When the leader of Germany’s Jews spoke out against the flow of Muslim migrants to Europe, a rabbinical student denounced his views as racist — and ignited a debate over whether Jews are right to fear unprecedented levels of immigration from Muslim lands traditionally hostile to Israel.
The student, Armin Langer, was kicked out of the Abraham Geiger College in Potsdam after he wrote that the leader of Germany’s Central Council of Jews was wrong to seek a cap on Muslim immigration. Langer, a founder of an inter-faith group called Salaam-Shalom committed to fostering dialogue between Muslims and Jews, said his community should never cast an intolerant eye toward other minority groups.
“If one minority is treated badly, it won’t be long before all minorities will be treated badly,” Langer, 25, told The Associated Press during an interview in Berlin’s Neukoelln district, home to many Muslim immigrants.
Langer also participated in a small protest outside the Central Council’s headquarters in Berlin, the day after Joseph Schuster told German newspaper Die Welt last November that “sooner or later, we’re not going to get around upper limits (for migrants).”
Looking back, Langer says he now regrets the harshness of his language in his newspaper op-ed in daily die tageszeitung criticizing Schuster, but he also says the college was wrong “to try to suppress my personal opinions.”
Many in Germany’s 250,000-strong Jewish community expressed outrage at Langer’s remarks following their publication last year as Germany absorbed a wave of 1.1 million overwhelmingly Muslim migrants. They expressed support for Schuster’s stance that anti-Semitism was growing once again in Germany, driven by newcomers with attitudes hostile to Jews and Israel. Schuster had already warned earlier that Jews shouldn’t wear their traditional skullcap, or kippa, in areas with large Muslim populations.
“Many refugees are escaping the terror of Islamic State and want to live in peace and freedom,” Schuster said in his November interview. “At the same time, they come from places where hatred of Jews and intolerance are an integral part of the culture.”
Jewish fears of Muslim immigration reflect a spike in anti-Semitic attacks and anti-Israel protests by Muslim youths in Germany during Israel’s 2014 war in Gaza and the more recent mass killings by Muslim extremists in Paris, Copenhagen and Brussels, where Jewish institutions also have suffered deadly attacks. Berlin today is home to about 40,000 Jews, many of them 1990s-era immigrants from the former Soviet Union.
The college director, Rabbi Walter Homolka, said Langer’s criticism of Schuster had caused widespread offense among German Jews. He told the AP that Langer had violated his enrollment contract requiring students to avoid an “undue media presence.” He said Langer had been suspended for a year in January, with a right to re-enroll in 2017, following meetings of the school’s board of rabbis and the German General Rabbinical Conference.
But Langer, a Hungarian Jew, said he would continue to pursue a master’s degree in Jewish theology at Potsdam University and would seek to complete his rabbinical training elsewhere.
Schuster declined an interview with the AP. He said in a written statement he played no role in Langer’s dismissal but understood why it happened. He said rabbis should seek to promote balanced dialogue, not polarize opinion.
Shaked Spier, a German-Israeli activist who works in aid of recently arrived refugees, said it was absurd to attribute anti-Semitism primarily to migrants.
“There’s a deeply rooted anti-Semitism in German society. We shouldn’t pretend that it’s now being imported by the refugees,” said Spier, whose grandparents escaped Nazi Germany in the 1930s before the Holocaust claimed an estimated 6 million Jewish lives.
He said Schuster’s call to cap the numbers of asylum seekers made him particularly uncomfortable because it echoed the position of right-wing German nationalists, many of whom also hold anti-Semitic views.
Levi Salomon, spokesman for a Berlin lobbying group called the Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism, said migrants’ integration into German society needed to be swift and include classes “about the Holocaust and anti-Semitism.”
Fears of Muslim immigrants are palpable in some Jewish households. An Israeli mother of three told the AP she no longer allows her children to speak in Hebrew outside their Berlin home.
“When we are outside I tell my kids to speak only English,” said the woman, who spoke on condition that she not be identified by name, citing fears for her safety. “I’m too afraid that somebody will recognize that we are Jewish or Israeli and then harm us.”
Langer, who sheltered an Egyptian asylum seeker in his own apartment for several months, said such fears could be overcome only by direct dialogue between Jews and Muslims. He said Germany’s Jews should be more concerned about the steep rise of violence and almost daily attacks directed against the newly arrived refugees.
“What we really have to do now, as Muslims and Jews, is to fight together against anti-Semitism and Islam phobia in Germany,” Langer said.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Linda says
If our POTUS and members of congress would take a good hard look at what is happening in the countries with open borders and not being able to screen Illegals, then they would be more serious about securing our borders and protecting the lives of all US Citizens first.
Urbisoler says
IF . . . is the operative word here !!!!!!
E.S. says
The situation is, and has been very obvious to Congress and POS Obaaama (who does not care) and is doing everything he can to bring in more “refugees” that are muslim…..and extremely few Christian refugees. Nothing new….
drbhelthi says
The term,”anti semitism” does not reference current “jews,” since they are offspring of the Khazarian Empire and not semitic. A careful look at current folk who are “semites” would identify the Arab folk who are being driven from their homelands by ISIS-ISIL. The US CIA/Israeli MOSSAD created ISIS, variously documented by US psyops personnel. The three scholarly books by prof. Shlomo Sand, univ. of Tel Aviv, and the book by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, “Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites,” (2015) reveal the fairy tales created and promoted by the folk who currently call themselves “Israel”. The perpetrator of the 1948 land-grant that was fraudulently named “Israel,” Ben Gurion, initiated the genocide of Palestinians in 1948, in order to force closure on the land-grant. For additional information, see the article that references the elderly Rabbi, Henry Siegman, who challenges the current stance of the leadership and constituency of “Israel”. http://beforeitsnews.com/economy/2014/08/prominent-jewish-leader-israel-intentionally-massacred-civillians-in-1948-to-terrorize-the-population-2647556.html
doug ortloff says
sounds like you have been reading some of m.s. king and tex marrs books.. i happen to agree with you.
Kimberly says
Get lost you anit-Semite. Jews, like myself, are Semites you moron. Your whole argument fails on the basis of hating Jews, just like the Muslims and Obamao, the worst leader in history.
Amil says
I believe immigration should be slowed and put onto a quota that allows a slow migration of vented individuals
that come to the Countries through legal channels instead of stacking at the borders and trying to force a country to take them in. They should stay at home and straighten out the mess they have made instead of coming to other countries and trying to make the host country to live with their values, they should accept the values of the hoist country.
Dave says
Countries taking in these refugees, have fools for leaders. It’s like letting in the Trojan Horse. Not very smart.
Kimberly says
Muslims are out to destroy every country they are in. They are not looking to assimilate and never have. Even the ones that you think are innocent are not. They do not condemn terrorism and are therefore complicit.
Ann says
Agreed. They should fix their own countries; not ruin ours. Its Host Country! 🙂
Arthur Hartsock says
After the events/history of the 1930s/40s why would any Jew want to live in Germany? Doesn’t make any sense. This is as stupid as the Jews following their leadership during the holocaust. Their leaders discouraged them from fighting back. A small minority did-in Warsaw. These Jews need new leadership.
albert says
The new anti semites are the left wing of Europe, look at the Labour party in Britain, they are the new Brown Shirts and together with their EU cronies constantly snipe at every action of Israel, no matter that the Israelis are only defending themselves, in fact these left wing jew haters would have Israel defenceless and turn a blind eye to the Genocide of its people.
Politicians said never again of the Holocaust , but with the Islamisation of the EU coupled with the fact that MEIN KAMPFF is a best seller in Turkey and other muslim countries the possibility is very real that it will happen again.