofty terms of Political Speak which equated with the VOTERS as “Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit”. The voters
did not want to hear any more of that since that is all they have heard for 8 Plus years and seen the results of the
roll over GOP in Congress not standing up for them and afraid to buck O’muzzie from Kenya. The VOTERS are sick
and tired of both Parties and the corruption. Many who voted for Trump switched parties to vote for him, even
independents voted for him as the best choice of those who threw their hat in the ring. Ted Cruz might have been the
best choice of all of them but he was associated with the GOP party faithful and people are tired of the same old
ring around the tub politics. At this point in time there is no alternative that would or could sway the voters to come
out and support anyone else for the Office of President. We all know the political dictators of the Democrat Socialist
party had made their selection a long time ago and the nominating process is just a formality to make the minions
think that Hildabeast is a viable candidate. The media and White House along with the DOJ are doing all they can
to bury the crimes she committed under the carpet and will not file charges nor allow them to gain traction that might
make people realize what a POS she really is and how corrupt she is.
Deny TRUMP his moment of fame and the results could be the end of a Political Party that has crapped on the VOTERS
one time to many and it will spell their doom.
Just more of the same from the Republican RINO’s. We the people have spoken! Now get out of the way of the Trump Train or we will run right over your lying butts!
Watch out RINO’s you’re about to get run over my the Trump Train. Your lifelong jobs are OVER!!
Obvious if these conniving Reps. are successful in drafting a candidate for a third party run it will split the vote, the corrupt and pathological liar HELLary is a shoe-in come November and our country is doomed. Stupid is as stupid does!
Rommey could not win in 2012 why does he think he can win now? He has not been chosen by God to run. If he wants to do anything, He should give his Money to the Poor.
Romney took the high road to Losersville by letting obama slither back into the Whitehouse when Romney had his foot on the snake’s neck. Couldn’t attack a black man, that wouldn’t be who we are…loser!
Why cant they let the voters do their job. I cant understand what trump could do that would be worst than what the obama team has done and dont they understand that clinton would probably win. All this shows me as a voter just how low life these high paid officials really are. Having been part of a crooked situation that cost me everything i had worked for my entire life really makes me mad at what this so call gov. Will do and get away with it and want give a damn who gets hurt or even killed. It really makes me mad to think that the ppl behind this are doing it becauze of greed.
In 2012 I voted for Romney because I realized the danger of a second helping of the O-bastard; this year I’m voting for Trump because my misgivings about the Barack-uda turned out to be justified, and I’m confident that there is no difference between the Gangster from Chicago and the Klingon Hoodlum.
So, let’s be sensible and unite for the common good of this country that needs to be liberated from the lunacy of the Jackass Party.
Bendicion=my blessing on all.
After Thursday meeting with the DON, Ryan or Woody woodpecker, will get on his John Deere tractor, go back to Wisconsin, sit on his tractor in a corn field and ask him self, am I really relevant. The guys a pecker head.
I am ashamed of what America has become at the hands of elitist snobs who serve only themselves. The founding fathers are rolling over in their graves and vomiting. They would be fighting another revolution to get rid of these elitist elected self-proclaimed royalty at gun point and hanging them publically on the Whitehouse lawn for treason. They sold out the American people to corporations and foreign governments. The elitist of the republican and democrat parties are the same. They all have a big for sale sign on their foreheads. The Bush’s and Romney need to crawl back down the sewer they came from and Macain needs to go back to Vietnam and ask them if he can have his balls back, that gutless wonder has done nothing for the veterans while he has lined his pockets at the expense of tax payers. I am a registered republican, but I am not anymore, I am I in the Trump party now. To the elitist of the GOP I say up yours and may God curse you and your family through eternity.
This is a very sad day in history to see what is going on. The hole world is watching our own government stab us in the back. What a disgrace. We need term limits on congress. We the people need to take back our country. Anyone in congress and the President, should be using the same health care, as we the people. They should not be able to give then self a raise. While they take away from the poor and seniors and tell us they have to take away from our so called entilements, what entilements I payed S.S my hole life. This is not a entilement. Broke because the government gives it away to illegals and what the illegals don’t get the government gives out I.O.U, witch will never be payed back. Wake up America.
It might be a good thing if the powerful liberal RINO party finally admitted that they are in fact a clone of the democratic party. Conservatives and people looking for an alternative to the liberal democratic party would support Donald Trump and then finally the RINOs could take their billions and retire far, far away from our country.
Romney gave it away once, so lets do it again. At the beginning of this primary when DONALD TRUMP hadn’t signed the support document it was a issue because they (elite and career politicians) were worried a third party run would in fact give the November election to the democrats. Now they don’t care. The isn’t about winning the white house this is about showing DONALD TRUMP they (see above) are not going to give it to the person that WE THE PEOPLE are going to elect the next President of the United States of America and WE THE PEOPLE shall be proud…..
We are going to elect Trump anyway! The gop is done! They do not want to accept business as usual anymore and ryan is the worst of all! He’s finished and if Trump doesn’t get rid of him, we the people will!!
Do not forget there is a silent minority who are Republicans and who have been for many years. There are a substantial number of us who have never voted for any one but the Republican candidate. I have voted for a Republican in 12 elections as the voting age was 21 in the late 1960’s. I will be sitting out the Presidential election along with 15-20% of those of us close to 70 years old. We absolutely will not vote for Trump. We are not the GOP. We are life long conservative republicans who will not support him.
Donald Trump has got the nomination. Everyone needs to calm down and find out Donald’s plans. All of this squabbling isn’t going to accomplish anything.
Third parties have generally not had much success. About the only thing that will be accomplished by a third party is that it will make it possible for Hillary to become president. As a reminder many of us doubted Mitt Romney’s conservative credentials four years ago. I labeled him multiple-choice Mitt back then due to his range of stands on the issues.
Third parties have generally not had much success.
This is quite true, especially so once teevee programming convinced the masses that ONLY a demonRAT or a republicRAT could win. IIRC, the last one to take the presidency was Teddy Roosevelt’s Bull Moose party – and i like LOTS of what he has to say, especially about divided loyalties, e.g. “African-American, Mexican-American, or Syrian-American” being no Americans AT ALL.
About the only thing that will be accomplished by a third party is that it will make it possible for Hillary to become president.
Not necessarily; if Sanders goes independent – and he should, because of all the outright vote-theft(but i think he’s too gutless to try it) – that would split the Democratic vote and assure a Trump win.
Donald Trump cares about this country, military and veterans. He is an American patriot. He is not part of the Washington establishment for both Republicans and Democrats. Donald Trump has my vote election day. Lets all participate in the cleaning up of the corruption currently ongoing in Washington. Vote Trump.
This GOP strategy will destroy their party and ensure a democratic victory because Trump supporters will not go along with them.
Gen. James N. Mattis? The same general who fired the commanding officer of the Ist Marine Division early in the Iraqi war, Colonel Dowdy. He did so because the Army’s 3th Infantry Division gave the 1st MarDiv a clinic in how to conduct desert warfare. He is incapable of commanding a MarDiv how can he be commander-in-chief. You anti-Trump types are really grasping for straws. “GOP dogma”, you jokers have done nothing since January, 2015, except pass TPP. You had your chance and blew it. Now, let us give today’s Gen George S. Patton who rescued this country at Bastogne in 1944, I am taking about Donald J. Trump rescue us today. No NWO, no TPP, no open borders, no more cheating in trade by China and others.
term limits, term limits, That is the answer
To ALL the people either a Democrat or a Republican we have a choice now….. either a LIAR who has been involved in scandal after scandal who has deceived the American people every chance she gets and the list goes on or a business man who speaks loud and is trying to make America GREAT again. Wake up people…if Hilliliar gets elected the US as we know it will never be the same. This will be another 4 or 8 years of Obama but worse. This is the most important election of my time and yours too so don’t screw it up. I hope ALL of you are paying attention to these liars, thieves and murderers that occuppy the white house. These career politicians are NOT for us the people who pay the bills but instead and sadly to say are strictly for themselves and will do and say anything to stay in office…this is our last chance to make this right…..VOTE. TRUMP.
Paul Ryan, Bill Kristol, the Bushes, Reince Priebus, Lyin’ Ted Cruz, John Kasich, etc. etc. can all talk, meet secretly, and whatever else they want to do, but WE THE PEOPLE have become the NOT SO QUIET SILENT MAJORITY and have told them that we are sick and tired of their corrupt, hateful,
trickery shenanigans! If they form a Third Party, Hillary will absolutely win. The Republican Party, as we have known it for way too long, is over! We need to insist on term limits and each of us must be diligent in the future of voting the lifers out of office on both sides. George W has said many times over the past 7 plus (almost 8) years that he will never say anything negative about the person in the White House because no matter his opinion of that person, he has too much respect for the office, and he knows first hand how difficult that job is. Obviously, he no longer has respect for the office or for the Party or he would endorse Mr.Trump. These liars that took the same pledge that The Donald took should be impeached immediately! From the very beginning, the only thing The Donald has been going for him are his supporters. We are strong and proud and will not waver. We love him because he loves the USA and he loves WE THE PEOPLE and tells us that he does. Has ANY other candidate EVER told us that? He is our one and only last hope! I am a 72 year old woman and in all of my years of voting have I ever been prouder to cast a vote than I am for Mr. Trump!
I hear ya Eudora, I just hope I live long enough to vote for him.
I hear ya Eudora, I just hope I live long enough to vote for Trump
I am in total agreement with the majority of the comments made here. You all seem to
have captured the greed and the need to be in power of the elitist politicians. They have
fooled the people of this country for a long time. Just one more thought. I am sick and
tired of these “no gooders” blaming the senior citizens for the money problems because
of the cost of social security. If I remember correctly, the felons in Congress stole the
large amounts of money put into social security by the working citizens, and used it
for useless projects which benefitted themselves. I think maybe Congress should
also vote to take money out of the pension funds of congressmen and use it to pay
back the money they stole from social security. While we’re at it, maybe they should
also pay back money stolen from the veterans who sacrificed so much for us.
Just what America needs: another Ross Perot, in the form of Mitt “the loser” Romney. That’ll be the final nail in the GOP’s coffin; ensuring Teflon Donna’s victory.
No the final nail it not supporting your party for president. Proving they are just for themselves not for America.
This may be a bit long as it speaks about several issues brought up in the posts. First for those who do not know both the Republican and the Democratic party were one single entity. Later they saw an advantage of splitting into two. Here is a blurb; “Most of the founders of the Whig party had supported Jeffersonian democracy and the Democratic-Republican Party”.Now take a look at what it entails to have a dictator here. This is a re-post from other sites by me. America you need to start thinking before it is too late. If you take a look at history and dictatorship (in its many forms from the Russian czar to the Roman Senate) you will find there are only three things that need to be done before taking over a country.
1. First get most of the people dependent upon the government for their basic needs such as food, shelter, health care etc. We are there.
2. Next you need the money used in the country to become virtually worthless. We have printed so much money not backed with anything and gotten so far in debt that we are there.
3. The final item is to disarm the public. We are not there yet. But, the present government is working night and day to disarm the public it should be scary to everyone in the country, no matter what your stance is on owning a weapon. When only the government has weapons you will be a subject not a free person.
We the people are in the final era of losing our freedom as envisioned by our founding fathers. We also need to realize these same founding fathers were criminals in the eyes of the prevailing form of government at the time which was English rule. The only (in)famous person in the founding circle of dissenters who believed in the then current government was Benedict Arnold who was a turncoat general in the Revolutionary Army. America was never supposed to be a democracy. It began as a Republic but over the years many people began objecting so it gradually seemed to become a democratic country. However, the actual election of a presidential candidate is still elected by the electoral college. Space here does not all a detailed discussion. But looking at history you will find there have been presidents winning the popular vote but losing the election.
An educated and involved citizen demanding he/she be heard on who and what they want from a leader is our best defense against those who try and would rule us
Platform? We don’t need no stinkin’ platform!
Trump NEEDS all the “NORMAL” GOP and Demo. People Voting for him… The GOP and The Commies are Not wanting to Ruin there Big Dollars they receive SELLING their Souls to the Highest Bidder. Big corps. pay Big $$$ for their Votes giving the big business Buyers what they want… Never caring and to Devil with the American Voters and some Illegal Voters TOO…
To you people who are going against Trump————– I hope all of you go BANKRUPT.!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Robert Mucia says
May 9, 2016 at 12:25 pm
If you had any knowledge of politics at all you would know that the Republicans in both houses did all possible to stop Obama without losing elections, Obama invoked executive powers to bypass congress to get his agenda mostly illegal in my view. Had congress sent every executive order to court they would not be heard by the court until after he meaning Obama would be out of office anyway so hey look at reality Obama pulled a fast one on America now you want your money back no can do. Republicans were the only ones that prevented complete destruction of the American way don’t give up on them now. Remember Trump was the callind for third-party if he didn’t get the nomination so he was bent on the destruction of the party from the start.”
Finally, a voice of reason rises above the cacophony of idiotic Trump sycophants. The people did indeed put Republicans in control of the House in Jan 1911 (the result of the 2010 election) but Harry Reid ran the Senate and stopped everything at his desk until January of 2015, when Republicans took control of the Senate. Unfortunately they don’t control enough seats to over-ride an Obama veto, so there you have it. For the last year and a half Republicans have controlled only the Congress and people are mad at ‘the insider Republicans” because Washington DC doesn’t work. The American people should be thanking their lucky stars that the “obstructionists” in the Republican Party kept a lid on this totalitarian administration. When Hillary (if she’s not indicted-Biden if she is), Sanders or Biden slaughter Trump in November, come 2017 you will see the true face of Fascism in America. The Democrats will control the Senate and the Executive branch again and we know how that works. As patriotic Americans, we can only hope the Republicans hold on to the House. I wish your man Trump was what you believe him to be, but I know an East Coast Liberal when I see one, and I know a snake oil salesman when I hear one. Good day.
You’re as bad as the liberals if you genuinely believe your own b.s. Trump is more conservative than those that oppose him in the GOP and you, as well. He’s tougher on all the issues. Even Reince Preibus said he’s against the ban on Muslims. The GOP IS FULL OF WEAK-KNEED RHINOS. THEY DISGUST ME RIGHT NOW.
Keep it up GOP. Trump will be the only one I vote for in the Fall. They can lose the both houses for all I care. This is absolutely despicable. Is there really one person out there who’s not related to Romney that would want that loser and choke-artist? Give me a break with all of this. ENOUGH ALREADY!
Kimberly, Kimberly…Trump [IS] the GOP!
The GOP created the groundwork for its demise by abandoning social conservative issues. The spontaneous rise of Rick Santorum in 2012 was because he had the right message (then, as now); that the rise of “political correctness” was the liberal’s instrument to change our social institutions and, then, to gain political power through its “fairness” doctrine. Where social issues, abortion (planned parenthood), religious freedom, same sex marriage, family…were at the philosophical base of the Republican Party they have become “lukewarm” issues today. Fear of the electorate calling them “unfair” was enough to cause the final break-up of the party. I am a registered Independent voter having voted republican most of the time because of its previous stand for social issues, but today, when men like Santorum are thrown under the bus (causing relief among liberals), I have no where to go.Trump consciously avoided or “downplayed” social issues (to paraphrase “…I believe planned parenthood is doing a “good” job.), because, in a sense, he has become the extension of what was to become the new Republican Party. Romney’s opposition to Trump seems to be a personal matter and Kristol, I don’t know what he’s about asking Romney to run as an independent! They still don’t get it! “Political correctness” is the antitheses of traditional values as they are expressed in what were our social values. Bring them back and we rid ourselves of “pc”!
Everyone for Trump, myself included needs to make sure their polling places are up-to-date and no breakdowns of voting machines can be orchestrated. I am sure that with so much underlying resistance there will be sabotages all throughout the country. Volunteer! Don’t just write – do something! I am outraged that the loser Romney, whom I voted for, now has the audacity to go against Trump. It makes me nauseous how slimy he really is. And the GOP going against their own candidate??? They should lose their expense accounts, pensions, health care and any other benefits for fraud and misrepresenting that they are republicans.
They can run a third party if they like but the only people who will vote for their candidate will be them. They shouldn’t automatically assume that they are going to take any significant number of potential “Trump supporters” away from him nor should they assume Cruz or Kasich’s followers will go to them. Most people are smart enough to know that you will only have one other choice, Hillary Clinton, and that would be a disaster. The fact that these idiots will not get behind Trump is because they are sore losers and are afraid the party is over for them. They can’t face the reality that they can no longer call the shots.
Yet it doesn’t register that if Hillary wins, they are not going to be calling the shots. Just a bunch of has been jerks who totally have disrespected the Republican voters of ALL Republican Candidates and they should just be ignored as being insignificant.
I have no faith in Trump! And…I don’t trust Hillary. We can’t win for losing. We need a THIRD PARTY to have even a CHANCE !!
Google “political parties in the United States,” and you’ll find a WHOLE lot of choices other than the RepublicRat/Demolican Corporatocracy Party.
CCMSM(Corporate-Controlled Main Stream Media) will only allow the voices of the 2 parties-that-are-really-one to be heard – because they’re OWNED. The wealthy don’t want to have to buy politicians from OTHER parties, which is what they’d have to do if any other parties got publicity. There are unfortunately quite a few fools in this country who refuse to believe it if they don’t see it on teevee – the best hypnotic, mind-control medium yet devised to deceive, control, and manipulate humanity.
“The ideal tyranny is ignorantly self-administered by it’s victims; the most perfect slaves, therefore, blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.”
~Dresden James
The Republicans who are on the Never Trump kick are a disgrace to the party and to America! They are RINO’S! They are NOT Republican’s, nor are they anything remotely like them! They are on the Killary Clinton Cliff bound for going off the cliff with America! That is their desire. You can’t reason with them, at ALL! i’ve never seen a bunch of cry baby, bullheaded numbskulls as this crowd! They make the loony left look like sane people! We need to wash our hands of these people and fire that Trump train up and roll them over! Trump will be President, with or without you!
This looks like a power struggle between Trump and the GOP. The so called conservative GOP.
Romney lost in 2012 because he alienated the voters with his I don’t care about 47% of the voters because they work for a living. Does anyone really think he feels any different now? The parties power brokers don’t like Trump because they can’t make him dance to what ever tune they play at the time and that scares them. I guess that the GOP power brokers are supporting HilBilly because that is who wins if there is a third party candidate.
Romney actually said the 47% (or whatever% it was) felt entitled and you could forget about their support. He was emphasizing that the “freebie crowd” was already in the Democratic pocket, so the Republicans needed to appeal to the working people and those who pay taxes. You can hate the rich, but you should know that the top 1% pay 50% of the taxes, and the top 10% pay 90% of the taxes. The party leaders know what is obvious to anyone with a working brain: The Donald will get trounced in November. You can scream and holler all you want, but you can’t change a fact. Neither Ryan nor Romney will run, but the party leaders want input from multiple sources. With negative ratings of 70-80 % Hillary and Donald won’t need much competition to fall. So sad that those are the choices.
A third party without a national grassroots movement will never happen: and, who ever wins – Clinton or Trump – it’s going to be like Obama never left the WH. Our domestic problem is “political correctness” and now it has spread globally – AND, there is no place to hide!
The Washington Cartel is alive & well. Both sides willing to do anything & everything to maintain their self given status of “The Elite & Entitled” classm . The system is rotten to it’s core because We The People allowed it to happen. Shame on us! It will be up to us to do the dirty work of fixing it.
Incredible! Mitt Romney appears to be the wolf in a sheep skin.
Now it’s obvious why he conceded to O’bummer.
Ryan., well go figure. What a pair.
Not to worry, not even George Romney will vote for him. sic
My only response to the rabid Trump-mania on display today is to quote Mark Twain.
“People get the government they deserve.”
Mitt Romney needs to craw back in his hole and except he is a looser
IF Megyn Kelly (Fox News Tonight, May 9) can Get “ON” Donald Trump about using the word BIMBOS …
Remember years back when Hillary’s “BIMBO ERUPTION TEAM” (that’s what Hillary called it) Watch-Dogged Hubby BILL?…
LOL….. So WHY is Megyn Kelly ON Trump? BUT the word BIMBO from Hilary’s TEAM is OKAY?…
Nothing will ever change in DC until we have term limits for ALL elected officials. The 23rd amendment limits the president to 2 terms; the same limit should be placed on Senators and Congressmen. The Founding Fathers warned against career politicians who never had a real job or trade.
OH, and don’t be surprised if Blowbama uses an executive order to circumvent the 23rd amendment so HE can retain his power. All he has to do is sic his AG puppet (lynch) on Hillary when the time is right and she’s in jail like any republican already would be. His supporters in the media will laud it as a brilliant move and his brain dead supporters will love it if he becomes dictator for life. They can have free cell phones til they die.
It would be a big mistake if the Republican Establishment does not get behind Trump……The establishment of a third party is not a wise thing to do…..They will be losing a lot of Republicans who are on the rolls now…..Trump is the people’s choice and they have spoken…..The Party should heed the results of the polls and the primaries……
All this talk re a 3rd party to run against Trump……is idiotic …..All I can say they never heard oh H. Ross Perot and his republican 3rd party attempt ….which gave Jimmy Carter a smashing victory ……. Jimmy went down in history as the worst president ever…..He is in sheer delight now That Obama has taken over the position as worst president ever …!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!