Much of former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s undoing in the 2016 election can be attributed to the damning emails from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta released by anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks.
Now, numerous supporters of Donald Trump are petitioning the new president-elect to pardon the organization’s controversial founder Julian Assange for his stunning contributions to journalism that led to Clinton’s demise.
Assange has avoided extradition to Sweden since 2012, where he is wanted on sexual assault allegations. He currently has asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Trump supporters have gone as far as to set up a petition calling for the pardon, because he, “has shone a bright light on the corruption of those who presume to rule us.”
We want to know what you think:
WCM says
I don’t have a problem pardoning him, he did a great service for our country in bring out the truth. I’ve been thinking on the same lines also. I also was thinking about Snowden also. I remember years ago that WikiLeaks did a great service for us and should have been given a metal for their actions. I still feel the same way. Bring them home with honors..
Ray says
Cheryl says
Yes, he should never have been arrested for Doing the right thing for we, the people of U.S. (Citizens), knowing his life would change for forever. We need pray he gets released just as we prayed for Trump to win. If you don’t give God the glory for this win then you are missing out on applying His miracles to your life!
Rod says
A pardon with honor…!!!
dominique jeuge says
Yes indeed!!!
Doris Peltier says
lee francs says
ditto that! We owe him our thanks.
Bud webster says
I think it’s disgusting the way the question is asked, i think assange is an honorible man, in an un honorible word of seedy journalism. Where as “that woman” is a corrupted tyrant criminal, how assange could be put in the same sentence as mrs bill clinton, is an absolute joke. Who ever came up with this question should be fired, or take a course in american values & patriotism
lee francs says
Assange contributed to our country; Hillary contributed to herself and was a part of Obama’s plan to take America down. He is a puppet with George Soros pulling his strings, and HRC was to step into O’s shoes and continue the downfall. Wake up.
Mary says
I think he should be pardoned, with honor. He shared with America what needed to be shared. I hope after OBAMA leaves office so that he can’t pardon Hillary. I hope president Trump will bring In an outside judicial entitie to investigate this entire corrupted Democratic Party. I think that Mr. Comey gave his two pardons , because Loretta Lynch and OBAMA put such crushing pressure on him, but if he can’t stand up against pressure he must go, as should Loretta Lynch. Once the investigation is opened for all to see, then put their corrupt beings in prison.
Darsey Kohl says
very well said!
CJ says
Me too. If it wasn’t for Wiki-Leaks we wouldn’t know what HItlery had been up to until after the election & she had won. He did a service to this country
Debby Pratt says
He and Snowden should be given honorary medals for the service given to this country. Anyone willing to risk everything to expose corruption is a true Patriot!! Seems to be the ‘traitors’ that get a ‘free ride’, these days!! Not right!
Kenneth phillips says
I could not have said it better. Most of this secret crap is just so the big shot’s can abuse people and get by with it. The only things that need to be secret are code’s, and operating plans. If it just to keep people from knowing what and how much information the government is collecting on people, just so people will not object, then they don’t need to be sticking their noses in other people’s business that doesn’t concern them.
daniel says
I agree,Very well said
Darsey Kohl says
Yes I so agree with your statement, seem’s people on this page actually have a thought process . as other’s don’t think at all they follow the crowd or lets say are bought off..
diane says
In my opinion he is in the embassy because of the release of emails exposing corruption …if released I do not think he would live long but he should have the option..thank you JA for your heroic actions
Bobbie Daniels says
He helped us…let,s return. The favor.
Patti says
Christine says
I agree totally. This man did a tremendous favor for the American voter. The Clintons are known criminals—people do not pay attention until they are forced to look at evidence. Thank you Julian Assange—you are my hero. As far as a pardon goes, I would assume that the charges brought against him are fraudulent to begin with. So whatever legal process needs to be initiated to make him a free man, please do so immediately. He deserves a place in our government—truth should always win out over corruption.
Gene says
Pardon him and give him the honor he deserves.He may have single handedly saved the country.Put Hillary and bill clinton in prison.
John Wy says
I AGREE !!!!
Joan D'Alonzo says
Agree completely.
Carol says
Agree completely.
Guy Mcgowen says
It feels wonderful to read so many outstanding comments on a true American hero. Before reading these comments I thought of giving him the Medal of honor. Then to see it on everyone else’s mind was heart warming. In world War I the most famous American hero was Sgt. York. Besides a medal of honor and others they had built a Southern style very large home for him.
JA should have a similar reward for outstanding service to the American people. At the very least fund his organization and or put him in charge of US cyber security. He has already proven his international expertise. May God bless and protect JA. Amen.
patricia wright says
one thing he should not get is the medal of honor that medal is for service men who was in war and did great things. helping giving us what clinton was doing and all the rest of the crap that she did and she was a lawer. she shore didnt keep from staying legal all the illigal stuff that makes me sick but the sexual assult i have a big problem. he should face up to that running isnt the thing to do. that is why he should never ever be given the medal of honor that isnt honor with a rape assult
Jay Bell says
Assange never raped anyone. The globalist Money Power was just furious about Assange’s revelation of their traitorous acts toward the people and had the charge fabricated to bring him down. Thank God for the offer of political sanctuary offered by Ecuador or Assange would have been killed a long time ago.
dryflycaster says
And what say you about the fact that he has Undoubtedly put many of our troops and operatives in harms way with releases to countries that are not are friends ? Are you actually naïve enough to believe that he is only helping you to win an election ?
There is a lot more to it than one election.
He’s a SPY and needs to be treated as such !
Debby Pratt says
Hillary did the very same thing with her unsecured emails!! Without Wikileaks, she would have never been caught! Yet, she was still allowed to run for the Presidency! If this had been handled, as it ‘should’ have been–there would have been no ‘need’ of Wikileaks!! It should have hit our highest Courts instead of attempts to have it all ‘hidden’!! It wasn’t!! Hillary was the ‘source’ and ‘others’ should not be punished for exposing her.
Davy says
go castigate more flies!!
Rick says
Not only pardon him, make him the head of the NSA! He didn’t expose anyone but Hillary and her thugs! Hillary is the one that exposed everyone! She and her puppet master George Soros are now paying for riots all around the country! The last time we had a Clinton in the Whitehouse, we had Ruby Ridge and Waco!
Ronald Sarson says
That thinking is too rational for this forum.
Rick says
He is not a spy! he is one of the best thing that happened to America in last ten years! Make hin the head of the NSA!
Linda Rothenhoefer says
I think so too!!!!
Carol says
Mary Gribble says
Absolutely. Both men are world heroes! Soros is a very evil dude.
Danny says
I agree with you dryflycaster. From what I know about snowden all he did was bring the corruption out in the open. If these liberals had won we conservatives would be labeled crimnials so we need to thank God that he helped us take our country back but we have a lot of work to do. Let’s don’t think that because Trump was elected that we can relax because that is how we got here. We need to thank judicial watch and these other organizations that has keep this corruption out in the open and in the courts. May God bless us and our country.
howard mackinnon says
I agree however, Hill has been proven to be very vengeful, he would have to be careful. This man is a hero. His releases gave us a clear picture of the criminal Hillary. He saved us all.
Helen White says
I agree on both men. True Americans!
debdell says
Judy says
I agree!! Thank goodness for Julian Assange to bring all of the crookedness to our attention.
George Niwd says
What service did he do : Did you see any Republican e-mails he is a revenge type person who would tell on his Mother if it gave him any kind of fame and eventually we might find out that he was paid by Russian Government who needed someone to run interference.
i guess you missed the memo , JA and wikileaks exposed the Bush war crimes as well
debdell says
You are just upset because he exposed your beloved Hillaroid as the hemorrhoid she is.
voncile Fullwood says
Yes,and Snowden should be pardon also he also did us a great service the ones that should be charged with espionage for forming ISIS and terrorism across the world is Obama and Hillary and also George Soros
voncile Fullwood says
what proof do you have that Russia was involved?I’m willing to say it was none
Carla says
I totally agree on Assange and Snowden!
Ellie says
If these men hadn’t had the guts to put their lives on the line to warn us of the corruption, we’d be a communist nation under the NWO, or a Muslim caliphate under Shari law. They exposed the traitors within, and to me and many others, we see them as heroes. We are very glad they didn’t wind up in body bags.
Ed says
We should give him the (Key)to the USA
I 4 AN I says
didn’t know potus had the authority 2 pardon crimes committed in other sovereign nations.
Ms.Vickie T says
I may be wrong, but I don’t think that Julian Assange is American. And I believe that others actually send them the information…WikiLeaks doesn’t actually do the hacking.
they can pardon them for any crimes to US domestic
Peter Joffe says
Yes he needs a pardon for his email work but we also need to have a trail, for him where the rape is prosecuted. We cannot condone rape because a man is a hero. How does he get a fair trail is a very big problem. Is the rape a “Trumped” up charge or not? Amnesty for the rape with the assent of the accuser may be a better way. Sweden is the rape capital of the world where Muslims rape with impunity so why treat Assange differently? Perhaps he should convert to Islam where he will get a medal for raping a defenceless woman. Transfer him to Saudi Arabia where the rape will not be a problem. The best solution is to approach the victim and ask her to withdraw charges based on a huge payout for her suffering. She would have more to gain in forgiveness that the satisfaction of seeing him in jail. Start a collection for the victim.
the rape charges were dropped by the girl in question fyi
Michael says
I agree that a pardon should be given to Julian,Snowden and all the others incarcerated by an illegal President.
John Burdick Sr. says
Amen to that. I had forgotten about a snowmen. Him as well need a medal for there help sorting out the lies and the truths. Thanks for your post.
Kathleen Mariglio says
Pardon him.
Darsey Kohl says
so agree with this statement
Richard J Osty says
maureen says
PARDON speak out for all that you believe. do not be mediocre. That was the spoken word when I graduated high school when I was 16 and I have stuck to it. I am now 71
George says
Give that guy a medal of freedom. Wish I could meet him. God bless you Julian. God bless you.
Gregory Pek says
Of course he should be pardoned. If you don’t prosecute the people actually committing the crimes, then don’t shoot the messenger.
Pm says
Yes, this makes sense. Pardon him and bring him home.
politicallyincorrect says
I don’t think it would be in the best interest for Trump to pardon him and it would not look good if he did.
Granted weakyleaks did an awesome job showing how corrupt Hillary and the government are but he shouldn’t pardon him
PattieA says
I think you have made a very good point.
Christine says
At this point, what difference does it make??? Will always love that saying from our dearly departed former liberal candidate. Pardon him—Donald Trump will have bigger fish to fry and he owes Julian Assange a YUGE debt of gratitude. The sliminess of the DNC needed to be exposed—hard to believe how ugly these people are and to what lengths they went to protect their very flawed candidate.
Carolyn says
I agree wholeheartedly !!
debdell says
Are you saying that being an organized crime syndicate boss is just a flaw?
ch says
You can bet your ass that Obama will pardon hiTLIARy for all her corruption. If he does, Julian should definitely be pardoned.
Jeanette says
No pardons for people who kept us from living under communist or Sharia law?
Have you ever BEEN to a country tyrannized by communists or the Muslims?
I lived in Saudi Arabia for eleven years, and traveled through numerous communist countries by ground transport. I KNOW what it is like to live in a Muslim country, and I saw how people in communist countries lived – and it was grim.
The service of keeping Americans from being forced to live in the black ABYSS of communism or Sharia law is of incalculable value, and worth pardons at a bare minimum.
In fact, if Assange and Snowden need funding to start over because of what they did for us, we should use a tiny percentage of the trillions that we non-Muslims will not be forced to spend to cover all health care costs of an eventual tens of millions of Muslims under Obamacare – thanks to Assange and Snowden.
debdell says
Nice sentiment!
Rob c says
I don’t have a problem with pardoning him, he brought out Hillery’s dirty little secrets. I do however have issues with the amount of access he was able to get to national security related articles, if he got easy access do we really have any secrets worth protecting.
James L Krell says
If our govt. took the care it should with the security of the information it wouldn’t be such an easy target for the hackers
SW says
The truth is there is no such thing of unhackable data. Considering the hags own computer was reportedly hacked a few time and that there always be people trying to get information they have no business seeing. Hackers will always find a work around.
Susan Savage says
It’s not that he had easy access to our secrets. He got those emails from patriots who sent them to him. Mostly law enforcement of some nature in our own government.
Genevieve Fournier says
YES! Pardon Julian Assange is a true patriot who has put his life on the line to save our nation. Thank you Julian.
Charles Garrison says
I agree both should be pardoned and allowed to return to this country. Togeather they informed everyone of the spying of NSA, on americans and the lack of respect for the laws of this country,and the expectation of special treatment by the Clintons and the current president
Nick says
John G. says
Absolutely not – he needs to address the charges against him in a court of law.
Dagonet says
So are you’re saying you want to punish him for exposing Clinton and gov’t corruption? Why don’t we shift our efforts to our gov’t officials who are guilty of corruption?
John G.abig Ear d" clown. says
Dragonet – no I was referring to the “rape charges” which is why he’s has holded up in the Uraguan Embassy in London you “Moron”.
Inspector Tom says
but then the question that comes to my mind is the ‘ charge of rape’ a valid charge or was it put up deal to stop him?
Lynda Kelsoe says
Yes, Pardon Julian and Snowden. Julian gave Americans transparency into crooked Hillary and her many crimes. Snowden”s “crime” was to also provide transparency into Obama’s crooked administration. Both served the public better than
Obama and Clinton ever did.
Robert says
Assange should be pardoned. SOMEONE needed to shine some light on the crooks at Club Hillary. These people are the ones that should be charged under the RICO Statute (also many other crimes such as murder?)! He may have saved us from placing the most corrupt president since Obama in the WH
voncile Fullwood says
sometime I’m wondering if they even know what the RICO Act is maybe Trump will look into that
Wally says
Folks remember the theft of information is still illegal no matter how much he may have helped enlighten us. Donald cannot start off his term pardoning someone who has broken the laws we would also be locked up for.
ch says
If you put it out on the internet on an unsecure server, the internet is fair game and everyone knows that except the stupid bimbo hitLIARy
Bill says
Wally, your thinking is flawed, Clinton pardon the corrupt Marc Rich just prior to leaving office. Of course Rich’s wife just happened to donate 30 million to the Clinton’s.
To those who don’t know Julian Assange is a Australian. He may of hacked into Hillary’s server, but Hillary committed a crime for using an unsecured server for government business. The fact that she had classified, top secret information on her private server is a crime and federal law states you can not hold a federal job or run for office. Hillary committed the worse crime, but the real crime is she escapes prosecution and the messenger is in hiding for exposing the truth. Go figure!
Monica says
According to Assange, Wikileaks does NOT hack or steal information. They are publishers,
Susan Savage says
Correct. Information is sent to them.they are not hackers.
Jean says
What’s legal about the FBI giving immunity without receiving information? What’s legal about the FBI smashing the same people’s computers to destroy information? What’s legal about a serial rapist formerly in the WH, still unpunished? What’s legal about committing treason, murder, selling access to the WH, selling 20% of our uranium to the Russians and then pretending to bash them? What’s legal about the Clinton Foundation who gives less than 8% to charity and I question even this? What’s legal about a 44% Saudi Arabian, illegal with sealed college records, being a US president? All of congress is in on this one and the swamp does indeed need to be drained.
Jeanette says
I’m sure there is precedent for pardoning people in the past who have done something illegal in order to help America, probably during the two World Wars, for starters.
Ronald Robinson says
Bring Edward Snowden home to his friends and family with full Pardon and a medal. Thanks to him and Julian.
Larry342516 says
I agree that he should be pardoned. Also given a job working for our government. We need men like him on our side.
Burdick sr. says
That’s what they do on Wall Street. If they run across a person that’s points out flaws and remedies, they don’t turn them in they hire them. Asange, and Snowden should be on the kings court. They seem to have revealed so much corruption in the government, I feel they are an asset to our government. Pardoned, and protected. Against the Killary mob.
Jb says
Yes he should be pardoned if it was not for him that crooked Hillary Clinton might have gotten elected and all the rest of them that he exposed this country was founded on truth not being corrupt I totally agree with a pardon for him the only ones that should be incarcerated are Hillary Clinton’s crew and Hillary Clinton herself what a disgrace she has made out of this country
Burdick sr. says
Don’t forget about the imposter Obummer. He’s been found out as well. He’s headed for Dubi, when the smoke clears. Just hope he’s tied to a burning pile for his disgraceful actions. And protecting fools. You can’t pardon Killary and let him go. They are in bed together. Both guilty of multiple charges. If Obama pardons killary. There’s your evidence she was guilty. We just have to see if our president elect. Has the balls to drain the swamp and clean up Washington. Time will tell.
Marilyn Potter says
Obama has no legacy, all negative. By exonerating, pardoning ALL whistleblowers he could ctually create a positive legacy.
Jeanette says
We should call it the “0-Legacy,” using the number zero for the “O.”
Buddy says
Frankly, if the MSM had been doing their job and reporting fairly on both candidates, there would be no need for Wikileaks, Anonymous or 4Chan.
Jeanette says
And this morning there is at least one report on Fox that the MSM is behind the riots against Trump, and therefore responsible for all damages.
Let’s concentrate on the people who’ve been trying to hurt America, not the ones who’ve been trying to help America!
William says
Yes please pardon him and Snowden also , with out there help we would have 4 more years of obama crap. I think that they should bring them home with honors..
Clare says
John G. and Wally …. voices of reason!
Louis Intres says
I understand that many of you wish to pardon Assange, or even honor him because you feel he helped deliver the presidency to Trump. I appreciate your emotional decision. However, remember that Assange broke numerous laws, violated the privacy of many innocent people, betrayed American secrets to our enemies, and placed numerous American operatives and our allied informants in severe jeopardy. Our defense department even believes that more than a dozen of our foreign operative informants have been executed or arrested by foreign governments because of his leaks. You may feel he is vindicated by revealing Hillary secrets, but do not forget he also committed treason on many different levels before he released Hillary’s secrets. Please don’t act just on pure emotion, nor respond in an “eye-for-an-eye” manner. Remember, we are still a country of laws. If you selectively decide which ones to follow, and which ones to nullify, then you may as well be a democrat.
Caution here. Don’t believe everything the government wants you to believe. That makes you no less than lambs being led to the slaughter. The majority of Americans know only what they hear or read without actual benefit of the truth. The streets last night reminded me of the SDS and the anti Vietnam sympathaizers. Someone pulled their strings too. Radicals come in all all sizes, colors, each having their own agenda. Stay safe Mr. President elect, watch your 6 and make America Safe Again.
Marion Mixon says
Hope people understand what you are saying. His problems in Sweden aren’t our problem and we have no business concerning our self with it. The e-mails are our concern and breaking the law is breaking the law which is for the courts to decide not public opinion. One of our biggest concerns should be to have a law that precludes anyone to include news media to publish anything about an ongoing investigation until it has been through our legal system with a final judgement according to law not public opinion. God bless for your wisdom.
Clare says
Louis Intres, good points! well thought out reply! so do the rest of you think he should get off free even if he broke many laws and cost innocent American lives?
Jeanette says
Precedent isn’t pure emotion, and I would bet money that some research would turn up people who were pardoned for doing illegal things to help America during the two World Wars.
There are undoubtedly others, too, but those would probably be easier to find.
James says
Prior to making any judgement on pardons, we need to get to the bottom of the swamp. The corruption that was exposed was very “Enlightening”. But on the flip side, will he pardon all the people that were covered up in the corruption including his self? Prior to a vote, I believe more information is needed.
Jeanette says
Are you talking about Trump or Obama pardons?
Obama is the one with corruption to cover up; I think most of us are talking about Trump pardons.
Lois says
I agree 100% with you! Assange and Snowden saved our country and did, and always will be risking their lives to save our Country! Pardon bith of them!! Put the Clinton’s in jail, as well as the DNC crooks and cheats.
57girl says
Given the fact that Julian Assange is not an American, I’m not sure what the procedure would be for an American President to pardon him, unless we give him asylum in America, perhaps????
Having said that, I do think the man should be hailed a hero by all for the sacrifices he has had to make to bring truth to a world of lies. Ditto for Snowden and Manning.
Debby Pratt says
OK, then—let’s offer him ‘pardon’ and asylum! I’m all for that. Wondering if he’d really ‘want’ to live here though. LOL
Kathy says
He did a service to America to let us know what is going on behind our backs that could hurt us,we can’t fix something if we don’t know it’s broken,bringing all this news about Killary and Obummer helped us make decisions to make our country better,if she can get away with what’s she has done why can’t he !!!!!
ChicagoThunder1 says
I haven’t heard both sides of the story or have any knowledge of the courtroom or Judge involved with the case but I know all too well how easy it is for any woman to destroy a man in court just on her word. You have to realize the man has made some extremely powerful enemies that could easily pay someone for their testimony to silence him. They get him in a kangaroo court and he’s over with. Which more than likely is the case because why would he have a hit put on him? After all he helped stop the Globalist and he helped Snowden escape! What kind of creep would do all of that just to tell the truth? He deserves a Pulitzer prize because he ran all over the Government controlled media to get the story out. Watergate was huge this is Gigantic! Knowing just how corrupt Obama’s administration is I say Yes! Pardon him but that still doesn’t guaranty his safety.
Barbara Whitfield says
Yes. Of course. Assange is a hero. He helped save this country from someone who wanted to destroy it!
We as a country also need to Pardon Edward Snowden.
eyeswideopen3 says
I surely think he should be pardoned!! He gave us the truth about Hillary and her people. Without him we would not know all about her corrupt behavior. We would have only been left with her email deletions and Bill Clinton’s behavior which was considered only a right wing scandal and held no air with the rest of the Country. I actually give him great praise for telling the truth regardless of the danger or how he came to have it.
HopeForChange says
Assange did our nation a great service. If we had a reputable media, they would have dug in, found this information, and brought it to the country’s attention. As it stands, I see the majority of the media as lying obstructionists who should be brought to task on their abuse of the First Amendment. These riots going on right now are on them – their fear mongering as well as the rhetoric from our current President and Hillary caused what’s going on. It’s going to take a lot of work to undo the damage and I truly wonder what’s going to happen to the generation that can’t handle anything that doesn’t go their way. Who would want to hire them? I know I wouldn’t.
Doug Gentry says
Just look at all the crooks the last couple of decades Erick Holder Mexican gun runner got pardon most of Hillary staff.
Lets get it right for once pardon a whistle Blower.
Ken Patrick says
Obama will pardon Hillary, He’s implicated in her wrongdoings to much to not do so…He will laugh if he’s approached about pardoning Julian…..Birds of a feather stick together, dont they…
TRUMP’S VICTORY is America’s victory over evil and that victory happened despite all the voter fraud, by way of illegals or electronic means, simply because ENOUGH real Americans were able to be exposed to TRUTH!!!
THAT TRUTH did NOT come from the leftist traitors of a mainstream media owned by those with intentions of world control BUT instead from the ‘brave-hearts’ that were willing to risk all in order to WAKE-UP the American voter of their impending peril by exposing the EVIL behind the smiling faces and lying mouths that have for so long deceived so many! ~ CREDIT must go to WikiLeaks and Project Veritas along with ALL those who helped get their revealed documentation out to American voters in desperate need of TRUTH!!! ~ Thank GOD for all His ‘Earth Angels’ who FIGHT, not fear, evil!!!
stevenl says
His case should be discussed at the highest level! And resolved in a way satisfactory to all sides.
Dagonet says
What are we to pardon him for? What happened? He saw what looked liked corruption and illegal activity and reported it. If the accused are innocent, why don’t they prove it? Should’t they have to answer for their actions? The accused, instead, attack Julian because they’re guilty and want him to pay the price for ratting them out. **** our corrupt politicians, we need to fry every last one of these ***holes no matter who they are.
against hipocricy says
I can’t vote.
The questions are poorly formulated: they are black and white.
A real life is not black & white.
Dr. Rene' Monroe says
lets see….What has he done. 1. This election was not just a new president….We were fighting for our CONSTITUTION of the united States. Supreme court justice was killed to make room for a set for Obamas appointment, After Hillary was elected. If this would have happen we would have seen so many changes in our constitution; Basically we would have lost our FREEDOM AS WE KNOW IT.
I personally have never prayed so hard in my life as I did for Trump. I have followed his career, He is a business man and world wide. With the knowledge to correct our trade agreement and get us back in the red. And, as for as the four letter word, good grief….who in the world hasn’t used that four letter word. I am an educated country out spoken person. and consider myself a good christen but there are times in my life when “Holy Cac-ca” just doesn’t cover it.
If this person is the one that was exposing the Clintons and this last ministration and its total corruption: Then lets look at this carefully. However, right now the Lord has blest us with a straight forward business and family man, who, I might add did not have to run for this dangerous position!!! But through out his life especially, the last ten years he has openly expressed his love for this country. Returning to the subject matter about the pardon yes perhaps down the road. But just consider what’s on the table right now. President elect has not been just been sitting idle. During the busy schedule while running for President he was busy implementing a task force for each subject matter he was promising, Trump did not do this randomly. These very wall hand picked committee worker bees are some of the country’s best in negotiations and business in this country. The change in the international trade contracts…..will take this country out of the red and into the black. And yes, I voted for him!! My prayers and good wishes are openly with him and his family. Let us unite and stand firm with him, for he will surly go down as being one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever seen.
Respectfully Submitted;
Dr. Rene’ Monroe
george says
Yes pardon Julian Assange. If Obama cam pardon over 500 criminals in which some were serving life sentences it should be an easy decision. Obama and the Clintons have released too many Drug dealers.
JoseMRuiz says
I think so ////////////////////////
stevenl says
He UN-masked the vile mass media who tried to kill him while enriching themselves and collaborating with the Clinton MAFIA at the expense of the American people!
The “4th estate” is NO more and must disappear in the DUSTBIN of history. When U fail in your SINGLE most important responsibility, U lose everything. This has been going on since the Kennedy era! They had too many chances and every single time they blew it. Enough is ENOUGH! A bunch of lousy CHEATERS!
Carolyn Reilly says
Assange made people with huge egos and money agendas look ridiculous and lose. He could not be free again without risk.
The Clinton’s have already regrouped and the demonstrations are on-line in foreign countries. I live in Central America and the meme’s or cartoon type attacks are filling the internet in Spanish. there is a group of Americans and Latinos putting the angry attacks on Trump in perspective. There are many that are comical and not harmful. One young Latin businessman, who liked what Trump has stood for, has other Evangelicals in his country putting positive things about Trump on-line to counteract abusive propaganda. This level of violence, on-line, is not customary in Central American countries they do a lot of cartooning and ribbing about politics and politicians, in their countries and internationally, but none of it is violent it is humorous. This inter-net violence is about Trump as Hitler, Trump as a classist, sexist who plans to harm people. FOX is covering the transition in the White House and we are urging people to watch Obama with Trump. CNN has an international service and I hope that they are doing the right thing. The tone of this is similar to the abuse I took when I was actively working for the Trump campaign.
Jimmy B says
He’s a Real American A soldier who blew the whistle on the Dems that were staling America
They should be in Jail, some should be fried in Electric chair. bring Snowden Home.
he is a Hero, God Bless America and Snowden.
Malcolm Proctor says
yes he should be freed asap the british gov and police are a disgrace.
Carole says
Julian Assange and his “staff” are not hackers. Information is sent to them and after verifying it is true, they publish it. Don’t shoot the messenger. As far as I am concerned, Julian Assange and his people are heroes and he should be pardoned. The public has to know the truth about what is being covered up by various governments and thanks to Wikileaks, we know. Hillary once wanted to drone Assange. Obama won’t pardon him but maybe after the inauguration of President Trump, he could be petitioned to pardon whistleblowers.
Debby Pratt says
As stated–perhaps an American President can’t actually ‘pardon’ Julian A. but, rather offer him asylum. On the other hand, we can certainly offer pardon to Snowden and bring the man home. I do remember that comment by Hillary to ‘drone’ him!! Everyone thought she was just ‘kidding’ but soon realized she really meant it!! That’s her ‘technique’ to ‘handle’ difficult people. And–they’re ‘worried’ about how Trump will ‘handle’ foreign affairs???
Linda Lund says
He is a hero to the American people and should be pardoned. li
Robert says
What kind of people are you he is wanted for sexual assault allegation why do you think he fled the country.
Jeanette says
Anyone can accuse anyone else of anything.
Isn’t it a little odd that Assange is supposedly such a TERRIBLE PERSON, but risked his life to save a country and a people other than his own?
This smells a little like the Hillary camp (the Marxist/Muslim/anti-American/anti-Constitution/anti-Christian camp) accusing Trump (the pro-America, pro-Constitution camp) of sexual misconduct, when leaked emails show that not only Bill, but also Hillary, took numerous trips to Lolita Island, and worse (that is not being talked about yet).
Steve says
Yes,,,Trump also should ask the Brits to transfer Assange to U.S Embassy. And he can stay in America if he wants and no extradition to Sweeden.
Jim says
Cathy says
We all know Obama will pardon Hillary, so why not pardon Assange? We as Americans should be happy that someone is telling the truth! Assange did a great job bringing forth the truth of how our political (so called) leaders have led us down a path of destruction, yet they will come out way ahead of the game. Assange should be President Trump’s right hand man and keep him informed of the powers that have been in Washington DC so long and are so dangerous AND who truly believe they are running this country. CHANGE is why we voted President Trump in to office. HONESTY, INTEGRITY and RESTORATION of our country’s beliefs and freedoms will be ours again…the AMERICANS!
terence says
Justice demands this absurdly nonsensical charge be immediately dropped and Assange allowed to enjoy his freedom – for his work in revealing the level of corruption in Western society at great personal risk he ought also to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Joe Flo says
He should be an international hero, for giving up his own freedom for the truth.
Yadja says
It is very sad that not all Americans read as many of these leaks as they could. Main Media didn’t say anything about them but then they were filled with such stunning information and damning to Hillary and the DNC along with Main Media and all around her even some from Obama and they were a disaster for all of them. The things they had planned for this country, the things they were involved in from witchcraft to child sex rings to murder and Benghazi along with so much more. Europeans read them, their papers carried them they know. I had a European contact that sent the sites to me. I tell you the American people owe this man a huge thank you.
Debby Pratt says
Thank you for your enlightening post!!! You point out just how ‘slanted’ the media has been all through this election!! I just wish we’d all had access to newspapers from Europe!! Still, a ‘heads up’—the ’email’ incident isn’t over just yet!! Considering the content of those emails–it shouldn’t be!! It upsets me that our honor and loyalties are so easily bought!
Debby Pratt says
Gotta ‘love it’!! Everything I write is ‘awaiting moderation’ on this site!!! Honestly—I’m not that ‘radical’!!!
Presela Anne Robley says
If Hillary Clinton can get away with all the CORRUPTION and CRIMINAL ACTS she has committed, then BY GOD, YES, Julian Assange should be pardoned. His acts of GIVING THE WORLD THE TRUTH regarding the Clintons far outweigh the rape allegations and so-called “charges” against him. And if Obama “pardons” Hillary Clinton, all that will do is OUTRAGE many Americans, much of the world, and it will also taint the so-called “legacy” that our current “president” thinks is SO important. The reality is that the “legacy” of Barack Obama is nothing more than racial division, lies, crappy healthcare, the abuse of executive privilege, and the Trojan horse of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD into America. Barack Obama is a JOKE, he has no lasting “legacy.” Julian Assange is actually a much, much better man than Barack Obama will EVER be.
John Gedney says
Save room for Obozo in Bedford Hills. He would look good in orange. Maybe he and Killary could get matching pants suits!i
Pardon him at once and lock up the liberal media instead. They tried to get Killary elected and failed – thank God.
Don says
Both Snowden and Assange provided an outstanding service to county in exposed Government corruption and graph.
Pardon both of them. The government no longer represents the people, it only represents itself.
James Pond says
Wow, people are dumb. A US official can’t pardon someone for crimes committed in another nation. And this child molesting piece of shit isn’t American.
Jeanette says
Wow, so you think if an American went overseas and delivered critical secrets to a foreign government, he couldn’t be either convicted or pardoned?
Chris says
This is what I say on the matter:
Yes he did show how corrupt and the lengths Hillary went to cover-up her own crimes. I do applaud him for that, BUT he released all that information not because he didn’t care for Hillary but he released it because he doesn’t care for America. contrary to the poll results, he is NOT a friend to this country. His acts has caused innocent families to get killed in the Middle East. A lot of these people were also informants that proved information that kept our soldiers safe. When they kill the informant, they killed their innocent families too (this includes children). He jeopardized the safety of soldiers in the Middle East. He could cares less on who’s life he destroys. With all that said, he should NOT be pardon and should be prosecuted. We are a nation of laws. You can’t pardon him and not pardon Hillary. He is not above the law and him and Hillary should be jail buddies.
John. Camiolo says
This is the best way to inform as many as possible the unbelievable intelligence breaks possible within our free system of government.Thank the good LORD this is so ! A full secret investigation should take place and the guilty parties involved should receive appropriate punishment for breaking laws of the UNITED STATES. This is the stuff that will make an Oscar winning movie in 10 years or so .—some of the guilty parties can play themselves once they are released from confinement….THINK about Chuck Colson –A greaat true Conversion story and redemption for ALL plus .VICTORY for the USA.! Many Souls were and are still being saved. Praise His Name.!!
Lionheart IX says
Assange is an Australian, not American.
He could be pardoned by the President, for any misdeeds that American law enforcement would deem illegal.
But… he has done tremendous damage to our National Security prior to the leaks of the DNC and the Hellary campaign/Podesta, et al. I would not be expecting a pardon from President Trump, don’t hold your breath.
As far as Snowden, he is a traitor, pure and simple. Whatever is said in his defense is BS, and he should be held accountable for his traitorous actions, as should Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Abedin and any others that allowed classified information to be exposed to other nations. Comey fears for his life, is tangled up politically as well as family-financial dealings with the Hellary/DNC machine and would be next on the hit list after Seth Rich if he hadn’t taken the actions he did, but that doesn’t excuse him from being prosecuted as an accomplice. He should have grown some and taken her down instead of letting her off.
Jeanette says
Anything to or from Hillary had already been hacked by at least five countries, who could already have sold it to any number of other countries. So no new information was available to other countries from that batch of emails; it was only made available to regular, non-politician, non-elite people, including Americans and others.
Mike W says
Whether he is pardoned or not I hope he doesn’t stop now. Keep that information coming. He will be in danger for the rest of his life as he has stepped on the toes of some very bad and dangerous people. You can look at the elitist in D.C. as a kind of Mafia, only much more powerful with the U.S. treasury as their piggybank. They will seek revenge like the Mafia would too. There is no turning back for Assange so he might as well tell it all. The people of the world deserve to know the truth.
Endtime Harvester says
He is an absolute “Hero of Truth” so not only should he be pardoned but we should honor him with a national holiday!! The day prior to an election would be “Stand up for Truth” day.
Does telling the truth require a pardon? Yes, when you burp!!
Ron says
Has Assange been charged with crimes in the US? The US president can’t pardon him for alleged crimes committed in Sweden. If there is evidence that the charges are just political, then he could be given asylum, in the US, but I’m sure we have an extradition agreement with Sweden, so that could cause an international incident.
robert says
I’d have to say he and Wikileaks was a major source of truth coming to light about Hillary and her den of corrupt cohorts in the last year or so. Did he do the country a HUGE SERVICE ? You bet .Pardon him ? Absolutely And send him a check .
Karen Dorland says
Not only should he be pardoned but he should be given a medal.
Also, Mr. Trump (or someone) should set him up with his own media empire (newspapers and televised news station) here in the U.S..
He, along with some other outstanding internet reporters, should become the new mainstream media.
There are enough incredible reporters online that IF we could get their information to the uninformed population (i.e., the Clinton voters) who only watch regular TV, this near disaster that almost occurred with Clinton, would never occur again.
Those people would wake-up and be truly aware of what’s going on for the first time.
mickey says
yes; I say give them a pardon but wait awhile till trump is in office and let him look into it all and before he pardons Julian to let Julian face his charges with us backing to make sure he gets a fair hearing and to see if these charges are true or planted on him we need this transoarency we do need truth in our reporters and our media badly but let us clear him
sagatel says
As a President Trump can simply make few calls to UK and Sweden and give them a little behind the door advise….those charges against Assange were fabricated anyway….
Carole Metz says
Yes….! Pardon him! If hilLIARy can get off with ALL the lies she spewed upon the american public, Julian can certainly be pardoned for disclosing the truth!!! DO IT NOW!!!
jimmy-san says
I agree 100% that both should be pardoned with honor!
Pedro Hernandez jr says
Give Julian Assange a pardon.
Cathryn says
What is he even charged for? Hillary gang stalked the poor man and set him up to look like a pedophile when she’s one.
richard Birgel says
He deserves a pardon and our thanks for exposing all the corruption going on in our government.
What a joke when Obama promise a transparent presidency…The country;s worst ever and Hillary had an even more
more secretive and unlawful one.
tired says
He should not be charged with anything, i thought whistle blowers were supposed to have protection here in the U.S.
He did no wrong doings he just pointed out all the wrong doings and corruption here in the U.S. that has been going on..
Butch says
I agree to pardon him but be bery careful. This is a double edge sword.
Robin MacPherson says
Yes, he should be pardoned. I believe the American people want to know the TRUTH! They definitely have a right to it.
WSmith says
Hopefully the assault charges are as manufactured for political convenience as those made against Trump. But the service Assange has provided to our country is of such a magnitude that a pardon is well deserved.
Betty Pineo says
I absolutely think that Juliene Assange is a hero. He should be given his freedom and given a safe and secure place to live. And a medal or 2 for his heroic deeds, risking his and the organization security to bring out the ‘truth’ of the elitists who flaunt the law, and think they are above justice and truth.
Trev Corbett says
Of course he should. All he did was uncover the truth. We need more like him.
Edward Snowdon too.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Julian Assanage deserves a full pardon with honor for doing the right thing, reporting the corruption of the Clinton’s, and also helped save not only the United States, but also the Western Hemisphere where the UnitedcStates is and also the free world.
Sally says
If Obama pardons Hillary – why not pardon Assange?
AW says
He exposed a “crooked” government……….isn’t he protected under “WHISTLEBLOWER” law???
Ian says
What’s the being pardoned for. I don’t think he is really has been found guilty of anything in the USA. He is wanted for questioning by the Swedish Government on rape charges.
Jerry Walker says
Yes, bring him home with honors, he is a hero and did the American people a great service!!!
Steve Apelman says
How do you propose to pardon someone who has not committed a crime. He has been cleared by international law, and the rouge nations who are just pissed off are ignoring law. THAT THE POINT… AND THE WHOLE POINT. Even the act of asking or seeking a pardon smacks of admitting that you did something wrong…. and Julian Assange did not do anything wrong..
The entire concept of begging for a pardon so he can come back and be with his family is repugnant, and itself supports international lawbreaking. What the rouge nations need to do is BACK OFF….BECAUSE THEY ARE WRONG.
Jeanette says
I think you mean “rogue” nations, not “rouge” (“red” in French) nations!
Although some of the rogue nations are undoubtedly red, in the sense of communist, not Republican.
Arlie says
Julian Assanage is wanted for a serious crime (rape) and should be punished. Whether guilty or not, a court should decide. As to Julian “helping”, during our election, why did he wait until the last minute to give out information on Hillary’s emails? Why hasn’t she been charged for lying? The media hasn’t been honest with USA citizens! There is a huge cover-up by them. I say NO..NO PARDON!!
Jeanette says
We should be able to consider the possibility that the charge against Assange might be fake, like the kind of fraud we’ve seen so much of lately here in the U.S.
Assange started releasing the emails five weeks before the election, and much of the material was released as he got it from U.S. Government insiders who apparently didn’t relish the idea of living in a Marxist country. He has so many now that he didn’t release them all for fear that some would be overlooked.
The worst that he has gotten so far is apparently due at Christmas time (a present for Hillary?). Considering that the big 650,000 email batch has conversations about satanic rituals, one cringes at the thought of what that Christmas release might be.
I lived for more than a decade in a Muslim country, and from the perspective that that gives me, whatever anyone could do to stop Hillary Muslim-Lover Clinton (whose “aide” Huma has a mother actively working to force all little girls to be genitally mutilated, and who also belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood – an organization with the declared mission to destroy Israel and America, and force the entire world under the control of the Sex and Death Cult called Islam) was absolutely necessary.
Thank heaven it was done in time.
RC Johnsen says
He’s not wanted for a serious crime he is wanted for questioning. The questioning can be done in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London, England. The Sedes can easily do this questioning but it seems there is continuous interference by the USA. What’s new.
Yes, there is a huge coverup but that coverup is by the USA as usual. This is how the USA treats whistleblowers; this is how YOUR USA treats people all round our poor world. The criminal here is the warmongering damned USA.
If you want to charge someone with lying you iught to be talking about H Clinton and not Assange. She is one of the most prolific of liars on this planet!
No, the USA media is not honest but it is dishonest in the opposite way you’re making absurd claims about. It is a thoroughly dishonest media controlled by your elites. Of this there is no question.
AW says