The more she talks, the more clear it becomes — Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has nothing but contempt for American voters, and that anyone who doesn’t back her is an unemployed loser, a deplorable racist, or worse.
In a leaked recording from a February fundraiser, Clinton expressed contempt for young voters who were siding with her primary opponent, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Clinton called them “children of the Great Recession” and implied they all were unemployed losers that “are living in their parents’ basement. They feel that they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves.”
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump sought to turn her words into a new pitch for Sanders supporters. In prepared remarks released by Trump’s campaign ahead of a Saturday night rally in Pennsylvania, Trump says, “Hillary Clinton thinks Bernie supporters are hopeless and ignorant basement dwellers.”
Bernie should pull his endorsement of Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and then attacked him and his supporters.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2016
Crooked H is nasty to Sanders supporters behind closed doors. Owned by Wall St and Politicians, HRC is not with you.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2016
The hacked recording of Clinton speaking at the fundraiser six months ago in McLean, Virginia, was published by the Washington Free Beacon this week.
Young voters have been a stumbling block for Clinton. Many preferred Sanders, a Vermont senator who promised free tuition at public colleges and nationalized health care.
At the fundraiser, Clinton said she was frustrated with young millennials and questioned the idea of a political revolution, calling it a “false promise,” though she said that wasn’t the right message for “idealistic young people.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
freethinker2016 says
Clinton also said that voters that are not supporters of her campaign need intervention. So they are also addicts of what was not stipulated. Drugs? Alcohol? Caffeine? Sex? Gambling? These are serious illnesses and should not be mocked for personal gain or any other reason.
Main Street says
Not every younger person can be like Chelsea. Having parents miraculously go from below middle class in 1993 to having hundreds of millions of dollars today. Or having a father who has been accused of rape many times and a convicted felon scammer father in law.
William McConnell says
If Hillery is elected.what in reality has been done is having
Billy Boy elected to a third term. He will be the voice and power behind her. Is this what we want???
Then again maybe he can just be relegated to becoming THE FIRST LADY.
OracleGuy says
And as awful as that sounds to some people, it is vastly superior to subjecting ourselves to a Trump administration.
Worried says
How can you even begin to think that the woman is a compulsive liar she’s mishandled confidential material there’s more questionable death following people that were in League with her than you can count the worst thing that can happen to this country is it Hillary Clinton got elected
Philip McKee says
OracleGu; just what is wrong with Trump/Pence, they are very more superior to, William Jefferson Clinton, or Hillary Rodham Clinton, or even Tim Kaine.
all they are going to do is the same things that Barack Hussein Obama the Blowhard has done, and ruined this once great Country. What with all the LIES and Deceit Lying Deception.
Lies about his So called affordable care act which it isn’t. Families to save 2,500.00 per year on health insurance,”LIE” and on and on it goes.
rex buttrey says
slick willy was worse than obanma ever tbhoufght about being his nafta destroyed america and told all children of all ages it was ok to have extra marital affairs and rape women if u want to you are a complete moran oracle guy
Sarah says
Trump will be such a great President. He can make Anerica great. Clintons have been in power for decades. Look how much of a mess we are in. Clintons will let so many illegals in, can’t believe people not wanting to give a Trump a chance.
FRED says
hogranch says
Constitutionalist says
William McConnell-
i read an interesting legal opinion not long ago. The essence of the theory is as follows: since the Law looks upon a married couple as ONE person, ergo IAW the 22nd Amendment, ratified in 1951, The Liar cannot run for the office of the presidency because her husband, with whom she is considered to be One, has already used up the 8 year term limits.
If so, buh-byeee, Liar! And traitor, and money-launderer, and obstructer of justice, and bribe-taker, and murderer…ad nauseum.
bre says
Maribeth Battaglia says
If this is a true statement then wny hasnt anyone done anything about it ???? If its true then tell trump he will know what to do with it !!! Or is this just wishful thinking and praying
Gayle says
Don’t think so. HilLIARy is part of the problem. A career politician sticks only to her agenda. No new ideas. What’s wrong with our voters? She’s crooked , liar, ect….. She’s part of the problem in DC. You really want a her in there? Don’t forget Benghazi. In fact she quit after that. Was that to save face, or was it really her health? Will she quit in the middle of her presidency? Just saying’…….
Pil says
I guess you really don’t remember , it was Hillary that was telling Bill what to do and what bills to pass, That is why Bill had more time to himself to a6ttack women to have sex, while Hilary was busy to make up bills to pass. got big banks to have bill make speeches, Sad to say but Hillary always wore the paints. Not Bill. So by right it will be Hillary’s and Obamas 3rd term which will, end America as a country, It will be a Muslim new Islamic Muslim Brotherhood State, which will take Mexico, and Canada to join in as one New Nation. So pray that Hillary Loses.
Annette says
Slick Willy will have nothing to do. So, he will wander around the White House 24 hours a day groping, sexually assaulting and raping every woman in the building. In fact, he’ll declare, “Hey everybody, I’m TRANSGENDER!!!!!!” and then he’ll walk into every women’s bathroom and locker room and have his way with them.
patricia wright says
god that sounds about right it very scarey just thinking about that
Gayle says
Sherylynne says
It is not surprising that Chelsea does not understand why people, men and women, do not like her mother. Based on that mystery for Chelsea, it is understandable how she married the son of a felon. She did not understand the term, “felon.” After all, she lived with her parents, seen things up close and personal and they have never been charged with a felony. So, what is a “felon?” BTW, what does her husband do for a living? Or, is he the poster boy for “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?” The Clintons’ like him. Is that the proverbial, birds of a feather flock together philosophy?
Ruth Dennison says
The whole Clinton clan are scumbags/ as anyone affelated with the name Clinton. The USA does not need any of their kind in the WH. The faster they can get out the better/
SM says
Notice that Ugliary doesn’t point out how successful she was at making all that $, like the Donald does. Think that might be because it will put a spotlight on things she wants you to not know or forget about? If she had gotten all that cash legally she would be using it as ammo- “see! I’m as successful as you!” GO AWAY B**CH!
Jacee says
Amen to that
Nelson Beadel says
Really. Killery said berni sanders supports are children of the Great Recession of the unemployment LOSERS ????That hang out in there parent basement. This is unreal. And so is this
Constitutionalist says
Nelson Beadel-
i was unable to view the vid @ facebook; ever since Snowden’s revelations about FB being used as a data collection point for alphabet agencies, it’s not smart to hang out there and allow unknown agents to profile you, anyway.
That said, i think i found the same vid @ youtube:
Johnny Roger says
Do those Snowflakes who graduated from college ,but can’t find a jpb equal to their talents know that
one must have connections, like Chelsea. She got a job right outta college. What is her annual salary?
It’s hundreds of thousands of dollars . What are her qualifications for a job that pays so much? Well,
her mommy can tell us that. Go figure.
Elena Timofte says
amerigo m cimino says
We know for sure; Hillary is a liar!
OracleGuy says
And how do we know that? Because Faux News says so? Not good enough…..
Louie says
The director of the FBI said so. Get your head out of the sand.
Constitutionalist says
And how do we know that? Because Faux News says so? Not good enough…
You must have your faux blinders on, boyee, as well as have them three monkeys for role models – you remember, the “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” trio?
How ’bout because COMEY says so, especially when directly questioned by Trey Gowdy in sworn Congressional testimony?
But hey, it’s a semi-free country; support The Liar all you wish. IF you do, however, it is my sincere desire that you share her fate to the exact same degree that you support her in her thievery, destruction of evidence, intimidation of witnesses, drug-money laundering, obstruction of justice, repeated instances of perjury over the last 40+ years, and her participation in various murders and/or their cover-ups. Oh, not to mention Treason, for giving aid and comfort to declared Enemies of the United States, as well as repeatedly selling US secrets and/or offices to the highest bidder, aka “extortion.” It all adds up to corruption on a scale never seen on the planet before…and her ill-gotten gains will soon burn her like fire, if they haven’t started already.
retired says
Every time you turn another corner the Clintons are in the media and all the corruption she is involved with, The president, obama, The FBI, DOJ, AG Loretta Lynch all seem to be in Hillarys pocket, or Soros…. Who ever she is guilty as hell Comey more or less said that about her emails, but here again no indictment, was there a death threat??? that would not be uncommon for the associates who surround them selves with her…… She may not be calling the shots but she definitely is involved… The people are fed up with the corruption in Washington D.C. and obama, Comey of the FBI, DOJ, AG Loretta Lynch just confirmed it with the misuse INTENTIONAL MISUSE of a private server along with her team of lawyers who helped cover it up or tried and failed then came the FBI,DOJ, AG are also involved…. Shame on our leaders, no more though, Trump/Pence will get in office and clean house you can count your votes on that.
Welcome to the White House President Donald J. Trump and VP Mike Pence 2016–No pardons, no amnesty the only way to go……………………….
I think she is the biggest Drug User to go on with here stupid Campaign.Put here for 3 Days in a room without anything but good Food and Drinks and you will see here getting crazy.
Nellie McConnell says
HILLARY should know about the life style she has stated about young voters. I have been following her agenda for a long time. She fits the life style of college kids in 70!! Drugs, sex, crime is her and Bill’s life style. TRUMP has my vote.
Charles Masterson says
robert says
Hillary is a turd and she smells to high heaven.
Viola Perry says
…and Hillary helped to create the great recession and then has the audacity to insult us!
Main Street says
Of course 19-30 year olds can’t get a good start. Most of the new jobs created since 2010 are low wage, no benefit ones. The policies of her hubby started this with the signing of NAFTA. Yet, millions of clueless hipsters will vote for her out of ignorance.
Judy says
Bernie is a traitor to his followers to suggest they should vote for her.
Irene Elizabeth Grooms says
We need a leader who cares for all of the American People and that is DONALD TRUMP PERIOD.
Jacee says
GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eagle says
Why does Bernie what Hillary to win maybe he was paid of? why would we vote for Hillary just because she is a women, after all she lied under oath—Hillary doesn’t care about the American people just like OBAMA. Obama has divided us—race really that’s sad. Where are all the Pastor why are you not walking for GOD—-young people cant even pay there bills also all people cutting hours having new people come in at lower wage. Everything costing more wait till 2017. We need Trump to stop Hillary and her party we have no trust with DEM. PRAY FOR THIS NATION
Peggy says
Amen. Not only did OBAMA divide this country, he led us away from God and put Muslam in. God says when a nation turns from Him He will turn from them. Don’t you see this is what has happened with our great country.
God is giving us a final chance to turn from evil and back to God.
Terry Barrett says
Pray that all our people restore there faith and ask for Hods forgiveness!! We need to be together to fight the devil who has taken control of Washington!!!
Bill Chipmonk says
All the muzzies need to be deported
Ne says
So true. Say it out loud if you please. Thank you. Keep saying it.
Reta Carter says
Peggy a very well written comment. Keep up the good work young lady. Peace and prayers go with you and Donald Trump. Prayer Prayer and more prayer. Reta Carter
Bev says
Here is the “thing” with Hillary and why women WANT to vote for her is beside me. Hillary says she is FOR WOMEN….Hillary has taken millions of $ from Foreign Countries who kill and abuse women BUT she took their $ for HERSELF. Uma was on the paper that Uma’s mother works owns that support the abuse of women (look it up ) So, if she becomes President , the Foreign Countries do NOT RESPECT the USA and do NOT RESPECT WOMEN, so how could Hillary do anything to help the USA with Foreign Affairs? She CAN’T!!!! Vote Trump
Wesha says
agree 100 %.. what he hated about her he now praises..What a crock of poop
Jo Lee says
STUPID IS STUPID. You can’t fix stupid. How any one can vote for Hillary is beyond me. She has demonstrated her dislike for great people. KILLARY IS A BIG TIME RACITIS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. PUBLICLY JUST TO GET VOTES. SHES A NOTHING & A LOSER. SHOW HER.
gerald serlin says
Hillary is a loser. But guess who else is a loser…it would be, you guessed it, the Donald. Gary for President, 2016!!!
Dan says
Gary is OK, however it is a wasted vote. any vote not for the Donald, is a vote for Hillary.
Janice M. White says
I wish all the Republican Party/members would wake up to that fact before November 8, 2016 and vote for Trump/Pence not give Hillary their votes…Paul Ryan, you can forget President aspirations for next presidential election if the RNC doesn’t get behind electing the republican nominee fy2016!!!
James N Hall says
This country certainly could use another party but don’t think the two we now have would stand by and watch it happen. As it stands today 10-12% of the votes will get you no where so,tighten your belt and go with a man who has not stayed in congress for twenty-five or thirty years. I surely would love a job that pays you $170,000 a year retirement. That doesn’t count the “little extras” you receive like get out of jail free cards
Marti says
When Gary took over as governor the debt in New Mexico was 1 billion, when he left it was 4 billion. He is for bringing in More Syrians and said he wants to open the borders to Mexicans! No thank you, keep him if you want in NM.
Irene Elizabeth Grooms says
Wake up people cause she has no use for any one who don’t fit her kind of people. That is the powerful Rich. She is playing you like cat on a fiddle. You put obama in our white house twice and what did we get not a damn thing but a foot up our behinds/.
Mathew Molk says
These kids have nothing going for them on all sides.
But then don’t forget they all went to liberal universities and have degrees in humane letters where they were taught anybody that works with the tools is a dirtrtbag. .
You do not need to get one of the so called “created” jobs either, you know. Highly skilled persons are retiring in hordes and there are no replacements for them There are tons of unfilled jobs out there in the skilled trades , but you have to be willing to pay your dues with an apprenticeship and mostly know a full time job is not 3 out of 5, 2 with a hangover. I hear from other business owners and tradesmen all the time how worthless these millennials and gen x kids are. No work ethic of skills at all, and we all know how they got to be that way.
Worse yet companies, In desperation, are going off shore to recruit skilled workers to replace the retirees. – Damn sad state of affairs when our so called “education system” can’t produce an electrician or CNC machine operator, even when the standard wages are greater then the “collage boys” are knocking down on a good day,,,,when they have any sort of job at all. Seems all they are good for is being useful idiots and supporting communists. .
Remember this when you go vote.
Tonya says
Yes, the jobs out there for many are too low paying. Jobs matter most. If you are not employed you cannot go forward in the country. Go Trump. Go for jobs.
Jeff says
Plus it’s hard to find a job when we keep letting more people in to the USA taking jobs from Americans
patricia wright says
i hope the young has the smarts to see what she saids on time she is for it then another she said she wasnt. she cant keep her stories strait n what she saids strait it should show the younger ppl that she does on heck of alot of lieing. all they have to do is look at all her words to see that
Reta Carter says
Good comment Patricia. Keep up the good work. Also all you women who think you dislike Trump please research your heart and vote for Trump. God is telling you who to vote for, so will you please listen to him so our country can return back to good. God bless you. Reta Carter
John G. says
She’s an “Leftist Elitist” what can we expect? She and Slick Willy have always considered themselves superior to we the people as well as being above the law.
Phantom says
She was a card toting Communist when she an Billy Boy met. Still is in my opinion by her actions, check out ‘Hillary Clinton’s failed Coups’ that she and Obummer put Communists in power replacing favored democratic leaders…not ounce but twice. Google it……Also why is Billy boy always in the White house and painted as a rapist …not why he was impeached. He gave top secret classified clearance to a known double agent Huang who then took three weapons of mass destruction plans back to Red China…you think Hillary is ‘Leaking’ information by accident? Also why was the UN just touring the US and gave a recommendation on BLM and blacks need damages paid to them for their enslavement years ago?? I haven’t verified this last yet but the rest is available to public research. Oh I forgot those who’d came to the US for safety from the communist coup were sent back to be executed by O & H. Alsowhy was the FBI stopped when they were tracking Muslim cells and those hostile to the US by the ….wait for it…….State Dept. ???? This was long before the FBI dropping the ball on Hillary by not arresting her for high crimes. So, the State Dept. tells the FBI what and when to do or not do their jobs and who investigates Hillary the head of the stae dept. This is sooooooo messed up. Bill still flying around in Air Force One I seen on TV with O-Bummer…And Chelsea what worth 14,000,000 estimated made 600,000 a year working for on of the big media donors of Hillary’s. People are worried about Trump’s tax returns ??!?!?!?!??!?!? Google “how many of clinton’s close personnal friends have died’. Also another ‘Forgotten’ fact two actually. The first ‘purgery’ small thing but is actually the most important of our laws, without it and punishment for it we really have no law. Hillary has lied sooooo many times to soooo many people and congress etc etc. But what what really gets my goat is white water when she and Bill testified they both repeatedly couldn’t ‘remember’ but after the trials they both wrote books on the subject with clarity of recall…. I don’t really find anything Trump has done or is but he’s not Hillary and for that he will get my vote. I don’t know if you are a religeous person or not but the Bible although often quoted out of context if studied is tomorrows news paper today. With that I say pray and trust in no man.
laure marie says
Billy Boy was Impeached-he was just not removed from office. We don’t need that pervert in the White House, again. Hillery lied over and over, enabling his sorry ass and it made her bitter. Look at her face.She is not happy nor balanced. She is ill as well. She should be Forced to take a medical exam.Let us not forget, she broke her right arm and may have taken a medical leave for 2 years as Sec of State. We all slow down as we get older but this woman has really aged. Mr. Trump, Forget the beauty queen issue, and her dealings with Billy Boy’s affairs and hit her with the cold hard facts of what a deviate she really is so we can move ahead and save our Constitution. Focus on her and no one else. We know they are a couple of crooks.On your taxes, move on.Just say, “I haven’t done anything ILLEGAL.” Or, I’d be inn JAIL.
The truth will set you free says
Please you have to view this. Very important. It’s about ho Hillary really is. You will be astonished. Please pass this link on to others.
patricia wright says
one thing the americans didnt put them in slavery there own ppl in africian did that. if they want money for something there own ppl did maybe they should go there a get the money. the american indians were here first and see what happen to them putting them on the reservation on land that they didnt want to they should sue for all there land back. there would be alot of ppl and towns and cities loosing ppl who own ranches loosing there land also.
patricia wright says
that is so true.
thomas lucas says
clinton is a very dangerous person hope YOU dont find out AFTER the fact
thomas lucas says
cancel comment
Chuck Parsons says
When obama said Americans are stupid he had to be talking about LIBERALS!! What a bunch of sheep. You have to be to buy into obama and clintons rhetoric.
james morales says
like Obama, she thinks she knows what is best for you!
Jim Part time Retiree says
Well she is right
After high school I had to turn wrenches as a (Flat Rate) Mechanic working piece work job in a hot non air conditioned sweat shop for 12 years while attending evening college; My parents didn’t pay my way thru college nor did the government give me a subsidy to earn a Business Degree after 10 years to get my dream job at age 32.
Too much babying kids to day for them to stand on their own two feet
Call a Spade a Spade
Does have some good points to much Political Correctness Going around
Mathew Molk says
I too took from 1970 to 1980 to become an engineer , but at 70 years old I’m still not too good to strap on a toll belt and climb a scaffold. – These kids are actually taught that guys that work with their hands like you and me are dirtbags and actual work is beneath them and they are entitled to what ever they want. – Guess everybody getting a trophy was not that great of an idea, huh?
patricia wright says
i worked with my hands using sewing machines. u had to do piece work. i made toro sweeper bags and screen house tops at one place. the other place was making bras,swimware,back braces, the bras and swimware were for women who lost there breast from cancer. well ww11 women worked at plants that made planes,and bombs while the men were out fighting after the bombing of pearl harbor.
dawn says
Have a new name for Hitler. Got if from a new movie.
It will be HELLURWEEN,
laure marie says
How about Hillery the Hun?
Clint Hall says
There is only one person Hillary looks up to and that’s Hillary.
There are two main reasons Hillary wants to be president.
F. C. Hilnbrand says
Hi Clint, I do so agree with you and tell people this ALL the time. I hope people wake up and realize she only cares about Money and Power and oh one last thing HERSELF!! TRUMP in 2016 🙂
Nedra Jenkins says
You are exactly right!
Peter Zapf says
The problem is that the media will not cover this fully, and will do all it can to support Hillary. The next debate with moderator Anderson Cooper will be no different. The attacks against Trump will be endless and Hillary will have softball questions designed for her to dodge real issues and avoid taking a firm position on anything.
In addition, the younger Sanders supporters will still back Hillary. The mere fact that they would support an avowed socialist tells me they no nothing of socialism. They are, truly, low information voters. The younger generation has no concept of American history, World history or how our government runs. I’ll bet they do no know the name of their state congressional leaders or their US representatives. To them, Trump is a bad rich guy. That is why they will back Hillary. Sad, but true.
Monique Mauro says
The moderator should be out of sight of the persons who debate. This way no sign of any sort..
capt ron says
Monique …
. IMO, TRUMP needs to call out Cooper if he not fair and balanced.
Dagonet says
Have we ever had a worse candidate, who could possibly support her, how… it’s sad, pathetic.
J Hull says
If anyone is hesitating about voting for Trump, you better think about what
Hil LIAR y will put on the Supreme Court. Everyone will suffer her actions for the next 50 years.
BJ says
Yes to all of the above.
I am surprised that no one is talking about her podium during the first debate and afterwards her people taking some machine out even when she and Trump were still on stage…her notes AND SOME OTHER THINGS!
Oh and do not forget the battery pack you could see under clothes when she bent over.
RD says
Did anyone record the first debate? It would be nice to see the machine, notes and battery pack. The Dems did swarm the stage before Trump and Hillary got a chance to get off. Even better yet, it would be nice if it were CNN’s own cameras that caught the shots. They were intent on keeping the action on Hillary and her crowd while Donald walked over to his supporters.
Brenda says
Just when you think she can’t say anything more stupid, she opens her mouth and out it pours!!!! If she’s not telling a lie, she’s degrading AMERICANS!! You know if she hadn’t given Chelsea her job right out of college, she wouldn’t have that job or the grossly undeserved $$$ that it pays her, where would her daughter be if not for that?? In the Clintons basement perhaps ????? She is the DEPLORABLE ONE!!! We can’t have a known FELON AS POTUS!!!!! Come on AMERICA WAKE UP!!!!!
Mom of 4 says
killers is a liar, a thief and a murder and considers herself as a political elite. She is only interested in lining her own pockets at our expense. She only wants to help herself!!!
Belinda Mitchell says
The liberals are truly pathetic and play us all for STUPID! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THEIR EVIL RHETORIC.
All of this is a turn off to her. I don’t want a smart ass President. She has enough dirt of her over the years along with
Bill that they both should have been prosecuted years ago. She absolutely is disgusting and unclassy. She can’t think much of herself or she would not say and do the things she and the democrats represent and support. She is more of the same Obama and God knows no one wants more of that!!! 8 years is enough to last a lifetime~
Belinda Mitchell says
The liberals are truly pathetic and play us all for STUPID! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THEIR EVIL RHETORIC.
All of this is a turn off to her. I don’t want a smart ass President. She has enough dirt of her own over the years along with
Bill’s that they both should have been prosecuted years ago. She absolutely is disgusting and unclassy. She can’t think much of herself or she would not say and do the things she and the democrats represent and support. She is more of the same Obama and God knows no one wants more of that!!! 8 years is enough to last a lifetime~ She is a disgrace to women and politics.
hogranch says
she must remember racist ,deplorable homophobes haters an bigots, WE ALL VOTE! HRC is opening her mouth to change feet. YOU WILL NEVER GET AHEAD WITH SPEECH LIKE THAT, ITS JUST ANOTHER LIE ANYWAY.
Malcolm Proctor says
well american people you deserve all you are going to get if you vote for the lying thieving clinton you have been warned
Larry Coleman says
Not only will Mr. Anderson Cooper try to control the questions, this will be a Town Hall Meeting. Who is screening those people that will be sitting in that Town Hall meeting and ready to ask their questions? Will those people be Democratic or will it be even up with both Democratic and Republican people? Will Anderson Copper do the picking of those people who have questions, He may know exactly who to go to and not to go to. Trump needs to be aware of how this Town Hall Meeting is another set up. The first debate was rigged with hand signals back and forth from Hilary and the debate monitor Mr. Lester Holt.
laure marie says
Larry, I agree sort of. Mr Trump is better around people than Hillery the Hun is. But, he needs to stay on script and stop defending himself Instead, he has to say, “Mr. Cooper, remember your place in this debate” and change the subject.Diplomacy and being nice didn’t work last time and Cooper has become Hostile.
patricia wright says
i saw a picture that showed someone working on the podiam that trump was on. they went on about having hilary standing on a box to raise her up to look bigger then what she is. at the time of the picture i didnt know it was trumps place. i hope trumps ppl make sure its ok and he has no problems with the second debate.
RD says
It has to be remembered that Anderson is on the CNN payroll. What chance does Donald have?
Wise Owl says
I am a staunch Trump supporter. I sincerely believe that the election is rigged in Hillary’s favor. With all our modern technology I can’t believe that nothing can be done about this? The polls are rigged as well in her favor. They do not want to tell the truth that Trump won a long time ago. Hillary’s agenda is a diabolical one. Do not fear Trump, fear Hillary. It will be the end of the world as we know it if she gets in.
Greer Gutshall says
I don’t get the American people that are willing to cast there vote for her she cares only about herself Voting for her is a wasted its like having Obama for a third term . Look what he did for this country divided us and everything he touched was a failure His administration was nothing but a bunch of liars and crooks neither he or Hillary ever had a real job.maybe that’s why they can’t relate to the ordinary person.At least Donald created many successful businesses and he got rich by working. Just let Trump pull some of the stunts she has and he would be finished. Come on people use the brain God gave ya and vote the Bible.
J Hull says
These flip floppers or Hillary supporters forget that the media is in her pocket and twist everything to guide those without the proper information to go the way the media wants them to go. Where did all these sheep come from? I have an idea. Sad.
Politically incorrect says
If you watch some of the talk shows like Jesse Watters and even the today show, when they go out in public and start asking people (mostly the so-called millennial generation) what their thoughts are or showing pictures of the VP candidates or even what is the best thing Obama has done since being in office. They have no clue who these people are and are stumped because they can’t think of 1 thing Obama has done that is good. Ask them what they think of her illegal server and most say having more then 1 device makes sense for doing her business. Not one said anything about it being illegal. Ask about foreign issues they say I feel bad for those countries but glad it’s not here. Then when asked who they are voting for and why. Most of the answers are Hillary because she has experience and those voting for Trump say because he’s a business man and says what he thinks.
I just can’t believe that with all their college education that (and I have no clue what they are teaching in college now but to me it shows absolutely nothing) these younger people are completely out of touch with the real world.
eagle says
Your right young people just want pot—they say they are not for either just legal pot. Wait till they are up for there President —–wait till they have to pay bills. Unless Hillary gives them everything free. That’s why kids should pay for there College then they will understand.
Sharon says
Way to go politically correct…..bravo. Go Trump.
Doug Rodrigues says
Hillary daid that Trump paid no taxes 19 years ago. If he used rhe confusing IRS codes to do that, then mote power to him. How about the Clinton Foundation where only 8-9 % of donated money (est. 2 billi9n dollars) tax free actually goes to help people in need? Hillary is a lying manipulator of citizens. She’s power and money hungry. Why can’t her supporters see that they are being used by Hillary? Hillary once said that “Democrat voters are stipid and easy to manipulate.” How very true, and pathetically sad.
george c rissell says
vote the zions out enforce immigration laws free palistine
Justin W says
Hillary is only worried about what is best for Hillary and her cronies. If elected president Hillary will use her power to enrich herself and to take the freedom and resources of the people of our nation. Average people may be with Hillary but Hillary is not with them.
Southern By Choice says
This is so wrong? Obviously Horn News has not been listening to her surrogates (scar off). She was in sympathy with them, understood why they were so discouraged and feel so disenfranchised because they spent all that money and all of those years in college majority in those fields – something like women’s studies or some equally in demand skill – and now can’t find a job and have to live in their parents basement. We don’t get it – don’t ya know!. She is the candidate of the down trodden, the disenfranchised, the poor, the women, the minorities, the illegals, the refugees (you know the ones she can really relate to??) everyone except those of us who pay the bills – the working taxpaying citizens.
RD says
The Horn News comment section should be required reading for all university students; if they could relate!
Bill Cash says
The Bernie Sanders supporters are the ones who should be outraged and pissed off. After giving Him their time, and lots of it, and their money he stabbed them in the back and jumped on the Hillary train. I have come to believe his whole campaign was nothing more than a fund raiser and an attempt to take away votes from the RNC side of the fence. I don’t believe he ever had any intention of seriously running for president. It was a scam created by the DNC , Hillary and Bernie Sanders. And the supporters got screwed.
messup says
America and Americans have two distinct choices before them:1) a Hillary Clinton Aristocracy and 2) a Donald Trump Meritocracy.
Sure, turning around a century of usurping Our Founding Fathers ORIGINAL US constitution with Progressive New Left ABA, Attorney and Centralized “command-and-control” from Washington DC “Elites” is a yeoman’s effort, but Jeffersonian Meritocracy and Decentralization MUST begin with Trumpian Meritocracy. Pray. Amen. God Bless America and ALL Americans. Read A Bible. NKJV Psalm 128
kenneth taylor says
I don”t understand how anyone can even think about voting for Hillary.She only cares about your vote so she can continue to enrich her bottom line.She tried to steal everything she could from “our” WHITE HOUSE.Stole everything off AIR FORCE ONE, right down to the paperweights.If she did not need your votes she would gut every program that benefits Americans and put the money in her own pocket.PLEASE WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
Michael Thomas says
There is no use to leave a comment, everyone have covered it perfectly. TRUMP 2016!!!!!!!!!
Doris Lee says
The latest news that the United Nations is backing Hillary…What a surprise, they want someone they can buy and that is her in a nut shell. like Obama. She is just an evil woman who is out for all she can get for herself and her cronies..and if those cronies don’t do what she wants, she simply has them have an accident or take their own lives…Always has been and always will be. As my mother used to say, “A Leopard doesn’t change it’s spots”.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The damned worthless UN has no right and no business interfering with the U.S. Elections at all, it’s way far too long overdue for the U.S. & the entire Western Hemisphere to just get the hell out of the damned worthless, useless UN. Let the EU on mainland Europe take care of & support the damned UN. Time for the U.S.,Canada,Mexico, Chile, Argentina,Australia, Iceland,Great Britain & Ireland which isn’t a member of NATO to all get the hell out of NATO, that’s the countries that’s paying all of NATO’s cost, while mainland Europe outside of Germany, Norway, Finland are getting a free ride when it comes to paying for NATO.
Jim Brightly says
The Queen of Denial won’t take responsibility for anything, but she will throw her people under the bus, even when they’re given immunity! Will Donald’s DOJ treat her as an untouchable? BO has signed so many pardons, I bet he has one in the stack for the Queen of Denial also–just in case someone slips up and does charge her with one of her many crimes!
Joanne says
Hillary Clinton IS A PATHETIC INSIGNIFICANT OLD HAG FROM THE PAST. SHE IS OF NO USE TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. She actually believes it is her right to be the next POTUS. SHE’S A RERUN OF THE SAME OLD $HIT THAT’S CURRENTLY IN THE WH. We’ve gone through 8 years with one MORON and we certainly don’t need the same in the upcoming election.
Em says
I guess because she’s ill she sees in everyone doesn’t backing her sick. She is the sickest crooked H.
Texan for Trump says
Recalling daughter’s introduction to her mother in the demo convention…she mentioned her father’s favorite movie was “Police Academy”…immediately recalled two particular scenes in the movie, one near the beginning and one near the end dealing with a podium in front of a crowd…which immediately recalled the first indications of her father’s indiscretions in the Oval Office with the young impressionable female intern…very interesting how favorite movies can mimic personal action…
Road Runner says
Does ANY of this insane action on the part of “Der Fuhrer-Wannabe” Hillary surprise ANYONE? Two questions must be asked right now. 1) If what Donald Trump did for the past 50 years with his taxes is so horrible, then why is the man NOT wearing an international orange jumpsuit with numbers on assigned to him by Fort Leavenworth, Kansas? 2) Does anyone have comments on what Hillary’s involvement was with her so called “husband’s” chicanery for the years that he was the governor of Arkansas and later on the POTUS?. Perhaps “Trumpty-Dumpty” should tell Ms. Clinton “you should me how YOU have avoided prosecution for so many years of criminal activity and I’ll tell you EXACTLY how I avoided paying any taxes on business losses.
Jeanne King says
All this talk about FREE college education is nonsense. It would never pass “appropriations” in Congress. There are dozens of helpful grants and loans out there already. Not all kids need to go to college. The country doesn’t need all kids in college. What the country needs is jobs for high school grads and more technical colleges where they can learn a trade. .
lizaz says
Hillary likes to pretend she supports women in every way and always has. This is not evident in the story from “The Weekly Standard” written on 9/30/16 and entitled “Hillary and the Rodeo Queens”. She named some of Bill’s girlfriends “Rodeo Queens” and the story contains information I had not previously seen regarding her treatment of these women. One of the takeaways from this story is, if we like rodeos, we now belong to a class of “trailer trash”, far below Mrs. Clinton’s level of existence……..
J Hull says
Don’t forget how bad she treated the Secret Service while she was in the White House and also told them to get that child out of there in not so nice a way.
Tweeter says
I have lost my respect for Bernie Sanders. He acts stupidly by supporting Hillary after his primary election was rigged. He was cheated by Hillary, just as Hillary has been cheating Donald Trump right now via the debate, and other matters. Everything Hillary does is cheating, and lying. Why America to you love to be victimized by Hillary over and over again? Do you have dignity and respect at all? Or have you lost it blinded by the lying mouth of Hillary. she has been lying for 30 years, nothing positive done except to enrich herself and her family. all her crimes against the American people have been forgotten.
angelika griffin says
We all know that Communist leaders kill their own when they are against their regime and that’s what scares me the most about this woman…I just read that she would like to “drone” Wikileaks Assange, well, she forgets about all the other innocent people apparently who are working at that Embassy where Assange is hiding….
Pat Travitz says
KILLARY does not know how to be FOR anyone but HERSELF. What is good for Killary is all she has ever thought.
She is a disgrace to the so called Famine Movement, which is also a disgrace in many ways.
If she is elected, after 8 years of OB, we will really be DOWN THE DRAIN AS A COUNTRY. SHE Can’t know what
the Constitution is all about. God helps this Great Country PRAY
warren says
Bernie Sanders sold out his people that supported him for money as well as life insurance guaranteeing the safety of him as well as his family.
Jeanne M. Schuth says
On what facts do you base this?
Silent Hammer says
WHEN are these persons who “just want a woman president” or “just can’t stand Donald Trump’s…..whatever” going to clear their heads, look around at how this nation is killing its children, bankrupting itself, breaking the spirit of the American family, rewarding immorality, inviting mayhem in, …..and so on ? We need to really change the way we look at the rest of the world. We need to get back to providing for ourselves. We need to start taking care of our own business. Hillary Clinton is, frankly, an old woman whose dreams have been dashed, both by her husband and by the Democrat (Liberal) POLITICIANS. Look at how she talks TO and ABOUT whose who will not kneel before her highness. They’re all “ignorant, lazy, deplorable, high, jobless and living in their parents’ basements”. And if you won’t pick up her bags and carry them even though it’s not your job or responsibility, you are “fucked” (Her words). At least give Donald Trump a CHANCE! If we don’t do SOMETHING behind someone who has real drive and experience, wow, we’re in for another ROUGH ride!
warren says
Rather than be found committing suicide like Clintons lawyer Vince Foster Bernie decided he would rather sell out his supporters and continue living.
Jeanne M. Schuth says
On what facts do you base this?
db says
Don’t forget the “children of the Great Recession” were referred to as “basement dwellers, that all young black men are “Aggressive Preditors”, that American Veterans are “Domestic Terrorists”, and of course one of the latest, that half of Trumps supporters are nothing but a basket of deplorables. I guess she has a name for each and everyone of us in America.
GMills says
The Hildebeast has contempt for all Americans. She cares not a thing about the people of this country , to her we are just Usefull idiots.thats what she thinks of her supporters! Imagine the contempt the beast has for all the Americans that don’t worship her highness, the queen of corruption, lies, perversion and other filthy horrors.
mellberg says
James Comey should be fired for lying about Killerys escapades. I am shocked that he lied consistently and was most
likely gain $$$$$$$ from Clinton. PLEASE VOTE TRUMP!!!
Clara Clater says
Wake up people !!! I don’t care if you are White Black Green Yellow Purple ALL Lives Matter!!!! NO One is above the Law!!! Togather we stand an divided we fall .We must all come togather for our country.OLD YOUNG and middle age. Make our country great again!!!! MAY GOD BLISS AMERICA and make HER GREAT AGAIN.
Gregory D. MELLOTT says
It must be the influence of the media. What ever happened to the focus on our Representatives in Congress that the Administration is supposed to be subject to in the laws its generates. As our population grows the number of people per Rep is dropping. In some cases it is around 3/4 of a million people per Rep. It started out at 30,000. That effectively reduced a person’s influence in such a case down to only 4% of what it started out as. We need to get back to the basic root principles again. And grow our system properly. The loads of artificial fertilizer is burning our soil, if you will.
Gregory D. MELLOTT says
Try checking out It was a lot more common in the past for individuals to work their way up to being the Chief Administrator that served to execute the laws the Congress made. Plus with the advent of the internet, it should be very straight forward to have a Rep working from an office in the disrict he or she reps. Rather than being put into an environment where the lobbyists have the most sway.
harry says
Is HC being checked for wearing ear buds for wirdeless? Is she CHEATING during the debate by being coached? Rumors have her using hand signals w/moderator during the debate…
retired says
Now is the time to turn the table on all the corruption in Washington D.C. Vote Trump/Pence in 2016 one way to bring down the corrupt house of cards in Washington D.C. No more Clintons, No more obamas, no more Comey, no more Loretta Lynch…
There are two ways to turn the tables one is Trump/Pence in 2016 thru 2024
Plan B ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
AW says
HIL LIAR Y’s blurb about TRUMP’s taxes just proves how America’s citizens have no knowledge of how they are paying taxes. Most overpay because they fear tangling with the IRS………..who, purposely make the forms so confusing that most citizens give up and give in rather than dispute. I refer to “citizens” because illegals & immigrants probably don’t pay, right HIL LIAR Y??
fish53 says
Young people, please Wake Up. Hillary trashed y’all in front of all her rich friends. Her rich friends are who she’s fighting for. She doesn’t care about poor blacks, poor whites, poor latino’s, and poor minorities. All she cares about is power, the elites, the establishments, the big banks, wall street, and wealthy donors. If she really cared about young people and America as a whole, she want keep insulting American people. Wake Up America and all our young people. Bernie Sanders threw his young supporters under the bus by agreeing with the let-down words that came out of Hillary’s lying mouth. Bernie don’t care about the young people. All he wants them to do is vote for crooked, evil, wicked, corrupt, lying, deceitful, etc…. Killary. Wake Up America! They are trying hard to destroy Trump/Pence from winning the White House. They are afraid that Trump/Pence will uncover all their corruption and clean our government from these cronies. Wake Up America!! Trump/Pence 2016!
Scared senior says
All of the people in this country need to contact the states that hold the electoral votes as they are the ones that are going to put us through H_ _ _ by electing the she devil to office. Maybe everyone needs to contact the senators or governors of those states. Surely they are not all democratic states.
Barry PO1 USN RET says
Then Call Me:
An unemployed loser, a deplorable racist, just plain deplorable.
I’m voting for Trump anyhow.
Barry :-3)
Cap'n Kirk says
Clinton is a waste, she only tolerates the rich that back her and deplores anyone and everyone else…. NO HILLARY, vote Trump…
Lowell Starr says
Hillery’s time in politics is over: she is tired and physically spent. Send her home, help retire her ego, let her write her memoirs and enjoy life there after.
katiekay says
All that you mentioned and more, she has gotten away with. Now that we know the thousands of e-mails that were destroyed, the F.B.I. and DJ covering for her our chances of having a fair election is quite slim unless she is charged with something right away and I think that is a bit too late. Someone in the F.B.I. and DJ should pay for throwing an election and I feel that if she gets in the White House she got a lot of help in high places and I’m not talking about God.