President Barack Obama’s tenure as president has been filled with executive overreach, say opponents.
The judicial branch has finally stepped in and said “enough” — and it has some Obama rivals cheering.
A Virginia school board can block a transgender male from using the boys’ restroom when school starts next month, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Wednesday. The ruling is considered by some to be a serious blow to the Obama administration’s recent guidelines issued to schools that warned against such laws.
In a 5-3 decision, the high court put on hold a lower court ruling that ordered the Gloucester County School Board to let Gavin Grimm use the bathroom that matches his gender identity. The school board is expected to ask the justices to further intervene in the case later this month.
The decision means Grimm will be barred from using the boys bathroom for at least the first half of his senior year, said Josh Block, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who’s representing Grimm.
Because Grimm’s biological sex is female, she will be required to use the female bathroom — or, alternatively, use a private bathroom all Grimm’s own.
“The school board welcomes the Supreme Court’s decision as the new school year approaches,” the Gloucester County School Board said in a news release. “The board continues to believe that its resolution of this complex matter fully considered the interests of all students and parents.”
The school board says it plans to formally ask the Supreme Court to review the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Grimm’s case by the end of August and then it will be months before the justices decide whether to do so.
Grimm, who was born female but identifies as male, was allowed to use the boys restroom at his high school for several weeks in 2014. But after some parents complained, the school board adopted a policy requiring students to use either the restroom that corresponds with their biological gender or a private, single-stall restroom. Grimm argues the policy violates Title IX, a federal law that bars sex discrimination in schools.
The school board counters that allowing Grimm use the boys restroom raises privacy concerns and may cause some parents to pull their children out of school.
If the justices agree to hear Grimm’s case, the order will remain on hold until the court makes a final ruling, the court’s ruling said. If they deny the school board’s petition for review, the order requiring the board to let Grimm use the boys bathroom will be reinstated.
The appeals court sided with Grimm in April, saying the federal judge who previously dismissed Grimm’s Title IX discrimination claim ignored a U.S. Department of Education rule that transgender students in public schools must be allowed to use restrooms that correspond with their gender identity.
The appeals court reinstated Grimm’s Title IX claim and sent it back to the district court for further consideration. But the high court’s decision Wednesday puts Grimm’s case on hold until the justices decide whether to intervene.
Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan dissented. Justice Stephen Breyer said he agreed to put the case on hold to “preserve the status quo” until the court decides whether to weigh in.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Ray says
it’s about Goddam time the COURT has USED COMMON SENSE !!!
Frank W Brown says
Yes, common sense is sorely lacking in the REGIME, it’s WAY past time to END this REGIME, PERIOD!
Ronnie says
This regime and any Bush, Clinton or Obama in the future.
Norman Wolfer says
Since the number of common sense people far outweigh the number of people who give in the their perverse desire (not condemning them, just observing), it seems absurd that such a small number of people are having such a huge influence, against the peoples’ will. We should all band together and enforce the will of the people, not allow the will of a few to prevail.
David Howell says
Hey Norman, I could Not agree with you more; I hope it does not have to happen, but when the few determine that Donald Trump can Not hold the office of President of The USA. “WE THE PEOPLE” Will Rise up and there will be Blood in The Saddle for both the common sense folks & the left-wing lemmings when The Revolution begins; Like I said, I hope it does not have to happen; but I believe it will.
God Bless America;
Jazmin says
We all protest as American to shod that Hillary is it not accepted to run This country …
keepyourpower says
There was a time when we did not even have to think about it.
It is the perverse generation thinking, brought on by the indoctrination, by liberal teachers, and professors, supported by the Democrat/Marxist party.
Constitutionalist says
The Constitution – and all State Constitutions – exist precisely to PREVENT the will of the majority from tyrannizing ANY minority.
But since the Federal Constitution makes no mention whatsoever of gender identity or anything even REMOTELY similar, SCOTUS should recuse itself, stating that it has NO Lawful jurisdiction over what bathroom any American may or may not use. This issue should certainly be adjudicated by each STATE’s officeholders, as the 9th and 10th Amendments should make clear to even the DULLEST of intellects – especially when combined with a clear understanding of the Preamble to the Bill of Rights…specifically, the part about preventing “misconstruction or abuse of it’s powers.”
debdell says
Firstly, you can forget about the people’s will – save that for election day. The courts and the SCOTUS are supposed to uphold the law (courts) and only decide if something is constitutional. If the will of the people is to stop green people from eating at restaurants – that is discrimination that is not permitted by the constitution. If, in a 95% christian community, bakeries will bake cakes for everyone except gays that is discrimination and unconstitutional, so the will of the people is irrelevant. It is the same reason blacks no longer have to sit in the back of the bus. If you had a majority of Muslims in the USA and they wanted Sharia law then using your “will of the people” would institute it, but it would be unconstitutional and therefore would not happen. This is the reason the constitution can not be pissed on. It is not a living document that can be manipulated as the dems say simply so they can piss on it. Since the constitution can be amended there is no reason why it should be circumvented.
John says
AMEN TO THAT Great information there! Well said, thanks!
Constitutionalist says
Yeah, how could the use of the adjective “perverse” POSSIBLY be misconstrued as being judgmental and NOT merely “observation”?
John says
Philip says
You sure got it right, and I concur. That is telling it like it should be.
Lily says
Couldn’t agree more.
john says
While I agree with the ruling, doesn’t anyone proof read these articles for spelling grammer , ect….. Please forgive any misspellings found in this post, I am not a professional commentator.
Freda says
Lois Wenk says
YES! those irresponsible judges finally get something right!
Michael Janz says
Amen brother!
Bill says
the left wing hacks, who are merely whores for the left, voted just as you might expect. that is why the Republican jerks need to do their job and keep these creeps off the court. Remember, they are there for live, even after their brains die, as with Ginsberg.
gary says
I think that a person should be able to use a bathroom based upon gender identity and that identity is found between your legs.
debdell says
What if the schwantz is removed and a virg is installed?
Constitutionalist says
What if the opposite happens, and an “addadicktome” operation is performed?
john G. says
Can you believe it – they actually ruled against King Obama – I’ll bet his crown is a bit tilted now – it’s about time someone or something showed him he’s not above the law.
Now he needs to be impeached and cast aside as the worthless individual he has proved himself to be.
NoraB says
I totally agree with you. This is a breath of fresh air indeed. Time for Ginsburg to retire…but AFTER January of next year.
Freda says
Lois Wenk says
That is why I’m voting for Darrell Castel. He is running on following the Constitution and Declaration of independence. Novel idea name of the party he is running on is THE CONSTITUTION PARTY.
Ac says
Great idea. In this day and age that will be a vote for Hillary
debdell says
Not only a vote for Hillaroid the Hemorrhoid, but all these “quality” people running on “those” parties, if they got legs and could win, the corrupt establishment offering them a billion dollars to be their b it ch would roll them over on us faster than a turd in a tornado. The only solution is a huge panel of people with integrity to rule over everyone with a judgement that carries death for corruption. You go to Germany where there is no punishment for graffiti and it is everywhere – you go to Singapore where you get caned for graffiti and you see none. That is how humans operate – motivation by pain and pleasure. A perfect example – Hillaroid and the Clinton foundation – corruption out the wazoo – sending top secret info – crimes out the wazoo – lying to the Congress, FBI, and public – no integrity out the wazoo. No punishment for any of it, so it just continues.
Constitutionalist says
i believe that the F&F left us a FANTASTIC tool to keep gov’t officeholders in line: the Oath of Office.
Do judges have a right and duty to prosecute sworn litigants and witnesses caught lying in court?
Then why don’t We the People have the right to arrest those sworn officeholders who have been caught lying under their Oaths of Office?
But from my research, i have found that NO ONE has EVER been prosecuted for perjury for betraying the Public Trust by lying under those oaths of office.
i believe that Americans will have ZERO chance of regaining control over their gov’t officeholders – elected AND appointed – unless and until said officeholders are arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced as often as are perjurers, and for the same exact reason: lying under oath.
Ronnie says
Maybe some jail time would be in order. For what? How about treason? Iran deals come to mind.
PattieA says
Do we still have hanging or use firing squad for those who have committed treason? Will pay to watch them squir, and SH___T in their pants with fear. Yeah, it sound grotesque but that should be the price for treason. P
debdell says
The problem is that the corrupt at the top blame others for their corruption and execute them for doing nothing while the real criminals at the top keep doing it.
Constitutionalist says
According to the Constitution, Congress gets to set the penalty for treason, so it can vary.(Just checked; yep, Article 3 secton 3 paragraph 2 says: “The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason…”)
In the military during wartime, it’s execution, sometimes by firing squad, or just a swift bullet for desertion under fire.
Too bad SoS can’t be treated similarly for LYING about being under fire…
George Disbrow says
Check out Constitutional Briefs. BRIEF 4: Statement (4.1) an Oath of Loyalty.
Any attempt by persons of any Branch of Government, elected, appointed, or subjected, who is bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support the Constitution, and who violates said Oath or Affirmation, and, or, being of venal character, or because of personal or political beliefs, falsehood, or mendacity, and who intentionally debates and attacks the intent, language, or legality of, any Article or Amendment, of the United States Constitution in a Public or Media venue or forum, should be taken seriously, as a colossal breech of said Oath or Affirmation, and therefore, the choice of, or either, Perjury, and, or the person being involved should be relieved of their position and responsibility, and therefore said person is to be disqualified from ever holding a position of Trust or Authority in any Government of the United States.
Constitutionalist says
Thanks, George!
Good info.
In my research, though, i could find NOT ONE SINGLE INSTANCE of anyone being held to account for violations of their oaths of office. Apparently, it may take some Citizen’s Arrests so that trials can be held…for as Patrick Henry said:
“Your Constitution has been written as if only good men would take office. What will you do when evil men take office? When evil men take office, the whole gang will be in collusion! They will keep the people in utter ignorance and steal their liberty by ambuscade! Your laws on impeachment are a sham and a mockery due to mutual implication of government officials!”
Patrick Henry (American Lawyer, patriot, and orator, symbol of the American struggle for liberty, 1736-1799)
Lee says
Totally agree! I am for impeachment.
Constitutionalist says
Not me!
To impeach D’OweBama would be to tacitly acknowledge that D’OweBama has a lawful(i.e. Constitutional) right to hold the office – which he does not, because he’s not “natural born” – for only LEGITIMATE officeholders can be impeached.
He should just be arrested, tried, convicted, stripped of everything, and have his crap dumped on the curb at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, just like anyone who lies on their rental app…before he’s heavily fined and sentenced to prison, preferably in Leavenworth, where Gyrines will scream at him nearly every waking moment.
George Disbrow says
TO ALL: if we sit on our A##s and watch the world go by, we have no one to blame but our self, should light turns to darkness.
BRIEF (6): STATEMENT (6.1) ATTENTION, We the people should Ponder the actions of our Government at all times, and it is our responsibility to forcefully speak up, if at anytime should persons of any Branch of Government be Remiss, in their representation to uphold the Constitution of the United States. You may think your simple response doesn’t matter, But believe me it’s a mountain compared to a mole hill, so get with it, Be an American and speak up for your Freedom. Your welcome aboard.
Glenda says
It seems the Clinton’s are in charge of America. It is ”obvious”’ government officials, DOJ, FBI, State Dept., Veterans Admin, and IRS are afraid of them and allow their Lies and actions to continue. Foolish me, for ever thinking we lived in a Democracy where Govt. officials, past and present would be punished for their Crimes. Perhaps, it’s just one ”party,” that would be ”punished,” and that would be Republican. It’s not only the ”Lies” that the Dems., require of their representatives they also require them to ”cackle” like a hen, and ”bark,” like a dog.
Philip says
Agree, and I second that.
Laura Goodridge says
This is just a lull before the storm…I will pray the Supreme Court will take the case and settle the “standard”, your biological sex or sex you identify with!
May God’s will be done.Amen
Freda says
John says
I agree it is time to use common sense. I am very conservative but I do not believe we as a society have the right to restrict ones rights or deny one the ability to define ones own gender identity. This being said ones own perception of his or her gender does NOT give them the right to choose which restroom they will use this is a blatant violation of others right to privacy. I feel that a separate restroom with one stall should be provided. This is not meant to discriminate only to give the right of privacy to the majority if this does not seem logical to anyone you have no common sense. All people have rights not just the minority. Lets all use our heads and not throw the baby out with the bath water.
Freda says
Ronnie says
Isn’t claiming to be another sex other than your birth gender considered some kind of biological fraud?
Constitutionalist says
Virtually all store-front businesses went into debt to provide handicapped access and handicapped-accessible bathroom stalls; you would burden them with having to provide a THIRD bathroom, too?
theicecube says
Watch out, Ol stompy feet will just push out something else in retaliation, it will probably be even more repulsive, like letting out even more convicted criminals from prison so they can resume their favorite past times in your neighborhoods.
Malcolm Proctor says
common sense at last
DJTX says
This is only a temporary reprieve. They may be waiting to see who the next president is, and have another vote in play. In a few months, Pres. Obama’s decree could become ‘permanent’, at least until we possibly have another conservative judge or two. Whatever you may think of Donald Trump, he’s our only shot at having a conservative judge appointed. Don’t sit this one out – VOTE!!!!! Call now and make sure you’re registered. Democrats and illegals can vote easily, multiple times, without ID, but the rest of us need to dot the i’s and cross the t’s.
Maurice Striegler says
In the beginning, our Creator created male and female in his own image with the command to go forth and multiply. These words help define our Creators “Natural Law”. For any person to deem themselves who were born male or female a member of the opposite sex is a damming refute of natural law. HEAR THIS; natural law teaches two sexes, either male or female. Any other false concept pounced by mere mortal man is a man made law and in the eyes of our Creator absolute false and destructive. lee1233
Ronnie says
Fraud in it’s most pure sense, as well as its’ perpetrators of the concept. The only place it is relevant for discussion with is on your Psychiatrists couch.
Old1 says
He thinks he and his Dem party think they are above the law. The last 7+ years have proven that. He and his gang should have been shut down a long time ago but controlled the courts and both houses most of his tenure. The American people have finally gotten tired of these so called laws that are just rammed through and backed up by his crooked justice dept. He has no power to write laws and can’t just make them up. These fake laws are nothing but a way to burden the taxpayer and slow down the growth of the country.
George Disbrow says
Now all Congress has to do is get a backbone, wishful thinking.
Solo says
About time….peeps better put him in his place before it is too late…..look what he has already done….crazy!
Sandra says
Thank God the court finally put this idot president in his place. This kid has a problem to begin with, and the other students in that school should not have to put up with his problem. I think His parents need to get him the mental health help he needs.
Dick says
If you stand up to piss use the men’s room. If you sit down to piss use the lady’s room. If your not a natural born man or women, go the hell outside and do your business. You weird folks need help, or a good ass whipping. Have the doctor’s that did the job on you provide a place to relieve yourself. Next case……..
Dick says
If you have a penis and go in the lady’s room, you deserve to get an ass woopin.
Oren says
Male or Female. Nothing else. That’s God’s creation. If you are confused as to your sex, look between your legs. There’s the answer. Just because you think you are something else does not make it true. It’s just that you have a misfire in your brain. There is no need for a store or restaurant to be forced to install a he/she/it restroom. Deal with it. Use the one of your natural birth. If you are still confused, then see a shrink at your expense, not the taxpayers nor at the expense of business.
Jerry says
Look at the 3 Judicial Activist’s that did not see that way. These 3 need to go. They are stirring up the whole nation with their Gay decisions. We need Trump Bad
Denise says
I say to them using the restroom in which you were born is right. 99% of people SHOULD NOT HAVE TO GIVE UP OUR PRIVACY FOR YOU. If you were in a restroom when I’m going in or with my granddaughter I would scream and yell till you got out. It is unfair you were born this way but don’t ask us to give in for a .03%. They can make unisex bathrooms in addition to the boys and girls restrooms. But for you transgender people I am sorry but I TOO WANT MY PRIVACY. BRAVO FOR ONCE TO THE SUPREME COURT.
L. Shamus McQuade says
What did these transgendered do BEFORE an Obama?….The world has had transsexuals using the bathroom with NO problems. Only when Obama comes out with the liberal minions following do we NOW HAVE A PROBLEM?….There is no problem. Obama creates a problem then uses it to gain some political mileage in a desparate attempt at salvaging a failed presidency months before his departure……Its all polical BS, stirring up trouble and instigating the population
Susan says
Call me old fashioned, but I assumed the US Supreme Court was by nature supposed to be rather conservative like the voice of reason. Setting an example of calm clear thinking. Not lately.
drbhelthi says
If the baby was identified as female at birth, the individual continues to be female throughout life.
The history of the alias, Barrak H. Obama, contains historical evidence of gender confusion. Thus, gender confusion has been encouraged by the Obama entourage. However, ones gender – or sex – remains from birth through death, “transgender” is a non sequitur, and superficial surgical procedures do not switch internal organs or the system of nerves.
It is commendable that justices of courts, especially the U.S. Supreme Court, comprehend that they did not complete the years of study, and years of subsequent experience, in order to become puppet-pimps of politicians. Rather, they are the specialists who tender decisions based on law, rather than personal whims of politicians.
Justin W says
It’s too early to celebrate victory on this one. The Court merely stayed the decision long enough for the judicial process to work.
This is a good reason for us to vote for Donald Trump, regardless of how erratic he acts. Our only hope to block some of these radical changes is to have a Supreme Court that is filled with judges that understand some matters are best left to the legislators rather than unelected judges. There’s a chance that Trump appointments will practice judicial restraint. Hillary’s appointments will serve as a rubber stamp for the Human Right’s Campaigns wish list.
FRED says
I really don’t know what the hell is going on any more , I always thought when you had to go you would use any
rest room that was available not which one match’s your gender !!!!!!
This total insanity going on in this country
Shelba says
Every state should pass a law like North Carolina did, you use the bathroom that corresponds to your birth certificate unless you have had surgery to change your gender and have legal proof of change, then there would be no confusion about which state allows what
The Texan says
The Tenth Amendment has been under attack by Obama, the Clintons, and other elites in the federal government for some time. Most of the time they have simply ignored it in passing laws, regulations or rules that usurp the rights of the States or the people. This results in an expansion of federal power and control at the expense of the States and our personal freedom. Someone once said that “the government that rules least rules best.” A. Hamilton said ” It’s not tyranny we desire; it’s a just, limited, federal government.” We can not expect nor do most of us want big brother to watch over, protect, and take care of us in all things. We must take a measure of responsibility for our own lives. Otherwise we just drones of the government.
Constitutionalist says
The Texan-
A. Hamilton said ” It’s not tyranny we desire; it’s a just, limited, federal government.”
While i agree that ol’ Alexander had some good things to say(i have several of his citations on file), his fatal flaw was that a) he was a friend and promoter of international banking cartels, and b) he was a friend of paper money.
“The Founding Fathers of this great land had no difficulty whatsoever understanding the agenda of bankers, and they frequently referred to them and their kind as, quote, ‘friends of paper money.’ They hated the Bank of England, in particular, and felt that even were we successful in winning our independence from England and King George, we could never truly be a nation of freemen, unless we had an honest money system. Through ignorance, but moreover, because of apathy, a small, but wealthy, clique of power brokers have robbed us of our Rights and Liberties, and we are being raped of our wealth. We are paying the price for the near-comatose levels of complacency by our parents, and only God knows what might become of our children, should we not work diligently to shake this country from its slumber! Many a nation has lost its freedom at the end of a gun barrel, but here in America, we just decided to hand it over voluntarily. Worse yet, we paid for the tyranny and usurpation out of our own pockets with “voluntary” tax contributions and the use of a debt-laden fiat currency!”
— Peter Kershaw, Author of the 1994 booklet “Economic Solutions”
“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control credit.”
― Sir Josiah Stamp – president of the Bank of England in the 1920’s and the second richest man in Britain
The point is that one cannot have a “just, limited federal government” while the banksters first got it into debt, and now own it.
wendywoo says
I am a Republican and proud of it, but if you follow the Constitution, it seems that whether you are Democrat or Republican you would follow the law and make informed decisions. For Supreme Court Justices to enter their personal opinion is ludicrous. FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. It is as simple as that, isn’t it?
Constitutionalist says
FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. It is as simple as that, isn’t it?
If only. i WISH it were so, and hope to someday MAKE it so, but here’s what happened:
First, SCOTUS gave itself the power to “interpret” the Constitution, and no one held them accountable. If you read Article 3, “interpret” ain’t in there. This is called “arrogation of powers not delegated,” aka “usurpation.” It’s a High Crime which unfortunately has never been prosecuted.
In addition, SCOTUS gave itself the power to interpret “implied powers” into the Constitution, too. No honest reading of the Preamble to the Bill of Rights(often excised from schoolbooks, these days, btw), as well as the 9th and 10th Amendments could POSSIBLY allow for “implied powers,” as the Preamble is quite specific about “further declaratory and restrictive powers” that FORBID “misconstruction or abuse” of the named (and therefore, limited) powers delegated by that doc to which they have SWORN their fealty.
These 2 things, the power to “interpret” and the power to exercise “implied powers,” working together, have sufficed to end-around the Constitution for YEARS. Now, they have established what they call “precedent,” and use said precedents as a basis for their subsequent “rulings,” many-if-not-most of which are extra-Constitutional. The F&F foresaw this:
“It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens, and one of the noblest characteristics of the late Revolution. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle.”
— James Madison(1751-1836), Father of the Constitution for the USA, 4th US President
Source: “A Memorial and Remonstrance”, 1785: Works 1:163
However, lazy D’Uhmer’cans have NOT arrested these impudent scamps for violating their Oaths of Office, hence the tyranny has grown worse. Had there been SEVERAL arrests and trials for Oath-breaking a hundred years ago and more, with convicted judges thrown off the bench and/or IMPRISONED for said violations of the Oath(felony perjury is a High Crime), America would be far better off, today.
Now, THERE’S a “precedent” worth SETTING!