Hillary Clinton’s pursuit of the Democratic party’s presidential nomination was supposed to be a cake walk — but it turned into a dog fight instead.
And, unfortunately for Clinton, it may not be over yet.
While Clinton and her campaign have done everything they can to declare rival Bernie Sanders’ campaign dead, it looks like Sanders has one more trick up his sleeve.
He can force a contested convention and a floor fight at the Democratic National Convention in July.
In a press conference Sunday, Sanders laid out his plan. With a strong enough showing in remaining primary states, he can box Clinton into a situation where she needs the so-called “super delegates” to put her over the top.
Those delegates can switch which candidate they’re supporting right until the last minute, and Sanders and his supporters are already applying pressure to get them to ditch Clinton.
“She will need super delegates to take her over the top of the convention in Philadelphia. In other words, the convention will be a contested contest,” Sanders said during a press conference Sunday.
A contested convention would be a huge embarrassment for Clinton, who has already been dogged by questions about her inability to pull away from Sanders, a 74-year-old admitted socialist.
At the press conference — organized to mark the year anniversary of his insurgent bid — Sanders called on super delegates to reflect the vote in their state. He also cast himself as more electable against Donald Trump, arguing that super delegates should prioritize beating the GOP frontrunner over other concerns.
“It’s a steep hill to climb,” he admitted, at a press conference in Washington on Sunday. “But, at the end of the day the responsibility that superdelegates have is to decide what is best for the country and what is best for the Democratic Party.”
To win the nomination, Sanders would have to flip hundreds of super delegates, far more than the several dozens that changed from Clinton to support then Illinois Sen. Barack Obama eight years ago.
In the face of at least four potential federal investigations, however, it is not too far fetched to imagine Sanders convincing waves of super delegates to vote against an indicted Clinton. And a contested convention would at least give the Democrats some flexibility in denying Clinton the nomination, if any indictments are handed down.
Sanders supporters have already launched an aggressive lobbying campaign to flip these super delegates — that in some cases included harassing phones calls and online threats.
Despite her lead, Sanders says he plans to compete through the remainder of the primary contests in May and June. The question is whether he’ll have the resources to fund an aggressive advertising campaign, particularly in the expensive media markets of California.
To answer that, Sanders said on Sunday that he brought in about $26 million in April for his campaign.
Sanders’ campaign did not report Sunday how much it spent in April or how much it had in the bank at the end of the month. The figures will be included in fundraising reports filed with the Federal Election Commission later in the month.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
All she does is become richer and spout out early 1970’s rhetoric. She gave us Benghazi, e-mail scandals and a charity that doesn’t give much to charity. Her hubby de-regulated the banks and erased FDR’s reforms. Thus the 2008 financial crash. Her hubby signed NAFTA that gave us our long term unemployment issues.
harrison burnell says
so let’s vote for cliinton’s again as we like punishment and they like raking in the dough
The Redhawk says
Is this the Time for the FAUX INJUN to make her Delayed Announcement as Shillery exits for GITMO???
rodney says
forget the Faux injun, get hillary to GITMO asap!
Don says
All of those points will be ‘fair game’ during the debates, which Hillary will simply deflect with ‘That’s already been covered numerous times. Let’s move on to the important issues”.
Hopefully Trump will pound on her with “Your response is not satisfactory to the American people, and you ‘have to’,
‘you owe’ the American public clarification regarding your so called answers.
Another point to press Hitlery on is her support of Islam, since she is supposedly a woman’s rights advocate, while the Koran states that according to Islam, Sharia law rejects freedom of speach as well as freedom of religion. It rejects equality between the sexes. Under Islam, women are the property of, and subject to, complete control by the men that ‘own’ them.
I’d like to see Hillary lie her way out of that one!!!!!
Jim Kellems says
Hil liar can lie her way out of anything she is great at it. She thinks people should believe her. She is pond scum at the very least. When she talked and lied to the families of Bengasi she should have been drawn quartered over an ant hill. She is garbage. I hope she goes to prison and Bill behind her.
Brigid says
You have that right. I read another article where the FBI is practically in a revolution over indicting Clinton. They have more than enough to do it right now. Far more than what they had on General Patraeus. And he got a slap on the hands. No matter what happens I cannot vote for her in good conscience. I have to back Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz will be our countries worst nightmare. NAFTA ruined our economy and so did deregulating the banks. FDR had America on the best track that kept us strong. I wish the FBI would get it together and do what is right.
Gerry says
Not as long as obozo is in the White House. She knows too much about his corruption for him to let her be indicted. He will put pressure on the dept of injustice and his little puppet lynch who will put pressure on the FBI to hide the evidence .
Mikeyavelli says
Hilliar will stay out of jail and be obama’s third term. That’s why he is staying in Washington DC. They made a deal, because if hilliar goes down, she’s taking obama with her.
Lester Howley says
1000 percent correct
Teeseeree says
He and his sick “wife” need to be jailed as well as the Clintons!
richismo says
Liar. Email is no scandal. Benghazi is no scandal.
NAFTA did not kill many jobs, it was long term trends that were most responsible.
She has made mistakes but not any of the above.
And right wing forces have smeared her because they fear her progressive background.
glenn davis says
You win my award for this week’s best satire and it is only Monday.
BJ says
Which planet did you just beam from?
cindy vangend says
No kidding poor Hillary , you must be a liar to want someone like here running for president haven’t you had enough crap with Obama????? God Bless you
dennodog says
Fritz S. says
Richismo = DUMBSMACK!!!
Okay, which Benghazi story do you believe? There are several variations on a persistent theme of LYING — because that’s what Clintons do.
E-mail is not a scandal? Flesh that one out for us, will you? Track Hillary’s trail of LIES about her home-brewed server, what passed through it, and her disregard or matters of national importance, and tell me what they aren’t all LIES and dissembling. I served my country for 20 years as a US.Naval Officer… I had TOP SECRET. need to know clearances for most of my career. Hillary had access to classified material that very few people on earth have/had. If I had done virtually anything like she has done, I’d be writing this from prison.
Quick — check the labels on what you’re wearing right now and list for everyone to see, the countries where they were manufactured. Bernie surely seems to think NAFTA is the culprit. Hillary may or may not think so, depending on what day it is and who she’s talking to. She’s an equal opportunity LIAR.
Hillary hasn’t been smeared. She’s worse that any smear campaign could possibly describe her to be. This woman is a congenital, pathological LIAR.
Gerald Mann says
You can google to find out the General’s name but Hillary and Obama had one who was in charge of one of the strike teams who was about to go in regardless of the stand down order and he was arrested with in 10 minutes of saying screw it were going in anyway ! So not only was the terrible twosome Hillary and Obama responsible but apparently there was a rat somewhere along the lines that told the right people to get hold of Obummer or Hillary !!
esduke says
Jeane Green says
Everyone – do yourself a favor, and don’t believe any story about Benghazi.
Go on Youtube and watch the congressional hearing with Sen Greyson directly. The disrespect Clinton shows for the legislators is amazing, as she was a royalty who can do as she pleases.
The clip is less than 15 minutes long (11?) and worth watching to the very end.
Zmartmoney says
If you had done what she did, they wouldn’t be letting you write ANYTHING from prison.
Marcia says
She is responsible for bengahzi as she went home to sleep while Ambassador Stevens and the Marines fought tooth and nail for their lives until they ran out of bullets. STevens asked for reinforcements and was told by Hillary NO. Then she said it was a video to the American public and told her family a different story that insurgents were the ones that overran our Counselet Then to set up a private servicer in her home to do Government emails in beyond reason. Look at all the banks and SONY and they all were hacked. What about the private service was that hacked or what
You need to get your facts straight before sounding off like you did. It shows you do not know what you are saying just like Hillary
Teeseeree says
People seem to forget that Benghazi was originally an OBAMA scam, but Hillary offered to take over when the heat got to be too much for him. They are equally guilty, and besides, they both have a very long trail of criminal acts, with Hillary’s being longer because she is older. But, Obama has done NOTHING but trash us and steal our money and our good name.
Susan says
My dear Hitliar is the liar. To deny a mother the right to know what really went down at Benghazi, that is one of the most atrocious, uncaring, no feelings for anyone but herself. You thinks she will treat the American people any dufferent, if u do hang onto that pillow cos you are dreaming!
Jeane Green says
And yes, she was sleeping when they called her that her Embassy in Benghazi is burning, and Ambassador has been killed…and She said “don’t bother me with minutia, I am getting my beauty sleep, and getting ready to become the President of USA- so what difference does an Embassy or two make ?”
pjt says
Sanders only has himself to blame for not already getting rid of the queen of liars. With all the underhanded, border line illegal stuff she and Billy Bob has done and the sleaze balls that they are – Sanders had all the ammunition he needed to knock her down off her smug perch.
Roger says
You are right, I don’t know why he is blasting her with her Benghazi failure, losing six billion dollars and voting for the Iraq war in exchange for a 20 billion dollar bribe from Bush, which I suspect she pocketed most of!
Teeseeree says
Not to mention paying for numerous hit-men to take out her sick husband’s enemies!
Peter Joffe says
Hillary could not even keep her husband satisfied. She will not satisfy Americans either. She will be a disaster equal to or more than Obama. USA you are in trouble with candidates like these who are beggars wishing to be President.
Bill Cash says
Now that would make my day!!!
Bart says
The MSM corporations will dub her Saint Hillary, contrary news and opinions will be verbotten!
Awake says
The old hag should be headed to PRISON with Chelsea father in law. That whole family- and all of their close friends are corrupt.
Load them up and send them to Guantanamo.
Tom says
I thought her worst nightmare was that she looked in the mirror and saw a witch of which would be right.
Don says
‘Feel the Bern’ is most likely waiting for the criminal inditements against Hillary to come down.
Contemplating an Obama intervention, I suspect Sanders will be offered the V.P. spot in order to prevent him from running as an independent candidtate. One has to remember, Bernie stated goal was not so much getting elected, but to bring forward HIS ideas and policies. (I think his sucessful campaign to date was a suprise even to him!!!)
If ‘Feel the Bern’ does run as an independent, it would descimate the Democratic party. GO TRUMP!!!!.
Maxx says
I have to agree with you. I never took Sanders seriously. I thought he was somebody the party paid to jump in just to make it not look like an “ascension”. But the guy has shown he is one tough old bird. I would really like to see him deal her the ultimate embarrassment.
Guesttoo says
Thanks, Maxx.
Guesttoo says
I just typed “Thanks. Maxx”. I don’t know where that “moderation” line came from.
Jake says
Hasn’t the the Bern made it perfectly clear he will do what’s “good for the party”?! That would certainly preclude a 3rd party candidate!
Brigid says
I talked to Bernie Sanders on the phone before he even put in his bid to run. It was over the TPP. At least he was honest. I would love to see Donald Trump, run as a third party if need be. That would destroy the Republican Party. Bernie Will not destroy the Democrat Party and go as a Third Party. That is what he told me personally. The reason he will not do that is because he does not want a Conservative Right Wing Nut in the White House. They will devastate this country and our lives as we have known it to be. They don’t want any government at all. They are more of a bunch of idiot Lebatarian than anything else. They are anarchists! Anarchy is the worst form of government that there is. They are financed by Corporate Dogs who don’t want any laws or regulations that stop them from destroying the planet. And if Cruz or Hillary get the nomination then I want to see Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump both run as third parties. It will be the first time that America gets four candidates on the ballot. The ruin of both stinking parties. I would just love it!
Constitutionalist says
Did an “anarchist” make the following statement?
“To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, and commanded by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction: noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonoured. That is government; that is it’s justice; that is it’s morality.”
— Pierre-Joseph Proudhon(1809-1865) French mutualist political philosopher
Source: The General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century, 1851
America was supposed to be a Great Experiment in SELF-government, e.g.:
“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; those who mean to be their OWN governors, therefore, will arm themselves with the power which knowledge brings.”
~James Madison
Yet, contrary to the hopes of the F&F, Americans have been subjected to EVERYTHING Proudhon described, and more besides.
You would do yourself a Great Favor by dl’ing and reading a copy of “Our Enemy, the State,” by Albert Nock; in it, he adroitly describes the differences between Good Government and the State, and this is a crucial difference you should apprise yourself of with alacrity and dispatch.
Teeseeree says
Democrats are the biggest criminals and anarchists around, besides being lying killers and thieves. I’ve never met or seen one that wasn’t, or at least wasn’t brain-dead.
Danny says
Don, if Sanders runs as a independent and Trump runs as a independent, Cruz as the republican, and Hillary as the Democrat. With all four running Sanders would be the President.
wizard says
Does it really matter? They may have their differences but in the end one is as bad as the other. If either one of them should become President who would they dominate to fill their cabinet? Do either of them have any plans to reduce the deficit? Or would the continue to increase it? Do they have any plans to reduce the tax burden on working Americans? Do they have any plans to stimulate the economy? Do they have any plans to help put people back to work in the private sector?
The Texan says
dominate should be nominate.
Gerry says
They will both just continue with obozo’s agenda in making America a 3rd world country. Neither one of them have the qualifications to lead America but then again the fraud in our WH didn’t and still doesn’t have those qualifications. It would be nice if both of them just disappeared .
dee says
Gary says
It is not likely that Hillary will be indicted. The FBI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the the DNC. It will not disappoint Ms. Wasserman in the Grand March to the Whitehouse. Get used to Hillary. She is above the law. She is the law. Enjoy the coming 8 years of Saint Hillary.
Rob says
Hillary is not going to be the next POTUS
BJ says
May she not be in the matchless name of Yeshua’s!!!!!!Amen
Teeseeree says
Don says
We all know Sanders is the best canidate for us democrats! Hillary is,running on her name and gender! She has shamed or party with her scandels, lies, and hiding speeches and such from our party!Hate to say it, Trump is right she is crooked! Bernie says,she makes bad choices for our country! We have seen the mess Hillary has given our party, the shame she has bring us! And do we really want to continue alot of Obama’s failed policies! Really? Maybe we should rethink this race! Every poll does show Sanders can beat the others with out a doubt! Hillary, well maybe, and maybe not! And there is the chance she could go to jail, making history of a democrat canidate shaming us by going to prison! The smart move may be to support Sanders, and drop Hillary! I also don’t like the idea of Hillary encouraging protesters to riots not only against the republicans, but against Sanders as well. We don’t need her dirty politics! Its becoming more clear sanders is the best choice for our party.
Brigid says
Sanders is the best choice for our party. And he can win. Otherwise, I want to see Donald Trump destroy her.
Madmarmot says
I am republican and I would vote for sanders over the Clinton crime family in a heartbeat. Read Gary Aldrich’s book. Ex FBI agent, retired.
Megan Moore says
Why did mr.sanders wait until he’74 to decide to run for president never heard of him before but I did know of Hillary Clinton and I do not believe she’s as bad as what everyone is making her out to be.I watch everything and if Donald trump thinks he’s so great why has he been married numerous times? Because he’s a bully!to wonen.and bernie put some ideas out there but he’s got skeletons in his closet and in vermont.
Jake says
Megan, you can’t possibly believe say HRC is honest. People don’t have private servers and hard drives erased if they aren’t hiding something! Not saying any of them are squeaky clean, but HRC is in a world of her own – in a lot of ways! .
Mikeyavelli says
Hilliar got fired as a young lawyer working on the Watergate case
She was fired for lying, and she was working for the prosecutorial left.
Brigid says
Bud, she does like Sh**T at the top of the page. She is really stressed about being indicted. If I had done all of her dirt I would look just as bad. And if she is elected we will have another Watergate Scandal. Impeachment at its best.
Go Bernie Sanders. Feel the Bern. And by the way Bernie Sanders is very like by the people of Ct. and Vt. I have a lady friend who is from Vermont and she swears by Bernie Sanders. He is the most honest politician in Washington D.C. We need someone that is honest. And he really does stand by his wife as well. I like that in a man.
He has also always voted for what he believes is best for the middle class of America and for our retired and disabled people. The Republicans hate that.
Jeane Green says
Donald Trump has been married 3x times, divorced 2x. There are no schools on how to create a good and lasting marriage. Some people never marry, but have multiple monogamies – without a marriage. Some people however marry, as they are seeking that union, and want the blessing of a marriage. Sometimes people grow together, sometimest their lives, no matter how much they would like it to work, grow seriously apart.
I know people on both sides of that story.
I have to say that judging someone merely on a being married 3x in over 60 years of life is a bit shortsighted.
The good that someone did, for veterans, for various charitable causes, having given good jobs to tens of thousands of employees for many decades is something that Trump has going for him. He has good relationship with all his 5 children, 3 work with him. And his marriage to his wife now has lasted 11 years, and they have been together for 16.
Trump and Sanders should cooperate.
Bud says
Gee, She looks like S**T ! In that picture at the top of this page LOl
Lorraine E says
Read Roger Stone’s book “Clintons war on women.” That war on women includes what hillary did to Billy’s girlfriends.
hmmm says
I don’t know what she did to his girlfriends, but his rape victims said she tried to scare them into keeping quiet.
Teeseeree says
Yup. I don’t have that book, but I do have the one by Kathleen Willey.
Orville Rolando says
Now all that is needed is for the Republican party to indorse Trump and they win. Kick Cruz and kasich to the curb and win
Carl says
It just might be that The Bern, with his socialist ties, has some inside info on when the FBI will present Hillary to be prosecuted and thus his strategy to hang tough. Might disrupt the DNC’s plan to run in Shoot your gun in the air Biden. Same strategy Kasich is using on the R side. In Football it’s called a “Hail Mary” pass.
Brigid says
Joe Biden will not run. They will have to come running in with Marine Corps Captain retired James Webb. And he will kick both parties in the behind. Or they will grab O’Malley but I don’t believe for one minute that O’Malley will win.
But at least he does have some won delegates. I believe Joe Biden is a man of his word. He does not want to run.
Bruce says
This would be the best way to keep that nut Hillary out of the White House.
I hope she does not get the nomination and even if she does, Trump
will still win in the general election come November.
Cheryl says
This is what I will tell you all when you vote, vote your concise and remember your children and Grandchildren’s future depends on you. If Hilary Clinton gets in the White house folks we are going to war for sure. Personally I want her to go to prison for Bengazi and all her lies. I have never seen such a conieving person in my life.
Teeseeree says
Lies and MURDERS!!!!!
Stick says
Ya know Bernside has said some fairly dumb things recently so I question his mentality acting as a president. Dillary is a Saul Alinsky trainee and has been for years. She is a sham, a nutjob and Cruzzy isn’t much better. They must compare their scripts
for their lies.
Brigid says
That’s right. We must vote our conscience, get big money out of politics, corporations are not people and our childrens future is depending on us. We need serious jobs back in this country. So vote Bernie or Trump.
Dave says
President Nixon, looked like Little Bo Peep, compared to Hillary. He resigned as President of the United States. She’s done far worst, and is running. It’s not the people who are running that scare me, so much as uneducated voters. God Bless America.
Teeseeree says
I’m wondering why she’s even being allowed to run, as she’s been a major criminal for at least 50 years! But, then, Obama was allowed, even though he’s been a 24/7 criminal for a long time, too.
William Godsey says
The FBI will soon uncover,if not already, evidence the massive money laundering scheme known as the Clinton foundation has been putting millions in the Clinton’s pockets illegally. The Clinton foundation is “organized crime” at it’s finest.
Virginia strong says
I pray for all the people that seen what Hillary has done and all the families that there sons was killed buy that butcher that she pays a high price for what she has done to this world we will see what kind of a f b I we have they might be all crooked then something should be done to them we got enough off crooked fib now make it stick to all off them /God bless the family’s for what she done to there sons /
This little blond ditz is not worried one bit aby a contested nomination, what she should be worried about is confronting the charges of dereliction of duty and acts of treason in collusion with the WH….The DOJ who is dedicated to keeping a lid on all prosecution against her and B’OB is doing all it can to control the evidence and stop the FBI from bring this to a Grand Jury for a trial to ensue……Her “woman’s” card will not get her out of this predicament and her enabled pervert of a husband will go down with her should she be prosecuted…..We need to legally say good-bye to the Clinton Crime Foundation and the acts of treason by B’Ob……
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
A contested convention is a great means for the Dumbocrats(Clintoncrats) to get slapped in the face, the country doesn’t
need another Clintoncrat(Sugarcoated Facist Nazi) in the White House. We need Donald Trump. Trump all the way. Donald
Trump has my vote in November.
warren says
Hilary will tell any group of voters anything they want to hear for their vote. I can’t believe that she can lie her way out of prison over her E mail scandal though ,but she is trying.
Terry says
You say what? The DOJ has been renamed the Lynch Mob? Like Undocumented Immigrants, which I guess is the group O belongs in? In the South blacks used to get Lynched for no reason. Now local police depts get similar treatment?
Teeseeree says
Yep. The PC Police can suck my nose dry! They are ILLEGALS, and will always be, no matter what soft-sounding name they are given. What part of “illegal” don’t these idiots get?
Ken says
If Hilary wins, life as we have known is gone forever..And as she said “What difference does it make?” We’ll be headed to HELL! it
Ron says
I do not believe that the Americans would stoop that low to put a woman like Hillary in the WH as leader instead of the WH (women’s House in jail)! If she had no other crimes, the fact that she disregarded to rules of the WH regarding emails endangering US security, shows her arrogance, disregard for American safety, and her being unfit for the leader of that once great (except when Trump gets there) nation. Her lies over the killed in Libya due to a video, and her boldness seeking to commit a crime in having an innocent man arrested for the murders is beyond belief. I really hope Americans can open their eyes to who this woman really is. Besides, why does everyone keep talking about her running for President as a matter of fact. They should all precede their comments with “should the FBI chicken out in having put away in prison for her crimes…” That way people will get to know what she really did.
Dawg# says
Wow! Liberal Demrats can’t decide on whether they want a Communist or a war criminal for president……. Oh well, it don’t matter, they are both dictators. Plato once said that dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy…… Keep going America, it’s coming! We have a narcissist in power now, and the Country is busted in every way, so the only thing left is to vote in Hitlairy or Sanders and we might as well take down the National Flag and start flying the hammer and sickle.
Lyn says
Please take a few minutes and read the clinton chronicles or clinton bodybags you will be shocked how about 50 of their closest friends, acquainces and 12 bodyguards all mysteriously died.their crimes started back in the 70’s and still continues.she will not stop til she destroys our country.god help all of us if they return to the whitehouse. She and that perverted hubby should both be in prison.along time ago. Please..mr. comey..finish your probe..do the right thing…get this witch indicted asap! Please…vote trump..the businessman..not the crooked hilliary. He will definitely make america great again!!!
Marlin says
“But, at the end of the day the responsibility that superdelegates have is to decide what is best for the country and what is best for the Democratic Party.” Shouldn’t it be what’s best for the COUNTRY?? to hell with the republicans and the democrats. Its time to clean house and throw out the garbage.
wendy says
You know her campaign is in trouble when she has to pull perv Bill into it! He’s out there calling the FBI a game………..I doubt they are in this as a game with the Clinton’s. They are probably ready to indict!
Bill Cash says
Now that would make my day!!!
Rick Brown says
There is no way Hill-billary will be indicted by the Federal Justice Department or Congress. She has far too many friends in both places who would do anything for her. But Bernie’s win tonight does demonstrate that her support is weak. Enough people want free stuff and guarantees that their lives will be easy and cosseted by the government (read other taxpayers). Whether Hill-billary can strong arm enough people into voting for her at the convention will be a very interesting thing to watch. Democrats are known for their fractious ways. However, it looks as though the Republicans will already be as unified as they can be around the enigma that is Trump by early June when the primaries end and he has a clear majority on the first ballot.
Justin W says
“… at the end of the day the responsibility that superdelegates have is to decide what is best for the country and what is best for the Democratic Party.”
If the super delegates were interested in doing what is best for the nation and their part they would dump Hillary and Bernie and replace them with a competent person who could actually make life better for Americans. Hillary Clinton would have been sent to the sidelines several months ago if she had faced a competent, mainstream candidate.
Jerry D says
Send her to jail, She should not even qualify to be president, she does deserve a orange jump suit