Halloween is supposed to be the one time a year where political correctness goes out the window. But the looney-left are worried that precious students won’t be able to handle this year’s costumes.
In a blog post posted Monday, the University of Florida encouraged students to seek counseling if they are offended by a costume, and provided a link where they can, “submit a bias incident report.”
“Some Halloween costumes reinforce stereotypes of particular races, genders, cultures, or religions. Regardless of intent, these costumes can perpetuate negative stereotypes, causing harm and offense to groups of people,” the university wrote.
Students are encouraged to thoughtfully consider if their costumes could offend anyone… a suggestion that could rule out essentially any costume in this day in age.
Gone are the days of cowboys and Indians, funny costumes, and carefree trick-or-treating.
Even traditional costumes are under attack. One school district in Connecticut banned clown costumes and “any symbols of terror.”
Another school in Milford, Connecticut is banning Halloween altogether, canceling parades and banning students and teachers from dressing up. The letter sent home to parents blames the ban on their fear of “children being excluded from activities due to religion, cultural beliefs etc.”
Luckily, one mom is standing up for her kids and started an online petition, stating, “These are our American customs and traditions and we should not have to give them up because others find them offensive!”
Sadly, it seems that Halloween is just another American tradition stolen by the sensitivity of today’s youth.
Political correctness gone mad.
–The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
If they dress up like Irish leprechauns, Nuns, Chinese or Italians then it will be in good humor. Right? It seems that only a few groups have the right to cry bigotry in the politically correct world.
Wanda says
Just another attempt to take away our way of life here in the good old USA. If college kids need to “submit a bias incident report in order to be PC, that is so very stupid. whats next our Birthdays?????
Maria says
Our traditions are slowly dying, all because of a few, the minoroties are winning here. What happened to majority wins?
Fred Lemire says
But they want us to respect thier’s
Southern and love it says
There are idiots like Clinton, Obama and Pelosi and people like them. This crap about the National Anthem is just the start. Next step is to ban the American flag. I hope the sob’s choke on their PC bull crap. It’s a shame that we have raised such a generation of wussies. They like to be offended by almost every thing. Well I have a news flash for you. You stupidity is extremely offensive to me. So go away and shut up.
Trump 2016 God Bless America.
Tadhg says
I cannot even conceive of a person or group that can honestly claim to be offended by Halloween. Wake up folks, it is make-believe, and if you believe that only SOME groups have the right to be “offended” then you are full of S***! You are taking yourself far to seriously. If someone wants to dress up as me (yes, I’m as WASP) Have at it … I don’t care. If you get it right, maybe I would learn something, if you get it wrong … I’ll have a chuckle and keep on living.
These people need to take off the diapers, eat something other than milk, and freaking Grow UP!
Danua Kubelik says
Like your comment .They are on way to ban American flag . During Dems Convention they did not put even one flag inside or outside.
Susan Epp says
Oh, pleeze…if these wimps don’t like Halloween they can stay home and just avoid it. That seems easy enough to me.
Shirley says
I am with you! They need to grow up and face life! I can see (in their future) how they will not be able to keep a job… as they will whine about everything they don’t like! NO owner will put up with them and then they will see how all their socialistic teachings they are getting will not work.
Judy says
Then they
Will sue the employer
Because it did something to them mentally if whatever!
youknowwho. says
Maybe the government could launch an effort, to identify the offensive nature of the event, form a committee to apoint a research workgroup to commission a study to award a grant to support research resulting in the publishing of a plan of action imposing rules and regulations to prevent equal or unequal treatment and administration of a more approate response to the procedures related to offense mitagation.
“I’m from the GOVERNMENT and I’m here to help!”
Linda says
Mathew Molk says
Thank God we have people in the military that DIDN’T go to liberal collages where cowardice has been elevated to an art form and tolerance is brainwashed away. What a dull place it must be where good natured kidding and laughter are treated like pornography and dirty words.
They want total wimping down of every one. How lucky we are not every one is put under their command.
Inspector Tom says
Unfortunately too many of our current ‘military leaders’ (and I use the term loosely) are political appointees, may never had any military in their background, but they know how the military should work. I think this is part of the plan of the wiz kid in the White House to weaken our military!
El Tejas says
This is absurd!
Jc says
When we were in college 4 friends and I went as our own rock band “Big P and the fore skins”.
Charles says
It seems to me our College’s and Univ. are teaching a lot of CRAP to our younger generation.
RonaldB says
What happened to the younger generation? The college is full of crap and they are trying to spread it everywhere.
Tim says
The left wing has truly lost their collective minds. It’s Halloween and it’s an American custom. Why do our customs have to be torn down in the name of supporting the customs of outside cultures??? This is truly madness. Our higher education institutions should be above such nonsense.
Maria says
we bought this upon ourselves….. now that halloween is being attacked, now we’re upset….. how about prayer in school, people offended that we still have our children say the Pledge of Allegiance in school, because there is a line, “one Nation under God” in it, we don’t want football, basketball, baseball players praying, kneeling and praying on national television…. “too offensive for some people”, etc., etc., etc. WE SHOULD BE UPSET ABOUT THOSE ISSUES… NOT SOME HALLOWEEN….
Keith says
The left wing nut jobs are friggin morons. They are turning the children into a bunch of whinny party-wastes. Can’t handle it, then go back to mommy & daddy so they can pamper you.
Michael says
I thought college was to be for education, seems the PC concept has removed the educational portion of College.
SM says
Wear a Killary mask -would they be offended, would they love it, or would they just plain die on the spot?
Gary says
What makes me shiver is that these are the folks that will be taking over this Country one day soon. When I was their age I was in the Army and worried about getting my a$$ shot off. God help them if they have to face anything like war or any other kind of attack. It occurs to me that that we never heard anything like this 8 years ago. WHAT HAS HAPPENED SINCE THEN?????
David Wilson says
Obummer happened
Mathew Molk says
Yea and when we got back to the world WE were the rebels pushing the point. When I went back to school after I got out of the Army it was party time, baby. (Well, ’till I got my grades anyway) What would these sissies think of the movie “Animal House” – That is the way I remember the short time I was a full time student.
Arthur Hartsock says
Don’t take this the wrong way, folks. But we could be heading to a huge 1930s-type of economic crash. This could be a good thing if it gets folks to start thinking about what’s really important. Then this PC stuff would be a distant memory. Reality can be a real bitch.
youknowwho. says
think orlando X 100. or san bernadino or fort hood. and whose plan was it to keep the borders open…to everybody….no mater what their mindset….?
Wait til WWlll or the very possible next civil war starts!!! I can’t wait to see all these woosie youngsters running for tyhe hills screaming about their PC rights! I hope they make their mistake in running up my hill!!! I’ve got some PC rights for them!
Lynn says
It’s to bad the only place for the losers in our society are teaching in our universities. It use to be that we looked up to our teachers. Now we have to guard against Their personal frustrations of lack of social acceptance.
Where is the high paid administration of these nut cases?
Mary Hanson says
Additionally, they are not teaching proper grammar in schools either as evidenced by Mrs. M’s second to last sentence, “and must to be fall themed.” 8 years ago we had standards and held everyone to them. Since the wreck called obama, which is not capitalized intentionally, our whole nation is in collapse!
Concerned citizen.. says
Halloween is a Satanic Holiday………. I stopped my children from celebrating it when I found out what it’s really all about. Witches meet at this time of year to pray to Satan for what they want……….. Tradition or not… It’s not a good thing. What do these young adult learn in our colleges? Really, it mostly trying to turn them against the USA.. I don’t understand why a parent would waste money on them partying and learning to hate… I believe in Vocational Schools and Trade Schools…………. Learn a trade and go to work…
Jan says
You are suffering from over analization. While I agree with you on the crap our kids are being taught in college by liberal moron professors, I don’t on Halloween…most kids today look forward to the worlds largest costume party… Let kids play and have some harmless fun. Anyone offended does not have to participate in the festivities. Let them stay home, brood, and be miserable.
Rand says
Independence Day and Thanks Giving will be next. Presidents’ Day is okay now that Obama has been elected.
Leif Erickson says
As the kids today, or yesterday used to say “Get a Life”
Mike says
I truly believe it’s time to go to two countries on one continent. Let us sane people live the way we choose and you lefties go live the way you want. Choose carefully though, once you go to the left, there will be no coming back after you run out of each other’s money, and are afraid of your own shadow. Oh how I long for that day.
Mitaf says
Halloween should be removed!
In the other hand why anyone would get offended by an irish garnment!! Or what ever!! Better than leeding monsters!!!!
Better get some common sense!!!!! And thick skin!!! Otherwise void the whole participation on the damned satanic celllebration!!!
Somepeople do not participate on Christmas or CHANUKA ETCetc! !
I DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN GORY HALLOWEEN IN ANYWAY!!!!!!! Never my children either EXCEPT: SCHOOLS!!! They forbid the BIBLE AT SCHOOL…. but
BUT THEY LEARNED AT CHURCH IT WENT OVER … and i let them know there is a World out there filled with many people and flowers etc THEY NEEDED TO DISCERN
AND SURVIVE! Not Follow like dummies
Learn how to THINK !!!
Mitaf says
Why should be removed ( HALLOWEEN?))
Gory ideas scary for children unleashes minds of drug addicts, depressing!! Downer gloomy
It is a high holy day for beleivers of other faiths
But HALLOWEEN AND THE MONSTERS ZOMBIES BLOOD … is gory insane to present those things to children!!!!
Some parents worry about things off the wall!!
( for not saying STUPIDITIES!!))
Yet…. they expose the kids to morbid gory stuff!!! I THINK IS A FORM OF IGNORANCE, lack of common sense!!!
Well you are the parents!! So…..
Now… do as everyone please!!
Jack says
And these are the intelligent kids, young adults, who, despite their classroom learning, have a hard time separating reality from fantasy. If Halloween scares them, wait until they blink and look around for a job in today’s politics and culture——that is scary.
Thomas Taylor says
As a former member of Wicca and an anti-occult speaker…. I’m confused.
Halloween is a Wiccan high holiday. It has nothing to do with “American Tradition.” It’s the holiday, that celebrates the veil between the world of living from the realm of the dead.
It’s not a Christian holiday. It should not be celebrated by Christians. The offense to me….. is the number of ignorant people who write it off as harmless fun. I laughed at the fools who went trick or treating, when I was Wiccan!
Kathy says
I loved Halloween when I was a kid. The best thing was that I went to catholic school and 11/1 was a holy day, so we always got that day off from school. I was going trick or treating in the late 60’s thru the 70’s. I sure miss those years.
Margaret says
Dear parents, if these are your precious little snowflakes, take them out of school, bring them home, and put them in their playpens till they grow the F up. The rest of the country shouldn’t have to babysit your stupid, whiney, dumbass, little babies !!!!
Karen says
I couldn’t help noticing that the photo attached to this posting has a large group of young people adorned in sombreros and serapes. How come no one is concerned that that might “offend” our people of Mexican heritage??? Or any Hispanic??? It
seems to be rather obvious that this whole issue is NOT clearly defined. I don’t understand why college students need counselors so that they can cope. Never have. Others their age are already living independently, holding jobs, getting married….. you know, acting like grown-ups. Why, because they are students, is it assumed that they may need a nanny to comfort them? Even in high school, if a classmate passes away, here come the counselors. If a teacher passes…. here come the counselors. They have gone so far as to require counselors when a rock star ODs, or a well-known political leader dies. Our schools in the 50s and 60s had no counselors. Even through the 70s and 80s it was pretty rare. I clearly understood it as a response to 9/11, which was such senseless cruelty and barbarism. But as a general rule….. why do these kids need this? Our generation never did. It was pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back to doing what you do. And everyone did, because they knew it was expected of them, even by themselves. Is that the problem? Have we worried our kids into wimps? Are they like this because we expected it of them? I know I never did. I expected to complete high school and proceed into grown up territory, whether it included college or not. And I expected the same of my kids, who I’m very proud of. They are all strong, proud, independent individuals, and raising kids that also are. Its a little scary to wonder who will take care of these sheltered, babied college weenies when they take on the look of adulthood, with none of the equipment!!
Ann says
the level of lies has become so pathetic its unreal
AW says
Victoria Barrett says
The apples fall close to the trees. We blame the college kids but it’s their parents and elders, such as professors and teachers who put up with and encourage this nonsense. Where were you, parents, when you saw a flag passing by in a parade? Did you salute or hold your hand over your heart when the anthem played. Did you teach your darling to hold a door for a senior or offer them a seat. Did you take your snowflake to a veterans hospital or a home for the aged. did you aquaint them with our government and the responsibility of choosing good leaders. did you work to instill character, personality, a work ethic in your children or raise them completely dependent on you as it seems a lot of young people were raised. Did you tell them how lucky they were to be raised in America. Don’t blame the colleges if your kids come home damaged and hostile. find out whats really going on behind those ivy covered walls before you surrender you son or daughter to the nonsense that has taken over academia.
Politically incorrect says
Hence another reason this political correctness is screwing up this country, It is way over due to stop being politically correct and start using common sense. I am offended by religion so I guess that means religion should not be practiced because I know I am not the only one.
Paul Fishman says
Halloween should be done away with whether it is politically correct or not, it does’nt matter. Halloween is a negative holiday bring out the worst in all of us showing the wickedness of humanity and looking for the One World Dictatorship ruled by the Antichrist. Bible believing Christian WILL NOT EVER celebrate this day period!