While the United States, Russia, France and several other countries work to contain the threat posed by Al-Qaeda and ISIS, it looks like the terror groups may be doing the world a favor.
They’re killing each other off.
Al-Qaeda has confirmed that one of its suicide bombers successfully assassinated six ISIS commanders in Syria, including a key leader in the region — Muhammad al-Baridi, nicknamed “The Uncle.”
According to the Israeli daily paper Yediot Aharonot, the recent attack was a major strategic win for Al-Qaeda. According to writer Alex Fishman, “The Islamic State, that controls the closest area to the Israel border in the Syrian Golan Heights, suffered a severe blow and lost its entire top command in the area in one fell swoop.”
Competing for targets, media attention, and resources, ISIS and Al-Qaeda had both previously declared jihad on one other. Now the two sides have ramped up their competition and their violence.
Al-Qaeda gloated on social media following the suicide bombing, which took place earlier in the month, and called for the estimated 2,000 ISIS fighters under “The Uncle’s” command to surrender immediately.
The ISIS group Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, which “The Uncle” led, quickly responded, “The martyrdom of the leaders will only make us more determined. Blood and sacrifice is welcome for God’s sake.”
Ralph says
We Need More Of These IDIOTS…
Robert Briggs says
25 Nov.2015
I’d like to see the look on their faces when they are
greeted by the flames of Hell instead of the 70 Virgins,
they thought they were going get
Bobby The Sea Going Hillbilly
Sue says
Love your comment. They will be meeting the devil himself. But, they might feel right at home.ha
Peter Joffe says
“Paradise” has run out of virgins. Anyone who believes this trash has an IQ of less than one. Who said the the ‘virgin’s are woman? Islam is first and foremost about free sex and the \right\ to abuse and rape women.
Not So Free says
Maybe they should meet the 72 Virginians.
Chuck S says
The reason they’re still virgins is that they were so ugly nobody wanted them. Now that they’re thousands of years old, they’re REALLY ugly.
John Mackey says
I fully agree they start killing each other it will save us the trouble of killing them
brewer says
thks al-qaeda good job get some more if you can before they take you over …or we get to them first
Moe Verner says
If you lot want to actually understand the enemy, read Dabiq. It’s ISIS’s magazine. Yes, they have a magazine. And it’s surprising how much we don’t understand. Don’t underestimate or misunderstand these folks. Education is the most powerful weapon.
And nope, you don’t have to buy it. Some good people are doing the work to put them online. Don’t worry, you won’t be mind-controlled or anything by them. It’s totally safe to read. Just educate yourselves. Here’s an archive of all the issues of Dabiq so far:
(click where it says “DABIQ1”, “DABIQ2”, etc. to be linked to the full magazines)
Some important takeaways, since I’m sure most of you won’t read any of these:
1. ISIS has a very skilled publication and graphic design team, and they are very media-savvy. They have tons of social media accounts that they use to get information from the US about what we’re saying about them… including what our politicians are saying about them. They use this information to rally their members against us. Basically, our public hatred is fueling the fire. Not that we can really do anything about that.
2. They want to be targeted violently. They want a violent reaction. All it does is help their recruitment cause.
3. ISIS is scared of pretty much just two things: Running out of money, and people leaving the areas they occupy.
4. The US is a reliable source of weapons. When we train people out there and give them supplies to fight ISIS, guess who ends up with those weapons? Yeah, that didn’t work so well.
5. We have no idea how ISIS sees the world. They’re not just barbarians. They’re intelligent people with a plan. They support the gold standard. They lump Iran into the same camp as Russia and the US, and think that the Iranian government is a puppet of Israel. They hate the Taliban. ISIS is fighting a war on drugs in areas they control.
So, people. I know it’s really easy to look at them and consider ISIS just a bunch of barbarians, but you HAVE to understand that things are more complicated than that. This is a complex situation. We have to be tactical about this threat, all of us. There is no more draft, but I believe that all Americans bear the responsibility to do their part. And for many of us, that means intel. Learn who we’re up against. That’s the only way to protect ourselves. If we don’t know the enemy, we don’t know how to stop them.
Gary Mercatante says
Absolutely, you are so right! Remember that President Thomas Jefferson read the Koran for THAT VERY REASON! Idiots today point to the fact that because he read the book, he was “validating” it (and that is why we should have more people like Keith Ellison (D-MN) in Congress. Gag …). At the time, Muslim “pirates” were hijacking our merchant ships and Jefferson had to figure out a way to stop it. Part of his research was to read the Koran. His response to the questioners? “KNOW THY ENEMY!”
Remember George C. Scott in the movie “Patton”? The scene where he was watching, from a distance, his troops knock out Erwin Rommel in the African desert? What did he say? “Ha ha Rommel, you son-of-a-&$%&. I READ YOUR BOOK!”
Know thy enemy!
Dave says
And Rommel studied Stonewall Jackson’s tactics.
DixieBelle says
Obama and Clinton were both followers of Saul Alinsky, and studied his book “Rules for Radicals”. I read it for the same reason – know thine enemy.
TruthBknown says
It’s still cobra vs viper.
Zahna Murray says
How do you propose any individual U.S. citizen can do anything against this scourge while the current turncoat occupies our White House?
tonyn says
It’s becoming clear that Obama made ISIS , And Putin rushed into Syria to stop ISIS Overthrow of Assad which now has escalated into a ISIS OUT OF CONTROL .
This explains why ISIS was able to commandeer 2 billion dollars worth of our Iraq Military equipment . This is all about trying to keep some control over oil flows in the Middle east and the Petrol Dollar pricing !!!!!
Here are some links to PROVE that Obama CREATED ISIS and was trying to use them to overthrow Assad ,
Putin says Obama made ISIS ,
American Journalist killed ” In a Car Wreck ” after Reporting and exposing UN World Food program running weapons into Syria to ISIS rebel forces , And isn’t it Funny that right after this Journalist reported on the UN Running Weapons into Syria to the ISIS rebels and was Killed for exposing this Putin Moves into Syria ?????
Michael Hasting was Killed in a car wreck too after exposing many tactics of the Obama administration , http://michaelhastings.com/
It will be interesting to see if the same fate that happened to the 2 above journalists happens to this one for saying Obama created ISIS !!!!!!
CBS News says Obama made ISIS ,
Put these links together and what do you Have , I would say a Constitutional Crisis ????
Emails show DOD analysts told to ‘cut it out’ on ISIS warnings; IG probe expands
Moe Verner says
ISIS existed long before 2008, buddy. If you want to point fingers, you should be pointing at Bush. People who actually know what they’re talking about (and who don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories) understand that when we took down Saddam Hussein, it gave way to the formation of ISIS. ISIS was a reaction to our occupation of the Middle East. Seriously, if you want to help fight this fight, please please please educate yourself properly.
Wendy says
Like Moe Verner says, they’re media savvy. And they hate seeing Muslims and Christians/Jews/any non-Muslims getting along. Re-Tweet and hashtag and get that stuff viral. The Internet is a battlefield that doesn’t disallow civilians.
Don Loux says
BHO will be gone in a year. Not much will happen from America’s point of view until we get a new president. Hope its the right one! Of course we could be in the middle of WW3 by then!
Joel says
Rats eating rats! What a funny title! That’s what will happen when a coalition of nations invades Israel, according to Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 (Gog and Magog). The Lord will become so furious that he will make the mountains of Israel turn against those nations. The enemies will be so terrified that they will attack each other. Eventually, Israel will be restored.
God works mysterious ways. Many may think that Al-Qaeda and ISIS are joining hands to destroy America. What is really happening now is that these so-called “intelligent enemies” are destroying each other. If we turn totally to God, the enemies will be defeated and America will be restored.
Diosdado de Leon says
God creates everything on earth! Everything ok earth and the universe come from! What anyone has done, is doing, will do has God’s consent! What I am saying comes from God because I can not say these or write these without His consent! No one can do anything WITHOUT GOD’S CONSENT! THINK ABOUT IT!
Anerican Filipino Teacher (LAUSD) for the Last 52
[email protected]
eli says
Yes God created the world but God does not create wars and violence. People do that so do not blame God for all the problems and the violence people create themselves. The people like Isis who are beheading little children and adults because they are Christians are not created by God either Satan is involved in that and a lot of people are falling for it. God can not be where there is darkness because God is light and if you are trying to blame God for all the trouble in this world you are sadly mistaken.
Earl says
So God created evil also, the beheading of thousands of Christians also? It’s all Gods fault? I’m waiting for God to explain the reasons for all this crap! And I’m waiting because the Shroud of Turrin was made with power not of this Earth! But I can’t rule out ET!
Steve Feld says
Where has the news of the origin of ISIS gone, that the mass of its army is made of drug/mind-controlled people captured and enslaved by ISIS? Where is the news that Saudi wealthy influences are behind supplying ISIS with the drug for a massive profit? No, the days of “appreciating” the wisdom and high-minded goals of ISIS were over with the start of their televised beheadings. From the “good ol’ days” of our being aware of hands, arms and limbs being cut off by official governments (SA and UAE) for thieving on the part of the regular population, to news of Sadam Hussein loading his “detractors” feet first into woodchippers for maximum effect, to Jihadists encouraging their soldiers to play soccer using the heads of children for a ball, these Arab Muslims repulse the civilized world for being the worst of the worst of the worst (of the worst) criminal psychopaths since Dracula and much later, Idi Amin and Pol Pot.
What is even worse is the probability that even ISIS is being used by deceptive forces for a purpose. Go to sources of great amounts of money and there will be immense influence being generated in world affairs. Examine the reason there is so much debt everywhere while central banks have the money to loan to entire governments. The problem in the Middle East is bigger than ISIS.
rodney says
nukes and neutrons will help them along. Then move to Afghanistan and Iran and take out the REST of the Rats. Move the Kurds out of Iraq and neutron the whole country and start over again. What a waste! we spent how long there and lost so many for WHAT! nothing. We would have been better to just have nuked the place and left it!
Moe Verner says
Great idea. Kill all the innocent civilians and tarnish the image of America even more than it already is. Good thing you’re not the president.
Florence Millard says
You can thank obama for that………………he pulled ALL of our troops out letting Alqaeda and Isis take over!
Moe Verner says
Actually ISIS started taking power when we took down Saddam Hussein. So… you can blame Bush for that.
Bruce R Porter Sr says
What a stupid comment. Both of you. Follow the money. Follow the money. Follow the money.
US President=tool of the NWO
islam=tool of the NWo
Until we face the true enemy all the rest is a joke
Don Aldridge says
I have read most of the comments written here regarding the God of Islam and Christians and your political views and you all point a finger at the real cause of this conflict. Accusing certain political groups or certain people (presidents) is ridiculous. War on this Earth has been going on in the name of religion for thousands of years and many of you think you have the answer to stop it….”It will never end because that is the nature of the people of this world”….
Phil Sargent says
” Blood and sacrifice are welcome for God’s sake”……I thought all these snakes only followed Allah ?
Lana says
Wisdom is power. God said don’t eat anything that crawls on it’s belly. So we have to learn them and study them. And of course kill them. They are raised as Vermin! Taught from birth to kill. With us it is kill or be killed at this point, which will take us right into WWW 111. according to the word of GOD it is inevitable.
patricia says
Thats the problem with America. We think of them as merely annoying rodents that we only need to control and keep out of our home. They are pure evil that needs to be destroyed.
David says
As long as religion of this sort is on the planet we’ll have strife. Islam and fundamentalist Christianity are both a problem. You cannot fight one idiocy with another. The answer is simple; discredit gods altogether. Bronze age beliefs have no place in the real world of today.
Joe Bush Sr says
When women join the ISIS and get killed, what do they do with the virgins they get? Satanism runs rampant in that “religion”, the worst belief is suicide for entry into heaven (and getting virgins). every thing is opposite of Christianity. They can legally, morally murder their women or wives at their whim for wrong doing (real or imagined).