Nicholas Young is an Islamic extremist that the FBI knew about for years.
He was an outspoken ISIS sympathizer, had connections to known terrorists, traveled abroad, and for years praised bloody Islamic terrorist attacks.
He was also an armed Washington, D.C. police officer –and the FBI did nothing to stop him.
Young, a Metro Transit Police officer in Washington D.C., was finally arrested on Wednesday for allegedly providing material support to the ISIS terrorist network.
He’s the first law enforcement officer arrested by the FBI under terrorism laws. And already, experts are questioning what took the agency so long, because the 36-year-old transit cop had been on the agency’s radar since at least 2009.
Young was allowed to wear the uniform, carry a gun, and patrol our capitol’s transit hubs as a member of one of D.C’s most respected and trusted organizations — all while at the center of a federal terror probe.
What the heck were they thinking? Congress sure wants to know, with the House Oversight Committee quickly firing off a letter demanding an explanation – because if the agency had waited even a day too long, they may have had blood on their hands.
“It is unclear from the complaint and related media coverage about what safeguards, if any, were put in place by Metro Transit Police or WMATA to ensure Mr. Young was not a threat to the safety of transit system riders during the time he was under surveillance,” the letter reads, according to NBC News.
In the nearly seven years Young was on the FBI’s radar, he raised alarms time and time again.
He traveled to Libya several times in 2011, bringing with him body armor including a Kevlar helmet, The Washingtonian reported.
Young claimed he was working to help overthrow Moammar Gaddafi, which also should have been a red flag as we now know his biggest enemies were Islamic terrorists.
He also praised the horrific Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris in 2015 when writing to an FBI informant.
“Hopefully now people understand there are some lines you don’t cross,” he said of the bloody Islamic terrorist attack against the French satire magazine that killed twelve people, according to The Washington Post. “This gave the West a taste of what Muslims face every day.”
He was friends with Zachary Chesser, now in prison after pleading guilty to supporting a foreign terrorist organization, and had met several times with Amine El Khalifi – the madman arrested for plotting a suicide attack on the Capitol, according to CNN.
Young also dressed up as “Jihadi John” for a Halloween party, and carried around a fake headless “corpse” dressed in an orange jumpsuit – the standard uniform ISIS gives the victims it murders in their sick snuff videos.
Even his neighbors knew something was wrong.
“We knew something was weird about him,” neighbor Dina Ahmad told CBS News. “You just kind of got that creepy vibe off of him.”
Yet none of that led to his arrest, or even a tip to his employer that this nutjob shouldn’t be allowed to carry a badge and a gun.
That didn’t happen until this week, after he allegedly bought phone cards and sent the codes to an informant.
He believed the codes would help the terrorist network send out encrypted orders to followers around the world.
Instead, the codes were used to send him – finally – where he belongs: jail.
— The Horn editorial team
How many more do we not know about?
He should be beheaded in public just like they do
That would make us sadistic animals like ISIS is. He should be put to death, yes, but not by public beheading. Americans take care of business; we are not savages!
There are many unfortunately. Betterlate than NEVER! I ALWAYS SAY. We should have been catching these jihadist 15 years ago. I guess decapitation doesn’t make a piont w AMERICANS We NEED TO TREAT ALL JIHADIST WITH MORE SAVAGERY THAN EVER!!!
Public hanging
I agree. However, I think that he should be hung in public. This should be done with anyone supporting the ISIS movement! Just consider that the many FEMA Camps were ‘supposedly built for ‘Illegal Aliens’, yet they are fully staffed BUT they are empty. The real truth is that they were built to house ‘real’ Americans who believe in our constitution. A web search on them will definitely make you wonder. Especially since many have additional crematoriums. The largest being in Anchorage Alaska, along with a huge crematorium! I’m 73 and have never seen a prison with a crematorium. Burial was usually used. However, thousands of dead at a time?
Would a private beheading work? Probably not! I think he needs to be found guilty of a crime first, then drop him off in Saudi from a plane without a parachute.
I agree. What in the hell is wrong with us? Why did we let this guy walk around all those years? Are we CRAZY!!!!!
Facts are that there’s terrorist groups in every state in the country. Why is that allowed to happen? Obama!! That’s why!
There are many unfortunately. Betterlate than NEVER! I ALWAYS SAY. We should have been catching these jihadist 15 years ago. I guess decapitation doesn’t make a piont w AMERICANS
2,000 just came in, in the last month or so
Right on!! They should have stopped this right after 9-11 but we just keep on shooting ourselves in the foot!!!!
The real story here is the failure of the FBI. Just like their failure to seek charges against H. Clinton. Are they becoming like all of this administration, an utter and complete failure. Folks. if we don’t demand our officials start acting like true blue americans our future is bleak indeed.
Stupid is what Stupid does!!!! That’s the “Obama” run FBI!!!
Forrest…always Forrest…
Obama is Prez. The Director of the FBI runs the FBI….I doubt Obama micromanages all the hundreds of Departments in the Federal Government……indeed, when J. Edgar was in charge of the FBI, it was more like HE ran the President… they have files in damned near everybody!!! Fairly sure, with all my bitching they very likely have one on me!!! I contacted them many years ago for help with my Constitutional Rights being abused by an evil Ex, a corrupt Dep. Sheriff, a DA and the Judge the DA was banging!!! though at the time I had no proof…..they have since been exposed but the FBI seems to be fairly worthless if it’s not anything or anybody they give a shit about…..I have been trying to work with the “powers that be” to get some kind of justice but the only way I may have to expose the corruption would be to pull off some crap like that idiot in Dallas that shot up all the Cops or the douchebag in Europe that drove that truck through the crowd, killing loads of people!!! Manu years ago I knew a guy that came back from two tours in Nam…..said he had about 130 lbs of C3…..if I could track that down…..that could bring down the Courthouse I was kicked around in…..of course, even if I did “go over the edge” and commit such a heinous act, I would never do it before I turned 80 or more…..why throw away the years I have left? I suppose I could do it earlier to prevent them destroying more innocent peoples’ lives……(?) What would be best is if people “sworn to protect and to serve” would not abuse their power…..or if the FBI would do smoething to protect my Civil Rights…..who exactly does cover that? I read that if 3 people “conspire” to deprive a person of their Rights, it is classified as “Conspiracy” which IS illegal under Federal Law…..I thought that was where the FBI came in……(?) Well…..I got nothing there…..anybody offer any serious suggestions? Seriously……help!!!
What??!! You’re not serious? What would that prove?
So sorry you are having justice, but man you are right on the level with Isis. You need to find someone who will help you. We can’t have more Isis or anyone like them running around.
i would not suggest any kind of violence against any employees of government OR the buildings that house them. That’s first. Hell, even TALKING about it is likely to result in your being brought in for questioning, especially when referencing c four. Oy.
What i WOULD suggest is going to various meetings of TEA party or Patriot people, and telling your tale of woe there, asking for suggestions.
Many of these people are QUITE knowledgeable, and/or can direct you to others more knowledgeable than they.
Also, talk to MANY different reporters and/or email them with details of your case, especially with what proofs you can provide, both mainstream AND alternate. Publicity can be your greatest ally, assuming that what you relate and what gets published are the same. For example, if you can provide proof that a prosecutor is banging a judge, and that they have colluded/conspired to obstruct justice, that would be a Good Thing for you AND the others that have been screwed over. In fact, that might be a good starting point, that is, to contact other litigants who were treated predjudicially, so that you can “establish a pattern of behavior” that can ultimately bring them down. Perhaps you and they can pool resources to hire a PI or two to get evidence you may not currently have, for example.
i wish you well in your endeavor to find Justice, and encourage you to take your lumps, re-group, and take another tack; patience is only acquired with endurance.
So happy to see that President O’bozo and all his friends have everything (including Hillary the “Hun” under control and that we’re headed in the right actually left direction.
Our current position brought to you by the “gang who couldn’t shoot straight”.
What were you thinking of not watching him closer. YOu allowed this guy to learn everything how the normal routine of cops work. You have this isis guy a blieprint on everything. Really , Really dumb.. Get this straight we are at war!! YES it is a different kind of war–but a war non the less. We have to double think everything we do NOT to give the enemy an type of info to sink the ship. Change your routine offend so nothing is the same all the time for them to use. The fight is here on our land. So everyone has to help work. We have to have each others back until this is defeated. France and Germany are getting hammered I don’t want to see that here.!!!
How can someone be hired for the police force without all kinds of background check?. Whoever hired him certainly dropped the ball on this one. I worked for a bank and even had an FBI background check.
They don’t do background checks in DC! Or at least not in Obamas case.
i’d like you to at least consider the possibility that the FBI was using this guy as a stalking-horse so that they could make a larger sweep of multiple arrests simultaneously, and/or were monitoring his activities, associates, and online contacts for the same reason.
Sometimes, it’s much smarter to let someone think they’re above the law so that they and their associates can be deceived into a false sense of security – just before the hammer falls like the Wrath of God.
Perhaps something similar has taken place with The Liar, and Comey backed off ONLY because of threats to his life or those in his family; he certainly gave Americans mucho ammunition to feed their distrust of The Liar, AND got Congress interested in pursuing the beaotch for Perjury, too.
The sooner The Liar is behind bars and permanently barred from public positions of trust, the better.
Don’t think for a moment this was a mistake. The bureau was more than likely trying to cast a bigger net and catch bigger fish while keeping him under surveillance. I’m sure they have a bigger list of suspects than if they had jumped him right off the bat.
Call me when u hit 80 I ALWAYS wanted to BLOW UP A DIRTY CORRUPT RIDEN COURTHOUSE. Just cause they seem inept at times the FBI usually knows what theyr’e doing. Still have faith.
Let’s see now…’freedom of speech’…’freedom of expression’…Constitutional rights and all.
However, if you call your doctor or friends saying you wish you could kill yourself…
Guess what…you are placed in a 72-hour hold in a psych ward (locked)…threat to your own safety (& possibly others) and evaluated for stability. If found marginal for competence–two weeks. If more…six months. If more…conservator time.
What’s the diff…?
Imagine that….another connection to the FBI….wake up, peeps! There is a reason why Mr. Obama, Hillory and the Obama Administration representatives are able to get away with things….FIGURE IT OUT!!
This is the worst president that this country has ever had ! He is as crooked
as the day is long and will do anything to raise our taxes and take the money from people
that are already living from hand to mouth ! Get him out of office ASAP !!!
Who police’s the police? Why is this blamed on the FBI when the DC Police should have taken care of it themselves. It sounds like the DC Police were complicit in what this guy was doing.
Statistics prove citizens who are licensed to carry are less likely to be a criminal than the police. This is proven once again.
This is the most corrupt “President ” that we have ever had ! He is putting more taxes on the books even thouhg we are already living from hand to mouth ! Just how much does he think that we can stretch a dollar ??? The best thing we can do is get him removed from office s he was never qualified for that position in the first place ! He is not a US born cirizen, was never educated in the US and whoever said that he was born here lied …BIGTIME !!!!
This administration has and will keep on destroying our country until the people wake up. We are on the edge and a clinton term will finish us off. If you think all the branches should be working against the citizens clinton is the choice. If you want them to work independent of each other and for the people then it’s time for a change. The last 2 months have shown without doubt just how crooked the FBI, EPA, IRS, HLS, Justice Dept, State Dept and most likely all the rest.
I finally realized who the JV’s are , It’s Barry ” O ” and his band of assholes who are ruining this country. God forbid we should get Hillary to run the show. She would be the end of America as we know it. Look the bitch up now…..
I am so sick of “America Divided” We have two Candidates that are BOTH so unpopular it’s unprecedented!!! While I am extremely disappointed in Obama, I do have to say that he has responded with more dignity and grace (& taking it with humor) than I would have thought possible.
But thankfully, his time is nearing the end…….and what we really need is for all the SHEEP on BOTH sides to wake up…..the Republicans should be particularly glad we have TWO serious Candidates on one ticket…..former Republican Governors on the Libertarian ticket…..IF the Media runs their Polls with even a small amount if integrity, they will make it into the Democrat/Republican CONTROLLED Debates and all of America will see there IS a rational choice……sadly, Gov. Johnson is not the most inspiring Speaker……but if he can at least get his message laid out concisely enough, the other two Candidates are both so un-loved that hopefully America will flock to the call of FISCAL SANITY which, IMHO is THE most serious issue facing the Country today though inPolls, it only rates about 5% on the “concern scale(?)”……terrorism is horrible but seriously….it is a mosquito bite compared to the more serious issues we face. Do people really think we can just keep printing money? The way Politicians spend our childrens future…we’ll run out if trees!!! Wake up and check out
Were the FBI guys letting it ride for a reason? You’d be impressed with what goes on in Montreal, QC…. Our Feds here get awesome leads daily. We have a rad whose abetted the A.Q. Khan Pakistan Nuclear Program in the 80’s still walkin the streets rading….. HA HA HA ….
Hello the let Hillary get by
with murder a few times ever notice every time she has to go to court the prime witness commits a suicide
AND HOW did she get out of the email thing they do what they want inside the beltway?…
Tip of the iceberg. There are many more ISIS within the american infrastructure waiting and willing. Waiting for that cue to do their deeds right here. Massacre at an NFL tailgating game?…….Car Bomb in the parking lot of Giants Stadium, massacre at a local police station from a “Muslim” employee, etc, etc, etc….Your guess is as good as mine. Make one thing clear whenever “Religion” whispers in peoples ears and the little voices inside their heads start bouncing around, anything can happen…….
They were waiting to hire him as Obama bodyguard .
The facts lead me to believe that the guy was an informant. The police/FBI/CIA/law enforcement will tolerate the most despicable characters including terrorists and murderers, who feed them information, even if that information is totally false and harms innocent people. The whole police informant system is despicable. Many innocent people have gone to jail so some police informant could either get money, get out of jail, feel perversely good, etc. As the FBI knew he was consorting with terrorists for 7 years, he was an informant, undercover or a serious threat. Why are they terminating him now? Is he going to have a temper tantrum and go on a killing rampage? Is this a set up for the next terrorist event?
Hopefully the FBI was trying to see how many other people were involved in his ISIS worship.