On Wednesday, the Obama Administration caught the Republican Senate majority off guard as news reports surfaced that Nevada Republican Governor Brian Sandoval was being considered to fill the vacancy on the United States Supreme Court.
While Republicans have promised not to consider any nominee before Obama leaves office, their refusal to consider a member of their own party could be used to make the GOP appear obstructionist during an election year.
But while Obama is attempting to turn the Supreme Court nomination into a public relations war, it’s one he’s sure to lose once the public begins to learn more about Sandoval.
Because it’s become clear that, even if he nominates Sandoval, Obama is doing what millions of Americans have feared he would do. He’s trying to replace the very anti-abortion Antonin Scalia with Sandoval, who is pro-choice.
In fact, on the issue of abortion Sandoval has much more in common with the court’s liberal justices and could be counted on to side with them.
Sandoval’s potential nomination was suggested by none other than Sen. Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada, a close ally of Obama. Shortly after Reid’s recommendation, reports surfaced that Sandoval was indeed on Obama’s short list.
Republicans have showed no signs of backing down. A few Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have said they would not even meet with the nominee when that person makes customary introductions on Capitol Hill.
“Why would I? We’ve made the decision,” said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, a committee member.
Filling the vacancy left by Scalia’s unexpected death on Feb. 13 is crucial because the Supreme Court now has a 4-4 ideological split between justices who are usually conservative and those who are in its liberal wing. The battle has invigorated both sides’ interest groups and voters who focus on abortion, immigration and other issues before the court.
After meeting privately with GOP senators Tuesday, McConnell and other leaders said rank-and-file Republicans were overwhelmingly behind the decision to quickly halt the nomination process.
McConnell spokesman Don Stewart said Wednesday that the leader’s office is working with the White House to schedule a meeting with the president, but he said that McConnell’s position will not change.
“The leader welcomes the opportunity to reiterate to the president directly that the American people will be heard on this matter, and the nomination will be determined by whoever wins the presidency in the fall,” Stewart said.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
They have to get the right politically connected hack in a robe on the bench. One who votes their way. Some “brilliant’ mind of course, who just happens to be politically connected. I’d say that any large law offices in NYC, Chicago, Boston or San Francisco have lawyers that are better schooled on the law than most on the federal bench today.
Lynda Denson says
The Democrats would have done the exact same thing if the power was in their favor to do so…It is the best and the wise thing to do, to wait for the next president to make this appointment. The last thing we need, is for this sorry excuse for a president (community organizer and self proclaimed ruler … instead of servant… of the United States) to pick a Supreme Court Justice. Obama’s biggest accomplishment while in office was to divide and cause hatred to multiply. His second biggest accomplishment was to make the USA seem weak and unhinged and do his best to destroy the leadership position of our nation around the world. His third big accomplishment was to run up the National Debt by encouraging illegals to flood our nation, drastically increase the numbers of people on the government dole by advancing the entitlement mindset in our nation. His fourth big accomplishment was to bring more aid and gifts to our enemies and treat our friends (such as Israel) with contempt. His 8 year reign has done so much harm to our nation. History will show that he was one of the very worst presidents of all time…The LAST THING we need is an Obama selected Supreme Court Justice!
uncle_fweddy says
Lynda, you damn with faint praise…He’s done way, way, way more than that…for instance, did you forget that he’s jam packed every appointable position of power with muslims, Czars, and fellow travelers, and jammed all the illegal immigrants–including ISIS operatives–into the country. Created “No Go Zones”, where the laws of America are no longer the rule of law, and substitued Sharia law, shoved his disastrous “Affordable”…did he say affordable?…health care plan down the country’s throat, while at the same time, exempting himself and his political cronies, from the plan. They, at least, will get to keep their doctors. He pretty much guaranteed that Iran will soon have nukes, which I’m sure–pardon me, while I hold my sides–will be used only for peaceful purposes. He’s incited a war on the Police agencies of the country, even going so far as to symbolically “adopt” the thugs at the center of several controversies. I could go on, but I think I’ve helped illuminate the idea of all of what he’s done. Perhaps others would like to add their two cents worth.
Diane E Eckstine says
Well said Thanks for posting
Susan Hallum says
Well said Lynda….so, so true:)
Wes says
Bingo, you said it all but missed fast n furious, using a dead Connecticut mans SSN, sealing his background while he relies on background checks for gun owners. The man couldn’t tell the truth if it were plastered on his face, sending ISIS detainees back into action from Guantinimo and the illegal trade of a deserter for 4 enemy commanders. Rigging votes in 2008/12. Supporting BLM at the expense of our men in blue. His lies about gun show loopholes and the list goes on and on.
SG says
Spot on with your remarks re this current president! He has been a disgrace to our fine nation, we the people and the men and women who serve it for freedom and the American way! Thank you
Gary says
Ken says
Well said
Jay Bell says
Joe Biden argued that George Bush should not make an SC pick back in 2008 and fought against considering any Bush picks. As usual, the Democrats hypocritically follow two sets of rules–one for themselves and one for the Republicans. The liberal media, of course, doesn’t report that.
Jay Bell says
Joe Biden already fought any SC picks by Bush back in 2008 with the same reasoning. The Democrats are unbelievably hypocritical.
Donna says
Could not have said better. Right on.
Josh Rydell says
He (OBAMA) is still a great President, far better than the Bushes who left America bankrupt and perceived by the entire world as a war-monger country. For those of us who travel around the world, America under Obama found its right place as leading nation.
Melody says
Is it, Harry Obama or is it Barack Reid. I get so confused!! We need to be rid of both of them or they’re going to have to send Harry Reid to the Museum of Natural History for being some sort of long-lived fossil.
Justin W says
We don’t need another supporter of the abortion industry sitting on the Supreme Court. I don’t care what party the nominee is, the right to slaughter your baby is not in the Constitution. Abortion is just as inhumane as the tactics used in Hitler’s Germany. The only difference is the abortion industry goes after the unborn rather than those who have successfully made it through the birth canal.
I find it ironic that Obama is such a big supporter of abortion. After all, if the process had been legal at the time of his conception he would have been a prime candidate. A mixed race child in that day was not seen by many as a person of value. He’s lucky he wasn’t aborted and that his dismembered body didn’t go out with the rest of day’s medical trash.
Jondarmes says
And we are unlucky to the same degree, as it is they may have thrown out the baby and kept the afterbirth.
Lea Meyers says
“Go Trump”? You DO know The Donald is “strongly pro-choice” (his words) and supports third-trimester abortions and abortion for any reason. Yeah, he SAYS he’s changed his mind, but WHAT MAKES YOU BELIEVE IT? If you’re really pro-LIFE (I have no reason to doubt you), supporting Donald Trump is taking a REALLY big chance. Remember, the NEXT president will get to name AT LEAST THREE Supreme Court justices and very likely FOUR or FIVE…and if Donald Trump names them, they’re VERY likely to be PRO-CHOICE.
Constitutionalist says
…or worse, the parts sold off to enrich the eugenicists at Planned Parenthood.
But McConnell was a dumbass for making such a CLEARLY obstructionist statement; he must not play poker, or if he does, he loses big at it regularly – ever hear “play your cards close to your vest”?
The Constitution says that the President picks who he wants for SCOTUS, and the Senate must “advise and consent” to his choice. He should’ve kept his fat yap shut and denied “consent” in committee. Now, he’s CONFIRMED that he’s prejudiced, if not a bigot! What a nidgit. What a maroon. What an ignoranimus.
Debi says
You are so right about McConnel opening his big mouth. wTF didn’t they just say anything. Now they are known as antagonist.
Lea Meyers says
It’s not like McConnell could have kept his opposition to an Obama-named justice a SECRET! For pete’s sake, everyone on the PLANET knew the Senate Republicans were gearing up to block Obama’s nominee, whether he’s Black or Hispanic or Asian or a WASP. There’s NO racism involved because they’d do the same for ANY nominee. And anyway,the nominee will probably be named within a week or two, so we’ll ALL know that GOP isn’t going to move on it. Me, I’d have given the nominee “due diligence” (review of his/’her record, decisions, writings, etc) — THAT can take 3-4 MONTHS all by itself. And then I’d have let the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Appointments hold a hearing and M VOTE IT DOWN. End of story. But it works iether way, McConnell may not be your kind of Republican (OR MINE), but STUPID he is NOT.
Roy says
The fact that he was recommended by Harry Reid rings immediate alarm bells for me. The fact that he is pro-choice is a big negative for most conservatives but I would want to know where he stands on other issues like immigration, ObamaFraud and most of all on the Constitution. I would refuse to support anyone who is not a strict originalist on the Constitution as Scalia was. The very fact that he is pro-choice tells me that he is not likely an originalist as the Constitution does not in any way, shape or form give the federal government any authority over the practice of abortion either for or against. Personally, I am pro-choice to a limited extent but I don’t believe the federal government has any say in the matter. I believe that the 10th Amendment specifically gives that authority to the states as it does over every other issue that is not specifically enumerated as the responsibility of the federal government by the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
Gary Smith says
He will pull the nomination as soon as the senate starts to investigate.It is a ploy so he can say see they will consider some one I nominate.
destiny says
Sounds as if Harry needs another beating! Honestly, they should have muzzled him!
Mead Carlson says
How is he on the 2nd amendment? WE musr concentrate on the potential nominees’s view of the 2nd amendment. Most important. And what about Illegal immigrants? Do not let the anti reproductive choice people dominate this important selection.
GenEarly says
Obamy only has to tip the ball, not shoot a 3 pointer. The Soopreme Court Jesters have undermined the Constitution for decades, really a century. But the Current Court with Chief Injustice Robert’s bench legalization of obamycare is often just a 5/4 decision on many cases including 2nd Amendment, as well as homosexual “marriage”, and abortion. A moderate Tip In is all that’s required to shift the game to a 6/3 or 5/4 Leftist. It’s called Progressive-ism for a reason, Comrades.
Welcome to the USSA! your opinions and votes are irrelevant to the lawyers in dirty black robes that overturn state constitutions & laws, federal constitution & laws, and voter referendums.
Linda Anderson says
The Senate better wait for a Republican to be elected because anyone that the “clown in chief would recommend would completely finish off this nation.
Larry says
i really don,t care which side the nominee is on it is about time the republican party backed their decisions and not cave because it is a good idea or they feel it is the right thing to do. After all caving is what got us here in the first place.. This practice is why Donald Trump is so popular today. Make a stand and MEAN it.
Larry says
You’re damn right Mead Carlson. The 2nd Amendment is very important lest we lose or give up the freedoms bequeathed from the founding fathers. The 2nd Amendment provides the citizenry with the right to protect themselves in self defense, defense of others facing fear of death and to rebel against a govt. that seeks to protect our freedoms, our way of life and becomes tyrannical. Obama, Hillary, Sanders and the Democratic Party want to and intend to ultimately confiscate our guns. Once this is accomplished, only criminals and the military will have the guns…just like all the rest of the dictatorships around the world. We will no longer be a free people and then other rights will disappear as well. We have got to wake up people and vote republican this time. We stand to lose too much if we don’t.
Constitutionalist says
You’re laboring under an unfortunately-widespread misconception, that the Constitution is what “gives” us our Rights.
Those who wrote and ratified it understood the truth, that our Rights come from our Creator, and no man nor body of men.
The Constitution was written to prevent gov’t agents from trampling on these Rights, but unless oaths of office are enforced, our Rights depend only upon the honor and integrity of those who take the oaths…and if you’ve taken a look at CongressCretins or the employees of dozens of alphabet agencies (in the Executive department), honesty and integrity insofar as abiding by the terms of your employment(the Constitution and their oaths of fealty to it) is in extremely short supply.
Just remember this: if you believe that a piece of paper “gives” you rights, another piece can take them away. Here’s what John Adams had to say on the subject:
“You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments: rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the universe.”
— John Adams(1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President
And even though i generally don’t like Hamilton, he also waxed eloquent on the subject:
“The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.”
—Alexander Hamilton
Of course, both of these guys counted on Americans staying smart, not being dumbed-down, too…
twykes says
If this govenor is friends with harry
JoAnn Graham says
It’s a foregone conclusion that ANYBODY Obama nominates would be bad for the country. If they were NOT bad for the country, they would not be on Obama’s list of nominees, because EVERYTHING that lying piece of camel dung DOES is calculated to do as much damage as possible to this country and our liberties.
gordon miller says
McConnell should stand his ground no matter who Obama appoints. But………what if that witch is elected president?
Linda Gummersall says
Ted Cruz for Supreme Court!!
Robert Ronish says
Do not forget, Hiliary has said if she is elected POTUS, she will appoint obama to the SCOTUS!!!
Bob R
stevenl says
Just as the Republican leadership has back-stabbed its base on and on and on, if a candidate is presented for replacing Scalia, I would not be shocked if a few Republicans would side with the democrats and stab one more time their base.
Wayne Person says
The Republicans are just dumb enough to fall for the corrupt tricks of Obama.
Al Schmidt says
I voted for that RINO twice, only because he was the lesser of 2 evils. He designed the largest tax increase in NV. He got some Republicans to vote for it. One of them is my State Representative & we are hoping that he losses in the primary!
Blythe says
Come on Trump
Cranston Baronius says
Kasich would be the perfect vice presidential pick by the Trumpster, thus insuring that Ohio’s electoral votes would help put a Republican in the White House. But the conservatives need one more thing to happen—keep control of the Senate.
kris a kilpatrick sr says
the stupid jerk can.t dow a thing it has to go for a vote all those exic orders are illegal to
Cranston Baronius says
Only the libs can be against moderation.
kris a kilpatrick sr says
the stupid jerk can.t do a thing all the stupid jerk can do is nommanate some one it will be like all the exce orders illegal
Jim says
A very sad and extremely frightening reality is that you don’t have to be a judge or lawyer or even have any kind of legal training to be a SCOTUS judge.
Constitutionalist says
Did you ever hear that there was a 13th Amendment that got dropped from the books between the War of 1812 and the Civil War? Some call it “the Original 13th Amendment.” You should maybe google it, read up, and get hip.
bill says
I just don’t get it ,we got a guy who should have never been the President !! we got 2 guy’s that should not be able to run, for President, we got miss Hitler, and she is under, investigation for Benghazi, and her private server, her and bill, for all the crime they have done, together.And we got the old guy Sanders!! who is a socialist, and so old he might have, a heart attack before he gets out of office. Don’t we have an office in the government that is suppose to check, these people out before they can run, for President. I know we use to, it was called J.EDGAR HOOVER!!!!If none of these clowns could have run, if he was still around. DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT AND KASICH FOR VICE PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!
Butch says
Since Obie got elected, my net worth has plummeted from $600,000 to $100,000; so much for his policies.
I have to admit that I think abortion is necessary, but only for Liberals and most democrats. Some need to have this procedure performed retroactively. I am also in favor of the death penalty. For the Gitmo detainees, I would load them on several pallets in comfy chairs and drop them out the back of a C-130 from an altitude of 25,000 feet over the ocean without parachutes and see if they can learn to fly on the way down and then swim 200 miles to shore. I don’t like the fact that most lawyers that hold public office do so because they re lousy lawyers. People the are elected to congress should hold at least a bachelors degree in some useful subject, history, finance/business, technology/STEM, and have at least 4 years of applied experience in their fields.