If there’s any doubt remaining about the insanity of the left, look no further than the violent anti-democracy protesters who are venting anger at the results of a free and fair election nationwide.
And according to one group protesters, this is only the beginning. Baltimore organizers promised they would show President-elect Donald Trump “he won’t receive law, order, or peace of mind for the next four years.”
The night of nationwide unrest in response to Trump’s election came to a violent climax in Portland, where lawless rioters smashed store windows, threw fireworks, and set fires. Police were forced to use “less lethal munitions” to restore order to the streets after some 4,000 angry protesters surged into the downtown area late Thursday night with chants like “we reject the president-elect!”
Officers began physically pushing back against the crowd that at times threw rocks and bottles at them as midnight approached, arresting several people and using flash-bang devices and types of smoke or tear gas to force people to disperse.
After several orders to leave, police said officers used “less lethal munitions,” such as pepper spray and rubber projectiles. Live video footage showed officers firing what appeared to be the non-lethal items. It wasn’t immediately clear if anyone was hit.
Protest number continued to dwindle through the night and as the early morning hours wore on, police announced to remaining clusters of protesters to immediately disperse or be “subject to arrest and the use of riot-control agents.” Police said they made 26 arrests.
Around the country from New York to Chicago to California, in red states as well as blue, hundreds of angry demonstrators marched through streets, many for the third straight night though in somewhat smaller numbers.
Trump himself fired back late Thursday, tweeting —
Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 11, 2016
In Denver, protesters managed to shut down Interstate 25 near downtown Denver briefly Thursday night in an unlawful protest. Police said demonstrators made their way onto the freeway and traffic was halted in the northbound and southbound lanes for about a half-hour. Protesters also briefly shut down interstate highways in Minneapolis and Los Angeles.
In San Francisco’s downtown, high-spirited high school students marched through, chanting “not my president” and holding signs urging a Donald Trump eviction. They waved rainbow banners and Mexican flags, as bystanders in the heavily Democratic city high-fived the marchers from the sidelines.
In New York City, a large group of demonstrators once again gathered outside Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue Thursday night. They chanted angry slogans and waved banners bearing anti-Trump messages.
“You got everything straight up and down the line,” demonstrator David Thomas said. “You got climate change, you got the Iran deal. You got gay rights, you got mass deportations. Just everything, straight up and down the line, the guy is wrong on every issue.”
In Philadelphia, protesters near City Hall held signs bearing slogans like “Not Our President,” ”Trans Against Trump” and “Make America Safe For All.”
About 500 people turned out at a protest in Louisville, Kentucky and in Baltimore, hundreds of people marched to the stadium where the Ravens were playing a football game.
Hundreds of protesters demonstrated outside Trump Tower in Chicago and a growing group was getting into some shoving matches with police in Oakland, California.
Mostly peaceful protests also surged again in Los Angles. City News Service reported that dozens of protesters were arrested around midnight when they refused to budge from an area.
As expected, the demonstrations prompted some social media blowback from Trump supporters accusing protesters of sour grapes or worse, though there were no significant counter-protests.
Trump supporters said the protesters were not respecting the democratic process.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
TD Bare says
This crud s/b given a major dose of CS (riot) gas, bulldozed into a dumpster and taken to the nearest solid waste disposal site!!!!
liberty49 says
These are probably PAID protesters by the DNC or George Soros. He is just pissed because voters rejected his globalist agenda! This is America, not some 3rd world nation, and the RULE OF LAW will bury these idiots.
Jay Bell says
It is known that many of the organizers are being paid by Soros-funded organizations. But there are also other globalists who are helping to pay for the hell-raising. With any kind of a law-abiding authority, those funding this mass insanity would be charged with sedition. But there is contempt for the rule of law from the top down.
BarnicleBill says
Yes, and this could play right into obandits hand to create Martial Law B4 Trump takes office! Thereby extending his term in office. I hope the police can enforce rule of law B4 this happens!
SW says
Speaking of the O, where are his comments on this and the call to stop the beat downs, Christmas looting, and making fires to toast their marshmallows? A number of the he is not my prez looked like teens and young “adults”. Are they pissed off because the won’t get their free college and cushy high paying jobs that the Liar campaigned on.
We could build them a giant “safe zone” complete with 20 ft walls, no exit and let them have their own “country”. Grow your own food, figure out your own shelter, potty accommodation, water, and elect you own personal prez.
Good luck with that, welcome to the Middle Ages.
df says
The Socialist Party of the US is also behind the funding. Any surprise there?
Eileen Ross says
As long as Obama is still president, nothing will be done to reign these barbarians in. He has been encouraging them before our very eyes, despite his lying lips, and now we’ll just have to hope for some some divine intervention.
jim says
Charles Masterson says
Yeah, like huge bolts of lightning on them, that would send their punk ass’s running !!! Or a few Miny guns and dumpsters !!!!
k9 says
WHY are den-o-crits such poor losers
NJ says
Its definitely Soros leading the way. I have received invitations from various groups to join the protest — most of my formerly Democratic friends have as well. Once you get on their many mailing lists, you never get off, no matter how many times you Unsubscribe. Most are funded by Soros. Why doesn’t the media report on that. These people get paid to protest. Remember the videos released a few weeks ago showing the DNC hiring and paying thugs and nut cases and the like to riot. Well………they’re still at it. Where is the President? Why doesn’t he put a stop to it. Or Loretta Lynch? All she goes after are cops. Soros should be forced to pay the damages to this country he has and continues to cause!!!!!!!
Dane says
So they vowed to end law and order perminantly hu?
Does that mean they will not cry when the rest of America kills their worthless asses?
If a republican screams out in an empty forest and there is no democrat to hear him, is he still wrong?
Edie says
liberty49, who else could have stirred up this insanity? This is sad, very sad 🙁
JINH says
What a bunch of thugs with nothing better to do than shame our country. To them I say: get a job, get into the armed forces, volunteer, join a missionary….do something good. Leave a better legacy for yourself than that of a screaming, hollering, low life thug! And if you don’t like any of these suggestions, move! Leave our country, give up your U.S. citizenship, be a citizen of another country or, better yet…..move to Syria. There’s a lot of room there now with so many that have run away! Your should be ashamed of yourself. We weren’t happy when Obama won over McCain and again over Romney, but we didn’t take to the streets in protest like you thugs are doing. You are exactly what Hillary called in her campaign: DEPLORABLE! ……You belong in the basket of Deplorables.
Jeanette says
They are primitives – primitives react, rather than reasoning, and particularly rather than controlling their primitive instincts.
It would be interesting to know if these people also have an above-average rate of rape. Rape isn’t a crime to animals, because they are primitive.
Glenn says
These folks are upset because they will soon be made to do things legal. No more gangsters or whatever it is called.
Builds plenty of work camps. When I was young there was no way I wanted to go to prison ever. Those folks were not treated like victims they were actually treated like thugs and made to sweat everyday.
You want to know who we can get to build a wall well they are out of work and have a college degree.
If they choose to run, give them one direction. South of the wall.
Jeanette says
There is one report that NBC is organizing and supporting these riots.
If that can be proven, those who were damaged should file a class action lawsuit against NBC, and get everything they can out of them.
After Trump gets into office he can have his new Attorney General (and his new FBI Director, if he can find cause to fire Comey) take a very thorough look at NBC with an eye to criminal charges.
If it turns out to be Soros, the class action suit would be a waste of time, but Trump should get on with criminal charges.
And while they are investigating Soros, they should look at whether he actually got into this country, and got citizenship, legally. If so, the people who signed the appropriate documents (with the understanding that they had found that he would be an asset to the country) should be investigated to see if they were paid off. (Assuming they are still alive.)
Asian Angry patriot says
police should ask each of those protesters if they are even legal immigrants and ask for an ID. If they refuse to do so or do not provide the ID, they will be taken to jail. If they show their ID, then have the police put them on the data base that they are protesters for disobeying the law, and it will be in the criminal data base for ten years. It will be in their record.
Asian Angry patriot says
maybe each chief of police on these states need to be on the TV/Media and say “all protesters need to show proof that they are legal residents in our country. If they refuse, then they will be taken to jail for disobedient. If they show IDs, then put them on the database as ‘criminals’ for ten years to scare them and see what happens”.
Freddie says
I agree with you but I think you forgot to mention Creamer who was paid by the DNC and Clinton campaign. I also question Obama’s motives with establishing exe. Order 13603 giving him the right to establish Marshal LAW.
observer says
These are NOT protesters these are anarchist at best, and domestic terrorist. They have not changed since the communist 60’s hippie movement. TERRORIST not protesters. .
Mark Davis says
They are worst than protesters! They are complete idiots. They think that we will allow them to continue! They better wake up! Because those of us who are not part of there protest. Will arm ourselves and use deadly force against them. If they police can’t get them under control. They acting like nothing but animals! They better wise up or they will be treated like the animals they are!
Martha Sullivan says
My comment before and definatly now at this point shoot to kill end of story . They know there are NO consequences! sooo it is time to show them that there are!!!!!!!!!!!Why can Law Enforcement not act on that??????? who is given the orders none lethal enforcement??????t is time to act. some of those thuds are paid to cause/do the rioting…find out who is behind this??? NOW!!!!!
Robert C. Whittaker says
when Obama was elected a lot of conservatives were not happy I was one but we did not go out
and riot and disrupt our communities. The progressive socialist movement is all about their way or
no way. It has been said that the black lives matter, socialist and Muslim jihadist have joined forces to destroy our Constitutional Republic.
Robert Lee says
We are entering a civil war like Russia 1917 and China 1948. Communism breeds poverty while Capitalism creates wealth. America has never had an economic ideology revolution. Lincoln’s war 1860 was economic but not like today.
Wish us luck that we survive as a whole nation.
Greg Miller says
You’re exactly right!
Heidi says
These people who riot should all be arrested and put in jail. It is a disgrace to our country to allow this to go on. No other country in the world allows such behavior. Many of these thugs should be arrested for threatening to endanger the life of our president-elect as well as citizens of the USA. They have no idea what they are even rioting about except that they don’t like Mr. Trump. What they should have done is gone out before the election and campaign. Nothing will be accomplished with terroristic acts. Wake up stupid people and do what is right. You are making a disgrace of yourself and you are not respected.
george cook says
Boy are you right on…hose em down…pick them up and put them in Jail until they grow up and get a brain
JINH says
These are thugs and low lives with nothing to do. Our jails are full and taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for (as their Hillary calls it) DEPLORABLES! I’d say, get the largest military plane, shove them in there and parachute them in Syria (5 to 1 parachute because these cost money). Lots of room there now that millions ran away. Let these idiots know how good they have it here in our country. And btw, on this Veterans’ Day, these thugs better remember that the greatness of our country stands on the sacrifices and the blood of many. Shame on them! Let them go into Hillary’s basket of deplorables.
debdell says
The corrupt news media used lies and propaganda to character assassinate Trump and the weak minded fools absorbed it like a sponge. So, point the finger in the right direction.
debdell says
The corrupt news media used lies and propaganda to character assa ssin ate Trump and the weak minded fools absorbed it like a sponge. So, point the finger in the right direction.
Charmin Two feathers says
You are so right.
Deb says
Ads on Craig list for these Thugs, paid by Soros/Clinton! This is an attempt to OVERTHROW OUR GOVERNMENT and they need to be arrested Immediately! Soros is Advocating the overthrow of America!
Kazoo86 says
Must be lly investigated, and those involved should and must be arrested and prosecuted regardless of expense. If Sonos money behind this he should be tried for treason, to overthrow the government. We are still a country of laws.
Bill Wilson says
Nip the bud quickly. If Sonos is the source then put a stop to this person. The protestors must not have jobs. If they want to fight put them in the Military and let them go at it. Set up work camps I am sure they can cut grass, pick up trash etc. Put the so called college education to work. It appears that may be all they are capable of doing.
JCP74 says
After Trump becomes President he will put a stop to all the rioting going on. He will have more security forces at his bidding to put a stop to this stupid rioting.
OracleGuy says
Trump supporters would be doing the same thing if the rigged election turned out the other way. How do I know that? You told me so, right on this site.
Jeanette says
Sour grapes.
We didn’t do it when the Marxist, Muslim, anti-American, likely illegal alien won the election with the help of underage people voting multiple times (and admitting it on national television), dogs and cats getting ballots in the mail, dead people voting – and let’s not forget MILLIONS of illegal aliens.
Trump had none of the above going on.
The Democrat Party has been infiltrated, just as the Communist Party said in the late sixties that it was going to do. Over 70 Democrats in the House are open members of the CPUSA (and probably many more are not-so-open members).
The thugs are behaving like communist agitators who don’t want a non-communist leader – surprise, SURPRISE!
Vic says
No, sorry. We wouldn’t be protesting this way.
We would be at work.
Alan says
You troll are an idiot. We would be going out there with guns, to take our country back. These idiots that you support are for communism/Marxism. You want 650,000 more terrorists here to destroy this country??? I could go on, but I think that this 1 example is plenty. You are destroying this country because you are uneducated jackasses.
Todd says
wHY DON’T YOU OPEN YOUR ORACLE, AND TAKE THE PLANK OUT OF YOUR OWN EYE, BEFORE POINTING OUT THE SPLINTER IN YOUR BROTHERS EYE. HYPOCRITE, with the common sense of a door knob. You only come to this site to cause discord. Socialist scum, be gone!!!!!!!!
Ronney says
Oh how I wish they would start in my neighborhood, I promise it wouldn’t be less than lethal Rounds. And that is the only way this shit is going to stop.
cuning says
Sorry, but under the new Administration common sense will rule. There will be no public safe space for sissys of both sexes to gather that cost tax payers money, but parents basements are good,Private schools that provide high cost young adult babysitting,and a BA in knitting and basket weaving will probably provide the bathrooms you need with appropriate urinals to accept your appendage of choice, because the school loves your parents money.
Illegals in these riots waved Mexican flags, No problem all you baby breeders, illegally collecting welfare are going to be united with the country you love quite soon. No, your babies are not citizens because they were born in the US, its only their place of birth not automatic citizen for the baby,mother, all her boyfriends and the hundreds of your imaginary cousins that can not speak English but know the word welfare.Yes I know your disappointed because your welfare queen did not get anointed, but the real American people have spoken, its time to deal with reality and start packing your bags.
Southern and love it says
When these idiots stop being peaceful and start burning cars etc:, breaking out store windows. It becomes time to throw away the rubber bullets and kick their little priviledged arse and haul them off to jail for a min. of 6 months. Bring a Judge to the station and try them on the spot. I really think they will enjoy the free goodies in jail.
sharon l lightsey says
get 3-4 fire trucks hose them in to a semi van & arrest, $1,000.00 fine & community service to clean up their mess.
Peter Joffe says
Is this the beginning of anarchy? For Democrats to lose an election is a reason to bring down the country? After anarchy comes dictatorship. Does Clinton want an Islam dictatorship? Talk about sore losers. Lock them up as there is lots of space at Gitmo just waiting to host anarchists and terrorists. I have never heard of a Democrat terrorist but now it seems we have them.
Main Street says
Translated: Clueless college students and freeloaders are frightened that the gravy train may be discontinued. They are scared that the world of getting a college degree with elementary school skills, and checking off the right box to get a job may end.
Mike W says
With all of the ads you see on tv about bullying, these people are nothing but wannabe bullies. They didn’t get their way so they think they can kick someones butt or destroy their property to get what they want. Maybe this is a golden opportunity to take out the trash in America.
Deb says
I agree. If you look at Hilliary’s rally’s in the last weeks, they were nothing but her accusing Trump of being racist. She and her campaign are at fault for these protest. They make me sick. Babies is what they are. Trump is in charge and I am so glad.
Zelda says
Call out the National Guard and declare war on them! As long as they let
them get away with it they will continue there has to be consequences for
this kind of criminal action, get it done now and do not let it go any further,
I don’t understand why they have let them go this long?!
Michele says
My thoughts exactly. One of the reasons Trump won is because we wanted to put an end to this kind of crap. The majority of the protestors are millennials who have been raised thinking they are entitled and they should be given a trophy regardless of whether they win or not. They also have never paid real consequences for their poor choices or illegal actions because we live in a world where we make too many excuses for them. It’s time to put an end to that right now! They are behaving like criminals and they should be treated like criminals.
debdell says
Send them to Epstein’s island for a couple weeks to visit Hillary and Bill.
Arthur Hartsock says
National Guard is under the command of each State Governor. Most protests-er riots- are taking place in large cities in States that were dark blue in election. Forget New York or California Governors calling out National Guard. Maybe Pennsylvania which voted for Trump.
howard mackinnon says
What in the hell are we teaching in school these days that these youngins feel it’s acceptable to riot, be disrespectful, damage other peoples property, disturb the peace & physically harm other people that do not share their beliefs?
Is this what our country has come to under democratic party politics? Where does it end? These are supposed to be the role models for their younger generation. Is this what our country has evolved into? So sad.
Mike W says
They call themselves “Liberals” I don’t know why, there is absolutely nothing Liberal about them. They are misguided fools, most likely raised by Liberal parents, who did not believe in kicking their asses when they got out of line. They have been raised to believe this world owes them something. Anyone who thinks this world owes them anything should take off their clothes and run out into the jungle or swim out into the ocean, you’ll get what you are owed.
Zelda says
Mike W you are right they are just a bunch of morons getting away
with criminal activity they better stop them now!
They are mostly young people that have not been taught any sense
at all I would be so ashamed if one of my kids was in that group!
Jay Bell says
They are like Hitler’s Brown Shirts.
Zelda says
Jay Bell You said it correctly! Question is are they going to be punished
or are they going to let them continue to get away with it, they need to be
punished, it has to stop! Most of them are not even mature enough to
even be voting in the first place! I think they need to raise the voting age
until they are mature enough to realize what is really going on in the country
Yes I realize there is a lot of young people that do ( my grandkids do) but
it is obvious from what is going on in the colleges right now that the majority
does not and should not be voting!
crazy elf says
I agree, swim out into the ocean. Just remember this one thing. You are now on “…the bottom of the food chain!”
debdell says
Thumb’s up!
Joanne says
Couldn’t have said it better! Right on!
Joanne says
Right on!! Hope and pray things change.
Southern By Choice says
Of course, there are no counter protests by Trump supporters – we have to get up in the morning and go to work!! Until law enforcement cracks down on these people, it will just continue and will escalate. How are they going to handle protestors at the inauguration? Maybe a lot of Trump supporters need to make plans to be in DC on that date. Problem is, until he is sworn in there is not a thing Mr. Trump can do about these idiots And you notice how silent Clinton, Obama and the rest of the left have been on this subject. Can you just imagine if this was to be reversed and Trump supporters were out pulling this crap. They would have called out the National Guard!!!
Willy Mamfredi says
The old adage, a stitch in time saves nine applies. These protests must be nipped in the bud, the forces of law and order must come down hard, no messing about. If any are found to be on any form of State benefits their benefits should be taken away.
Barbara says
Oh my, they would all be shot or under the jail
Sharon Jenkins says
Amen. And these people need to be off welfare and benefits. Yes, I realize there are some people who really need the assistance approximately 2% , others just wont to sit on their butts and draw the money paid for by hard working Americans. NO MORE….. WORK OR DON”T EAT
debdell says
thumbs up!
larry e austin says
can not these freeloaders get some respect and work instead of always blaming i was raised in an orphanage in Pontiac Mi. no parents, went in the Marines on 17th, B.D. and hit Vietnam at 18th in 68-69 never complained and served 6 years active duty so no one rook a silver spoon out of my mouth but looting and destroying our country and hatred was not an option, but my answer was Jesus and he made a way for me
Ronney says
God bless you sir, I was lucky, and was raised in a loving family. But at 19 I walked in your shoes. Through Christ is the only way this will stop.
Greg Miller says
You hit the nail right on the head!
Main Street says
As a veteran, I want to wish all a Happy Veteran’s Day 2016.
Woodlands60 says
Happy Veterans Day Main Street. Thanks for your service! 🙂
jimmy says
Thanks for your service Main Street !!
Kay says
Main Street, thank you for your service! I am ashamed of these idiot who do not respect our Veterans enough to be responsible, decent citizens! Happy Veteran’s Day!!
Ms.Vickie T says
Thank you, Main Street and all of the other vets for your service! I’m a military veteran, as well, though I was a late bloomer. Went to basic training at the age of 32 and served just over 6 years. My oldest son is a disabled vet. We are both very grateful that we were able to serve our country. When President-Elect Trump has taken his oath of office and the current POTUS is gone, things will be much better for everyone, whether they realize it or not. We live in the most wonderful country in the world. We ARE exceptional, as many other countries and people acknowledge to be so! Shame on those who are living in the United States of America and think that we are lower than dirt. They should be forced to go somewhere else. We took an oath that never expires. I’m prepared to do what is necessary to honor that oath as I know many others are. May God keep you all safe from harm and bless you and yours mightily!!
janet says
God bless all of you vets and many thanks for your brave service!
(I honestly don’t know you did it…but I’ve heard testosterone helps!)
debdell says
As a non-veteran, I wish to thank all veterans today and everyday for putting your lives on the line for America and Americans. You all should be praised and deserve all the best care and benefits available. My tax money is well spent on veterans and it pisses me off that much of it goes for low lifes that have earned nothing. I supported Trump from the beginning and there is no better advocate for the rights of veterans than Trump. Happy days are ahead for all veterans because we finally have a president elect who is for all the people and not all the corrupt special interests.
robin says
these idiots are all talk. there will be law and order. says a new justice department and a new president. you will just go to jail. or if you guys really want to complain we can drop you off in a communist country and see if you think that is a better place for you. try this crap in another country and see if you wouldn’t be jailed or worse. we will be glad to get rid of all the idiots and have them in another country. we will do a trade, all the jerks for some nice people who really want a better life.
Hamilton Evans says
Agreed. We will rid these idiots once and for all. The time is now. They are not wanted in our America.
Kay says
You said it!!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Send them all to China to work in the work camps or to Iran since Iran hates us. If they were civilized they would not be protesting or they would protest AGAINIST the non voters for not voting at all for no reason.
jerry says
You liberal dem bloodsuckers want to stay in the large dem controlled cities and burn them down, go ahead, no harm done.
You bring that crap out into the real world, we will hunt you down like rabid dogs
Kay says
It is now known that they are being bussed in! They are in Austin, Texas, and their busses were found close by! Funny how they go into the Democrat communities and destroy THEIR stuff!!! If it is Conservatives they hate, you would think they would come into OUR neighborhoods! Just shows how stupid they are….and, yes, the one responsible for bussing them in! George Soros is not as smart as he thinks he is!!!
Crazy Canuck says
I guess that’s what they refer to as ” Usefull Idiots”
Dick T says
Why is George Soros still not in jail or prison.
Better yet why is he still alive!
I spent 4 years in the Marine corps from 1952 – 1956 and I did not think we would put up with this BS
Ms.Vickie T says
Could be that they are afraid of trying that crap in neighborhoods of true patriots. There could be a few casualties in their ranks. I’m ready for them if they ever come here causing trouble. I don’t wish to dispatch anyone permanently, but I won’t hesitate if they threaten harm to those I love and care about or those who have no defense. It’s way past time for them to reap the consequences of their actions. I pray to the good Lord that they learn the error of their ways sooner rather than later and stop this nonsense before people die.
debdell says
If they bus them into conservative neighborhoods they would not have residents who support them as they burn down their town. It takes a village of idiots to do what they are doing, so doing so in a conservative area – they might leave in a box rather than a bus.
Sharon Jenkins says
Can you send Soros? Isn’t their a criminal law against riots? Maybe the new FBI director will look into Soros dealings. Are they criminal?
Ms.Vickie T says
Yes, they are criminal acts. Anyone who incites others to riot is also committing a crime, even if they are not actively participating in the riot. Think Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Black Lives Matter group and many others during the garbage that went on in MO and MA.
Robert Taylor says
Sharon…yes there is a law against doing what they are doing. Remember a peaceful demonstration is a right of assembly. But causing destruction is a serious offense. Here is the law for all to read… 18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government
A bit of the law is shown below…
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
lizaz says
Law and order will prevail in spite of the efforts of the liberal left, George Soros and other communist organizations such as MoveOn.org. Build more prisons………
rodger says
build more gallows an brick walls. for soros an the communist an the educated stupid
Joy Smart says
They would have done same shit if Clinton won. They had this planned and went thru with it. Give the man a chance! Only ones bitching are the freeloaders who now gotta support themselves. Too bad!
John G. says
Amazing how little respect the “Left” has for the law – can anyone imagine Hillary the “Hun’s” supporters reaction had she won and these same types of demonstrations occurred? Paid for and backed by George Soros goons should be immediately arrested for breaking any laws and not coddled.
Jerusha says
Interesting piece of info I found on Soros……..IF in fact this is true, his assets should be frozen and he should be turned over to the Israeli Gov’t for crimes against humanity. that alone would stop his ability to fund anything or anyone………..If anyone should be put on trial before the International Criminal Court, on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity, it is George Soros. Not only has Soros conducted murderous speculative assaults against the nations of the developing sector, causing countless deaths. By his own admission, in his own words, and in the words of his own father, George Soros was a witting participant in the Holocaust, as a Nazi collaborator in his native Hungary.
Donna B. says
Rob c says
Mamas boys and spoiled little princesses what a deal bring back caning like in Thailand or if they break glass during a riot 1 year in jail minimum. They have no right to tear up other people’s stuff.
Rick McKee says
These are the entitled ones that have no jobs and no practical education, just left wing socialism taught by pseudo intellectuals. I would never hire any of them and they are so stupid it is their own future they are killing.
janet says
I had a run-in with none other than Sarah Jane Olsen (AKA Kathleen Soliah) back in 1970 during the campus riots in Minneapolis. She was so viscous it freaked me out, and I have hated leftists ever since. They were stupid and vicious then, they are the same now. Amazing. Leftists truly are mentally deranged, as Michael Savage says.
Ruth says
This is very sad. I pray that all settles down soon and let’s give President Trump a chance. If these people do not stop – something terrible is going to happen and they will have no one else to blame but themselves. Keep it up democrats – if you want Marshall Law – Just keep it up.
Canda says
That’s what scares me the most. Martial law and then we will never get rid of obama.
Marina Dilbone says
That is what I was thinking That Commie wants to be declared emperor and put the opposition,the deplorables, in jail or worse that’s why they want our guns!
Harold Bennett says
That’s what they want, Martial Law, so they can kee Obama in power….don’t let them pull this off as it is all illegal and they need to immediately arrest the perpetrators and this is from a Canadian who sees the big picture from a distant non benficial position,
Sharon Jenkins says
The liberals want Martial Law and that includes Soros. They wont to control every aspect of an individual’s life, however, their lives are so messed up why don’t they fix what is broken in their lives. This is nothing but a CONTROL ISSUE and people who have to have control of everything are mentally ill.
rw113 says
The groups paying and sponsoring the unrest is committing treason and acts of terrorism, they are not engaged in protected free speach. speach does not include violence or illegal payment to engage in undermining democracy or over throwing a nations government.
Sharon says
Wow , poor babys need a wake up call. Demrats should be wipped an thrown in the toilet ! Now they may have to acctually get a job an put down thier maryjane. Oregon has always been a sad sad state. Just like ca. Put the ones they caught in prison an get some decent law in that state. Oregon stinks…
H. Clark says
To all the celebrities that said they would leave the U.S. if Trump was elected….go and take these trouble making cry babies with you!
Daniel Spickard says
Don’t worry God is about to take care of the trash! San Andraes fault line will become a reality to those think they are better than the rest of us! Just remember what happened to Sodom and Gamorah when they became immoral and greedy!
Firbolg says
Walter says
2 Thessalonians 2:7 Matthew 24:12,22 Read this and it will tell you that we are close to the end of the times that are chosen for the end. It started with the election of Mr. trump, look- The increase of lawlessness has started and will get worse. People will start to kill one another because of the increase of lawlessness. All of this has to come true. Look at hillarys face, It will tell a lot about her car-actor. She want’s to help, then let her tell the democratic people to respect the President elect like they have respected the Presidents before Mr. trump. Americans have to stick together no mater what.
james a gould says
Arrest the thugs that are rioters damaging property or injuring other law abiding people, book them & jail time.
Elizabeth says
BHO made the statement he wouldn’t step down if Trump were elected! How convenient! Uncle George gets out his checkbook and hires a bevy of protesters country wide so BHO can call for Martial Law prior to inaugaratian!
Ruth says
Aggreed – Elizabeth
Ed R says
I thought there is a law on the books that makes it a crime to “incite a riot”. If Soros is paying these goons, is that not inciting a riot? HAUL HIM IN AND PUT HIM AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clare says
Please read through this to see how Trump tried to do the same thing when Obama won 4 years ago ……
also …. I find this hilarious …don’t you??? People Magazine article from 1998 when Trump boasted that if he were to run for President, that it would be for the Republicans cuz they are the “dumbest group of voters in the country”… they believe everything on Fox News! I could lie and they would eat it all up! I bet my numbers would be terrific!
…. He was right!!!!!
Ruth says
Burning our flag – you dump asses. No respect for anyone who does this. Our soldiers keep you safe – the American Flag stands for Freedom. If you rebuke our flag – must mean you don’t want freedom – keep it up will are going to lose yours.
stopspending says
A protestor waving a mexican flag saying Not our pres. Uh yeh, Trump does not represent the country of Mexico – thank God.
Daniel Spickard says
What’s needed to be done is to make anyone who contributes to any riot be considered a domestic terrorist, and be dealt with as such! There is no reason to destroy public property or some other peoples private property! Also should anyone be killed by such an act, everyone involved in said act should be prosecuted as a participant in said act!
mike says
It’s LONG PAST TIME for George Soros to meet Seal Team 6. He is an INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL that is WORKING DAILY to OVERTHROW THE LEGAL GOVERNMENT OF THE US!!!! Hussein, Bin Laden, Quadaffi, Soros!!! You MESS with the BEST you DIE like the rest!!! What the HELL are we waiting for??
Hanko American says
Yes Mike, totally correct! Must get rid of soros before the sorry communist bastard has ALL of our younger generation brain-washed into believing in communism over freedom! He is a terrorist by all definitions! Time to break out a 55 gal drum of whoop-ass & go to work!! BYE BYE SOROS!!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!
Mike W says
It’s too bad Trump is not a Nazi, Hitler sure knew how to handle idiots like this. But we are a much more civilized people, well not them, but we have to treat them like they are. I would suggest reviewing all the videos, identifying these people and taking their handouts away. Use their welfare etc to pay for the damage they have caused. If they act up after that there plenty of room in prison for them. They are not Democrats or Liberals they are anarchist and should be dealt with accordingly
LCOLT says
Tear gas the hell out of them. If they come back and cause destruction of property by violent acts then give them a bullet. Life was never meant to be easy and free you bunch of idiots. Get off your collective dumb butts, get an education from a trade school, and go to freaking work once in your life. No one owes you anything for free. I’ve lost blood and bone in working for a living and I am still trying!!
Stop Government Corruption says
He was voted in to save their futures, and this is the thanks we get.
Rodzzz says
They’re scared of being stripped of all their freebies. They’re going to have to get a job now. That’s terrible. Support themselves? Unheard of. It’s like the end of the world for them. That’s what all this unrest is all about. These useless free-loaders have to be put on a watch-list, photographed and fingerprinted. They’ve been spoiled by the Liberals who control California. They’ll never change. It would be great if we could get rid of this state once and for all and all of its riff-raft and useless liberals who created this mess. Please take names.
Hanko American says
I live here in California & I TOTALLY agree with Rodzzz–Time to do something–Give Mexifornia to our friend SAN ANDREAS & start over with new ocean front property!! Takes care of several problems with one shot!
Pooh says
Send the rioters to a better world – like Muslim country. Too dumb to accept a good man vs a corrupt woman.
D. Armstrong says
There are a lot of us in this county that fought for & some paid the ultimate price for the freedom we have in this country, these so called people that are out there protesting & looting & killing need to just leave this country while they are still breathing, a lot of us ARE NOT GOING TO PUT UP WITH THEIR S***, a word of advice to them–go to your home-sit down-shut the H*** up, or just leave our country. We really do not want another war, especially over here, if they want to protest then do it OUT OF THE WAY & WITH SOME SCENSE.
RJ says
First of all. Thanks to all the veterans who made freedom, liberty and America the great country it USED TO BE. Hopefully, President Trump can restore America to the greatest country on earth – what it was before the Obama regime destroyed it financially, economically, medically and morally. Secondly, ALL these protesters should be arrested, tried as felons and sent to REAL prisons or deported to middle eastern countries where they can see how good they had it here. Further, George Soros and the rest of the scum responsible for financing these morons should be arrested, all monies collected as federal fines and used to pay against the national debt.
Justin W says
As President Trump’s agenda succeeds and prosperity returns to America these protestors will become increasingly irrelevant and ignored. America made its decision on election day.
Bobby says
These people are Atheist , communist, baby killers, freeloaders, lawless anti-God people that are so stupid that they will
destroy their own selves, trying to destroy others.BUT—God is still in control, and according to his word, which is true, he
puts in power and he removes from power. Democrats and George Soros are not God, God can shut off their air anytime
he wants.
Mudguy says
Look at map where all these protests took place. They are in cities that the Democrats control.
Virginia strong says
Hillery has paid their raider big money to do this she is maid because she didnot whin and then she goes out and devorice Bill /she is crazy
James says
I want happy when Obama became president. I made peaceful protest and blogs.nothing stupid.but I haveca life. I kept working. Paying my bills. Not acting like spoiled child.having a walleyed hussy fit. Destroying property an having a temper tantrum in middle of a freeway. Acting like little children. They took my toys wee wee.they took my candy wee wee. Talk about deplorable. And these are your trouble makers America. Got a good look. These are criminals. Put them in jail. Take away there voting rights.
Denise Underwood says
THE MAJOR MEDIA outlets wanted HILLARY to win. Many are donors to the Clinton Foundation. Their polls were deceiving, as well. The Clinton supporters were overwhelmingly confident and overestimated the huge numbers of TRUMP supporters. The media never showed the tens of thousands of Trump supporters at his rallies. The Clinton supporters were misled by the media; however, HILLARY CLINTON is responsible too. She paid people to riot at Trump rallies. She clearly encouraged violence against Trump supporters.So it’s no big surprise that the violence and protests continue. And, the media continues to report the violent protests. America has voted and Donald J. Trump won! The BIASED MEDIA and CLINTON need to admit their GUILT and put a stop to all of this violence. The handful of cities and the celebrities that are protesting have been given way too much power by the MEDIA. They were all delighted with the pro Hillary news reporting throughout the campaign. They are in shock that Hillary LOST! There is a bigger AMERICA than they thought! There is a bigger AMERICA that voted for Trump! We live in the UNITED States of America….we ALL voted! Celebrities wanting to move away and visibly breaking down emotionally on national TV and social media are selfish, ungrateful and look ridiculous! Democrats give Celebrities too much power! Unfortunately, entertainment DOES NOT and SHOULD NOT be involved with campaigns! Democrats feel empowered by celebrity support..when, actually, it only provides FALSE HOPE. If Democrats would assess their shortcomings and learn by their mistakes would be time well spent instead of rioting on the streets. Not good role models for the future. Remember the commercial that Clinton’s campaign ran that focused on what our children are watching???? The Clinton rioters are hypocritical! Everyone is watching you and your illegal behaviors! Just like Hillary Clinton! Good over bad WINS!
Sharon S. says
These riots just prove that these people are really sore losers of a fair democratic process. All they want to do is hurt people, damage stores and other things that belong to people who have not touched these idiots. Trump won fair and square and if these people don’t like it, leave our country. I bet they won’t find one that is as free and liberal as America. So leave Donald Trump alone, let him get on with his job and just grow up!!!
Mo Graddy says
Growing up when I did something wrong I was punished sometimes, oh God forbid; I received a hand or a paddle on my backside. Later in school when we had a test I was given a numerical grade. And, I understood when playing sports how it felted to win or lose.
Now while killing time waiting on time to finally one day kill me, and trying to avoid the Grim Reaper, I can look back and say it was a great ride through this thing called life once I knew how to understand winning and losing.
Now days you are not to spank children, keep score, or give grades in school, because it will suppress their creativity. So, when they ‘grow up’ and they don’t know how to handle disappointment they act like babies. Just saying grow up be men and women not babies.
Everyone is either under the law or under Grace and it is our choice to make, choose wisely.
David says
Don’t like the electoral college system? Then, lets see how the popular vote would go if a voter ID registration card and another form of photo ID were required at the voting booths. Oh, oh, but wait…regardless of how the democracy works, because your political candidate/party did not win, you would riot anyway. I got a good idea for you: buy a one way ticket to a country that has the political system you want and be happy somewhere else. And, if you are fortunate enough to be able to have a choice in leadership of that country and he/she doesn’t win, just see how far rioting is going to get you.
joe davison says
shoot them dead in the streets
littlebit says
A cop once told me “If you shoot the first one you don’t have to shoot the next twenty.”
Donna B. says
Bula says
Majority of the protesters are illegals and they should leave asap and Trump should start acting now to get rid of illegals. Clinton and the group of looses are behind this and this will not change. People have spoken and petition is waste of time to even look at. No country works against democratic process. DNC, DEM, ILLEGALS SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GO IN JAIL WITH CORRUPT CLINTON AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE IN THE JAIL WITH HER.
Arlie says
Maybe Trump will give these thugs a job of building jails for themselves to live in!! OR….get them placed on an island, no phone, no tv, etc. and give them each a gun with 6 bullets so they can get rid of each other. We don’t need them in America.
Diana Hamilton says
I blame our sitting President for Encouraging all this mess.Donald J. Trump has more class in his big toe than Obama has in entire body.Sore loser-lied about knowing H.C. was using private server enen after being exposed for at least 8 e-mails btw the two. He should be very ashamed of himself!!! Wake up America- stop drinking te cool-aid
Clare says
Donald Trump ….. CLASS?????? you must be kidding! Or I missed the part where Obama mocked a handicapped person, called women fat slobs and pigs and boasted about grabbing women by the private parts just cuz he could……. now, THAT is classy!!!!
Clare says
Will no one acknowledge that this is EXACTLY what Donald Trump urged people to do 4 years ago when Obama won? Why not??? You people really only see what you want to see … and not acknowledge any uncomfortable truth. Why is that? Would it have been alright if it was against Hillary or Obama?
I keep asking for answers on this site and no one can give me a rational answer …. just vulgar, ignorant rhetoric. Why?
Rodzzz says
Are you a Liberal?
dprato says
Urging something to be done in the heat of the moment and doing it are two different things entirely. When you physically injure people that raises the inappropriateness to a new and more dangerous level. I am certain you would not appreciate it if you were out in the street protesting Donald Trump and I came up and smacked you right side your head. Put things in perspective if that is possible for you.
Roxane F. says
First I blame the mainstream media. They spent the entire election demonizing Mr. Trump. Shame on them. Secondly, I blame the parents of these people who are rioting and acting like a bunch of babies. We have a generation that has been coddled. When they played a sport “everyone was a winner” and received a trophy. There were no losers. LIFE ISN’T FAIR!!! YOU WILL WIN SOME AND LOSE SOME. Being a sore loser shows a lack of morality. The foundation of human values are based on dignity of human life, respect and consideration for the others. GROW UP!!!!
Clare says
Roxane, I agree with most of what you say…. except I would not say that the media totally demonized the Donald … their job is to report on the things he said and did ….. he Did do and say those things, so can only blame himself for what was reported.
dprato says
Then why have they avoided doing that with Obama and Hillary and people have to go to other sources to ferret out all the dirt and scandals. Both are proven Pathological liars and have been caught on tape and emails doing so. Problem with you people is that you live in an alternate reality and refuse to acknowledge or don’t comprehend the facts. You are really quite challenged.
Keith says
Those of us on the right never pulled this crap when Obama was elected in 2008 & 2012. This proves just what group of people in America who are the real problem and it is those on the left!!!!!!! You can always give up your American Citizenship and leave America any time. I’m sure I can find a lot of people who would be more than happy to help you pack your crap up so you can leave.
Rodzzz says
It seems there are two types of people in this country…………….. Americans and Liberals
C.T.Lewis says
GEORGE SOROS AND HILARY CLINTON are behind this mess and president Obama could stop it if wanted to. What a pity that all of these Democrats did not get a free ice cone so they have to go home crying . Suck it up you sore losers.C.T.
armydadtexas says
Once again, as it was during the campaign, THE LEFT, lead by Obama, Clinton, George Soros paid, agitators committed violence against AMERICA. AGAINST AMERICA. This is what the far left wing, radical extremist, mindless, slobbering TROLL does in other nations, banana republics, communist and fascist states around the world. NOT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Bottom line LEFT WING PUKES, we, America had an election. Donald Trump won the election. The Clinton Cartel LOST the election. New York and California still must honor what the other 48 states decide. The majority of ELECTORAL VOTES went to Donald Trump.
If you don’t like it, pack up your crap and get the HELL out of the United States. Because bozo’s>>back lash is a coming. You are going to be held accountable for your ILLEGAL ACTIONS.
You wish to turn this into something sad, YOUR PROBLEM. What are you entitled to? NOT A DAMN THING. So get over your whiney selves
Rodzzz says
Well put
Georgah Clay says
This is the reason America needs to be made great Again! Mexican flags or any other should be pulled down and trashed!
Clare says
If those were your answers, thank you!
Actually, I don’t live in the States, so I can’t leave. Just an observer from afar. It is just that those of us who do not have a vested interest in this can see it more clearly! Thanks for the offer of helping me with “my crap” anyway.
I am not on the left … I am somewhere smack dab in the middle. It’s just that Donald Trump is a despicable person ….. can you really say that you admire him with all his known faults? All the things he has said and done? The way he treats people? Yes, he might be able to change a few things that need changing ….tho it will not be nearly as simple as he thinks….. but he is not in this for the little guy … he has never done anything that is not for his own personal benefit, fame and glory. I agree that things need fixing up, the world can see the yuckiness in Washington… but he is not the one to do it. Maybe next time! It will be a very slow progress. I know you will never admit it, (because he is black) but Obama is a much nicer person, with more class, integrity, intellect and graciousness in one finger than the orange baboon has in his whole body! I also know that you don’t care, but the world is very wary of this man. Does it not cause you some concern when you think of his coziness to Putin? He is your enemy, he hacked your country’s politicians, but you see nothing wrong there? I sincerely hope things go well for Trump and you, (because whether we like it or not, it affects us all) but at 70 years old, it is not going to be easy for him to completely change his personality and attitude from me, me, me to worrying about the needs of 320 million people. He needs to listen to his advisers and not have a snit fit like he is accustomed to doing. he might meet adversity… hopefully he handles it with grace!
dprato says
If you don’t live here you are not closer to it or more objective and while we do respect people’s right to their opinion you have now expressed yours, the vote is in, Trump is the winner and its just too bad. You folks never seem to consider how the other half has felt living under a Muslim Terrorist President bent on destroying his own Country for 8 years. There are always two sides to a story and since you don’t live here you don’t have a side that counts. Anyone who thinks they are going to intimidate Trump voters and supporters does not understand the American spirit and will to remain free. We will obliterate anyone who tries to get control of this Country through anarchy.
Donald Davis says
Real nice protesting before and after Vetrans Day when all these men and women fought our wars in pass years for our country for freedom.
Go home to mommy and daddy and have some cookies and milk . Think what the immigrants who came to our country,that had no freedom in theirs must be thinking about these brainless protesters. What they protesting about ? Trump is our president get with it or get loss.They are going to have to toughen up and get with the program.
Larry K. Tucker says
I agree with you all. I want action taken against defacing and disrespecting our flag right away. Responsible persons locked up now. How can this be allowed? Destroying property is a crime, lets fight this it out and settle it now. It has to be nipped in the butt. Get the Guard out, build a work camp, and put them in it. People can peacefully demonstrate but don’t you dare destroy my property. This is my country and I have to live by the law, as well as they.
Patrick says
@night ,when it is cool do a water drop like they do in the mountains ,@ night wet them down and they will seek shelter or go home , and the one’s still going off like fools put into jail for inciting a riot ,and property damage ,and what ever else is going if looting what ever ,but get done ,so they don;t sew up transportation anymore .
El Tejas says
These so called protesters are the very embodiment of what they claim to be protesting. Only in a third world country can anyone expect to overthrow a properly elected official by mob violence. They appear to be full of hate and simply angry that they did not get their way.
jj Lee says
u r so right; all of these people will lose all their handouts that millions of people who have worked all their lives & try to exist on
social security~~~;have made possible~ I am glad I have no small children to worry about; as mentioned earlier; “our children are watching” well sad to
say but a lot of “children” hear worse every single day in their own homes than they do on television. but one thing for certain
God is watching & waiting & we all will be judged for our actions; its time for the adult population to grow up & over come all of these spoiled “takers” of handouts & as sd b4 if they don’t like America take their crap & clear out or they are the ones who should be deported. May God continue to Bless Our America; respect all our fighting men & women ; who have given this freedom to these idiots to speak their minds; but they never realize this; I am 80 years old & would never have stooped so low to show this kind of disrespect to other people & the properties of such; GET RID OF THE TROUBLEMAKERS;
BV says
If Obama was the kinda man you describe he would be out there telling these protesters to stop , where is he . He would also call out our military to stop this nonsense . Obama was destroying this country and Hilary would have finished what he started. Good thing you don’t live here would like to know where you live is it a better country Clare? Are you in a free country ? We want to keep our freedom that’s why Trump was elected and he has a fantastic running mate. GOD bless America and GOD bless our veterans.
Clare says
Hi BV,
Yes, I live in a big, beautiful, free country …. about 30 miles from the American border …. I am very sorry, but we do tolerate each other up here much better than down south …. maybe cuz there are so few of us and so much room!!! 🙂 We are known as a kinder, gentler, humbler people …. and always seem to be apologizing for it!
My initial point on this site …. I have spent way too much time here today… Donald Trump is complaining about the very thing he was encouraging 4 years ago. Is that not hypocritical?
Zerubbable says
If President-Elect Trump did make that suggestion, I would like documentation, it would be somewhat hypocritical, and yet how many riots did his comments start? How many riots did he pay for?
Regarding your country’s so called “freedom”, as a Born-again follower of Jesus Christ, I’m restricted from doing open air preaching in your country, is that true freedom?
NAN says
and THIS is what the DEMOCRATIC PARTY attracts – with the total help and encouragement of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and GEORGE SOROS paying for it all. what a pathetic testament to DEMOCRACY. sore losers – while many of us lived in QUIET DESPERATION for these past eight years putting up with the total bullshit decisions/mandates we all knew were taking America to the lowest of the low. you didn’t see CONSERVATIVES put forth violence! i
they are just a classier, law abiding, respectful and more highly evolved group of citizens that love AMERICA and are informed.
Presela Anne Robley says
Happy Veterans Day to all those loyal, brave, amazing men and women who have served out country. GOD BLESS YOU, and THANK YOU.
As for the whiney idiots who are out there protesting the election of this GREAT PATRIOT Donald J. Trump to the White House, some of this stuff was likely to be expected, however, I still find it mind-boggling, in its ignorance. Basically, what this amounts to is the LARGEST EXAMPLE of DYSFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR I have ever seen. These people are doing nothing more then MINDLESSLY REACTING to something that they THINK they know “the truth” about, but all of them could not be MORE WRONG.
Donald Trump is now married to an IMMIGRANT. A beautiful woman, Melania Trump, who came to this country in the right way, by immigrating LEGALLY.
One of Trumps ex-wives was an immigrant.
Trump has associated in the past with Rosa Parks, that idiot Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson. Not to mention the fact that Trump is now close friends with Dr. Ben Carson, Sherriff Clarke, and other important and prominent African-Americans. Trump also actually DATED an African-American woman.
THESE THINGS PROVE TRUMP IS NOT A HATE MONGER, NOR IS HE A BIGOT, OR A RACIST. He is actually a very open-minded man. And extremely INTELLIGENT.
Trump wants to secure the borders to properly SCREEN those who want to come to this country. Also, the “Kate’s Law” factor plays in. Trump wants to protect Americans from DANGEROUS illegals who have been thrown out of America repeatedly, only to return under the radar, and then commit horrible crimes, and EVEN MURDER.
This is WISDOM. It is not bigotry or racism. But apparently, the MSM EXPLAINING THESE HONEST FACTS to the morons who don’t seem to be able to digest the TRUTH is out of the question. The MSM wants to keep perpetuating the lie, that Trump is advocating HATE.
Trump wants people to OBEY THE LAW. What is it about this that drives whiney liberals INSANE? Many people would not go to another country ILLEGALLY, and I’d bet some of the morons protesting probably would not do it. Why, therefore, do they VILLIFY our president-elect for wanting to uphold a law that is COMPLETELY COMMON SENSE??? Not to mention the TERRORIST ASPECT of this situation.
The mindless immaturity of these protesters is PROOF that they are NOT LISTENING, they are simply great big babies who are enjoying acting out like 2-year children who did not get their way. IMO, most of these idiots need to be put in TIME-OUT, or rather, IN JAIL, for a few days or weeks. THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW, they are INCITING VIOLENCE and TREASON, and some of them have suggested KILLING our president-elect. THE LAW NEEDS TO BE UPHELD in this situation.
Of course, much of the blame for this current mass temper tantrum can placed SQUARELY on the shoulders of the MSM, Hillary Clinton, and “President” Obama. The way the MSM VILLIFIED TRUMP with their lies and total bullshit during the election is a factor here. Idiots “LISTENED” to the lies the media was spreading, instead of checking out the facts for themselves. MINDLESS SHEEPLE. Letting the MSM BRAINWASH THEM with their leftist propaganda and craving for continued power.
I am SO ASHAMED of the fact that this is happening. Seriously, either put all these idiots in jail, OR, encourage them to leave America, along with the likes of Cher, Barbra Streisand, Rosie O’Donnell, Amy Schumer, Bryan Cranston, Will Smith, Chris Rock, Jon Stewart, America Ferreira, Whoopi Goldberg, Jennifer Lawrence, Miley Cyrus, Mark Cuban, and any other pathetic “celebrity” who said they would leave if Trump were elected. GET THE F***K OUT OF OUR COUNTRY, if you are SO STUPID that you cannot set down and actually THINK, and respect the laws created for America that were created with OUR PROTECTION in mind. Same goes for the morons at CNN, who would not know how to report THE REAL NEWS if it bit them on the ass.
What needs to happen in our country is that CELEBRITIES NEED to STAY OUT of the political arena, IF what they are going to do is incite this kind of ignorance. The “tolerant left” needs a great big reality check.
And to the poster above that says Trump was inciting this kind of protesting in 2012, all I can say is that you are SERIOUSLY out-of-touch with the REAL Donald Trump. Trump merely incites people to SPEAK UP, STAND UP FOR WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN, HE HAS NEVER SUPPORTED VIOLENCE OR ADVOCATED THIS KIND OF INSANE ANARCHY.
Congratulations to our President-Elect, Donald J. Trump, and congratulations to ALL SMART AMERICANS who voted for him. WE THE PEOPLE UNDERSTAND HIS MESSAGE. We know that this is what America needs, and we know that this is what is BEST for our country. God Bless ALL of you!!!!!!!!
Rev G says
The idiots rioting deserve the most harsh treatment possible. So long as Obama is in office they will try to corrupt and convince voters that the “majority” don’t want Trump. Nothing will happen to them. Let’s hope for sever weather and cold this winter to keep them off the streets. Obama isn’t going to do a thing as the DNC and Soros commit sedition and treason. Every governor should call out the National or State Guard as we have in Texas to force the rioters to stand down or be put down.
mike says
the (term) land of the free only applies to people who don’t belong here thanks to the govt.i hope president trump rounds em up and move em out.and take all these whiny ass protesters with them.has anyone heard from Hitlary lately?
Cheryl says
Here’s what I can assure the protesters. If you keep acting like this, you will guarantee the next election, will also be a republican. Because right now, you are showing every reason why NO one should EVER vote democratic again. You don’t even know, any more than I do, exactly what Trump will or will not do once he gets into office. People running for office often run their mouths but once they’re in office, it’s usually a complete opposite of what they said during their campaign.
Cheryl says
I highly suspect that’s why she left her supporters high and dry on the night of the election. She couldn’t even be bothered to go out and thank them for their many months of support. I highly suspect she’s behind all the rioting and chaos and that’s why she disappeared and went into hiding. Funny, aside from that one blip on the news on Wednesday, she’s dropped out of sight. Neither her nor Obama are calling for an end to this garbage. And as the saying goes, “if you’re not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem”.
The other thing, these people from the liberal cities, have to realize, there’s a much bigger and much different part of America out there. Yes…it’s true…there’s more out there than what’s in the cities where these liberals live. I think they’ve been oblivious to that concept. And that part of America stood up and voted against the liberal agenda. They’re tired of THEIR RIGHTS being trampled on and taken away. No on is taking away the rights of anyone, in a Trump administration. If anything, they’ll likely find they have more rights. But, the rights of the conservatives, also needed to be protected. And they weren’t. Now, they will be. Now laws can be passed to protect the forgotten in rural America.
It can’t be all one way. Now it’s time to balance it out.
David says
With some minor investigation, the worthless multi-billionaire traitor, most likely G. S., that paid for these riots, and put him in jail for a very long time for inciting these riots, and make him pay for all the damage that his this criminal activity has caused. Better still, strip this international criminal of his citizenship and ban him from America forever, after he pays for all the damages.
Dee says
This is the Real Picture of the left . Just like the crap they started at Trump rallies , bought and paid for by hitlery and her people , Soros and other idiots . They preach tolerance but are Not Tolerant . And yes the mainstream moron media are to blame too . They distorted the numbers , Were Not Open And Honest with the American People on All the Lies and Failures of hitlery and the dnc . But we are here , we spoke out , and once again when the immature babies and corrupt officials don’t win they resort to anger and violence . They won’t accept that People Everywhere Want to get the USA out of the gutter it’s been pushed into . Their too busy being selfish and lazy , and Expect Us All to go down with them .. I predict when Trump turns our economy around they still won’t be working . They want to be owned by the Government from cradle to death . They have nothing to contribute , and Most Never Will . It’s a Sad time in the USA , and I hope one day at least some of them will look back and be Greatful God has given us A Second Chance . We have to get it right this time ,
And we Are On The Right Path . THANK YOU PENCE/TRUMP
Presela Anne Robley says
Thank you Dee for such a wonderful and heartfelt post. EVERY.WORD. You and all the patriots in this thread are the REAL HEART OF AMERICA!!!
Teller-Ulam says
Please come to the DFW area and start your riots! I always wanted to see that a 60grn Nosler BT out of my 22-250 Ackley would do to a human head.
dprato says
Its interesting that the people belonging to the Democratic Party which is obsessed with gun control and diminishing violence are the once to employed violence both before and after this election. I have also noticed and will stand to be corrected if I am wrong that I have not heard from our Muslim Terrorist President or the Criminal Hillary Clinton telling these people that our system worked as designed and they should cease and desist the violence. Protest is fine, disagreement is fine, violence is totally unacceptable. So tell me where are these great leaders who should be trying to diffuse this sort of thing?
Lastly and perhaps more importantly while I speak for myself I know I speak for millions of Americans who feel as I do. Anyone who thinks they are going to get there way in this Country by violence better think twice. This is a nation of armed citizens very capable of protecting themselves and their families. If anyone thinks for a minute that we are going to tolerate violence against us as the police do they better think again. I live in Colorado where we have make my day laws and it is lawful to protect oneself in a life threatening situation. So anyone on the left who thinks they are just going to go around and kill people are more than likely going to be killed. I as many other Americans are very well prepared to deal with any and all threats to my family and I warn these misguided people that the only ones that will die in large numbers once things start is them. We will take no prisoners and we will eradicate the threats quickly.
Rita says
The first night it was just a bunch of whiny crybaby college students. You do know that the human brain is not fully developed until around 25 years of age–these entitled crybabies prove that research. But know the Black Lives Matter scum have joined in, egged on by the MSM. Why aren’t the cops using rubber bullets and tear gas to protect the property of honest citizens? Bring in the militia to assist the police. These idiots need to be arrested, jailed, tried and put in prison. There’s plenty of video (compliments of the main stream media) to prove who these people are. They are disgusting thugs.
wild man from jersey says
oh hell give them a bottle of water and a bag of chips and drop them off in the everglades and see if they come out…. take them to the salt flats and let them walk around for three days Georgia state need new chain gangs’ to help with work in the state every state should start a chain gangs’ for all these peoples!!! if they want to protest then charge their parents for their crimes’
Politically incorrect says
Now is the time that Obama make a special new cast and tell them this is not what we do and Hillary should get on CNN or other mainstream media channels and tell these people this isn’t right but instead they sit back saying nothing, just like the Muslims in this country when there is a radical Islamic on this country which makes both Obama and Hillary look like they are condoning this type of behavior
Warren Hahn says
Those who voted for Trump are the people you don’t want to mess with. Come riot at my house or neighborhood and I will shoot you, my neighbors will shoot you and my family will shoot you. CNN, MSNBC and other stations are giving them to much credit. These worthless know it alls have no idea what real life is and need to grow up. Life isn’t easy. Life is good.
aw says
Throughout the campaign, Democrats accused Trump followers of many things, one being violence. What exactly is going on now? Hil-Liar-Y supporters across the nation are destroying everything in their path, not to mention the 24 year old WOMAN who attacked the 70 year old MAN…….guess that’s the glass ceiling “liberated” women speak of.
I am woman, 69……..I have my identity, I know who I am, I know what I want……..I don’t need DEMOCRATS to dictate my existence as part of a crowd.
What has happened with this election, women who want a woman President at all costs is mind control not unlike the STOCKHOLM SYNDROME in its extreme. Minds have been “adjusted” to doing their “controllers” work for them.
Wikipedia explains:
Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon first described in 1973 in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.[1][2] The FBI’s Hostage Barricade Database System shows that roughly eight percent of victims show evidence of Stockholm syndrome.[3]
Stockholm syndrome can be seen as a form of traumatic bonding, which does not necessarily require a hostage scenario, but which describes “strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the other.”[4] One commonly used hypothesis to explain the effect of Stockholm syndrome is based on Freudian theory. It suggests that the bonding is the individual’s response to trauma in becoming a victim. Identifying with the aggressor is one way that the ego defends itself. When a victim believes the same values as the aggressor, they cease to be perceived as a threat.[5]
Adela says
If I were in charge I’d send the police and the military with orders to shoot!!! They destroyed properties and I wouldn’t doubt they’d kill someone. This is no ordinary protest, this is the savages (who took lessons from the islamofascists) are destroying our country and even promised to not stop for the following 4 years.
President Donald Trump must take measures to stop these savages/islamofascists right away. Left to their plans….we won’t get America back!
I hope Mr. Trump reads my opinion here.
aw says
don’t understand the need for moderation with everything I write……am I blacklisted, if so, let me know, i’ll move to another site. also, couldn’t help noticing that I was dropped from your email list.
tired says
Once the police have their hands untied from the last administration, the police will know exactly what to do in cases like this…and the silent majority may step in to help if needed.
Trump/Pence the best choice the voters ever made….
WhiskeyMan says
Reply to ‘tired says’
“Once the police, sheriffs, have their hands untied…”
(And a goodly dose of the National Guard would be welcomed as well !!! )
Presela Anne Robley says
Folks, it is Friday night, almost 5pm here in the Central Time Zone. Are these IDIOTS going to go out tonight nationwide and do the same thing? When is our PATHETIC “PRESIDENT” going to do something about this? I am sickened and disgusted by this crap. And the MSM keeps on with their sickening biased coverage against Trump, while practically ENCOURAGING this sort of thing. God help our country.
BV says
If you live in Canada Why have the Canadians come to America for health care. My nephew lives in Seattle and he’s talk to Canadians that have come here because and he was told by one guy that his dad and uncle died before they could get health care . We hope to avoid that here. Clare you do sound like a very nice lady but the American people spoke loud and clear that we don’t like the way the country was going . You can see the dems are not nice they are not excepting the outcome of this election . If your a praying person pray for the riots to stop.
ReaperHD says
It’s time to take out the Mayor and any other officials in these towns who are allowing this rioting and property damage to persist and then take out the George Soros backed scumbags who are instigating these people. Time to use deadly force or this will never end.
Betty L. Smith says
What can I say? George Soros, George Soros, George Soros. We all know this miserable piece of you know what is behind all of these protests and riots. These people do have the right, but why do they have to burn our flag, and destroy property. I see Obama, the Clinton’s, Bernie Sanders, and the rest of the liberal Democrat’s haven’t gotten on TV and said to these people to calm down and go home, get a job. The people have spoken. The election is over and our guy Trump has won. I’m hoping that Justice Ginsberg, and all of the Hollywood crowd that said they would move to Canada if Trump won, would get on the next plane and get out of our country. We don’t need their kind, but when these actor’s leave, there is no coming back to work in movies in the USA. They have made their choice. We don’t want them to ever come back, and they will be arrested if they set foot on our soil. These people are traitors to our country, and we refuse to go to see any movie they ever play in again, or buy any music they might record again. This goes for the hard core rapper’s with their filthy songs, that Hillary likes so much. Also, the Obama’s and their kids listen too. We’re waiting, goodbye.
A.W. says
I already have been boycotting many actors, singers, comediannes, media for their “slanderous rhetoric and imports & certainly NO FOOD FROM CHINA OR MEXICO
Watchman says
18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
US Code
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.
Butch Milbert says
I remember all of the protest when draft-dodger Bill Clinton and the Commie Obama went into office.To the protesters- if you don’t like President Trump, leave the USA. There are no exit quotas. The reason why Hildabeast won the popular vote is because the illegals and dumbass liberals in California voted. FACT
abbott says
we need to deport these haters of our country to Russia . to have an agreement in place so they do their time in Black Dolphin Prison. and when they serve their sentence they must find another country to live in since they don’t like here. and cannot return to America EVER. u tube Black Dolphin Prison . that’s real justice,.
abbott says
we the American people demand a end to violence and the rioters that commits these acts with there accomplices. a prison that doesn’t tolerate squat. no tv, no yard privileges, no sacking in bunk, and assigned duties daily . having to get permission to take a dump. if they offend again deport them. two strikes your out. that’s real justice.
El Grillo says
These people have been taught Nietzchien philosophy in American universities. It started in earnest about 100yrs ago and really took hold in the 1960’s: do you remember the ‘God is dead’ mvt? A Serbian anarchist killed Archduke Ferdinand to start WWI. Hitler admired Nietzche and used his ideas to come up with the Aryan race as a pretext to take over Europe and to murder millions of people in his ‘final solution’. It is almost beyond belief that these idiots can call Trump a fascist while practicing ideas that led to the takeover of Germany, Italy, and Spain before WWII. Spain is still a fascist country. The progressives and globalists have used global warming, and other crises and ‘bubbles’, to subjugate our constitutional rights and freedoms, or at least try to. It has been a quiet revolution, and we still need to pray that it has failed.
Remember that Scopes lost in the famous trial in the 1930’s. That trial determined that parents can and should direct the education of their children. It takes a family, not a village nor Dr. Spock, to raise a child. This partly explains why young minds can go off to college, only to be turned into liberal idealogues. Also, this explains why the voting age was set at 21. The Founding Fathers were much wiser than we give credit.
Lastly, I recommend Mr. O’Reilly’s latest book, ‘Killing the Rising Sun’. It illustrates events before and after the defeat of Japan in WWII quite well. The book does not continue into the Marshall Plan that brought Japan back.
Shelba says
If george soros is responsible for financing these riots then one of the first things that Trump needs to do is revoke his citizenship and deport him from this country, financing riots and rigging voting machines to cheat at elections should be enough reason to boot him from the country – obama and hillary is not going to step in and put a stop to the riots because they are hoping the rioters will intimidate members of the electoral college into changing their votes for Trump
WhiskeyMan says
Reply to ‘Shelba says’
Soros, Hitlery, & Oblamo to Gitmo 2017
(OR, Why wait? Right now would be good! )
jimmy king says
i was earlier in my life the top systems analyst for one of our great states in our country. when i took my civil service exam i scored the highest in the history of the state, thats how i got my job. i tell you this not to brag but to give you my qualifications. i won’t say it’s name because i fear the wrath of liberals at this time in history. i wouldn’t put it past them at all. my greatest asset is that i have great logic. i have predicted all that has gone on in this election with great accuracy. hear is what i belIeive is going on right now in our country. obama, hillary, soros, the top liberals, and the bought and paid for news media aren’t doing anything to stop these violent protests because obama wants to declare martial law and run things his way and move radical terrorists to control our country with him in total control. thats why he tried his best to disarm us. when the national rifle assn. prevented that. then they bought the only lead mine that makes lead for bullets in the united states so that even if we have guns we would not have ammo to defend our selves against his terany, when he appointed hillary and her best friend, huma (whose parents are both working to help radical musslems get in power) he set all of this up so he could stay in office, not as a president but as a dictator !!!!! why do you think they bought all of those body bags? why did he give fema the power to come into your home and take your guns, food, etc. by any means possible? that means they come to your home and just kill you and your family and take everything they want. LONG LIVE AMERICA AND THE AMERICAN WAY!!!!!!! WAKE UP AMERICA, DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN!!!
Rick Hinaman says
You would think that since Hillary Clinton cares so much for this country and the people of this country she would speak up to quell this.(cricket, cricket) This is what we have a criminal justice system, let’s let the process work.
rick says
How about some time in a CONSENTRRATION CAMP like the Japanese were forced into during World War 2. ????????????
Teach these little CRYBABY BRATS just what law and order really is.
Let Sheriff Joe have them for a while in his JAIL in Arizona, living in TENTS, wearing PINK JUMP SUITS, eating sandwatches twice a day, for a couple of years. They might jsut learn what LAW and ORDER really is. /////////////////////////////
Maria Rodriguez says
Hello and let it be known. November 14, 2016, is an event of a supper supper moon, that is closest to the earth. It was so in Jan.26.1948.
That was a long time ago. What is interesting is that it will return again in the same way in 2034. What makes it interesting that in 2035, Pluto will leave the sign of Capricorn and moves on again to return that will take another 247. yr. to earth.
The last time Pluto was here 247 yrs. ago, turned America upside and downside up, with the terrible American Civil War.
So, it is all in the Heavens. God plays out His wishes and brings His plan abut by the powers of the Celestial bodies.
How short sited are mankind. Speaking of mankind we must change our ways. No more of leaving things to be resolved by who stand for what.
We must have one things in our mind. Stand together for a one goal for humanity because if we will not we will vanish altogether from the face of the earth.
We will be exterminated by our own animal like behaviour. Time to start to practice today for the survival of our human spices.
Clarence Lipscomb says
George Soros and his two sons who are guilty of complicity in their father’s crimes here in the U.S.A. should all be arrested and turned over to Mr.Puten in Russia.
Mr.Puten would be grateful. He hates Soros and would send them all to Siberia for some Russian-style therapy
All of Soro’s assets (confirmed to be in excess of $25,000,000,000.00) would be seized by our government and used to repair all the damage done by the black lives matter (blm) crowd which is funded by Soros. If there are any funds remaining, these funds should be used to finance the creation of a new, NEUTRAL and REAL, FAIR AND BALANCED Media organization which will compete with CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, FOX/LEG NEWS, The New York Times, The Washington Post (and several other major news organizations) all of which have been partially or wholly funded by George Soros in the past. Soros has seriously poisoned our public opinion and our self-respect as U.S. citizens ever since he has lived here as a former citizen of Hungary where he was their chief of the Communist Party. (He ‘fell out’ with Puten though.)
Bob Durnan says
When President Trump said at the last presidential debate he might not accept the election results, the media, and Democratic Party, were in an uproar. They loudly criticized President Trump for even suggesting he might contest the results of the election. Now that they have lost, here are the liberals rejecting the election results at every opportunity. How hypocritical. They had their election. They had almost the entire mainstream media promoting Hillary and denouncing Trump 24/7 like some political Super-PAC. They had an incumbent president and former president criss-crossing the country promoting Hillary, the full weight of the DNC was behind her, and they massively outspent trump in political advertising. Yet, still Hillary lost. Hillary was simply a flawed candidate. Wikileaks revealed that the Democratic Party had wanted President Trump to be the Republican candidate because they thought he would be easily defeated. They estimated wrong.
WhiskeyMan says
“Outrage! Rioters demand END to law and order” (More like sick and tired of sick Georgy Schwartz Soros’ ‘paid rabble-rousers’)
What a load of flippin’ BS !!! Does this Nation really have to watch a handful of illegal punks, and trash wannabe anarchists, causing trouble rioting, and acting-up like over aged spoiled children that never got their asses whipped way back when they should’ve ???
The lawful citizens of this great Nation do not care to witness this more than disgusting LOAD of the Acting-Up ‘legacy’ inspired by the last eight years of the finally deposed ‘community organizer-in-chief’ !!!
WhiskeyMan says
We are a Nation of Laws (well we mostly always were, had been, ’till about eight years ago.)
We are now witnessing ?someone’s? “fundamentally transforming America” legacy being fulfilled !!!
Law abiding citizens having to observe the substandard illegal actions of these lawless protestors is disgraceful.
Would certainly appreciate seeing taxpayer paid police, sheriffs, and if necessary the National Guard setting an example!
Hope and pray that we don’t have to wait for President Trump to take office in January ’till we do. (Not holding my breath either!)
aw says
Obviously, schools in America, no longer teach World History, American History, American Government, and Economics. These were all High School courses………instead the focus on POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. These violent “deplorable” demonstrators don’t know anything other than the “soap opera” presentation used by Hil-Liar-y during the campaign so as to AVOID THE REAL ISSUES DESTROYING AMERICA. Instead of listening to what Trump was saying about corruption, jobs, taxes, healthcare, trade, immigration, safety, economy, etc., the youngsters were conned into focusing on a “Trump said” sex sells, verbal rhetoric by the Democratic Party. “Trump said” is a far different scenario than “Bill did”. And to the Hippocrates, YOU, WE, men, women, have all spoken locker room rhetoric………sorry, girls, all your fathers, brothers, sons have spoken as such. “Sticks & stones, may break my bones, but names will never harm me”. THAT WAS ALL A DISTRACTION AND MILLENIALS FELL FOR IT! TRUMP IS WORRIED ABOUT YOUR FUTURES, NOT “SEX SELLS” ENTERTAINMENT!
Douglas says
We will have law and order! The thugs are a part of the left wing element of the Democratic Party .
Tell them to get over it. The people have spoken.
This is how democracy works. America will continue
To excell even with these distractions.
Queenie Marks says
the liberal protests are actually chanting make America Safe For All? What kool aid are they all drinking? They are VIOLENTLY protesting AND they are behaving and acting like terrorists and criminals destroying property beating on people and disrupting the livelihoods of citizens and that is what their distorted sick minds have determined is now considered safe? If it looks like a BULLY and QUACKS LIKE A BULLY than it is a LIBERAL protester. The melt down of liberalism and their BOGUS contradictions like ‘love trumps hate’ there is NO love in violent protests AND there is NO love in destroying property but when you are doubled down with the notion that your liberal agenda has zero substance UNLESS it is fueled by hate, bullying, labeling, and violence and your mind is short-circuiting on HATE then you truly do believe the lying slop you serve up. Liberals cannot protest peacefully because there is nothing substantial about the issues they stand for and even liberals are utterly confused about what they stand for because they all have an incredible inability to comprehend their own agenda this is why they resort to violence and destruction all simply because they have absolutely no ability to discuss any issue or topic in any rational dialect. Just like a child who cannot articulate what it wants and resorts to a temper tantrum so are the liberal puppets performing for their puppet master. As the candy is doled out and they are PAID to protest these thugs are simply doing the bidding of their puppet masters. If Trump is NOT your President then get out. This is not a ‘white lash’ it is a democracy and the liberals were so gleeful prior to the election believing the propoganda of the democratic/communism machine and ITS media mouthpiece was selling had the election in the bag problem is REPUBLICANS and sane intellectuals no longer listen to the media propoganda so the liberals were STUNNED to see we could not BUY another 4 years of the cesspool of liberal corruption. Game over the great thing about HATE is it eventually collapses in on itself and LOVE does TRUMP all. Violence and destruction are hallmarks of HATE when you sell HATE you eventually short circuit and these half-baked protests will eventually BURN OUT because LOVE will overcome hate. The last 8 years of ABUSE,and hatred sold by the American government is grinding to a halt and HATE Will not LONGER be tolerated in America. Love does Trump Hate that is why Trump is President.
Robert Taylor says
For the many asking about a law….Here is what one law says
18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87–486,June 19, 1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Robert Taylor says
This is just one of many ideas that COULD happen if Obama is truly set against Trump becoming the President. I hope that this is all pipe dreams but, many plans are in place to allow it to happen. If it does this country is truly lost even if “right” (rule of law) wins we will be so broken as a country any foreign power could finish the job started by Obama.
All the following is designed to give complete power to the president in times of emergency or war AND CAN BE USED DURING PEACE TIME. The determination of what is a declared emergency is also his call. Lastly I could find no direct removal of the power he gave himself. There is one more item not shown here but it is a critical part of his situation…
Now that it is legal for the military to accept illegal persons into it we are soon destined to have an Army (which includes all other branches) of non-Americans armed with the latest weapons as our protectors. Has anyone thought about them being used as the enforcers of martial law? If push comes to shove against the citizens of America whose side do you think the illegal in uniform would help?
Just a thought to go along with the order parts of it are shown below, which is autocratic in its insidious nature.
Sec. 201. Priorities and Allocations Authorities. (a) The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:
(1) the Secretary of Agriculture (Barack Obama announced Vilsack’s selection to be Secretary of Agriculture on December 17, 2008. His nomination was confirmed by the United States Senate by unanimous consent on January 20, 2009. He is the only current member of the U.S. Cabinet who has served since Obama took office.) with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;
(2) the Secretary of Energy (Secretary Moniz has played a crucial role in negotiations toward a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, directly negotiating technical details with the Iranian atomic energy minister Ali Akbar Salehi, an MIT graduate, and reassuring President Obama that concessions important to the Iranians would not pose a major threat) with respect to all forms of energy;
(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Sylvia Mary Mathews Burwell (born June 23, 1965) is an American executive who has been the 22nd United States Secretary of Health and Human Services since 2014. Previously she was the Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget from 2013 to 2014.) with respect to health resources;
(4) the Secretary of Transportation (Anthony Renard Foxx is an American politician currently serving as the United States Secretary of Transportation, a position he has held since 2013. Previously, he served as the Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina, from 2009 to 2013. Wikipedia) with respect to all forms of civil transportation;
(5) the Secretary of Defense (Ashton B. Carter is the 25th Secretary of Defense.) with respect to water resources; and
(6) the Secretary of Commerce (The 38th Secretary of Commerce is Penny Pritzker, who was appointed by President Barack Obama on June 26, 2013.) with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.
(b) The Secretary of each agency delegated authority under subsection (a) of this section (resource departments) shall plan for and issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources and establish standards and procedures by which the authority shall be used to promote the national defense, under both emergency and non-emergency conditions.
“This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
I think the last paragraph means no person can bring legal action against this order in any form.
NOTE; WHAT DO THEY MEAN BY NON-EMERGENCY CONDITIONS????? This one part worries me the most. Much of what is written is copy of existing directives but I do not recall any statement where “NON-EMERGENCY” is mentioned.
I think “If the national defense (as they mentioned is the order) is concerned it is an emergency.”
Mathew Molk says
OK, Gang,
I just read all the comments about shooting and beating the protesters,,,,I am one of the biggest Trump supporters you will ever see. I was a Cleveland Policeman, and a Vietnam combat veteran,,,,but shooting down peaceful; protesters just aint cool PERIOD!
I don’t ;like these fools any better then anybody else but this is our country and they have the right to demonstrate as long as they are not breaking the law. The constitution we fought for says so. It isn’t just for the people with our right wing point of view. but it is just a valid for the left.
Now when they start setting buildings on fire and throwing rocks at the cops and looting, then that’s a different story. Then we bring in the scoops like they did in Soilent Green. – No seriously, if they start breaking the law then you go in and arrest them, but up to that point you stay there and defend them. – This is not some banana republic like Obama tries to make us into.
We won the electron hands down and put a complete stop to the SOBs that were trying to turn us into a 3d world country. Now let’s show them what we are made of and practice what we preached. – Besides, in a week of two they will disappear by themselves, flag burners and all. We got better things to do then fight with these useful idiots, like running all the RINO/Democrat elite establishment out of DC and maybe even find something to indict brother Soros for.
Roger Henry says
If you have a permit to hold a protest, then it is your right (as citizens). It must be in a pre-determined location, not roaming around the city. AND- your right ends where mine begins. Rioting, destruction of property, physical violence, interfering with the daily lives of people, will not be tolerated. You will be arrested and charged. These anarchists will learn that very quickly!!
Denise says
Since they seem to be cry babies, and on the take with Soros money, arrest them and ask them where they would like to be deported to. Then send them there, see how long they can protest there without being killed. They are all anti-Americans. Not wanted in this nation.
Alan says
If the anti-trump sore losing demonstrators hate Trump that much, they should all move to Venezuela; because, if Hillary won this country would become just like Venezuela. The Obama administration has been trying to destroy the US and Hillary would continue Obama’s policies. If the anti-Trump protestors reduce the country to a condition lawlessness and Anarchy: the country will be worse than Venezuela.