With the second term of his presidency winding down, President Barack Obama doesn’t appear to be going quietly. And he might not be going anywhere at all.
Shocking reports have emerged that Obama may be plotting to sell his endorsement to Vice President Joe Biden for a steep price. And the move is designed to give Obama direct say over the next two presidents.
Is he looking to transition from commander-in-chief to puppetmaster-in-chief?
As The Horn first reported last week, there is deep suspicion among the Hillary Clinton campaign that the Obama Administration has been actively working against Clinton and was behind media leaks involving her use of a private email server while Secretary of State.
A recent story from former New York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Edward Klein is adding fuel to the fire by claiming Obama is trying to cut a deal with potential Clinton rival Vice President Joe Biden that could swing the Democratic nomination in his favor.
Obama is reportedly willing to endorse Biden if the veep meets two conditions.
According to Klein, Obama is demanding that Biden, who is 72, only seek a single term in office, and that Obama gets to choose Biden’s vice president.
Klein reports that Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick is the politician Obama is leaning towards. Patrick, the first African American governor in Massachusetts history, is “a close Obama ally.”
This would let Obama maintain at least some level of influence on the presidency for the next 12-years, should all go according plan.
Another possibility is that the Obama-Biden deal may have been leaked to let other candidates know the asking price for an Obama endorsement. Even if Biden stays out of the race, another candidate could take the bait and give Obama what he wants.
But for Biden, winning the Democratic nomination without Obama’s help could prove a challenge. Half a year into the presidential campaign, many of the Democratic Party’s top players have already placed their bets.
“People make commitments, and it’s very hard to undo commitments,” said Steve Elmendorf, a veteran Democratic strategist who is fundraising for Clinton.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
rodney burke says
its not much a secret if YOU know about it! what the hell is anyone DOING about it? Besides nothing. Is EVERYONE so damn powerless that they can’t and WON’T DO something? I am fed up with the talk, if you KNOW something, DO something about it and don’t tell US until you have taken action or someone who has the BALLS has taken action. I am beyond fed up with all this talk and no action.
Alicia Salinas says
Don’t be so up-set, they are lying to you, don’t believe everything you read.
Robin says
You’re so right, Alicia…..but some of these dolts only “see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear”
Hatred is a very ugly thing that distorts peoples’ ability to reason intelligently.
Mark says
It is more likely that he will cause a financial melt down and declare marshal law during the crisis. That would allow him the opportunity to cease power and ignore congress and stay in power. That is, if anything happens with Obama.
town crier says
That marshall law schtick is what has been laying in the offing since he put that proclamation into effect. Not Too obvious; but no one looked ahead that far.
Linda says
He is a Muslin and he hates the USA! His plan was and still is, to destroy the USA! I can’t believe how blind people are! They put him as their god! If we all stood up together and fight to get him out of office for good!! Wake up America! He’s our enemy!!!!
Robin says
I can’t believe that there are still people out there that are so dreadfully uninformed/ misinformed.
Obama a Muslim ??? REALLY ??? What idiocy !
It is a known fact that he and his wife and children are all devout Christians.
Colleen Jensen says
“devout Christians’ do not support the murder of babies in the womb or the so-called ‘marriage’ of two perverts.
Roger Cook says
Talking about bring misinformed! Or better yet. “Blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other one!” I think Robin needs to go back and study the Bible. The King James Bible clearly states.”God does not change! “God’s Word does not change!” The KJV Bible also states what was sin in the begining is still sin today. People have no right to change the Word of God to fit the kind of life style they want to live. God said, “NO HOMOSEXUAL (LESBIANS) shall enter into the gates of Heaven”. As a matter of fact. Everything God said no too, God didn’t list any exceptions to them. That includes all forms of homosexuality and gay marriage. This is denying God! Abortion is a form of murder and the denial of God’s authority over HIS creation. Remember this! God gave all humanity the right to choose to obey or disobey. God did not give His creation the right to choose the conseqeunces for disobedience. As in the day of Noah. Noah and his wife and his son’s and their wives were spared from the “Great Flood” which God used to destroy everything that breathed because of their rebellion from God and their sin. Instead of becoming God like, they withdrew from Him and became ungodly
just like humanity is doing today. Noah and his family was spared because of his obedience to God. Payday is coming! Are you willing to pay the price for being ungodly? No, I am not judging others. According to God’s “Word”, they have judged themselves already, just look at the fruit they bare. Colleen is right! The Obama’s clearly have an agenda and I too do not see anything Christian coming from them. He is working for his own interest and for the interest of a selected few. Whats in it for him, he doesn’t care what happens to the rest of us. I see him as a wolf dressed as a lamb so he can deceive America.
Think about this. Every nation, or country that embrased immorality (homosexuality etc.) was totally destroyed and are no longer on the face of the earth. America is embrasing those some things (sins) that caused God to destroy them. Ever wonder why America is not mentioned in the book of Revelation? Where is America? Hum! As a matter of fact, the church is no longer mentioned in Revelation after chapter 3. Where are they? I can answer that one for you. The church is in Heaven with Jesus, safe and sound. Praise God!
horrible hector says
Sorry Robin. You are the one that is misinformed, or else just plain stupid.
Jake Hoek says
Your ignorance of scripture is obvious to grade 1 Sunday school children!.The Lord at the fall did put enmity between Satan and the woman’s seed, which is Christ! Christ’s seed is his followers and they show the fruit of the Spirit in their walk and talk! Obama shows the work of the flesh we all have by nature, but Satan’s work in Obama, is also obvious to the highest degree. A Christian can not be an inveterate liar. I hope this might enlighten your dark mind a bit, but to turn from darkness to light, from the power of satan to God, you need the Holy Spirit to open your eyes! Don’t trust Obama he cannot do it, neither Satan. Ask for faith to believe Christ and he will also give you repentance and Godly sorrow especially over believing Obama and Satan!
Daughter says
Go back to sleep you shill!
Cletus M. says
[email protected]
Robin, where did you get your misinformed information? Obama’s parents were muslim. Obama even belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood and has had them in the white house. How long have you been asleep? Wake up for goodness sake.
jd says
did anyone of you see obooger’s pictures with “horns” in You-Tube..?
He looked to me like Baphomet.
Joe says
Robin , you are a moron.
Mary says
You are died in the wool stupid!
Coby says
If the Obamas were devout Christians they would be aware that Scripture tells believers that the country that blesses Israel will be blessed. The USA has been blessed with freedom, financial and material surplus for 200+ years. Scripture also proceeds to tell us that “the country that curses Israel will also be cursed”, which is what BO has done in his Iran deal. No true Christian leader would put Israel in harm’s way, nor would any true Christian support turning our backs on Israel. Like it or not, Israel is God’s chosen country.
Roger Cook says
I firmly believe the definition for a Christian is to be “Christ like”. Judging Obama’s fruit, it doesn’t add up to Christian standards. Christians are God pleasers, not people pleasers. The only thing that makes obama attractive is all the money he wants to give away to other countries and to our so called citizens who refuse to work because they know they can stay home and get free money for doing so, and our elected officials can keep their jobs.
What would happen to our country if we all were to stay home and refuse to work. The U.S.A. would be broke, excuse me. I forgot. We already are broke.
Karacek says
“The sweetest sound” per nObama, is the evening Islamic call to prayer – In his book, “Dreams of My Father”, nObama states that he would side with the Muslims! So where’s your proof that they are “devout” Christians? Rev. Jerimiah Wright?, really? the “God Damn America” pastor? Please. Get educated!
Neil says
Robin, Obama is as much as a devout Christian as I am the Resurrection of Christ. If you do not open your eyes soon, then someone should just removed them.
kevin says
You are so right about that. Democrats will commit any sin to maintain power. They hate the constitution and would love to abolish it. At first I thought all these mistakes were incompetence. Now I see it as a master plan. The destruction of this country and constitution and a new fascist rebuild. Nobody could act as stupidly as this administration by accident.
Bill B says
Your right Linda. You hit the nail right on the head. thanks.
Brett says
U are so right obama is a real jackass we the people must take on the job to remove this muslim isis lover out,he must be removed we cant wait no longer he hates the us and thats finall so come on theres a million to one here itc ant be that difficult
Rod Evans says
BALLS, what BALLS? Castration must be a secret requirement for all Washingto DC jobs.
Brady C. Harness says
I have been writing about this in Blogs for the last few years. As a Brother to ISIS what else do you think his actions are about? Example our Men and Women in the Military must observe Sharia Law; he is a Muslim Out Law through and through!!! Watch this Video and Know the Truth unless you just don’t want to know what he is really up to: https://youtu.be/9rjdO4cfeEg
Karacek says
Brady, they scrubbed that video! Must have been true!
Eldon Van Etten says
YES all talk but no action, but they want us to send them money so they can do something, doesn’t add
jeanne laurin crawford says
Why is this happening to Americans; no votes aloud! So unconstitutional.
jd says
Why is this happening to america..?
Karma is returning to the USA. . ( karma, AKA law of action-reaction: karma, AKA Law of Balance):
That is WHY every nasty thing is happening in your country, and will not stop until it is turned to dust..
I suggest you leave this cursed country while you still have time.
John says
According to United States Constitution, WE THE PEOPLE can remove Obama from office, in fact we can remove the entire Congress and with a special vote , elect all new members and a President if they are not acting in our best interest.
jd says
you are, for all practical purposes…under martial law since …when was that ,..? since Lincoln..?
your constitution was suspended then, until indefinitely.
and you are under admiralty law.
That is the reason obooger can fire-off as many executive orders he wants and gets away with it.
If this is true, then how can we do it? and let’s do it! YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
jd says
all talk, no action…………………………….hah………..!
you are all zombified by your SHADOW GOVERNMENT Total, continuous mind-control 24 /7.
your only hope for survival is to get out of there. GET OUT OF THE USA.
Pancho Villadeltren says
If it comes from the Democrats, it is mostly corrupt. If it has Obama’s D N A in it , it is also criminal.
Liberals equals ‘PUTRID’.
Alicia Salinas says
Hey Ponch, seems to me you are really brain washed.
Jondarmes says
Seems to me Pancho is dead on. Listen to the liberal troll spout stupid.
JJDaniels says
And you, Alicia, are one of Obumers ‘sheeple’. It’s sick people like you that this country is in such bad shape.
jimshou says
seems to me you the one that is brainwashed
Rikard Kilgaren says
Watch out for Obama invoking Marshall Law – one way or another. And, always remember he is financed by GEORGE SOROS!
Lynn Barkema says
If you can’t even spell “Martial Law” correctly, why should we think you know enough for us to believe anything you say?
Jondarmes says
All english teachers who never make a mistake spelling usually have nothing to say worth listening to.
jimshou says
because the majority of us know the truth ,,,it tells me you don’t
patrick Simoniello says
Martial law is what I would be concerned about. It’s perfectly legal since it is entirely up to him when and if he declares national martial law and his decision alone when to return government. It is entirely possible since Obama came on the scene so fast out of no where from community organizer to first time Jr. senator and then president. influential power brokers put him there like a Manchurian candidate and they are not about to walk away now and lose all the gains they made toward their agenda.
bonniejf2012 says
You are So Right, I have Said for 2 Years Now, We Will Never See Another Election! O DOES Plan to invoke Martial Law, Nd As Long asit is in Effect, No Elections Will be Held! He and The Muslims Will NOT Give Up Their Power, ESPECIALLY, Now That They Are SURE That We The People Are a Nation Of SHEEP!! Only A Revolution Can Save Us Now!
jimshou says
It is also perfectly legal should the president create tranny,It up to every citizen to stand up at all cost to protect the constitution That’s the law
Karacek says
Oh, and by the way…Any law (although we are dealing with a lot of statues, not law) that is repugnant to our Constitution is no law from inception and does not have to be obeyed! That’s the law of the land. Take a few courses on our Constitution, or maybe just read it. It’s not very long, but it’s VERY powerful!
Robin says
Baseless paranoia, plain and simple.
Jake Hoek says
Sleep on Robin till Obama’s Homeland Security’s Army arouses you into reality!
Irene says
I have been saying for sometime now that Obama will not give up his position. That he would find some way to continue destroying this country. We need Trump in there to straighten out the mess that Obama has made of everything, if that’s at all possible. Biden is an idiot & would easily be handled by Obama. I do believe that Obama would pay Biden to control him so that he can continue his determination of destroying this country. If we put another person who thinks like Obama in office, we are DOOMED. I truly believe that Trump is our only hope.
Phil Sargent says
I can agree with you on Trump, but take a look at Ted Cruz…A true Constitutionalist …He has gone to tasks with both parties.
Robin says
Cruz is much more a true opportunist than a ” true Constitutionalist”.
Cruz cares only about himself and doesn’t really give a ratsass about the American people or our Constitution.
horrible hector says
Robin. How liberal can one get?
Jake Hoek says
Sleep on Robin till Obama’s Homeland Security’s Army arouses you into reality!
Jake Hoek says
Sleep on Robin till Obama’s Homeland Security’s Army arouses you into reality!
Wanda says
I have found that if a liberal likes the candidate it is time to be for someone else. I’ll take Cruz!!
Karacek says
Senator Cruz should stay exactly where he is, the Senate. He does not qualify under the “natural born citizen” clause of our Constitution. He was born in Canada to a Cuban Father and American mother that became Canadian citizens. Plus there are already inquiries that he was never even “naturalized”, something I just learned about. Do some investigation before running your mouth about a presidential candidate. We cannot afford any mistakes if we get to vote in another election. I doubt nObama wants that – he is undoubtedly Dictator material!
Laura says
Obama needs replaced and not by another Democrat, But Trump is not the one to do it. Trump will make us look just as bad if not worse than Obama already has. Don’t get me wrong, I like some of Trump’s ideas. But not the way he goes about it. When it comes to degrading everyone in order to make himself look good, that is simply not the making of a true President. We need someone that can get the job done, but has the moral sensibility to show some respect not just for the office,but for people too. The only thing Trump will do is make us look even worse than we already do in the eyes of other countries. There are still countries out there that treat women poorly. Look @ Trumps track record of degrading women. I promise you that if Trump becomes President, that is what will become of women. Trump simply has very little use for women and stops at nothing to degrade each and everyone.
mootsagootsa says
In order for Trump to save America he has to win first. If his BS helps him win I’m all for it. If we can’t get the right man in office it makes no difference how great he could have been. Look for Obama to resign in June of 2016 to give Biden a head start at the Presidency. First predicted on the future page of the site World Peace In Progress.
big mac says
Salinas, What’s that dark brown spot on the end of your nose? Is it from following too close to the alter of Obama? Oh I forgot, he doesn’t defficate! He pontificates!
Robin says
If you can’t spell the word defecate you shouldn’t use it. It only displays that your ignorance is equal to your crudeness.
Karacek says
Spelling does not denote intelligence, as exhibited by you!
bonniejf2012 says
Trump is Going to do Nothing But SPLIT The Vote! Then the Dam Dems Will Win, ASSUMING There IS An Election, Which I Do OT See Happening, But My Money is on Ben Carson!!
Karacek says
Dr. Carson is definitely a true Constitutional American and needs protection from the globalists that will do anything to forward their agenda of a NWO. Both parties are guilty, but this man rises above the crowd. We need to form an International Common Law Grand Jury, as Kevin Annett did for the slain Native American children in Canada by these elitists (ITCCS.org) and remove these satanic criminals from our societies, world-wide! Read Amendment V, Bill of Rights, that gives We The People this power. http://www.nationallibertyalliance.org. Let’s Roll!
Karacek says
Oops, that web site is: http://www.ITCCS.org
michele says
agree trump is the only one who got nerves i am for him 100%
Royce SEawright says
why is it not being said the Dem’s are against the pipeline due to the railroad Tycoons are in the pockets of the liberals, the pipe line would be much safer to transport the oil.
Rod Evans says
The pipeline block/delay is a (__)o(__)bama strategy to continue $$$$$$$$$$$ transfer for mid-east petroleum, with the trickle down to the jihadist.
Ahmad Muhammad says
The general public doesn’t know enough about political decisions being made for our comments to have any meaning.
Tommy Kelly says
True enough, but that is not going to stop them (the general public) from making them (comments). And there is not one damn thing you can do to stop them from exercising their freedom of speech, no matter how stupid some of these comments are (and some are TRULY stupid).
Freedommonger says
How can a puppet be a puppet master?
jasman says
Are you familiar with “Chain of command”?
Bryce says
Both the democrats, and republicans are bought and payed for oil company,drug company, and aluminum can company stooges, they don’t work for us, we have a capitalist gov.
I guess you haven’t heard of Jesus having an army to fight the Antichrist Gov. are you going to be in Jesus’s army? The antichrist gov. is our US gov. run by the greedy company’s that are destroying our world
I ask people What caused this economic depression? no one can tell me, well do you know? high gas prices did, when the price of gas goes up so does the price of everything else, and the only thing that will bring us out of this depression is free energy , so force the auto company’s to make only water to hydrogen cars and trucks and conversion kits to change the pieces of junk fuel injected, and diesel trucks to run on hydrogen with switches to shut off the fuel injectors, and the fuel pump, don’t do this now and the economy will collapse soon, when our bought and payed capitalist Gov. goes bankrupt Tell every one not to buy a new car, and tell them to tell others, tell them they must do both. Don’t buy a new car, or truck., free energy is the only thing that will bring our economy around, like it was in the 50s ,60s
Cancer society’s are not doing any research, because they found cures for cancer way back in the 1930’s, and you won’t be giving them any money if they come out with a cure, they are the biggest mass murders, and you are paying them to kill you with chemo, and surgery, they can’t make any money curing you, catch 22, the best cure for cancer is in a book Encyclopedia of healing Juices, by John Heinerman, page 141 under Grape/ raisin juice, a man diagnosed with cancer didn’t do the murdering chemo, he buckled down and eat his fruits and vegetables, and killed all of his cancer, red fruits and vegetables, have a substance called lycopene that will kill cancer, and keep you from getting cancer, pore nutrient is what causes cancer, and a host of other illnesses so eat your fruits and vegetables, with your meat. a good balanced diet.
#1 cause of Alzheimer’s is aluminum poisoning, take all cookware to recycling, and don’t buy anything in aluminum cans, spread the word to every one, when we stop buying they will have to make iron cans, and cookware, so spread the word and tell those you tell to spread the word also. #2 cause is iodine deficiency, that cause’s bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, suicides, eat fish, and yogurt 2 to 3 times a week spacing them out every 2 to 3 days, because iodine will be depleted out of your body in 2 to 3 days
The flu shots have been tested out to have 25 mg of mercury per shot, they tested to have formaldehyde, ethylene glycol ( anti freeze ) and aluminum the #1cause of Alzheimer’s, ADD and ADHD, .The drug company’s pills are coated with aluminum oxide, they are slowly making you brain dead zombies, to give you a strong immune system from the flu, colds, and a host of other germs, and bacteria, you want to get Garlic, powder, and or minced and season with a little almost every day, all nutrients will be depleted out of your body in two to three days so you need a little almost every day, a garlic container should last a person 8 to 10 months.
Diabetes is one of the biggest medical scams, it can be cured with a little cinnamon almost every day, like iodine it will be depleted in 2 to 3 days, so a little almost every other day will keep your blood sugar level normal
Bob says
Hope your Obama care has mental health care because you need some serious help. You will have a sad remainer of your life if you don’t grip on reality and not on the “internet world”. good luck to you because you are in “woderland with Alice and the rabbit”. now.
Karacek says
There is much truth in what Bryce has posted. Seems you need an education!
Justin Wachin says
President Obama could look to pull a Vladimir Putin.
Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton could both be one-term presidents. There’s a reason life insurance companies stop accepting new customers above a certain age limit. It wouldn’t surprise me for President Obama to condition his endorsement on having a say in the VP pick.
Given the choice of a Democrat dinosaur or a fresh-faced Republican I hope the people will vote for the Republican so we can have a real change.
Mildred says
For quite some time it has seemed apparent that Obama does NOT plan to leave the White House. Buried in the so-called Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) is a provision for developing, training, arming and maintaining a militia (an army) answerable ONLY to the sitting President. (Look it up and read it for yourself — I did.) For more than a year these secrete soldiers have been being trained, armed and paid (with taxpayer dollars), and are ready for a take-over when Obama declares martial law. The Department of Homeland Security has been buying millions of rounds of ammunition. Why? A false ‘National Emergency’ will be declared. So there you have it. Most of the members of Congress are so blinded by ‘Potomac Fever’ they can’t see what is happening, but even if they did, most of them are so spineless they won’t even try to do anything about it. So sad for the rest of us, our children and our grandchildren. LET US PRAY . —
Karacek says
That’s according to what Republican gets in office! Make a wise choice…like the brilliant Dr. Ben Carson! I’d like to see Carson & Trump on the Republican ticket!
Robert says
Our system of government is doomed if we do not get rid of BOTH the democrats and the republicrats. BOTH HAVE BEEN BOUGHT OFF BY THE BANKERS… we need an open season on the corruption brokers, the lobbyists..shoot them on sight ..the corrupt politico’s that get voted out of office,within a day or two the snake surfaces as a lobby for some pork-barrel cause..THE G.O.P. AND THE D.N.C. ARE BOTH CONTROLLED BY THE BIG BANKERS…………TWO TERMS, THIRD TERM ,,JAIL FOR LIFE..WASHINGTON D.C. IS THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF NO-GOODNICKS IN THE WORLD.. GET RID OF THEM PERMANENTLY——————-
Kevin P. Maher says
I can say amen to that! Can not believe people believe this crap, doing just what they want us to do, argue about BS while they f*ck us all in plain sight
Karacek says
Amen and Amen!
Ltpar says
Remember the Cardinal Rule of Power. “He who has the gold rules.” Who do you think has all the gold in this country and it clearly isn’t the average man? With over half the country on the government dole and most of the rest in a permanent state of apathy, who is going to fight the bad guys?
Karacek says
WE THE PEOPLE…www.nationallibertyalliance.org Get informed about our Constitutional RIGHTS and how to fight this criminal enterprise call the US Government!
Jim Rutledge says
Trump’s been telling everyone for the last six months that the rest of the group are owned by the lobbyist. when are we going to listen!!
Mildred says
Ben Carson is not owned by the lobbyists.–
Paul West says
Biden (a useless sellout with a heart condition) who is indeed 72+ may not have many days of life left in him, that is if this law of natural aging has any real credible validity to it he and many more now living like insane with temporary power devils in D.C could seemingly vanish tomorrow, next week, a month from now or in a few years time… RIP
The creator does not promise any of us a tomorrow, this is a fact of this life that cannot be denied.
Thus, regardless of ones own VIP status or great wealth, death is indeed the great equalizer. Jack Larson a.k.a (Jimmy Olsen) from that popular 50s Superman sitcom who died recently never knew what day or night his life would end… So it looks like this same creator who patiently waits for us to knowledge the real truth, will have the last word always….
Let this be a final warning to all whom now embrace this destructive philosophy of evil living, Death never sleeps….
Tommy Kelly says
Colour me warned, Pablo.
jack cheek says
If you are not smart enough to know that the USA is just like a company. If it is properly run like a good company it will prosper and grow. I just retired at 50 from my own $100,000,000.00 (ONE HUNDRED MILLION) a year company that I started at $0.00 and grew in 20 years it to where it is today, with one real objective pushing me. I knew it could be done despite despite the fact that everyone around me had their doubts. Trump is the only choice to be President of USA CORPORATION. He is above the disease that affect ALL other politicians. He will not be comprised by PAC’s. He will not let LEGAL American citizens suffer, while he sits on his throne and spins the LIES that YOU believe as we descend into a third world country. Unfortunately most Legal American citizens are BLINDFOLDED SHEEP and expect for the Government to take care of all of their needs with no effort on their part. Obama has doubled the US dept in his terms alone. You would be very shocked to see the amount of wealth that Obama has created for HIMSELF at YOUR cost. For Trump this is not about how much money he can make, he has been there done that. For Trump this is not about fame, he has been there done that. Trump is the only candidate that will not be corrupted or compromised. If America does not wake up and keep electing filthy narcissistic communist as their leaders, they deserve the results of their stupidity of their actions, or lack thereof. As for me and my family, we are out of here with our pockets full of Gold. I am a true American patriot and hope someday I will be able to return. I just might hire your grandfather to keep my lawns and your grandmother to iron my underwear. Because with Obama, the Clinton’s, and all of their minion’s, there is NO retirement for any of you!
Ltpar says
Congratulations on your success, which is what this country is all about. I hope you have invested some of that money in guns and ammunition and training on how to use them? I suspect they may well be needed in the next eighteen months.
jack cheek says
Enough for a small Army. But we don’t need them where we are going.
Karacek says
Some patriot you are…flee the country???? Unless you have derived a way to battle the corruption here in our government from another country, I am offended at your cowardice and boasts of all your gold. Please do leave and do not come back when We The People win this battle without you!
Ltpar says
Keep in mind Barack Obama is merely a puppet himself and is not the one actually pulling the strings. The elite wealthy cabal (New World Order) who actually pull the strings will decide who the Democrat and Republican nominees will be. Right now, the two favorites in their stable are still Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Hillary, is looking very shaky and could be dumped for another Democrat. If Joe Biden enters the race it will be at the direction of the NWO cabal with assurances of the nomination, Hillary will most likely develop a health problem and have to drop out.
The only cog in the wheel might be the intense interest outside Republicans are drawing from the silent majority. If the silent majority were to raise up in mass in the election of 2016, the NWO master plan could be upset. You can take it to the bank the NWO has contingency scenarios worked out in detail? If it looks like they might lose the power, they will move to one of them. What could those scenarios be, a reasonable person might ask? It would be a False Flag National Emergency event major enough to allow the President to declare Martial Law (Could be crashing the dollar to a series of coordinated terrorist attacks). With that Executive Action alone, in the blink of an eye the Constitution is gone, Congress is gone, Courts are gone, Civil Rights and freedom are gone and the country is run by FEMA with the military as it’s enforcement arm.
No I don’t see the NWO giving up gains made under the last four Presidents who have all been in their pockets. The one thing which will cause the downfall of the NWO is their underestimation of the resolve and willpower of the American people. The silent majority most who have stored guns and ammunition for such a take over will fight in the streets to keep their country. When push comes to shove, my money is on the silent majority. Semper Fidelis.
Tommy Kelly says
Ltpar, I would like you to meet both jack cheek and Bryce. It should be a good meet and greet. From the various comments by the three of you, I can tell that y’all have a lot to discuss before you are finally able to solve ALL of our problems.
FreedomSpeaks says
Well said Jack Cheek….but, to leave the USA with your money is running away from the problem. Stay and help other Patriots overcome and defeat the EVIL Obama-con SCUM.
Stephen J. Koach says
A police forensic investigation has proven the document posted on the White House website purported to be a birth certificate is in fact a forgery. That is a felony. Our fake P.O.T.U.S. is an identity thief. They all know. Enforce the law. Treason is very serious.
Tommy Kelly says
Source, please, for said forensic investigation.
Karacek says
Sheriff Joe Arpio (spell?) from New Mexico, Esq. Orly Taitz and others have uncovered the fraud BC, Selective Service Registration Card, and a SS# issued in the late 1890’s to a Bournel (spell?) person (supposedly a relative of Moochelle).
Jim Rutledge says
The Darwin Awards are finally out. The annual honor given to the persons who did the gene pool the biggest service by killing themselves in the most extraordinarily stupid way. Last year’s winner was the fellow who was killed by a Coke machine which toppled over on top of him as he was attempting to tip a free soda out.
This year’s winner was a real rocket scientist… HONEST!
Read on…And remember that each and every one of these is TRUE.
And the nominees were:
Semifinalist #1
A young Canadian man, searching for a way of getting drunk cheaply, because he had no money with which to buy alcohol, mixed gasoline with milk… Not surprisingly, this concoction made him ill, and he vomited into the fireplace in his house. The resulting explosion and fire burned his house down, killing both him and his sister.
Semifinalist #2
Three Brazilian men were flying in a light aircraft at low altitude when another plane approached. It a appears that they decided to moon the occupants of the other plane, but lost control of their own aircraft and crashed.. They were all found dead in the wreckage with their pants around their ankles.
Semifinalist #3
A 22-year-old Reston , VA , man was found dead after he tried to use octopus straps to bungee jump off a 70-foot railroad trestle. Fairfax County police said Eric Barcia, a fast food worker, taped a bunch of these straps together, wrapped an end around one foot, anchored the other end to the trestle at Lake Accotink Park , jumped and hit the pavement. Warren Carmichael, a police spokesman, said investigators think Barcia was alone because his car
was found nearby. ‘The length of the cord that he had assembled was greater than the distance between the trestle and the ground,’ Carmichael said. Police say the apparent cause of death was ‘Major trauma.’
Semifinalist #4
A man in Alabama died from rattlesnake bites. It seems that he and a friend were playing a game of catch, using the rattlesnake as a ball. The friend – no doubt a future Darwin Awards candidate – was hospitalized.
Semifinalist #5
Employees in a medium-sized warehouse in west Texas noticed the smell of a gas leak. Sensibly, management evacuated the building extinguishing all potential sources of ignition; lights, power, etc. After the building had been evacuated, two technicians from the gas company were dispatched. Upon entering the building, they found they had
difficulty navigating in the dark. To their frustration, none of the lights worked. Witnesses later described the sight of one of the technicians reaching into his pocket and retrieving an object that resembled a cigarette lighter!
Upon operation of the lighter-like object, the gas in the warehouse exploded, sending pieces of it up to three miles away. Nothing was found of the technicians, but the lighter was virtually untouched by the explosion. The technician suspected of causing the blast had never been thought of as ”bright” by his peers.
Now, the winner of this year’s Darwin Award (awarded, as always, posthumously):
The Arizona Highway Patrol came upon a pile of smoldering metal embedded in the side of a cliff rising above the road at the apex of a curve. The wreckage resembled the site of an airplane crash, but it was a car.
The type of car was unidentifiable at the scene. Police investigators finally pieced together the mystery. An amateur rocket scientist…. had somehow gotten hold of a J A T O unit (Jet Assisted Take Off, actually a solid fuel rocket)
that is used to give heavy military transport planes an extra ‘push’ for taking off from short airfields. He had driven his Chevy Impala out into the desert and found a long, straight stretch of road. He attached the J A T O unit to the car, jumped in, got up some speed and fired off the J A T O
The facts as best as could be determined are that the operator of the 1967 Impala hit the J A T O ignition at a distance of approximately 3.0 miles from the crash site. This was established by the scorched and melted asphalt at that location.
The J A T O, if operating properly, would have reached maximum thrust within 5 seconds, causing the Chevy to reach speeds well in excess of 350 mph and continuing at full power for an additional 20 -25 seconds.
The driver, and soon to be pilot, would have experienced G-forces usually reserved for dog fighting F -14 jocks under full afterburners, causing him to become irrelevant for the remainder of the event.
However, the automobile remained on the straight highway for about 2.5 miles (15-20 seconds) before the driver applied and completely melted the brakes, blowing the tires and leaving thick rubber marks on the road surface,
then becoming airborne for an additional 1.4 miles and impacting the cliff face at a height of 125 feet leaving a blackened crater 3 feet deep in the rock.
Most of the driver’s remains were not recoverable. However, small fragments of bone, teeth and hair were extracted from the crater, and fingernail and bone shards were removed from a piece of debris believed to be a portion of the steering wheel.
Epilogue: It has been calculated that this moron attained a ground speed of approximately 420-mph, though much of his voyage was not actually on the ground.
You couldn’t make this stuff up, could you?
dayze says
Bruce says
Reston man and snake throwers are true. This is BS from 2004. See http://snopes.com/horrors/freakish/darwin04.asp
dayze says
What you guys don’t get is that Trump is a Democrat that was sent to the Republican side to infiltrate, pretend to be a change over and cause trouble from the inside. Just as that Democrat came into the Tea Party from the Democrat party pretending to be a Tea Party person, and threw a brick through the door window of the Democrat office.
Trump was sent to say what the SILENT majority are thinking and speak out loud about it. He adds his own spin to it to make it sound even more angry than the mass population actually is.
He is mouthing off to get the GENERAL PUBLIC roused up to fight. Even though there is nothing to fight, the population is pushed to fight. Just as was done with the peasants in Russia originally and then again in Germany before the war, the population was roused up to fight with nothing to fight so they turned on SOMEONE and fought.
Now, there is a SUPPOSED ENEMY out there being pointed at to be the next VICTIM/ENEMY. The outcome will be shocking, the WHITE MAN will actually be the victim, since Obama has created his personally trained army quietly behind everyone’s backs.
As the ISIS is being attacked, so will the WHITES be attacked. As martial law is imposed, house to house searches and shootings will be carried out with SMALL trumped up excuses. “Oh you had a Bible/Karon in your house.” “Oh, you had your own back yard garden which is now against the United Nations Laws since Clinton signed that United Nations law” “Oh you are using regular light bulbs instead of the Florescent light bulbs” “you are using 20% more energy you are an energy waster” “Oh you are over the age of 50 that means you are useless and must be eliminated. United Nations law in 92 countries in Europe” “Oh you used more than 10 gallons of water a day.” “Oh you are an eater of meat which Clinton signed as another United Nations law that meat was being outlawed before he left office.”
See United Nations Agenda 21 and see Senator DeWeese’s translation of Agenda 21 and all the things they outlawed now.
Speaking out can be outlawed too!!!
See where it says…..”Severe reduction of Human Population” See where it says all are to be taken off of the lands and moved into tight quarters. (Only the ones that are given permission can stay there) The rest are to be eliminated. *Just as was done in Scotland in the 1400’s by the Brits on Scots, and on the American Indians, as they put them on reservations as well, and again in Germany prior to World War II )
Same groups behind each one of these mass exterminations, and will be the same groups (grandchildren of) on the United States coming soon to a neighborhood near you. Always a supposed enemy that people are pushed to look at, but the real enemy is quietly doing their damage from behind the scenes TO GET TWO GROUPS TO FIGHT, TRICKING THEM TO FIGHT, MOTIVATING THEM TO FIGHT, MANIPULATING THEM TO FIGHT, PUSHING THEM TO FIGHT FINANCING THEM TO FIGHT….and as the war breaks out, then quietly under the cover of war, moving in and killing off those that are on the list for elimination..
We have been had guys, the world has been had! We will be used to do their dirty work for them while they look clean and religious while others do their killings for them.
Mildred says
I’m glad to find out that someone else knows about Obama’s secrete army.–
NIck Alvis says
Its inevitable that America is on a collision course with destruction. Over and over again throughout the Bible, God’s prophets warned of countries demise if they turned away from his instruction. We’ve not only turned away, we shake our fist in his face daily….rid ourselves of God in our schools, kill 57 million unborn children and now say its only fair to give the gay population their democratic right to marry. The reason we’ve removed God, is because, he cramps our style…our lifestyle and Americans don’t like that. God is a patient God, but we have worn his patience very thin. Obama very likely the total opposite spiritually of what he claims to be. Satan was the father of all lies and his children practice his art. If Obama hasn’t lied to the American public, than I’m a lot dumber than I thought. We are in for a rude awakening and I truly believe something major is going down before the next election happens, very likely to give Obama reigns to this country where we no longer exist as a superpower, but merely a third world country!
Mildred says
The Bible also tells us that God has said that if His people will humble themselves and pray that He will hear and will restore their land. Not a direct quote, but this is the gist of it. Well, people, what are we waiting for? Right now is the time to humble ourselves, turn to the Lord and pray earnestly for our land to be restored. Will you join me? —
Beano says
Ummm no. For one thing Biden is dumber than the negro sodomite and he ain’t having that!!!
Charlie S. says
You young liberals have got to stop listening to your professors and drinking the Kool-Aid. Obama doesn`t know what He
doesn`t know. He is quietly taking away our rights, and your letting Him do it. The only reason He was elected in the first place
was His ability to bullshit the public. The last time this happened was in the 1930`s & 40`s in Germany and over 6 million
people paid the price. He will not stop funding planned parenthood even with the videos that came out. Margaret Sanger
founded this organization in the 1930`s, She appeared at many KKK functions and was adored by them. She was also
a big follower of Hitler and paid attention to what He was doing. Planned Parenthood`s originally was started to
eradicate the black man in America. She was also behind the sterilization of 60,000 people in 30 states Her reasoning
behind this was to try to stop people from having babies that would be born with mental or physical defects. This is only
one of the many screw-ups this Asshole has unleashed on us, and if your satisfied to support a no-nothing Moron
who will more than double our nations debt after his 8 miserable years in office, keep smoking those doobs.
And I`ll bet that when our next President is sworn in, Jerky will make a speech stating that He will say,
for 8 years I fooled you all, I was born in Kenya and I am a muslim. So you all can kiss my ass.
Zoltar says
Robin! Everyone know’s you are in love with Mr.obama. Isn’t it a shame he is already taken! Why don’t you do us all a favor and spend some time either trying to find another man to fall in love with or acctually do some fact finding research on Mr.obama and if you can acctually be honest with yourself you will indeed find proof that he is a Devout Muslim. Why don’t you get a rectal exam? Your brain is in Malfunction Mode.
Joe Schmo from Idaho... says
One day soon, someone will take out the garbage.. It’s really long overdue..