House Speaker Paul Ryan’s attempted coup of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump may have failed.
Ryan said his attack was aimed at protecting Republican control of the House. But it may cost him his own job — and his long-term ambitions.
Ryan’s announcement this week that he won’t campaign for his party’s presidential nominee, and that his fellow Republican Congressional candidates were free to abandon Trump, caused pro-Trump Republicans to suggest they may not back his re-election as speaker.
“Given the stakes of this election, if Paul Ryan isn’t for Trump, then I’m not for Paul Ryan,” Oklahoma Rep. Jim Bridenstine, said Wednesday on Twitter.
Assuming Republicans remain in control of the House after November’s elections, Ryan will need every GOP vote he can get to keep his post.
That’s far from a sure thing now.
Ryan, 46, was his party’s 2012 vice presidential candidate and many think his anti-Trump stance is meant to set up his own run for the GOP presidential nomination in 2020 or beyond.
Losing an election for the speakership could be a blow to any of these loftier political ambitions, however.
Ryan’s tactic has infuriated Republicans and conservatives in and out of Congress, especially Trump’s die-hard backers, who consider Ryan’s decision a betrayal that will weaken Trump’s chances of winning.
“I suspect whatever he said would be a no-win for unanimity” among Republicans, former New York Rep. Tom Reynolds, who led the House GOP’s campaign organization a decade ago, said Wednesday. “He’s walking on a tightrope, like any speaker up for re-election.”
On Monday, Ryan told House Republicans in a conference call that he will spend the remaining weeks until Election Day working to keep GOP control of his chamber, and do nothing to help Trump. That call came after the revelation of a 2005 video showing Trump making crude remarks about women.
Trump has since assailed Ryan with a bombardment of tweets and remarks. He said Wednesday while campaigning in Ocala, Florida, that Ryan and other Republicans are involved in a “sinister deal” against him.
Bridenstine is a conservative and a member of the House Freedom Caucus, which often bucks leadership. But he backed Ryan when the House elected him speaker last October.
California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who also supported Ryan then, hinted in an interview with The Associated Press that he might not favor keeping Ryan in the House’s top job.
“I never doubted he should be speaker. However, if he can’t prevent himself from panicking and helping the enemy in a situation like this, well, then we’ll find out,” Rohrabacher said Monday.
House Republicans meet after the November elections to select their nominee for speaker. Ryan would need 218 votes — a majority of the chamber’s 435 members — to become speaker when the full House votes in January.
There are currently 246 House Republicans, plus a vacant seat they seem likely to retain.
But that number will likely shrink after Election Day, with GOP moderates among the likeliest to lose. That means a greater proportion of conservatives, some of whom are hostile to established GOP leaders, and indicates that Ryan may not be able to afford losing much support.
Ryan succeeded former Speaker John Boehner, who retired last October after it became clear that opposition from conservatives within his party’s caucus meant he did not have the votes to retain his job.
Ryan’s head could be next for the chopping block.
Do you support, or oppose, Paul Ryan’s attack against Donald Trump? Comment below.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
James Bercik says
Is it possible that Paul Ryan is the “SNAKE” often referred to by Donald J. Trump!
Louis Guin says
I do not agree with Ryan. I am still with Trump all the way.
Cahrles Canady says
Expat Tom says
Kasich, Bush,Ryan, McCain, rmoney and all of the turn coats who have gone against the wishes of the party should be outcasts. They are helping elect Hillary. Please don’t forget their actions.
For the record, Thump has the intellect of a ground squirrel but I would vote for Ivan the Terrible, Attila the Hun, Hitler or Stalin over Hillary ,
capt ron says
Expat …
. Well, it looks to me they have not gone against the two sided one party system. …
. TRUMP sure must be one smart squirrel to have gathered all the nuts he has and who would not love to have the beautiful squirrel family he enjoys ?
Pat says
well Ryan is Republican and he is suppose to back the nominee we the people have voted for …..and this is a very serious election….and Clinton does not represent what most people want in our country and is the most untrustworthy nominee we have …..Personally I voted for him for vice president…………. but if Trump does not get in I will definitely never vote for Ryan again My hope is that Pence would end up being president and am thankful that Trump has brought forth how a corrupt system we have and have really imprees on many people that people vote for people that truly present the people of our country ……this is the worst thing I have seen in our country in my life………I see our country becoming a dictatership
GS Smith says
I say PI$$ on traitor PAUL RYAN an vote for TRUMP!! Mr Ryan can forget about 2020!
chuck says
Paul still a pos on Trump’s shoe!!!
Roseanna Martin says
Lol Tom if Trump has only the intelligence of a squirrel , then you must be the nut !!! Lolololol
Connie says
Vote Johnson!
Andy says
Intellect of a ground squirrel????????? I guess you discount that the man has built a world-wide ten billion dollar conglomerate. I guess you think he did that with smoke and mirrors.
Ghastly deplorable says
How bout a red dog??
HotCrone says
Don’t forget McConnell. He even said to a crowd this week …don’t ask me about the Presidential Election
Robert Monahan says
Obviously you do not have the intelligence of a house mouse when you
attempt to judge Trump.
Do something constructive, The GOB just asked my daughter for financial support
for House/Senate/State candidates. HER RESPONSE: Tell your candidates to
especially Ryan to get out their diapers put on some big boy pants and save the
country from Clinton distruction
Don says
Apparently these dumb A$$ RHINO’s can’t get a grip on the fact that THEY are the reason for Donald Trump’s surge in politics due to their OWN miserable failures.
They failed to heed the rise of the Tea Party a few years back for the very same reasons. FAILURE to represent the wishes of their Conservative base.
Unfortunately, the only goal of these RHINOs is their own self righteous preservation of their political careers. Serving their constituents is not even in a passing thought in their minds.
Sad, Sad, Sad~~~~
The only thing that we CAN do id to vote for candidates who WILL serve to promote the wishes of the people who elected them. (and who pay for their ‘most generous’ perks and lifestyles)
Arleen says
Kasich, Bush,Ryan, McCain!!!!!
Do some research on McCain, he was no war hero as Donald said.
The Bush family is equally evil as the Clintons. Check out “Skull and Bones”
Kasich, if it wasn’t for the oil he would be a finished Governor.
Ryan, I’m doing my background check on him.
Mathew Molk says
You know RINO Ryan is snake in the grass and always has been. Just another Obama shill. Good to see him in his true colors. Nobody likes a rat.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG House !
The entire RINO/Democrat elite establishment for the Shit House/
Lois Wenk says
You are wrong third parties exist. The only reason they have not won before is people who fall for the lie they can only vote democrat or republican. Tired of being a slave to the two major parties. I’m voting for Darrell Castle Of the Constitution party.
Lois Wenk says
For The record Trump is not the only alternative. Trump is smart he lacks a strong moral center not brains. Vote Darrell Castle.
Daniel says
Rat B tard Ryan and the rest of his Rhino elk are are headed down the tubes.They have shown that they do not care about the People,Party or the, Country>>VOTE THEM OUT>>> VOTE THEM OUT????
depaz says
“Establishment” politicians on both sides of the aisle, are such a huge part of what is wrong w/ the country today. While I rarely agree w/ anything coming from the left side, they deserve credit for sticking together, no matter how despicable their candidate is. Those on the right need to take some lessons from them. The establishment right is more like a species that eats its young.
K says
I agree with the first part. Remember the turncoats.
joe thompson says
Tom I agree totally with you, anyone but Hillary. Lets not forget who walked away. I have to applaud Cruz , he still stand for Trump, maybe so for his future, but hes still there. What ever happened to Manhood and standing up to be counted. the hell with the COWARDS! Joet
disaksen says
@ Expat Tom: “Kasich, Bush,Ryan, McCain, rmoney and all of the turn coats who have gone against the wishes of the party should be outcasts. They are helping elect Hillary. Please don’t forget their actions. You are right , .. EXCEPT.
FYI, ..Kasich, Bush, Ryan, McCain, etc. have gone against the choice of all GOP VOTERS that determined they wanted Donald Trump as their Presidential candidate. The voters did/do NOT want any of the GOP ESTABLISHMENT candidates because they have repeatedly shown disdain for the people who elected them, by reneging on promises made to their constituents and doing NOTHING to stop the numerous violations of the US Constitution and Federal Law being perpetuated by Obama and his appointed goons. It’s way past time for the “Good old boy club” attitude of the Establishment Democratic and Republican Party members of government (President included) to be ousted, disbanded, and replaced with honorable representatives who will put the best interests and wishes of the voters before their own. Hillary Clinton is/was one of those very corrupt establishment politicians who put her own self interest and greed ahead of the best interests, needs, and security of America’s citizens and our country.
“Thump has the intellect of a ground squirrel”
How many businesses have you created, .. $millions or $billions have you made, .. or people have you ever created jobs for or employed?? If you haven’t accomplished what Trump has and you say he “has the intellect of a ground squirrel”, .. where does that put your intellect?
Victor Magilke says
Kasich, Bush, McCain and all the other Republican traitors not supporting the Republican nominee should be booted out of the party. Not supporting Trump is a vote for crooked Hillary. I knew G.W. and Jeb Bush were scumbags but Kasich surprised me the most.
Tom says
Yes I am a big TRUMP Fan
Jackie Britt says
If he is not supporting Trump then he is for Hillary and that is as turncoat as you can get. She and her entire family are evil. God help us all if she goes in. Will finish destroying our Nation thanks to obama, he started it, she will finish up where he left off. Our hope is Donald Trump.
SavvyRead says
DONALD TRUMP has been responsible, perhaps, for the ED manifested by “the cabal” of those determined to “dispatch” DONALD TRUMP so THEY can again control over not only Hollywood, but the general economy, through jobs, corporate, and clout with mega corporate financial interests, AND the Charlatans of old, “elitists” of “the Media,” given their historical lack of shame!
Clue: This “cabal” is NOT IRISH!!
Deb says
Thats a good one, me too!
Arthur Hartsock says
The next voters that Speaker Ryan has to worry about are the Wisconsin voters in his Congressional District. There won’t be a possible vote for new Speaker of the House until at least January with the next Congress.
patricia wright says
John says
If Trump has the intellect of a ground squirrel as you say then how has he managed to amass billions of dollars? Maybe he is a bit smarter than you think and we all know that this country could use a leader who knows how to budget and handle large sums of money.
WeiK says
I feel your pain. Indeed, there isn’t another soul is worse than Hillary’s right now.
Tami Larson says
Trump has collected more votes than any other previous candidate. Doesn’t that speak volumes to you, Paul???? You are the problem with our government; so out of touch with those who elected you. You need to do the respectable thing and resign from your position. People are sick of politics as usual,
Joseph says
You were doing well until you questioned Trump’s intellect squirrel in you came out.
Roseanna Martin says
Well if Mr Trump has the intelligence of a ground squirrel , you must be the nut he’s eating lolololol
jameel ali says
Ryan is a disgrace to the Republication Party If Hilary becomes President this will be a sad day for America.
Howard Graham says
If the republicans turn on there Pres candidate we should turn on rhem. It will assure Hillary will win. His objective tells me he is for the Democrats and is not a true concerative but a liberal looking to eliminate Trump to stay speaker of the house. He does not speak for the voters he wants to override their votes by taking out trump. Throw him out and keep him out he is a traidor to the americans that vote for trump. He must love Hillary and Obama tactics to ruin this country and continue to rob americans of their rights and freedoms
Macky Patton says
I agree. Trump. Hillary will be bad for our country.
Mike Linder says
Maybe we should elect James Arness aka Matt Dillon of Gun Smoke. I think we might see gun smoke in the future. When is this country going to wake up. We have two morons that are only capable of talking on a teen age level. They call each other names, fink on friends and family. Now the lowest comment I;ve ever heard in my life: some woman complained that Trump grabbed her butt without permission ??? Who cares ? I want to know about taxes, staying out of wars, welfare, my children’s welfare, job opportunities, FAMILY !!! Why aren’t these candidates talking about party platforms, etc. ? They are concerned about theirselves, not the people of this land. Pray to God to help us.
Ed Hayden says
Hillary to be elected would be the biggest mistake the American people could make. A vote for Hillary is A vote to destroy our Nation. Which she nearly has as secretary of state. Russia says if she is elected their will be a war between Russia and America. She has destroyed what relationships we have had with Russia along with Obama help.
michael pilgrim says
I have been reading these comments. Remember “READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TAXES”?.this promise was made when we had control of house and senate. butv that election reversed control and the sr bush could not get a permission slip to go to the potty. if we boot out all these RINOs who swore to support the nominee,(Like We should do)we fould lose control of house and. senate. get the wrong supreme court judges(liberals) and tax increases that you cant imagine. besides the incresed taxes, what about the increased fees we pay, like everthing at dmv, court house filings, traffic fines. everything we do has a fee or cost. even when we go to the bathroom, we pay for privilage of flushing. (DONT GET CAUGHT TAKING RELIEF IN THE WOODS). epa,indecent exposure,littering, defecating w/o permit….need I say more? mp
Smitty says
Chris says
Well said Mike Linder! Instead of throwing rotten eggs, and worse, at each other, it’s about time these two told the people what their policies are. Having watched the US presidential elections for over sixty years, remembering when a good man called Adlai Stevenson came second to an even better opponent in the days when both candidates were very worthy and honourable ( English spelling as I am in the UK) I can safely say this is the worst election I’ve ever seen, from across the pond, where an outsider’s view is probably much clearer than being in the middle. I feel sorry for the good folk of the great US that they have a similar choice to ours when we haven’t had a decent candidate since MacMillan. So, as Mike says, who cares? If he touched up some bird’s buttock she should be flattered! Silly cow would give her eye teeth to have a man show interest in her when she passes fifty! Donald Trump is the only hope for civilization, because there won’t BE any civilization left if the clinton woman gets in and imports even more bloody muslims than the present traitor did. The sworn ambition of islam is world domination, and by bringing in the enemies of freedom and the land of the free he and she should be on trial for treason. Good luck Donald Trump! Never mind the left-wing idiots who want to keep you out of the UK. There are many who would like to see you starting your own party over here! The two we have got are even more crap than you have over there, yourself excluded from that, of course. At least you are for your country. Clinton couldn’t give a damn for hers!
Liz says
I am over Ryan !
Bill says
Trump is America s last hope!
St. Edgar says
The World depends upon his success
Not now says
Ryan needs to grow a pair.
AntonioNTONIO says
Ryan is a shit. He
Love Croked Hillary to be president. He is a snake
Jopar says
I am against Ryan and IF Trump should lose he will put full blame on Trump and we will put blame in Ryan and not forget!!!!
Joan Brooke says
Me, too! Think Paul Ryan is a fool!
Alexius Comnenus says
he is a punk.
Earl Mock says
He is a WUSSY
joerad says
He is a lousy COMMIE TURD.
Mark Franchi says
Paul Rand should has been our candidate not that evil monster.
Charles says
Anyone with any common sense should remember that the next President will shape what America will be for a long time to come. Ask your self, do we want the possibility of 8 more years, of what we have had the last 8 years? I certainly do not .
Southern By Choice says
An don’t forget what Ronald Reagan said “the republicans eat their own”. How true is this,and how sad. As one comment says, the democrats rally around, protect and defend their candidates, no matter what they do. Look at the support for WJC after the Monica fiasco in his re-election. Republicans want to be so high and mighty in public – but they are wimpering simpering wuzzies inside to concerned with their own ability to stay on the gravy train no matter what it costs the American people. Term limits would be the answer, however, none of these career politicians are going to propose putting themselves out of a job. Constitutional convention is the only way this will happen. The founders of this nation never foresaw a time when elected politicians would stay in office for their lifetime – back then it was a hardship to serve even one term and they wanted to return to their farms/professions – hence no term limits on a congress. Term limits on a president were put in place so no one person could have unending powers. Look how many once went into congress as “middle income” and become multimillionaires after only a term or two. Almost makes it impossible for anyone to defeat them
William says
We need to force term limits on all politians while we can, kick the no good politians out of DC. Go term limits and Donald Trump for our new president vote Trump.
Patricia yarber says
You are so right about how rhe republican’s have never stucked together. However, what I find so distubing is that they would alow someone who they know is breaking tbe laws of the land o er and over to run for a job for the people is beyond me. I am so appalled at the democrat’s that I changed my party because I can not allow myself to be swayed to the evilt. This screams to me you can’t live like this with no law for those in power Just go back in history and see wbere other cou tries fell doing the same thing. I will vote for Trump because I believe the hand of God is leading him. I have prayed about this from the begining , and he has so far beat against all odds. I belive it is really the will of God I will do what I believe is his will. We all need to do our part and do wbat is bezt for all the people and stop just thinking of our self. May God be with you all as you make this most important decision. I love you all no matter who you vote for . Please pray for our nation and all it’s people.And may we all bring glory honor and praise to our Lord Jesus. Amen.
AFVET says
Yes, term limits two 10 or 12 year terms for House & Senate. Also two 10 year terms for Supreme Court Justices.
JR-IA says
Before 1951 there were no term limits. This is from Google….
The 22nd Amendment, enacted after Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president for the fourth time, imposes a two-term limit on presidential candidates and was established to formalize a tradition George Washington started by refusing to run for a third term in 1796.
Lois Wenk says
If you remembered right Ronald Reagan was a respectful and decent person. Not attacking his enemies (people who believed differently) like they were enemy fodder. He also treated women with respect. I am referring to how he treated Carly F. and Megyn Kelly. If je wants to be in the footsteps of Reagan he needs to follow his charecter traits. He utilized the military like a tool. Remembering to treat our military personnel with respect.
Otis Feurtado says
Term limits would be a good place to start, this could be accomplished by making their retirement social security, and they the same insurance as medicare, then they wont want to serve at all and then we would have patriots instead of politisions.
capt ron says
Charles …
. You got that right ! …
. Apparently P Ryan does not care about you, me, or any other US citizen but only himself. …
. Does that sound like someone else like maybe HRC ?
Terry Rushing says
Too bad we can’t grab the Liar of the senate, Mitch McConnell by his wrinkled neck and put him out too!.
Jeff says
Right on , go Trump
Mark Franchi says
DROP TRUMP NOW! Mark Franchi
chuck says
mitch AND harry both need the boot to their asses and out of washington for ever..Save the Great US of A,,VOTE TRUMP. DON’T LET US ALL SCREW UP LIVING UNDER OBILLARY THE OBUMBER OTHER BITCH..
Terrence M. says
Spot on!
Arleen says
If half of the American people was as smart as you, we’d be OK. Anyone who votes for the scum Hillary is just as bad as her. The whole Clinton Mafia should be in jail!!!
Lois Wenk says
If all of us who see Clinton as trash vote for a decent person we can help brake the curse of disrespectful president syndrome. Do not vote for Clinton nor Trump. Trump says he wants to make America Great again. He does not include smaller federal government and states rights. Darrell Castle does. The Easteners can not know what is best for the Westerners. Canada is closer to a lot of states than DC is. Western problems are not the same as Eastern ones unless Easteners are a bunch of mean people on purpose. Vote Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley both sides of the nation has a presidential team member on it. For Declaration of Independence and Constitution as founders intended and Bill of Rights. Supreme Court trampling on states rights got to stop.
pete says
Jail is to good. kill em all!!!
JOHN says
Trump has to make it known again that he is for the people and not the politicians that destroyed this country. He has to show that the corrupt politicians that are against him are because they are afraid of losing their benefits, YOUR FIRED, which he cannot do but he can make it miserable for them by reducing their benefits and saving the country money which we need to do to lower the tax rate. They don’t need free hair cuts, vehicles to drive, or even be schouferred around in, all that time off and the expenses covered for them to make their business trips into vacations by playing gold or eating at high class restaurants. I believe that they get over $200 a day for expenses which is over $70,000 a year. This is why they want this job. Donald is going to work for no salary.
Pam says
You couldn’t have said it better John. Vote TRUMP and get rid of that SNAKE RAT RYAN.
Annie says
Well said!!! Go Trump! Get rif of Ryan!
A Reasoned Thinker says
Pam — I totally agree!!! Go Trump 2016
dan says
ryan has to go
sooner than later
Melba Butler says
Paul Ryan is worse than a “Turn Coat”
He is not in any way a LEADER!
Jarhead says
Ryan is a Quisling that should be dumped ASAP…
Lois Wenk says
Paul Ryan is a Statesman before a Republican. Listen to what he said, not your god Trump.
Joyce Sheppard says
These elites in the repub party all said they could not be with Trump because he couldn’t beat Clinton. Now, guess what? Those same idiots are voting for her, even Bushes and idiot Glen Beck.I think they have all lost their minds. But then again, with Hillary, they will still retain their so-called power. They know that Trump will turn Wash DC upside down and that is what our country needs. They care nothing about the USA. Only money and power. They can all go to Hell
Terry Rushing says
I second the motion!
Mark Franchi says
Trump is a disgrace, he must go and go now! Mark Franchi, New York
gary morris says
ryan has pass everything that Obama wanted that should tell you something.
Mildred says
I third it!!!
Larry says
Ryan alway votes against the people’s will. In incredible he increases spending every time it comes up & votes a liberal. He is not conservative at all. Get him out of there!
capt ron says
Lois …
. Right, only for the state of Paul Ryan. …
. Are you a relative of P. R. ? …
. TRUMP is our only chance !
When Paul Ryan dis-invited Donald Trump to Milwaukee this past Saturday, that did it for me. The GOP ELITE ESTABLISHMENT have done their very best to make Donald Trump kiss their a–, but Trump would only meet them half way. Ryan was always being influenced by Mitt Romney, who I used to think was a very respectable man. NOT ANY MORE. GOPs were jumping ship over the weekend like they were trying to catch a life vest. We don’t weak politicians in Washington representing themselves.
joe says
Patricia yarber says
No we need to keep our integrity we cant do unto others as they do unto us, We must keep ouf good moral’s and standard’s and do unto others as we would HAVE them do unto us. We must not lower our selves to their standards and morals. Please let God lead you. I tell you God has his hand on Trump, and God’s will be done. We want to be blessed with what we need, and not what we deserve.
Jude says
Mr Trump will have to in in a landslide in order to become President. EVERYONE has been against him since day one, which includes a big majority of Congress. No one can honestly say, if he wins by some miracle, that this election was handed to Mr Trump. We have got one of the most corrupt governments in the world.. I know it was not this bad when I was growing up in our great country. Term limits are needed badly, that way no one can serve for life. Same with. Supreme appointments.
gloria says
Patricia, God does, indeed, want the best for us. He may be in charge but it takes His people to do the work. That means voting our conscience AND the Constitution. He didn’t give us 2 doses of Nobama because He wanted it but because a LANDSLIDE of Christians have not voted in the past 2 elections. We can pray all we want but when we DO NOT VOTE He goes by the results of what we do not do. It is NOT the desires of the masses that dictates what God does … only what His people do. So Christians, if you do not vote, again, you have given God the nod that your desire is for a Nobama third term… only maybe even worse.
gloria says
By the way, Patricia, it is important for us to be integral people but the reason that Romney didn’t win the last election is because he was TOO nice in the face of nasty. Unfortunately, our elections are not won by niceness. We don’t have to be beasts but neither can we let ourselves be trodden upon. In a perfect world nice would overcome but we just are not there, yet.
JOHN says
Paula says
We handed Mitt ROMMNEY and Paul Ryan the Presidency and Vice President in 2012 Election on a PLATTER! The two IGNORAMUS were not capable to answer correct such a simple question!!! The simple answer:
1. JIMMY CARTER started the housing PONCY SCEAM ! Every person is entitled to a HOUSE if they can afford or not!!!!
2. BILL CLIONTON torpedoed this SCAM ahead !!!
3. BUSCH warned us that our economy could not sustain this this massive undertake run by FREDDY MACK AND FANNY MAY and guaranteed by our GOVERNMENT. Then sold the worthless Mortgages to the Banks,Wallstreet,Investers!
4. BARNEY FRANK AND CHRIS DOT were in charge of supervising FREDDY MACK AND FANNY MAY!!! When the PONCY SCEAM collapsed and the TWO conveniently RETIRED !!!!! On a FAT PENSION!! DEMOCRATS!!! That is why ROMMNEY and PAUL RYAN lost the Election in 2012.
5. Barrack Hussein Obama and the Communist/Democrat Party have ever since blamed Busch and the Republicans for this disaster! Freddy Mack and Fanny May were suppose to be dissolved and no more Government involvement .
6. Every DEBATE since , this question has been asked including to DONALD TRUMP and MIKE PENCE. NEITHER could answer correctly !!! TRUMP is a BUSINESS man in the field of Housing. REPUBLICANS will forever be blamed for this .DISASTER!!! TRUMP, PLEASE speak up for US.
AFVET says
Are you sickened with the current campaign and election? As a conservative I believe our country is at a political/economic/moral/ social crossroads. I could/would never vote for Hillary Clinton. She represents everything wrong with our current political structure. On the flip side, I cringe at every rude, insulting comment Trump makes. If you find yourself of a similar mind, read the following:
A Message For Christians About Donald Trump.
Here’s a famous joke about God and how he talks to us. “A deeply faithful Christian man is stuck on a roof at home with massive flooding up to the 2nd floor. A rowboat comes. He says “No, I’m waiting for God. I prayed and I know he’s coming.” 2nd Rowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.” 3rd Rowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.”
The water rises. The man drowns. Now he’s meeting God in heaven. The religious man says, “Where were you God? I prayed. I was faithful. I asked you to save me. Why would you abandon me?” God says, “Hey, I sent you 3 rowboats.” Did you ever consider Trump is our rowboat?
Maybe God is trying to tell us now is not the time for a “gentleman” or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a ruthless fighter, a warrior. Because right now we need a miracle or America is finished.
Or do you want another Romney, Dole, McCain, Ford or Ryan? Did any of them win? Did they lead the GOP to “the promised land?” Did they change the direction of America? No. Paul Ryan couldn’t even deliver his own state, Wisconsin! And as leader of the House, he rolls over for Obama. Nice, but obedient.
Maybe God is knocking loudly on our door, but we’re not listening. Maybe God understands we need a “war leader” at this time in history and if we don’t win this election, America is dead. The greatest nation in world history will be gone.
Maybe what we need as a last ditch effort is someone different. Someone you haven’t experienced before because you weren’t raised in rough and tumble New York where nothing good gets accomplished unless you’re combative, aggressive, outrageous, on offense at all times, and maybe a tad arrogant too.
Maybe we need someone with a personality you’ve never seen on stage at your church. However, that nice gentlemanly Christian would not beat Hillary with her billion dollars and her best friends in the media unleashing the dogs of hell upon the GOP nominee.
Consider this. When necessary, God is tough. When necessary, He strikes with pain, death and destruction, and inflicts vengeance. When we won WWII, was God “nice?” Were we gentlemanly when defeating Hitler or dropping atomic bombs on Japan? Is God ever “nice” on the battlefield? Or does he send us vicious SOB’s like General George S. Patton so the good guys can defeat evil?
It’s pretty clear God sends unique people to be “war leaders.” That’s a different role than a pastor or church leader. Maybe Romney and Ryan mean well, but maybe they aren’t nice at all because they led us to defeat. After all, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
“Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” (Isiah 40:30-31)
God is about miracles. We don’t need a “nice guy” or a “gentleman” in 2016. It’s the 4th quarter and we’re losing. We need a miracle. I believe Trump is our miracle; our rowboat. Except he’s more like a battleship!
No one is saying Trump is perfect or even a perfect conservative. But he is a patriot; a warrior; a capitalist; the right man, at the right time. Yes, he’s a bit rude and crude and offensive. But that may make him the perfect warrior to save America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and Judeo-Christian values. The choice should be easy for people of faith. It’s either Trump or it’s the end of the American dream.
Please pass it on.
younman68 says
Well said AFVET, I agree completely. Trump/Pence 2016
Dee says
DEE says
Ryan has to go. Career politicians looking only to fill their pockets off the backs of those they were elected to SERVE. Stand up, let them know who is the boss and who is the employee!! Thanks AFVET for a great post.
Lois Wenk says
You are not thinking. America deserves better than both of the candidates of major Parties. It is telling that you criticize us for our moral center knock it off. We are right.
richard says
Trump s not perfect, the only person that was is Jesus Christ. Now for all who are against Trump for what he has said or not about a video I would tell you, GO LOOK IN A MIRROR and judge your own self not another.
Adela says
THANK YOU SO MUCH, AFVET, for your most intelligent thinking about our situation!!! May I have your permission to copy it to my computer list so more people get the benefit of your common sense and hopefully will also forward it?
I’ve been saying the same thing (but not as beautifully and articulately as you have here), that there’s nothing to think about except absolutely: it’s either RECOVERING AMERICA, or, SINKING AMERICA! NO OTHER OPTIONS WHATSOEVER!!! Just as easy as that. I suspect the latter thanks to all those traitors, enemies of America all over.
I was going to say I’ll be happy to see those idiots suffer with hitlery, but alas if they were happy with obama of course they’ll be just as happy with her regardless of how much worse she’ll manage to make America worse! Sigh….. 🙁
JO says
I agree with AFVET. We all need to pray for Trump to be elected. Pray for GOP to work together to get Donald Trump elected.
Patti says
Thank you AFVET! You hit every nail on the head! Trump is our only hope for our children and grandchildren. He is our last hope. PAUL RYAN IS A DISGRACE AND NEEDS TO BE REPLACED. God Bless you and our country. GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’
Claudia Lejeune says
I am for Trump 100%
Ryan needs to go! Republicans should stand behind and fight for their candidate! And Trump is the people’s choice and we won’t stand for anything less!!!!!
Tammey Mason says
Ryan’s actions are unconscionable. He has risen to his incompetency as a leader.This was selfishishness.
Katie says
Ryan showed his true colors immediately after he was sworn in to replace Boehner….remember?????,,,,he pushed Obama’s bill through the House that Boehner knew he couldn’t pass. So, why
is he any truer to the GOP than he was then? Do you really
wonder? I don’t. Ryan is for Ryan….to heck w/the party.
Edna Hecht says
michael pilgrim says
arlene thNks for saying it. afvet, you are right. the folks in arkansas wete so glad to get rid of slick willie that they didnt realize what a sneaky communistic snake in the grass they turned loose on america. you know the first thing an elected person does after being sworn in??? they set up a re-election committee.m
Alexius Comnenus says
we are too and many people that we know.
Mark Franchi says
Trump is EVIL, No woman is safe when he bis around. He mUST resign as a candisate Now! Mark Frranchi
Ghastly deplorable says
J. Badillo says
Mark Franchi, you are a moron a-hole. If you think Trump is evil, what then is hillary to you? This country of ours is in deep trouble because of liberal morons like you who just can’t seem to be able to take your heads out of your asses. I want you to look in the mirror and say, Stupid is, as stupid does, say it 10 times franchi, say it! and then take your meds, and collect your food stamps before they go away. How sad it is to have imbeciles like you around.
Bill Marcom says
Get real what closet have you been in??
Hanko American says
Hey Mark Franchi–Sounds like you have been eating from the same feeding bowl that Hill, Bill & O’Vomit has been using! You definitely need to stay on your meds & follow the instructions of J. Badillo to the letter! Sorry to see someone like you suffer from such retarded ways. I hear there is a cure for what you have! It’s called “Trump for President!!
Dee says
Jarhead says
Rape ala Clinton is a felony…….sneeking a peek is what all men do when it is presented……
Elaine says
Women have a choice. The can stop any verbal abuse by reacting. A slap, loud and rackus embarrassment to the aggressor. Physical abuse required a slap to the face, a kick to the groin or a jab with the elbow. Whiney wimpy women need to take action Donald ran with the rich and famous and he was a playboy. Dream on! I don’t hold it against him. I make my own choices.
Jeanette says
And supporting the Muslims unconditionally = supporting their custom of mutilating girls and women.
Hillary supports Muslims unconditionally; therefore she supports female mutilation.
Only stupid women think that being groped is worse than being mutilated for life.
steven says
Hey mark frenchy I’ll bet you are from NY and will vote for the shedevil 4 times.And her husband treated women 10 times worse than TRUMP. yOU CAN GO STRAIGHT TO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG.
Mark Franchi says
Trump is EVIL, No woman is safe when he bis around. He MUST resign as a candiate Now! Mark Franchi
Dee says
AFVET says
You sound like a broken record. Crawl back under that rock you came from. Like all you Moronic Lefties just say things with no basis. Just spew out the nonsense, brainless chatter.
Bonnie says
If he did this to all these women that is coming forward now, why with him being a multi-millionaire have they never sued him for money… your gonna tell me that by giving a woman a kiss it is Rape common on now…BS I don’t believe that any of these woman could have came forward in the past year why wait until 1 month before the election…
Also the lady that was on the plane 35 yrs ago with Mr. Trump she said she was sitting next to him and first he touch her breast over her clothes and she didn’t mind that but when he started going up under her skirt is when she stood up and went to the back of the plane….She could have told the stewardess what he did and they could have had Security waiting for him as she got off the plane and he could have been taken away and arrested but she didn’t did she….She could have sued him for millions of dollars for touching her breast over her clothes and starting to put his hand up her skirt but not touching her…. But she didn’t did she, doesn’t it seem kinda odd to hit it with him now….
This is the month they dig up the most dirt against the Republican & Democrat running for President they do it at every election………… If they didn’t arrest Hillary for admitting that she gave the guns to the ones that murder the ambassador of Libya and 3 American Seals and it was in her emails and they did nothing to her…..
I can’t get over that Paul Ryan-John McCain turn their back on Trump when the tapes came out of things Trump did 11 yrs ago in his past actually in my own opinion it was no-bodies darn business what he said or did that night I am sure both of these man have done things in there past that they wouldn’t want air all over, I am sure the media that air these
have done things in their past they would want air all over and I for one would love to find dirt on some of the media that brought out Trumps Taxes when they were under being Audit, you just couldn’t wait until they were done being audit….You dug up the dirt on the way he spoke to women and brought out the tapes you got another person to lose his job at NBC but do you care if they were so insult by it why not sued the guy or put and assault charge on him they didn’t do it did they….like the other guy said it was 11yrs ago he was young and he learn from it and he respect women at whole lot better…
Jeanette says
My last comment was for Franchi, too – apparently the replies are not being placed correctly.
Caroline Cofer says
Are you pretending to be the News guy, calling yourself Mark Franchi? I hope he sues you for using his name . I sure would if you were using my name to spout the opposite of what I believe.
Phylis Hastings says
I agree he is sure no help to his party nor cadidate especially in this election where so much is at stake for our country
Bonnie Kewitsch {please don't print my last name} says
Would you rather have Hillary and have a 3rd World Country and keep saying good-bye to your Freedom because that is what your going to get if you go Democrat…..She is playing on taking your Freedom of Speech and Taking all guns away from the American People…. Is that what u want 4 more years of more of the worst president that we just had….She will make Obama look like an angel….
Who ever goes Democrat don’t care about AMERICA anymore because for what Obama won’t get done, Hillary will “KILLLED AMERICA……”
steven says
When u get raped by a Muslim or illegal I wont feel sorry for u.
steven says
That’s for u phylis
Annick Stiefel says
Me too!
Annick Stiefel says
Me too.
Karen Beckwith says
I am with you…GO TRUMP. Ryan is a snake, who will never stop being a #NEVER TRUMP snake!
Lois Wenk says
Ryan is a statesman willing to risk his position for the better good of our nation.
capt ron says
Lois …
. Your uncle or what ?
christina walling says
Ryan is a weasel…have NEVER trusted anything about him. His with it for the ‘gravy train’ nothing more.
Gregg says
Trump scares both establishment parties. He represents the silent majority. He was properly nominated and any Repub that won’t support him should find a new political party. Ryan is a big disappointment.
The Repubs care more about maintaining their lock on power than anything else. If nothing else, Trump will protect the Supreme Court and the Constitution. Hillary will destroy what’s left of this nation.
Jean says
Gregg, you are so right. Both Political parties are so evil. Don’t care a thing about the people, only their future and secure retirement for life.. Trump is not a polished politician and he has made mistakes, but what he says is what 99% of what other males have said in the right circumstances and no, its not right, but there was not a microphone hearing every comment. What about all the things Hillary and Bill have said and done? Trump doesn’t need this position as President, but he has the desire to make America Great again and The reason every one in the world wants to come to the United States. The last 8 years everything that could go wrong has and it is because of the leadership of the Democratic party under Obama and Hillary. We need a Leader, and Trump and and his Vice President will make a great team.
Lois Wenk says
He does not read the constitution. Trump is for large federal government. Constitution is for limited federal government and states rights.
Glen Roy Perales says
Same here.Trump 2016
Peter J. Brennan says
Hey, Ryan,
When I voted Republican, I voted for the WHOLE TEAM. You being one of the leaders and coaches of the Rep Team have let me and the team down.
It’s time to get a new coaching staff and we should dump all the losers that will not support Trump on the Rep ticket.
Guess what guys, nobody is going to pick you up to help another Team. There is no other team.
Good luck and good by to you traitors.
Patti says
Agreed Peter! Very nicely said! GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!
Ron says
Paul Ryan was the choice of failed Speaker Boehner. He is, and always has been, a RINO Establishment politician. He does not serve the Republican Party unless it serves his ambitions. That is the way of all of the Establishment. I called his office yesterday to let him know that I am disgusted with him as Speaker. We need for him to leave politics and don’t look back.
Moshe Ha Mayim says
RINO RYAN is just the sequel to RINO Boehner 2. Both are bought and paid for yes men to the unseen globalist powers and rubber stamp everything the left wants. The sooner we are rid of his kind the better. If he loved Trump, I would be worried. Go TRUMP-PENCE!!!
Lois Wenk says
If a man who is a statesman first is a RINO we need more RINO’s. Ryan said he was against Clinton also. Those who remain not Clinton are Statesmen.
larry e austin says
me as well TRUMP TRUMP
Julie Silva says
I agree with you. I am disappointed with Paul Ryan as speaker of the house anyway. I think he has changed since running for vice President.
TRUMP all the way!
Patricia Kuhlman says
I am also with TRUMP 100% –
A Reasoned Thinker says
Patricia Kuhlman — Totally agree!!!
Go Trump 2016
The Fox says
Ryan is a RINO from the start and shouldn’t have the power he has and wouldn’t make a hair on Trumps butt.
Asian Angry patriot says
agree…Trump/Pence all the way. no matter what i see in the media, Trump is more honest and truthful than Hilary. Trump is for our country; close to borders, national security, jobs, our US Constitution. Our bill of rights, Law and Order; freedom of speech and religion. Ryan is a snake so no way! my vote, my family and friends will go to Ryan’s opponent. if Trump lose this election, it will be his fault and other republicans who are not supporting him. I will not vote for someone who is mocking our Catholic religion and Evangelist. A pathological liar, corrupt politician, money laundering. She’s a traitor to America. She’s not a patriot; she’s a patriot of Islam countries. So Ryan picks her to lead our beloved country??? I can’t believe it!!!!
David Aaron Williams says
joerad says
George Miller says
I do not agree with Ryan
Victor Magilke says
I will continue to support Trump regardless of all the filth Hillary puts out about him. Hillary is avarice, mendacious and has hate for poor and middle class Americans in her heart. She is an elitist and will only help the extreme wealthy.
Maxine says
I do not hate anyone, but I said, when Boehner lost and they went for Ryan they were putting in what they took out. We have one in the Senate too, McC. These people are not Republican’s along with 48 more I believe, in our party and should be a way to dump and put in the next candidate if don’t uphold the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, etc.. Our party platform. When I watch what they say, we must do this, then when comes to the final they block it, etc. They hate Trump because they know, he knows the inner workings and they won’t be able to do what they have been doing, over the people. Go in as paupers and come out as millionaires. Think, where the money comes from and why votes go astray. A strong person will not get involved in self, but working for his employers…We the People. That’s the signature we need to use…from your employer. Any vote other then for Trump will destroy America . Yes, I hated his remarks about women, but I know he can change and will have to, to be President of America. That has gone on in our White House over the years and tolerated, protected..think about it. Pray for Trump to clean the slate and if God has become his choice – he wants God in the White House…God wouldn’t be pleased with that going on and we see how it was bad for America over the past years with different sexual things being upheld. So PRAY, Repent and Recant all of us of our own sins too. God said there is no big and small sin, sin is sin. Love America and pray we all build upon it better lives, void of hate… Hate is not from God, said so. Have a good day, don’t live in fear..Praise and Trust God.
christina walling says
Ryan is a weasel , always has been trying to ride ‘coat tails’ to get into Big Gov. He never wanted to endorse TRUMP ,so it’s no shock to me his actions. I’ve been on the TRUMP TRAIN since June last year. Never have questioned TRUMP on anything. It’s like he was reading my mind on eveything! I truly feel GOD put him in this position to help save our nation. Although he can’t do it by himself. Americans need to get with him 100%. It’s just as much our America as it is Trumps . We need GOD in every part of our lives. Common Core has got to go! Obozocare has got to go. And the Demons in are Gov need to be cleaned out and charged according to the law and constitution. The ONLY thing I would like to see done is Trump to bring his manufacturing companies back to the US. ALL THE WAY WITH TRUMP 2016 <3
[email protected] says
PAUL RYAN is arrogant selfish all he care is himself can turn you back to hem. He is a snack. Many Republicans are like him. TIME to star to clean the house. Honest correct LOYAL persons is that is needed. One think democrat’s subside is they keep together in they own mud,
Carol says
I also oppose Paul Ryan’s stance against Donald Trump and Paul not fully endorsing our nominee, Donald Trump. Every “TRUE REPUBLICAN” best be endorsing Mr Trump!!!, as the American public will “NOT FORGET” them when their names come up next time around. Are you listening Ryan, Bush, McCain, Kasich, Rubio, etc. At least CRUZ is sticking with his party and so am I. So get off your “high horses” reps and let’s beat A CRIMINAL, LYING, CONIVING CLINTON. WAKE UP USA!!! Those who oppose Trump should change their party to dems and make ABSOLUTELY SURE FELON CLINTON WINS. GROW UP PEOPLE!!!
Barb Alexander says
Same here, do not agree with Ryan, he needs to quit.. Trump must win …….
L.L. Osborne says
I will never vote for Paul Ryan in anything, he should stick by his party, they all should, but so much for that. I am a new Rep. but if this is how they treat their people I just may have to go back to Dem. and all because of Ryan
Letha Fisher says
So am I
Mona says
Paul Ryan is not a person of his word, he said he would support Trump and the first thing the Democrats
throw out their lies Ryan throws Trump under the bus. What kind of man is Paul Ryan and what about his own agenda why won’t he support the Republican Party, how can allow Crooked Hillary to win? Someone should ask him that.
Ann says
When he did that I thought, ” Have you ever made a mistake. ?” WORSE TIME TO WEASLE OUT. OBVIOUSLY HE HASN’T SEEN ” CLINTON MURDERS and OBAMA MURDERS. Each 144+ “TRUMP IS A CHOIR BOY NEXT TO THESE ‘ SERIAL KILLERS. ‘ Best list for C.M . Is ” What really happened. ” Obama and Hillary, both Extremists, Their young yrs, Communist Mentors. I’m telling you , Obviously that Speaker of House is Stupid, has no business being in Politics, a Damn Coward and Self – Righteous Prima Dona. I’d Can his Ass. THIS COUNTRY IS IN DEEP SHIT , SHE WINS. THEY WANT TO SHRED OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, and Go into Fascism. , Get rid of this site, and all the rest, No Free Speech. One of the Books she read was ” CONTAINMENT AND CHANGE.” HER MASTER IS SOROS. A NAZI COLLABERATe.R . OMG. We All Need To Pray to Save Our Freedom Of Speak and Keep OUT the Narcistic T Y R U N T S , EVIL.
kevin cameron says
irene says
I think Paul Ryan is the snake; he should support Donald Trump! I did not want Paul Ryan as speaker of the house and this
just supports my feelings when they rigged it to put him in as speaker;Go Donald Trump
Terry Rushing says
I know that this is a terrible idea, but should Mr. Trump win it is, in this case ONLY, too bad that he could not fire weasel Ryan and liar Mitch.
Mark Franchi says
DROP TRUMP NOW! Mark Franchi
Gilbert says
Just shut up about the “Drop Trump Now! Enough ! I heard you the first time. You must be a hack from the Dem Party!!!
Patti says
Mark go back to your slivering hole in the ground.
Russ says
He just might be the snake under the rock.
frank says
if he is not a snake then what is he——————-
GS Smith says
Mark Franchi says
Do we really want a man like as President of our country, we must keep our woman safe. Mark
Shirley says
The Devil!!!
Dave Fowler says
We already had a President that we had to lock our women up from. If Hillary wins he will be right back in the White House.
Bill Towey says
Paul Ryan is putting the country in great harm by worrying about his own skin and not the country at large. He is definitely the snake in he grass. I have lost all respect for him. He is basically giving the election to Hillary Clinton.
Teresa Beshirs says
Dump Ryan. We don’t need a snake.
Helen P says
I agree. In my opinion, his actions are a betrayal of the USA. Is he now a member of the Clinton Foundation?
Eudora McKee says
You all do realize that Paul Ryan’s wife is a VERY WEALTHY DEMOCRATIC LOBBYIST, don’t you? I’ve signed a petition to have him impeached as soon as possible and I hope you all will sign it too, if you haven’t already. I pray that Donald J. Trump will be our next President of the United States of America. I’m sad that the citizens of Wisconsin elected him in his last Primary, but I hope that they won’t vote for him in the next election. I loved that at his rally last week he was booed because he had disinvited Mr. Trump! It would be nice if he and the other elite supposed Republicans that have abandoned our Candidate could just go away with the Crooked Corrupt Criminl Clintons, the Bushes, and Mr. And Mrs. Obamanation.
Not only this asinine blunder, he hasn’t done anything worthwhile as speaker to advance conservative bills or stop Obummer’s anti-constitutional practices. All I see from him is endless congressional hearings that lead nowhere. If he spent as much time working on getting his troops (the other republican congress persons) in congress lined up behind getting this country back in shape, maybe this country would be better off. Okay, North (or is it South?) Carolina, you know what to do this November, if he is running for another term.
Regarding my previous post…truly stupid! I must have Ryan confused with Trey Gowdy. Sorry, BIG mistake! Change references to either North or South Carolina to Wisconsin.
Nancy Bosch says
I would definitely say that Paul Ryan is the VIPER in the nest. It is highly possible that he provided the information about Trump’s locker room comments. Ryan is definitely a RINO and under the Clinton influence. It appears that he is determined to aid Hillary in the destruction of Christian values, and our Constitutional rights.
steven says
Right Nancy, if the witch wins within 2 years this will be a Muslim country and Christians will be murdered raped and the children will be molested . Please GOD keep the shedevil out of the WH.
Al Vann says
Ryan is looking out strictly for him self not the Republican party he should lose his job as speaker the party is more important than one person
Mary Maloney says
I think Ryan is trying to protect the Republican Party. If anyone listens to Trump and not the media, he is only for Trump. No matter what he tries to tell us he does not respect women. Filing bankruptcy puts the venders he was doing business with at a loss, since they only get pennies on the dollar. Not paying taxes because he knows the loopholes is not smart, it hurts the general public and the government, and once again benefits only Trump. If he truly wanted to create more jobs and not increase his bank account, do it but not at the expense of others. His “locker room” talk may be 11 years old but it is a reflection on his character. All the men I’ve talked to say that is not locker room talk. In most instances if a person spoke like that, they would be asked to leave and banned from the club, according to the men I’ve talked to. If Trump truly wanted a Republican in office, he would bow out, so someone else could be appointed who would have a chance of winning. The way it stands right now, in my opinion Trump just handed the office of President to the Democrats. I admire Paul Ryan for speaking up and being brave enough to buck the system.
Robert says
To Mary Malone you must be a DUMOCRAT and a Crooked Hillary supporter or are just DUMB and don’t anything about locker rooms. And you Women talk just same as you heard from DJT & BB. So don’t so D__ __M innocent.
Lois Wenk says
Leave locker rooms out of it – Trump’s treatment of Megyn Kelly, Mrs.Cruz and Carly F is disgusting and he is to blame for his reputation of being disrespectful toward women. This happened during this campaign cycle. Too quick for vengeance. Too quick to bully. Too quick to be safe near nuclear bomb.
capt ron says
Lois …
.Time to get back to Shillsville !
Patti says
Thank you Robert!!!!!
[email protected] says
If you do not like the system in the Republican party; ” Paul get out” look for something better. go Join your wife. But stop been a snake.
J. Badillo says
Try again Mary, you ARE a very confused lady. Nothing in this world is perfect, nothing.
You must try to choose out of this two what is best at this time for our country, and don’t forget, when WE are young(er), we DO and SAY stupid things, that is just nature, but as we grow older we become more prudent and wiser!
You admire Paul Ryan? I did too, until he showed his true colors as a RINO, or did you so soon forgot when Ryan DID give obama a blank check last time to put this nation into greater debt by supporting obama’s agenda and even his obama care crap?
Jeanette says
And Hillary Clinton supports female mutilation through her unconditional support of Muslims.
Saying something “not nice” years ago doesn’t even compare.
Absolutely he is exactly that a snake in the grass!
edward g gamils says
Ryan is a slippery snake. Most of what was said about Donald was a plot to get him out of the run which I believe Ryan was part of. What ticks me off I could care less what Ryan thinks we need, I do care what the people want. Ryan can not be trusted his word is not to be trusted. He needs to be fired.
Gerry says
he is worse than a snake.
Mary says
PAUL Ryan is extremely for self only. Has proven time and time again, that he does not speak for the people he represents, nor does he have the guts to stand up for what is right for America.
No sign of leadership here!
Terry Rushing says
I am still amazed that he was reelected. I think “we the people” operate on name recognition and limited recall of events.
Martin says
There are eight Senators that are also snakes. Snakes like Ryan are the reason the GOP have never held on to the majority for more that two elections. These snakes have forgotten the Reagan rule. They care nothing about what will happen to our America if Hillary wins.
Vino Mody says
send him home for good
Zelda says
I do not support Paul Ryan I believe he is a snake in the grass!
I still support Trump he is the only one we can trust to try and
change anything Hillary is corrupt and evil we can’t let her get in
or the country is doomed and Paul Ryan is helping her!
Max says
I go with Mr trump
Eve says
Paul Ryan is out for himself and cares not what the American people want. Guess he likes Hillary. I hope he does not get re-elected. GO TRUMP GO! You are surely the LAST CHANCE to save our country from complete takeover by the borderless new world order.
Eve says
This is the first time Ihave made a comment here!
RebNcity says
Hell yeah Ryan is the biggest rhino in the Republican Party he’s a low-down snake in the grass Wisconsin people if they don’t vote this come back out then they deserve everything they get Trump for president
Jahcino Ferrara says
Don’t forget Ryan made $4.9 million dollars for his 2 yes votes from Wall St. on trade
Buster says
Yes, I think you are right. Ryan has been the snake since the very beginning. He has two heads and both need to be chopped off. Politically speaking. Ryan is a pompous ass clown.
Terry Rushing says
Ryan is simply a Boehner clone.
I am so disappointed in Paul Ryan because he is a snake in the grass. He need not worry because
he will never be POTUS and I hope he will no longer be Speaker of the House. If you cannot
be loyal to your party (all the way) then get out!
Denise says
He certainly has been acting like the snake. It’s time to put Ryan in his place and knock him off his self proclaimed pedistal.
John R. says
John R. says
Dump Ryan, Pump Trump!
Ghastly deplorable says
Eleanor Lerch says
Yes he thinks he:t the man of the hour an what he:s doing to the GOP is shows just that he must go
Semper Fi says
Yes a two headed one
Frank says
C graham says
Dump Ryan!!
Mike says
What fools would abandon their political posts with the thought of their political opponents gaining from that decision?
Mabel Georgiades says
I believe that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, should be taken from his position UNLESS he gives his deepest apologies to the Republican Nominee who is running for HIS party. THE RNC, chair needs to get onto the Speaker and you are either a registered paid Republican, OR the OBVIOUS CHOICE, REMOVE HIM FROM THE PAYROLL.
If he can’t do his job and stand by the Nominees whomever it may be then change parties? This is not a good show of responsibility on your part Speaker RYAN.
Terry Rushing says
No apology could relieve him for his responsibility of his poor performance. He has failed to stop the internet give away, he has failed to stop the unchecked spending and he started off with a midnight session of the House to sneak in a huge spending bill to give the administration everything it wanted. No, Ryan is beyond redemption, replacement is the answer.
Jan says
He is up for re-election in Wisconsin, won’t get my vote…. hopefully, he’ll lose!
Kate says
Paul Ryan is a big loser. If he runs for President in 2020, my husband and I will never vote for him! He’s weak and unstable!
jack says
Paul Ryan must be the darling of Hitlery Clinton for this RINO act he is doing. He’s a low life for helping to elect that lying Hitlery as president. For what reason is he attempting to help her get elected president?? Is he going to be rewarded with some Clinton Cash ????????????? hmm……
merfberfl says
Ryan is that snake just like the snake he sprang from Romney.
Carolinavoter says
If the GOP insists on ignoring the people’s choice, vote them out of congress!
Mr. Trump loves our country!
Vote Trump/Pence in November!
America First!
younman68 says
Yes Carolinavoter, that is what we need to do.
Any politician that does not listen to the American Public, or back the Presidential Candidate, should be voted out, and never be elected again ever, even for sewer watcher.
Ryan, Romney, Bush, McConnell, McCain, and all the others in their camp need to g, or never be voted into any office. Go join the Democrat party, you turn coats. O wait, they won’t have you because they all stick together.
Daniel AKin says
I think it is very bad that Ryan is against Donald Trump.
RICK says
I am still for Donald Trump. If Ryan does not get behind his party, then it is time for him to go. Any and I say “any” Republicans not getting behind their party, need to be voted out. Their abandoning their own party does a disservice to the GOP, It weakens our position at Election Time and would definitely show support to the Liberal Left.
jack says
Perfectly said……….Ryan is truly a SNAKE in the grass…..what is he trying to prove ???????
al says
Good example of why we had Obama elected 4 years ago. We need to find a TRUE Republican to be speaker. Ryan went along with a majority on Obama stuff.
Dave says
This whole election is fixed. Nobody in DC really wants Trump to be President because he will upset their apple cart. Lobbies cannot buy Trump. I hope everyone up for reelection looses and we get some people that will work. Our politicians are nothing but mafia in a tailor made suit. If they don’t want to work I really hope Trump brings their names up and throw these crooks to the fogs!
Nellie McConnell says
Thanks! I am with TRUMP. He is the only candidate that addressed every issue that I was concerned about. I live close to Borders and the media doesn’t report how bad it is or They are owned by liberals.
Ryan is finished! Republicans have allowed Obama to do exclusive orders instead of stopping him. Refugees and Illegals has to STOP.
Obama turning our country into a dictatorship.
Hillary would appointment Obama to Supreme Court. She owes him! Big TIME but he better up his security.
Annick Stiefel says
As a woman I will vote for Donald Trump. Never the Evil Hillary in the White House.
Trump/Pence 2016
Paul says
Ryan has already shown his cowardice & lack of judgement to hold the job. His first major achievement upon taking office was to cave to Obama’s Omnibus BILL W/O as much as a whimper. From there it has bee one accommodation after another to the DEMS. There is no doubt that Trump is not the ideal candidate. But for him to walk away from Trump and give the Presidency to Clinton is a disaster for our Country. Ryan is a wimp & a gutless wonder that should be immediately removed from office!!
Maria says
I think there are more than one snake, but Ryan is definitely one of them. I never liked the guy, back stabbing fool.
Aline Oary says
I believe you are right. So many like their power and sell us “commoners” down the river. Also, Bill Clinton called us rednecks and Hillary made derogatory remarks about us. They seem to think us “ednecks” can’t do anything to stop them.
marucha says
Just go and vote, we will be stepping on the snakes and crushing them to death!
Virginia says
You’ve heard of lame duck—well now you can say Ryan is a “Dead Duck”. Jack ass! He and all the other self righteous “Turn Coats” are doomed for extinction. Americans are fed up and we’re not taking it anymore. The Establishment is Going Down. Pray for our nation. Return to God who has blessed us abundantly.
Autumn K Terrill says
I think he needs to be voted out and end his political career.
Judy says
I back Trump all the way. Paul Ryan is not a republican he is a snake. H
Barbara Swisher says
Paul Ryan IS A Snake and more, as far as I am concerned! He and is RINO colleagues should change parties! They act and sound like back stabbing Democrats instead of Republicans! But we all know what’s behind it all for Paul Ryan the Gutless Traitor…Globalism!
Lori says
FIRE PAUL the weasel RYAN!!!’
George A, Rosell says
It is not just Paul Ryan. we have a Den of Snakes in the Republican party. Paul Ryan, all the Bush’s, Ted Cruz, and many more. I had voted for Democrats since I became eligible to vote. I changed my party affiliation to Republican only because of Donald Trump. However, I see that some of this Republicans are not true to the Party. They are no better than Hillary. They are only concern about themselves. I will appose any candidate who is Republican that is against Trump. I am 80yrs old and have seen how our leaders have ruined our country. I trust and believe that Trump is against anyone who is hurting our Country. Ryan is suppose to be smart But he is Stupid. He was thinking to make Trump look bad and in so doing thinks he will be gaining votes in the future when he runs for the Presidency. He and all the others that have betrayed Trump have also Betrayed America. Lets wake up and take back our country away from self serving Snakes that will be the down fall of America and Our Constitution. Vote for Trump. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Gary Nichols says
I’m tired of those who do not support the people’s choice and think that we will support them in the future. Ryan should resign his post and be happy if he is even elected in the future. I guess he wants to load up the Court will all Liberals.
Andy says
Paul Ryan is delusional if he thinks he has a Chinaman’s chance of gaining traction in a run for the presidency in 2020. I wouldn’t vote for him for dog catcher. I felt the same way about Chris Christie after his sabotage of Romney in 2012.
Will says
I oppose Paul Ryan ‘s attempt to destroy the presidentsy of DONALD TRUMP, and dividing the RNC., AND, the Citizens Of this U.S.A…. His interests are appearing to be his OWN, as well as a few cowardly Back stabbing , turncoat Democrats pretending to be Republicans… securing their interest above The American Citizen…
Daddy Kickass says
Why don’t these loser politicians listen to the people, the voters, who put them in their cushy job????? We can take them out just as well. Most all of them are disgusting!!!!!
James tibbs says
He is indeed a snake, when the speaker of the house wont support the party’s nominee then he, paul ryan should damn well be replaced ASAP. What kind of republican, or conservative is he and the 16 or so who say they cannot support him? It is ok for them to take bribe money from lobbyists, and on top of all they do behind closed doors, and in shady deals they actually think they should be reelected. We shall see about that.
Marilyn McNees says
Paul Ryan needs to be fired. His job is to back up the people’s choice. The people’s choice is Trump , because he is running!
Paul Ryan is a skunk!
Pamela says
all that I know is that the people of Wisconsin should be ashamed of themselves for reelecting Ryan the snake in the grass
Bar-n says
I think he is a new world order candidate who would gladly sign TPP. Seems like to me all the ones who are against Trump are for changes that do not favor America. I hope we get a better representative to take his place, someone loyal.
Catherine Sam says
Paul Ryan is a treacherous snake and traitor!
wanda says
you re so right. he s a weasel. i wouldnt elect him too door keeper at hell s toilet, think it was a bush plot
Rebecca Elrod says
I disagree with Ryan, I’m still standing with #Trump!!!
Geri Strebel says
Could be, he surely is back stabber.
AlleyOops 75 says
My prediction is that should Trump lose the election to Hillary this November it will be the demise of the GOP and it will be good riddance…..Those extremely wealthy stuffed shirt elitists may rig an election but they don’t have the numbers that the grass root republicans have……I receive dozens of emails each week begging me to make a financial contribution to the NRSC and her House equivalent….I’m not giving them one red cent because they have failed to represent the will of the people…..Romney, McPain (pun intended), Ryan all had their go at the top spot and they all failed miserably….Especially Romney & Ryan….They lost an election that should have been a slam dunk….Goodbye GOP…..It’s been as rough ride…….Your death wont be missed…..
OracleGuy says
AlleyOops, it’s not a matter if he should lose, but by how much and who else will he drag down with him. I still believe the Dems bankrolled him and then he steamrolled the GOP. Smart move by the Dems.
Janice M. White says
Very possible in fact probable…Paul Ryan is a snake in the grass and will do everything he can to get whatever he wants but I would love to see him get what I want him to have and that’s OUT OF ANY Political job he has or wants. He’s the one that’s proposing to cut senior citizens social security benefits in half to give to illegal immigrants Obama/Hillary are bringing into America to vote her in as President!
Get rid of PAUL RYAN!!!
Cari says
Ryan sounds like a spoiled little boy throwing a tantrum. Grow up we need men of character working for us, and remember it is us that vote for and pay these people.
Trump 2016 says
100% snake!
Ginny K says
WAKE up people! We need TRUMP to save our CONSTITUTION and Supreme Court! Killory will kill all of us in every way! She has not done a THING for Americans of all Heritages,Black, White, Yellow, Purple or Green and etc! She was the Lawyer for the Black Panthers and Wicked and Liaring all her life,even about her father being a poor business man,but they lived in a mansion in Chicago! Read about her true life! She is a user of all people and only for HER GAIN!
Col. Robert Zannini says
I find it so hard to believe that all these Christian people can’t find it in their hearts to forgive a person who has converted himself – – that includes some of the public as well as the members of Congress who so readily “crucify” the man even after he publicly apologizes for something he did eleven years ago. They act as though it were yesterday! And the media twists it all. We now have a columnist from USA Today who is advocating that the PGA of America should immediately change the venue for the Women’s Open Golf Championship since it will be played on a Trump golf course. Maybe we should engage the US Navy and have Trump “walk the plank!” It’s like a contagious
disease – this negativity, hateful rhetoric has now permeated our lives showing
the world how UN-AMERICAN our society has become to the point of facilitating Hillary’s advancement. Writers in the know can barely get the word out – – there’s more and more against Hillary coming out every day. The Clinton machine is running hot and heavy – – read Jerome Corsi’s book by that name. Read more from WikiLeaks especially “exact words”. Check youTube for the clips of Hillary’s seizures. And on . . . Power, power, power – that’s all Hillary wants along with Bill. Remember FBI Director Comey? It is substantiated that he and other relatives are in the Clinton camp. It is so nauseating especially when the ones in power at the present worry about Trump exposing them and the loss of their “goodies”.
Rosech says
I agree, Col., apparently Soros took over the DNC several decades ago, in 1963 the DNC published their Communist Manifest to take over America in so many steps and that last step is facing us via Hillary who wants One World Government, New World Order of the globalist evil elite communists of which she is a part, and the work that has been done to bring down moral values and ethics during these decades where people today will sell their soul for money, drugs, sex, etc. and actually many have already been brainwashed by our money via the fed to take over the school systems and today’s graduates in general hate America and what it has offered to mankind since its founding as a Republic by, for and with US, the people and gave us freedom to be real humans and the envy of the world. We have had terrible leadership much of the time but prevailed, but now with the evil that has seeped into our country and culture lays bare that true Americans must be ready for repeating what the Founding Fathers did and it won’t be pretty. Since when does an administration buy huge amounts of weapons and ammos? Why do the supposed “good” people we elect to represent us are now against America and freedom but love getting rich on our money? Why have so many Americans left and gave up their passports, while those of us who love our real America are here to defend it and not allow the enemy to overtake us. People need to wake up in the 2 parties in 1 and realize neither party is for us but for control and money and they have proven it. Ryan appears to be a part of that problem and needs to resign. Trump is and was OUR candidate and not a politician and used his own money to run, which means he is their BIG enemy and they are desperate not to be undone and found out how seriously they have hurt us and our country. Pox on them all and let’s fight to end the invasion of non-Americans in our Congress and WH.
gloria says
Yes. I am a female resident of Tennessee and Croker, Marsha Blackburn and Bill Haslam have just come out to NOT support our presidential nominee. There may be no choice this election but they had better be aware that if they do this and come up for re-election again they may wish that they had kept their RHINO status under-wrap….it will not be forgotten and will not be pretty. This being said–the way Paul Ryan has been acting for months I would like to see him GONE .
Rosech says
Gloria, always remember we can recall any who go against our wishes, not re-elect them if running this time (because with Hillary, there will be no more elections!) or force them to resign. We put them there as elected employees not as gods nor our commanders. We are the Government and time to stand up and take back the reins. A traitor is a traitor when he is not representing his constituents but loves the supposed power and big money he or she get their hands on. Every candidate now must be EXTREMELY VETTED down practically to their birth, whose in their family, as in Ryan’s wife is a democrat, etc. We can’t play games or America loses!
Vivian Shane says
Go trump we need change how can anybody vote for crooked hillary!!
sandy jackson says
i hope the slime ball ryan gets voted out , you are a disgrace to the republican canidate, TRUMP WILL WIN
sandy jackson says
i hope the slime ball ryan gets voted out , you are a disgrace to the republican canidate, TRUMP WILL WIN
Col. Robert Zannini says
Reference your comment that my message is a duplicate of what I once submitted. The Horn News is not a regular read of mine – – therefore I have never written before especially since I’ve discussed some items which I’ve
just learned within the past two days.
Robert Zannini
Sharon says
Berwick: Paul Ryan is the snake. He actually is a Democrat. He wants to run for president in 2020. This back stabber needs to leave Congress. Not just as speaker. He us a open broader asshole and wall street bootlicker. His wife Jana cones from a rich democrat family and works for the Democrats.
Vincent says
Despicable coward! Did I candy coat that too much?
Janis Fedor says
I have not approved of Ryan from the day he became SPEAKER. Something just not right about him.
charles lara says
I’m looking at all the GOPs that are dumping Trump, re-electing now or run in any election in the future are snakes and can’t be trusted. They won’t get my vote! I have a big family and a big circle of friends that I can influence. If you can cross over to another Party I can do that too!
OracleGuy says
No, Ryan is one of the first GOP insiders to demonstrate any integrity whatsoever.
Bob Chapman says
You must want to see Hillary as our president, too bad you don’t care more about our children, vets and elderly.
Bob Chapman says
Paul Ryan is a RINO
OracleGuy says
And Trump is a liberal moneygrubber who should never have been allowed on the GOP ticket n the first place.
dick says
F you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patti says
Very well said!!! Thank you Dick!!!!!!
Lonnie Oswald says
Ryan is a traitor and should be kicked out of the Republican Party.
Mathew Molk says
You know RINO Ryan is snake in the grass and always has been. Just another Obama shill. Good to see him in his true colors. Nobody likes a rat.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG House !
The entire RINO/Democrat elite establishment for the Shit House/
Ray says
If this is true, then ryan must go. He has let the American People down. We can not afford to have a traitor representing us.
RayAR says
ryan may be a traitor.
David D Blaedow says
Not could he is a snake and was from the very beginning
educated woman says
If a person claims to be a staunch conservative Republican…that means you vote the party from the top down! We can see the failed efforts of the majority lead House and Senate over the last eight years…their excuse is that they couldn’t achieve anything because of a Democratic president. So what will be the difference if we maintain the majority and still have another non-republican president. No matter what the circumstances, any Republican who does not support our nominee is a traitor! Those are the people in the basket of “deplorables.”
Ewan-Bell Sr. says
The stand Paul Ryan has taken against Donald Trump is just the honest stand any American who really loves his country should take. How can you support a man who has such loftier political ambitions who is not a politician? If Trump were a politician he would’nt make all that kind of sinister comments about Hillary.
Romney a Republican also said it that Trump is not fit to be president of the US. Do you think Romney hates Trump? No. But all because he is no politician. If you love the USA stop making a fool of your selves and stop supporting Trump. A stitch in time saves nine.
Patti says
Go back to you nut house.
Marsha. says
He has let the American people down. Not only for throwing Trump under the bus but for what he said he was going to do when he has done nothing in my opinion. The immigrants are still entering our country at an alarming rate. You can’t make change if you don’t try. He is more worried about his own political future than doing right by us.
RACHEL H. says
Robert Allen says
Ryan needs to go home to the Democrats. You may not win the next run for office. You are traitor to your own party. I will never trust you again.
Con Ma says
The way I gage Ryan is worse than The former ner do nothing but what aObama says to do.
It they were qualified to perform in the manner the position of Speaker Requires. To do so he needs
to know what duty he has and what tool he is given to protect the constitution and We the People.
This link encompasses the detailed knowledge which the Framers left for us to control those who Bluster and Bluff
While blatently usurping powers not granted by the Constitution Like the last 8 years.
andy says
paul ryan is a complete jerk if u ask me.he should support Trump like he said he would.he would probably step on his own mother too. get him the hell out of office. don’t waste our time pretending anything.
Mary Florek says
No I do not support Ryan and think he needs to step down. This election is critical to the American people and he is part of the group of elitists who want to pad their own pockets. Where have they been allowing such a corrupt government, allowing Obama to do whatever he wants and not having checks and balances in place to monitor spending taxpayers dollars. They should all be asked to leave govt because they betrayed American people
I never liked this guy.To me he looks like a person who would sell his mother like the clinton woman.If she is elected then he maybe get a good paying Job in here rotten Team.He is a snake in the Grass like more TOP Republicans.I am out of the Party and stay only for TRUMP win or loose.
o says
i taught it was ted ryan is a DIRTY f*g like the rest of them
Norma Angeles says
Paul Ryan is a traitor like the Bush Family whom I voted all my life here in America. He’s full of pride, he does not love America at all because he’s helping criminal and corrupt Hillary to become a leader of the most powerful country of the world. He’s a shit of America
Ginutis J. Sipas says
yes I oppose Paul Ryan,he’s worst than a Snake.
Christian says
Off with his head!!
Betty says
Paul Ryan is a traitor to the true Republican Party . He is a RINO , means he is owned by the greedy corrupt Special Interest. He promotes Global interest instead of Americas best Interest.
That is why he opposes Trump! He needs to be replaced, we need a new speaker. If we loose the majority, he is to blame. The Bushes , Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz , John McCain , Mike Lee, Ben Brasso Orrin Hatch, Lindsey Graham , John Kacish are responsible.
Will never trust these men, they have betrayed the Republican Party.
William says
Yes Paul Ryan is a Traitor . I have no use for him anymore .Kiss your career good BYE…..
Susan Heyka says
I agree Paul Ryan is a traitor! Who does he thinks he is going against the voters! Ryan needs to get out of govt as he does not represent the people!
Buzz says
Paul Ryan is a two faced S>O>B> That Was paid millions of $$$ to Help pass Obamacare. Paul Ryan and the other Turncoat Bastards are afraid Trump will Expose them for what they really are.
retired says
No matter what the trump bashers are trying to do to Trump….. Trump/Pence is still the best thing that could happen to our country…..
President Trump and VP Pence 2016 thru 2024
sick em Donald you will be the next CIC the voters will speak November 8 th…
Rex Sutton says
dump Paul
Brian says
I don’t support Paul Ryan do to the fact he gave into Obama when he first became speaker of the house ,bottom line I don’t care for the guy and do not think he can be trusted to do the right thing for this Country ,butt that’s just what I see…………..
Brian says
I don’t support Paul Ryan do to the fact he gave into Obama when he first became speaker of the house ,bottom line I don’t care for the guy and do not think he can be trusted to do the right thing for this Country ,but that’s just what I see…………..
Jeolson says
Bye, bye Spineless Ryan.
Mike Winden says
Ryan will not retain his seat in 2020. However, I’ll admit. I’m now a tremendous fan of a man who can put his personal ethic above politics. God Bless him. I wish him the best in his new life outside of politics.
Teresa says
Ryan is a Trojan Horse for the DNC
Joe Mikulec says
Uhhh that would be a yes…………….Trump, Trump, Trump
R M says
I do not support Paul Ryan. He is more concerned with his own self serving interests than he is for a GREATER AMERICA.
Lupe Sanchez says
There you go, RN, Ryan should of stayed with Mr. Trump, this is such an example of a bad friend that Trump thought he had in Ryan. I’m glad that their not voting for him, he doesn’t deserve to be in an office. The Republicans were right to do this to him and other that know him.
Deborah L. Salain says
I oppose Ryan’s turning his back on Trump. Together we stand, divided we fall. He should remember this ole sayin’
I 4 AN I says
Frank says
Ryan has always been against trump in the start of this race he did mention that he would sue trump if he was elected and then trump did something he didn’t like — remember when he did say that
Michael says
Ryan a rhino.
Budman says
James Bercik; I do think his real intention is to save the number of Republicans in the House but as I said a few days ago, he blew it and now has most of the Conservatives in the House and many of our citizens up in arms about his decision. He may well lost his position as Speaker of the House as a result. I believe Ryan is a man of integrity but this is politics to the extreme and he should have known that his decision was not going to be well received. As a result, it is those who bailed out on Trump who are on the hot seat for reelection.
ahcv says
I do not know if he is the snake that Trump refers to, but one thing I know, Ryan voted for everything that Obama wanted. He went to Washington to support our conservative agenda, instead, he supported Obamas.
scott says
we the people have spoken back trump or feel the power of the people , I f Hillary gets in a revolt is in order , take up the cause or be cast aside
Ron says
I believe Ryan and Romney are sellouts and not reputable at all. They are disgusting and represent everything that is currently wrong with the Republican Party. When the going gets rough, wave the white flag and pretend they will fight for our principles another day.
Linda says
Ryan has showed his true colors, first siding with Obama on budgets, and other bills. Now turning on Trump giving aid to Hillary. He should not be ‘re-elected. We need a strong Conservative to be the speaker.
Alan says
Ryan has shown he is a total dick!
E J Roshto says
Ryan you’re a POS. I hope and pray you are voted out. My prayers are to vote out all incumbents. I will vote out all incumbents at my voting area. TRUMP FOR POTUS 2016……………….. Hillary for prison…………..
sandra citrenbaum says
Paul Ryan is a snake and our family will never support him. This is the time he should be supporting our Presidential candidate.
Pat Manchack says
I am not interested in seeing Paul Ryan go any farther.
Ken Massie says
Jerry says
Trump all the way
Rosech says
And most Americans did NOT want Ryan, but again we were not heard and he was selected. Again Republicans taking care of themselves, supporting Obama, etc. and so elections this year need to keep in mind to truly VET new candidates and current ones up for election. They must be reminded we elect them and not they us! We are tired of electing those who lie like carpets on the floor and then follow the Congressional Republican line of ignoring us and doing what they are told to do and take the almighty donor dollars to do it. With Trump in the WH we need to remove around 98% of Republican trash! If Ryan is voted back, this will confirm what I am saying. Either our elected employees learn to listen or learn a lesson in not doing so.
John says
Way Past time to DUMP ryan! What a POS!
I think he Really wants hrc to win!
Clinton ryan to work together! thats already on the news
Can ANYONE, tell me whats on hilary’s resume, to make us Hire her?
Debbie Pullen says
Ryan is a SNAKE!
Hope he is taken out in the election, if not NOT being Speaker would be second best option.
RYAN is a Traitor!
Debbie Pullen says
Ryan is a SNAKE!
Hope he is taken out in the election, if not NOT being Speaker would be second best option.
Ann Ashfield says
Any GOP who is not supporting the Constitution with conservative appointees, does not deserve a vote. I have been trying to contact Marco Rubio, unfortunately, at this juncture in time, he is more interested in his job than the country. He does not respond to this issue. I will not vote for a republican who does not support Donald Trump.. All GOP republicans need to find their little voices and SING LOUD AND STRONG FOR DONALD TRUMP!
William says
Ryan is two faced, kick him out we don’t need people in office that we can’t trust no loyalty at all. By Ryan
Should have kept your word but you didn’t.
I could ever support Paul Ryan. he is what is called a dirty politician. he is speaker of the house and as such he should of been doing his part to unite the party. instead he continues to make waves. like he is the one running for President. He does not call the shots the peoples nominee that fought the long hard battle of 17 opponents. not the weasel Ryan waiting at the end of road to knife him in the back. Ryan is the party Judas and he will never President because he has shown he can’t be trusted. i rather a president that puts his boot in his mouth once in a while then one that could put a knife in our back. Ryan is a snake and will go down in political history as the Juda of the republican party. they are a few republicans that wanted to be president and were hurt and publicly wore their feeling on their sleeves. but this guy Ryan is sneaky. He plotted and planned this trap for Trump in the finally weeks of the election. I wouldn’t want that Judas on my team and we must petition to have him removed.
humpy b says
Snake Judas Traitor Scumbag Turncoat Obama supporter Liar Rollover these all apply to paul ryan take your pic go home go play with yourself not decent Americans shame on you ryan pos
Anna says
He’s definitely ONE OF THEM!
Rick Williams says
Without a Doubt!!
Jim Robinett says
Amen, ryan sure acts the part of a snake in the grass. Wonder who is adding to his coffers?
George A. Rosell says
It is not just possible. He proved it when he spoke against Trump. He is one of the Elitist like all the Bush people, Ted Cruz and all the rest turn coat SNAKES. I will vote against and not support any candidate that is backed by any of the above mentioned.
Hector. J garcia says
Paul Ryan needs to be defeated even at the cost of one congressional seat. Lost to DNC
Katy says
No I do support Ryan and I hope he does lose his Speaker post. He is acting more like a surly kid than a man 47 years old. So much bad judgement all around.
P. Kathy Kleiman says
Ryan “Sour Grapes” for not too long ago, he was on another Presidential ticket, and Romney is the epitome of an Establishment lifer. People are calling their senators, representatives to remove Ryan, but I don’t trust either McConnell or Kevin McCarty. That is Texas’ problem with John Cornyn, who has a grade of an F-, NumbersUSA track what politicians say they are for, and then watches how they vote. Cruz has maintained a steady A to an A+. Cornyn doesn’t seem to care for there is not one who will run against him. And then there is McCain, who has been riding on the coattails of him being a POW>I am sure he wasn’t the only POW, however he sure makes a great case that he was. And he is in his 80’s. In the founder’s time, people did not live that long, so these things were never in their mind’s eye. And take Ted Kennedy, who was in Congress when his brain tumor was confirmed and I can pretty much guess that he didn’t clearly understand what he was voting for or against, as long as it was what the commies wanted…
benjamin bolin says
My guess is yes. Paul Ryan is a snake in the grass. never did like him. He’s got a look about him.
Clarissa voth says
yes I was very disappointed that he turned his back on trump! what a lily livered child he is!
Susan Lindauer says
The sheer selfishness of this sabotage to Republican voters is unforgivable. rPaul Ryan’s career is over. Done. Finito. Sayonara. Goodbye. There’s the Exit Door. Here’s the boot.
Debbie T says
This is my letter to Paul Ryan after finding out about his betrayal!
Mr. Speaker, “we” obviously have different objectives for this upcoming Election! Your main concern is The House . . . MY utmost concern is our COUNTRY! Why haven’t you FULLY endorsed the candidate chosen by We The People? Trump is OUR choice, and you profess to be a Republican, or are you a RINO? Are you too “big” to put yourself in our shoes, i.e., we the little people who grovel every day and do not have a high-paying, cushy job with the government? “Life” is rough out here in reality, but I’m not sure you’re in touch with reality. You colluded with the treasonous act of trying to destroy Trump, rather than backing your own party candidate. THAT, in and of itself, tells me a LOT about your personal moral compass, and lack of character and clarity in life. BTW, if you DO think you can bring Trump down and you will be the nominee [since you already filed the paperwork to run for both President and Vice President!], I can assure you that you will not get my vote! I will abstain from voting before I will submit my choice to someone who has no morals, such as yourself. You need to repent of your ways, and get on board with the clear choice to defeat HRC ….. Trump IS that choice.
When was the last time you saw a Republican get anywhere near the crowds that Trump gets? That right there should tell you something, unless you are stuck on stupid! It is time to grow a set and “man up” Seems to me that you all were for him until you thought he might win! SHAME ON YOU! Why YOU don’t know how the “Clinton Machine” works is beyond belief! Most of America does! So he got some bad press. Big Deal! He owns up to what he has done. Not so with the rest of you who tried to take him down. She is getting it every day now until the election from Wikileaks and you know what I hear from the Republicans?? Crickets! That’s right Crickets! And I see today another one of the journalist committed “suicide”! How many dead bodies does that make now for the Clintons? I guess what I am saying is You all can either back Trump 100% or I will make it my “cause” to see that everyone of you rats that jumped ship will NEVER set in those seats again. Are you, and the other rats, on the Clinton pay to play list (?) cause that also looks like the case here!
Hillary for prison 2017
Trump/Pence 2016
A Proud But Ticked Off Deplorable from Florida
Maxine DeRouen says
Deplorable here in Louisiana Trump and only TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT and for Paul Ryan he is a traitor on killary helper believe it he is slime sly for the Republican party……..must get rid of him ASAP get a honest trustworthy person.
Celine Crotty says
ABSOLUTE SNAKE! Vote TRUMP/PENCE, Best for the Country. Very Serious Election. Please Vote TRUMP/PENCE cannot afford another 4 years of Democrats. Clinton wants to raise our Taxes. Must get rid of her. Thanks.
Karon says
No Trump, no Ryan kick your back stabbing, cowardly butt out the door. BACK YOUR PARTY YOU PUNK!
Gabrielle Jones says
I am pro- Trump all the way. Ryan is a do-nothing as far as accomplishing authentic Republican goals.
debdell says
LOL – yes, Trump was for Ryan getting his position, so the snake analogy is fitting.
What is wrong with Ryan is that he is a RINO along with the Bush aholes looking for any reason they could find to back Hillary – one of their own members of the corrupt establishment. Imagine, having a fantastic candidate like Trump and they fought and undermined him all the way. It is clear that they don’t want an honest person that will do the right thing for the people because that would hurt the corruption that is everywhere in our government and lining their pockets.
me says
this is one time Ryan’s mouth went before his brain….
shoulda kept it shut!!!
Andy says
Ryan is delusional if he thinks he can be a serious presidential candidate after he’s done all he can to sabotage Trump. What Ryan has done is much worse than what Chris Christie did to Romney. I wouldn’t vote for Ryan for dog catcher.
Daniel Ray Farley says
He needs to go..! Any Republican that can’t support Trump, whom the people voted for: needs to go.
michael says
Ryan’s abandonment of Trump shows he is spineless jellyfish like test of the establishment Republicans. As for saving your down ticket Republicans, I am voting 3rd party or democrat for all down ticket positions because of you Mr. Ryan. The only Republican I am voting for is Trump. screw you Ryan you worthless pile of dung.
Ronald says
Ryan and ALL the rest of Republicans who don’t support Trump are All DISHONABLE people cant even call them men they don’t disserve it remember the pledge they lied then who can you trust now ?
Bobi says
I welcome the day he is ousted!
PattieA says
Me too!!!!
Virginia says
Me three.
He should never have being there in the first place.I am ashamed that I ever voted for Bush and Cain in the past.The other ones running for President are not worst to mention.
Jim Robinett says
amen. the day the entire bunch of crooked elected beings is dumped will be a blessed day for this Country.
debdell says
I agree!
Beverly Skinner says
Cy says
Bingo! Perfectly stated. All these RINOs keep forgetting that it is “we, the people” who chose Trump to be our nominee. When they rebel against him, they rebel against us.
Never forget what a serious tragedy it would be for our country if Hitlery were to stack the Supreme Court with people as evil as herself. Trump MUST win. Do all you personally can. Talk to as many people as you can. And give them good, sound, positive reasons to support Trump. Don’t waste time in the gutter. Sell Trump’s strong points.
Peggy Cunninngham says
sandy jackson says
OracleGuy says
Then perhaps you need to talk to someone educated who knows that Trump would be, in hs own words, a disaster….a disaster.
Barbara says
I totally Agree Beverly
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The sugar coating on House majority speaker Paul Ryan is coming right off. He’s nothing but a Demoncrat in reality, RINOS are sugar coated to look like & act like Republicans, but when that sugar coating comes right off, you have a Demoncrat. Paul Ryan doesn’t deserve to be the House majority speaker at all. Should the Republican retain the House majority after Election Day, they should vote for a Republican Congressman/Congresswoman that is from one of the most solid Republican states such as Utah, Kansas, Wyoming, Indiana which in those states Demoncrats are almost unheard of and/or nearly extinct. Utah & Kansas are the most solid Republican of all the states in the union.
capt ron says
Christopher …
. Wyoming gave us 911/ NSA Richard (Dick) Bruce Cheney. …
. Need I say more ?
. How such a beautiful state be so wrong ?
OracleGuy says
True that.
He is like the Pillsboro Dough man.
debdell says
It is worse than not supporting us who nominated Trump. By not supporting Trump, Ryan is showing his support for Hillaroid the hemorrhoid.
Eastedie says
Paul Ryan’s wife is a Democrat from a long line of Democrats who served in various official positions. This is one reason Ryan has sided with Obama too many times. Yes, it is definitely time for a new House speaker. DUMP RYAN!!
Mary says
Oh, so he is straddling the fence!
Wifey fills his head with leftist elitist ideas!
It is called effective brain washing!!!
Tsk tsk!
House divided cannot stand! (even at home!)
Eleanor says
yes I agree
Another one who is taken by a Woman.No Backbone and Pride in what he is doing.He should OPENLY join the Hillarious bunch with his wife.But he can not do this because he is a snake in the grass.
irene Williams says
Back Trump or be fired Paul Ryan.
Martin says
Back Trump or lose America.
Maxine DeRouen says
Back Trump Paul Ryan or we don’t get Judges for righteous decision and keep our freedom and America ,religious beliefs, our American flag respect,2nd ammendment and 1 , 4 ,5 and more.He is not a true Republican .He is a Democrat in the closet .We the people has chosen Mr.Trump to be our president to make America Great Again.We need to stop corruption in DC government. No NWO!
capt ron says
irene …
. At this point “what difference does it make” ? …
. It’s up to US to back TRUMP !
He can not because his Hillarious supporting Wife would maybe slap his Butt.Poor little Sucker.
Sharon says
Ryan should have never been there in the first place ! He is a rino an always has been. He is for the establishment , period. Do not vote for imcumbants of the GOP . We need real change.
Gerry says
100% right – Sharon. Anyone who is willing to throw an election to allow the witch back into our WH for the sake of his own greed is not fit to be a leader of anything let alone speaker of the house. He deserves to be thrown out into the street like the bum he is. Hopefully he hasn’t done anything that can’t be undone. Trump is the only candidate with the guts to stand up to these demoSCUM/rino weasels.
Barbara says
AMEN Gerry!!!!! Well said
Eleanor says
yes he sure is I’,ve never failed right about him
Eleanor says
yes I agree
Eleanor says
yes I agree on that
Mike says
Trump is our only hope to HELP end corruption and rebuild America – To sabotage Trump because he wants to be president in 2020
is outrageous. He should be booted out – especially after allowing everything Obama wanted. Get him out and Trump IN !!!
James Clooney says
Yes it is—get rid of Ryan and watch how the R party comes together !!!
Jacob says
I wish Trump would go to Wisconsin and campaign against Ryan. If I could vote against Ryan I would after all there is not one thing that Obama wanted that Ryan didn’t pass for him.
Robert Taylor says
Explain to me why everything Ryan does affects all of us but only those in Wisconsin can vote to get rid of him?
silver fox says
needa new speaker I don’t respect turn coats if you make a pac u should keep it a man is only good has is word.
Mario Caballero says
Mr. Ryan has shown us twice during this election, that he is not a TEAM PLAYER, and he doesn’t deserve to be speaker let alone represent the Republican Party. We need a leader that would support the candidates not a Benedict Arnold.
PattieA says
Maybe … hitlery crooked clinton has some “goods” on him. That’s just a thought.
capt ron says
PattieA …
. And if she does he (P Ryan) needs to man up for the good of the USA !
Amelia says
He will never do anything to benefit america, being married to a democrat with all those political ties. He is probably jumping hurdles at home..
Sarah Duke says
Paul Ryan has sold out many times. The TPP, the budget just a couple. I do not
trust a word he says and he needs to be gone.
Sandra says
Yes he needs to be gone he has turned his back on the Conservative principles and even hope Wisconsin don’t vote him in
capt ron says
Sandra …
. They just did (voted him in). …
. Now he needs to be recalled !
Tom Vasilliu says
Louis Guin says
We need to have control of house and senate with GOP leaders and Trump in office.
Kent Hallander says
During the last eight years, Obama has managed to negate three quarters of the Constitution with Ryan’s and Hilary’s help.
Four years of Hillary will complete what Obama started. Hillary’s mentor, and Obama’s, was Saul Lewinsky and she did her college thesis on him. Everything they have done is right out of Lewinsky”s ” Rules For Radicals”. and the weak Republicans gave away their powers to stop them! It will cost us the country for generations. Trump has to win!
Lois Wenk says
This is why Darrell Castle and Scott Bradley need to win the presidency. Constitution as founders intended. Declaration if Independence and Bill of Rights.
lizaz says
Ryan just doesn’t understand how badly the American people want to rid themselves of the arrogant, selfish liberal government we have had for eight years and clinton is just an extension of that, if not worse. clinton and her media will stop at nothing to trash Trump and Ryan is simply supporting her in that effort. Hopefully the Ryan constituents will realize that when voting…….
Spirit says
He is a turn coat ,to subtract his support for Trump When all of America needs him and and should support his change for this Country, Ryan hits the panic button and Runs not my kind of leader, Out with Ryan Vote Trump, Trump, make America great again!
Theda J Gallegos says
I was shocked that they voted Ryan in to be their leader to begin with! Republicans listen to the people for once and get moving. Tired of voting people in and then they do what they want. They don’t ask what we want and when they do they don’t listen. All they want is money, keep asking for donations. Tired of politicians not doing their job and not communicating with the people!
Edward Barley says
Snake in the grass w/b an appropriate term for Ryan. Based on his actions in the house he might as well be a democrat anyway. I will not be voting for anyone who is not solidly behind Trump. It is a sad day for Republicans and even sadder for our country if Trumo is not elected President.
Sandra says
So true
Martin says
Yes those snakes do not care what happens to America.
charles says
Paul Ryan is a RINO. He has done nothing to stop Obamas craziness. Bet he would be in Hillarys back pocket as well.
mickey says
you said that right—-AMEN!!!
Ben English says
Trump’s may be anti-establishment, but he is the people’s candidate like it or not. Not supporting Trump is a vote for Clinton. Supreme Court appointments is the number one concern, and Trump’s choices will help preserve the constitution.
David Ryan says
Why bother saving control of the house? Under his RINO leadership they only capitulate to the wishes of the Libs anyway.
Sandra says
David Ryan you are so right
Diane says
Shame on Paul Ryan! Democrats surround and protect their “delicate bird” no matter what befalls them. And a slew of media follows from newspapers to TV networks, cable and mainstream! Republicans push their wounded bird out of the nest plus have no help from the media! Not even Fox News is fully in Trumps corner! Our party cannot survive such treatment. After this election, I’m changing my party affiliation and will no longer be associated with Republican traitors. This is much more about the future decisions for our country than it is for Donald Trump and this election. Get your pompous, above it all, head out of the sand and look at what’s really at stake here! You Republican elites have all lost sight of the issues, which the Democrats NEVER DO! They rally and we abandon! I called that stupidity!
Phil & Irene Npovotny says
Yes he should be fired.
The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for being so crittical of Trump. I would like to know how many
of the politicians have dirt on the hands!!!!!!!!
The Democrat, no matter how much dirt is thrown at Clintons, both Bill and Hllary, they stick together and lie right along
with them.
Robert Taylor says
To answer your first question…All of them.
Jim Everett says
I oppose, I’m thru with him.
Greg says
Remember, Ryan is third in line for President. He wants a sick Hillary in office to improve his chances, because he will never get another vote from the people.
jj Lee says
why don’t people grow up & think about the important things; its well known for centuries that people “just talk ” to try to ;impress others; our country is n bad trouble & needs strong leadership; so leave the kid stuff & be adults; I would bet that everyone who
‘is “pretending” disgust has sd something in their past that the public wouldn’t appreciate hearing either;
let the first one without sin or “talk” cast the first stone
Jack mattes says
Paul Ryan is a loser. He showed his lack of courage in his time in congress and also in his debate with Doo doo Biden. He is cancer in the party like Romney, Bush and the others. Losers.
Ronald S. Zimney says
Know your enemies. Ryan is putting himself ahead of God and Country. With Hillary in office for just four years, Ryan will never be able to turn things around, if that were his goal, which is doubtful. Trump is our last best hope to maintain a sovereign nation. Trump 2016.
Gail Davis says
Paul Ryan is a little man. When he was up for the job he had made a statement that he would take it only if they did not ask him to vacate it.
The title of Speaker has gone to his head and he thinks he is a little God. He needed to support TRUMP 100%, but the little weasel is part of the establishment and needs to go. He has done absolutely nothing for the American people. He is in bed with Obama and gives him everything he wants, instead of looking after our country. It seems if you do not live in his state, you can’t e-mail him. Call his office phone his mail box is always full. He isolates himself from the American people. HE NEEDS TO GO!
Fred says
Both Ryan and Trump need to stop bashing each other or they will both lose.
Karen Hirst says
Dump Ryan like he did Trump!!! Go Trump 2016!!!
Dick McHenry says
If you can’t get behind your party’s candidate for president you should not be leading that party under ANY circumstances.
Hank Simpson says
In my eyes Ryan is a snake and I never thought he should have been elected in the first place, and I think that Mitt Romney was wrong having him as his Vice President as I saw him as a snake then as well. His interest has only been for him not the party as we have already seen that from him more than once. And yes he is not the only one who thinks he can flip flop when he feels like it.
We need to get rid of a few more who are stupid enough to want Hillary for our President as she is the biggest Snake of them all and our Country will be doomed if she wins. So goodbye Ryan and you others who know who they are.
J. Geyer says
I hope he loses his job. After his current remarks he doesn’t deserve the job
Mary says
Ryan is a traitor and only helping the democrats by refusing to back Trump. He is only hurting himself, as well as the Republican Party. He should no longer be speaker of the house.
Mysticmoods says
Ryan could have supprorted Trump while disapproving of his remarks in 2005. The timing was oh so deliberate, the media’s attempts to throw the election to Hilary so blatant.
Robert Taylor says
If you think Ryan has never talked the same way you must also think he is gay. None of these self-righteous people posing to make it seem they would not say shi– even if they had a mouthful are worth a dam. Their morals are such that they will do, say or vote for anything that gives them more of what all seek…more money and power.
This old quote is truer today than ever;
“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a
permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until
the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts
from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes
for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury,
with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal
policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.”
1887 Alexander Tyler
Remember that America was founded as a Republic not a Democracy.
larry burch says
I’m 66 years old and I have never seen politics like this in my life! The behind the scene’s have come to light. This just give’s us some insight as to how corrupt our government is. Ryan, you FAILED. TRUMP is now stronger than ever thanks to you. My god, anything but Hitlerey. The Clintons don’t even have jobs but can bring in $250 million in ten years.. Really?
BillyDawn says
Pat Stringer says
I am supporting Trump! If Pau Ryan can’t keep his word on the pledge he signed then he doesn’t need the American people’s vote. The people spoke and he isn’t listening.
Donald Disney says
We need to dump Speaker Paul Rino, as well as the other RINO’S In the Republican Party. If they do back Donald Trump, then they are voting for Hillary.
James says
He should be completely voted out of office!!!! Send him packing.
Stop Government Corruption says
Doesn’t matter who runs for president next time. If Trump loses, the party will be toast. The demographics already favor the liberals, think what it will be in 4 years. We MUST VOTE FOR TRUMP/PENCE to keep the party alive.
capt ron says
Stop Government …
. The party is not worth $0.02 IMO. ..
. What is important is the good old USA !
rafael says
Ryan the RINO , you are the good old boys club
YOU Politicians are part of the GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB . You Politicians You talk big, but You won`t change anything. YOU are all controlled by the big-money donors. YOU are ALL owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations, and multinational corporations “ like Big Pharmacy or Big Oil. YOU are owned and CONTROLLED by Foreigners like George Soros or Foreign governments own Hillary and their Clinton Foundation donations .
No One can Buy Trump
Robin says
I wrote on Ryan’s facebook page that he should be ashamed of who he is. I’ve known he is a poor excuse of both a Republican and Democrat. He’s in it for Ryan and no one else. We don’t need asses like this!
larry says
oppose 100%
Rose says
DUMP RYAN, Romney & other cohorts
Bette White says
Ryan has spent a lifetime planning to rise in the Republican Party; however, if he CANNOT support the candidate of the American people’s choice; then he should be dumped! He was used by Romney, McCain and others and see where it got him!
Mary Ruen says
I don’t think he should stay in power. Anyone that would vote for HRC, and go against there party needs to go!!!!!!!!!
Jason Silverman says
Dump Ryan, he is a Democrat disguised as a Republican. Remove him from politics all together. What a RAT!
Rae says
No support for Ryan. If the complete GOP House and Senate continues not to come together and support Trump I will vote them out when their term comes to a end. GOP grow up get your act together for the people’s choice. Trump for President
Kirk says
We are in Paul Rinos district and we didn’t vote for him in primary and definitely will not in General.
He is bought and paid for neocon insider and doesnt work for us but his rich donor class.
Bruce Oppermann says
Send him back to Janesville……..he has truly been one big disappointment to the run-of-the-mill republicans! Let’s see where the
so called ‘elites’ get him??!!?
gloria says
Amen to that, Bruce.
John G. says
The GOP needs to put an end to the in fighting, back biting, bickering – circle the wagons and fight the real enemy Hillary the “Hun” and her corrupt group of sycophants.
gloria says
You got that right, John.
Ron Murphy says
Dump that bum & let the true conservatives who aren’t afraid to fight take the party back.
Jerry Bieker says
I have been a rebublican for about 60 years, now i’m ready to withdraw if you can’t suport the voters chose you can’t suport me. also i dought there is a man around who at one time are anoth, didn’t say something about a hot woman. locker room talk. i’ve been half way around the world ,the talk is the same. if Rayn said he never made a comment around the guys in school to look big i will call him a lier to his face. he has to go jb
gloria says
You are probably totally correct on what you said here…there have to be very few guys who have not made, at the least, a mildly suggestive comment in his life. The audacity of comparing a benign comment like this one–from 12 years ago….when he was SINGLE….to the garbage that Bill Clinton has done WHILE MARRIED and his wife, hiLIARy not only supports him while doing so but then attacks the women who he does it to. Those who are not smart enough to distinguish between the two are certainly not intelligent enough to be “ruling” over us.
Scott Cramer says
Can’t paul ryan traitor to the country get his ass out! He loves obama!
C Mays says
Mr. Ryan: If you’re not supporting Mr. Trump, then you are in effect supporting Clinton.
You’re supposed to be on our side. If you choose not to vote for OUR candidate, then
I suggest you keep your opinion to yourself. Nobody knows what you do once you
close the curtain.
Lois Wenk says
Wrong just Wrong! God is not in your precious box either.
Justin W says
If Trump loses on election day, which increasingly appears likely, the race for 2020 will begin for the Republicans. If Paul Ryan plans to run for president in 2020 then freeing him from the speaker’s job will be a dream come true.
People that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Donald Trump should have known that whenever he drug Bill Clinton’s sex problems into the presidential race that his own skeletons were going to come out of the closet. He should have learned that much from his former friends, Bill & Hillary Clinton.
If Donald Trump and his supporters want to get even with Ryan, they should focus on winning on election day. Donald Trump is wasting a lot of energy going after fellow Republicans. HILLARY IS THE PERSON HE IS RUNNING AGAINST. IF TRUMP DOESN’T WANT TO LOSE TO HILLARY HE NEEDS TO IGNORE PAUL RYAN AND THE OTHER REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS.
Greg says
The stupid RINO’s don’t understand that if Trump loses the election, there will be no Republican Party.
Lois Wenk says
About time some republican had sense here. I’m voting my conscience. Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley. Besides, as a lobbyist he learned how politics works.
marta white says
I feel Paul Ryan is weak when the going gets tough….what did he do???? he weakened. Not too intelligent- a bit immature when the consequences are hiLIARy in charge to ruin our country. This is why people respect Trump… he has a backbone!! He is not a liar!!
Greg says
Ryan and McConnell must go no matter what happens.
jerry holbrock says
it seems to me that mr. ryan cut his nose off to spite his face. i do not like turn coat republicans [politicans] in my mind they are just useing the republican name to acheive what they want. probably vote democrat any way when behind the curtain. bye bye mr. ryan.
hello mr. trump and mr pence’
Montie H Miner says
I predict that Ryan will become an independent and vote for the democrats. that’s the only hole Ryan the snake can crawl in. He is the snake in the grass. he has tried to dump Trump from day (1) one. He should not continue to be the House leader. Vote him out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David says
Donald Trump is our party’s canidate for the president so get behind him is every way or get out of the party. The democratic process is make your selection by a process and everybody supports Him Or HER so what is your problem. Support or get out of the party.
bill Jones says
Ryan should lose his election. He is a Rino in every sense. Throw him out!
Tom K says
Dump Ryan!!!!!!!!!
Dave says
Can you say bye bye Mr Ryan – I will give this much to the RNC = 000. I suspect Bengazi Killary may win and the republican party will split. Good job RINO’s
Sue says
This die hard deplorable says Ryan needs to go …
Marilyn says
Yes, Ryan is a Snake. Dump him! I’m a 66 Yr old college educated woman and I am all in for Trump.
If Hillary wins, it’s time to find a remote island to live on. The US is quickly turning into a 3rd world country and Hillary would succeed in making sure it gets there.
gloria says
Marilyn, I am, also, a 66 year old woman and join you in everything you said. There are too many…including Corker, Blackburn and Haslam in Tennessee…who had better be rethinking their political aspirations if they are going to continue dissing our duly chosen nominee for President. We may be out of “luck” this election but the next term we can choose a new Governor and new Representatives and if they think we won’t do just that they have another think a coming.
James says
If Paul Ryan is so full of himself that he can’t support Donald Trump in he election to become America’s next President, he needs to understand that his actions might allow Hillary Clinton to be elected as our next President. That in itself will cause a Constitutional Crisis that America may never recover. Obama has attempted to destroy America and Hillary Clinton would finish the job for Obama in “Stacking” the US Supreme with ACTIVIST JUDGES which will be used DESTROY the US CONSTITUTION and our FREEDOM.
Ronnie says
He and others like him need to go if we expect change and get rid of the corruption.
Rich says
The fight is like the sport of ” tug a war” If the team pulls together they have the best chance of winning
Paul Ryan is as bad as we think a TRAITOR in living Color !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linda says
Paul Ryan has to go. He is only concerned about his ambitions for a presidential race in 2020 and first keeping his job as Speaker of the House. He is not concerned about the Anerica we will see if Hilary is elected. She will select Supreme Court justices that will not support our Constitution. She does not know how to fight Asis leaving Anerica less safe.
Open borders, which is Hilary’s dream will be a disaster.
Yes Payl Ryan is fighting for Hilary and not for making America great again by supporting Trump.
Daniel komada says
Ryan was weak from the start complaining about long hours and trips having him being away from home he never should have been elected.
Weak on immigration and Borders
Shiree says
Paul Ryan is a snake in the grass. Someone needs to do some investigating on Paul Ryan, he is probably being bought off by Hillary. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Comey is a sneaky snake too. He should be fired and so many more in the WhiteHouse. USA all the way with Trump.
DiDi says
Dump Ryan. He is thinking only of himself and not what is best for the country. TRUMP is what is best for the country and he has sacrificed everything to attempt to make America Great again. Ryan is selfish and certainly not needed anymore.
Sidney Poynter says
Against Ryan staying as speaker. For Trump all the way. Have already voted.
Norman Maloney says
I wonder what the Democrats paid or promised Ryan to support the democrats and help to get the h/c snake into president?????
joyce ware says
I can not believe Paul Ryan is playing into the hands of the democrats like he is. Why don’t he just get up on Hillary’s podium and help her to get elected, he might as well. I think a true republican would back another one no matter what. Trump’s background doesn’t even compare to Bill and Hillary’s. What in the world are people thinking?
Bennett Lindholm says
Paul Ryan needs to put his “Big Girl Panties” on and step up to the plate and support the leader selected by the people! He does not qualify to be re-elected. As speaker of the house, . .send him home so he can adjust his halo.
wayne sary says
Paul Ryan has the facial features of the rat. He has the character of the Clintons. . They are bottom feeders that rise to the scum that floats on cesspools. I hope they someday realize they are the ones who are disgusting and deplorable.
NAN says
yes, PAUL RYAN is the snake that Mr. Trump refers to. he’s A DEMOCRATIC SNAKE, and i hope that all of this flies back in his face. who paid him off? who promised him favors? disgusting, and THIS is what is refreshing about Mr. Trump. first, HE LOVES AMERICA. second, HE’S NOT A POLITICIAN. third, HE DOESN’T LIE (and THIS is what everyone hates because he EXPOSES THEM!). this entire character assassination has been so ugly for Mr. Trump. HE’S A FIGHTER, and he’ll FIGHT FOR US! i don’t give a damn what he’s done in his past in the ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS. LOOK at the entertainers in this country. they’re PIGS but get a pass. i only care about what Mr. Trump CAN DO for ‘we the people’ because we’ve been manipulated, and left behind. the corrupt, bought and paid for liberal media should be ashamed of themselves, but they’re also bought and paid for by barack obama and hillary clinton. SUCH liars. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRUMP, AND GOD BLESS YOU, AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Zeda Stout says
Ryan needs to go we need a person that supports we the people choice for our candidate if Hillary wins his stupid mouth will be to blame what a private citizen said 11 years ago compared to proven illegal criminal acts by a former First Lady Secretary of State paid with our tax dollars to protect us Ryan is not without sin either non of us are who died and made him God to Judge Mr Trump or anybody for that matter. Hillary buy him to????
Cindy Trask says
The people voted in Trump. It is his place as a Republican to back the people’s choice. If he can not do so he is not fulfilling his duty in my opinion and is a traitor to his party. Those who choose not to back Yrump should not be allowed to stay in office as a representative to the people.
Ryan has always been against Donald Trump. After the nomination this turncoat has done nothing to support Trump. He is a Benedict Arnold. He
along with Obama & Hillary must go. I agree with “Silver Fox’s” comments stick by your party and your word should be your bond. OUT WITH RYAN…..
Monika McCrory says
Paul Ryan sold out I do not trust him
Gwen says
Donald Trump backed Paul Ryan and John McCain in their primaries and they both stabbed him in the back. Ryan needs to go as well as John (he ain’t no hero) McCain. I was rooting for Paul Nehlan against Paul Ryan and Dr. Kelli Ward against John (he ain’t no hero) McCain. I bet those folks which they had voted differently now.
Mr. Trump for President…….MAGA!!!
Keith edmonds says
I like Paul RYAN when he was running for president but , If he can’t even support the REPUBLICAN NOMINEE, Then He DOES NOT SUPPORT THE VOTERS that PUT HIM IN AS speaker and the American public, so maybe it is time for him to go. Trump has good ideas but is going to need supporter.
outlawliberalism says
Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney need to take a few lessons on how to win an election from Mr. Trump. He also needs to remember that the same people that put him where he is are the folks that put Trump where he is, Trump didn’t put himself there. Rip on Trump and you rip on your life line.
Marvin Galliher says
Everything rises and falls on leadership. Trump is the Nominee for President and Paul Ryan should support him. If not, Paul Ryan should step down.
Kathe Swanson says
Paul Ryan is a trader. He is attempting to destroy our ONLY chance to regain AMERICA. Is he staying cozy with Hillary? Her lobbiist may have helped him to buy this multimillion dollar Mansion on the beautiful lake front of GREEN LAKE In Wisconsin.
HE IS LETTING US DOWN. What a snake!
Rosech says
Many of us did NOT want Ryan as Speaker knowing his past told us his future – what he wants is and was not what we want. He needs to go. Supposed leader? Ryan is not. He is not supporting the candidate Republicans and non-Republicans chose proving he is not worthy of any position in Congress and definitely not as Speaker. As I have said we need to rid Congress of 98% of the traitors who have broken their oaths, promises, us and America and mostly all for the almighty donor dollar! He says (like Pelosi, Biden, Kaine) that he is a Catholic? Really? Get real, Ryan you are that snake in the grass, have no credibility, and apparently bought and paid for by Soros and/or the Clintons. Hopefully, you will lose in your home state as well if they have any values at all, because obviously you do not. If you spouse is a Catholic (again which I doubt) and is a democrat, another reason to remove you pronto! I am a real Catholic and there are many of us who will NOT vote for your kind that have proven lack of ethics, truth, and values thinking you can convince enough to support you. I am pleased that several Republicans in Congress are NOT going to support you. Go home to your “family” as you were quoted you wanted to do and too bad you didn’t and save America and yourself the embarrassment you have brought to us and America. You have flipflopped once too often, so pack up and stay home for sure this time. You are not worth anything to us and America and apparently showing yourself again as a RINO and traitor to we who are real Americans and want TRUMP! Resign and will receive a little respect maybe.
Helen Higgason says
Paul the less than a RHINO, is more like a sinister lib, we must throw the BUM out, please, we need Trump in office, not that evil Hilliary, the killer!!!!!
Janelle says
Ryan has no back bone…….he must go. Trump! 2016!
Shannon Johnson says
I thought Paul Ryan was a good choice for Speaker. Since then we’ve come to find out he’s nothing but “a yes man” for the establishment!
John Mulhollen says
A NO vote for Trump is a yes vote for Hillary,…. plus she is using Ryan and other no vote Republican politicians as fodder for unseating Trump…..Disgusting. If he and others in Senate and Congress will not back the Conservative candidate , perhaps it would be best for them to resign from the GOP and slide over to Democrats….. Then let’s see how their political careers’ go.
Those like Ryan have just sealed their future, … and it doesn’t look good……Stupid move Ryan….
If Hillary wins, it will be the end to the GOP for the next 20 years at least…. maybe forever….
And YOU Ryan, and others like you are making that a possibility ……
Mary Pattaozzi says
Ryan is a snake. It was so obvious how he jumped on the video to try to push Trump out and put Pence in, over something from 30 yrs. ago, over all the corruption Hillary is about. That didn’t make any sense. It just showed what a snake he really is and that he can’t be trusted. I was stunned Wisconsin voted him back in the primary. He’s such a loser like Romney. I hope he loses in November, to me, his seat is no different than having a Democrat sitting in it. After all, Ryan went along with everything Obama wanted. Wake up Wisconsin, vote him out!
Sherry Scott says
I taught Kindergarteners and I’ve taught 6th graders! Both were better behaved than Paul Ryan and others in the Senate and the House!!! They were elected to do the people’s
business!!! Support your party’s candidate!!! Or get another job!!!
Trump is the Republican candidate!
Deal with it!!! Stop acting like a spoiled brat! Don’t like it, you can resign!
Theoline Isaacson says
Ryan is a lying self serving hypocrite–hope he is ousted.
Mary Eich says
Paul Ryan is a flip-flopper who cannot be trusted because whenever something goes wrong he jumps right away and goes against the problem by changing his decision he made before. When someone does that it shows that he is not someone who can be trusted.
Huey says
Ryan needs to go. He is part of the politically elite and establishment. He is a traitor to the country
Cheryl says
Trump for president 2016…..dump Ryan and anyone else that does not support Trump.
Ronald says
Ryan should resign as speaker if he doesn’t back TRUMP
Jeff says
All you need to do is watch again the vice-presidential debate between him and Biden in 2012 and you can see that he is not House Speaker material. He acted like a lap dog during the interview while he was supposed to fight for the Vice President job.
Can’t compare to Pence
Dee says
Ryan needs to go, he’s the one that has caused the device in the party.
Jack Cruger says
WOW what more can anyone say. Dump Ryan
Helen Higgason says
Paul Ryan, is no conservative , he’s a less than a RHINO,,he should be DUMPED from his leadership, NOW!!!!
Bob says
I stand with Donald J Trump!!! Anybody that is not for him is part of the” Establishment” weather they are Republican or Democ-rat. Donald Trump is the only one that can take Hellery and the other crooks down. he was up against 17 others and they all dropped out and ” He is the last Man standing” .Hellery has done NOTHING in her entire Political career to help anybody but herself. She is more power hungry then Hitler was and more evil too. The Clinton Machine makes the rest of the Underworld look like Mother Teresa.They have raised Corruption to a much higher level then anyone since the world began. We can’t let THEM win or America will never be Free again. we will be a Socialist Country with Dictator Hellery Clinton and her Snakes ” The Establishment” Anybody that can’t see through Her needs to look at the Big picture of where She wants to take Us.Please God save America
ronnie folk says
he is pissed because him and rum dum didn’t win the last election. it is a crying shame that republicans like him are putting the crook at the helm, and they are afraid trump will mess up their bird nest on the ground he can kiss my a##
Doc Powell says
Ryan MUST GO. He is worse than Hilary. He just handed the democrats the White House. Doc Powell
bruce says
Ryan should not only be kicked out of the speakers office but out of the House GOP altogether along with all the other ‘elite’ house and senate ‘RINOS’ who refuse to support Donald Trump, hence giving aid and comfort to the HILDABEAST Clinton!! If Trump fails in his bid to save America it will be primarily because of those TURN COATS and I, along with millions of other true conservatives will never again vote for any incumbent GOP!!!!
believe says
Election Exhaustion says
The Republicans should be backing Trump and campaigning for him. Talk about out of touch with the American people.
Hillary is so corrupt but all the Dems are breaking their backs working to get her elected. Paul Ryan and all the Republicans need to get their act together. They keep saying how important this election is but they are only thinking about their own selves, not the country. Doesn’t that pledge they signed with Trump go both way?
believe says
This is why some of the Politicians are being called POLITICAL WHORES, THEY CAN BEING BOUGHT FOR A PRICE. Anf RYAN IS ON TOP OF THE LIST along with About 40 others that were bought and paid for.
What they haven’t Considered is we have all there names and when reelection time comes we will not be back in the WHITE HOUSE. IT IS CLEAN UP TIME.
Bill Powell says
BobbyG says
Everyone knows Hilary deals on Two levels.One,what the public wants to hear and what she will actually do.I feel that the Democratic Party is so large and well infiltrated in our government,that there are democrats who Pose as Republicans.This is why the future could be made up of Just a Democratic Party and we the people would vote on who will be elected as opposed to what party is elected.The world is ruled by a hidden elite group.Our election process is for the people to feel involved.How ignorant we the people of the USA have become.God Bless America.
Susan says
Rat Ryan and the other republicans who used this jock talk excuse are pretend republicans. They want the ride to continue and do not care if Hillary is elected in reality. They are basically telling the legal constituents of this country that they are in charge and will continue their establishment agenda that supports the current administration and Hillary’s agenda. Most of the defectors have records showing their support of the dem agenda. Rat Ryan likes amnesty, HB workers and bringing in unvetted middle eastern anything. He seldom raises an objection but since he is running right now for his job in the house in his state he has toned down his real agenda but it is so clear in his past votes, look it up.
Phillip says
Ryan has disappointed. He has sided with Obama and the Democrats way too much. He supports significant deficit spending in 2017. He has not been aggressive on repealing Obamacare. He gives up too many battles without a fight. We need more aggressive conservative leadership.
dskap says
Throw him overboard!
TRUMP 2016
cecil bunn says
ryans wife is a big demoturd and has raised a lot of money for crooked lying hillery mr ryan cannot rule his own house how can we expect him to help rule our house!
RON says
Teri says
Trump all the way!! People like Ryan are helping Hillary. Their sanctimonious bull will stock SCOTUS with liberal judges for years to come. Ryan has to go to show that this Country is still run by the people.
Buster says
The people support Donald Trump 100%. We need change and NOT the kind that Obama promised. Trump is up front with his views and policies. He WILL put this country back on firm ground. Hillary is a crook through and through. Does anyone think she will change now? NO! If she were to get to be president her head would be so big it would cause climate change and the poles would flip and destroy the planet. GO TRUMP/PENCE 2016, The HELL with Ryan. Replace him, NOW! He hasn’t stopped Obama either. He’s a rhino.
Arla Grave says
The panic artists are forgetting we are here to elect a Republican and Mr. Trump was nominated by the people not a smoke filled room. Now we need to elect a Republican not a Democrat. So even if Mr. Trump is off color in some aspects he is still THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE so lets get him elected and sort all else out later. Do you all want things as they are BAD? Then elect Hillery keep the crooks and give away folks in power and watch America go down the tube. Perhaps a crude non pollitico CAN MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Lets give him a shot four years from now we have the power to change again.
Shirley says
I think Paul Ryan is nuts. Does he not realize that Donald Trump is the choice of the American people and it is not for him to decide whether that choice is good or bad. He and some of the other rhinos who claim to be looking out for the rest of us should go and put themselves in a hole somewhere and pull the dirt in after themselves. They are part of the problem – the Washington establishment !! GO TRUMP!!
Daniel Fields says
Unfortunately the GOP ELITE ESTABLISHMENT has again attempted to not represent the members of the party, I can only assume that our votes do not count to this group.
Personally going forward I will not contribute to the party, why should we finance a group that wants to make decisions for us, the members and voters?
If Trump does not win the election I lay the blame on the Elite Establishment of the party, the seem to have a case of amnesia as to how they made the journey and seem to only consider themselves. We need a new party or a serious renovation to save this one .
James R. Thompsoon says
As Benjamin Disraeli said about a similar politician, “The right honorable gentleman has all the attributes of a cur, except for loyalty.”
Jarofants says
Ryan trying to get Hillary elected.
JCP74 says
Ryan, McCain, Bush, Romney have betrayed their own party and should be ashamed to call themselves Republicans.
Kyle says
Ryan is a disgrace. Knowing the seriousness of the path that Hillary is leaning towards taking the country and knowing that his actions help her to gain a stronger foothold? My hopes was that he would run for presidency later down the road but now I see he hasn’t got the balls for the job nor the backbone. Totally disgusted with him. I hope he gets kicked down the road and replaced. He doesn’t deserve to be in the position he’s in.
Jim Hollingsworth says
I doubt that Paul Ryan will see any of this, but it is not too late for him to change his mind. He has to recognize that if he cannot support the nominee of the party then he cannot be a Republican. He is going to feel pretty silly when he wakes up on November 9th and sees he has lost while Donald Trump has won the election.
Jim Hollingsworth
Douglas Fautt says
If Donald Trump is not elected as our President it will be the fault of Paul Ryan, The Speaker of the House;
I pray he is not re-elected to any office now or in the future. We all must stand with Donald Trump and vote for him as our President. Hillary will never be Honest on any subject.
Robert says
I’m tired of the GOP not getting their act together for the good of our country. There is too much at stake to think of themselves and their political ambitions. Every Republican that continues to speak out in an effort to cause voters to not vote or cast their votes for another candidate because they say they can’t stand behind Trump for President should be remembered as someone we will never want to vote for in the future…
This country is falling apart faster every year, and we don’t have Four more years of what Obama & Clinton have set into motion or to offer. Trump may not be everyone’s ideal President, but his Presidency will not hurt America like Hillary will. America can survive Trump and has a strong chance to become better if he can accomplish what he says he will do. Even if he only accomplishes part of his goals, America will be better.
People have got to stop listening to all the media bull and start doing their own research and understand they all have lied and they all have a past that is not perfect. For that matter I doubt any of us have a perfect past… We can only look forward and pray that people can change as well as that they can lead us to a stronger America.
Wake up America!!! If you don’t like either party than lets start looking into and funding support to a third party for the 2020 election. Its too late to think that a third party could ever win the 2016 election and any efforts will only take the much needed votes for Trump to win just weeks away.
If you truly understand the situation America is in, you should know that there is not any other way to vote other than for TRUMP. He is the GOP candidate and we need to VOTE FOR TRUMP.
Janice M. White says
Listen to this person, he’s telling it like it is in our country now. We need to wake up and make sure we don’t have another four or eight more years of Obama/Clinton “road to destruction” for us and America! Now is the time for all of us to get on out phones, Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Google, postal services, and get “The People’s Choice” DONALD TRUMP elected to “Make America Great Again,”. Are you with me? Let’s do it!!!
Tom Cassano says
At this point both Ryan and McConnell both need to go. There is too much at stake for Ryan to back down now. By doing what he did he is showing that he is part of the establishment.
Maty says
I think Ryan has shown he is in tune with the corrupt Democrats. Has been for a long time. It is now beginning to surface publicly. He is a traitor. When Trump is in office I think he will clean house and throw out the trash. Ryan needs to go and at this point eventually I believe he will. These people like Ryan after they get into office are only for themselves and care not for the American people to them we do not exist until taxes and votes are needed. I think Mr. Trump is sincere in wanting to make the US a better place for the American people. I vote TRUMP!!! I think American people have been USED and Abused by the government enough. TIME IT STOPS!!!
Look at Dem party Obama and his wife hate Hillery , yet they are united against Trump , what a hipocrit Ryan is get rid of him , get some one that is like Trump with a big pair,THATS LOCKER ROOM TALK.
KO says
I too find Ryan pitiful. In my opinion, (and that’s just my opinion), I think Ryan should be ousted out of politics completely. I find him a traitor and has shifted to the left.
I hope and pray that others will open their eyes to what this nation faces if this election is rigged and won by Hillary. If she gets in, we can kiss America goodbye and the republicans who are distancing themselves from Mr. Trump will help to destroy our nation.
This election is not about what Mr. Trump did years ago, but this election is about what this country is facing with the hoards of illegals being poured into America, our freedoms being taken away under our noses while the sheeple are asleep. Our new age churches are not preaching the truths of Gods Holy Word in the pulpits, but are more interested in numbers and money and tickling the ears of their congregations.
God help America and touch the hearts and lives of those who want to destroy our country and turn us back to the nation that was once so freely blessed.
Ronnie says
His actions are just another example of our governments self serving agenda. He is more interested in his personal future as opposed to what is best for our country.
In my opinion he should be voted out of office….
Dennis Adams says
It is absolutely amazing that the Republicans always find a way to destroy their chances of winning the White House. Nominations of people who run on the Republican Party but are, in fact, Progressives as evidenced by their voting records or positions, or by personal attacks on their primary opponents. This year there is an obvious split between the Progressive Wing of the Republican Party, the Conservative Wing, and the Populist movement sweeping the country. The Establishment Republican arm of the party has aligned itself with the Progressive Wing and actively opposing their nominee. That nominee(Trump) will likely lose the election due to this cancerous split and the Republican Party will no longer be a major party in the future. There will be a 3rd political party in the future and both this party and the remainder of the Republican Party will be relegated to the trash bin of history. Great news if you are a socialist or Progressive, as they wish to be called.
Eugene Loya says
Ryan is working on an 8 hr. job. Forget America. I have a family that come first. Absolutely no vision
Lory Idlewine says
If you are not with [Trump] me, you are against me, Ryan NEED’S TO GO HOME!!!!
yuly groys says
Support Trump or lose America. Ryan HAVE TO step down!
E says
Wake up America and vote TRUMP!!!
Victoria Griesemer says
I can’t believe what is going on in DC. All the representatives and senators have completely forgotten what they were sent there to do. Paul Ryan has crossed the line and has thrown all Americans under the bus. His ambitious way has become so clear to so many. Even the Republicans in power now are turning his back on him. He claims to be so religious and conservative, well you could have fooled me. Now we need to address the issue at hand. We stand strong behind Donald Trump and elect his president. In my opinion he is our only hope to regain our country and our constitution. Tell everyone you know why they should vote for him in November. Lets pray that GOD helps us pull this through.
Naomi Copeland-White says
PAUL RYAN AND SOME ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICANS WOULD RATHER SEE HILLARY TAKE THIS COUNTRY DOWN THE ROAD TO DESTRUCTION!!! But they will be caught in the mess that they are creating!! The Next 50 Years are involved in their folly. There May Not be much of a Party Left, let alone this Country as we Knew It before Obama took office!!! And Now you want someone Worse than Obama in Office??? If Clinton is Elected, Your JOBS and Your CHILDREN’S FUTURE IS AT STAKE!!! HILLARY WAS AND IS MORE CORRUPT THAN YOU KNOW!!! SHE IS DANGEROUS!!! BUT YOU WILL FIND THAT OUT IF SHE GETS ELECTED!!! MAY GOD BE WITH US ALL!!!!
Sally says
Remember Regan – Trump will win and Ryan is toast. (I hope and pray) Everyone against Trump is a NWO Cabal troll – (of course Koch brothers want open borders and free trade). These villainous traitors are from both parties and mean the USA no good.
You may not like Trump but he is the only candidate to step up to the plate hitting in favor of freedom and the American Way- indeed “the shining light on the hill”.
It is up to “We the People” now.
Go TRUMP 2016
millie garner says
If Ryan doesn’t like Trump he should at least respect that “the people” have chosen Trump as their candidate, and go with the people’s choice. This shows me Ryan doesn’t care a fiddle for “the people”. You would think any Republican would want Trump to win because he has clearly been chosen by the Republicans, “the people”. Supposedly the people he serves. hmmm! I cheer Donald Trump, he has spoken his mind and there are many who agree with him. My money and my prayers are for Donald Trump.. Bless him and keep he strong.
Roberta Spinner Barnet says
Dump Ryan.
Francis Connolly says
ryan amounts to a double dealer and has tried since he got a voice to be a democrat.
Alma Engel says
Dave Mccarthy says
Ryan is a gutless spineless person without any leadership or party attributes/loyalty whatsoever. He can write a book on how to be a useless (for the Repubs. And independents) former speaker of the Repub. Controlled Congress. He is no Newt G. Or even a Tip O’Neil! Ryan has been at the demos. Beckoning and control since the throw granny off the cliff Obamacare adds, and when Obama told him off and public ally made a fool out of him at obs’ state of the union address. Remember? Ryan has embarrassed both the party and we indepents and should do us a favor of resigning from Congress . His anti Trump plotting has probably cost us the Pres. And Senate races. go now rino Ryan!
Judy Stephenson says
I will support Trump because I am a republican and I support my party
Michele says
Paul Ryan is a traitor and I think Trump is right that “something sinister” is going on. If you ask me, HE is behind the leaked tape.
Barrack007 says
Ryan is a snake , he thinks old remarks made by TRUMP make it a good reason to back stab our Party. He is very self centered and does not hold any loyalty to the Americans much less his Party . He is a slime ball out for himself plain and simple. There is more to this election than little bickering about past happenings. Ryan is out for himself but the People can see it and he is out ! He has ruined his future with our Country, We need an Honest man for Americans not a baby out for himself.
George westenbarger says
Dump Ryan big time!
He may be a big part of are trouble to begin with
Richard Clark says
The American people went to the Poles and voted for Donald Trump. Then it went to convention and all of a sudden at the convention they said they were the ones that determined the nominated the Cabdidate. He won easily at convention which made him the Republican nominee. Now if somebody calls Themselves a Republican and speaks against him then they should not be in the party be in the party anymore. Throw Them all out of the party, majority rules. The “Bushes,Romney, Ryan, Mcain and my finger will wear out so anyone that does not endorse and support Trump and certainly those 4 that appeared on Hillarys ad should be thrown out of the party. They are the reason people hate politics. This group of dissidents are upset more over a conversation that he had 11 years ago that he thought was private is worse than killing babies before they are completely born and calling it abortion, let men use women’s bathrooms throw the Constitution
George McClelland says
They are not upset that much about that conversation. They are upset because Mr. Trump represents everything they hate. He is not an “insider” that supports the status quo. Those traitors are only interested in protecting things as they are. Anyone who threatens their power is a danger and must be destroyed. I just hope Mr. Trump has alert bodyguards because he needs them. That party is not beyond murdering (arranging accidents or similar events) to destroy anyone who gets in their way or threatens their way of life. Just look at Hillary and how many of her “friends” who died when they became under investigation or otherwise a problem for her.
Perry Eisenhower says
I used to be a staunch Ryan supporter. Since his abrogation of his responsibility to lead by word and deed, I will NEVER again do anything that can be construed as support for him. GET RID OF HIM!!!
Darlene says
Paul Ryan has betrayed us. I am saddened and angered, but it’s never a bad thing to find out who your real friends are; what a disappointment he is. I hope he’s not planning on running for anything again; not even dog-catcher! The biggest mistake I made about him was thinking his “holier than thou” attitude was sincerity.
Disgusted in Houston
Lori says
Ryan should be done, just goes to show how out of touch the Republican elitists are with the middle class of this nation.
Judy says
Mr. Ryan needs to apologize to Mr.Trump, and quit listening to his other buddies that did not get
elected like Mitt Romney, John Kasich and Jeb Bush. It is time for us to stand for our COUNTRY.
IT IS ABOUT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Our Government needs to quit selling us
out!!! OR is Mr. Ryan democrat??
George McClelland says
Mr. Ryan’s wife is a hereditary and died-in-the-wool democrat who runs the house. Mr. Ryan has always dated staunch democrats, so what does that say for him? One of his dates was a republican and once he opened his mouth, the date ended.
Don C says
It kills me to say this. Think about it. Follow the Money. There is more money to be had with Democrats in the W. House and the Hell with the Country. The Mule Face Republicans are holding their pockets open to get their Democratic Fair Share, and it is headed by Paul Ryan. The Democrats have their hands so fare into his body that their fingers are moving his mouth. If he cannot support the Christian Based Party Values with Religious rights, Human Rights, Industrial Growth, Economic Growth, Jobs Growth that make a saleable product, he is part of the problem and the snake, or mole or double agent and that is not locker room talk. Words are just words, that is why action speaks louder than words. All People are Created Equal under the Law which means Conceived, not Birth Certificate. Birth Certificate is nine months after being Conceived so that is murder under our Constitutional Law and the Supreme Court is an Accomplice. Skin tone is not the problem, the problem is between their ears and our ears. Some people cannot be saved from this because they have been Brain Washed. Schools and Education under Democratic Control have caused and created this problem. Like the Bible says, Raise a child in the way he is to go and he will not depart from the ways. it also says that if you cause one of my little ones to go astray, it would be better for a mill stone be tied around your neck and you be drown in the depth of the sea. I am afraid that that is why the way to Hell is wide and Broad. It needs to be to accommodate all the Mule Faced Boys. Well, maybe there is no God, like they teach in Schools and we evolved from the monkey, which means that there is no Morals and murder is acceptable, just don’t get caught. There is not a Civilized Country in this World that does not believe in Jesus Christ to live under his standards. If you don’t believe this, Name One. I try to make God Smile and not forget about me. I believe that all people are my brothers and some are going with me and some are not. Most Americans believe this because as I read the obituaries, everyone thinks they are going to Heaven, even the Mule Faced Boys. The Democrats will BRA a little bit over that. I have made the choice to not be Politically Correct but to be Godly Correct. Prove Me Wrong.
BM says
I would not vote for any Republican for any future office that supports Ryan as Speaker of the House. Ryan has proven he is interested in his own political success at he expense of the Party and the American people. He should be skewered.
By doing what he has done, Ryan supports open borders and a global hemispheric economy. Ryan is a scumbag traitor!!!
William Thomsosn says
Paul Ryan is a traitor to the party! The primary responsibility of the Speaker is to keep the party together. Paul has done the opposite and may have dealt a fatal blow to our candidate and destroyed the Republican Party majority. Paul Ryan should be impeached immediately. He has been undermining our party’s candidate from the beginning. His name should be expunged from the party like he had never existed.
albert brown says
ryan has betrayed America again, his agenda is identical to hillary’s, open borders, amnesty for all and open trade
Suzanne says
David Beranis says
Judging by all the negative comments about his action of abandoning the voters choice for the Republican candidate was the biggest political mistake of his career. I hope he never recovers from it. His chances of becoming a “Born Again Republican” are slim.
Suzanne says
Paul Ryan has betrayed our sovereignty!
David Beranis says
Judging by all the negative comments about his action of abandoning the voters choice for the Republican candidate was the biggest political mistake of his career. I hope he never recovers from it. His chances of becoming a “Born Again Republican” are slim
Dawkns says
Trump should tell all of the media an anyone who tyres to get him off of issues at next debate to stick their heads in the sand if they want socialism or free America. Do not discuss Ryan or others until he can clean house ,senate and all the other Hillary clan including slick Willie, justice department,supreme courts etc.
albert brown says
Judas Ryan has betrayed America again, i will support all those who oppose him as speaker. his agenda is identical to hillary, open borders, open trade and amnesty. this rino has to go
Rick says
Paul Ryan has shown he is part of the problem not the solution. I believe it’s time Paul Ryan just went away.
d says
I oppose Ryan. He has is own agenda and seems to be a wolf (democrat) in sheep (republican) clothing, He is not trustworthy I would suggest he changes to the democrat if he wants to further his career…people who lack integrity seem to prosper there.
DAR says
They all need to be recalled immediately! Any of them not supporting their own party is an out and out traitor! Shame on you all!!! Wonder what WILL be exposed about them? It’s only a matter of TIME before the “TRUTH” comes out. Wonder if any secret earmarks they pushed through funded Clinton Cash, Arms deals, ISIS? Hmmm….cough cough.
HotCrone says
Ryan has done nothing to present the will of the voters. If he couldn’t openly support Trump he and McConnell could at least go on the Attack against Hillary and as per usual they both have withdrawn to the Shadows till the storm passes leaving the voter alone to fight. IMO both Ryan and McConnell need to be replace. My Question? Who do they represent?
Maxx says
I am almost ecstatic seeing all the folks referring to Ryan as a RINO or Snake or traitor to conservatives or a Viper. Years ago when I realized he was all of those and more I caught a lot of flack even from friends. But it seems I an being vindicated by all the new voices of concern about Paul Ryan. To bad Wisconsin voters can’t get on board and get rid of him in November but that would mean voting for the democrat if there is one. Ryan usually has very little if any opposition because he has done an outstanding job of deceiving the voters. He is Boehner 2.0.
Matt says
Yet more proof that they ALL have been working together to advance their own personal agendas, while THINKING that they have us fooled , This shows OBVIOUS COLLUSION between the PARTIES !…They don’t give a flying F#+$ what they do to WE THE PEOPLE as long as they can line their pockets….NOW FIND THE CONNECTION BETWEEN RYAN AND HILLARY….. you know DAMN WELL it’s there….Find it!!!!
dprato says