Congress has repeatedly refused President Obama’s efforts to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba, citing concerns about bringing enemy combatants and known terrorists to American jails.
But with his presidency winding down — and desperate to keep a promise he made to close Guantanamo — Obama may be planning to make an end-run around Congress.
In a recent press briefing, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest refused to rule out that Obama could issue an executive order closing the detention center.
“I would not take anything off the table in terms of the president doing everything that he can to achieve this critically important national security objective,” Earnest said when asked whether Obama would act unilaterally.
According to reports, the Pentagon’s plan outlining the long-stalled effort to close the Guantanamo Bay – also known as Gitmo – is expected in the coming week, and will include possible American prison sites.
The plan represents a last-gasp effort by the Obama administration to convince staunch opponents in Congress that dangerous detainees who can’t be transferred safely to other countries should be housed in a U.S.-based prison.
Guantanamo holds 112 detainees, many facing trial by military commission or the government has determined that they are too dangerous to release but are not facing charges.
The facilities reviewed by the assessment team were the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks and Midwest Joint Regional Corrections Facility at Leavenworth, Kansas; the Consolidated Naval Brig, Charleston, South Carolina; the Federal Correctional Complex, which includes the medium, maximum and supermax facilities in Florence, Colorado; and the Colorado State Penitentiary II in Canon City, Colorado, also known as the Centennial Correctional Facility.
A Colorado senator made it clear this week that he opposes any move to relocate detainees to his state.
“I will not sit idly by while the president uses political promises to imperil the people of Colorado by moving enemy combatants from Cuba, Guantanamo Bay, to my state of Colorado,” Republican Sen. Cory Gardner told a Capitol Hill news conference.
Even as the White House pitches this latest plan to skeptical lawmakers, officials have not ruled out the possibility that Obama will try to close the prison and move the remaining prisoners to the U.S. without congressional approval.
The threat echoes Obama’s moves on immigration and gun control — both cases where he urged Congress to pass legislation and then used his executive authority when the bills failed. Critics have called these moves by Obama illegal.
The dispute could set off a late-term legal battle with Republicans in Congress over executive power, potentially in the height of a presidential campaign.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
jay says
How has this criminal been allowed to remain illegally in OUR country! Indict and convict the treasonous criminal illegal alien, born in kenya!
pam ela says
It truly is mind boggling. I hope it was voter fraud. I hate to think we have this many low IQ people in this country.
Alicia Salinas says
He won by a land slide of over 5 million people, you might want to rethink your IQ statement or ability to comprehend.
ktholyk says
he won with dead people voting
Alicia Salinas says
Really I didn’t know we had 5 million+ dead people at the polls.
Tim says
He only won because illegals and dead people voted for him which of course is fraud and illegal and of course he is illegal himself. He’s a criminal and deserves prison
Alicia Salinas says
Why are you lying? It’s unbecoming to a gentleman.
Gene says
that’s what Dubya used and the Jebster will too
Mike O'Brien says
He’s such an arrogant piece of shit as well……..and LIAR “If you like your doctor….”
Buster says
Alica, you can’t be that dumb. of course dead people weren’t at the polls. how its done is a dead person with the same name as a living person can step up to the booths and vote. Example: my brother and father have the same name except for the Sr. and the Jr. but they don’t ask him if he’s Jr. or Sr. so technically he can vote twice. Sr. has been dead for 10 years.
Alicia Salinas says
In my state we have voter registration cards and the drivers license matches. Fraud is very, very miniscule in BOTH parties, but not enough to be crying about, that is laughable to think he won because of illegal vote. Now when voter machine are messed with like when Bush won his second term in Florida, that’s fraud.
Angie says
Not to mention that some people voted numerous times. One black lady admitted she voted 6 times. Now that is how he “won” the election, along with the illegals, dead people and dumb@$$3$!!!
GARY says
Ric says
Wonder how much free stuff Alicia is getting from the Government?
Alicia Salinas says
Ric, wonder no more. I don’t get anything for free, to the contrary, I pay both end of my social security and my medicare as I am self employed. You on the other hand only pay half, because your employer plays the other half, that’s if you are employed.
xsoldiermike says
You need to go back to Mexico!!
Alicia Salinas says
Why I was born in the United States. Unlike Cruz and all of Trumps wives.
Bud Webster says
Could you really be that ignorant Alicia , I think so, Cruz,s mother is American, so is her womb, that makes him American, you Marxist know all about the womb, it,s the one you attack with the real war on woman, and their babies you people support for the selling of infant body parts. How do you sleep @ night? Nothing gets past the Lord who sees all things, all those who support any form of abortion, will pay an internal price when all is said and done. Count on it
Bud Webster says
Alicia, you make comments like that the word idiot for you comes to mind. Stop being brainwashed & think for yourself. Unless you embrace, your money, your freedom, your choices being taken. We are not to be slaves to the government. When the federal government seizes property, taxes multiple times to the point that 75 cents on every dollar goes to Uncle Sam. You are living in tyranny. People are bearly making ends meet, if @ all, and you Marxist progressives actually believe more tax needs to be collected? Even though Obama has added 12trillion himself? He was elected to change and improve, how does adding 12 trillion fix finances, and his foreign policy is adding insult to our countries injury, Muslims are the problem, make no mistake, and leave politics aside. it is they that are bringing this plague, it is they that are not denouncing this behavior. Allah is NOT the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob. There is only one true God, and allah is not he. Only an ignorant person thinks the pagan god allah, and the Judeo true God are one in the same. A true Muslim will be insulted if an infidel suggested such a thing. Nearly every Arab flag has a crescent moon emblazoned on it why? Because allah is the moon god or god of the moon. We,ve been to the moon, we didn,t find a throne. Perhaps allah was on vaction
Kevin says
Amen !!!
Alicia Salinas says
Bud, I am a self thinker, I follow NO ONE, never have. People are barely making ends meet, because they are being trampled by the high paying executive, that make 370% and more than the worker bee. In 1976 when I started work at 16 I was making .98¢ an hour, within seven years I climbed that ladder to the point that I was making $7.75 and hour. Single parent working and barely making it at $7.75 an hour, and our minimum wage is at what $7.50 an hour in 2015 (40 years later) and we expect people to not only be self sufficient, but also have to carry the 1% with all the tax loops, subsidies and grants. That is a tyranny, against the people, and Trump thinks $7.50 is too much. And yes you are right he was elected to improve the situation, and he is trying, but congress is not allowing. And as far as the muslims are concerned, do you not think that their hatred for us is boiling with all the hate that American are throwing at them ALL of them, good or bad. Why throw gasoline at the fire, if you want the fire to burn out.
Bud Webster says
So when is their accountability? Does the progessive ever take responsibility, or it it much easier to deflect and blame another? Barrack had 5 years he and the progessive liberal had total control over congress.,and you have the audacity to ring hollow congress is @ fault? Can you really in that ignorant? Or are you a political hack spewing regurgitated talking points? Didn,t your boy just get what he wanted with the funding of obamma care?, wasn’t the dept ceiling just raised with the rebuplicans in charge?, your mind as been corrupted. You have alas proved my point on class warfare, what is it to you how much a man makes? Why have ill will towards anyone who makes money. A minimum wage is for unskilled labor. If you are working a minimum wage job, you can do 2thngs I can think of. Work another job, this way your making more than minimum wage. Think of an idea,to make money, stand on your own feet if you don,t like your circumstance. I,m not a wealthy man flooded with money, I am rich in spirit, and thankful. I will not take from another,s hard earned labor, to subsidies my own, that,s called stealing isn,t it
Alicia Salinas says
Well Bud accountability is to the people of the United States, not just those that infringe on our labor. I have been in business for over 35 years, and have always paid my employees above minimum wage, and have paid 100% insurance for key employees. President Obama has done more good for the people, in his tenure then most president in the past. And yes I do have the audacity to put blame where it should be. If I was an ignorant person, you and I wouldn’t be communicating. Yes President Obama, by the way he is not my boy, that’s just cheap racist way of calling him names. What is it to me how much a person makes, I don’t recall saying that it’s my concern, my concern is that YOU want us to compete with the wages of other countries so that the rich can have more profits to send overseas tax haven and not pay taxes. Many, many folks work 2 to 3 jobs just to stay in their home, but that is exactly what people like you want from us Americans that have made the rich who they are. If you are not a wealthy man, then why do you defend the greedy. I am assuming you are on social security which is a social program and you are not standing on your own 2 feet. Depending on how old you are, you probably already received back the portion you put into it and guess what, we are funding your check. Also, is your key broken, or maybe I should ask where did you get educated? You use commas for apostrophes, why?
Buster says
yes, 5 million people dead and repeat voters and illegals. dumb they may not have been. but illegal votes they were just the same. it’s been verified of the illegal votes for an illegal president not born on American soil. And that’s according to his OWN grandmother.
Alicia Salinas says
Not born on American soil, but was born in Hawaii hmmm…guess that leaves Cruz in the same position.
rikk cole says
why else would elected govern against the will of the people and worry about getting voted out
Bud Webster says
Alicia, your such a silly woman, lots of assuming on your part. I don,t collect social security, and have never collected it. Their is no provisions in the constitution for any social program( i.e. Socialism) you don,t recall making any comment about what a man makes? Your a liar. You hit on the minimum wage, which discourages job growth, and you mensioned greed on the corporate level, and also how the rich got where they are off the backs of the workers. Why do you have me as not being American? What I defend, is the freedom to attain whatever goals a person has, and not the victimization you socialist prescribe. Are you a schoolmarme as well? Are you that petty in your behavior to point out commas? I,m on a I pad, perhaps to lazy to switch screens when typing, you get my point unless your a retard, which your thought process has me to believe. As far as education, really? You are not even in the realm of my sophistication or wisdom. And you have proved it by your words. I,ll end with this. I have been diagnosed as having terminal cancer. I have been going a naturalpathic route. When I said your boy, that is a common term where I come from, has nothing to do with race, but appearently, everything you people conjure up has race involved your ” boy” has the meaning someone you hold dear, like “your pal” ” your boy” assholes on the left, like you, are always playing the race card. I was forced to the Obama care, or face a fine, so much for American freedom. Last year Obama care was 700 dollars, the premium just went up to 1400 a month in less than a years time. I have shelled out 25 thousand the past 2years in an attempt to save my life. Because I,ve chose not to use poison like chemo, radiation.( 1in 1000 survive using these methods. Insurance won,t pay 1 thin dime. So not only am I getting it up the butt from Obama, but the insurance company has no reimbursement for people who don,t burden the system. The average cost for a cancer patient using the medical Kabul is 350 thousand to 3.5 million. You would think the insurance company would be more than happy to reimburse my expense since I have insurance, and have saved an astronomical sum compared to others using the medical establishment futile attempts @ recovery going on 60 years of failure. But this is not the case. As I have clearly stated, their is no provisions in the constitution for health care, and their shouldn’t be. 2500 dollars a month is what it,s costing my family for healthcare for just me. Ovomitecare is a Marxist social program that,s another smoke screen, and power grab for peoples wealth. I,ve shared my person situation not to be pitied, but to show I am a principled man, and also to show what an asshole you are for assuming you know so much about me. I turned 50 when I was diagnosed, I,m 53 now, and even though I believe thru Christ Jesus I,ll live, the government has no business being in the healthcare business. There is no benefit for them being in the healthcare business, I,m living proof, I ,m made by law to have obamacare, ihave the gold plan, cost me 1400 a month, to be on it, yet their is no reimbursement for me. It,s amazing how clueless you leftist are. Take the private healthcare people had thru employment, and give healthcare to people who either didn,t work for it, to lazy to work for it, or weren,t responsible enough to carry it for those they love.
Alicia Salinas says
Bud I know your are not asking for sympathy, but my heart goes out to you. I lost a sister to cancer in 2010 @ 55, she was self employed (she cleaned houses) with no insurance, couldn’t afford it. Your are right chemo cause her death. My insurance was also $1400 as I am only a little bit older then you. Our insurance was high because my husband had quadruple by-pass, before ACA kicked in, Now I pay $758.00 will go up to $800.00, the good thing is we can’t be rejected from insurance companies. We all assume things, just like the republicans think the democrats want everything free, we don’t, we want fairness, equality for all, and I don’t think that is asking too much. You are lucky you had money to pay, most of us don’t. I won’t stress any more, Good bye and may you concur your illness. God Bless.
Leon Hoskison says
He won, because of people like you !
Alicia Salinas says
Yes Leon he did, you are so smart.
woody says
he lied to get a 2nt turn. Most that voted for him didnt know that.
rikk cole says
in his 08 he ran unopposed
Alicia Salinas says
Were you out of the country in 2008?, Do you have Alzheimers? he did NOT run unopposed, that’s is a blatant lie.
Liz says
Alicia Salinas: I doubt it he really won by a landslide. Do you really believe that 110% of the registered voters in any district all voted for the same person. Hell, fool, not even 100% of the registered voters even voted. It’s YOUR IQ the rest of us question.
If any of you would read the CONSTITUTION about presidential requirements, you’d know that even if he was born in Hawaii, he wasn’t eligible to be president. There aren’t 5 years between the age of 18 and 21. LOOK IT UP. I just don’t understand why SOMEONE, ANYONE, in Congress didn’t kick him out of the running the first time.
Alicia Salinas says
When you are in doubt, you can look up voter information on the internet. All you need to do is a little research, to get the truth. But when you are lazy and in denial, you will just accept what others want you to accept. When are you going to stop being a follower?
bill says
Obama’s name should have never been on a ballot – I blame the government for that not the illiterate black,brown, & illegal aliens who voted
Jean Roberts says
I can only say amen to that !!
Jean Roberts says
He is such a idiot and so are the ones that voted him in the second time around,he is destroying our country and this is just some of the last nails in the coffin.
Bringing in terrorists now, whats next,maybe he can move them in with him and his family,they should feel right at home
Alicia Salinas says
Yes, we know you blame the government for EVERYTHING!
Pete Lewis says
Alicia you are so very stupid. You are one of many that should move to the middle east so you can be treated like you think. Obama is a fraud and an idiot they say. Better than that he knows what he is doing and going to totally bring Christianity to its death as he does his praying in my office every day on his blanket surrounded by all his muslim cabinet. You and all your stupid believers should find another place to live. Take this ass with you also.
Alicia Salinas says
Pete Lewis, I get it that you think I’m stupid for expressing my views, but that is what makes our country so beautiful. I don’t understand why you think the middle east is my way of thinking, when the republican mentality is so much like the terrorist mentality, the only difference is you are not out there actually doing the bombing, just spewing a lot of hate. President is not a fraud, what has he done that is fraudulent? Christianity will survive as long as the christian continue to follow the Word of God, it’s the hate, the wanting to impose the ideology on others that will make people separate from the church. America is our home, if our are unhappy, please move to Russia where your beloved leader can tell YOU hoe to live and what you can say or own.
Liz says
Alicia Salinas: we don’t need to blame the government for everything, not when people like you vote
Alicia Salinas says
Liz, so are you saying that because people like me vote you are unhappy and you have a need to place blame. If it makes you feel better then I guess it’s ok, but maybe you should figure out why you are blaming people like me that vote. In my state I see construction every where. In my state I seeing Now Hiring signs every where. The real state industry is doing better then in 2008, unemployment is better then in 2008. And I just don’t see where or what makes you so unhappy that you have to blame people like me that vote.
Bud Webster says
Bill, your comment is ignorant , while it is true 97 percent of people of color voted for the Marxist know as obamma, most were dems anyway. Their are 40 million people of color. 270 million Caucasian. With 52 percent of the white vote was for obamma. It was the majority of the white vote that elected obamma, along with the illegal votes from the illegals, and fraudulent dead voters. The Marxist want open boarders as 200 million illegals at currently here. Any votes from them will but a monopoly on future presidential election. Party before country. This is the goal of the progessive Marxist , this and United Nations control over American, and the world
Alicia Salinas says
200 million illegals! Do you always exaggerate or only on this site?
Liz says
would someone please tell Alicia Salinas to check a few facts before posting, she’s wearing me out …
Alicia Salinas says
You left out the white, why was it intentionally?
Bud Webster says
And the progessive want all to look to the government for it,s sustenance. Liberty is found on the back of a hard worker, not on a tyrannical government robbing it citizens of their wealth.
Bud Webster says
Are you a racist? Why not have the intestinal fortitude to read the entire comment, obviously your censoring my words, not a fan of free speech? In the next sentence after using Caucasian , I stated that 52 % of the WHITE voters went for Obama . Yet, were are recklessly accused of being racial for opposing the Marxist known as Obama.
Edward Johnson says
AMEN !!! I didn’t realize we had that many ignorant people in the USA, and was elected twice, It had to be some kind of voter fraud or something. I didn’t think there was that many people registered in the Demo. party or that many Rep. defected to vote that Muslin born in a different country asshole that we call Commander in Chief and President !!!
Alicia Salinas says
Edward, maybe if you looked at other news beside Fox you would learn what’s going on in the sates and around the world.
Alicia Salinas says
Edward, I only look at Fox when I need to see the difference of opinion. I pretty much know what is happening all over the world and (states) I’m sure that’s what you meant by sates, that’s why I am able to be open minded and discuss issues. Is there an issue you would like to discuss other then bashing the sitting president.
Mike O'Brien says
If O-bummer “had sons”………/teens-allegedly-kill-woman-car-wash-…
Alicia Salinas says
He is not an illegal alien, stop lying.
Roseanna says
Go back to the dump dumb hole you crawled out of
Alicia Salinas says
Well this is a good dump hole. A lot of BS, no substance, just cry, cry, wowes me, bashing our president only make this country weaker. You are not part of the solution.
Derb says
Supporting a president who constantly tears down the Constitution if it doesn’t fit his needs is not part of the solution either. You and your kind have been doing that for over seven years now and look at the mess we are in. What is your solution, oh wise one?
Bud Webster says
And barrack hussan Obama is? The Marxist & Muslim sympathizer? How can anyone @ this point sympathize with Arabs that condone, or are actually involved in attacks against the innocence? Since you support Obama, and the vacuume he has created, it is you, and people of your elk, that are responsible for all that will happen. Party and ideology is more important to ego & self, than being an American patriot
rikk cole says
yea, that is obama’s job to make the country weaker
Pete Lewis says
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Alicia please shut up. You must be one of them. And by the way he is illegal, gay and married to a transvestite. How that for you. A total embarrassement to our country.
Alicia Salinas says
Derb, thanks for thinking I’m wise, I know you are just being facetious, but can you tell me what you mean by he is tearing down the constitution and preferably in your own words.
bill says
Obama has united America – Everyone is against this idiot in chief that never deserved to be on a ballot let alone be elected President – Impeach Obama, make that his legacy
Rob says
I think the time has come for congress to relieve Obama of his duties and authority and have him detained and arrested for violating his oath of office to protect the citizenry. Numerous charges could be issued, but he needs to be removed from office immediately for the safety and security of all Americans!
Gary Smith says
I agree!
bill says
Yeah !!!!
Melody says
He needs to be removed from office before he has the opportunity to declare martial law and we never see the end of him.
Roger says
Get it on the ballet, I will vote to get him the hell out
ktholyk says
yes. He has funding our enemies. Maybe he needs to to back and read our constitution where that is a clear violation. He has broken his oath more times than anyone can count. He has not protected American. He is bringing in terrorists and we the people have no rights to know where he is putting them. Congress needs to get a backbone and stop all funding of this. We cannot wait it needs to be done now.
Alicia Salinas says
How many Americans have died on his watch. How many died on Bush’s watch? Might want to re-think your views.
ron strickler says
Alicia Salinas You are a dumb broad. At least W accomplished something. Do you really believe that this nation is better off with that arab running it? If so then you have the mentality of the 5 million that voted for BHO and that the level below idiot.
True American says
Alicia Salinas
Don’t you have something else to do other than making so many naive and stupid comments. By the way is the last name you picked: Mexican, Guatemalan or from some other country in Latin america ?
roger Mitchell says
I find it interesting to read where this Alicia Salinas has written more (all) replies that are common sense and not full of hate because her views are opposite of the true haters of Obama. You can bet 99% of these true haters do not belong to the Democrat party. They say anything without a shred of evidence. They insult our intelligent authorities who had to check out Obama before he became President. If these true haters don’t like what our intelligent leaders say then let them go to another country. Get out of my country!!!. You are worse then any terrorist being allowed in our country.
Alicia Salinas says
ron srtickler, if by broad you mean liberal, then yes I am a broad. Please do tell me how you think this world is different to you, then in 2008.
Diana says
AGREE it is past time to impeach now is time to Arrest obama remove him from office in handcuffs he has broke our Laws and our Constitution and he is not above the Law, even though he thinks he is Congress need to show him he is not, and I think We the People need to demand no more excitive odors allowed, that is We the People’s place not just one persons place, we should have to vote on anything like the mess none as obamacare. And I want all his and his wife’s records made public and that means the ones he and the dem.s hid from us, so we can prosecute all involved in the cover up, who ever it is.
Alicia Salinas says
“Executive oders” whew I agree, that’s too stinky.
Bud Webster says
Your a total joke Alicia , smug and unintelligent . Your sarcastic comebacks are weak as well, no substance found in any of your bloviation.
Alicia Salinas says
If I’m the joke than why am I laughing, the jokes on you baby.
Derb says
Yeah, remove him from office and then look at what we get — Biden!! Are you serious?
Leon Hoskison says
I’ll back that 1,000 %! People didn’t listen to his words, ( transformation ) ( spread the wealth ) !!!
Rob says
Article 25 needs to be invoked and Obama arrested!
Alicia Salinas says
Ain’t gonna happen.
Bud Webster says
Stick your head back in the sand, or if illegal, back over the border. What make the Mexican nation more special than another other foreigner? Plenty of law abiding foreigner are waiting on visas to enter in the proper manner. You think the Marxist cares about Latinos?, He doesn’t,t ever voice concerns about black youths from the community he served in Chicago. Their no reasoning with the progessive dumbocrat Marxists. You are anti American ms salinas, your a foreigner to the American way of life, or too ignorant to understand your view of American is NOT the majority. If the vote is not rigged, you will see a landslide victory, and 5 million votes doesn’t,t constitute a landslide. Mondales presidental bid is what represent a landslide loss….. To you libtards
Alicia Salinas says
Ok now you are attacking me because of my last name. Are you not aware that the majority of the United States was Mexico first. I would say they are your neighbor. And President Obama is not a marxist, and he cares a lot more then the repubs that are running for office. I am not anti America mr Bud, I am not a foreigner my roots are traced back as far as 1500. How about you, what ship did you ancestors get on. Sorry but the majority voted and a democrat is in the white house, you are not the majority, to bad so sad. I will vote for the best experienced person, that has the best interest of the people, by the people, for the people. I’m done have a good afternoon and may God bless you and bring kind thought to your head and good deed to your heart.
Bud Webster says
What does me calling you an ass have anything to do with you being Mexican? Or for that matter your last name? I,m not fimilar with what Latin surname hails from what region to the south of Texas. Typical of the progessive to either assume, or insinuate accuasation to deflect. Your insinuating falsely shows your own racism. I could care less if your Mexican, as long as you are here legally. What bothers me more is your a progessive, Marxist asshole. That,s what bothers me.
Alicia Salinas says
Bud I was referencing your first sentence, not the ass part. This is what you said. “Stick your head back in the sand, or if illegal, back over the border. What make the Mexican nation more special than another other foreigner? Are you not the same Bud Webster.
Edward Johnson says
AMEN !!!
Jeff says
Yes, he should be in Gitmo himself!
Edward Johnson says
I agree !!!
James says
Obama is POTUS because he guaranteed “free stuff” to the desperate low information voters. He stays in office because, every time someone confronts him, he calls his detractors “Racists.”
Jon says
Usually, the first person to accuse someone of being a racist, IS the racist !
Jean Roberts says
He is such a idiot and so are the ones that voted him in the second time around,he is destroying our country and this is just some of the last nails in the coffin.
Bringing in terrorists now, whats next,maybe he can move them in with him and his family,they should feel right at home.
Sandra/CCC says
Time for Impeachment ASAP!!! He has overstepped his authority with this attempt to bring refugees from countries that hate us over here; add to that the Gitmo criminals and our own criminals in the US being set free to walk our streets. We must be Very Aware of being on extra alert when Obama is going to be out of the country in the future. I fear Obama’s Grand Finale for his final term is going to be the bombing of the WH. What better way to insure that America is Totally in their hands. People are saying “Where’s Michelle? Could it be Obama has sent her and the girls away in preparation for what’s to come? Be Very Afraid, America! Time for action. The War is now here!
norman says
about 4 years ago isis started to come about but Obama would do nothing to stop them and 4 years there worst and he still dont do nothing why because he dont care for the united states but want to turn us into a third world .now if he did something 4 years ago there would not have all these people looking for new lands to live in but still want to live like they did from there home land. we should elect some one that will look out for the american people ,not some one like Obama ,because it will be the end of what weve known and loved THE UNITED STATES TAKE IT BACK AND THE ONE PERSON IS THUMP HE IS WAY OPPEST OBAMA
Alicia Salinas says
What a vivid imagination. So tell me after all these years do you still talk to your imaginary friends?
Audrey says
You are the dumbest of the dumb. People like you are part of the problem!!!!!!!!! These people will eventually kick Obama in the head and laugh at his putting America down.
Alicia Salinas says
The only person I hear putting America down is TRUMP.
Bud Webster says
Insults really? The progessive Marxist Saul alinski tactic. Insult, and redirect. How original, you can,t add anything to the conversation, or base an argument on fact. Your just plan stupid, and have no moral values, you couldn’t possible and support what this presidents detrimental action. Obama is a traitor, and should be hung for the tyranny he is committing.
p j williams says
Alicia Salinas, you said good night, now please do so, as you are just taking up space with your stupid remarks!
Alicia Salinas says
Well pj it’s am now, and the key board is infinity.
Jon says
I guess King Obama doesn’t realize that we got rid of another arrogant King some time ago !
Alicia Salinas says
I didn’t realize America was a monarchy.
Bud Webster says
So what kind f government are we then Alicia? Please show us how savy your geo politics are. I await your responds
roger Mitchell says
leave this country Bud and never come back.
Alicia Salinas says
We are a constitutional based federal republican nation. What else would you like to test me on?
Gary says
obama or should I say odumbo is a complete dumb ass, and the people that voted him in office not only once but twice. The democrats complete idiots. The dumb ass die hard democrat will vote democrat no matter what. The smart ones changed after one term. It makes me sick to think that this so called president gets everything he had when he was in office until he dies. Our government could save millions if not billions if they would cut off what government officials make after they retire. Isn’t it enough that they get everything free while there in serving. They only work part time as it is. Why should they get it for the rest of their life? It’s complete bull shit. And the tax payer’s have to pay for it.
Alicia Salinas says
Think about all the money that goes into politics. Billions of wasted money, that if the world were kinder, could be helping millions.
Bud Webster says
How about the billion American sends to Arab countries? And other countries around the world? American is the most charitable, yet were being attact. Once again your progessive talking point is rediculous and baseless. Next
roger Mitchell says
get out of our country bud
Alicia Salinas says
Oh but your conversation is so full of useful knowledge. Who needs to be educated when we can just read your post.
Patrick Simoniello says
I cant understand why this president cant be impeached? He does exactly as he pleases and totally ignores the other branches of government and the constitution which ensures checks and balances. This country has never been in a worse state or more divided. There is no doubt in my mind at this point that he was part of a great conspiracy to topple this once pillar of Democracy and they have gone to far to just walk away when his term is over. I predict his declaring martial law once we are hit again sometime before his term expires and becoming the sole dictator. God help us. and dam those who have made this possible.
Alicia Salinas says
God and dam in the same sentence, kind of hard to take serious.
Lisa38 says
Why? because his opinion doesn’t coincide with yours?
Alicia Salinas says
No because one is cuss word and the other the Creator. is that not using God name in vain.
Bud Webster says
Such a smug responds, again typical, the woman made no attempt in using the Lords name in vain. How are you with Obama supporting partial birth abortion? You think almight God likes that hypocrite? As I,m sure being a libtard, I,m sure our all in favor of such things. Back to the huffington post with ya
Alicia Salinas says
And just think about all the innocent people on death row. Wow talk about hypocrites, the Lord already know.
FYI, I don’t read the huffington post do you?
Karen Carter says
Our elected officials are unbelieveable! They should be impeaching Obama and getting him OUT of his powerful position! Disgraceful! He is a traitor in my eyes. He should be impeached and tried for treason! Pathetic!
Linda says
This is so Sad.How can we stand by and let this man destroy what we have made America too be ..Its bad enough he has brought Millions of Illegals with out papers into America ,too come into this Country and disrespect and Kill young White Women and knowing these illagals are Animals just like ISIS muslims are.And yet we have been lied too//we have been killed by Primitive Blacks that are with Black Muslims Hate Groups /and Riots all the Time //and yet this goes on more than any other President that was in Office yrs ago.We all have been used Divided //And its time too say NO too all these hate Muslims that are comeing into America that are Refugees and that people are too stupid too see what will happen too our Country //Dems have been wanting too keep all illegals in America with out being Citizens //Were all haveing too pay High Taxes too keep them here in America //why dont they put Uniforms on them and send them too fight ISIS on ground too show how much they want too be a American Citizen //Cause they have never been in America too fight the Wars that out Fathers and Mothers have done all through History ..And im tired too hear people trying too compare these Illegal Mexican with all of us Americans //And i feel sorry for the Hispanics who have Waited and done right by the Law too become a Citizen //And becasue of all these Dems who are letting these illegals in so much are causeing problems for these Hispanics that are Honest and trying too become a Citizen the right way in Line ///
josie says
I am sick and tired of hearing an idiot who is suppose to be president of the United States go to another country and run the AMERICAN PEOPLE DOWN that don’t agree with his childish behavior. THAT IS A NO-NO BARACK HUSSEIN STOP ACTING LIKE A THREE YEAR OLD.
GLENN says
I do not believe that we are so much a country of COWARDS that not 1 has the know how and the ability to deal with TREASONIOUS, DISPICABLE, GUSTOPO TYPE GROUP,RUNING OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!! IT IS TIME THAT ALL THOSE AT THE TOP ARE DE-THRONED !!!! AND HUNG FOR TREASON !!!!
dave says
I don’t care if obozo was born in this country or not, he is an enemy of this country, since day 1 he has done everything to destroy this once great country and the demons in the demoncrap party along with the RINOs. Even now with the majorty being repubs, they do not have the balls to stop him or impeach him
Bud Webster says
Dave, their are Marxist in disguise in the republican ranks as well, the word rhino comes to mind. John McCain, Lindsay graham, the former speaker bohner, Mitch the bitch McConnell . How can the right have control , yet still progessive agendas are still being fulfilled? Marxist rebuplicans sleeping with their fellow Marxist democrats in government
Paul says
We’re the battling boys of Benghazi,
No fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
Just a fiery death in a blazing hell,
Defending our country we loved so well.
It wasn’t our job, but we answered the call,
Fought to the Consulate and scaled the wall.
We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate
Led them to safety and stood at the gate.
Just the two of us and foes by the score,
But we stood fast to bar the door.
Three calls for reinforcement, but all were denied,
So we fought and we fought and we fought
’til we died.
We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,
But Barack and Hillary didn’t give a damn.
Just two dead Seals who carried the load
No thanks to us…we were just
“Bumps In The Road”.
Ron says
Jay you must think this country is run by the people or something, under some rule of law. You’re very naïve if you do. Here I’ll get you started. Read the Unseen Hand by Ralph Epperson and watch a youtube video called JFK to 911 and see whos running the show. Then and only then will things start making sense to you. It won’t be any easier I’ll grant you that but at least the things most people see that they can’t make sense of, you Will be able to ! ! ! ! ! ! ! See if I’m lying ………..
Frank says
AMEN to that
Terry Gadoury says
Someone has got to stop him. He is ignoring everything Congress is telling him. He totally disrespects Americans as a whole and is constantly putting this country further and further in danger! Guatanomo inmates! Yeah, and let me guess, we are unjustly fearful of these people too! I can not believe the stupidity and nietivity of those he has brainwashed throughout the years! Hello! Our country doesn’t even look like a country anymore! All on Obama’s watch! Treason!
Bruce says
You’re the sorry idiot!
Bruce says
awaiting moderation???
Surely you’re Joking?!
ees says
Bruce, if you think this guy is right, how about bringing then to your home and give them the run of your life. might be interesting how quickly you would reject this move.
Bruce says
Either you charge people with a crime and you try them or you let them go. We can’t just put people in prison without a trial because we think they are terrorists. Nazi Germany did. This is a nation of laws. I guess one way to combat terrorism is to turn this country into a complete police state. Maybe that’s what people want.
Alicia Salinas says
You are absolutely correct.
Sarah says
These laws your talking about only apply to citizens of this country not enemy combatants!
Bruce says
France could have easily prevented the Isis attacks. All of the terrorists were on watch lists. The list totasl in the thousands.
So they could have just rounded up all of the thousands and put them in a prison without a trial. Then the attack wouldn’t have happened.
So why didn’t they???
Roseanna says
Oh Bruce they are not people !!!!
Sue says
Wrong, this WAS a nation with laws. Obama has broken so many, especially the ones where he overstepped the congress to do as he pleases. There was a post that said there a bill in the house to impeach Obama. Nothing has been mentioned since the 1st post. We need to have him impeached & tried for treason.
Bruce says
And just what laws has the president broken pray tell??.
Melody says
What country did you come from? Do you not listen to the news or read or study any of the examples of poor leadership he has shown.
Bruce says
I asked what laws has he broken!!
Alicia Salinas says
No you are just repeating, what you hear.
Alicia Salinas says
Like congress hasn’t overstepped our president. You know that embarrassing letter that was sent to Iran leaders. Really made America look stupid. And those are your choices for leadership. Sue this nation IS still a nation of laws, and there is no reason to even try to impeach the president, when he is doing his job with the best that he has. This impeach rhetoric isn’t doing this nation any good. Cheney needs to be put in jail for treason, but you are ok with his lies. Is it the skin color? Is it because one is a white lie?
Bud Webster says
Your a racist you have played the race card several times already, Obama is biracial, are people who are half blacks considered black in your book? That,s racial profiling. That makes you a racist Alicia imagine that
ees says
amen: Obama is a criminal. If Trump gets elected. We will see the FBI investigating Obamas birth location. Trump was the first to bring it up, and I think as many do that Obama was born in Kenya , moved to Hawaii when he was 3 days old, applied for a social security number, which is actually one that was first issued in Vermont or a state in the north east. HE IS A PHONEY. HIS FATHER WAS MUSLIM, HIS MOTHER CONVERTED TO MUSLIN AND OBAMA WAS FIRST EDUCATED IN A MUSLIM SCHOOL. WHAT WOULD WE EXPECT, A CHRISTIAN.
Melody says
A nation of laws without a president or a spineless Congress to administer them.
Bud Webster says
Like most idiots, you are tying to give rights belonging to Americans citizens under our constitution, to foreign nationals, and ememies on the battlefield against u,s,troops? Why do our ememies get rights? Because you don,t understand outr constitution, and who it was designed for. Educate yourself you foolish ignorant man
Mike says
Good Bruce, how many are you having move in you’re house?
JoJo says
No! Obama is the idiot!! Why would you put your own people at risk?
Alicia Salinas says
Well it’s not for the same reason that Cheney used. It has nothing to do with greed, It has nothing to do with being stupid.
Bud Webster says
Chaney is a Marxist as well, see I can find fault and be objective. With that said, why are you justifying Obama by bring Chaney who has been out of office going on 8 years now. When does the Marxist known as dumbo ears, take responsibility in your eyes for the 12 trillion, domestic & foreign policy failures he was hired to fix, not make worse
Kathy Diamond says
You’re right. His executive Power MUST BE REMOVED. He is clearly Out Of Control. HE NEEDS TO BE IMPEACHED congress must do something
Alicia Salinas says
He is doing his job, as most presidents are allowed to do.
Roseanna says
Oh boy you really are dumb DE dumb , dum DE dum
Alicia Salinas says
And you shine like a bright diamond.
Melody says
Are you sure you should actually consider yourself an American?
Alicia Salinas says
More so then you that for sure.
Alicia Salinas says
Yes I am a proud American I also served. Didn’t go to war, but I served. I help my neighbors and people in need regardless of color or ethnicity or whether legal or illegal. I don’t consider myself a christian because I don’t follow cults, but I do believe in God and trust in the Lord. I am human, I am a sinner like you, but I try as hard as I can to walk the talk. That is why I don’t fear God’s children that are different. What makes you a great American?
Bud Webster says
Jesus is a cult? Being a Christian is cult like? You got a lot of explaining to do Lucy
Alicia Salinas says
Jesus is not a cult, now go re-read your bible.
vilma says
If he was doing his job, he wouldn’t have to issue so many excecutive orders. Part of the president’s job is also to listen to the council of those around him. When the majority of the senate is against a decision of his, he might be wiser to listen instead of trying to have his own way for a change.
Alicia Salinas says
If he had a congress that would work with him, he wouldn’t have to issue executive orders. But our congress is too busy interfering with women rights, they would rather read “Green Eggs and Ham stories”, they would rather shut down our government then govern. Name one thing that congress has done for the good of the people.
Mindy Zumba says
Bud Webster says
Your thinking is exactly opposite, congress makes law. What Obama is doing thru executive order is unconstitutional. He said it many times himself, and on the national stage with his own lying lips. He had congress for 6years, why would you lie and fault congress when the dems have controlled it for 3/4 of the Marxist reign ?
Alicia Salinas says
Because it is not unconstitutional for a president to use executive order. George Bush used it 291 times. President Obama still 70 more to catch up.
Alicia Salinas says
Because it is not unconstitutional for a president to use executive order. George Bush used it 291 times. President Obama still needs 70 more to catch up.
Ken says
Amen Brother
Alan says
If Obama closes Gitmo, the prisoners should be dumped in the middle of the Ocean.
Joe Bush says
Obama with them
roger Mitchell says
Maybe so! but obama knows how to swim good.
bill says
Lisa38 says
Or house them in the whitehouse. Put them on house arrest in the whitehouse and make BO live with them and the Syrian refugees.
ees says
Your response is exactly correct. This low class muslim should be impeached and put in a prison with the same ones he wants to bring here, except put him in gitmo.
Alan says
The white house is pretty big-he should let all the gays, muslims and illegals move in with him–and of course paint it pink or rainbow colors
Alicia Salinas says
I’m wondering if you consider yourself a christian, or is hate a norm in your house.
bill says
We’re just legal citizens, unlike some of you brown skinned socialist”victims of white people”
Alicia Salinas says
Move back to England, Germany, Syra, wherever you came from.
Alicia Salinas says
Victims of white people, LOL! only the bigoted, greedy no matter what color skin, you so realize racism comes in different shades.
Roseanna says
There you go again spouting your dumb thoughts
Alicia Salinas says
My opinion counts as much as yours.
Lisa38 says
Just because someone disagrees with another person doesn’t mean they hate them. Do you ever disagree with someone? Does that mean you hate them? Good God get a life.
Alicia Salinas says
No the guys is hating on others that are different then him. You can’t sugar coat hate.
Audrey says
Alicia why don’t you just give it up – you can’t win you are one against all these other remarks. Are they crazy or are you in a dizzy?
Alicia Salinas says
Audry I didn’t realize this was a contest, looks like I better get to work. I thought this was a thread that people could voice their opinion. Am I making you dizzy, go lay down and come back in an hour you will feel better.
Bud Webster says
So one minute you defend God, and in the next attact a Christian brother cause he doesn’t agree with your totalitarian view point. Did I say ignorant hypocrite to you already? Ms salinas
roger Mitchell says
come on Bud GET LOST!!
Alicia Salinas says
There is a very, very different distinction from Christianity and false christianity, thats the one where you quick and choose what part of Jesus talk you want to ignore. And yes that is one of the many names you have called me.
Gary says
We should do what we did after Pearl Harbor. Put all the muslims camps like we did with the Japanese.
Fierce Look says
The Muslim-Marxist jihadist, Devil’s Advocate would be tried for treason and hung if we had an opposition party and if the useful idiots on the Left weren’t mentally disordered! REVOLUTION will be the SOLUTION – that is why they are hell-bent on getting our guns! Armr=============================?
Bruce says
Tha’s right. Unlimited guns for everyone regardless. Children should be allowed to bring guns to school and then they won’t have any fear! Just shoot anyone that threatens you!
bill says
Let them use rubber bullets – they’re just learning
Jeff says
Why make idiotic statement’s like that? You sound as bad as that Alicia who is idiocy on here.
Alicia Salinas says
Delusional is a problem that can be corrected with the proper medicine. ACA might be the a way to get help. Revolution yourself back to where your family originally came from.
Roseanna says
Good grief you are a true champ when it comes to dumbed down dept
Alicia Salinas says
And I can see you are oozing in intelligence.
bill says
Maybe all of us should over use sun tan oil, now who’s your daddy
Alicia Salinas says
You are, hi daddy, been missing you, when are you coming home.
bill says
That’s what you all say isn’t it
Alicia Salinas says
If you think so, it must be true. Let me rephrase that, If it comes out of YOUR mouth it must be correct.
Jon says
It’s to bad stupid can’t be fixed !
Alicia Salinas says
You are a prime example.
Bud Webster says
Thomas Jefferson co wrote the constitution ms salinas, he also said that American ought to have a revolution every 10 years to keep the tyrants, and tyrannical elements out of government. A man speaks of revolution sees government tyranny over not only he, but all. When many see it, you will have change. Unless the process has been corrupted, or you have a huge propaganda machine controlling nearly all media, and it,s many forms. Did I Say brainwashed, psychological warfare, class war fair, economic warfare. Obama is an excellent puppet, should you reall y wish to educate yourself, find out what,s real. Look to the puppet masters pulling the strings, the Marxist took measure in 1908. That,s when the movement started. But you already knew that.” Counsel on foreign relations ” Is the enemy from within. Over 5000 members of the who knows who crowd. These are who you here called ” establishment insiders”. Just a little bit of thruth all should know, Dan rather is/ was, a member. How many years did he sit as anchor on nighty national news? Most stories coming from this ” insider” could be spun exactly anyway to a gullible public, like you ms salinas
Alicia Salinas says
Yes, just like the John Birch Society, been trying to infiltrate our political system. The Koch’s daddy was a huge supporter and back it financially 100%, and now the sons want to pick up where he left off. Mr Bud American is for all Americans, taxes paid are to be benefited by all Americans, it is not just for the privileged. Please show me in the constitution where it states that we should have a revolution every 10 years. You do know Murdoch has a monopoly on what is news and what is not.
Gary says
You’re right to a point, but the problem is that we couldn’t ever win fighting the government unless people in the government would help. The other problem is that you know the scum of the earth radical muslims would want to help fight our government. After that they would over take us unless you’re a muslim.
Bob says
Impeach Obama if he attempts action in direct violation of congressional legislation!
Gary Wood says
He needs to step down?
bill says
Shot down in multiple verbiage comes to mind
Alicia Salinas says
Wonder if the CIA is interested in your statement.
Alice says
Obama is helping these terrorist to invade our country. He should have been impeached years ago. He has done nothing be try to start racial wars here on the USA soil and now he wants to bring all these terrorist into the US so they will start killing Americans. Wake up People !…This is serious issues happening to our country. Your freedom is on the line !
Alicia Salinas says
Your freedom i on the line, Really Alice how come. If your legal, why would your freedom be on the line?
vilma says
Freedom has not much to do with legal or illegal in this case. It has to do with basic human rights, all of which all citizens in the USA are gradually losing unless you are a muslim. Can you not see that or is your head buried in the sand far too deep to see anything beyond your own nose?
Alicia Salinas says
Virma, sorry vilma, I am a United States citizen as were, my parents, as were my grandparents, and great grandparents. I come from a family of migrant workers, up at 4:00 down at midnight, the whole time working hard. I know all about human basic rights, I know about being self employed, paying taxes, and I know all about the bible as I read it every day. I used to just listen to the pull pit, but I was only learning what man had to preach. Your statement “we are gradually losing unless you are muslim” is a lie. Can you not see that all this rhetoric negativity is used by fear mongers to brain wash you into thinking that things in general are worse now then they were, say 10 years ago. And if you do think they are worse for YOU. Please pray do tell.
Bud Webster says
Your asking this woman to answer, yet you have failed to answer me, immigration laws are in place not to hinder foreigner, but to help assemblating foreigner into Americans . It,s also about commodities, something the progessive Marxists overlook. You mocked me when I explain 200 million are here currently. In 1986 Reagan gave citizen ship to 11 million illegals. How could their possible be only 11 still today? 1992, 7 years after Reagan amnesty, the new. American magizine reported between 10 to 13 million lillegals were entering the country every year! Do the math, 23x use the lower number 10 million that 230 million. Said 200 million being conservative. The problem s the food supply is gonna run out. This is also why you assemblate people not a society . Something you libtard can,t,ll understand better then you, and your children are staving to death, or enter into one of the fema camps already in place. By then, it will be too late. Chew on that awhile ms salanus
Alicia Salinas says
Bud oh Bud I thought I had answered all your 200 million questions, but let me see if I can find a question in your statement…I didn’t find a question, what I found was a lot of non-sense. You are afraid we are going to run out of food, how about water, with all this fracking you should be worried whether your water in your faucet is going to light up you house. I don’t chew on fear mongering. I trust in the Lord he will feed His children.
Gary says
J says
He is going to finish off ruining the country before he leaves office. Impeach this unAmerican asshole!! The world is unsafe as it is, but let’s keep letting more unsafe people in it.
Richard Cunningham says
What makes you think Obama plans to leave office? Watch what he’s been doing since being re-elected. He’s getting more and more aggressive in the way he does things. That guy is going to find some underhanded way to become our dictator for life. First, he’ll declare a national emergency followed by martial law and declaring there will be no elections during his emergency that will never end. Then he’ll declare the U.S. a Muslim nation and after that the Muslims will take complete control followed by sharia law. And we’ll have much of that to thank the spineless, gutless politically correct Republicans in Congress for those things. It’s as if they’re with Obama all the way with their total lack of opposition. I really hope I’m wrong but only time will tell since he’s getting his way in everything he does.
Alicia Salinas says
Do you no know how our political system works?
Roseanna says
Please Alicia go back to bed and wait till we fix things
Alicia Salinas says
You are funny.
Melody says
Richard is absolutely right! Obama has his own militia just waiting the wings and armed to the hilt. Obama has studied under Saul Alinsky, communist by the way, on ways to start and grow the racial issues that are beginning to happen everywhere. Now he wants to bring in known terrorists from gitmo. We are legal citizens of this country and take pride in our country. This Muslim does not care about this country, but he does have an agenda for it. I pray to God, yes I am a Christian, that we will be able to fight off this man and his plans. You are either for our country or you are against it.
Alicia Salinas says
Sound like your against our country.
Lori says
You are so right, Melody! These are truths known about Obumer’s upbringing as well as who he studied with, about “How to Bring Down a Country to its Knees”. Alicia doesn’t even realize that it is hatred and disaster to America. Unless she is part of it too. She sure doesn’t act like she cares about her country.
Daky says
Daky says
Do you know 666 is on its way??
Alicia Salinas says
You know Melody, seems that Lori and you don’t really know what it is to a good American. Think back 2008, when things were out of control and we were headed to a DEPRESSION. Don’t you think that maybe you and Lori aught to be more grateful that President Obama did everything in his power to keep us from getting there.
Bill Harrison says
Our political system is the best in the world, did work and will work again when we rid our country of so called progressive reasoning persons that have allowed the terrorist cells building within it, especially within our prison systems which is where those that have duped us hard working citizens should be. Go Trump!
Jon says
Bruce says
Better stop smoking that good weed. It really does cause serious paranoia!
bill says
Then VOTE FOR TRUMP like the rest of us AMERICAN Citizens
Alicia Salinas says
And be TRUMPed into bankruptcy. No thanks.
bill says
Have a wonderful day – your blessed by being stupid
Jeff says
Excuse me! Who has taken us from 6trillion dollars in debt to over 19 trillion? Yes it was your messiah obumbler that’s who, why do you uninformed morons get on here and spout off gibberish?
Alicia Salinas says
Bill I am Blessed thanks to God. But stupid is not one of the things the Lord bestowed on me. You just call me names because you disagree with me. You opinion counts, for what I don’t know.
Alicia Salinas says
Jeff, 19 trillion includes the cost of the wars and mess that were incurred. How has this affected you personally. President Obama is not my messiah, but he is the President of the United States of America, sorry if that doesn’t suit you. And as to why you call my post gibberish is because you are stuck in a brain wash effect. I am entitled to my opinion as well as you.
Bud Webster says
I have my ballet cast for another not trump. Alicia ,how disingenuous is to speak of a man being bankrupt when that man has 10 billion in assets? Yet hilbilly clintons have over 50 million unaccounted for tax dollars are walking around free from jail, while a guy like Wesley snipes went to jail over 7 million? Why isn,t your race card being laid @ the feet of the clintons? Don,t black lives matter? Doesn’t cooperate greed and embezzling millions count against the clintons? And their corrupt foundation? The very people you are against, the elite, you support! The clintons are worth over 550 million. Does they sound like 99ers like most here? Or 1percenters you progessive claim is the problem with income inequality? The very people you denounce, your supporting. That makes you an idiot puppet sap
Alicia Salinas says
Bud, you measure a person by there wealth, no wonder you are so in love with Putin, his net worth is 70 BILLION. and yes Trump’s companies filed for bankruptcy not one time, but FOUR. You unsubstantiated accusations don’t amuse me, I am not a racist, I don’t judge people, especially by their ethnicity, only in what’s in their heart.
Gary says
I can only hope to God that you’re wrong. If the bitch wins the presidency we’re screwed either way. She’ll put the final touches on what dip shit(obama) started.
David says
If he acts illegally then he should be subject to the full weight of the law! Simple!
Judy says
This man is he– bent on ruining America and all it stood for
Melody says
Yes Judy. I’ll bet the founding fathers have turned over in their graves with what has happened and is happening in our country.
Alicia Salinas says
Melody why are they called founding fathers.
jimmie says
Bruce says
Surely you’re joking….
Bud Webster says
Surly your a joke Bruce, totalitarians always take control, the Marxist known as obam is doing it thru executive fiat by using executive orders. Only congress shall make law, yet you have the Supreme Court now making law. That,s called a judicial Oligarchy. It also show we are already living in tyranny, both from the executive, legislative branches of government
Alicia Salinas says
Bud why don’t you mention the amount of times other president have used the executive orders to get things accomplished. Because you will see that President Obama is one of those that has used it less.
Joe says
The greatest threat to America is the terrorist in the White House . He will not be happy until the motherland is in ashes. He and his ex , pant suit corrupt Hillary should both be in jail forever. Come on people think IMPEACHMENT and save our wonderful country.
Jon says
Unfortuneatly Bill Clinton was impeached but still remained in office !
Gary says
Yeah Jon, the Clintons are another issue. They are as corrupted as dip shit obama.
Tom R. says
If you support (or supported) Obama you are an enemy of the United States of America. The only question is are you an avowed enemy or an unwitting dupe. If Obama were not protected by his race and the Democratic party he would have been impeached long ago.
I abandoned the USA long ago. I am sad for my country but like thousands of other Americans, I enjoy an expatriate life style in abroad.
The planned Girmo closure is just one more overlooked impeachable offense committed by the “village idiot”.
Tom R.
Bruce says
And what Shangri-La did you move to pray tell?
Alicia Salinas says
I am glad that you have abandoned the United States, people like you need to stay as far away from good people, before you contaminate them with you sad, negative, false attitude.
Roseanna says
What an amazing dumbed down libertard you are Alicia You get the hell out !!!!
Alicia Salinas says
Oooh, I’m scared, I need to get the hell out. The constitution is hard at work.
Bill Harrison says
Dear Alicia, you should be blessed for the constitution, the thing you are attempting to destroy. Otherwise you would have been hung by jury. I’m getting out of this discussion, your rhetoric is disgusting and not worthy of expression. A Korean vet by the way and getting very weary of the events happening to my wonderful America due to people such as you, would really like to know what your nationality is and where you are really from!.
Alicia Salinas says
Bill I have several members in my family that have fought for my country as well. Thank you for your service. But please do tell me how I am destroying the constitution. If my post are not worthy then why get my attention. I don’t like the way things are going either. What I don’t like is the ugliness that I’m seeing in people’s heart. I don’t like the greediness that people think they are entitled to. I don’t like the hatred shown towards God’s children that are different. People such as myself, hmmm maybe you aught to think about people as yourself destroying this nation with your hate.
Lori says
Yeah, Alicia sounds just like her idol, Obama! Hates America and wants it destroyed. I’ll bet you would change your tune pretty quick if ISIS knocked on your door!! After all, when he orders up more Syrians let into the country, half will be disguised and really be ISIS. You think Obama gives a sh** about you??? Gosh democrats are so stupid!
Bruce says
God you are truly an idiot. Did you make it past the fourth grade?
Alicia Salinas says
So Lori who do you think give a shit about you. Name one person.
Jack Drew says
Let Russia burn the Gitmo group and impeach the nut in DC He will start a war and declare ML he is a Devil
Tom R. says
Awaiting moderation? Where is freedom of speech? Impeachment is not sedition.
“Awaiting Moderation” is capitulation to political correctness. You are all cowards and that is the biggest problem with America today.
Tom R.
Bruce says
You missed the point you Moron!
There is no moderation at all on this site. So “awaiting moderation” is a joke!
Bud Webster says
Your mother is a joke Bruce, for siring you, and making you an unpatriotic Marxist pig.
Alicia Salinas says
And you call yourself a christian…see you proved my point false christianity hard at work.
Alicia Salinas says
He is not a Muslim, he is not a PIG. Show some respect.
Melody says
Does this Muslim show any respect for the American people. Good grief what’s wrong with you?
Alicia Salinas says
Yes he does show a lot of respect for the ALL American people. That’s why he made into the white house and Mitt didn’t, he only respected the 1%.
Bud Webster says
Are you voting for hilbilly Clinton next election Alicia ? Their net worth is 550 million, I,d say that,s a 1percenter? Again you Marxist views are corrupt and convoluted. Stop contradicting your mixed up self
lloyd says
Respect is earned, not dictated. So far, his respect earnings have been negative. An example was his lack of truthfulness when he was asked why he was acting opposite to what he promised when he was campaigning. His reply was “I’m not campaigning now!
Jim says
Maybe he wants to close Gitmo so he can hand it over to Cuba which will in turn lease it to Russia or Chiana so
they can plant their fleet next to the USA.
Linda Nelson says
I like what was said this morning on Fox. “I have a handful of jelly beans and 3 of them are poisonous. Would you eat any of them?” No immigrants until the good guys are in control.
Alicia Salinas says
You mean the good ole guys that hooked on Koch.
Bud Webster says
No, how about George soros, the nazi who he and his father turned Jews over to the ss & gastopo during ww2. He supports media matters and other Marxist entities, yet you bring up the kochs name? You sound like a walking talking point. Your delusional if you think you, think for yourself. Your a lair as well
Alicia Salinas says
Well I don’t know what you mean by this, but I think you think, somebody else thinks for me. I already told you that I am a self thinker. I don’t know what lie I said that warrants to be called a liar. I read, I research, I listen to all news stations, not just FOX. I am very opinionated, but I have always been that way. You wanna know who is gestapo, the man of your dreams Putin. Your spelling sucks, where did you earn your college degree, I would ask for my money back.
Bruce says
A lot of the terrorists are French citizens. So keep out all the French also huh?
Bud Webster says
Their not French jerk, they are Arab implants, it,s widely known throughout Europe the Arabs won,t assemblate into society, put rather take over an area, and enforce their own brand of Shari law. Wake up idiot. Your lack of knowledge has you to be a fool… Fool
Alicia Salinas says
They were French citizens, do you not read the newspaper? I don’t like calling people names, but that word stupid that you like to use, sure does resemble you.
Main street says
Politicians are the worst these days. Never in U.S. history have such uncaring, arrogant and incompetent leaders been elected. Voter turn out is very low. We have a nation where being glued to an I-phone or reality show is considered the norm. These politicians are just a mirror image of our apathetic citizenry.
Melody says
Bob Haines says
My question is simply ; when will congress grow a set of balls and impeach this worthless,unAmericam,Muslim ,piece of shit born in Kenya?????? wKe up Washington and do your job!
Bruce says
First of all he’s a Christian, not a Muslim.
Second of all Isis has killed way more Muslims than they have Christians.
Bud Webster says
How do you know what is in any man heart dope? Isis is killing the Christians , Arab Christians you dope. Does it matter which group Isis is killing? Killing the innocent is evil period. You asshole comment Bruce, show just how stupid you truly are. Brainwashed& totally ignorant
Justin W says
President Obama seems to be intent on making every foolish choice he can make. Fortunately Obama’s reign of error will be over in about 14 months.
Maybe President Obama should move them to the White House. They, as fellow Muslims, could spend many hours helping President Obama dream up new ways to destroy America.
tonyn says
Yesterday Obama said the Republicans are the recruiting Tool for ISIS ,
So …………………..Lets Talk about what might be Inspiring the Radical Jihad thats been on the rise for about as long as the Progressives have been Touting their POPULATION CONTROL Ideology , and consider has it been because of this that the Mullahs have been interpreting Islam in the most aggressive way as to enhance the growth of their population even abusing women so as to multiply rapidly in the opposite direction that the Liberal Progressives have been preaching as the policy needed to sustain world resources and climate change ?????????
If you are a dictatorship monarchy country and listen to what the progressive population control logic is then wouldn’t you think in order to maintain power against the ones you hear that want to reduce your populations ,the ones that you use to stay in power with , you would do the exact opposite ???????????
Fertility Charts show that the Exact opposite have happened in these areas and so maybe the way to approach the issue is to talk about the logic of living on a Finite Earth and that a process of thought about the ability to keep life liberty and abundance a part of that process of sustainability can be the NEW Foreign policy of the 21 century , BECAUSE HEY LIBERALS YOUR WAY HAS NOT WORKED , ITS ONLY CAUSED A RISE OF RESISTANCE INSTEAD OF PROVOKING CONVERSATION ABOUT THE HARMONY BETWEEN FINITE EARTH AND HUMAN SUSTAINABILITY , and its because they went at it in a Tricky way , like with Planned parenthood , they make appear that its all about women’s rights but its more about tricking women into thinking that its OK to abort their babies when the goal is actually to control population growth , and the funny thing about it is they don’t even think we the people are not smart enough to see their ultimate goal , like the undeveloped countries they have been actively pushing this in . The thing is maybe its time to think about just having a logical conversation and quit thinking everyone is not smart enough to understand and this understanding have a affect on family planning . But I bet if this was the conversation more families would be more responsible with their family planning and sustainability achieved . But This would threat the control over the society that the Liberal Progressives have cultured to stay in power like they do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And NOW THEIR GREED FR POWER AND CONTROL HAS BRED A RADICAL JIHAD ON US ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heres a few links on the Progressives thinking and its time to consider if this line of thinking in a behind the scenes approach , or maybe a better way to put it is LEADING FROM BEHIND , with the thinking that leading from behind the scenes we can implement and trick people into doing the things we want is NOT WORKING !!!!!
Hey Hilary don’t you think THE Mullahs are reading this and thinking to hell with your plan , we will over populate and Overwhelm you Hilary and ALL YOUR CLAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hillary Clinton: Population Control Will Now Become The Centerpiece Of U.S. Foreign Policy – See more at:
And maybe the Mullahs are thinking they will Overpopulate and Take us all over and do away with all Of Us , like they think you Liberal Progressives want to do to everyone in the world , My God you have Brought on the Rise of Radical Jihad with your way of THINKING YOU FOOLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Progressive Author Supports Population Control To Curb Global Warming
A Life of Passion: Progressive Eugenics and Planned Parenthood
Alicia Salinas says
When a women is seeking an abortion, the population is the last thing that is on her mind. Most women make the decision on their own, there are those that are victims of man abuse, who are forced into the procedure, but majority of women make their own decisions. Where do you get that “their greed for power to control, has bred radical jihad”. Who is their? You really need to put blame where it belongs, and it’s not on the liberals.
Bud Webster says
No Alicia the woman responsible is Margaret Sanger. She was also a Marxist who put planned parenthood in urban communities to exterminate, or @ the very least control the black population. hillary accepted the Margaret Sanger award a few years back. How on earth could anyone of color vote for here. By her excepting that award, she agrees with Sanger,s vision. And so do you Alicia should you vote for Hillary
Alicia Salinas says
Bud thanks for the advice, you obviously are not a women and have no understanding as to what a women goes through. Women were performing abortions with hangers before abortion became legal, a lot of women died, who knows best what a women needs then another women. Women are not going back to the good ole days when men thought they had to think for them, or they were scared to voice their opinion. Those days are gone, this is a new age world, if you want the rest of your life to be happy and at peace, you will have to get used to it. Abortions will continue no matter whether you make it more difficult for women or not, you either become part of the solution or you work against the grain.
Geezer says
Obama doesn’t need another nation to achieve his objective. Import war criminals/terrorists and upon their becoming active declare martial law. They will honor his beliefs and he will become that he wishes for–Absolute Ruler. Our Congress, having marginalized themselves, will serve at His pleasure and our Republic will be stricken from society. The history books will relate His story as He tells it. Confidence in our government has killed us. In the final chapter the military will follow his direction to pound the country into His Dream. The same shortcomings of prior great societies has become ours and the ending will be the same. We still have an opportunity but there is little chance it will materialize. You all know who you are and I hope you enjoy your just rewards in the Hell you are creating.
Main street says
So many Americans consider kids an inconvenience . They think that voting is an inconvenience. Watching the news or reading a newspaper is an inconvenience. Me, myself and I are their mottos. Then they complain and wonder why things are the way they are.
Larz says
Obama just does not have the best interest of America in his heart. He IS a narcissistic ego maniac and that unfortunately is what we have for a supposed leader of the USA . It’s a big shame because as the first black president he had a tremendous opportunity to be looked up to by other blacks, BUT he has squandered the opportunity because of his leftist mindset. I don’t dislike him because of his black color I dislike him because of the way he is taking the country. He is not leading, he is just so self ubsorbed that he thinks the only way is his way reguardless of a right way for the country. I have a real hard time understanding those who are still of the mind that he’s a good pres ? “low information voter ? ” come to mind ?
Larz says
Alicia has the Cheney bug up her you know what. She can’t see the forest because the trees are in the way !
Alicia Salinas says
No cheny is up yours, that’s where you like him, you are just not out of the closet yet. Just what kind of opportunity do you think President Obama had, when on day one the republican party was out to disagree with every move he made. I can see that the fear mongers have affected your thinking. The forrest is where you need to stay, if you want to live in a backward country. I also can’t understand your logic. Do tell me how this country is so bad for you, and different from 2008.
Bud Webster says
8 year opportunity, with control over congress for 6of those years and 12trillion he himself asked for. When does the Marxist asshole known as Obama own it? Oh, that,s right it bush,s fault.
Alicia Salinas says
And in the 8 years under the circumstances he has accomplished a lot we can be grateful for.
Bruce says
This high level of discourse is so informative. I’ve really learned a lot.
Thanks! 🙂
Bud Webster says
Your to much of an imbacile to have learned anything sweetie, that,s why your a dumbocrat. Everytime you & Alicia open your pieholes, you show us all how stupid and ignorant you are. Both of you are well below (mentally) this forum and it,s context
Alicia Salinas says
And every time you reply shows how much you really want to converse, or curse at us, seems that is the extent to your knowledge.
Tom says
I am ashamed, disgusted and angry that Obama is in any position of influence and authority. I believe he is an idiot (he is average IQ and was not qualified for any college he wormed his way in or artificial degrees), a socialist, someone who has wrongly (for all sides) traded on race and lib politics for personal and purely political gains, and has no real meritorious achievements, a pathetic athlete (how can any human miss 18 straight free throws and bowl a 37), and a classless unAmerican dbag. I mean this with all the disrespect conveyed.
It is because of weak, spineless, uncaring, unethical, unsuccessful, ignorant people like Obama that allows the environment for groups like ISIS to rise and all us Americans, of every race and stature to be so helpless/hopeless, angry and just plain pissed off. Shame on the libs who puppeted this fool for their own needs and for all the selfish ignorant people who voted for him.
I honestly consider Obama and most of the lib elite as enemies of all America!
Bruce says
He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard. Hardly average intelligence.
The real problem is that you and many people here are just plain racist.
It’s that simple!!
Bud Webster says
Race card original , barrack Obama is NOT the first president of color dipshit, your a racist for suggesting it. Obama is the first biracial president, you dumbocrat a are only politically correct when it serves your purpose. Since he and his family had little means, where did he get the 200 k to afford Harvard? Better yet, since he was a constitution professor, how can he justify breaking the constitution with his lawless when he studied it,s precepts. As a progessive Marxist, how could he or Barney sanders swear or uphold the constitution when their belief system are the exact opposite of what the constitution stand for. Next
Alicia Salinas says
Bud admit it, it’s because you don’t know what you are talking about.
Irene says
I think Obama needs to be impeach for taking it upon himself to over ride the rules even if it is illegal to do so. You people who support/supported Obama have not come to the realization that this great Country is turning into the Third World. Where everything the military has fought for and against is becoming a reality. Wake up America!!! I am glad I won’t be around in another 20 years to exactly see this Country go to HELL… But maybe it might already be.
Jamea says
Let me preface my comments with the disclaimer that I am no supporter of this president. We need to have a constructive and respectful dialogue with one another on both sides of every issue. Name calling and rude language will not benefit anyone.
The fact of the matter is, like it or not, he is the president and there will be no impeachment during the remainder of his lame duck term. It is true that the Democratic machine controls the election process in many urban centers, and there have been many instances of election fraud which is why the democrat party vehemently opposes any attempts to institute a sensible voter ID system. You may remember the community organizer group, who O’Bama worked for, that was caught red handed with falsified voter registration forms. Of course, this story like many others that don’t fit the narrative they want to sell, got little or no coverage by the lamestream press.
Let’s talk about the issues, but let’s do so politely with mutual respect.
Bud Webster says
It is tuff to have dialog with people who lie wright through their teeth. And think America is the problem, never mind the billion we give to the Middle East in charity. The kor,an clearly states 2 things, they want a worldwide califate ( Muslim shari law in a worldwide Islamic religion) and if you don,t submit to it, off goes the head of the infadel. How can they come to power in other countries unless they infiltrate ? Obama is bringing a trogan horse or America. Iv,e heard their are as many as 33 Isis camps already in the states. How level of stupidity amongst the progessive is mind boggling
Robert Morrow says
Obummer does not have to defy congress. He just has to grease a few politicians palms and they will sell their own into slavery or worse.
Ralph says
I don’t typically go on rants or express my political beliefs here, but I just have to get this off my mind. As some of you know, I’m active duty Army. Aside from that, I am a medic. I’ve spent 3 years of my life overseas in both Afghanistan and Iraq. I’ve seen some pretty atrocious sites caused by war, from both sides. I’ve picked up blown up body parts of friends and I’ve saved the lives of guys who were trying to kill me and my guys right before I was keeping them from their 72 virgins or whatever they believe awaits them on the other side. Here is an unbiased truthful view to the Syrian refugee situation. My first deployment to Iraq, in 2006, my unit voluntarily ran a children’s burn clinic outside of the FOB. It was a constant target for attacks. You would think that people wouldn’t shoot mortars or rockets at their own children, but you would be wrong. We saw hundreds of children, from infants to 18 year olds. The overwhelming majority of the kids we saw (90% or better) were clear cases of abuse. These parents were literally dunking their kids in boiling water, or throwing hot chai at their kids’ faces… Yes, we’re talking about babies, toddlers, kids not even old enough to understand why their parents would do these things to them. HUNDREDS of kids… We saw quite a few of these kids that were sexually abused, both girls and boys. Their parents acted if nothing was wrong with this, even when confronted by our doctors. This is the mentality of their society, not the viewpoint of a few individuals… these beliefs have been accepted to the vast majority of these people. Many were educated, well dressed, well-spoken men, but yet, they still raped their own children, and kept chai boys (if you don’t know what that means, google it.) During that deployment, we also captured the 3rd largest EFP cache that had ever been captured. There were hundreds of copper plates, homemade explosives, fake curbs to house the EFP’s, hundreds of mortars and rockets and howitzer rounds, even an anti-aircraft gun. All of these things came from one place, Syria. Almost every single IED or EFP we found or hit could be traced back to Syria… A lot of the terrorists we captured were from SYRIA… Imagine that. Fast forward a couple years, and I find myself in Helmand Province, in Afghanistan… We had a group of Afghani’s that were paid to help guard our little mud hut in the middle of an Afghan village (I wasn’t on a fob) These guys also kept a “chai boy” A boy, about 11 years old, who was there to serve these guys sexually. We heard him being sexually assaulted many times, but there was nothing we could do about it. We asked the police, the Afghan Army, and we were told the same thing every time…. it’s their culture, and accepted as the norm…. Once again, we captured Syrian made explosives, weapons, and other items… We found Syrian passports during raids… And people out there want us to let these people into the US, with our kids, and near our wives. Near our schools, near our churches, synagogues, malls. Places where we should never have to fear being blown up, shot, kidnapped and tortured… Don’t forget what they did to the Egyptian Coptic Christians, or the Jordanian pilot… Don’t forget about what they do to rape victims! They stone these women to death for being raped! They behead their own people. Do you think they will show mercy to you? Look at the rape statistics in Denmark, Sweden, Belgium. Facts don’t lie… 97% of rapes committed in Sweden were committed by Muslim immigrants… And you want 10,000 of these people here? Even if just 1% of these so called “refugees” were ISIS supporters or active ISIS terrorists, would that be acceptable to you? Chew on it… think about it. Take a good look at your kids or your wife and decide if the risk is worth taking. Feel free to share this if you want.
H/T: Victoria Baer
Bud Webster says
Thank you sir, you are a great American patriot, thank God for men of valour like you sir. I believe every word you have wrote. We need to impeach or hang the Marxist in chief. Time is running out
Jacquie Johnson says
Well after reading MOST of these comments I will just say that you all that are so filled with hate should take your issues with President Obama to Jesus in prayer. All this ranting and raving that you are doing is not helping solve anything but just leading you to an ulcer. I am NOT pleased with a lot of President Obama’s decisions and actions especially this last year but I am going to do what the Word of God tells us to do and that is to pray for our leaders. He IS the elected leader of the United States ; He didn’t STEAL the election; people voted for him WILLINGLY. All the name calling and derogatory statements made concerning the leader of our country is just plain wrong and will solve absolutely nothing.
Alicia Salinas says
Finally someone that can think logically. Thank you for your comment.
KayO says
Did it ever occur to you that Obama was voted in because so many people have turned their backs on God? With all due respect, Jezebel was a “leader” too.
Alicia Salinas says
No turning against God is NOT one of the reasons that President Obama was elected into office. But is very amusing.
Mike O'Brien says
This bastard must be impeached……. flood Congress with calls
Richard says
Obama acts like a bully dictator because he knows full well that cowardly white skinned Republicans are more fearful of being called “racist” for opposing him then anything else. In other words, they are not defending the nation nor its constitution. They’ve got to go because Obama has committed many impeachable offenses that go unanswered by those cowards. Mitch, now Ryan, not a peep out of any of them on this issue or any other.
KayO says
I’m sick and tired of our leaders allowing Obama to get away with his tyranny. Enough with this polite-nice-guy junk. Congress needs to get tough, put Obama in his place or get out of our way. Too much “but, we can’t” attitude. Get on it or get out!
Jim says
Most people do not realize that Obama was a “LIE” from the beginning and a Muslim plant for the Presidential seat in America. I am 73 and have done some extensive research on this … from the beginning. He was born in Mombasa, Kenya. Born and raised a Muslim and spent 2 years in Russia … which was not for ‘vacation’! He was constantly surrounded by Communist ‘friends’. One was present at the Senator’s House Party where he was introduced as her choice to replace her when she left office. He attempted to build a Christian ‘background’, which never held water. His Pastor, Jeremiah Wright was/is as far from a Christian as one can get. Between Obama and OUR Supreme Court … it is hard to determine which is trying the hardest to bring America to her knees. He should be the next one in Gitmo! The CPUSA sued the Democratic Party for Stealing their agenda, changing it’s name to Progressive and claiming it as their own. At my last check, like Obama … they have done nothing!
ees says
So true/. I am 80 years now and so many younger people do not remember history. They can only relate to what has happened in their life time.. Hillary and Bill Clinton have been involved in so many corrupt things, I can not even remember them all, and Hillary fit right into Obamas programs. In 4 years I can not think on one good thing Hillary Or Obama did Hillarty says she never sent or received anything top secret on her private email server. If that is the truth, then she did nothing as secretary of state for 4 years. WHAT A FOOL.
CARL says
Hi Alicia, Enjoyed your banter with the, ahh, ideologues. Big word for them, but that is what they are. Ideology, not governing. Why I say this is that not only do all of there people hate Obama, they hate anyone who is different than they are. And we know that that is a huge sign of immaturity, and intentionally remaining ignorant. These people hate blacks, brown, yellow and all shades in between. As you have pointed out, not only are we all immigrants, but we also stole all of this land from the real original Americans. Including Texas which was Mexico. But actually people who think like this will have something to fear when these people that we have mistreated for hundreds of years show up in strength and demand not only restitution, but reparations and probably retribution.. The fact is, why should anyone from any other country feel anything but dislike for Americans and America? We abuse, and use, everyone, then kill them if they object.
Alicia Salinas says
Thanks Carl, I appreciate your thoughts. I now where I stand, I know where I come from and I know where I’m going. Many here need to be led.
Michael Prokop says
Congress needs to file formal charges against Obama for not doing his job and other charges like treason and not protecting the American people’s interests and safety. Force him to step up and do the right thing or resign. If he doesn’t like that then impeach him!!! He needs to get out of office if the country has any chance of surviving. The way Obama acts most of the time like he doesn’t want to hurt his own people so that’s why he doesn’t want to continuing attacks and destroying ISIS. It seems like he isn’t for the American people at all.
Fred Mitchell says
Sentors, should start telling Obama,the reason,he is defying, by bringing in refugees,because he is an Muslim Pres.
hector says
Alicia Salinas: Pobrecita pendeja, ( poor moron ) if you might vote for Dr Carson, he might give you a free brain transplant, no promises…
Alicia Salinas says
aye Hector que blanco, y que sonso. No there is one in the republican field that is qualified as of yet, maybe in the future, we will check it out next 4 years cycle.
Mindy Zumba says
He should close gitmo, pour cement in all the drains, plywood the widows, move the prisoners to a federal prison here…the area is fenced, so he could let goats, chickens, cows, sheep, pigs or whatever to live there….,
Mary Barnes says
Like so many others I do not understand how some illegal American hating Muslim can continue to disregard the Constitution and how he can keep putting us deeper in debt with his spending and now he is bringing all of these illegal people into the country, paying how much money to bring them and how much money to support them once they get here. Why are the elected officials afraid to try and impeach that gay illegal piece of garbage?? Back when Clinton was in office they were quick to try and impeach him because he got his cigar smoked in the oval office. He didn’t do damage to the country or the people.
Obama and his moo should be held responsible for the money they have spent, the money he has been paid, the money for their vacations and any other money they have spent because he is not legally eligible to be in office. He is destroying this country and has plans to put people in FEMA camps, micro chip people, steal their saving and retirement. Just what are these so called elected officials even in office for. Not one of them have the balls to stand up and do what they were elected to do and that is protect the state they are from and the people they were elected by. The ones from Oregon are as useless as you can get. Every time I email Jeff Merkley about concerns and things that I want to know about he emails me back saying he is doing what is best for Oregon and best for the people but he is kissing Obamas ass and doing what is good for him and Obama. Schrader is the same as Obama and then Wyden is the same way. They all make this a life time job, taking money for their votes from lobbyists. Our government is the most corrupt bunch of idiots we have ever had. They all need to be given their walking papers, told Your Fired like Trump says on the apprentice. Trump is the only one running who can turn this country around and get the greatest country in the world back to what it was before a gay, illegal POS stole and lied his way into office and his Moo should be charged because she knew he was not eligible to be in the highest office in the country. I love my country,. I am proud to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world and I love the fact of our Constitution and our flag and the fact we have freedom of speech and I hate the bunch of over paid, under worked corrupt idiots who are what we have to call government. Our Military fights for the country and our people the flag and the Constitution but they are disrespected , they do not get the respect they deserve, they are not given safe equipment. We have so many Veterans who are homeless they can’t get the medical they deserve and they can’t get anything they were told they would get when they went into the Military and all this corrupt bunch of idiots are doing is slapping the Military in the face each time they refuse to do anything for them but they will do for all of these illegals they are filling this country up with. I am so thankful for the right of freedom of speech and I can say what I feel about the bunch of corrupt idiots in DC that we are stuck having for a corrupt government.
Fred Mitchell says
Nothing new, Obama has defy congress, since he has been pres,I hate to say pres.He wants to run this country , with out an Congress, an he does,We need a real Pres,I know can”t happen,bad news is, will America be in a hell’ve mess? with Obama,we have to figure it out.
Wallace says
Our lawmakers must be afraid of Obama or they would have gotten rid of him long ago.
Wallace says
Our lawmakers must be afraid of Obama or else they would have gotten rid of him a long time ago.