The mainstream media has officially crowned former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee. “Hillary Clinton — former first lady, former U.S. senator, and former secretary of state — has become the first woman to capture a major-party nomination for president,” reports CNN.
MSNBC’s lead story today is, “How Hillary Clinton clinched.”
All over the media, the story is the same. The Democratic nominee is officially Hillary Clinton.
But there’s a problem: Clinton is not the nominee.
Not yet. And Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has one last trick up his sleeve.
Sanders argues superdelegates should not be counted, since they don’t formally cast their votes until the national convention — and he intends to win over those who back Clinton by making the case before the party meets in Philadelphia in July that he would be a stronger general election candidate against presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.
“It is unfortunate that the media, in a rush to judgement, are ignoring the Democratic National Committee’s clear statement that it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they actually vote at the convention this summer,” says Michael Briggs, spokesman for the Sanders campaign. “Secretary Clinton does not have and will not have the requisite number of pledged delegates to secure the nomination. She will be dependent on superdelegates who do not vote until July 25 and who can change their minds between now and then. They include more than 400 superdelegates who endorsed Secretary Clinton 10 months before the first caucuses and primaries and long before any other candidate was in the race.”
This is the Sanders campaign’s last chance — convince party insiders to jump ship and Feel the Bern.
“Our job from now until the convention is to convince those superdelegates that Bernie is by far the strongest candidate against Donald Trump,” the Sanders campaign said.
Could it work? In theory, but it’s unlikely.
So far, no superdelegate has flipped support from Clinton to Sanders.
In fact, since their creation in 1982, superdelegates have rarely strayed from their original endorsements — unless there is a change in the pledged delegate tally. In 2008, some superdelegates flipped from Clinton to Obama after he overcame her early lead in pledged delegates.
The majority of superdelegates have always sided with the winner of the most pledged delegates, which in this election is Clinton.
It would take a major shakeup in superdelegate confidence in Clinton’s general election standing.
Such as an indictment in Clinton’s email scandal, perhaps?
Most Sanders supporters agree it’s a long shot. But they find hope that the Sanders campaign has been setting the gambit into motion for months. “Pressure is mounting for some Democratic party leaders to jump to Bernie Sanders after having already pledged their support to Hillary Clinton,” The Hill reported in March.
Should an indictment in Clinton’s email scandal come down before the national convention in July, that ground work yet could pay off.
— The Horn editorial team and The Associated Press contributed to this article
Hang in there Bern… it may happen yet… Hillary needs a good long visit to Leavenworth…they even have something that looks like the White House… send her there and see if she can be rehabilitated…
Super Delegates are the reason she is ahead of Sanders. Super delegates are a corruption of the primary process.
Agree … our election process has strayed so far from our founding fathers intentions, its pathetic. They would be turning over in their graves if they could see how truly and thoroughly corrupt our government has become, in every way possible, i.e. not just the election process … I mean in EVERY ASPECT POSSIBLE. They would indeed, be so sickened … just as I am.
I a descendent of several Patriots, from Mayflower on down, one in particular was Dr. Joseph Warren, who also had the rank of Gen. in Battle of Bunker Hill, I fully agree those who were part of “Sons of Liberty” and the Continental Congress, are spinning in their graves.
Who are these so called Superdeligts Publish there names and background !?? Why should their vote erase mine???
They are governors, congressmen and etc.
Super delegates are part of the Democratic Party’s decision process. Don’t like them? Get the party to change its process. Since political parties are free to use whatever method they choose to decide who they will offer as candidates, they can not be faulted for whatever crazy method they decide upon. Apparently the Democrats reserved a core of ‘party faithful’ who could act as a buffer to prevent someone un-electable from winning their nomination. About now I’ll bet the GOP wishes they had implemented that safeguard.
Main Street, you are wrong, Hilliary is up by 291 delegates, not including those 571 that will be pledged in July, AND has 3 million more VOTES then Bernie.
Clinton is ahead in the popular vote, the pledged delegates and super delegates. What else do you need.
Oh yes she is!!! Hillary will be the FIRST Woman President!!! She will kick the CRAP out of that RACIST CLOWN Trump in a LANDSLIDE!!!!!
Bob, I take it that you want that damned POS B@&CH to be our countries next Figurehead. The damned POS white trash
Clinton’s are why I quit being a Democrat. My vote is for Donald Trump. The only way that damned POS B@&CH will be
elected is by having the election fixed & rigged. The elections of 1824,1888,1972,1992 1996 were all fixed & rigged. There
we’re only super delegates when the Clinton’s & Ozone head former Vice Figurehead Al Gore ran in 2000. Our country will
be all finished if that damned POS B@&CH gets in the White House.
There are so many voters who find Trump’s racism, egotism, and misogyny not to their linking, that if they all vote, bob will be proven correct. The only way for Trump to succeed is to suppress their voting and the GOP is well-known for that.
And the socialists democrats are well known for raising the dead and voting multiple times in the same election.
HA! HA???? Your heads up Hils fat a-ss????????????
In your dreams, sweetie. In your dreams
anybody who would vote for this despicable person, knowing all of her unethical immoral proclivities should be tried as a traitor in the court of human justice and have a traitors sentence imposed forthwith.
Their only alternative is to vote for that other despicable person, with his unethical, immoral proclivities on trial today. Anyone voting for him should be institutionalized because he/she is not sane enough to face a trial in the court of human justice.
Who are you talking about – not Hillary. Hillary is polling 99% in my neighborhood and there you’re whining why the world is falling down on you. We are already calling establishments for Hillary win in November and her coronation in January. You should thank the oceans are rising. We could have used your tears if they were drying. Please join me and vote for Hillary – now our Angel.
The Devil’s angel?
masanja…your basis is showing. After that woman gets in how long before the free stuff quits flowing and you realize you are not going to wake up from the nightmare you helped create? If you think obama is bad he only laid the ground work for a total take over by the government.
hopefully you and others will take stock in what is going on in this country not just in your immediate circle of friends. Here is what is going on and mark it on your calendar It will happen.
America you need to start thinking before it is too late. If you take a look at history and dictatorship (in its many forms from the Russian czar to the Roman Senate) you will find there are only three things that need to be done before taking over a country.
1. First get most of the people dependent upon the government for their basic needs such as food, shelter, health care etc. We are there.
2. Next you need the money used in the country to become virtually worthless. We have printed so much money not backed with anything and gotten so far in debt that we are there.
3. The final item is to disarm the public. We are not there yet. But, the present government is working night and day to disarm the public it should be scary to everyone in the country, no matter what your stance is on owning a weapon. When only the government has weapons you will be a subject not a free person.
We the people are in the final era of losing our freedom as envisioned by our founding fathers. We also need to realize these same founding fathers were criminals in the eyes of the prevailing form of government at the time which was English rule. The only (in)famous person in the founding circle of dissenters who believed in the then current government was Benedict Arnold who was a turncoat general in the Revolutionary Army.
If any of you uninformed idiots ever had a front row seat to the corruption of the Clintons you would shit yourselves. These 2 EVIL morons have not one shed of truth, morals, integrity, about them. Larry Nichols knows them very well, and so does the state of Arkansas. His own state could or would back Bill Clinton, when he was elected. Ask how many body bags that the Clintons have ordered murdered, ask who was the drug Lord in Arkansas. Who murdered Vince Foster? Who is the lesbian that does not sleep with her husband? Who has raped more women and Hillary protects not him but wants the idiots to think they are squeaky clean….what these two have done would scare the living shit out of anyone that actually has researched and found the truth …..ask any of the women that have been raped by either one… sickens me that anyone with a brain would vote for anyone that is running for the highest seat in this Nation, without knowing who they are….the Clinton’s are all over the internet, especially on YouTube. Try watching the Clinton Conspiracy without getting sick. You listen to liberal own news and thinks that is TRUTH…!!!!! THINK AGAIN…!!!! You have NO CLUE at the people that you think are HONEST…!!!!!!
In u’r dreams
Yes, you are correct Bob, Trump will be left at the altar with his pants down. Crying “it’s not fair”
Bob, I think it would be much easier to get a dictator in when you have one per cent having the money and money means power. Corporations are running our country right now through congress, judges and other elected officials. Much easier for them to put a dictator in the an we the people.
Bob you and Alicia are two peas in a pod. Both idiots.
I don’t understand how women could want those people in the whitehouse. Bill sexually assaults women and Hillary supports him and attacks his accusers. You do realize the women who complained against him were democrats, right?
There’s no way three women making sexual complaints against him are all lying. You do realize it is a statistical impossibility, right?
Being the first woman president is a great honor. I really hope it does not go to that evil woman Hillary. It should be someone who deserves it.
There was no sexual assault, but consenting individuals. I lived through that history. Hillary did no such thing. She was hurt and humiliated like any woman would be, but her humiliation was before the whole country. I’m sure she didn’t care much for the women or her husband at the time. That was when she started her own political career.
You, apparently, have not watched The Clinton Chronicles. Go to youtube and put the phrase in the search window. You don’t even have to pay to see it.
Yes. Send her there for about fifty years.
Hillery who doesn’t know the words to the song,” JESUS LOVES ME ” AND DOESN’T HAVE A TALKING BIBLE,RIGHT??? That indicates that she must be a CLOSET MUSLIM whose teachings are clearly VIOLENT ACTIONS like have been shown here at a TRUMP RALLY since her LIES haven’t had the effect she had hoped for,RIGHT,???Hillery makes the [ WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST] from the story, [ THE WIZARD OF OZ ] Look like a Sunday School Teacher??? Anyone who believes HER LIES would hand over their wallets to the first person who offered to sell them the Brooklyn Bridge, the Washington Monument, or Mount Rushmore??? G ot IT??? Something for Nothing??? Yeah, RIGHT??? LIKE THE MANSION SHE LIVES IN FOR FREE at the expense of New York taxpayers and gets paid rent on the guest house provided for the Secret Service assigned to protect her??? Or did you ALL, FORGET THAT ??? She has been teaching Obama since he took office 7 years ago,RIGHT??? What else could you expect???
William Quinion Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton & her Sleazeball, draft dodger husband former Figurehead Bill Clinton are
egotists, that’s their religion. The Clinton’s make all other leaders in other countries and their former leaders that are dead look
like newborn babies in a hospital nursery in comparison. They make Satan very proud of them, they also make the late Ayatollah
Khoemeni, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, King Henry VII, Josef Stalin & Napoleon Bonaparte all very proud of them, they are of that
same mold.
William, try getting new glasses, you will see the world is better then you think. Wasn’t Trump a dodger as well, isn’t he a con artist, a fraud. Speaking of communism, Trumps wants to get as rich as Putin got being in power, Putin has 80 billion, yes BILLION, Trump only has 1 million and wants more, are you going to let him get there with your vote.
Are you serious. They purchased their own home.
Or a Sentence to GITMO….
The Clinton’s are very good at counting their chickens before they hatch….and if they didn’t hatch lying about it and making people believe they did…just the Clinton way… I remember Mena Ar. , Roger Clinton, drug and gun running and on and on…
The media may or may not be correct. But they are premature. In politics as in so many other things; it is not over until it is over. This is one more example that the media is not so much interested in reporting the news as they are in creating the news. And they are confident they can scam people into believing whatever they are told and doing as they are directed.
EL TEJAS, looks like you have Trumpoid fever, take a bottle of aspiran and call the doctor in the morning.
And that Crooked BITCH is STILL running for potus WHY???
Frank W. Brown that is because the damned POS white trash Clinton’s can do whatever they damned well please and get away with it.
Former Figurehead Sleazeball, draft dodger Bill Clinton grew up in Arkansas where political corruption there, in Louisiana, Alabama,
Mississippi, Georgia, West Virginia, the Carolinas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Crook County Illinois, my no good ROTTON birthstate of
New York where that damned POS white trash B@&CH Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton was illegally elected to the U.S.Senate in 2000
and that damned POS white trash B@&CH never lived a day of her life in the state of New York, had no clue what goes on in New York
State, and the states I named have always been and will always be politically crooked, corrupt, and those that are in the House & Senate
form those states, plus the Clinton’s go pointing their fingers at other countries former leaders and leaders for being crooked & corrupt and they are doing the exact same thing also, real professional hypocrites. Those real professional hypocrites and the Clinton’s want to have
Edward Snowden put in prison, but yet that damned POS white trash B@&CH Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton has done far worse and gets away with it.
hate does not help Education might
neither tdid Bobby Kennedy until after he got elected, I guess. NY democratic voters are stupid enough to elect anyone, qualified or not. Apparently that is not a consideration. Weiner, Bloomberb, De Blasio, Cuomo? Huh. What kuind of leadership has NY had for the last 30 years? nothing to to be proud of except Rudi.
I love my country and I think we have been very fortunate in having the government that we’d have. Sometimes it swings the wrong way but we have always been able to right ourselves. We don’t need such hate and division.
Part of the reason for super delegates is for the party elders to have a safety check in the event the voters select a bad candidate to be the party’s standard bearer. It is always possible that the super delegates could decide neither candidate has a chance of winning in November and hold out for a third candidate to be named at the convention.
Bernie is right. The super delegates can change their mind. This revised vote tally was likely made in hopes of preventing several major Clinton losses in today’s voting. That scheme could backfire if Clinton supporters think she has won the primary and stay home. It’s safe to say many Sanders supporters are likely to show up and vote. This ploy could cause several states which would have provided narrow victories for Hillary to now provide major victories for Bernie.
The only thing she for certain is a “FOOL” and propped up by the “MORONS” who support the “Wicked Witch of the East”.
The only way that Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton will have th nomination is by cheating in the primaries and owning the super delegates lock,
block, stock, barrel, the entire banquet & then some. The Clinton’s win by cheating, fixing & rigging elections & primaries. The damned POS white
trash Clinton’s own the damned Clintoncratic party which used to be the Democratic Party until 1992 when it became the Clintoncratic party which
equals the Demoncratic party. The Clinton’s have betrayed and stabbed the Working Class & Working Poor people, the military, the veterans, the
Senior citizens right in the back and have screwed over many people for fun & enjoyment.
They stabbed the working class in the back by getting auto manufacturers back in the black, restoring their jobs, and lowering their taxes? They stabbed the working poor in the back by helping them get health coverage? They screwed the military by sending them to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq so they’d have a job to do? Oh, wait, that was Dubya. They stabbed senior citizens right in the back by ensuring that social security was secure (for the moment) and by making Medicare Part D work as intended. Gosh, you’re right. They were just awful.
75% of all GMC vehicles are now made in China.
And that’s why we have to blame all those immigrants coming to America from Mexico, because 70-80% of GMC vehicles are made in China.
Actually the Social Security was never supposed to be a part of the federal budget. The original setup was to be a non-taxable fund set to operate outside the budget. Then under Democratic administration over time it became the system you young people know. I was forced to pay into this system for over 45 years and now through the wisdom of these know-it-all Washington would be dictators it is considered an entitlement. Not on your life. I might also add I paid into it even while in the military service. Now although I am 100% disabled I still must claim half of my SS on my wife’s tax form. Yes every change came while a democrat was in the white house.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for an ever larger federal deficit.
A vote for Hillary is a vote to expand an already bloated federal bureaucracy.
A vote for Hillary is a vote to shut down the coal industry and put people out of work.
A vote for Hillary is a vote to increase our dependency on foreign energy.
A vote for Hillary is a vote raise taxes (not just on the rich).
A vote for Hillary is to put our national security at risk.
Hey TEXAN: A vote for Trump, will bankrupt us, so we won’t have to worry about your list.
A vote for Hillary is a vote to put the sex offender back in the white house.
Here are the rules of The LIar’s hero:
1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control– Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the government and schools.
8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent, and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
These all come from “Rules for Radicals,” Saul Alinsky’s commie book. The only item on the list not accomplished is the repeal of the 2nd Amendment, which The Liar is pushing for. If you trust or vote for The Liar, you’re not just a damn fool, but a damned fool…a “useful idiot.” Good luck with that. Dozens of bodies agree.
Obama and the media wanted to spread the word quickly that Hillary will be the DNC nominee so that Bernie would bow out and the DNC would only be left with Hillary. Therefore, even if the FBI recommend an indictment for Hillary, the Obama Administration can just cover it up and refuse to indict, and by then Hillary will already be the nominee, so they will just move on. Thanks Bernie for not bowing out. Take this fight to the convention and see if the FBI recommends and indictment, and if so, if Obama tries to cover for Hillary then us voters will have our answer that both Obama and Hillary are so corrupt, and Hillary should never be allowed to be elected as president.
Hillary is indeed a politician and thats all the crimes she has commited. However she is pragmatic. I agree with Berrnies ideology but unless we have most of the congress voting for the peoples good we can only hope for incremental success. Another option is to have the people of usa educated to think for themselves . Good luck to that
There is something poetic about the democrats killing the democratic process. The superdelegates are not bound except by their preexisting commitments to the establishment. Dirty, dirty, dirty. If the democrat party survives its convention, there will be a mass exodus in the general election…unless, of course, Clinton withdraws or Johnson saves them. The mood of the voters is not democrat or republican, it is anti-establishment.
Dump both Trump and H Clinton and vote for the constitution. Darrel Castel. Get the old values back and follow the constitution. The Constitution and military personnel and vets are what/who show our American values.
One of the comments suggests we are on the way to a total government takeover when only the government has weapons. This suggests to me that the writer believes our military servicepersons are all going to be corrupt or willing stooges for corrupt officers. Since the military already has ample weaponry to take over the country, I notice it doesn’t seem to be happening. We have some ranchers who are showing a sense of entitlement that is usually attributed to liberals and their supporters, but it was not the military that stopped them, it was our legal system. We can’t have a strong military without adequate funding, and that comes from taxes and fees. If the ranchers don’t want to pay their share, who else should pick up their share of the tab? Now the other side of the coin is the way Congress wastes taxpayers’ money. That’s why we have organizations like Citizens Against Government Waste, and Taxpayers for Common Sense, and similar organizations, as well as auditors and investigators. Cutting back the budget of the IRS is a good way to free up the tax cheats, so why is the focus on voters fraud, when tax avoidance costs this country so much more in billions?