Conservatives in the United States have warned for years that accepting mass amounts of refugees from Syria and other Islamic countries would lead to problems.
Now, German police are speaking out, and say crimes committed by refugees has become so common, they fear they’re losing control of the streets.
That’s according to a report from conservative think tank The Gatestone Insitute, who released a report Tuesday titled, “German Streets Descend into Lawlessness.”
“During the first six months of 2016, migrants committed 142,500 crimes, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office. This is equivalent to 780 crimes committed by migrants every day, an increase of nearly 40% over 2015,” the report says.
That’s not all. Their data only includes those crimes in which a suspect has been caught. Rapes, sexual and physical assaults, and robberies that aren’t reported, or the police don’t catch the suspect, aren’t included.
“Thousands of migrants who entered the country as ‘asylum seekers’ or ‘refugees’ have gone missing. They are, presumably, economic migrants who entered Germany on false pretenses. Many are thought to be engaging in robbery and criminal violence,” The Gatestone Institute report continues.
It’s so bad, local police say they are losing control of the streets — and officers are starting to speak out in protest.
“It cannot be that offenders continue to fill the police files, hurt us physically, insult us, whatever, and there are no consequences. Many cases are closed or offenders are released on probation or whatever. Yes, what is happening in the courts today is a joke,” German police officer Tania Kambouri told researchers.
The migrants “despise our country and laugh at our justice system,” Chief of the German police union Rainer Wend recently told German language paper Kronen Zeitung.
Voters in the United States would be wise to pay attention to the hard lessons being learned in Germany.
It’s clear: Unchecked, open borders are a mistake, and bring more problems than liberals want to admit.
— The Horn editorial team
Christian says
Just shoot’em!
tired says
Thats it……. If the law lets them get away with it it is no ones fault but the (law)……they can be stopped and there is only one way at this point, now lets see some action taken by the Germans…. to set the example… abide by the german laws or you will abide by no ones laws…….
Lori says
All of them…protect yourselves people. This is what the 2nd amendment is all about.
Arthur Hartsock says
The 2nd Amendment is your protection from government takeover-tyranny. Having the firearm at home to protect you from criminals is a beneficial side effect. Most European countries allow guns for hunting, but laws are very strict.
Uncle sam says
European countries do guns for hunting, but, in the UK at least, your ammo must be kept at the police station.
Quite dumb, eh?
Joe says
We will have to start doing this ourselves! Then surrender to police if they come! Get a jury trial and our people will let us off scott free!
vickie says
They have given up their guns. Just what obuttwipe and the beast want to do to us.
Jack Kinch says
They should never have been allowed into the civilized part of the world, so Pinocchiobama is bringing them here to kill us and destroy the USA that he hasn’t already tried to destroy by wasting trillions of dollars creating dummies to ‘buy’ vote for lying demo politicians.
FED UP says
Deborah Foehr says
So very sad that no one in Germany, the Netherlands or Sweden bothered to notice that what were missing were the women and children. Now Obama wants to have the same lawlessness here. The point of immigration is to assimilate into a new and better culture and lifestyle. These people just want to RULE.
Lori says
ISIS IS ALREADY HERE IN THE US…Get your guns ready.
capt ron says
Deborah …
. Guess all of you have noticed they have not flooded into Saudi Arabia, which is just next door to Syria. …
. Switzerland is south of most of the countries that the criminal terrorist are being driven into. …
. What the NWO satanic sponsored EU is up to should be more than obvious at this stage of the game to even the lowest IQ person.
Arthur Hartsock says
And this will probably lead to another Fascist takeover. The people will demand security at all costs, and their cries will be answered by someone. Same thing is happening in France. And these Fascist groups are being aided by Putin’s Russia. Europe will have to fight or die. And I’m betting on the fighters-even if they don’t know who they are yet. The descendants of the Vikings, Celts, Saxons, Huns, and Franks won’t surrender. They’ll beat this Arab horde just like they did in Crusades’ time.
Paula says
What do you call ASSIMILATE??? This does not exist anymore, since our Government and Business translate everything.
In our SCHOOLS we have to provide TUTORS for our children.Same is for any Government office!
My Ballot papers were printed in 54 PAGES, 27 PAGES IN MEXICAN!!! The LAW was you had to speak , read and write ENGLISH before you could VOTE ?
Jim D says
So right
Angelo Manos says
I’ve known this for 37 years when they let the Iranians in this country.1 out of 3 businesses that they opened were involved in crime.Credit card fraud,drugs,identity forgery,check cashing fraud,rape,etc,etc,etc.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Germany needs to round up those damned ragheaded Syrian trouble makers and send them all back to Syria if they want to make trouble, Sweden, the Netherlands also need to do the same, also round up those damned ragheaded Iranian trouble makers as well, send them back to Iran, Syria where they belong, if they don’t leave which they won’t execute those ragheaded animals on the spot.
Ron C says
Dammit…throw Merkle into a cell with her beloved refugees….until she sees the light, and then maybe she’ll stop excepting these animals….???
PattieA says
Yeah!!! Angela Merkle and hitlery clitoris would make a good pair in a German jail.
Lori says
OBAMA has accepted many here already. I don’t trust that SOB. My question is why..but I know my own answer as well.
capt ron says
Ron C …
. Great idea !
Shirley Young says
Just like rats overpowering the land. Let in just one female and one male rat and BINGO there goes your country.
Charles Sproull says
We should only allow people who will defend our Constitutioin to live in America, those who want to impose “sharia law” should be deported immediately.
Lori says
Jeanette says
The elites of western countries knew exactly what was going to happen to their native born populations when they saturated their those populations with millions of primitive men. These elites are some of the best-informed people in the world, and it is silly to think that they didn’t know how Muslim men have conducted themselves for 1,400 years.
So they infested their own populations with primitive men, knowing that their native-born populations would be attacked, maimed, raped, and/or murdered by these men – this is what the elites WANT.
Wise up, regular folks, we are being replaced with people that the elites think will be easier to fool and to control than the original populations of people of western European descent.
tired says
Maybe the time is coming that Sharia law should be performed on the elites allowing this to happen in their countries.
Derrick says
The “Elites” and the Muslims have an Agreement. Allow the Muslims to take over and you will be Granted an exception as a friend to Alla………….and the millions paid to the Elites by Saudi Arabia does not hurt either…………….
capt ron says
Derrick …
. The plain is generational. …
. The Saudis would still be riding around on camels if we had never developed and bought their oil. …
. All the while the US has, not to mention north America, the largest oil, gas, and coal reserves in the world.
sick and.... says
Jeanette-the “primitive men” you speak of reallyvare easier to control. This is exactly why we have ISIL/ISIS.
Just show those turbanos some good old American dollars and they will do anything the unholy triad Hillary/Obummer/Kerry tells them to. And now they come to our shores…..
Its time to fight for what we believe in. Flush your frikken Ipad, get off your asses and be ready to defend what belongs to you.
howard mackinnon says
These people do not belong in a civilized country. Governments should organize, create a safe zone in their own country & send them all back.
Dee says
Merkle is another moron just like the one we have . I wonder what her payoff was for excepting all these animals , maybe she too wants civil unrest so she can remain in power if they have martial law there too . There’s no way she would get reelected after destroying their country. We better heed this warning Right Away and elect Trump/Pence to Save Our Country !!
Dogpatch says
She was promised a place in the NWO. One of the big moves by them is what you see taking place. If everything goes according to their plan, Islam will wreak havoc until it gets SO bad that they and the Zionists (?) will exterminate one another, and the rest of us will fight one another to complete exhaustion. THEN, they (NWO) will unleash the Nihilists and the atheists. The planned result being that our populations will be so soul-sick and tired, we’ll be ready to accept them (NWO) as absolute rulers of the world.
Read Albert Pike’s 1871 plan for the Three World Wars.
capt ron says
Dogpatch …
. And then Jesus will come ! …
. Their whole plain is satan driven and can not succeed for ever. …
. Praise GOD !
Doug Rodrigues says
It no longer surprises me that so-called Liberals, the bleeding hearted do-gooders, lack common sense. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that there are such people in this world who cannot see the connection between cause and effect. To import people into any western country from contries who steadfastly believe in Sharia Law is like trying to mix oil and water. Liberals are beyond hope to expect them to make logical decisions about anything. Obama and Hillary both want to massively increase Islamic immigration. If the Muslim areas in Detroit are the perfect example of why NOT to import any more Muslims, so why does Obama and Hillary want to import more? I believe that there is subversion and treason involved in that decision.
Jeff says
When there is as many as Germany has and the shit hits the fan here they can call for marshal law. Then they take your guns. Than they make there own laws and we live with them or die. Hillary won’t think twice about that. Letting Mexico flood in by the millions. When Mr. Trump wins there are going to be riots so be ready. Stick together and stay save. Not to many here in New Hampshire thank God.
alex says
Don’t worry about the Germans. They have a long and steady love affair with Fascism and Communism. Soon Germany will be under either one of these “socialist” rules. Both political systems don’t like migrants, jews, gypsies, muslims, mental patients, gays, blacks… well just about anything that is not one of their own. They will put up concentration camps w/forced labor after they expel most of the “undesirables”. And they will shoot on site. The entire world is under siege. We all will pay a steep price for Soros and Co.s One World Order insane plan.
Derrick says
Alex you are soooo wrong………Germany and Sweden are dying off as European countries………..Islam is the new Europe. The Muslims have 5 children for every German couple………….It is predicted that by 2030 Germans and Swedish WILL be the minorities in those countries just by the birth rate trends………….Europe is finished…I see the writing on the wall.
alex says
Derrick, there are 80 million+ Germans, 9 million of them are of foreign descent. 7 million more foreign citizens. The War with Islam has already began, it will soon reach German soil. There is no waiting for 2030. By 2030 I doubt there will be any Muslims in Germany. You are giving too much credit to an ignorant Muslim mob. The entire mess EU and Germany( and US) find themselves in is the result of a plan to destabilize the Western democracies in order to impose a martial law and One World Order government. The OWO morons are underestimating the resolve of Russian and Asian countries. The plan is I said moronic at best.
Observer.. says
Alex, it seems that Germans will take care of their own, but I think their past (holocaust) is haunting them. And that’s why they have gone out of their way to accept refugees, at their own peril, I’m afraid.
Rancher says
I like what the commenter said about what happened years ago when we let the Iranians in and they bought up motels. As soon as people figured out who was stealing their identities the first thing you seen was Iranian motels going broke so they were sold back to honest Americans and big lettered signs were placed in front of them that said AMERICAN OWNED. My what short memories we have.
Deplorable Rick says
Trump/Pence and support of 2nd amendment by ALL STATES is the ONLY ANWSER!
Maria says
Please vote Trump/Pence, save our country.
John G. says
Talk about stupid O’bozo the “Big Eared” Clown and his anointed successor Hillary the “Hun” don’t understand and don’t listen to what’s going on in those countries with refugee’s – O’bozo continues bringing 1000’s of them in our country unvetted while Hillary the “Hun” wants to increase the current numbers by 500 + %.The “Liberal Left” and those who support this issue should be forced to house some of the refugee’s in their homes as a further gesture of their “Good Will” – doubt the suggestion will be met with enthusiasm. Maybe the “Dimwitted Leftitsts” who visit our web site (OracleGuy, law59060 & Fig Newton) would like to volunteer their families & homes, how about it “Loud Mouths”????????????????????????????????????????????????????
SgtYork says
Give the German Citizens there guns and ammo back and let them work with law enforcement to help stop this wave of imported Muslim thugs. The only way now is to have the people as well as the Police all working togeather. Next rounding these muzzies uo and start a Deportation big time sending them back to CessPool Syria where the were dredged out of the slime and crime. We’re this 1938 we would not be talking about this period.
Peter says
I can understand the UK taking in unaccompanied children but not just any others except through “normal processes”. Our western governments must be strong and forthright in upholding our traditions of new entrants passing the legal muster.
Bob Eberly says
Warning America Danger, Danger ! Anyone with any common sense at all could have told what was going to happen to Germany and European countries who opened their borders for these so called refugees. Didn’t they notice that these so called refugees were all men if fighting age who should have been back home defending their homes. These people are not refugees they are invaders and criminals, and terrorists nothing more round them up and send them packing back to their countries and then lick you doors and never let them back in again.
Justin W says
Many criminals are able to enter a country with refugees. Once in the country they can break laws. When they feel they are about to get caught they can disappear and continue their evil deeds elsewhere.
larry Bee says
Send all the refugees back to where they came from. The NUKE the shit out of the Persian Gulf and move on!
Willy Mamfredi says
It is a fact that the countries that are worth living in were populated by White Anglo Saxons, i.e. GB, Australia, NZ,Canada, USA, and some others. Third World immigrants are known to spoil the places they go to. In the U.K. Some cities have ghettos that are replicas of the places they have come from. I fear it is now too late for Western civilisation, we have four generations and then it is finished.
El Tejas says
And this is what Obama and Hillary are bringing to America!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Bringing in those dame d ragheaded animals so they can do what they damned well please while our own people can just go to hell. It’s bad enough in the Detriot metro area where if you are not a ragheaded Syrian or a ragheaded Iranian, you’re have NO RIGHTS AT ALL, and those damned ragheaded animals have rights, plus everything under the sun, the moon & the stars given to them on a solid gold platter. Our own veterans & senior citizens get only SH@T, what a deal. I voted absentee for Donald Trump, a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for freedom in our country & hemisphere. A vote for Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton is a vote for violence, & end of the freedom we have & the free world.
Kathy says
The best and safest way for us to help people of other countries in need is to help them where they live. They will not acclimate to our way of living.
Mike W says
If you haven’t read the book “While Europe Slept” by Bruce Bawer you should. It was written over 10 years ago and we are watching what he said would happen. Hillary wants to open the borders to let these people in unchecked. The liberals are all for it. They don’t realize that these people do not want to assimilate they want to take over. Europe is already living the nightmare.
Tarheel says
To many liberal/progressives in Europe. Now we can see their rancid policies in action…..and yet too many here in the states just don’t get it. We call these people stupid.
john says
Europe is finish. We must vote Trump for White House!
DCJ says
Merkel is a Satan Spawn. Due to what dumb azz Hitler did they can’t even call a spade a shovel without being accused of racism or genocide. Germans are again in the Jaws of Defeat. And the scary thing is, “History Has A Way Of Repeating Itself.”
Corsica says
Looks like they’re going to need the Neo-Nazis to take care of the problem. This is why muzzies have to live under the gun in their loser countries.
cathy says
Killary & Obummer know EXACTLY what they are doing. They want the Muslims to come in and exterminate us. They want to grab our guns so we can’t defend ourselves. Our major political positions have already been filled by Muslims. VOTE TRUMP and pray for him.
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