The opposition over President Barack Obama’s plans to accept 10,000 refugees from Syria over the next year has escalated in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, with many Republicans questioning whether the United States can adequately screen Syrian migrants.
Now, critics are starting to accuse the administration of deliberately discriminating against Christian refugees in favor of Muslims.
Since the tragic November 13th Paris attacks, 132 Syrian Sunni Muslim refugees have been put through a controversial vetting process and granted admission into the United States.
Surprisingly, not a single Christian has been allowed into the United States from Syria during that time period, despite Christians making up approximately 10 percent of the country’s population.
Since the United States began taking in Syrian refugees in 2011, there have been shockingly few Christians among them admitted into the United States – just 53 of the 2,296 total.
That represents a rate of just 2.3% of all Syrian refugees. And it’s getting worse, not better, for the Christians seeking to come to America.
Since the fiscal year started on October 1, 98.8% of the 423 accepted refugees were Sunni Muslims, while just 1.2% were Christian. Critics have also pointed out that the Sunni Muslims the Obama administration is letting in aren’t just the “widows and orphans” that Obama mocked Republicans for being scared of.
There are more men than women among the refugees, and most the men are at –or near – the so-called fighting age. For example, 54 percent of the 423 recently-admitted refugees were male. Of them, 111 were between 14-50 years old.
“[Terrorists] are trying to exploit the refugee crisis out in the Middle East to insert fighters into foreign counties,” Sen. Marco Rubio told a New Hampshire audience in response to a voter who said Americans are concerned with immigration from a national security perspective. “We can’t ignore that.”
“I think a better solution is one that the people from the Middle East would agree with: Make it easier for them to stay in that part of the world,” Rubio said to applause from the crowd.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Main street says
Where’s congress? While Americans wait hours in line for “Black Friday” sales, text, tweet and concentrate on that reality show, their nation has been fundamentally changed. In a generation or less they will be insignificant politically in their own land. Who cares about the future when you can stare mindlessly into a smart phone? It’s all good, right?
They are awol. If not that they are MIA (Missing in action>
Dodie says
And we expected more from a man who mocks the bible, is of muslim faith, and a phoney birth certificate…?…..Lots of Americans just voted for him without knowing the first thing about him…
Phil White says
Amen, Obama tries everyday to refer to Christians as the Radicals and for ways to imprison Christians for failure to support his Immoral Executive Orders… God Bless and Protect American Christians and Infidels from Obama and His Supporters, ie….His Muslim Brotherhood Advisers and Communist Politicans !!
John says
Some historic facts for all to read and distribute to this who are ignorant of these facts:
Mike Gallagher, a radio host and conservative political commentator is the host of The Mike Gallagher Show. Someone wrote an essay entitled “Obama, it was You”. Mike read it on his show, and then posted it on his FB page, at the request of many. It is eye-opening! Here it is:
President Obama:
This is why you didn’t go to France to show solidarity against the Muslim terrorists:
* It was you who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner -“I am one of you.”
* It was you who on ABC News referenced – “My Muslim faith.”
* It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
* It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict -“I will stand with the Muslims.”
* It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that – “I am a Muslim.”
* It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
* It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.
* It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
* It was you who purposefully omitted – “endowed by our Creator” – from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
* It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the ‘HOLY’ Quran.
* It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
* It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.
* It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the WH.
* It was you who ordered Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested that the mosques you have visited adjust their decor.
* It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.
* It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security.
* It was you who said that NASA’ “foremost mission” was an outreach to Muslim communities.
* It was you who as an Illinois Senator was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.
* It was you who was the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the WH, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the WH tree.
* It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.
* It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
* It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.
* It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.
* It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.
* It was you who ordered the USPS to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
* It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community.
* It was you who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in your quest to overthrow the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak.
* It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.
* It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
* It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal WH religious events.
* It was you who was un-characteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, formerly America’s strongest ally in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of Egyptian Christians.
* It was you who appointed your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. The above provides the basis for virtually everything Obama does.
American Patriot says
And WHY haven’t we removed this traitor from office?
Bettye says
What is a wrong with our president? Has he gone mad? 10,000 Muslims to invade the U.S.A. by his wishes Where are you Congress, Senators, and the House. Just let him have his way. Why does the people not have a say. Hillary will do the same, if she is elected. Folks Pray and Pray that Obama changes his mind. No jobs for the American’s and here we go welfare for the Muslim. We cannot get the freebies. Thanks Obama for being the worst President in History. GOD BLESS AMERICA. We as Christians do not matter, just your friends Muslims.
DogWithoutSlippers says
All of this is true. So why don’t our stellar leaders do something about it?
Why? They must be intimidated, bribed, or blackmailed. All of the bloodsuckers on The American People. Term limits, no pensions, no lifetime tit gigs!~
[email protected] says
Could not have been stated any better!! Unfortunately this president is doing nothing to protect America.
frank says
You left out that the big 0 is the manchuran canadate..
Julia says
anita says
believe me Obama, God will deal with you in His time,and you will have a rude awakening ,but it will be too late for you ,so take my advise and shape up and it will not be too late for you ,but if you don’t head His warning I don’t feel sorry for you ,and you will get what you deserve ,throw away your Koran and start reading the Bible ,it is almost impossible to convert a Muslim ,
dave boxcr says
time to put the head Muslim down before election more trouble all the time
Frank Donal says
No matter how much dirty mud you sling at him but he did give order to kill Ben Laden whether he was involved in 9/11 or not.The congress is wise body of USA and they approve what ever is best for USA, no matter if the President of America is Muslim Christian or any other faith.
Peter Joffe says
Part of Obama’s great legacy will be when he changes the USA and its currency to Islam. The bank notes will soon say “In Allah we Trust and Mohammad is his messenger?? The USA used to be a Christian and Jewish society but it is fast becoming a Muslim country. Why should Iran build their own nuclear weapons when soon Obama will be selling them to them?? White House Jihadist can and are 1,000 times more damage than the Paris Attacks. Soon we will only see pictures of Obama hiding behind a mask. The next American Civil war will be catastrophic. Imagine the USA Armed forces being ordered to kill their own????? They will not do it and will bomb the White House instead.
Paul Fishman says
Agreed. As usual the President is showing his prejudice against Christians. He is just showing a teen age rebellion against us. Mr. President needs to grow up and be a reasonable adult and pay attention to specific things that are right even if it is inconvenient.
Chrisie says
Very true..actually he is racist..favors black opinion only
Pam Ela says
Black Muslim only. Not black Christian.
lou says
Or Blacksh1t matters
anita says
he is not only racist he is a Traitor ,and anti American ,what is done to a Traitor ??? we already know that he is not fit to lead America ,not even an Outhouse for that matter ,I did not vote for him the first time ,only Idiots voted for him the second time. and all the welfare Parasites did vote for him not because he is a mediocre president ,but to get that free Check every Month
Annick Stiefel says
You are absolutely right anita. Good thinking.
Mario Siniscalchi says
In Obummers last year in office he will release his wrath on America. while everyone will do nothing to stop him. GOD help us!
Tom says
You are so very, very right. Now what if I throw Obama out of the country and let all the Christians in? Sounds great to me.
Eva Lindsay says
America needs to repent, we have allowed this muslium into our White House, not once but twice. While we turn a blind eye to his ——-. We as Christians should be ashamed. Also the ones we voted in to stop him have not done one thing to stop him. SAD
Rose says
I say and vote for IMPEACHMENT!
anita says
that sounds too good to be true ,if only someone in Washington had the guts to do it ,but they are all gutless cowards and on the take ,
Cynthia Tompkins says
Yes I don’t know how he became president at all… he is evil
Grady Phillips says
I am so disgusted over the Obama administration that they are more interested in other countries and their problems all the while borrowing away our children’s future when will it end ?. The Election cannot come fast enough for The United States !
andy says
Same low information voters that put Obama in office twice
karen says
Those low information voters were black and Mexican, because the only thing they cared about was cell phones and checks. The safety of this nation was not even cared about by the white people that voted for this creature.
lou says
Don’t for get the weak pencil neck White Liberals
frank says
Anyone who votes for anybody but Donald Trump will get what they deserve .
bill says
Who cares if they’re Christian or Muslim – keep them all out!!!!!
Pam Ela says
I second that. “Keep Them ALL out!!! “
Stanley M. says
This is an invasion of U.S. soil and the Obama administration is doing nothing to stop it, In fact they are encouraging it, This is aiding and abetting our enemy. They all must be replaced with people that follow our Constitution.
Dolores Wieland says
they are mostly self-absorbed….me,me,me,me……….
Eleanor says
Where is Obama and what’s he doing for America? Good question, but you may not like the answer!!
History will show, if we live long enough as a Country, that Obama is the worst, the most damaging, the most anti-American President we have ever had. The Constitution is very clear on how we should deal with this situation, but the other two branches of our government are doing NOTHING.
or Copy and paste this into your search engine.
4-Star Admiral: Obama Is Leading The Muslim Brotherhood, Who Has Infiltrated All US Security and Intel Agencies
We need to send this to as many people as we can. Americans STILL don’t know they are in terrible danger – they and their families!
I don’t think the American public even knows about this. If a Muslim tells you he is anti-violence and will never attack you or try to take over your country DON’T BELIEVE A WORD HE (OR SHE) SAYS. The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. I know a Muslim woman who lives in AZ. When she and her daughter come from the mosque, they are so sure Obumma is some great Muslim prophet and savior, and “soon, very soon” America will be all Muslim. Oh, but I won’t be hurt. And I believe them??? I don’t think so!
Patty Patriot says
This is a problem when the muslim Obama keeps bringing more muslims in then they vote for sharia law. Then we have parts of the country under sharia law and some others not and that will be confusing. At that pouint they could turn the national guard in that area into a small version of ISIS. Don’t let it happen we nee dto impeach Obama or get Trump in there to put a stop to it. I’m sick of Obamas antiChrist actions.
Main street says
Republicans control the Congress and 75% of state legislatures. What are they doing? You’d think that Democrats controlled everything. These things shouldn’t be happening.
Dianne says
The Govs who have expressed they don’t want any of these miscreants are being threatened by Obama and his cronies that they better shape up or he will punish them by taking their Fed money away. Follow this woman for a daily recap of who is screwing the American people on a daily basis.
adolf fillips says
All I can say the turn coats (Republican) have been pay off
The Jackass passed the stimulus bill as the first order of business
to us for this purpose —If not were is the money and why are the Republicans
on this treasons path?
harold says
when are we gonna wake up to what the bastard presis doing the sob is himself a efing muslim,not sure? go to and search obama admits he is a muslim
Tom says
It is just more to the Muslem Obama to help him in fighting Americans so he can stay in office. He wants to be the Dictator of America and we have to stop this from happening. Keep buying your ammo and guns. We need to keep America free. Even though we will have some of the Military on our sides it will still be a hard fought war that we must win to evict this Muslem Radical out of the WH. with everything we have to do it. Fight as 1..
sn says
How many Christians are being brought in by your Furor? Only muslims. Who took down the twin towers; NOT Christians but muslims. Aiding and abetting an enemy of the USA is treason……
Fred says
It’ coming. At the rate Muslims multiply, it won’t be long until they take over, even with low immigration. The video of Muslim immigrants (mostly young males) in Germany showed them being abusive,arrogant, and stating that they were coming to marry the girls and raise many Muslim children.
Jim says
Dittos Patty.Excellent observation especially wuith National Guard being turned into ISIS. I never thought of that. I agree.
Fardos Naguib says
What good is a right you do not use?
Looks to me worse than a right you do not have.
Please try to earn the rights your country is granting you.
Plenty in our vast world do not even have such privilege.
We need to use our brain more promptly than reaching for our sword
By the way, Obama is among the better presidents we ever had. He, certainly, did not send our young men to war to be killed for futile reason(s), like his ego or to enrich his pocket for example.
And, Obama is christian not Moslem, as you contend. Not that I see any difference between the two, they are both humans.
Patty Patriot says
Princess Diana and Jeffrey Dahmer were both humans but I see a difference do you?
Lisa38 says
Great analogy…. 🙂
steve h says
Fardos, you are an idiot.
Lisa38 says
Lisa38 says
Actions speak LOUDER than words.
Rick Worthngton says
Goodness me – you are soooo naive it’s unbelievable! Maybe you are uneducated, if so, you could be excused for thinking in such a mindless manner. However, if you have any education at all, I would suggest you try and read the Koran and then try attempt to understand the differebce.
Rick Worthngton says
By the way – just so there’s no misunderstanding – my last reply was directed to Fardos Naguib –
Obama’s real history would also make him a little more enlightened me thinks!
Carla Isselmann says
Can you imagine what a delight it will be on November 6 to elect TRUMP and get rid of this sad mistake that has done so much damage to this wonderful country.Nobody was ever allowed to ask where the imposter came from and we all have suffered under that. Nothing but damage….nothing but harm and nobody in Congress could say or do anything, because the liberal media would make hamburger-helper out of that guy/lady. Wonderful to get a President Trump who is nobody’s puppet-on-a-string, like Soros…
Bud webster says
Unfortunately Carla, we don,t have the 13 months left to wait for an election, these sheep in wolfs clothing Syrians, will go straight to the 22 training camps already established here. Obama is aiding our enemy, He needs to have a noose tied around his neck and hung for the traitor/ tyrant / Marxist bastardized he is
bear says
THINK!!! If lying Clinton gets office,she will without a doubt follow Obama’s lead! she nor trump knows what the hell they’re doing.
Lisa38 says
No doubt about it. She might even be a little worse than BO.
Annick Stiefel says
Obama is the worse president ever. Hillary will be the next one if she is elected.
Communism is very scary. Look at Cuba, Venezuela, North Corea and more…
Hillary is a very rich communist and a very dangerous one.
Don’t vote for Hillary Clinton If you love your country.
B. Smythe says
Obama is now bring in his family his bro’s and sisters. Nobody know that Obama was a Muslim before he became president. Before becoming president it cost him thousands to get his papers all changed to say nothing about him being a Muslim. So all the Muslims he is bring in are all related down the line, so he is now welcoming is family members and they will take over your country and if it takes killings to get what they want, so let it be it.
So Obama Mr. Muslim it’s now in the open and the war will begin, you trader, dishonest person. Hurry to get Trump in before there is innocent people being killed, so the Muslims can have control over the USA.
Rick Worthngton says
Well, we can but hope – let’s hope the “masses” see the light BEFORE the election!
Rikk Hammer says
Our govenment has been running our country into the ground for years and now they are just handing America over to the enemy.. WTF! All I can say is get ready to fight! Exercise our constitutional rights.. Take up arms, stockpile ammo and supplies and dig in.. Cuz these a**holes arent gonna be happy till the terroists are living in our houses and raping our wives and children all in ths name of their false gods. What a joke our leaders have been castrated with all their political correctness. One thing is certain though Sh** is gonna hit the fan. Get ready to fight back!
Carl says
Come on Mo, congress needs to address this bias! Isis is Syrian Sunni Muslim, so why are these males,ages 18 -45 refugees? Obama letting in Muslim immigrants, not Christians
Carl says
Come on, congress needs to address this bias! Isis is Syrian Sunni Muslim, so why are these males, ages 18 -45 refugees? Obama letting in Muslim immigrants, not Christians
Jjb says
The Horn – Sorry, but I really have to ask this question — because I’m NOT finding any source – READ: GOVERNMENT and/or INDEPENDENT no conspiracy sites that support this “Muslim -v- Christians” from Syria.
I’m tired of “Conservative” sites being seriously shy of any valid source that verifies this? I hate looking like a FOOL / SHEEPLE from my own side.
So seriously – do you have an actual source that validates this Muslims over Christians? Other than another media news report?
There has to be some Government Documents that show “Religious Preference: Muslim / Christian” ….?
Melody says
Seriously, “this” is your issue? Really!! In the middle of this insanity and our Muslim president allowed to do whatever he wants and throw it in the face of our “do-nothing” Congress, you’re worried about a place to verify Muslim vs Christian. With the president we have, you have to know they are already among us, just waiting for the word to kill all of us that they can.
Dolores Wieland says
JjB doesn’t know what he is talking about, Melody. He reads liberal papers
Jjb says
Wow …. just wow ….. “They have eyes but do not see….”
No – I do not read “Liberal Papers. I read and go check out my many posts on the Conservative On-Line Magazines threads.
What I am saying is, I am noticing that Conservatives are not even able to get their FACTS RIGHTS and/or understand what is even in front of their noses. Take this site for instances.
TITLE: Obama letting in Muslim immigrants, not Christians
DECEMBER 1, 2015
So what is the topic? Muslims over Christians. Unless I seriously missed something in the title? Seems pretty clear to me.
So instead of dialog of my points, like the LIBERALS do, you all are throwing out insults and name calling and AVOIDING the point of the articles: Obama letting in Muslim immigrants, not Christians… DECEMBER 1, 2015
So call me names – are Muslim Refugees getting into the USA?
… YES!
Is this a good thing?
… NO!
But … and again, I can find no reference of data showing 90% Muslims -vs- 10% Christians or any other stats that can be verified – other then MUSLIM SYRIAN REFUGEE.
But hey, I guess FACTS are not really needed and the title is just that – HYPE – and people are going all gung ho on the:
EMO-HYPE of the Title.
So continue the name calling, just like the Liberals do … I mean seriously why be above that? Why be concerned about FACTS? Just “go with the EMO-FLOW” and Facts be damned.
Highsider says
I don’t suppose that it has occurred to you, Jjb, that the fact that you can’t find documentation for a particular statement someone else offers doesn’t mean anything except that the one you are trying to refute may be better on the internet than you. You refute something by fining documentation that it’s incorrect.
Bud webster says
Are you a retart jjb? What needs to fall on your head to wake up? Your exactly what,s wrong with America, no common sense. First , 95 percent of the Arabs follow the tennets of the Muslim pagan religion. Which means, nearly all of the Syrians coming here are Arab Muslims, why do you need confirmation from a lying media to spin the truth to begin with? Seriously, are you that dense dude? It,s never been a peaceful religion EVER. It,s a religion that dominates everything but the MEN who believe in it,s crap. Woman are subservient, and foreigners either submit to it,s will or die by the sword ( suri chapter 4 of the Koran) your comment shows your ignorance, you need to educate yourself if that,s possible. Sorry to insult you, but @ this point how the hell can you be so nieve?
Jjb says
No – it’s just that I hear this and yet can find NO verification of it of the Muslim -v- Christian discrimination.
Sorry, but I look for FACTS – not EMO WORDS / PHRASES.
I got ‘caught’ with a GIF of some words that Hillary supposedly said. It was going around FB like fire.
I got “called out” on it and thus started to do my homework.
I found I could find ZERO verification of this quote, even on the Paper it was supposedly sighted from.
So I wrote the Paper and they stated, “No and thanks for asking. You are not the first to ask this about us. This supposed quote is NOT from us. Trust me, Mr. B. if we did indeed have this quote on RECORD it would be HOT and we would be selling papers like Starbucks Coffee! Thanks for asking and please, you have permission to post this.”
In other words – it was DEBUNKED.
FINE PRINT: I am against the Refugees coming to the USA. You can easily find that on my FB posts / pages, very easily found and you find my Anti-Stance very “heated” and “Firm”.
But I am finding more and more that even on Blogs like this RUMORS are taken as fact – when none can be found, like the Hillary GIF.
Do you want to look like fools when you find that MAYBE and understand I stated MAYBE that ratio is 50/50? Understand I am against the REFUGEE program … but I am also against Rumors and “hear say” being passed off as FACTS … when there are none.
So I’m asking for Verifiable Facts on the Christian side. If you all do not understand that .. the problem is with you and not me. I’m tired of passing off rumors and hear-say as facts and then having to well …
Patty Patriot says
Why don’t you find some lies about Hillary on some libtard news page then. I believe it because the numbers are there and we know how that damn Obama is. Stop being a sheep of the lamestream media and get with it. Besides Obama probably gets google to filter out bad stuff about him. he’s a bully and I can’t wait tile we get a real man like Trump or Dr. carson in the white house.
Lisa38 says
Jjb says
and I quote:
“Why don’t you find some lies about Hillary on some libtard news page then…”
Answer – I have and done so MANY times on FB page and other e/mag – blogs. So this is not an issue with me.
steve h says
Jjb ………….. please stop. Your explanations of why you think you are the sharpest knife in the drawer are killing us.
Tony says
FINALLY, someone who understands the real issue here. One cannot validly claim that “Christians” from Syria are being denied entry into the USA based solely on their percentage of the Syrian population. Unless the author can demonstrate that “Christians” from Syria are actually seeking access to the USA via this program and are being rejected, the article is just another thoughtless rant. Moreover, the President is not the person making decisions on whom to admit. The decision is made by the agency controlling immigration.
Lisa38 says
You “think” he’s not concerned about the refugees being turned away? Before it’s all said and done I’m positive he’ll sign yet another executive order to allow them in and access to all the “freebies” we have.
Jjb says
But it seems for some, insults and name calling is the “Higher Road” and well … then asking the “hardball questions” … is the TITLE OF THIS ARTICLE ACCURATE AND TRUE?
Apparently we DARE NOT ASK THAT QUESTION …. they might not like to find out it’s not all that accurate.
Richard says
“Since Nov. 13th Paris attacks, 132 Syrian Sunni Muslim refugees have been put through a controversial vetting process and granted admission to the U.S.” It only took less than two weeks to check these people out? I read it was to be at least a year long process. Folks we’re doomed if this crap continues to go on and the congress does nothing.
Lisa38 says
I read some place it took 2 years. Of course when you have “help” from the top anything can be quickly forced thru.
stephen leonhard says
I continue to be amazed that we, collectively, elected this incompatent to the presidency twice! He continues to demonstrate his socialist convictions which will lead to the end of freedom as we know it! Shame on us!!
Karrie says
This is TOO frightening for words!! Thank goodness he will soon be out of office.
Melody says
I’m afraid the damage will be done before he leaves office. He wants to be the last president in office and have a way to declare marshall law over the US. Then he can be King Obama.
Lisa38 says
Is it “Martial law” or “marshall” law? Forgive me if I’m wrong but I thought it was martial law 🙂
But I do agree with everything you said.
Gary Stanfield says
Who does this muslim think he is-beside the POTUS!! Well, he is and it is our black eye, he is a muslim, I do not care what people say-he is!!! Look at his record on human actions and you will find the ragheads won on all actions. He has said, more than once, that his actions will assure that Democrats will be in the white house, indefinitely, because of who he is allowing in the U.S.. He is a disgrace to our Founding Fathers and what we stand for and fought for. I am a Viet Nam Vet and why is has not been impeached is way beyond my thinking. May God have mercy on us and the U.S. and the world while he is leading us towards being a muslim nation!
Ronald Ostman says
what in the Heck is wrong with him, he doens’t belong in office, get him out Right now.
Joseph Adinolfi says
Where is the proof of any of this stuff? These people who say Obama is a Muslim should start listening to other news sources other then FOX and all the other conservative, so called, “news” shows. If the idiot, George Bush didn’t lie to the country and we didn’t attack Iraq, we wouldn’t be in this mess in the Middle East. Jeb Bush recently said “My brother kept us safe”. I guess 9/11 didn’t count.
Melody says
Sir, I hope you have a way to protect your family from what is coming. All you need to do is study and read and listen to understand the leadership of this country. You might want to read up on Sharia Law.
Bud webster says
Your an asshole Joey, how difficult is it after 19 un resolutions and over a year of posturing from all for soddom to have moved weapons of mass destruction into the desert to be hid. Still on the bush train are you? Hilary the fat assed bitch voted for the Iraq war, so did John I,m not Irish though I run as one Kerry did as well, along with plenty of the Marxist demoncrats. No mention of them though rite asshole Joey? You to stupid for the truth, hil- billy embessled hundreds of millions as Secretary of State a position she had no credentials for, top military documents she allowed to be hacked, plenty of proof on that, yet you progessive Marxist support her. Pretty sad, your Marxist party has absolutely no leaders. How,s that for truth dickhead
Patty Patriot says
This is typical libtard BS! go look it up he admitted hes a muslim. Look at his name. some people are so blind because they want to feel good we have a black president they don’t look at the bad. But Dr. Carson is a black president we can believe in.
John Donaghue says
Mr. Obama acts like a Muslim, and if he is not then he is a sympathizer. It is the duty of all Muslims to kill Jews, Christians, and infidels. New form of discrimination in America which is no different than discrimination against blacks. Study Muslim ways and religion to find out how Muslims are to treat infidels.
Vicki says
It just keeps getting worse. I cannot believe the Republicans have allowed travesty after travesty of illegal and unconstitutional executive orders that are destroying the basic ideals and goals of our Founding Fathers. Obama is a liar about everything and from the beginning of his first campaign. The only thing that was the truth is he promised to transform America. I didn’t suspect he meant from heaven to hell.
Melody says
Lisa38 says
Grover Syck says
Fewer Christians sounds good to me.
Melody says
I honestly can’t believe you just said that.
Lisa38 says
Ever hear of a “Troll”?
Bud webster says
Satan prolly agrees with you Grover, you 2 can discuss over eternity while satan is sticking his pitchfork up your ass forever, you might want to change your stance before it,s too late. Funny thing, it,s not the Christians causing these problems is it. Grover
Lisa38 says
Grover must be……you know “one of those”…….I really feel sorry for him. 🙂
WALID says
Obama muslim terrorist want to make america muslim daesh their nation has been fundamentally change
I’m sick of Obamas anti Christ actions could turn the national guard in that area into a small version of ISIS
Patty Patriot says
Right it’s so obvious! we keep giving the military money but what if they are the new ISIS? then what about cops?
Lisa38 says
“Things” are being orchestrated in this country to make the police look bad. And I have to agree the biggest majority should be placed in a bad light. Once that the public “think” that our local and state police are too corrupt to do their jobs. That’s when martial law will be forced upon us. After that our freedom will be just a memory.
kent powers says
He’s building a Muslim army paid for by American taxpayers, the weapons & ammo has been purchased & stored back for the past 4 years. They are flooding thru our open borders from Meico, Canada, both coasts, visa’s, green cards, work permits, student visa’s, there will soon be a force here 6 times as large as in the middle east.
Melody says
Yes, and larger than our Obama reduced military force.
Lisa38 says
And a large amount are being educated by the American tax payer.
Oscar Y. Harward says
President Obama’s policies certainly show how their administration discriminate against Christians.
Peter says
Obama is merely “playing America’s ‘heartstrings'” with this “mirage of Salvation” he is creating for these malingerers. First of all, be clear, there is only one Almighty God who is Omnipotent. Anything less is polytheism. Religious pluralism IS polytheism. You can’t have it both ways. Either you subordinate to Almighty God or you are contributing to organized crime (in this case genocide). Muslims (again, this is organized crime not religion) are playing a game of war of “nerves” even if unarmed. Their religion tells them Islam will rule. This is self-incriminating confession of an undercover “Master Race” persecution complex. Their “war” (jihad) means ATTRITION or “to the last man”.
Lisa38 says
Very well put 🙂 and right on the mark.
Walt says
This is more right wing tripe. The refugees being brought into America .”…are referred to the United States by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees” ( Obama does no selecting of refugees, certainly not filtering by religion. And 67 percent of those refugees are women and children under the age of 12. It is Republicans, not the Obama administration, who are inflicting intolerable pain and grief onto the Syrian refugees, who are among the most tightly vetted group allowed into this country.
Bud webster says
Walt who is the United nation that they dictate to anyone. Your a true Marxist that I can tell you. When the shit hits the fan, I,ll be looking for Marxist like you, as you are and people of your elk are the ememies to America . You allegiance is not to America, but to the progessive Marxist you support. I would tell you God have mercy on your soul, but He won,t, that,s he comfort I,ll take from your asshole uneducated comment
Patty Patriot says
America makes up its own mind we’re not some UN puppet. Why don’t you go back to CHina or the USSR!
williw v says
christians get slaughtered MUSLIM INVADERS HOUSING AND HALAL.our government pays catholic charities to resettle them.
Solo says
He is pushing and passing immigration laws, but yet, still wants to accept others. He has done some very questionable things concerning this country (Iran Deal, not honoring the National Day of Prayer but meeting with Muslims in the White House, showing up after the prayer in Paris, bowing down to the Muslim Leader, support of ISIS, immigration law at the same time trying to accept refugees, etc, etc, etc.), and I don’t see how people still trust him and support him.
Lisa38 says
I never trusted him at any point in time. I did not vote for him. (either time) Actions speak louder than words. And he has committed many actions that tells me he is something that he doesn’t want us to know.
A.W. says
Lisa38 says
To say they are “brainless” is an under statement.
Dawid ben Haggai says
Muslims have stated they will take over Europe within 50 years. How long do you think it will take them do the same to the USA? All of these “refugees” of military age don’t sem to me like the poor women and little children who are supposed to be fleeing from Syria. The military camps they already have all over the USA are a sure sign they do mean business, and will try to take over the USA as they already have done to most European nations. Un- fortunately the number one man in the USA is one of them. It is time for someone do something about this.
Lisa38 says
I say about another 13 to 14 months. That’s all our fearless leader has worked for since his first term. Other than getting us so far in debt that we’ll never see the light of day in our lifetimes or our childrens. Everything he’s done is to get us as low as possible. Everything he has done is to take us over. Between him and the liberals in this country no common man has a snowballs chance in hell of doing anything about it. Majority doesn’t rule anymore.
Bud webster says
Lisa, that,s exactly the problem. American was founded as republic, a republic form has the individual with inalienable rights. In a democracy(which was never intended ) majority rules. Even in the twisted scheme the progessive Marxist have spun since 1908 playing by their rules, how does the minority rule? As an example, how does 3 million homosexuals dictate to the 99.9 percent of the rest of Americans who are not. How can are grade school children be taught homosexual precepts along with ” tolerance” with such a small number of people compared to the masses? When Thomas Jefferson was asked about democracy how stated “democracies ever specticals of spoil are tyrannical in their uprisings as they are tragic in their deaths”. Jefferson who helped James Madison pen the constitution was saying when you hear the word democracy being mentioned by your leaders , your living in tyranny. The longest working government of all time were the etrusticans. 900 years their civilization lasted. The Roman democracy over throw them, 250 years later the Roman democracy ended in anarchy. This is where we’re headed unless we change course and get our republic to which it stands one nation under God…. Back. Impeach the Marxist militant biracial bastard
Joseph Adinolfi says
Hey Bud, Yeah I’m still on that train, so you really have a good argument Sadam hid the weapons of mass destruction in the desert. Who’s the a-hole now, if you believe that BS. Because Kerry and Clinton voted for going into Iraq that means the country weren’t lied to by Bush and his administration. You are a real genius.
Patty Patriot says
I guess you are okay with rape chambers since you would like Sadam in powwer. You might since Sadam is so close to Sodom lol
Bud webster says
Your still the asshole, an Italian one. Every intelligence agency around the world subscribed to sad am having the weapons you drone. WMD,s are not just nucular azzclown, Syria gassed the Kurds a few years back dipshit, how did the Syrian,s acquire those WMD,s. Even your Marxist biracial president acknowledged it with the pretend line in the sand. Stick your head back in it you dumb Daigo
Barney Blankenbeckler says
Justin W says
President Obama hates America. He has worked tirelessly to destroy our nation during his time in office. He will not be happy until Islam is empowered in our nation. The only problem is Islam can’t point to any place it has ever made better. Every place where Islam is allowed to rule is a place of misery, poverty, oppression, violence and ignorance. Perhaps Mr. Obama should move to Iran, Afghanistan or Iraq if he thinks Islamic rule brings about utopia.
Annick Stiefel says
Well said! Or he could move to Africa where his half brother lives.
mwood says
isis in the whitehouse
Ron H says
Like most, you fail to focus on the primary issue behind this invasion of Muslims. The president is a very biased anti American individual and he happens to be Muslim. Focus on that and all of his actions fall into place.
Mary says
It is so sad to read these comments. I am 83 years old and there has never been a time when people felt this way about our president. I didn’t vote for the man. I said from the day he ran that if he was a politician from Chicago we should beware. I don’t know if he is a Muslim but I sure haven’t heard of him spending much time in a Christian church. I do feel if we forsake God we are doomed as a nation. White Christians are soon going to be the minority and persecuted for our beliefs. I am thankful that I am as old as am. My poor grandchildren will never know the great country I grew up in. Anything that needs changed is the hand-outs our government gives. Until everyone has to work at something for what they get there will continue to be unrest and they will keep wanting more. FDR knew what he was doing when he created the WPA and the CCC! If you don’t know what they were look them up.
Mel Laycock says
Obama says climate change is as big a threat as ISIS
The American People know global warming/climate change is a HOAX, so therefore it poses no harm.
ISIS is the threat the American People are concerned about.
We have a President who does not care about the safety of the American People.
SG says
“We, the people” as noted in our Constitution should be represented by our elected officials!!
Damage to the US has been done by this President and is continuing with acts that endanger the our very well- being and safety!
Time to write your politicians, make sure to get out to vote and maybe even start demonstrating to be heard!! Why is this President not being impeached for treason and endangering the well-being of US citizens?
Call/ write your political representatives and let us-“We, the people” be heard!!!!!!
Strength in numbers!!
Ron says
Just Gear-Up everyone ! !
anita says
why don’ t I see any of my comments , I spoke the truth ,but I guess that does not matter to you the Horn News ????
joe says
impeach obama
Charles Tilley says
There should be no question who Obama supports , Islamic Terrorists . He does not support America ,Christians ,or even Americans .
Mitchell says
Obama will always do any thing for Muslims,,,,,,,,,, an our di- able an Military, get nothing.Obama has always been a weasel, an will be when he is out of office.
Nancy says
Isn’t there some way to stop the horrible things this man is doing to our country.
Joel Davis says
You are mostly right about almost everything. But why don’t many Americans protest the bias immigration policies that keep out
Gilbert Weissler says
Walt made a point that Obama was not making the selection of who comes here as it is the UN who makes the decision who comes into this country. Why are we not the ones to decide who comes into our own country?
Have we as a nation relinquished the right to judge who migrates to our Country? Are we willing to bow to the UN and in essence say that we are too simple to make such decisions ourselves? Do we need big brother UN to make decisions for our country? If the UN thinks so little of our abilities to make decisions let them take over funding the UN and not expect our simple tax payers to pay for their existence.
We are the most generous country in the world and the rebuilding of Europe after World War II including enemy countries witnesses a charity never seen in this world before or since. Unfortunately both friends and foes saw it as a weakness and now want us to continue to support foreign countries in order to keep their liking for us. If the world is unhappy with us no amount of money is going to make them love us.
Is there a threat to our constitution by Muslims? There certainly are as Sharia law, which denies the very basic laws of our constitution, has already been demanded to be practiced and to replace our laws where these refugees are resettled. In Detroit there is a section of the city in which not even the police go as the Muslims rule as they wish. Do we want a country where we cannot travel with a Christian symbol exposed because it offends these people who are coming here?
Jesus rebuked the pharisee when he told them “You say you see but you are blind.” How many of us say we see but walk around blind because we will not admit the truth of what is going on? Gil
tom says
Luke 10:18 “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven” KJV
In Christ’s own words in the original Aramaic Language he beheld Satan as this:
LIGHTNING= “baraq” also can be spelled “barac”
HEAVEN= “bamah”
There are multiple Aramaic words for heaven. In context it is believed that heaven is a “high place” in this specific verse and not the Heaven were Jehovah, Jesus, and the angelic realm reside.
The letters “u” and “o” were used as noun determinates in Aramaic. When Jesus Christ addressed his followers in the above reference verse his exact verbiage is likely this:
I beheld Satan- “baraq o bamah”.
If these Aramaic words sound and look like someone you know, then it is for you to be prepared and tell others.
There are no coincidences written into the Holy Scriptures. The bible was inspired by our creator so that the faithful will recognize the times and signs of Jesus Christ’s return to earth to rule. The times are now.
Margie McGinnis says
Yes,I remember when Trump was friends with the Clintons; he was in his early thirties.
He was young man and he wanted at that time to run for President but very few people knew him.
That is when he met Clinton and Hillary. He lost and he wasn’t seen with them anymore around the
Politics and the Clintons. Now he was tired how Obama ruining our country, so I endorsed him
On Facebook because I knew he was ready to run again, and he was going to win because
He was older and built a business up and became a millionaire,so I endorsed because I knew
He was ready for whatever it took he was tired of Obama abusing our country. He might be a little
Rough around edges but I guarantee you he will make our country wealthy again and he won’t
Abuse White House, Congress will like him And I hope to see him bring our country make our
Country wealthy and great again. Give him chance this will be last time he will run again; then
The younger kids will have more experience.
Margie McGinnis says
Please give Trump a chance to make our country great again!
Mitchell says
When we get an Rep Pres, I want o see all them Muslim refguees , rounded up, an sent back to where thry come from.Its like I siad, Obama wants to destroy this country.
manuel says
Obama is a muslim president…
enrico says
the ways of the evil one will never stop,there will always be someone to bid his work, if we as Christians want to get our country back, the first thing that must happen.We need to get down on both knees and ask GOD to come and heal this land ,and bring him back where He belongs ,in our homes ,in the schools and in Washington, so that GOD may restore this country on to himself .that is the way ,if History teaches anything is that those who fail to learn from it,are doomed to repeat it. May GOD bless this country and it’s people. Merry x.mas to all Enrico
Captain Larry B. says
john coleman says
Obama hates America and most American’s hate him.
Michael Prokop says
When are they going to get him out of the white house? What are they waiting for?