Circle the date and clear your calendars – the first presidential showdown between Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and GOP rival Donald Trump is just about four weeks away.
And with Clinton’s poll numbers slipping, her advisers are looking for any leg-up they can get.
According to a new report, they’ve found a secret weapon – the ghostwriter of Trump’s bestselling book, “The Art of the Deal.”
That’s according to The Seattle Times, which reports that Clinton is “seeking insights about Trump’s deepest insecurities as they devise strategies to needle and undermine him in four weeks at the first presidential debate, the most anticipated in recent political history.”
So she’s recruited anyone that may know anything about Trump — including the man that helped him write his signature book nearly 30 years ago.
Experts say Clinton’s entire strategy revolves around attacking Trump.
“Her team is also getting advice from psychology experts to help create a personality profile of Trump to gauge how he may respond to attacks and deal with a woman as his sole adversary on the debate stage,” The Times reports.
How vulnerable does Trump feel?
He doesn’t. Trump is playing it cool in the lead-up.
“I believe you can prep too much for those things,” the GOP candidate said last week. “It can be dangerous. You can sound scripted or phony, like you’re trying to be someone you’re not.”
“I know how to handle Hillary,” Trump promised.
Who do YOU think will win the debate? Vote below!
— The Horn editorial team
May she drop dead on stage and the worms eat her up as they did with that wicked King Herod!
EXACTLY ~~~~~~~~~~
Hillary’s TV adds acuse’s Trump of the clothing line he is responsible to be making. Bill Clinton passed an signed the free trade bill that sent all our jobs overseas. Clinton blames Trump for all the problems in our country which they are the one’s who has been in control for 8 years. They have not accomplished a dam thing for the people except Rob, Lie, Cheat an Kill the American Dream. We are domed if Hillary Clinton gets elected. I pray God will have mercy on America an put Donald Trump in office. I feel he will get the right people to help him run this country afterall he is a sucessful business man who has proven he is capable of getting things done. Clinton has only fattened her pockets, taken money from our enemies for favors with her, she is woth billions an still begging for money. Clinton is draining people dry an they are idiots to support her an give her their hard earned monies to become president of the US. Hillary is not FIT, TRUSTWORTHY, NOR DOES SHE HAVE AMERICA’S INTEREST AT HEART. They are still bring in more refugees from Syria along with ISIS to destroy us. Obamam is a Muslim an will destory America WAKE UP!!!! GOD HELP US ALL!!!!
As i for one see Donald Trump ,he may be like Moses chosen by God,Why is by the way he has grown up among the rich and may know those that are evil better then those type of people know themselves and why he is in the running of this great free country for and being that this nation was founded under God and have shown the world how people could learn to live free people as he intended from the beginning when he first created man and woman and we see and hear of how Trump has been attacked so many by the same type of people just as Mosses may have been under attack during his time and Trump is still under attack and has proved he is right in his ways and others been wrong even by by those who give we the people our news and when I for one see what he is to protect it did not take me for one to long to put things together and when We see the Jewish people of Israel and our constitution which was written under Gods laws that was given to mosses that our fore fathers written within it and why I for one fell is why he was chosen by God not only for we the people of today ,but also for all those to be born in the future and when I for one look back to to world war l and all the wars that have taken place since it ended in 1918 are all part to what is taking place today and is all pat of the Hundred year war that should end by 2018 and one must look at when the war l ended and not the year it began and I for one believe Donald Trump is the chosen one that all people hear of his coming in church where one goes and we all the people may not know as yet, that it is Trump that was put here by God when he came into this world when he was born and his time of getting into our lives is now is because of what is at stake and If one has forgotten , “It is for our freedom ,liberty and prosperity as a free country and the Jewish people and their country as those people have suffered far to long already and why we the people of this great country must vote for Trump as we have nothing to lose but lots of ways to gain by putting him in power of our great country.
The reason Trump has had to purchase items from foreign countries is because the Dems in the
last 8 years have driven companies FROM the US TO the foreign countries. There’s no place
in the US to buy many things anymore.
Yes, Wake up America , Elect Trump. God help us all.
Secret weapon Hillary has against Trump….. Just like the secret weapon when she begged Bill to go out and talk for her……. it did not work then and it will not work now……
Even if you would take away her health issues….. Hillary IS NOT FIT to be the CIC……. lies, fraud,embezzlement, association with a lot of unanswered deaths, suicides. All in all No more Clintons should ever be allowed to hold any type of political office, and the voters will see to that….. As far as all the big money donors who will not get their favors which they paid for, well the Clintons will have to worry about the out come, and worry they should..
The best duo will get the Job as CIC and VP and that will be DONALD J. TRUMP AND VP MIKE PENCE IN 2016 thru 2024
You are absolutely right…, I agree with you everything you said and is all correct according the time Frame…. I just want to see Obama and his family included all Clinton family get FIRING SQUAD….. I love to volunteer to pull the trigger….
I believe the number that the Clinton’s are worth is around $150 million. Not bad for being so broke that they had to steal items from the White House when they left.
Here is how it works. The corrupt people that buy favors can’t give money directly to criminal politicians because it would clearly be bribes, so speaking fees were invented. If I offered to give you $100k to speak at my HOA because you were once on an HOA board a court would say it is not reasonable and would call it a bribe. Since we have an organized crime cartel running our government with Bushes and Clintons as members they are protected from any and all prosecution. The bribes for their dirty deeds are given as speaking fees. The money and paper trail are the evidence. Because the Hillaroid was working with foreign crooks it would be sensible to assume that she has some foreign bank accounts with a billion more in hiding.
AMEN – Karma will fall on her.
Show mercy just as God showed mercy to you, do not judge, God is long suffering
I am not judging her with my judgment but God will judge her with His Word on that last day which is coming very soon.
We are told that we will KNOW a tree by its fruit!
Do YOU have eyes to see and ears to hear? DO YOU?
I am hoping to see the very hand of God take her as He did with other wicked people like Queen Jezebel and that wicked King Herod…and if He does not do so in this life, He surely will in the great judgment.
May the net that she has hid take her and may she fall into it and never come out is my prayer for this demonic woman who has cause the death and suffering of multitudes of people.
I will pray for God’s justice…You can pray for Hillary!
Obama too, who mocked Jesus Christ, the book of Deuteronomy and the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount while giving a speech at a luncheon.
May Almighty God’s swift justice come upon him also so that all will know that He will not be mocked!
“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God”
Peace to all in Christ Jesus
Well I am judging the rotten treasonous cackling witch felon. She is evil incarnate and needs to be arrested and tried in an unbiased court by a prosecutor who has not been bought off and is there to win.
God has better things to do then rid us of satin in a pantsuit and it will be far too late to help us after she dies of natural causes.
God helps those that help themselves so vote for Trump and see to it she is sent packing (for prison I hope)
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house !
Does the Bible ever state that the anti-christ is a male? Think about it…….
There is no mercy for evil.
Well I for one see that there are some people such you out there that think that she is evil, “but did you and others ever think that Hillary Clinton may be a SHE DEVIL and being backed by the most wealthiest type of people who became the Devil’s on this planet and use their power of wealth to influence all those liberals in politics that gotten in power of running our great country by their ways of wealth and how those type of people such as Mr. George Soros who is behind all the crap that is taking place in our great country from the rallies , riots to the terrorist with his power of his wealth alone and with the power of the other wealthy corporate cronies that influence those who give we the people our news and it dose not matter where it comes from like news papers,magazines ,books, TV and all the TECH.that one can hear an watch it from which is almost all propaganda with nothing to back it up with truth and most people believe it and it is done more so to keep we the people in the dark so that we will never know what is taking place by those who get to run our great country and to prove my point how many times have we heard about Hillary Clinton and her lies and cover ups and still nothing happens to her and is still in the campaign to the white house .
November 8 is not a day for mercy. On that date, it’s MY judgment about whom I will vote for, and it’s sure not going to be Killary. After that, God can have her for His judgment.
Matyas Cserhati, you are Hungarian and a MORON
Can’t wait, He’s gonna chew her up and spit her out for all to see!
Trump’s lack of experience in debating politically really concerns me. He tends to lose his composure when attacked, as he often did in the primaries. I sincerely hope that he can win big over Hillary in the debates, and win the election.
He will, Trump is very smart and a very fast learner.
There’s so much evil that has been created by Hillary that Mr. Trump can use asainst her that there should no problem winning every debate.Beginning with the many murders that she has been involved in should be enough to win. We need another AG to convict her for anything.
Trump is a outgoing business man and knows what is at stake on this first debate, I think he will come out on top. Not only that but I really have to laugh that Hillary and her campaign hired a physiologist to did in the past 40 years of Trumps life to find things to get him to snap during the debate.
The conclusion I come to about this is she should be studying her policies that she will be asked about not what is going to trip his trigger, but then again her policies are pretty much what Obama’s are so maybe she won’t have to study them but we all know they aren’t working.
Awe, she is just jealous that she has never even attempted to write a book herself or with a ghost and now that she is neurologically ill, her supporters have to look to say more against Trump instead of telling us why she should be president and what she has to offer. Trump has done,and she has not done. Desperation with the DNC and the Communist Manifesto as well as desperate Hillary trying to stay alive long enough to destroy America. Guess she will be pumped full of meds to at least last through the debate but again the stress of the meds and the debate just might push her into her grave due to her super serious health conditions!
Blood test prior to all of the debates if she makes them all.
Actually, Killary did write a book about 15 years ago, called “It Takes a Village.” I don’t have the stomach to even look at it, let alone read it.
You might be right-could we actually be that lucky?
The way I of the millions living in this great country may see nothing that Donald Trump may have written about 30 years ago that would have anything to do with what is taking place today with his running to be our president and is not as bad or worse then all the crap ,from lies,coverups,schemes,scandals,corruption of the worst kind in just what is involved with the Clinton foundation alone and not counting the use of Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of her own sever and the ways she used it ,should of been enough to have her put in jail and not to be free to run in her corrupted campaign to the white house and we the smart people of this great country may know why she is still in the run to the white house and that can only be in our minds is that all those wealthy type of people that are behind her are also mixed in with her and why those type of wealthy people that want her as the president at all costs and if she was to win their evil butts can be saved and that is the only reason why we the smart people of this country see why crooked Hillary is not in jail and still in the race to the white house for.
Drop out now you ugly whore,I won’t call you a pig because they are way way better than you, you are not in the same ballpark, you do stink tho.
That is funny. I would rather they not debate.. Trump has my vote no matter what….I do not even like to look at her, it makes me nauseous .. Don’t know how anyone in their right mind can vote for her
Do not condemn the Worms to have to eat HERE, because they wold get very sick and maybe die from Poison.
Shame on you. I agree we DON’T want her to win. But she is still a human being just like you and me. There is a higher power that will take care of Hillary Clinton. Hopefully, it will be a good higher power that she doesn’t listen too.
I hope Donald tears her a new ASS ,and she will crawl out of the debate ,I hope he socks it to the crooked bitch and puts her in her place ,he needs to give her her own Medicine ,
We can only hope
Even worms would vomit if they accidentally eat her flesh. Starving for women like Bill couldn’t even consume her.
Our wish for sure. She had better be careful because Trump is a lot smarter in many ways than she. She is cunning but not smart. He will attack her more strongly and in more ways than she can handle so we will watch her go up in flames. Her “consultants” are lame brains and hope she can hold up long enough to screech at the debate. I have noticed she must be on some kind of uppers because now more perky, wide-eyed, and lasting longer. Sad because all that will only push her faster into the grave because of the serious health conditions she has and the meds she is taking.
America knows she doesn’t care about us, they know she’s corrupt, a lier, she belongs in jail, She’s a viscous woman, the list goes on and on. I want to know why they are they letting her run. What the hell is wrong with the American people and her polls are up. When trump said this is your only chance he knew what he was talking about. America is stupd
It would be wonderful to see this woman repent and turn to Christ and do that which is just and pleasing in His sight….however, it looks highly unlikely therefore if she is not one of God’s elect then she surely will perish with all the wicked.
Psalms 68:2
As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God
Proverbs 11:10
When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth: and when the wicked perish, there is shouting.
You don’t sound like a Christian. I am sure God is very sad to hear such hateful things no matter who it’s directed to. You need to ask for forgiveness. My God bless and help you be more kind.
Liza first let me say I appreciate your concern…Now, If Hillary is NOT one of God’s elect then she will surely be punished for each and EVERY sin she has ever committed and those that she will still commit while here on earth as they are adding up daily if not hourly.
For her to die asap would be to her benefit as she would suffer less when God pours out His full wrath for every sin of hers, so if she died today she would suffer less because she would not continue to live in all her sinful ungodly ways so my comment is actually one of both true justice and also compassion.
We are all sinners, but if one does not repent then they have been warned of God and it is He who will take her very breath from her…NOT me.
I truly wish that ALL our representatives would repent of their ways and turn to God but that is ALL up to God to decide who will and who won’t.
I don’t know about you Liza but I abhor this wickedness that has been shown in Hillary and BIll and Obama and the rest of our corrupt government and hope that we just might see some true justice from Almighty God upon these devils who only know how to lie.
ALL liars shall be cast into the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone ~ Revelation 21:8 ~
I do not think He gets involved.
“Liza”, I believe dskap201 is quoting from the Old Testament, which is full of Fire and Brimstone!
Trump won every debate in the primaries against 16 governors and senators. Surely he can demolish one crooked hag.
Well, it all depends. If the moderator asks HIllary what is her favorite breakfast food, and he asks Trump to name the president of Nauru he may be in trouble!
Trump, like General Patton, is a man of his time.
Trust it.
and the BIG SHOTS in the Army did him (Patton) in with an accident(????)
Trump needs to insist that he and Clinton get asked the SAME questions…it’s the only fair way to do it!
HiLIARy will try personal attacks bc she think Trump is arrogant and will loose control if attacked. She labels Trump as temperament so Trump needs to prove that he is NOT. HiLiary has no remorse to kill to lie to cheat for lesser position so she will kill the entire human race if she could to get this her last ambitious post.
recall the Clintons and the Trumps hung out together for years, Trump at the very beginning of his primary campaign. One would assume that she already knows the answer to this question.
By the way I am still waiting on Trump to ever mention God or to announce his denomination.
He has mentioned that he was raised by a Presbyterian mother, and his background is Scottish.
Yes, Trump wrote it in his 2015 book.
I don,t care if he says he is a religious Person.So many of the so called Christians who go to church every chance there get ,but are nasty in Life to People with different Religion,Believes and Color.Honeste in People like TRUMP is what count,s for me. VOTE TRUMP and forget this Sick Women, what was here Name???
So what if he doesn’t attend church as often as you do, which I doubt you attend at all. Do a little research in past presidents had mistresses, took and gave bribes, took care of their cronies, rarely if every attending church, etc. If you want a saint, then hope you die and meet one because I let God judge and do not make ridiculous remarks without foundation. Sounds like you are a democrat without a brain but just do what the DNC Party tells you to do. Well, we real Americans got tired of that because we are adults and can decide for ourselves who we want and who we will vote for. We are no longer owned/enslaved. Might want to try that yourself, Emiliano. Trump is a leader and Hillary is a drag without leadership skills. A vicious harpy and she doesn’t go to church either! so why are you not castigating her? Hypocrite!
Where has your head been R hunt!!!?? Holy Christ, if you even watched some of his campaign speeches, he has repeatedly said he is PRESBYTERIAN!!!!! If you can’t listen or comprehend, go to another site. If you can, watch his speeches in North Carolina to the Evangelical crowd as a start!!!
Trump already has done both
Why should that be a requirement? I’ve always believed ‘Religion and Government’ make very bad ‘bedfellows’!!
The Church should stay completely out of political Matters because they have enough cleanup to do in there Organisation.
Remember we are electing a President NOT a Pastor or religious leader.
The government is like a Business, and he is a good business man.
I am a Christian and feel he will make thing more favorable for Christian by getting the government out of the way, Remember when America WAS a Christian nation, lets make “America Great Again” GOD Bless America.
He is a Presbyterian.
Did he said long ago his mom is prespeterian ?
Actually since I listen to both, Trump has mentioned God and the fact he was raised a Presbyterian. The Clintons on the hand never have mentioned God except in profanity and attend church? Get real! Trump is charitable, the hag is not. Trump has a classy wife who will be a gorgeous asset to the WH, while Hillary has a great make-up artist to cover up her wrinkles somewhat. Trump’s family is also classy and refined and involved in non-profits with their money. Chelsea does not and has no class either so like mother like daughter and unfortunately Chelsea needs more than a great makeup artist! Trump has loyal and long term employees some 32K and friends all over the world and know the laws in those countries where he has businesses. He has accomplishments. Hillary on the other hand has a long list of “strange deaths” in her and Bill’s life, has no accomplishments because for 30 yrs. saying/promising what she will do and to date NADA! She has no friends but just bribers. Trump loves America and she has never even thought about America, just about taking our country into globalist evil elites communism since she has been one since her 20’s. She has no skills nor abilities nor business acumen but Trump has and America is a big business and needs a real leader, which she is not nor ever could be. So, vote for her but we intelligent voters are voting for America and Trump!
I hope she has one of her coughing fits during the debate and they have to end it early to protect her because i am not sure i can listen to her scripted focus group approved attacks on Trump for 90 minutes straight. That is her entire campaign right now once a week read a 25 minute long Trump bashing speech off a teleprompter and oh hang out with Hollywood people and get big donations. Love or hate Trump at least he is out daily making his case, giving policy idea’s, etc. All she is doing is giving a 25 minute anti trump speech once a week off a teleprompter. sickening! i am willing to take my chance on the person who shows daily they are going to fight for votes and our country!
I doubt Hillary is the greatest threat to Trump’s campaign at the debates. If he gets there, Johnson has a much more credible case. He acts a clown in many interviews. I don’t know if it’s affect or genuine. I have seen him get pretty intense one time when challenged and finally pushed hard enough on an issue to get past the casual “aw, shucks” demeanor which I find thoroughly unappealing. I disagree with him on some major issues, but that’s true of all the candidates. (Okay, maybe not “some” with Clinton.) He does have a solid grasp of the issues, even though I disagree with several of his approaches – particularly that he claims to be a free-market advocate but disagrees that business operators should be able to choose with whom they do business and for whatever reasons are important to them. It plays well with the LGBTQ community who has been using the law to put people out of business, but it goes completely against the concept of the free market. He does understand that “crony capitalism” isn’t free market at all, even though some have conflated the two. The Trump campaign would do well to spend time studying the Libertarian Town Hall that John Stossel held with Johnson/Weld. In some ways, Weld was more compelling than Johnson during that event, not unlike Trump/Pence.
When it comes to debate nights, Trump is at much greater risk from Johnson than Clinton if he’s not fully prepared to deal with those issues. Trump is very enamored of his perception on how well he does off the cuff, and that played well enough to win the primaries and nomination. It’s not enough to win the hearts and minds of all the places he needs majorities, at least not yet.
Sorry but Johnson is a known drug user, and he loves 73% of Bernie’s socialist plan. So, you would vote for this non-entity? Get real. Vote for America via Trump.
She will wear thick diaper, last time with Bernievahe visited the bathroom long and often.
She will get just what she deserves….a beating on election day, because this country is too smart to elect a liar and a thief
Really? This is the same “smart” country who elected Obama to two consecutive terms. One I might be able to put under the category of “Fool me once, shame on you…” but not twice. You will never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American electorate which has been fed liberal claptrap as fact since preschool for the last four decades at least. Yes, a very select few have started to question that indoctrination, but you just saw how many flocked to the Sanders campaign. You might be too smart to elect a liar and thief as commander in chief, but applying that to the entire country is not based in fact. I’m still hoping something makes that happen, but it won’t be based on how smart the voters are.
It was voting fraud
And maybe that stress will put her down where she belongs with the dev–
The Clinton’s are garbage that must be disposed. God help Americans!
God will not move a finger to due this.WE have the Responsibility to get rid of this whole Bunch of anti Americans`and Crooks.
If God does not like Trump,so be it,I still vote for HIM.
My Mom always taught me , never say anything bad about ppl , but I will break her rule on this one. Evil , traiter , liar , user , she let those wonderful men die in bengazi an she deserves to be tar n feathered an hung from the white house for all to stone.
Well, Sharon, listen to your Mom!! We don’t ‘stone’ people in this country! If the people in this country are as ‘Christian’ as they say they are—no one would show up for that ‘stoning’. The Christian Bible says–‘Let he who is without sin throw the first stone’! Well, if we are honest, that leaves us all ‘out’!!! ‘Stoning’ is a Muslim tradition—not one we wish to adopt in this country!!!
Sharon was only venting…so spare us your sanctimony.
I expect to see her “short circuit” under the stress and make a fool of herself, SHOWING her mental unhealthiness. Lambasting Trump will not work this time, and it WON’T be a ten minute speech with cheering public as she has been used to on her very light schedule. I thinkl this first debate will take her down very badly. On this one, Trump will operate with ad-libs and she will show her loss of countenance when she loses it — and will see it as it happens. We will see her melt down and show what she IS — a confused and evil idiot.
Let me make a PREDICTION—“about one month before the Election Killary will be so sick she cannot continue with the election run and Obbummer will declare Marshal Law and call off the election and the American People will be screwed again
The smartest thing killary can do is get real sick about an hour before the debate!!!! I have no doubt that Donald Trump will thump her !!!!!!!!!!
The fact she Is hoping to provoke him into a embarrassing tirade doesn’t surprise me at all. She refuses to do press interviews, basically avoids the public and doesn’t visit area’s and peoples suffering natural disasters. She has no compassion or heart for anything other than herself and the Bill, Hillary & Chelsee Foundation – can you imagine her as the Commander in Chief? The joke will be on those who cast their votes for her – JERKS
Yes, but we can’t exclude her maniacal outburst of laughter – the woman has serious mental issues to compliment her physical issues which should preclude her from running for the highest office in the land.
She will lie and cheat any way she can! Just one of her many delightful traites. Dirty bitch, hope she strokes.
He is a Methodist from one of his interviews
IMO Religion should be left out of the debate because God gives us the rules, it is up to each to obey or disobey. He knows. I hope there no lies from either side,
I just love some of these comments!! I can only say thank God there are still some of us who have not been drinking the “Dims” kool aid. I can not wait until Mr. Trump becomes President and clears out all the trash and their minions.
I’m kiinda worry about this debate. Hillary is expert on debate – look how many she’s been through debates since 2008. She is snake and as her advisors. This debate is not like primary where too many people are talking. She’s been already practiced with Sanders – just like now with Trump. She will show off great length of talking about foreign policy whether that is correct or not sounds good to audience as very knowledgeable and she will name the foreign leaders that we do not even know.
Martha you are right Hillary is a snake, the devil in disguise, a serpent that will try and destroy Trump I pray God will give him the wisdom to battle her an win this debate. Yes an Sanders followers are very mad at the way she treated him an I can’t believe he supported her. It goes to show you how stupid he can be, an I wonder what she promised him for his votes. Hillary is deceiveing all that lisen to her just like the Devil does deceitful to all. I pray all who supported Sanders vote for Trump in retaliation for her lies. God Bless Trump an God Bless America!!!!
Personally I think Hillary’s light schedule is because of her health issues. Don’t think she could handle the rigors of the presidency as it’s a 24-7 job. She really has nothing positive to offer the voters so she just lambasts Trump as that’s much easier than coming up with any concrete answers for all our issues of safety, lawlessness, terrorism, jobs, education, etc. What has been done has not worked . Trump definitely has his shortcomings and being Southern I am accustomed to a gentleman using better manners and language in mixed company. I will definitely be voting Trump.
Vida Hughes, I read your comment, I totally & entirely agree with you. We can look at photographs of the Presidents/Figureheads from
Abraham Lincoln to our current Figurehead, we can see how they aged while they were in office. Being a leader in a country that elects its leaders, that leader will age. The job a leader whether it’s President/Figurehead, Governor of a state, City Mayor, Prime Minister in Canada, Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand, Israel, President/Figurehead in our country, the Philippines where my late wife of 31 years was from
& was a U.S.Territory from 12/10/1898 to 7/4/1946, France, Mexico, South Africa there is a lot of pressure on them in their job. Company Presidents of the railroads, truck companies, airlines, shipping companies, bus companies are also under a lot of pressure. Donald J . Trump knows how to handle pressure, my vote is for him on Election Day 11/8/2016. TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY.
Trump is SO in her head! Her thoughts are 24 hours/day, “Oooooh! That MAN! I HATE him more than Bill! I can’t STAND him…. Don’t bother me with Benghazi, e-mail gate, the “foundation”, that’ll all go away when I’m elected. Stupid Americans, especially Blacks (I OWN them!). They don’t care about all that “treason” stuff. But that DANM TRUMP! I just CAN’T STAND HIM!” Get used to it, Hitlery. He’s going to prosecute you after you LOSE!
I think she should be treated similar to the wicked witch of the west and through some water on her
I totally agree with you there Larry.
If she’s trying to attack him on his book I’m sure he has an answer for all question pertaining to that book
I’m waiting for JUSTICE to happen!!! I’m waiting for the old hag to PAY for her crimes against the four brave Americans that DIED because of this DIRT BAG!!! Along with the 50+ men/women that have DIED SUDDENLY -and “MYSTERIOUSLY” because they were “associated” with this EVIL Bi($&.
Even CHRISTIANS with COMMON SENSE will agree. This old hag needs to ROT in prison the last few years of her life. Her and all of her evil friends.
I’m sure she will pull the old coughing fit. People will feel “sorry” for her. So many idiots in the world. Far too many.
Hillary and Bill and Chelsea and Chelsea husband (like his father) should be in PRISON. !!!!!!!
What has Chelsea and her husband done to deserve prison?
Her husband has done some illegal financial frauds, so I heard, I didn’t care to google, you could if you wanted to.
Exactly correct….Chelsea’s Hubby is being investigated in some type of Securities Infractions or Fraud…His Dad is in Prison for some Securities Violations…Chelsea is the one that is Running the CLINTON CRIME SYNDICATE MONEY LAUNDERING FOUNDATION…So she is over her head in the Criminal Activity…
go to Youtube and read about her and her mom and dad and the Bill And HillaryFoundation that She runs for “Charity”
I think,trump,will.have already been warned about what she is planning. I bet he will,come with guns loaded and fire at the right moment. I,think,if he is pre warned of her tactics he will crush her on stage.
Trump needs to do 3 things at those SO CALLED Debates….
1. When H-BOMB Clinton attempts to rile him…he needs to have some Comic Statement in Reply…With a Smile
2. He needs to just stay on Topic…Telling the American voters what he will do to FIX the What the DC DICTATOR’S REGIME and the Liberal Marxist Communist Party has DESTROYED
3. He needs to HAMMER H-BOMB Clinton’s Record as Secretary of STENCH…er State….and all the Scandals that surround her…Emails…Homebrew Server…Pay for Play….and all the Crap involved with the CLINTON CRIME SYNDICATE MONEY LAUNDERING FOUNDATION…
The Seattle Crime is no better then the New York Crimes, they both are lame stream and don’t have one reporter on their staffs, they are robots of the left wing socialist and don’t write anything but what they are told to write Hillary Dillary Crimes and Obozo Crines are their masters and have the whips to keep them in line.
So True….NY Slimes…LA Slimes….Seattle Slimes….Washington COMPOST and all the rest of the Useless Liberal RAGS…
Both in Print and TV…We no longer have Journalist….They are all URINALIST….And that is where every thing that print or say should be FLUSHED TO THE CESSPOOL…
Debate prep is normal. Everyone should expect both candidates to look for anything that will give them an advantage over their opponent. We need to remember that some people will make their choice for president based on something that is said or is done at that debate.
jail the witch.
A drug test should be conducted for the candidates before the debate! This is to prevent one candidate to have an illegal advantage over the other because he or she is pumped up with various medications to energize, revitalize, control seizures and her or his coughings!
Hillary dillary dock. Hillary sucks Bernie’s cock. Bernie struck once and came. Hillary ran her toung down Bernie’s cock. Hillary dilliary dock.
Bada Bing . Bada boom. Oh !!!!!!
H-BOMB Clinton has ZERO that she can run on….All that she has left if to ATTACK…ATTACK…ATTACK…..Since she does have REAL MEDICAL PROBLEMS that are being Hidden from the American People…..The best thing to EXPOSE her…Would be if she had a SEIZURE or some other Medical Emergency to Expose the Truth on National Television…
awake says it perfectly. listen to her .I love her honesty. Karma is a bitch. Love Donald n Pence.
The biggest problem the USofA faces at the present time is not the number of votes cast for the candidates (everybody knows DT is the favourite by a vast margin) – it is keeping a very keen eye on the people COUNTING the votes. Fraud is far easier perpetrated by the ‘Counters’ than the ‘Voters’. I look forward to listening to Donald’s Victory Speech. It is you good ordinary hard working decent Americans that can make your Country great once more. Oh, and by the way, make sure Barry Soetero is impeached and put away where he belongs. God Bless. Your English friend…… Don.
I think he will be considering what Obama has up his sleeve with the elections before he will give a thought to Crooked Hillary.
The best thing you mean ignorant people can do to help this country is stay home on Election Day. As you pray, so do I: I pray that all the hate you spew (which you yourselves deride as venting) comes back on you three times. Then you will learn first hand that God is not to be mocked, you are not to put words in his mouth, nor thoughts in his head. Plus, if I were you I would be afraid of standing before the throne on judgment day with all that hate in your hearts and souls. You will not be judged lightly just because you talk the talk (Christian nation, indeed! Read more about the founding fathers and their atheism), you will be judged because you do not walk the walk.
So YOU pray that all the hate comes back three times on others do you!
You hate those who hate evil?
You’re walking the broad road thinking you are one of His!
The Lord hates evil and those who are His, hate evil also!
Helen you are so right !!
It is to hoped that the debate’s moderators will ask pertinent questions about real issues such as energy policy, national security, a balanced budget, taxes, and the economy. We need to know haw the candidates differ on issues that really matter. The both leave the personal vindictiveness at home.
I actually read through the ENTIRE comments section up until 10:55 AM today and am amazed at the personal attacks, profanity and hate speech. ESPECIALLY since just below the big red “Post Comment” button you ALL had to click to post your comments it says… “Freedom of Speech is an American right and The Horn encourages healthy debate. However, please refrain from personal attacks, profanity and hate speech. Comments that don’t meet our standards may be removed.”
I am truly amazed The Horn New’s ‘standards’ allowed the vitriol and sheer hate speech which I read. I shudder to imagine what vile vitriol The Horn deemed worthy of expunging from publishing. I saw VERY little healthy debate and that which I did see was pounded by (usually) illiterate, misspelled vilification with horrible grammar.
I have been a lifelong Independent and I registered both to vote and for the draft on my 18th birthday in 1970. Politically I guess I’m an Anarchist, Socially I’m a Liberal and Financially I’m Conservative… an anti-FED gold bug.
I have voted for Repugnicants like Reagan & Nixxon and Democrats like Carter & Big Willie Clinton and even Independents like Nader. But always for whomever I judged to be the best candidate (at the time) for the office in question, using the same criteria and judgment for presidents as dogcatchers. I believe I have always split my vote… I am the farthest thing from a party hack.
As an Independent I try to sample the entire politico,socio-economic zeitgeist spectrum without drinking anybody’s Kool-aid. I try to watch NHK (Japanese international news), DW (German international news), the BBC World News and the NPR network news with a bit of Fox,CNN, & Al-Jazera along with the big 3 American National news.
I’m not sure how long I’ve been a “The Horn News” subscriber but It’s been a year or 3 and this is the 1st time I actually waded through the ENTIRE comment section, every comment, usually I just scan a random page or 2.
It made me physically ill & pretty damn sad for most of the afternoon… but it did inspire me to actually comment myself which I very rarely do. And I shall continue to subscribe and peruse random comment pages (but not too many and NEVER!!! ALL of them again)
AND especially not anymore of todays comments on my comment.
hillary- killary reminds me of kim jon il and if she is elected she will try to do the same as he does, think about how that would be!