If there’s ever any questions the loony left is filled with horrible racists, just take a look at the video below.
There you’ll see angry, violent liberals demanding a return of segregation.
It’s hard to believe, but it’s real. You can see for yourself below —
This is what we’re up against, folks. It’s outrageous. It’s racist. It’s illegal.
And it’s the future liberals envision for our country.
Campus Reform first reported on the incident.
Students at the University of California, Berkeley held a violent protest on campus Friday to demand additional segregated “spaces of color” for non-white students.
A video of the protest shows demonstrators repeatedly heckling white passersby, barring them entry to a key bridge on campus by forming a human chain while simultaneously allowing students of color to pass unmolested.
At one point, the video even shows a protester refusing to allow an older white man to cross the bridge, eventually directing him to cross by way of a creek that flows underneath the bridge.
Just a few moments later, another white man attempted to cross the bridge by forcing his way through the crowd, only to be surrounded by a mob of students who began shouting expletives at him as they pushed him back in the direction he had come from.
Time and again, white students and professors were denied entry to the bridge as they were surrounded by aggressive protesters shouting “go around!”
Apparently, protesters were angered because one of their “safe spaces” was relocated to the basement of a building where it had previously occupied the fifth floor. When protesters were asked about the motive for their demonstration, though, they refused to be recorded, leaving little to no explanation for the rationale behind such an aggressive protest.
One protester did offer her take on the issue, however, when she was given the chance to speak to the crowd, shouting “Berkeley, why the fuck do you let UCPD do what they want with our bodies?”
“I’m talking to you, UCPD,” she then asserts before declaring, “I don’t give a fuck about you.”
The protest eventually made its way to an on-campus building that was apparently rented out to a private corporation, leading students to post an eviction notice on its doors alleging a “misallocation of space.”
“You are hereby notified by the students of the University of California, Berkeley to vacate the premises immediately,” it read, according to video footage of the demonstration. “University administration wrongly allocated this two-story facility to a third-party corporation, keeping in line with its intensifying legacy of prioritizing financial profit over student needs.”
The mock eviction notice went on to demand that the building be converted into a “queer alliance resource center,” threatening that “community action will continue to escalate” if they “fail to vacate immediately.”
The protest then made its way through Berkeley’s student center, where the activists disrupted students from their studies with chants of “students over profit” before finally making their way to an off-campus intersection, where, naturally, they blocked the flow of traffic.
John G. says
What can you expect it all began in the South segregation and the KKK all perpetrated by the Democrats and the student protests, Black Lives Matter movement as well as the New Black Panther Party are all a by product of the “Liberal Left” and their PC B.S. which promise these people lots for nothing creating a dependent group of takers who offer nothing in return.
Main Street says
Don’t judge me by the color of my skin. However, if it benefits me by checking off the right box then go ahead.
Don says
You’re right on the money!!!!!
And, and, and, HOW ABOUT INCLUSION????
Another crock of liberal/progressive left B..S.
Lilly Putney says
I am sorry that we have such weak people running our colleges and Universities. Every one of these idiots should be evicited from campus return their money and take them off campus buy force and call the families and have them come and pick up their belongings. Maybe if Mr Trump gets in office they will grow a backbone. Never in the history of our Country have our campuses been ruled buy the students. If they want segeration let them go to there own black colleges and leave ours alone.
Main Street says
It’s a scam to get some attention and special preference over others. Catholic Colleges have many minority scholarships. Yet Grambling or Howard give NO scholarships to poor Irish, Italian or Mexican Catholic kids. Then we have refugees who come her claiming to be unable to live in their homelands. Then we see them taking vacations back to Kosovo or Vietnam. Racists crying racism.
Steve Hadley says
Where is your proof of this claim? We need proof before we can believe such a statement.
Arthur Hartsock says
I’m suspicious of one thing regarding Mr. Obama’s college entrance. (You may know he had all of his college records sealed before his Presidential Campaign.) I’m wondering if he received a special scholarship based on being an Indonesian citizen. I’ve always had my suspicions.
Linda Huss says
I agree totally! The government run schools & parents who have not taught their children respect for others are the cause of this!
SUE says
jim says
Linda you are a idiot get some intelligence!
Dan says
You are so right. I went to a catholic school through to the 8th. grade. When I went to Junior High a Government school the stuff they were teaching I’d had already done in the 6th. grade. Thankfully a Ms. Buzzel saw through me, She and the Principal got together, gave me bunches of tests and was promoted as a Sophomore. The problem was when I graduated, I had to take a Freshman to the Prom as the Senior girls thought I was to young to date. Ces’t la vie, nes’t pas?
Judy says
I bet and I’m not racist all those latinos are here illegally and have state grants
Iam so tired of foreigners complaining how bad the USA is you don’t like our ways then go the hell back to where you came from
Mike W says
College campuses have become nothing more than liberal brainwashing centers. Run by tenured liberal morons who have never done anything in their lives off campus. They are self centered self entitled elitist. If you kid is in college you might want to check into exactly what you are paying for. Other than the sciences, medical and engineering the rest is nothing but opinion. Mostly the opinion of a liberal loon.
Adela says
You speak like a sage!!! I’ve always said it, it’s not so much the fault of those rioters….AS IS THE COWARDICE AND INCOMPETENCE OF THE SO CALLED LEADERS!!!!
Dot says
Arthur Hartsock says
All smart White folks should boycott these Universities. Just take courses in local Tech/Vocational Schools. Better investment of time and money. And probably a guaranteed job and income upon graduation.
Joe says
What a bunch of losers!
Stay in school, graduate and help your communities! Show the younsters what hard work can do! The way you are going about it, is stupid and will accomplish nothing! It will not get you a better job and certainly not get you more money!
Dane says
So upset by racial decide these people are so they instigate more and wonder why they are called nigers.
edward says
EZ to get rid of the liberal assholes. Shoot the 1st big mouth in the head and the rest will shit in their panties and run. Liberals and the left are nothing more then pussies and cowards anyways. And then the pussies have the nerve to call Trump supporters “Deplorables”. At least we are not a bunch Racists, liars, naive, rapists (see Bill clint on) and murderers (see killary clint on).
Eat shit and die ……
L leone says
It is the truth. She is a nasty person. That is the nicest way Donald could have said it. She is evil and does have hate in her heart. She thinks all Americans are stupid and she said it in her emails. We need to come together and get rid of the corruption in Washington now. America is in grave danger with Isis and Hilary likes the status quo. You cannot get into any country without going through customs, why would we not secure our boarders?
Bottom line? …Our government has been, is being, and will be even more so under the Clintons, run like a criminal organization. It’s “soldiers” are found in the Clinton campaign, its mass media machine and in among both Political Parties. The corrupted establishment politicians, both Democrat and Republican, fear Trump like the plague ! Not because he said some lewd comments 11 years ago, but because Trump has now “drawn a line in the sand” in Sunday night’s debate stating to Hillary Clinton (and to the nation), “If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception,”
That will lead to further investigations all the way down the line, exposing all the political crooks and cronies for the low-lifes they are. No wonder so many of them turn their political lives into lifetime careers.
Trump will finally bring this country out of the hands of the corrupted system, the megalomaniacs that are the Clintons, their minions and foreign global interests… and back into the hands of the American citizens where it Constitutionally belongs.
Joe says
You know, it never fails to astound me that supposely smart people offer so little to society. Wisdom/common semse is a much more valuble commodity to sell or profit from. One would think that the African people would have figured out by now what the dems. are doing to them. They are pawns for them. Don’t peg me for a racist. There is trash among all people. Anyone can walk around with a chip on their shoulder. In this day and time the most racist people there are are the ISIS bunch. Before you say anyone else is please compare them to that group first. Our colleges have has a great influx of Muslim professors who are finding willing students to spread their doctrine of Islamis violence. In the world to come these people will go to hell, Hey, I didn’t say that , God did. As Jesus said these people are receiving their reward here on Earth. Oh, yes, there are some colledge grads who have wisdom enough to know the truth.
DRD5508 says
One thought, one word: Stupid!
reggiec says
I will bet George Soros and one of his organizations is funding this “protest”
Jeffrey says
I say give all none whites failing grades for this semester. You play you pay. This is the way of your candidate hILLARY. MOST OF THEM DON’T EVEN PAY FULL PRICE. WHAT A BUNCH OF LOOSERS.
Lilly Putney says
How about all of our tax dollars that are being wasted on these idiots who are more interested in protesting than learning. Get them the Hell out of the schools and make room for someone who really needs to get an education.
CJ says
Thought we were going forward instead of backwards, Silly me.
sanman says
Where are the men at, all I see is boys. Men would not let this bunch stop them.
sensitive says
Lilly Putney says
I wish the would suceed to Africa then maybe they would really learn what segragation meant to all of the people who shed blood and died for that right. What a bunch of dolts. If they was still teaching history maybe they should be taking a class in that. You think?
Carolyn says
Obviously they don’t really care about getting an education if they are doing this when they should be in class, doing a job, or studying. How many are there on grants at taxpayer expenses? They should be arrested and if they continue to disobey the law then kicked out and grants or scholarships revoked. Give the money to these who are really serious about improving their lives and others.
RR says
Send them back to their south American sh**hole!
Ruth says
This is terrible. What disrespect these people have to the human race. We have become a race with no morals. God help us all.
sensitive says
RIGHT NO morals but plenty of the Bull s..t Called P.C.
Dee says
Can’t get ahead with Racist Traitors running our country . And the reality is they have not and will not be there for these people anyway , only using people to stir civil unrest so to further their liberal agendas .
sanman says
your vote keeps those people in to use you
Judy says
Maybe we should start making them pay tuition. They may start taking their education more seriously.
Gary Way says
Can you imagine what their reaction would have been had the University Ordered them to use only their “black only” space? There would have been riots in the streets and the University would have been shut down. The same reaction would occur if the University declared a “white only” space. What’s wrong with this picture folks? Obviously, the black students aren’t satisfied with EQUALITY, they want PREFERENTIAL treatment.
Lilly Putney says
To bad the University doesn’t have enough ball’s to shut them out send them home and never allow any of them back in. Call the parents to pick them up and their belongs and give there portion of the money to the gov.
Denise says
Gee, and they keep calling us white people racist. What kind of education are we paying for them to get?
Mike says
Wrong, it all started with Obama and will continue with Clinton as she is desperate to rake in more $millions for herself before her golden goose runs out of time! Just think, when did an average American citizen amass, illegally, a $250 mil.fortune after declaring they were almost bankrupt! Wake up and smell the coffee, her slogan “Stronger Together” means she can meet her goal with your help while you line up for stamps!
S J says
It’s too bad that these students are protesting asking for segregation when some of their own people fought so hard against it ,not counting the fact they will go down in history as violent and unproductive people ,as they age maybe in the future they may want to run for a Gov. office or higher these tapes will be a part of their history.
Solo says
WOW….who initiated all of this….what is this a distraction from….the emails?
Mrph says
If it continues and escalates to unlawful activity, and it is shown to be actual students of the university causing the problems (because it has been proved in other places to be paid, non-local troublemakers), then the university should identify those student involved, expel them from school & press charges. Attending college is a privilege, not a right. They’re fine to speak their minds (even if we don’t agree), but when it gets out of hand, that’s an abuse of their privilege and should result in a loss of said privilege.
Silent Hammer says
This is further proof that the “university” and many if not most of the other “universities” in the United States is governed and populated by liberal (socialist) deans, chancellors and professors, bent on being known as the “ones who blocked the bridge in ’16!” WOW, what a statement! And it’s their ONLY claim to fame. Between smoking pot in their basement, ogling coed cheeks and blowing little boys for self fulfillment, they do NOTHING to promote the growth and actual “progress” of this nation and her people. If the “university” were concerned about the common good, they would have had the campus police out there keeping the bridge open for ANY person to pass. But they didn’t want that. They WANT chaos on campus, to grow another generation of protestors. pot smokers and politicians. A shame, really. But for those of you who want a real, contributing life, learn a valuable trade — like gunsmithing — and enjoy contributing to the nation.
SgtYork says
We can give Ovomit thanks for bringing back segregation . This is truly as stupid as you can get some say this all started in the South,bs to a I’ve see as much Segregation in the north as I saw in the South. That’s a Devilrat story that we here in the South are still pushing it. Devilcrats were the starters and leaders of the KKK and they were the ones who voted against blacks voting.equil Justice schools not the White Southerners now the damn Devilcrats acre behind the BLM Muslim bunch sponge red by Soros and guided by Ovomit .wake up America your getting screwed again for the reason Ovomits wants Martial Law to stay in Power and to push America into a Evil Muslim country ending up a Communist Country as he thinks Russia and China will praise him but they one if the other will take this country and hang his gay ass he won’t be the real Communists big bag sissy boy leader.
gary lashinsky says
What has happened to the college campus? I expected this would happen first at UC Berkley and spread other
schools with copy cat individuals! This is Insane! God help us all!
Abe says
Anyone old enough to remember the term “Dixicrats”? Who do you think started the KKK? Northern Republicans?
Stephen Grumpy L says
This is a product of the television raising children and the total lack of parenting.
Now this is what these naughty children grow up to be.
THIS IS THE RESULT OF YOUR TIME OUTS! Instead of a slap across the face and Boot up the place where the sun don’t shine.
There is a lot of the younger generation that do not fear punishment. Why should they?
The professors teaching this and encouraging it should be brought up on charges for inciting racism.
The only ones that will benefit from all of this is the physiologists that will have to treat them once the get a taste of the world as it is. Of coarse the physiologists only treat them enough so they need to keep visiting for the rest of their life.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Jc says
And these are the “people” Hitlery wants as her support base.
female tax payor says
Expel the Agitators!
Awake says
If they want segregation FINE. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!
That’s segregation
Eddy says
and don’t hire them
John Soroka says
Left wing liberal democrats are not capable of coming up with any good ideas and they never will be. Their mental capabilities are very limited. It is why they are commonly called lefty loonies.
Steve says
First National Guard, then Expulsion never to return.
Bob Onthis says
LMFAO!! You morans are free to leave this country any time you like! Otherwise, shut the HE double broom sticks up!
me says
LMAO! WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
john431 says
give them what they want. wall them off like the movie “Escape from L. A.”and tell them that if they try to leave that area they will be shot. let them all live together in their own world and kill themselves off.
female tax payor says
Exactly…these are the radical low-life violent kids we banned our kids from play-dates.
Timothy Thompson says
This is way out of order, arrest the little commie bastards expell each and everyone of them. BLM, Black Panthers, Communist sypathizers anyone who thinks they can disrupt a campus from students their who actually want to learn something. We need to break these silly leftest punks up. Americans do not segregate anymore, this isn’t the south and they have the privaledge of going to college, end of subject.
Dragon says
My feedback is this, where is the mediator for this event? How’s in charge? Who let it escalate to this proportion?
We are all Americans, if our residence is inside the USA we should be referred as American, if someone describe a person based in a color skin, then this person is a divider, we should be called for what we are Americans, not because our color, gender, religion, believe, hight, weight, you name it. “We” are Americans. Let’s try to work together, let’s meet half ways on our differences, we all are part of the USA.
Caroline Cofer says
Go ahead! Distract me from the incredible Immoral Clinton thing, and from WHERE IS JULIAN ASSANGE? I haven’t seen any WikiLeaks info for nearly a week. Has something happened to him? These are two of the non-PC, most important questions for today. Berkeley was ALWAYS very strange, are those students actually GOING to school to learn something, or are they just BEING AT school?
Dipsticks and Libnuts, and Sanctuary cities, Cali ghetto language is now PC.
Carrie Cofer
Jeanette says
That was the 22nd, and the report below is dated today (October 27th):
Trinket says
Find out what the rent is for the space & let the students know, if they want to pay for it, great. Otherwise, arrest them for: 1) anyone they physically assault &
2) obstructing a public pathway (the bridge)
then, either expel (the ones who physically assaulted anyone) or put anyone who was blocking the bridge & path on Administrative Warning. You give them a chance to come to their senses & if that doesn’t happen, expel. How about exercising the “Golden Rule”.
Kevin Beck says
This was something predicted over 60 years ago by George Orwell. To quote from “Animal Farm”:
“All animals (people) are equal. But some are more equal than others.”
This has become the rallying cry of the modern lib-tard.
Jeanette says
Let’s give them an area just for them; we’ll call it Liberal Land.
In Liberal Land, there will be no police and no weapons for self-defense allowed, since the liberals hate them so much. Anyone who wants in will be allowed in, even though many will be criminals looking for easy targets. Liberals don’t WANT borders.
They may NOT leave Liberal Land for a minimum of one full year.
How many of them will want to stay in Liberal Land after a year in a place overrun with criminals of every kind – murder, rape, robbery rampant across all of Liberal Land?
Pleas to return early will be denied, on grounds that they had decades to educate themselves about the truth, and chose not to. We could let younger children in to live with the sane part of the family who never moved to Liberal Land, however.
The ones who survive will likely not support the anti-American, anti-police, anti-self-defense, anti-borders, and anti-Christian liberal BS that they support now.
Adela says
ALL OF THIS DECADENCE, OF ALL THE PLACES, IN UNIVERSITIES (AND ELSE WHERE IN OUR USA)…can ONLY be avoided and indeed, straightened out once and for all, BY . . . .
Gene Vallee says
It’s time for the silent majority to put these Libtards back in their closets where they belong. Time for another Kent State in my opinion. And they are damn lucky I am not in charge over there cause i would order the police and the national Guard to shoot them down like the animals that they are.
Granny Simpson says
Anyone who does not appreciate the freedom of being able to get an education and acts in this manner needs to be evicted from this country and sent back to their country of origin based on race and ancestry even if they were born here.
aw says
Many universities & colleges in America are “owned” by foreign governments……..which is why they are ridiculously overpriced and educationally worthless! Just a repeat of high school education, with an emphasis on “black studies, black history”, ignoring “true history”.
Jeanette says
One of our state universities here in Texas (not UT, but you would recognize the name) just sent a notice to students that in the future, grades would not suffer because of incorrect English used in class or on papers.
Ebonics spoken there.
R M says
Could have sworn that segregation was what the civil rights movement was suppose to end Martin Luther King will be spinning in his grave.
Craig Apelbaum says
What year is this ? I thought it was 2016, where we all live in integrated neighborhoods. Not segregated neighborhoods of the 1950s.
Justin W says
In the eyes of liberals, discrimination is good as they are the ones doing it. Liberals consider their “pure” motives makes such an action respectable and honorable. Never mind many of the progressives of earlier generations embraced segregation and supported Margaret Sanger’s efforts to exterminate black babies through Planned Parenthood.
Stephen Russell says
C this proves Liberals & Lefties LIVE in the past to revive Segregation that MLK & Civil Rights 1 sought to abolish is coming Back in the 21st century, Libs are as bad as Muslims IE living in 7th century.
Libs Love the Past BUT cant leave it alone notice how the Black populace voted for Dems since 1965 to date.
Tarheel says
The universitiy allows this crap to go on. So as a white parent, if I had a kid at Berkeley…..it would be his last semester, he could chose to go to any other school, prefably to one that would give him enough education to get a JOB.
Gene Vallee says
It’s time for the silent majority to put these Libtards back in their closets where they belong. Time for another Kent State in my opinion. And they are damn lucky I am not in charge over there cause i would order the police and the national Guard to shoot them down like the animals that they are.