President Barack Obama’s advisors are finalizing a proposal that would expand background checks on gun sales… and they are planning to do it without Congressional approval.
White House advisor Valerie Jarrett says the president has asked his team to complete a proposal and submit it for his review “in short order.” She says the recommendations will include measures to expand background checks, and the administration plans to utilize the legally aggressive tool that Obama has become so fond of: an executive order.
After the mass shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, Obama said his team was looking for ways to tighten gun laws without a vote in Congress. White House officials have said they’re going after the so-called “gun show loophole” that allows people to buy weapons at gun shows and online without a background check.
In his efforts to work around Congress in the past, Obama has frequently made aggressive use of such executive power during his presidency.
Previously the administration has targeted immigration. And many legal scholars are warning that Obama has accelerated the drift of power toward the executive branch, and say there’s little debate that he’s paved a potentially dangerous path for his successor.
“Democrats have been remarkably shortsighted in embracing of this type of uber-presidency,” said Jonathon Turley, a George Washington University law professor.
“Unfortunately I think the bill will come due for many Democrats,” Turley said. “In a future administration, they will hear the same arguments played back to them as they watch a different president go after a different set of priorities.”
Experts view Obama’s influence as considerable when it comes to war powers, particularly his case for killing American suspects of terrorism on foreign soil. But a paradox is evident on immigration issues — where he has very publicly seized the broad authority given to the executive and where the gap between his policies and his potential Republican successors is wide.
In 2012 and 2014, after long maintaining he did not have such authority, Obama ordered federal immigration authorities not to deport certain groups of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. The administration asked immigrants to apply for a temporary new legal status. The White House said it was using its prosecutorial discretion — the power to determine how limited resources should be used to enforce the law.
A future president might take the same principle into another arena, Turley argued, choosing not to enforce pollution regulation against some businesses or temporarily granting some taxpayers a reprieve.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Peter says
The harder he squeezes, the more grains of sand fall from hands.
icetrout says
don’t understand why this Radical Islamist is still breathing air ???
Diana says
I don’t understand why they have not arrested obama for the crimes he has committed against our Country, Citizens, and our Constitution he is the enemy within, and should be arrested and prosecuted, and then go after his minions holder, reid, judges, just to name a few.
Matt R says
If he was white he’d be dead by now.
marymerritt says
you are right its only crazy groups such as black lives matter that keep protecting him that allow him to remain in office
patrick Simoniello says
That’s a good question,”why hasn’t he been removed?? ” That can only be answered when one looks at his secretive background and prior criminal associates. From a community organizer to a jr short term congressman and right to the highest office in the land. Anyone with a single active brain cell can see this Just didn’t happen without a powerful group orchestrating this assault on America. But even more scary is the fact that he was elected for a second term and if he were allowed to run a for a third term he would be elected again. So what does that so for the majority of this countries ignorant conditioned voters, who now oppose Trump??
Scott says
Patrick, the one thing that most people don’t understand is that national elections are rigged and have been for a long, long time. National elections are nothing more than a grand illusion and all of the brainwashing that coincides makes them believable for the brainless sheep who simply hope to earn enough for their next meal and to pay their outrageous bills. These are the same people who complain about things being much more expensive when in fact nothing is more expensive at all. It only seems that way because the fraudulent/federal reserve notes, which are backed by absolutely nothing, become increasingly more worthless.
Tommy J Riddle says
Amen Patrick! CFR, Bilderberg and many other elitist one world government A$$HOLES put this POS in power!! He may have won his first election for Pres, but not his second, it was a fix!!! It is impossible to get 100% of the votes in any county, but he did!! WE ARE SCREWED!!!!
Carol says
I think the main reason is the racial thing…first Black President, etc, etc, etc, although the truth is his unconstitutional policies and divisive actions…PLUS, The biggest problem…not eligible for the office regarding his claim of a Kenyan father, a British subject who was never an American citizen! A false SS#, so maybe he is not even an American????? Never vetted, all documents under seal that costs us $2Mil! Go figure??????????????
Carol says
And, PS…I do not think he won the elections fairly, either time…as the elitists pull his strings and those of many politicians! I just worry that there will be a false flag situation initiated by the Left/Progressives that will bring the foreign troops that Obummer has on our American soil, under Marshall Law, to our front doors to collect our guns and ammo! We need to engage our Sheriffs, elected by the People, who have the highest constitutional law enforcement authority in their counties to know their Constitutional authority. They can keep the Feds and especially the foreign troops out of our states, county by county. All firearm owners need to get involved with the Sheriffs and get their Constitutional Militias organized and functioning. That is the whole purpose of the Second Amendment, “being necessary for the security of a FREE STATE,………..shall NOT BE INFRINGED! Join patriots in all 50 states working Amendment V, Bill of Rights to secure our Republic!
Ann says
This has me puzzled as well. I get answers that say they do not want to make him a saint in the eyes of the Progressives who put him in power. He is their mouthpiece and ruler, so to speak.
I do not want every street and town named Obama. Some say it would make the republicans lose the election if they impeach him. That there would be such a commotion, that it would take away from doing the people’s business and keep the country on an uneven keel. After all, they can rouse up all those feeling disadvantaged, and the minority groups and march them through every street in America. Who wants that? The Progressives have way too much power!
A new administration that is for the people, will have a big job to do, and will need the efforts of every American, to straighten out all the mess the Progressives have created.
I believe that only Donald J. Trump has the power and contacts, will and might to begin to recreate a country at peace with itself and a strong power against evil, foreign and domestic!.
Audrey says
I agree 100% with everything she said. Ann is right and Americans feel the same way as she. At least a very good
percentage of Americans feel the same way.
Bob H. says
You are certifiably nuts!
anita says
this Evil Anti American Bastard has to go ,any answer from anyone ,we have to get rid of him .he already has done to much to hurt our Country , wake up People ,can”t you see what he is doing ?he is helping the Muslims destroy our Country, he is proving it every day ,what is wrong with the Republicans and the Democrats ? do they have Blinders on ?they don’t do a days work, .no wonder we are going down the tubes that Reid and Pelosi are as useless as a Rock ,
Ricco says
As i see it ,we have a bunch of non men in our gov. That is why he is doing some of the things he is doing and getting away with them. God I sure hopes this election comes soon and Mr. Trump gets in.
marymerritt says
well it looks like once again Obama is trying to rewrite the constitution to get what he wants I suppose his next move will be to issue an executive order to get his way with gun control I personally am damn sick and tired of him forcing his way on everyone else after all his tricks he should be tried and impeached he obviously does not like abiding by the law and makes his rules despite the fact that he has a degree in cinstilutional law.jenine pirros idea is the best that everyone in this country should carry a weapon except for those who are unable to handle her belief is that if most americans has a weapon they would be able to defend themselves instead of not being able to do this and avoid the things that happened in calif and paris this way no one would be shot down like a row of sitting ducks. Obama wants this because he will not allow members of his clan to be barred from their terrorist tactics this is why he is pushing gun control so hard the catch is that according to the laws of this country that have been on the books for over 200 years this is why he should be stopped because he thinks he has complete control the sad news for him is that he cannot remain in office for another 4 years this is a real blessing for the majority of law abiding americans because over half of our nation is damn tired of his dictatorship and forcing his agenda on the rest of the country for these reasons Hillary should not be elected because she would be like another 4 years of the Obama agenda and most citizens of this country cannot allow this to happen
Elizabeth Brody says
I’m wondering the same thing….and I am baffled that he is still in the White House.
Ricco says
IMPEACH HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marymerritt says
this is a total tragedy that has happened in the past 7 years and cannot be allowed to continue much longer he should have been gone in 2012 or better yet not been there sat all. he seems to enjoy being the man of the hour living high on the hog taking trips everywhere and playing golf but the sad news is is that all good things must come to an end and if the election goes right we will no longer be dealing with a self centered arrogant jerk. after his response to the news that an American citizen had been beheaded in the middle east his indifference is obvious and his fun will soon be over and this country will once again be able to enjoy the confidence an safety befor this disaster occured
Mike Scalise says
I’ve been wondering that for 7-1/2 years.
Barbara Tittsworth says
Obma is relentless alowing foreigners of all.types to cross our borders not knowing what they have in mind for our country– War And Death to our people–All the while tryimg everything in his power to leave us defenseless by removing guns and any means for us to.defend ourselves!!I believe he is intent on destroying our United States of America! GOD HELP US GET OUT OF THIS MESS. And why is Congtee so silent?? This is not Our Country anymore!!
Fishinjunki says
Wrong again. That terrorist piece of shit knows exactly what his radical muslim brothers have in mind.
Tiger says
I agree u absolute right
Carol says
Only We The People can turn this country around! Obviously because look at our country when we depended on our “public servants” and did not engage in our political system. I was guilty of this. We cannot be ignorant and free. We need to engage our Sheriffs, elected by the People, who have the highest constitutional law enforcement authority in their counties to know their Constitutional authority. They can keep the Feds and especially the foreign troops out of our states, county by county. All firearm owners need to get involved with the Sheriffs and get their Constitutional Militias (all able bodies men between the ages of 16 and 60) organized and functioning. That is the whole purpose of the Second Amendment, “being necessary for the security of a FREE STATE,………..shall NOT BE INFRINGED! Join patriots in all 50 states working Amendment V, Bill of Rights to secure our Republic!
Ann says
Obama knows exactly what he is doing…… His Muslim advisor, V. Jarrett has been coaching along the way, just like Jerimiah Wright and others who use him as their “pretty boy” mouthpiece! Why is it that there are so many not going after him? Are they waiting him out of office on the clock? Or does the Obama Administration have the goods on so many in the Congress that they have to keep their mouths shut. Remember, they know where their families live, and their schedules………… Think about it!
Politics can get to be a very dirty business.
Deborah says
Congress and the Democrats need to get a back bone or get out of office and put someone in there that will stand up for the American people. Most of them have been in office way to long and all they care about is there pockets. They don’t give a tinkers damn about our country.
They keep talking how we need to be careful how we spend well they need to start right up there where the problem is. Cut back on SS and Veterans while they vote them self another raise. REALLY!
Kenneth says
These comments are so spot on.I now feel more hopeful that not all people in this country are idiots.
greg moore says
I’m afraid Trump is just for Trump. Too progressive in his thinking if you really research more than just what he says. I think Cruz is a better answer. Very smart and a true conservative. Better Tax plan too. We don’t need to revise the tax code, it needs replaced.
marymerritt says
none of these monsters should never be allowed here at all
Justin W says
Governing by executive order is not what our Constitution intended. Hopefully the next president will rescind many of Obama’s executive orders within the first few minutes of taking office. Congressional Democrats should consider how happy they are going to be to see President Trump, President Cruz, President Carson or President Paul issue executive orders. I bet any of those guys will issue orders vastly different from what President Obama is issuing.
An incompetent black b*****d from Chicago,
marymerritt says
TOO TRUE FOR WORDSlespecially when you see his treatment of seniors and our veterans this is exactly what hitlers agenda was about especiall with the elimination of the jews however hitler learned the hard way that there is no auch thing as the perfect race hower Lincoln has a line in the Gettysburg address that says all men are created equal an therefore in this country prejudice is totally illegal and regardless of what Obama likes this has been a law in this country for over 200 years
Audrey says
I certainly hope what the new president does first and foremost is to recede the health plan and the executive orders that are harmful to the people of America.
marymerritt says
I agree
Richard A. Clark says
He is certainly the worst President I have ever seen, and I was born when Truman was in office, so I have seen a few. Its a shame what he has done to this country!!!
Ed Day says
10-4. Even us boomers feel the same.
Debra Brooks says
James says
That is a puzzle to me also. The next president may run amuck on their pet projects. Listen to the wailing.
Kathryn says
Obama’s mission is to apologize to countries for us being Americans….to economically even the playing field…to wipe out the middle class….to have Americans depend on government….and somehow take the power away from the NRA….once guns are gone….people dependent on the government….the more power the government has on the people. HE IS DOING A REMARKABLE JOB IN 7 YEARS.
AS FOR THE GOP….the wealthy know they cannot buy Trump….therefore they must fight him….so he cannot become The People’s President. Whether a voter likes him or not he is for the people and today it was mentioned he would like Ted Cruz to be his VP. All of the Rep. Politicians are telling anyone who will listen Trump will be gone. So voters need to ask a question….would you like more jobs in this country and pay off the national debt….and get rid of ISIS and all other terrorists….Trump is your candidate. Do you want free healthcare and free college tuition with higher taxes (35%-65% with 25% VAT consumption tax=60%-80% taxes not including state and city taxes oh and the taxes that appear on utilities and cable)…..just like Denmark then #feeltheBURN Bernie Sanders is your man. But please be advised….Presidents serve one or two terms and the voter cannot predict what the next election holds for them. Who knows what they will do with The Wall Trump builds and Mexico pays for…..maybe to keep us Americans inside. Who knows if the next president takes away the free tuition as they did in Great Britain and the Brits continue to pay high taxes without the free tuition…bummer. And who knows if the next president takes away jobs and creates more debt. Currently we the people don’t have much voting power….the rich do….and the only person the rich fears is Trump….because he cannot be bought. This election is interesting with the back room talks to rid Trump….and Carson threatening to go Independent because of the unfairness brought on by the rich politicians ….what do they fear? Maybe losing their power….losing money….hmmmm….no thought about The People….just themselves and their money and parties….both Dem and Rep parties. Am I saying anything nobody knows….nope…we are all viewing on TV and reading online and in newspapers…..this election is by far the most interesting election since I started voting at age 21 years….
Rob says
Obama and the liberals have been pushing gun control since he got into office — fortunately, he got side-tracked with Obama Care and such in the first term. Problems with ISIS have kept him a little busy this term, but I think now he’s going to ram this through (background checks for private sales at gun shows). We all know what is next: background checks for ALL firearms sales. Then comes registration and then confiscation. It’s highly annoying that they (pro-gun control people) conveniently ignore the facts: the lowest crime rates are found in areas where the highest percentage of carry permits exist; conversely, the highest crime areas are those with the toughest gun laws. In most of these shootings that the press raves about, who ultimately stops the shooters: someone with a gun. The (liberal) media has so immersed and brainwashed the public into thinking that “guns are bad and they need to be taken away so we can all be “safe” ” is crippling our rights as Americans. When the topic comes up with conversations I have (with liberal-minded people), you can bet that they are quoting the media and not even thinking about the facts. Look, if you don’t like guns, DON’T BUY ANY, but that doesn’t give you the right to tell me I can’t own one!! Unless we get some real conservatives elected that FOLLOW what our Founding Fathers generated in the Constitution in the White House and both houses of Congress it’s only going to get worse for the law-abiding citizens who own guns.
lcs says
Perfect observation
Jay Bell says
The Founders, in their wisdom, understood that law enforcement might some day need the backup of an armed citizenry. In the “Wild West” law enforcement personnel were stretched very thinly over the vast areas of the West. An armed citizenry, were often “deputized” in the face of a threat from gangs of armed thugs who terrorized the West. It made the Colt .45 famous as the “Peacemaker”. A day may be coming, when citizens will be called on again to defend themselves and their countrymen. Contact your Congressmen.
Debra Brooks says
Jay we are there now. Government full of muslims Obama’s thug cult. The entire government are muslims, sell outs, blackmailed, involved in muslim, Islamic Syrian, isis, CULT TAKEOVER USA led by OBAMA & MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD!
Jerry says
The muslin brotherhood is controlling every thing that is going on in the White (black) house. He changed the way he can declare marshal lay for a reason
Robert Early says
Obama will keep pushing and pushing until he pushes himself right into the ground.
matt says
I agree. If obama hates gun so much. why in hell is he swarmed around by agents with guns? He is scared of his shadow so his protection is guns of all sorts.
god bless AMERICA Fly our flag high.
missourisam says
Just why the hell are we paying congress members. Apparently we don’t need them, as America is now run by a dictator. I have read the constitution, and nowhere can I find that a president has the powers to dictate the laws of the land. There needs to be impeachment proceeding initiated immediately, and Obama’s executive orders declared invalid and unconstitutional. Also, he and Holder should be prosecuted for the Fast and Furious fiasco. They have the blood of American law enforcement officers on their hands over the guns that they smuggled across the border that came back to be used against our people.
keepyourpower says
The Impeachment process would take so long, he would be out of office.
He needs to be arrested, for aiding, and abetting, our enemies.
The more I see and read about Obama and his cronies, the harder I pray that his reign will soon end. He is, in my opinion, and the opinion of most Americans, the worst thing that has happened to this country and the people of the United States. His only interest appears to be protection for the ENEMY . He is taking our rights from us, however, it won’t work as long as we ban together , as Americans. We need an American in the white house. A president who values our Constitution . We need a president who is not afraid to confront the enemy. not one who is sympathetic and apologetic to the enemy. Think about that, and when you go to vote, vote for the man who can accomplish what Obama has failed at. A strong, determined, man, someone who will not take dirt from anyone and will protect this great country we call AMER iCA.
JAMES says
Valor says
America is not and has not been governed by the Constitution for a long time. America is governed by political correctness.
Debra Brooks says
DixieBelle says
I don’t understand why people keep bringing up Holder. He resigned in March, and Loretta Lynch replaced him. Do a little research sometime, so that you can keep up with what’s going on.
Albert says
Its the people’s fought by not saying no more and taking a stand against what he is saying and doing . Its time we the people start letting the white house hear the voice of the people and quit setting on our butt’s and do something about it before its to late and quit being so lazy .
Robert Early says
I would vote this very day to hang the Tyrant in the White House. Do we have enough votes to make it happen? If not, then we are merely hanging ourselves.
Bravo to your comment! Better yet send him back to the middle east so he can carry out his thoughts and sympathies with the enemy.
Larry says
How to enforce the constitution seems to have gotten lost by this President. and I use the term loosely very loosely.
Buzz says
What is the “Gun Show” Loophole? I have been to several Gun Shows lately and They were VERY Strict about Background Checks before anyone purchased a Gun. The security was always tight and No ONE LEFT WITH A NEW GUN without a Thorough Background Check. Cant this Clown get it through his head that the Laws he is FORCEING through are already in place they just need to be inforced.
keepyourpower says
Our Feckless CONgress should have had him, on charges of TREASON, or High Misdemeanors, YEARS ago! Or they should have booted him out, because he is not eligible to BE President…YEARS ago.
But, not THIS Republican lead CONgress. No… they won’t do it.
He is aiding, and abetting, our enemies, for God’s Sake!!!
His executive order will not hold water. But will the Stupid, Supreme Court go to the devil’s side? Will CONgress?
Steve Dolyniuk says
You are so right. Just goes to show you how gutless these corrupt elected officials are. They do not want anything to change, because no longer would they be riding their gravy train. I started as a Democrat, & the first time I was able to vote, I voted for JFK, but after Johnson took over I switched to being a Republican, then Realized there really was not much difference between the two parties, so Switched to Independent. One thing I have learned is we have really not had a chance to vote for who we like. The parties pick who we get to vote for, so in most cases we vote for who we think is the lessor of two evils. For the first time we have a good choice. TRUMP ! But between the two Parties & the stupid voters, I doubt if he will make it. However I sure will vote for him, & I hope others will wake up & vote for him too. As far as Obama goes, the SOB will keep destroying this country for as long as he can.
DixieBelle says
He has my vote, and I think he will make it to the White House.
Jay Bell says
The Executive Order was created to solve the problem of having to reconvene Congress (if they were back in their districts because of a recess) before taking immediate action in an extraordinary situation. It was never intended as a way to circumvent Congress. In every case, the people were to rule THROUGH CONGRESS. Over the decades, Presidents have arrogated more and more power to themselves and one instrument that they have used has been the Executive Order. Actually, I believe it was FDR who used it more often than even Obama. One reason why many American citizens believed FDR to be something of a dictator but they put up with it, in the interest of not dividing the country during WWII. However, even FDR would not have been politically enabled to get away with the open contempt of Congress that this President has shown. Of course, with the combination of Democrats and RINOs in Congress, he hasn’t had to be too forceful–they always seem to ultimately cave to what he wants. But we are in an election year, and Congress is being a bit bolder in defying the President–especially those in the House. We need to think VERY carefully about those who we would elect to Congress next fall. NO MORE RINOS!
Nita J Brown says
Please stop Obama acting like an emperor making laws to hurt Americans whether their born in us or naturalized. He seems to be making everything easy for criminals, terrorists & illegals to ruin our country.
Robert says
Obama is the Worst President in my lifetime. Any Congressman or Senator who supports this ego-maniac in his Gole of taking our
rights from us should be put on notice that they will be voted out of office in the next election or impeached for Treason for Failure to Uphold The Constitution, That they all took an OATH to do.
nick says
Well, why the HELL spend the money? If the REST of the ENTIRE Govt is going to let the DICTATOR dictate, then let’s get rid of THEM and save the money. Probably be enough to give EVERY American a check for $2500.00. We can use it to buy a Gun and Ammo. We’re gonna NEED it.
I’ll be glad when this guy is over.
Jeanne says
He thinks he’s a dictator apparently. Never seen a worse president. I am 75 so that is quite a few presidents. Can’t wait to see this traitor gone.
James says
Jeanne, I am much older so I know the Second World War . No body evens comes close to Obama as the very worse president . I believe he must work very hard to be this dumb or he wants to destroy this country which he is doing a great job.
Valor says
There are two things not addressed in this controversy that need to be. First, the issue is really not about guns. It is whether the Bill of Rights means anything or not. Because if one protected right can be trampled under foot, so can and so WILL the rest. We already see assaults on freedom of speech and religion. The second thing is this: Gun control laws are not and never have been about public safety. They are and always have been about the safety of those in power. Crime and public safety are a smoke screen. The first serious gun control laws appeared shortly after the Civil War as part of the Jim Crow laws designed to deny recently freed slaves exercising their newly acquired liberties. Southern Democrat politicians did not want to risk their political power. Since that time politicians have used gun control laws to limit freedoms of one segment of society or another until now it is society in total. Which is the primary reason the Founding Fathers included the 2nd Amendment, to give the people a last line of defense against the kind of government tyranny we see developing. Which is exactly why Obama and the Democrats are pushing so hard. Armed Americans are citizens. Disarmed Americans will be slaves to the state. This is what Obama and Company want.
Jay Bell says
If Obama was the only one who had statist ambitions, it never would have gone anywhere. The problem is that Washington, D.C. is full to the brim with those whose ambition it is to force us to submit to the all-powerful State. That is why they are permitting the invasion by illegals from the south and Muslim radicals from the M.E. They hope it will make the people scream for gun control (and ultimately confiscation) and the enactment of more and more draconian laws until there is no freedom left anywhere. And then we will be able to be totally controlled by the elites who see the vast majority of us as “useless eaters”.
Tdogg says
My fellow Americans, I believe it is time to send some tea bags to Washington to demonstrate that we the people still have the power and to remind our representatives yo uphold their promise to us and the constitution in due diligence.
Rob says
When I went into the military during the Vietnam police action, I swore an oath to protect the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The same oath Obie took. The difference: I take my oath very seriously!
I am no hero. However, I am old, with unknown issues at this time of an infection or cancer in my spine. Am I scared of dying? No and we all got to go sometime. The Muslim administration can have my guns when I am out of bullets and other toys!
When I am dead, they can register my firearms!
I am as defiant as Ted Nugent. Come and get them!
lady_j says
what are you going to do when Obama refuses to leave office?
Charlie says
Write your congressmen and tell them to stop this tyrant. The only reason he is so intent on more gun laws is because they will help his liberal government control America. We need to clean out these RINOs and liberal democratic politicians. They will take away our rights if we don’t rid congress of Obama’s Chicago style thugs. They apparently don’t care about the will of the people, they’re trying to appease Obama and his minions.
Dave says
Just wait until he declares Marshall Law.
lady_j says
Amen Dave, Amen!!!!
Mike Homes says
Many people would say that gun owners are dangerous, a scourge.
We aren’t. If we were they wouldn’t be saying such things.
We are prepared however.
AW says
Hoffhack says
The Democrats and RINO’s have a lot to answer for because they keep this guy in power. We must make them pay next November! I do not understand how expanding back ground checks, which is conducted on every gun sale that takes place thru a dealer now, going to change anything. That accounts for over 95% of sales now. Does he really think that people making a private sale will pay any attention to his unlawful executive order? Not to mention the fact that he will again, as has happened so many times in the past, get slapped down by the first Federal Court that this get brought to. I honestly think that this guy has lost his mind!
Paul Dionne says
THERE IS NO GUN SHOW LOOP HOLE! This has been planned by the POTUS since being reelected. I think the “mass shootings” are planned by the administration.
Bill says
The only reason Obama hasn’t been “Impeached” and tried for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors is because he is 1/2 black. The good old boy system is scared to death that a race riot will happen from NY to LA across this country by blacks that are unhinged. I say, bring it on…, it is high time these misfits are taken down anyway, if not now then when? Now is a good time, it’s the best time and we’ll never have a better time then right now today to stop these upstart black militants dead in their tracks. Enough is enough.
Bob Nelson says
Has anyone other than a clerk in Hawaii who was obviously paid off to say she has seen his birth certificate,ever physicals seen it?I could be wrong but I doubt it.if in fact he had one ,he would have laid it on the table 7 years ago. He never showed it to anyone,because he doesn’t have a legitimate document. I have a copy of mine, bet most Americans do as well. He still to this day refuses to use the term”Radical Muslim Terrorists” eve n after the San Bernido shootings. The FBI clearly identifies the two murderes as Radical, Muslim and definatly Terrorists, so why in the world doesn’t obama identify them for what they are, “radical Muslim terrorists” why because he is a Muslim , not a Christian and he doesn’t want to offend his “brothers” . If Clinton gets elected,absolutes nothing will change, in fact it will get worse, think about that folks
Bigmag47 says
I don`t know of ANY online site that doesn`t go through an FFL dealer, which by the way USES background checks. What a bunch of BULLSHIT!!!
anita says
how can we impeach the son of a bitch ?then get him for Treason ?/any answer to that ?we have to oust him before he completely runs us into the ground ?
Richard Cunningham says
When Donald Trump said if elected he’d close the border and also keep Muslim ‘refugees’ out. Every politician, both Republican and Democrat, all nothing but Socialists in my opinion, screamed and hollered how un-Constitutional Trump’s idea is. Now that Obama is again, bypassing Congress and in doing so violating the Second Amendment of the BILL OF RIGHTS. Just where the hell is the outcry about that? People in this country had better wake up to the fact that we have a real problem. Not only with ISIS but with those ‘great Americans’ in government that are methodically screwing us to death. They want our borders like a sieve and also want proven terrorists to be welcome here and also want us to be absolutely helpless. They obviously don’t have enough sense to realize that if Muslim terrorists get control their heads will roll right along with ours. I will not be disarmed and I will defend my wife and myself.
twykes says
Valerie jarret is a muslim and she rules the obama roost. Read blood fued by edward klein.
Roger says
Can’t we people of this USA see the handwriting on the wall? There will be no election next year. Obama is for letting radicals enter our country and as they continue to disrupt our country, he will declare Marshall Law, will have the military to take away all guns, will control the food supply and as a result elections will be suspended or cancelled. It is time we put pressure on our elected representatives letting them know that if they don’t consider impeachment, if and when the next election occurs, they have lost your vote. If you don’t believe this will happen, just sit back and do nothing and watch it happen.
joan says
Obama knows exactly what he is doing. Look into these two names. George Soros and V. Jarret. Because the process of impeachment takes time, his term will be up before the process can be completed. Google these two names with connection to Obama name. Things begin to fall into place.
Irvan says
That black bastard breaks the laws with impunity. He needs to be jailed and the key thrown away. Why Congress hasn’t called for impeachment of that SOB is beyond me. Some “REPRESENTATIVES” we have………VOTE THEM ALL OUT come election time.
john-atlanta says
The USA quite literally elected Satan twice when they voted for Obama. Obama is not going anywhere without a direct act of God, because the USA earned him with it’s baby killing.
As I wrote in Feb and March 2014, God showed me he was cutting off the hand of Congress and then sending them to hell through the front door. The stenographer was their last warning not to mock God. The writing is literally on the wall.
What did Obama do all of 2014 if not cut off the hand of Congress. Did anyone see CUBA coming? How messed up was that.
What happened 2015? SCOTUS wrote it’s own laws for ObamaCare and homosexual marriage and cut off the hand of Congress.
The Cacodemon In Charge is just thinking about every way he can cut off the hand of Congress and how much hate and chaos he can sow, while getting his rocks off droning people. We are not one nation under God, we are one nation under Satan.
DixieBelle says
I think most people are wrong about why Obama wants to get rid of our firearms. Actually, the public is so angry, he’s afraid someone will catch him unaware, and shoot him like they did the Kennedy brothers, and Ronald Reagan. He has thumbed his nose at so many people in this country, that it could happen.
Beta says
The worst President ever in the USA History !
Most the people who voted for him, are in food stamps. They need to take the food stamps away, and see if he ever win, people are so stupid voting for him. OBAMA is Antichrists!
S. Lavallee says
Obama is not America’s first black president. He is a mulatto, so he is America’s first mulatto president. Race is only skin-deep anyway.
Since Congress is too chicken to impeach him, the better route would be charging him (and Hillary) with treason. Problem is, the “progressives” (i.e. regressives) control the courts. And the Mad Media would be up in arms.
James says
He is going to do everything to destroy the constitution. The second ammendment says we have the right to bear arms. That means we can carry them with us. All the cities and states that restrict us are in violation of the constitution. And all gun control laws and executive orders are illegal.
Where do you see people being told no freedom of speech?
And what about the freedom of religion?
Let’s look at the last person who took away gun rights. Hitler used it to great affect. And several areas in the world now are doing the same thing. They make it illegal for you to own guns. And then they come in and push you around or even kill you.
This President speaks out about a problem with 8,500 murders last year. But almost all of them, over 8,100 were committed by illegally acquired guns. So passing new gun regulations and law’s only infringes on lawful citizens. The majority of deaths are from the mentally ill and criminals. 21,000 suicides by gun last year alone. And their were more suicides than that. So what about the 3,500 officer involved shootings? Let’s be real the less than 400 murders committed by legal gun owners is an incredibly small percentage of gun deaths. Do you realize that more people are killed by jumping off the golden gate bridge every year? I don’t see anyone yelling about banning the bridge. If you really want to stop murders? Let’s stop the violent offenders from getting out of jail. Let’s not let illegal aliens who commit crimes to stay here in the USA.