The news headlines have been blaring the good news for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders following his big win in New Hampshire. In poll after poll, the Sanders campaign has been gaining ground on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s so-called “firewall” primary states, Nevada and South Carolina.
But fearing revolt from their Democratic base, party insiders appear to be doing everything they can to circumvent voter preference. According to some reports, their backroom deals have practically guaranteed a Clinton 2016 nomination victory, no matter what happens in Nevada, South Carolina, or any other state.
Since the New Hampshire primary, the Clinton machine has been busy — and has picked up endorsements from 87 more superdelegates to the Democratic National Convention, dwarfing Sanders’ gain from the New Hampshire primary, according to a new Associated Press survey.
In Nevada, three superdelegates have already pledged their loyalty to Clinton before a single vote has been cast in Saturday’s caucus. Half of South Carolina’s delegates have done the same.
Sanders has just one superdelegate in Nevada, none in South Carolina, and has added just 11 superdelegate endorsements nationwide since New Hampshire.
That means Clinton has effectively added the total of two Nevadas to her delegate count, without need of a single vote.
If these party insiders continue to back Clinton overwhelmingly, Sanders would have to win the remaining primaries by a landslide just to catch up. He would have to roll up big margins because every Democratic contest awards delegates in proportion to the vote, so even the loser can get some.
After the contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, Sanders has a small 36-32 lead among delegates won in primaries and caucuses. But when superdelegates are included, Clinton leads 481-55, according to the AP count. It’s essentially a parallel election that underscores Clinton’s lopsided support from the Democratic establishment.
The disparity is sparking a backlash among some Sanders supporters, who complain that the Democratic nominating process is decidedly undemocratic, rigged in favor of Clinton.
Some of them are contacting superdelegates who have publicly endorsed Clinton. Their message isn’t subtle, or always welcome.
“I’m sick and tired of them,” Cordelia Lewis-Burks, a superdelegate from Indiana, said of the Sanders backers. “It’s very aggravating to be bashed on my own computer by these people who it’s probably the first time they’ve ever voted. I’ve been in the trenches since I was 20.”
Pressure tactics won’t sway Lacy Johnson, another Indiana superdelegate who backs Clinton.
“They were saying ‘We’re not going to forget this,'” Johnson said.
Superdelegates automatically attend the national convention and can support the candidate of their choice, regardless of whom primary voters back. They are party leaders — members of Congress, party officials and members of the Democratic National Committee.
There are 712 superdelegates, about 30 percent of the 2,382 delegates needed to claim the nomination.
Clinton’s campaign expressed confidence that she will maintain a strong lead among superdelegates even as she focuses on upcoming voting. “Our campaign strategy is to build a lead with pledged delegates” won in primaries and caucuses, spokesman Jesse Ferguson said in an email.
“To my knowledge there has been zero outreach to the New Hampshire automatic delegates from the Sanders campaign,” said Kathleen Sullivan, a DNC member from New Hampshire. “Not just since the primary, I mean since he first decided to run.”
New Hampshire, which Sanders won by 22 percentage points, has eight superdelegates. Six back Clinton, meaning despite Sanders huge win in the state, the two campaigns split the delegate total.
Some talk openly about their relationship with Clinton, who has been in Democratic politics for decades.
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said of the superdelegates, “Many of them have strong ties to the Clintons, like me.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
I disagree with 60% of what Sanders stands for. However, he is doing a good deed in defeating Hillary in the state primaries.
Walter Duduch says
I never liked the idea of super delegates I think the should have the right to choose and some hand lpicked rich assholes. This system must be destroyed. The few can not and should not be allowed to override the people’s choice. The system is rigged. We must fight for our rights.
Robert Early says
I have several local Democrat friends that I feel sorrow for.
Their votes are absolutely meaningless. The current Dem Party is not Democracy.
Big Ted says
Why bother to vote if that’s how they play the game?
Grady Phillips says
The system is rigged so that no matter how she does in any state she virtually wins . Hillary is a liar and a cheat and needs to be behind bars not running for public office and is the American people stupid enough to elect a person of her character no wonder the democratic party is under fire !
The DEMS are TRUE TO THEIR LIBERAL/SOCIALIST WORD: The Democratic Party will “re-distribute” votes to the candidate they choose, while the Democratic voting “lemmings” blissfully caucus and/or vote thinking their vote counts in the Democratic Primary… Think again COMRADE! The DEMS will do the same with anything you acquire – re-distribute it to others.
DEMS should read ATLAS SHRUGGED by Ayn Rand. Enough said.
And YES – I am also against the “Super-delegate” program. It unfairly weights the election and the DEM Party exerts its will by changing the result of voting Americans.
lbcolorado says
I agree, they did this to Clinton in 2008, now she gets to do it to someone else. Rather than fight for fairness, she just flowed with the flow. Pathetic.
Ernie says
Get ready for Joe Biden. After Bernie is defeated by delegate count, then Hillary is indicted. Joe Biden, the only possible candidate that will support an Obama “legacy,” will then be tapped as a party savior. I feel certain this is all being planned out in the White House. Yes, your vote as a Democrat does not count.
Connie says
Super Delegates are Dems VOTER FRAUD program. So very not the AMERICAN WAY.
WhiteFalcon says
This is the commieonazi way. Today, there is no difference between Communists, Nazis, Fascists, and Democrats. That is why I call them Commieonazicrats.
Charles says
I am a registered Democrat and now I find that my vote means nothing. I am done with this bunch. No wonder Trump is winning.
Dan55 says
They are taking the voting rights of the people right out of our hands! The votes don’t matter if the Democratic Party has already determined who they want to represent them. The rights of 48 states, millions of people, are meaningless, if superdelagates determine the nominee, not the American citizens!
BTW – Sure wish they had one of those barking dogs Hillary was talking about, when she said in an interview that she doesn’t think she ever lied!!! The dog would have gotten laryngitis!!
mama bear says
she is a dog and a liar and it takes one to know one wonder what the left will do to bernie
Constantine says
She should have a muzzle on of the streets
And behind bars, just for thinking she could
Be the president of
Big Ted says
Hillary for Prison in 2016!
Ken says
Debbie says
Right on!
Can’t stand her!
I’m afraid she has already won.
Good bye
JAMES says
I agree Hitler Clinton should be In Jail and not running for Pres.
Lynn conboy says
Fred says
No the dog would expire. Poor rover.
samuel nieto says
There is nothing DEMOCRATIC in the democratic party! By the GRACE of GOD, SENATOR TED CRUZ will be ELECTED by AMERICAN grassroots! GOD BLESS AMERICA! DISFRANCHISED democrats, YOU are welcomed to join a PEOPLES’ CANDIDATE! SENATOR TED CRUZ!
Ken says
Gotta go with TRUMP
Connie says
1. Donald Trump is the only candidate who can turn things around for America and should be taken seriously!!!
2. He is immune to special interest lobbying because he has accepted no donations or special interest money. No other candidate can make this claim.
3. He is an executive. The President of the United States is the Chief Executive Officer of our nation. We don’t need a policy expert or a legislator – we need someone who knows how to run an organization. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who has a proven record as a successful
executive on a large scale.
4. He is honest. Mr. Trump is a man who tells the truth. He may not always say it in the most polished way, but our country has had enough suave liars. It is time for some straight forward honesty.
5. He is decisive. As President every decision he makes would be in the best interest of the country. We hear about his having business interests that filed for bankruptcy. In each case, he looked at the situation as it was, and then he cut his losses. We need someone who will look at government programs realistically and if they are failures; will end the wasteful Washington spending.
6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.
7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.
8. His success is unmatched in the business world by all the others –
He attended one of the best business schools/ to make 10 billion dollars.
9. Having an IQ of 157, his knowledge of contracts and negotiating is brilliant/ internationally/ unparalleled. No one builds an international business empire the size of Trump’s without being able to win at the negotiating table.
10. He was popular in the Apprentice/ number 1# rated program 10 years running.
11. He wrote 10 best-selling books [ His book the Art of a deal [educational]
12. He owns and operates Miss Universe/ Miss America] beauty pageants.
13. He’s doing business worldwide therefore his experience is desirable/ knows cultures/international taxes/ pricing/ shipping/ unions/ regulations/ contracts/ business/ practices/ suppliers/ safety rules/ types of workers.
14. He’s into construction, media, manufacturing, travel and publishing.
15. He’s a job producer/ just for the records/ most of his CEO’s are women/ yes they make more than the men/ creditability counts.
16. He gives millions to charities.
17. He understands currencies/ money exchanges/ inflation, deflation worldwide wages.
18. His tax program 0-10-15-25 is simple.
19. His universal interstate medical/ insurance program is very realistic/ competition.
20. He has a good five point immigration program.
21. He’s pro military & Vet’s [improve VA hospital/care] Take ISIS oil fields to pay Vets.
22. He wants to seal off the boarder [build that wall] He’s built a 96 story building/ he thinks that’s harder than constructing a wall. He understands that a nation without borders, language and laws is not a nation.
23. He’s anti-Iran deal/ pro-Israel. He says it states we have to protect Iran if Israel attacks [Iran keeps saying they are going to wipe Israel and us off of the map].
24. His pro Christmas stance is anti [political correct].
25. He also realizes that our nation is being trashed worldwide and speaks up about it.
26. He recognizes the China money manipulation policy which is anti-USA.
27. He says that Japan’s tariff on US goods [one way deal making].
28. He wants to put a tariff on Mexican goods/ all traffic/ cut off aid.
29. Remember when Trump said; we protect Saudi Arabia therefore they must pay.
Trump a ‘Breath of Fresh Air”
he speaks the truth publicly even if it is uncomfortable for people to hear
Dennis says
Wow you nailed it dead on!!!!!! If any voter thinks any other so called candidate can fix Washington, FORGET IT………Vote TRUMP!
RickeyAnn says
Spot on!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go CONNIE!
The Donald is a common sense guy who has gathered support across “common sense” lines, something the DEMs and GOP consider “non-traditional” segments, that is, Trump is focusing on AMERICANS.
Trump believes that ALL AMERICANS are important. As a result of listening to the people The Donald’s support is at a higher level and growing every day. Support for Trump is coming from AMERICANS, across ALL income categories, across ALL ethnic backgrounds, ALL religious backgrounds, and across ALL political preferences (Republican, Independent, and also moderate Democrats).
TRUMP will make America Great Again because he will make changes that enable and re-empower We The People.
Charlene Holt says
These 29 points made by Connie is right on. Everything she has pointed out is exactly the truth and no other candidate comes close to what Trump can do for this country. That also includes the Democratic candidates running for the same position. Their winnings of their primaries are all on the cheating side…… don’t hear things like that about the Trump campaign when they win their primaries. There is no doubt in the minds of majority of Americans that Trump can’t do the job………they know without a doubt that he is smart enough to do exactly what he says he will do. He is the favorite among the American people and he loves this country and it’s people, especially the American veterans and our military. We will never be afraid of Donald Trump not doing the kind of job the American people want for this country to help make this country great again. Please vote Donald Trump…….2016.
JAMES says
Me too.
JAMES says
if I could
Richard says
I think that I would rather have someone tie my hands behind my back for a week than reach for the lever to vote for the liar Cruz even more so than Hillary
George says
cruz is just another lying worthless politician. donald trump all the way.
sharon says
Samuel: Google Letters from the gulag. On that website in the search column type ted and Heidi cruz expose. And lean more about the corrupt Cruz’s. Also google the wayne madsen report for a look into Rainbow Marco rubio’s past with his foam gay parties and ect..
Fred says
What people the Canadians or us?
Nancy Hufman says
The Dems, as usual are doing very illegal things to get the people they want in office. which is exactly what they did when Obama ran. The should all be arrested and charged with fraud!!!!
tom says
I Agree, I don’t subscribe to Bernies way of thought, however he would be better than a liar, thief, murderer, unethical piece of cheating crap running against him. how do you win a state and still lose the electorial vote count. More fixing than a 1950’s boxing match.
Big Ted says
In the ninety’s it was slick Willie,now its slick Hillary.
Richard Gary Gould says
Tramp for president. first thing for him to do is get Killery indicted, convicted and jailed for life!
Kenith Henderson (asphaltman) says
I have never thought the electoral vote was fair. They shud go back to the old way of voting , where every person’s vote counts.. We have the technology to count each and every single vote, in just seconds.. The electoral vote is the way the elite has it their way.
flys says
The electoral college is a good way of
a) providing a firebreak to counteract widespread voter fraud in CA, NY, IL
b) resolving the issue of no candidate having a majority
c) electing a president if the candidate dies or goes to jail between the election and the inauguration
GFrazier says
I am not a democrat, so I don’t pay attention to everything, going on in their primaries.
However, I do know enough to disagree with Hillary…NO MATTER WHAT.
I mean, here, you have a woman, who blamed the RNC for her husband’s impeachment
and, in the same book, she’d already written how she “wanted to wring his neck,” when
he confessed to her.
My take is simple: She expects the nation to allow him to do as he pleases, while he’s not
allowed any real leeway, at home.
Thomas says
So much for Democrats being democratic!
anita says
the evil Clinton Bitch will do anything to win ,she lied on National T V Yesterday saying that she never told a Lie ,that proves the Bitch is a Pathological Liar ,
AnOldCleanMan says
I do agree and this story is just a sampling of the jury-rigging of the Democrats during every election cycle. Hillary has been annointed as the new Queen Hillary of the uSA so her granddaughter can be annointed as a princess in waiting. Fillthy politics follow this Billionaire couple around the world. Anyone that contributs to the Global Clinton Initiative is eligible for the loony house.
Patriot says
The fact the Clinton is even allowed to run after selling out the United States with her email scandal is a slap in the face to Americans. If she isn’t thrown in jail we will know that our nation and the principals it stands on is lost. Clinton for prison 2016!
shirley long says
Mick Long says
Meanwhile DNC’s Debbie Wasserrman Shultz is successfully keeping another Democratic candidate, San Diego Businessman Rocky De La Fuente, off the debate stage and out of key primary states where he could threaten Hillary’s hold on the Hispanic block. O’Malley was manageable but De La Fuente is someone a lot of old school Democrats sorely desire to get their party back from the Fabianism ideology that currently controls it.
Truthseeker512 says
Here we go again. The establishment will have no regards for the will of the people. Forget about socialism and think about the rights that we give up to the establishment. Maybe it is time for a political revolution
Ken says
In socialism you have no rights, look at the parallel
Thomas says
And among the Democrats you have no democracy!
AnOldCleanMan says
It has already occurred. It began with the murder of JFK by the LBJ crew. They instituted the free programs with the War on Poverty, Great Society, and appalachia (sic) plan to forever cement the black votes to the democratic party. I left the party with the killing of JFK and am now a staunch independent voter. I can call out anyone that is lying as what they are and never vote for them.
Don A says
Wow, it’s like when Hubert Humphrey was the “estaishment favorite” and Robert Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy were winning the primaries.
Mark says
Hillary lies and is a cheat. Just look at how she will ruin our country.
jackel says
What a beast. Should be caged !@!
mike hunt says
super delegates=paid for by hiliery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GFrazier says
Let’s say Hillary is elected and moves back into the White House (I’ll lay odds that Bill will spend the majority of his time, away).
Many would assume she will continue the same path as Bill (I can accept that she’ll have girlfriends but that’s the only
thing she’ll continue that he did.)
She will continue the tyranny of the present administration and she will cause America to continue its slide into the
pit of hell – both of which are bad. I will also assume that she will continue to do what Obama has done…I.e. – blame
America for the ills of the world, allow America to become the doormat of the world, etc.
I keep challenging a friend to tell me one (just ONE) single, solitary, thing Obama has done FOR America and, although
she is one of his biggest cheerleaders, has yet to come up with anything.
Let’s say Hillary goes into the presidency and stays eight years. This same woman will continue to sing praises for things
that have never happened.
Jay Bell says
Hillary Clinton, with her criminality and ineptitude, will make Obama look good by comparison. Please, God spare us this woman! She was the architect of the mess that Syria has become. She made a mess in Libya. Her close personal aide, Huma Abedin, has ties to the Middle Eastern radicals. Clinton even blew the cover of Hamid Karzai’s half-brother, Ahmed Karzai, by mentioning, in an email to Richard Holbrooke, that Ahmed Karzai was a “CIA asset”. He was assassinated soon after. That is why the intelligence services are furious with her.
The globalists (Neo-cons (think the Bushes) and Neo-libs (the Clintons) are determined to have their way in the world and they are making more of a mess than it already was! A pox on both their houses!
Joseph Adinolfi says
We need a Donald and Bernie debate.
Jay Bell says
Now, THAT would be interesting!
Boyd Tracy says
And i suppose that instead of recaling the continued coniving, lying, do anything to be president tactic of Hilary, the Sanders supporters will in the end dutifully cast their lot in with a candidate that will promise them anything even though she has no character or integrity whatsoever. Sad we have come to a time when polital promises mean more thanthe character of the individual who will be sitting in the most powerful office on earth.. Unless our position with the rest of the world goes even further into the toilet than it has during the last 7 years.
Jay Bell says
If they hand the nomination to Clinton, Bernie will likely go independent. And that would hand the election to the Republicans. There are many, many Bernie supporters who have vowed that they would NEVER vote for Hillary Clinton.
M says
Precisely!! I am a Bernie supporter, but even before that way back in 2007-2008 I vowed that I would rather eat a bowl of broken razor blades doused in gasoline than vote for Clinton. That truth still holds today and applies to Trump as well.
Clif says
Hillary will hand not only the presidency over to Trump but she will send Congress over to the Republicans for decades if the will of the voters is overturned by super delegates.
John says
Why on earth does anyone even belong to such a crooked party ? they are worse than Hilly in their crookedness. basicly they are saying to the voters screw you.!!!!!!!
Steven says
Hillary should be in jail, and the super delegates should be disbanded, they really suck.
JAMES says
how In Hell did they become super delegates in the first place $$$$????
Tony says
With things seemingly stacked against Bernie Sanders with the democrats, maybe he should become an independent. Would be interesting if he and Trump both did that.
B. says
Jack C Pickrd says
Time for real, New Parties, that actually are controlled by all of the people of America. In a true Republican form of Democracy in a modern world, the technology exists to record all of the individual votes in a timely manner. This would mean no SuperDeligates that ignor the will of the people. These current parties can and will never change. It is time for change. Is their a real leader out their that can lead this change?
Francis says
Why do you think there was cheating in the 1st place, so they could establish super delegates. Why do Democrat’s even bother to vote when Big Brother is just going to Pick Killarey anyway. I hope they indite the Bitch come March.
Dylan Pepperling says
Jack: great post and so true. Let’s hope there is such a leader.
Justin W says
Hillary may be able to win the nomination through the Democrat’s rigged primary voting system. Hopefully party leaders notice that there is a large number of Democrats who are voting for a fringe candidate over Clinton. There’s a problem. Hillary is probably the best known candidate to run in a Democrat primary in since Ted Kennedy tried to unseat Jimmy Carter in 1980. The same voters who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary in 2008 seem to be unwilling to do so in 2016.
Assuming the Republican don’t do something stupid, the general election could deliver a massive defeat for Hillary and the Democrats. Hillary isn’t the choice of most Democrats. While she is running toward the socialist fringe of the party, there are many mainstream Democrats that will likely decide between voting Republican in the fall or staying home.
John says
Looks like a lot of write in votes this coming Nov. With all the crooked stuff going on in the party.
Jane says
How can anyone in their right mind vote for a liar like Hillary Clinton. I will never forget when she and Obama stood with the parents of the four slain Benghazi men and swore to get the man who made the “video” that caused the attack. They knew that was a blatant lie, but still stood by it. There is a special place in hell waiting for heartless people like that.
Wayne says
Sanders is a puppet for the Clinton Campaign. When he came out & told the Amer public he was sick & tired of the email scandal he proved it. If the guy really wanted to win the nomination he would of been all over her emails yet he’s supporting her.
It’s that or he doesn’t know the snake he’s dealing with. He’s an idiot and it doesn’t matter how they rig this. She’s going to be decimated in the general election. Guaranteed!
Jay Bell says
I think Bernie was misinformed at first–they told him it was nothing–just a Republican scheme. But I saw a more recent interview where he said that it was “a serious problem” for her. Notice that not only he isn’t talking about it, but the Republican candidates are not talking about it either. Perhaps, they are all waiting for her to get indicted?
Sidney T. Culp says
America is so close to being like Russia in its voting the citizens in the Democrat part of the election process need not vote. I find what is happening is totally dishonest. My prediction is that come the November election a significant number of Democrats will cross over and vote Republican just because their voices were lost in the primaries. The idea of an heir apparent is totally ridiculous. Especially when a goodly number of women just simply do not trust Hillary, even the women who are Democrats will cross over to the Republicans. Women will be the most significant group in the election, and their shift will put the election in the favor of the Republicans.
JAMES says
hope so
Marie hoadley says
Why do we even vote if delegates chose who the winner will be, I think the majority of of votes should be what desides the winner. Are we in a lossing battle? Jesus is my president he choose me and I excepted. God bless America.
Jo says
If Hillary wins then I am guessing the delegates all have been bought by The Clinton Machine. No wonder the American people have lost faith in our government it is so corrupt it is just dreadful and how the rest of the world views us as a democracy we must be a laughing stock throughout the world. No honest leader tell her to crawl back in the hole she came out of and take Bill with her. If she was a real woman she would have given him the heave hoe instead of being an enabler.
Jay Bell says
Well the Clinton Foundation has upwards of $10 billion–that can buy a lot of people in the right places and Hillary would likely spend every single dime, if she had to, to secure the nomination and then the election. No wonder all the other Dems were afraid of running against her.
Bev says
I don’t have a dog in this race BUT as a keen observer I can tell you that Hillary may have it organized to get the Democratic Nomination BUT by virtue of that the final race will be won for the Republicans. If you don’t know by now, women do not vote for women and even if they did Hillary is a weak candidate, I personally think that average people are tired of these political dynasties and are no longer willing to sit still under four more years of the same old thing, this will mean a complete rout and will be more than interesting to watch.
Don F says
Why waste money on primaries, super delegates have already decided for us. Shameful…another rigged election
Thomas says
And we say that the Communists run rigged elections.
William says
If the Democrats elect Hillary to represent them in the elections, then I would urge all to look hard at the popular vote and witness the surge for Bernie. That being said then I would urge Bernie to run as an Independent Candidate for the Presidency . I am sure the majority would financially back you, as well, Vote you into Office. That being said, the Democrats would get what they deserve and the Citizens of this Great Country, with their faith in Bernie . would then get what they Earned
lbcolorado says
Like all that you said, except replace Bernie with TRUMP 2016
Teresa says
Democrat voters need to send a message to their party and to the establishment – either by refusing to vote or by voting Republican. Wouldn’t it send a message if the total votes for the Democrat party were embarrassingly low for each primary? It isn’t a democracy when a candidate is forced on us! The past few presidential elections have seemed that way.
R says
If the Bern gets screwed I vote TRUMP!
Jo says
To R: You must be unaware that the Bern never had a job until he was 40 yrs. old and voting for Trump is like voting for another Obama to say the least he knows nothing about foreign policy he has bought and sold to the foreign countries as a financial mogul that is how he encountered all his money not from the U.S.
Jay Bell says
Except that Donald Trump has already said that he was against the incursion into the Middle East in the first place. He said that he is not against all wars–just “stupid wars”. He was right when he said that we have wasted 2 trillion dollars over there and what do we have to show for it–it’s worse than it ever was. Those people don’t want our “nation building” or democracy. As an example, the Syrians were better off before we went mucking in there to try to overthrow Assad (and that was H. Clinton’s, George Soros-inspired project). Assad was ruthless in his suppression of radicals, but he was at least, keeping stability. Children were going to school, the people had the necessities and life was proceeding as it had always. But then we had to raise a “rebel army” in order to get rid of the Assad dictatorship and “put a democracy in its place. We are so arrogant and stupid sometimes and no one is more like that than Hillary Clinton.
ALAN says
stevenl says
Democratic liberalism stands for dictatorship of the leftist elite. It is ANYTHING but democratic.
The tricephalic leftist ideological chameleon has only one core value system. It is in charge of your happiness in …. hell while preserving their privileges and happiness on Earth. All three are connected by the same fundamental ideological principle whether it is named Liberalism, Socialism or Communism. They are in charge of YOUR life and happiness. From the most deceptive (liberalism) to the most obvious (communism).
Deanna says
I would not discount Bernie sanders could be god will put him forward and hilary lagging behind I hope a;nd pray for it as she would make a dangerous area for america with lies and lake of dealing with the nations ready to go to war against america If she could not protect a mire small number in benghazi how can she in the millions in america.
Tin Top says
Why bother voting at all !!! This article proves our votes don’t count if super delegates vote for who they want regardless of the way the people vote. The same nonsense with the Presidential election. The popular vote does not matter. The electoral college elects the President. If you don’t believe it remember Bush – Gore. Al Gore won the popular vote, ie what WE THE PEOPLE wanted but the electoral college voted how they wanted to and Bush won the election. NOT HOW A REPUBLIC WORKS our Fore Father’s established a government OF THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE NOT THE PART INSIDERS !!!! Its HIGH TIME WE TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY !!!
John says
Even though she will win the nomination illegally, this is the best that could happen for the Republicans. Hillary, the liar and cheat, has no chance of being elected president. I used to be a Democrat, but the way that party is acting, I have no choice but to become a Republican.
Vic says
Written by the distinguished Bill Bennett about Donald Trump.
I think you will find it very interesting and alarming. You might want to take the time to read it.
PHD – Secretary of Education under Ronald Reagan
Cultural studies at the distinguished and renowned Heritage Foundation
Interesting take on Trump.
William J. Bennett, Host of Bill Bennett’s Morning in America Show, is one of America’s most important, influential, and respected voices on cultural, political, and education issues. He has one of the strongest Christian worldviews of any writer in modern times.
What I See Happening In a Trump Presidency
By Bill Bennett
They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump.
Don’t be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few.
It’s about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it’s in all of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all and all for one.
It’s a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich, everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media, and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened.
Donald Trump can self-fund. No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business, and political elite understand that Trump is no joke. He could actually win and upset their nice cozy apple cart.
It’s no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy The Donald. It’s because most of the other politicians are part of the a good old boys club. They talk big, but they won’t change a thing. They are all beholden to big-money donors.
They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations, and multinational corporations – like Big Pharmacy or Big Oil. Or they are owned lock, stock, and barrel by foreigners like George Soros owns Obama or foreign governments own Hillary and their Clinton Foundation donations.
These run-of-the-mill establishment politicians are all puppets owned by big money. But there’s one man who isn’t beholden to anyone.
There’s one man who doesn’t need foreigners, or foreign governments, or George Soros, or the United Auto Workers, or the teacher’s union, or the Service Employees International Union, or the Bar Association to fund his campaign.
Billionaire tycoon and maverick Donald Trump doesn’t need anyone’s help. That means he doesn’t care what the media says. He doesn’t care what the corporate elites think. That makes him very dangerous to the entrenched interests. That makes Trump a huge threat to those people. Trump can ruin everything for the bribed politicians and their spoiled slave masters.
Don’t you ever wonder why the GOP has never tried to impeach Obama? Don’t you wonder why John Boehner and Mitch McConnell talk a big game, but never actually try to stop Obama?
Don’t you wonder why Congress holds the purse strings, yet has never tried to defund Obamacare or Obama’s clearly illegal executive action on amnesty for illegal aliens? Bizarre, right? It defies logic, right?
First, I’d guess many key Republicans are being bribed. Secondly, I believe many key Republicans are being blackmailed. Whether they are having affairs, or secretly gay, or stealing taxpayer money, the National Security Agency knows everything.
Ask former House Speaker Dennis Hastert about that. The government even knew he was withdrawing large sums of his own money from his own bank account. The NSA, the SEC, the IRS, and all the other three-letter government agencies are watching every Republican political leader. They surveil everything.
Thirdly, many Republicans are petrified of being called racists, so they are scared to ever criticize Obama or call out his crimes, let alone demand his impeachment.
Fourth , why rock the boat? After defeat or retirement, if you’re a good old boy, you’ve got a $5 million-per-year lobbying job waiting. The big-money interests have the system gamed. Win or lose, they win.
But Trump doesn’t play by any of these rules. Trump breaks up this nice, cozy relationship between big government, big media, and big business. All the rules are out the window if Trump wins the Presidency. The other politicians will protect Obama and his aides but not Trump.
Remember: Trump is the guy who publicly questioned Obama’s birth certificate. He questioned Obama’s college records and how a mediocre student got into an Ivy League university. Now, he’s doing something no Republican has the chutzpah to do. He’s questioning our relationship with Mexico; he’s questioning why the border is wide open; he’s questioning why no wall has been built across the border; he’s questioning if allowing millions of illegal aliens into America is in our best interests; he’s questioning why so many illegal aliens commit violent crimes, yet are not deported; and he’s questioning why our trade deals with Mexico, Russia and China are so bad.
Trump has the audacity to ask out loud why American workers always get the short end of the stick. Good question!
I’m certain Trump will question what happened to the almost billion dollars given in a rigged no-bid contract to college friends of Michelle Obama at foreign companies to build the defective Obamacare website. By the way, that tab is now up to $5 billion.
Trump will ask if Obamacare’s architects can be charged with fraud for selling it by lying. Trump will investigate Obama’s widespread IRS conspiracy, not to mention Obama’s college records. Trump will prosecute Clinton and Obama for fraud committed to cover up Benghazi before the election. How about the fraud committed by employees of the Labor Department when they made up dramatic job numbers in the last jobs report before the 2012 election?
Obama, the multinational corporations and the media need to stop Trump. They recognize this could get out of control. If left unchecked, telling the raw truth and asking questions everyone else is afraid to ask, Trump could wake a sleeping giant.
Trump’s election would be a nightmare. Obama has committed many crimes. No one else but Trump would dare to prosecute. He will not hesitate. Once Trump gets in and gets a look at the cooked books and Obama’s records, the game is over.
The jig is up. The goose is cooked. Holder could wind up in prison. Jarrett could wind up in prison. Obama bundler Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money.
Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails or for accepting bribes from foreign governments while Secretary of State, or for misplacing $6 billion as the head of the State Department, or for lying about Benghazi. The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison.
Obamacare will be de-funded and dismantled. Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters. Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved. That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump.
Yes, it’s become open season on Donald Trump.
The left and the right are determined to attack his policies, harm his businesses and if possible, even keep him out of the coming debates. But they can’t silence him. And they sure can’t intimidate him.
The more they try, the more the public will realize that he’s the one telling the truth.
Ken says
They will try to assassinate himm.thats why he wears a bullet proof vest.
Dylan Pepperling says
Vic: Can you repeat that please.
alan says
The Dem voting system in a total JOKE. I thought THE PEOPLE were supposed to vote for a nominee and president. This is not the way it was set up originally with superdelegates. It’s just a way for the super rich to keep all of the rest of us DOWN.
DBL.D says
Vic loves to hear himself talk eh? to bad he doesnt know what he is talking about.We need the Muppet to beat Hitlery, so we can get TRUMP IN OFFICE.No matter, he will beat her any how, FBI says Indictment by 28th FEB 2016.Prosecuted? Hillary for PRISON 2016!
C. Lingo says
The definition of a “Natural Born Citizen” is: “a person born in the country in which the parents are citizens.” This is given in the reference which was used by the writers of the Constitution. Benjamin Franklin wrote a thank you letter to Charles Dumas, who had sent him 3 additional copies of this reference in which he noted that these copies were in heavy demand.
There is a law which is sometimes referenced by detractors which allows for the person to be born outside of the United States, but this law which is not an Amendment, does not eliminate the requirement for the parents to be citizens.
rodney says
you really expect honesty out of communists, liars, frauds and murders? I don’t think so. Hilary got fired and has gone down hill as a criminal ever since. The emnire democratic party is now communist and NO one is DOING anything. Why? jeo McCarthy was right and now we see why! the dems should be in jail for treason but there is no such thing for a political party but let a conservative do something and the liberal will be asking for a lynching!
Howard Lee Jones says
Slick Hilly has a lot to answer for and why hasn’t the FBI already
arrested her for having Top Secret information on her private,public e- mails, i believe the DOJ is being slowed down by Obama so Hellary can get into the office of the president of the U.S.A. The woman (i hope this brings no insult to women, calling her a woman) has been a liar a cheat and a outright lawbreaker since she was involved with the crooked dealings when she was a part of in the land swindles in Arkansas while her husband (Slick Billy) was governor of Arkansas. Let’s not forget when Bill (the rapist) was president of our country. There is also evidence of her uncaring attitude about those brave men that were guarding the U.S. Embassy in Bengazi, when she was asked about this as Secretary of State she just waved her hand like let’s get passed that like that is old news. She has a lot I’m to answer for and i for one shudder to think of her in the highest office in this country. She should be looking out of a jail cell with obama in jail too. The Crookedness has already started with the delegate count going her way with the Super Delegates. We should go back to the votes of the people deciding who will hold this high office of Our Country. Bernie Sanders should never have commented “I don’t care about your damn e-mails” that was a big mistake on his part. I don’t vote for the party, my vote goes to the best person to fill that office, The last two elections i have voted against Obama. Now i will vote against Hillary because i believe with her in office the United States would be ran by a dictator and it would truly be hell on earth.
Joe says
hilly should have been arrested by now! There is no reason that she shouldn’t be!!
Gail says
Communist or terroist, take your pick with the Democratict nominees. I am sickened with both of them.
Mark says
If you like Trump then you must like Kayne West. They both have similar personalities where they can never admit to a mistake or say I’m sorry. They both need to repeatedly say how great they are yet how totally unappreciated they are. Trump is rich only because his father was born before him. He was given 14,000 apartments to run before he was barely thirty. I’ll bet that most of you reading this would be super rich now if you had been given that opportunity. I do have to give him credit for picking up on the pulse of those of us (myself included) who are angry at how the politicians are only out for them self and could care less about the common man. But that does make Trump a great thinker or a great leader. Only yesterday he repeated his line about how George Bush made the greatest mistake in history by invading Iraq and that he knew it would destabilize the country, only to be discovered that he agreed with the invasion. Only after it became apparent that the results were worse than the cure did Trump then suddenly start shouting what a big mistake it was. His football league was a failure, as was his shuttle and Atlantic City. I could go on and on, but as a wise man once said,”You_can_fool_all_the_people_some_of_the_time_and some of the people _all_the_time_but_you_cannot_fool_all_of the_people_all_of the_time” Unfortunately, all Trump has to do is fool enough of the people long enough to get their votes. We all believe in some of the messages that Trump delivers, but that does not mean that we have to like or trust the messenger!!
Mark says
Typical Clinton, lie, cheat, steal your way to the top. Did we not have enough of the Clinton’s already. American will be sorry for a long time if the Democrats win. Go Trump.
Stacie says
If Bernie wins the popular vote and the Super Delegates hand SHILLARY the nomination…..SHE WILL NOT WIN!!! SHE WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT!!!
Scott says
This super delegates crap is pure “Grand Theft” the system is nothing less than bs and exhibition of corruption to its highest!!!
Not that I care for Bernie but Hillary is a reflection not of…honesty. What is happening to our country?
Pamela Hunter says
Both Hillary and her husband Bill Cosby Clinton should be in prison. Google Bill Clinton and his women… and you will see a long list, rapes, sexual assaults etc… just like Bill Cosby (you can watch some of the previous women assaulted by Bill Clinton on youtube…watch and you be the judge. The only reason Bill Clinton has not been publicly shamed and in prison is because he is white. And the long list of those that have been murdered around these two… like I said they both deserve prison time…. not time in the White House.
Richard Barnett says
Only one person running for President understands we have thousands of radical Muslims all over American. For instance not one FBI or CIA has mentioned this as Donald Trump has. He will protect and build a strong defense and a strong America, knows how to keep us safe as he is smart and knows these radicals exist within our Country, and he is the only one running for president that is aware of and speaks to our huge problems, working for no salary and owes no favors except to build a powerful, prosperous American for all Americans. Most important of all he is not a politician and does not speak nor act as one, just what we finally realize we need, the next best thing to a total revolution to turn us back on course before it is too late, and it may already be within months of losing our wonder Country. For instance I called the FBI and told them before and after 9-11-01 we had thousands of Muslims learning to fly out of my airport, most spoke in Arabic making it very dangerous as they flew the wrong way in the traffic pattern, most importantly all knew planes would be flying into buildings that fateful morning of 9-11-01 as not one of the thousand showed up that morning as they always had before, proof they knew of the attack that morning was going to happen, they have never returned, and as Donald Trump said many radicals are hiding and waiting right now all over America for something big. If we want a safe, strong, and once again prospers American for all, Americans had better elect Donald Trump as he is no political hack, but is smart and knows we have radical Muslims building up something even bigger while the FBI, CIA ignore nor ask what happen that morning to these missing Muslim pilots, where are they, and what are they planning? Richard
Signpost says
Dirty libs, they just want to make more taxes, fees, & permits necessary for everything. Every road and bridge has a toll in their world. They want the whole country to be like it is in Yankee land. No one armed except the criminals, and a fee for everything. They will have you paying to breathe. They are just corrupt. Lib democrats are disgusting. Vote GOP in November 2016!
BHR says
The democrats have always rigged who gets chosen for the presidential election. The Super delegates are the people who control the Democratic Party.
The people have very little say, the democrats make us think, WE THE PEOPLE, actually have something to say about who we elect.
Why would anyone want a democrat as a leader.
The people who want democratic leaders are lazy, selfish, irresponsible, greedy, people who like taking money from people who work and people who like things free.