Hillary Clinton’s bad behavior isn’t limited to the political world. In fact, she’s such a difficult and nasty person to get along with that being assigned to guard her is considered a form of punishment for Secret Service agents.
That’s according to investigative journalist Ronald Kessler’s tell-all book, The First Family Detail. According to former Secret Service agents interviewed by Kessler, Clinton isn’t as composed as she appears when in public.
“When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” the author recently told National Review. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident.”
Clinton would curse at her Secret Service drivers when they’d go over bumps in the road. And according to the New York Post, one morning an agent guarding her had the nerve to wish her, “Good morning, ma’am.”
“F*ck off”, Clinton barked back.
“Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military,” former agent Lloyd Bulman said. “She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.”
Another agent said, “Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House. She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it.”
gordon says
Fantastic book to read-blood and freedom. The book with the bullets on the cover is awesome
Kathy Diamond says
Why ame I not surprised. I heard this many times before.
justme35 says
Heard it for years. She has got a nasty mouth.
Gary Smith says
A friend of mine is with the secret service and says she throws things and has a dirty mouth
brewer says
that’s ok they’ll come her down when she get’s to prison…and I can’t wait
brewer says
go trump 2016
James Lewis says
Just imagine what she will be saying after a little time in prison. Let’s hear it for karma!
Ivan says
She likes to shoot people who don’t agree with her too.
reba says
She throws things, how many times has she abused the President,her husband, how many scares does he have. does it happen to be against the law to bring harm to the President or the Threaten the President. Why hasn’t the FBI ever brought charges against her for her Violence towards sitting president. regaudless of her being married to him.
George L. Kahler says
I’ve heard this more than once about her. She is a DEVIL. A real POS, one whom I personally would not throw my body between her and Barack Obama in a potential CAT fight.
Bob says
You choose to believe all these people are liars ?
You sir must be either stupid or just plain ignorant. That woman will never enter the WH as Predident , but will go to prison where she belongs mark my words !
John says
When Bill was in office, a full bird Col. friend of mine accompanied him everywhere with the padlocked brief case on his wrist. He told me of many instances when Hillary was in the background and cursing like a drunken sailor (no offense to sailors) saying things like “…that Son of a B@#$ should not be allowed to ask that question, who the f%#k does he think he is? Get his ass blacklisted on the next news briefing!”. He said he had never met anyone as rude as she was!!!
Robert D. Bond says
Another attack on Hillary promoted by those who choose to dislike her, that’s CHOSE! I’ve heard it all before and will continue to hear it even after she get to the White House. Same garbage I continually hear from the same groups about the sitting president.
Tim M says
You hear it all the time? Well then it can’t possibly be true, right? I mean the only that are true are all the things that people don’t say. Makes ferpect sense.
tony n says
Hillary Clinton touts abortion as population control at UN conference
Hillary Clinton: Population Control Will Now Become The Centerpiece Of U.S. Foreign Policy – See more at:
Earth’s Population Limit Exceeded, White House Adviser Says
Signs That The Elite Are Feverishly Preparing For Something BIG
Jondarmes says
All LOONEY TUNES are not CARTOONS, are they.
Carol says
Mr. Bond, My friend, Susanne H. was assigned specifically to Hillary and had to ride with her and attend to her every need, she spoke of Hillary’s rudeness and her garbage mouth, Hillary disrespected the service of our military and our secret service. To her they were baggage handlers and no more. Susanne also shared the story when a secret service man greeted her in the morning and she told him to F- off. She despised their presence. Susanne observed many unpleasant “outbursts” and throwing of objects within the WH….mostly at Bill. When asked if she would like to continue serving Hillary for the second term Susanne declined. Susanne died of cancer the following year she was 42……!
Lou Ann Strozyk says
Obviously, you are a Democrat and will lick her boots if she tells you to do that. How can you even defend her when you know as well as I do, she is a liar. When caught in a lie she can’t admit to, she just says, “I misspoke about that.” How does one misspeak about receiving flowers from little girls on the tarmac? She told the whole world, she was dodging bullets.
Darl Krtetsinger says
The truth must really offend you. The only way that she will ever see the inside of the White House ever again is if she is on a guided tour. She better make it quick before charges are filed against her.
Dewey Landrum says
If she ever becomes President then we will know our country has sunk so low there is no hope for America. I know God must really angry at America for turning against him but I pray that he is not so Angry at us that he would let some thing like Hillary become our president.
S. Wolfe says
AMEN TO YOUR COMMENT! I whole heartedly agree with everything you said about Hillary and I hope and pray that this once great Nation of ours will turn back to God. I think the only reason Hillary might become president is the fact she is a woman, although not a very nice on by any means. I think our current welfare recipients will try to vote her in because of it. Again, I pray I am wrong.
Steve Dolyniuk says
Another person who cannot see the forest for the trees. Right after Bill got out of Office an FBI agent who had Whitehouse duty, wrote a book that told many things about the Clintons, & while Bills was not real bad, he had nothing good to say about the she Devil, Hillary.
Lupaccio says
Are you a member of the Saudi royal family??
Robert says
Yeah, convicts don’t get elected!! This scumbag is going to prison when the Republican nominee gets elected. There are millions of Democrats so mad at the Democrat Party for what it has done to them and their jobs and healthcare, the Dumbocrat party is going to have a hard time resurrecting itself after the election crucifixtion that is coming.
angelica fazio says
You have more confidence in this nation’s condition than I do. I think we are so far gone that we can’t possibly have an honest election to put in a Constitutional candidate (unfortunately). I think things are already positioned so that the American people don’t have any more clout or representation than they’ve had in the past 7 years (or even less). I hope and pray; however, I no longer have confidence. I think we have already been ‘fundamentally transformed,” whether we know it or not.
texcellent says
Well? Could it be that it’s all true. How many times do you have to hear something before it lends credence to fact?
bob onitt says
what goes with that cool-aid,probably crow with fava beans
rick manning says
hey robert-bond—— bet you are a big obama fan too!!!!!!!! it’s a shame that you are so blind. do you research seriously who you want for president, or do you just want to elect and defend hillary as the first woman president. NOT MUCH OF A QUALIFICATION IS IT!!!!!!!! but then you probably voted for obama to be a part of that historical moment. Take a look at his qualifications and then take a serious look at the mess the country is in. I sincerely hope the country and the CONSTITUTION can survive another year of his majesties reign!!!!!!
ron lee says
tic toc tic toc tic toc
SlamJamma says
You may not like what you hear about this subject, but unfortunately there is a lot of truth as to her behavior toward the very service that has been tasked with her protection for years. Starting with her husband’s term as president. She was incredibly rude on a regular basis to Secret Service agents. I’m sorry but in response to your opinion I must say that she is not worthy of holding the office of POTUS, nor any other apparently given her response to Bengazi alone. Never mind the other issues. And, as I throw in the conspiracy monkey wrench, over 50 people close to the Clintons over the years have mysteriously died. I smell a rat. She will not get my vote.
Patrick says
I’m gonna puke.
Fed up says
See .. I told you she is a BITCH.. You dumb ass ‘es go on and put her in the White House.. You AINT see nothin.. Just give her some real power !! OMG
liz allen says
I am not a HIlary fan, nor am I a fan of foul mouth bigoted Trump. The only candidate who gives a damn about working families is Sanders…he has NO baggage.
Elanore Taylor says
True about Bernie. At least he comes out with the Truth as he sees it …through RED LIB eyes.
Not sure if the country is ready for a full on Socialist (Communist?). And I wonder when the anti-semitic
back lash will begin!
Tricia says
Then you are truly anti-American if you believe a committed Communist/Socialist like Bernie Sanders would be a good President. We are in deep trouble now, and if you want to live in a Communist Country then might I invite you to move to Venezuela, North Korea, China, or Russia and get the hell out of America!
Lavinia Sala says
Sanders is a Socialist Democrat. The Nazis were Socialist Democrats. Enough said.
DockyWocky says
I guess she gets that attitude from her years in the Imperial family, although rumors were, she was a total bi*ch back in the Arkysaw years, too. To many insiders have dumped this imperious attitude on us before to ignore now.
It is disgusting, even frightening, to even toy with the idea of allowing this harpy to assume the office of president of the US of A.
WildBill says
I think she is typical of many who have been in power in DC! She thinks she is better than everyone! And her only real claim to fame is being married to Bill the “oral president”! She has not done a good job anywhere, including as a lawyer in Arkansas. I believe she and Bill no longer have a license to practice law, (Just like Obummer and his wife). I pray that she will never be president as she will make Obama look like a genius! She will make 3 democratic presidents in a row who have made hundreds of millions out of the presidency!! That should tell you something about their Character!!!
Charlene Holt says
They are the same people when Bill was running for president…….the American people were told that “character”
wasn’t important. That was at the same time Bill already had a woman or two out to get his hide and this was all hitting the news about that time. That was when his campaign came out with “character” isn’t important……………. they were trying to soften things up before the American people got to upset about his outside activity. Before it was all over with several other woman entered the outside activity. I think by that time most people decided that “character’ really didn’t matter because they elected him anyway and even a second term. I think the voters were wrong voting for him because “character” really does matter. As long as he has been out of office they are both showing to the American people and the world that character really does matter be cause they neither one have any character.
Benford Hughey says
You’re another example of “You can’t fix stupid.”
Hoffhack says
Just an old Haag on the rag!
pancho villadeltren says
She reminds me of some of the trash that worked for the state offices. when some female slept her way up, they tried to act so superior, when in fact they were just slugs.
Ronaldo says
John spoke of someone telling him…….means he read it on the book, “dereliction of duty” authored by that Colonel.
These comments are validated by Leon Penetta on a Fox News interview with oreilly recently.
Paraphrasing, “Hillary was very much in charge when Bill was president”
The book also stated that soon after the election, Hillary ordered that no one was allowed in the White House / Oval Office wearing a uniform.”
That order soon thereafter was rescinded.
Robert Hagedorn says
Just what the U.S. needs–a Commander-in-Chief who detests military uniforms. But no problem. Our soldiers and marines can fight in their underwear.
Stebo says
In Col. Patterson’s book, Dereliction of Duty, he says the same thing about Cankles. She is a hateful mean-spirited person with no respect for the military or police. Sad to thank that she could be president of this country. I guess we have enough sheeple dumb azzes to elect her.
Robert says
she reminds me of imelda marcos one of the most viscous mean spirited females of all times..would not even flinch at ordering someones death.given the same power hillary would be more than ready to kill anybody that crosses her..
SeeAll says
Oh, I heard it from someone and read something on the Internet, the W had three of four naked women hanging around the Oval Office every time he was there. One reason Laura did not like living in DC. Twelve years ago she wasn’t feminine enough, Now she is too tough. I have observed in politics and sales. If you have nothing to stand for. Attack the competitor.
Barry says
Sounds like you haven’t been paying attention. HRC attacks people all the time; claims that everything is a conspiracy against her; why is everybody always picking on poor little me.
missourisam says
You must have mistaken W for Slick Willie. Character assassination is the weapon of cowardly a**holes.
Elanore Taylor says
Geez….There is so much one can say to fault GWB…why pass on “hear-say” from the internet! Sorry…cannot
take someone who spreads ridiculous rumors seriously. Please at least add a credible source for your comments.
Tricia says
Bill Clinton Probably. George Bush highly doubtful. And how DARE YOU ATTACK Laura Bush! She is a gracious, intelligent Lady who deserves a great deal of respect – unlike the angry black so-called First “Lady” unfortunately living at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue right now. There’s one ugly angry witch who treats the Secret Service and military every bit as badly as Hilary.
Mary says
Anyone thinking about voting for this witch has got to be crazy our country dosen’t need her in the White House. She is a angry woman.
missourisam says
I don’t know why anyone would be surprised at this story. Hillary has, from the first time I saw her given the impression that she thinks she is elite, and a legend in her own mind. She is also stupid. It is not real smart to antagonize the people you are depending on to protect your life. I’m not saying that the Secret Service Agents would intentionally let her be killed or injured, but it is human nature to remember past injuries and slights. Agents are trained to give up their bodies to save their charge. If you strongly dislike that person, is it not possible that they might think about their family before dying for a bitch?
dani says
that vicious laugh, she would be good on the tena commmerical. she looks like the Pillsbury dough boy.does she ever wear a dress.
Asif Ali says
Thats all bull.! She should be in the White House, has the experience and ability. She will make a very good President indeed.she calls a spade a spade and doesn’t suffer fools.!
Fred says
Let’s not forget HRC’s cold heart and viciousness when she doesn’t trust someone or is afraid that that someone will prove her wrong; Vince Foster, HRC’s personal attorney in the White Water fiasco suddenly committed suicide in a Washington park and had his briefcase and papers all disappear. Hmmm?
Bill M says
How long have you been delusional?
John Lentz says
We lost two Navy Seals, a staff member and the Ambassador in Libya BECAUSE she wouldn’t order a strike on the terrorist. Don’t tell me what a wonderful leader she is.
Nolan Raborn says
Asif, run, not walk to the nearest head doctor! You have serious mental problems.
Tricia says
What “experience”? Sorry but being MARRIED to the President does NOT give her “experience”. Being the WORST Secretary of State and getting FOUR AMERICANS MURDERED, does NOT giver her “experience”. Illegally having official government information on her private email server at HOME, does NOT giver her “experience”. And certainly being a “woman” does NOT make her qualified. You need to take a good hard look at the trash that’s in there now and understand Obama is the Worst President in our History – and Hilary is even WORSE than Obama. Our country does not need another traitor running the White House.
Anthony says
Eh, shes probably bitter because her pos hubby ran around on her so much? Then again? This could all be the reason Bill chose to run around????? who knows? Poor woman either way.
Linda says
Anyone voting or supporting Hillary Clinton has some real intellectual issues. Statistically it has been shown that Democratic voters are the least informed voters by far. If you get your news and fact sources from one place or from only “liberal” talking heads you are “intentionally uniformed”. Listen to what someone SAYS and then what someone DOES. Matt Drudge was absolutely correct when he said hard core Democrats would vote for Hillary if she was nothing more than a brain in a jar. I don’t really care how “stupid” or “uninformed” you want to be, but please don’t vote because your stupidity affects the rest of us. Make an informed decision or comment or just shut up!!!
Not So Free says
She did the same thing when Bill was in the White House back in the 90’s.
Nothing new here.
Richard says
And if the time comes when one of these brave men need to step in the path of an assassin and this women, I’m sure they will- or maybe not.
David R(Canada) says
And she thinks these people will be ready to “take a bullet” for her!?
Fat chance!
bouboulina says
Hopefully, one of these days she’ll ignore her protectors when they warn her to watch her step & she’ll fall & break that big ol’ butt of hers & have to drop out of the running. (Just joking!)
Michael Baugh says
She won’t be getting my vote because she accepts money to the Clinton foundation from Monsanto, and has a GMO lobbyist for her campaign manager. http://linkis.com/globalresearch.ca/Hillary_Clinton_Push.html
SlamJamma says
I am not a Dem or Republican, but I do have two members of my wife’s family who served in the Secret Service from Regan ’til Obama. I can tell you that Hillary being nasty and disrespectful to agents is old news. It is absolutely true, and if she becomes Pres., I truly hope she can put that nasty arrogance of hers aside and let the Secret Service do their job. Their job by the way is to PROTECT the POTUS at ALL times. And if they say you can’t go somewhere, then you’re not going. That’s because they are responsible to the American people to protect their president, and the country from the fall out, of any kind of assassination attempts.
Nolan Raborn says
Hey, tell the SS it is ok with me if they let the old bitch get herself killed. She would never be my president anyway!
RanchLadySoTX says
Heaven help your poor family members for having had the job of protecting Hillary. She must truly be the Devil in disguise to be so abusive to those who try to protect her at the cost of their lives. They should be commended for doing a truly unsavory job with that woman. If she becomes President of the US, we are all in DEEP trouble. She is a number one liar and I have read accounts of other dirty deeds she has done. We do not need this type of character without morals in our top office of this country.
Catman Rocker says
12 years ago a group of my friends and myself met a young and ” once secret service employee” who then was 34 years old. He had told us about the time that he was instructed to move his office with 2 other agents to this location at an older commercial building somewhere in D.C. ( since I had been once stationed at Ft. Meyer I knew shortly he was for real.) He told of the day he and his other 2 agents were moving desks, lamps ect into this small office space. Enter the witch hillary with her entourage and told him to get out… He had stated that he explained to her this was the ” Services’ office and he was told to occupy by his superiors… She would not stand for back talk as he explained and told he and his group to get the F^^%$ out and now !!! He made a stand and told her he was sorry but she needed to get out and at that point she called him a F&*&^%G bastard and hit him in the face with a lamp shade, causing him some eye damage… when he reported back to his superiors he was told not to get into any conflict with her and actually was assigned to another office… within the year he resigned and started a corporate security company in San Francisco. That old witch is such a kind and tolerant “B”. How anyone can vote for her is beyond my comprehension.
RanchLadySoTX says
They will vote for her simply because she is a woman and on the liberal side of the podium. The people on handouts (and this country gives out way too many handouts to everyone that even asks) will try to vote her in so their handouts continue forever. That is what the country is thriving on, take from those that have something and have worked for it, and give it all to those who are too lazy to get up and go get even a simple job to try and help themselves. We need to change the welfare laws first and foremost in this country and then maybe Hillary will just disappear off the face of the map. Anyone that is that disrespectful of those who serve this country (and try to protect her and her family) should not even be allowed to participate in the election process. She shouldn’t be where she is today but in prison.
Jan says
This woman is very sick, and is to be pitied. Those who vote for her are even sicker! Everything that comes out of her mouth is a big lie. Who ever said that Vince Foster really committed suicide??????? And all his important papers disappeared??????
Come on now America WAKE UP!!!!!
John Lentz says
She couldn’t keep Billy’s pants zipped!!!! So what makes any Clinton supporters think she’s qualified?
Dez says
The me-me-me Clintons are the official anti-christ representatives. God will be waiting for them and their bedfellows.
Bill M says
There was a book written in the late 90’s called “Big Sister is Watching You”. Every Hillary supporter needs to get a copy of that book and digest it. It is full of facts with links to hundreds of publications, showing what a violent and despicable bitch she really is. One has to have his/her brain removed to vote for this despicable POS.
Rita Wolfgramm says
We must realize that anyone who backs Hillary Clintons outrageous behavior towards others must be just like her. To criticize her would be to criticize themselves. Hillary is like a terribly spoiled child who doesn’t get its way. I would like to see her throw the F bomb at Putin or some loose cannon terrorist. They would blow our rear ends to kingdom come! And that is exactly what we have to look forward to.
Linda says
Hillary’s facelifts gave her a smile that looks like Martin Sheen. #DonaldTrumpForPresident!!
Nolan Raborn says
She has had a face lift? Sure didn’t do any good!
Cheslow Yez says
Yes, there is a little bit of evil in every middle aged woman, and a little bit of slut in the older gender. Just ask “Adam”.
albert says
If it’s so that Hillary ” religion of peace ” Clinton has concerned herself with overpopulation then maybe she should have a word with her friends about men taking 4 wives and having 30 children.
Hawaii Vacation Czar says
The woman has always been a hateful, obnoxious, foul mouthed bitch.
Justin Wachin says
I can’t believe anyone wants this woman in a position of leadership. Hillary has a reputation for being a cruel and coarse person. Once again we get a story which seems to confirm the report.
Joy-Ann says
I briefly met her once in the mid-1990’s (before I knew what a selfish, miserable bitch she is) at a women’s luncheon that was really one big money grub for her, disguised as fund raising event. The most expensive and the absolute worst luncheon of my life. The way she is accurately described in these posts describes a sociopath, and that’s what she is … a textbook sociopath. To sum it up, they have no conscience, no moral compass and therefore no compassion.
Mark says
Killery has always hated any agency that enforces the law. When she first arrived at the White House as the First Lady, she TOLD a Secret Service Agent to grab her Luggage. When the Agent told her he couldn’t because it wasn’t his job, she snapped back at him and said, “Then what the F*** are you good for?”. That was in the Book about the Clinton Fammily by an FBI Agent to pass all Personnel to be in the White House. I can’t remember the name of the Book, but I highly recommend it as great reading. It came out some time in 1996 or 97.
charles brownlee says
Having read thru the postings, I don’t think of much to add. In summation; it all points up the fact that AMERICA is in deep trouble. In all of my eighty four years ; NEVER would I have believed to see times such as these. It appears that only GOD can save this shining city on the hill. Perhaps he sees the only thing to do w/ it is the same as was done w/ Sodom and Gomorha. Pray hard for AMERICA and perhaps the evil will destroy itself!!
Patty B says
I’m in my fifties, not eighties, but I’m like you. I sure never thought I’d see my country like this either. I really do believe we’re living in the end of days. And I’d rather be dead than living in this constant fear of being nuked, beheaded, set on fire etc. I’ve never been so afraid to be an American in my life, not even after 9/11, the FIRST one. And I’m not even as afraid of the terrorists, as I am from our OWN government.
RanchLadySoTX says
I think Charles Brownlee, that you have just said a huge mouthful. We are actually seeing a modern version of Sodom and Gomorha. If this once great nation of ours does not turn its face back to God, and take a few stands against the evil doers in this country, we will be truly doomed with no where to go. I pray constantly for my grandchildren and what they will have to face as they are growing up. One is nearly ready for college and it scares not only me but him as well, the evil that this country is contending with. What is more, we are now TOLD that we can not say a prayer at a public event, nor do we have the Pledge of Allegiance before school starts. WE have sunk to an all time low in this country and God will reap his vengeance on the United States and the people that have turned from Him.
Winston says
It has been 70 years since America was in a world war. Over twenty years since we were in a cold war with Russia. In that time, America has gone straight downhill.
For instance, in that time:
•Racism has increased, cops are always shooting unarmed Black teens
•The Patriarchy is more powerful than ever
•No good minimum wage increase for the working class
•No new immigration policy
What America needs is a world war with Russia. There is only one woman who will guarantee she will start a world war with Russia to defend terrorists:
Hillary Clinton.
So when you go to the polls, ask yourself:
1.Do you want a nuclear war and constant abortions in high schools?
2.Do you want free college tuition and socialism in the corporations?
3.Do you want to protect the rights of homosexual men to adopt male children as sex toys?
4.Do you want to end the patriarchy and stop all wars forever?
If you said yes to any of these questions then vote Hillary 2016.
Patty B says
She’s a grown woman, if she doesn’t want security, then I say, by all means don’t protect her. It would solve a lot of problems if the Secret Service got assigned to someone else. She would be happy, THEY would be happy, and just maybe she’ll be sorry she didn’t treat the rest of her fellow Americans better. With the way this country and the world are going, I would LOVE to have Secret Service protection for my family and myself, especially at someone else’s expense. And I would treat them like my life depended on them, not like some spoiled little brat.
Joy-Ann says
She has a lot of enemies and without the security of the Secret Service she is likely to be attacked at some point. Hopefully, she will not get elected and will get her way and will no longer have the security detail. Fingers crossed.
Lime-bear says
Does anyone know the image source?
Joy-Ann says
The problem is that sociopaths/psychopaths (not much of a difference between the two) are mostly running the show. Give them power and guaranteed they will abuse it. It’s not really about any specific political party, although some have more of these corrupt people than others, it’s about ‘without conscience’ leadership. They have no compassion for humanity and are out to destroy it. In other words, it’s a case of ‘the fox is in charge of the hen-house.’ As long as the ‘without conscience’ are in charge we are doomed.
Laura says
Rand Paul 2016!!!!
Beano says
The agent is just telling you what your next president will be like. Since nobody wants to take bitch out for some reason.
Joy-Ann says
Hillary is very well insulated and protected by her inner-circle of psychopaths. I suspect that the next POTUS will be selected, not elected. If Hillary winds up in that position then I will know for certain she was selected, not elected.
Linda says
I agree with you. She has multi-millions of dollars behind her and money buys politics. Soros is behind her, and he is a very dangerous man. She does have many other evil people with much influence and money. You are correct in saying our next president may be selected. It could also go to Jeb Bush and it is strange that family still has so much power despite their unpopularity, and that another Bush would get into the political game after unpopular war in Iraq. It makes a person wonder if they are double agents. It is very strange that Bill Clinton and the elder George Bush are friends. If the elder George Bush is supposed to represent morality then why is he a close friend with Bill Clinton? I think that is why Carson and Trump are so popular because they are outsiders.
Linda says
Hillary would be disastrous for international diplomacy because she is so rude, selfish, and is an obvious sociopath according to all I have read about her. She had a lot of trouble getting along with Lavrov, the Russian ambassador. She will likely start a war with Russia as stated above. She doesn’t like traditional men, especially military and the police. In Russia, they encourage the older values in men and like the military. I believe an intelligent, kind, ladylike, and polite woman who understands Russian culture could work with them. She would have to be moral with traditional values, but not the type to be easily manipulated. I don’t think we are getting the full picture on Russia due to our distorted media. For some unknown reasons, the media hates Russia, maybe because they promote traditional values such as marriage between a man and a woman and many of the people in the media are gay. The Russians have been remarkably patient with us and recently intercepted some middle eastern terrorists trying to purchase nuclear weapons. They could have allowed them to blow us up. They along with China could ruin our economy if they sent their minds to it. China has bailed us out of this financial mess and we spew a lot of hatred at them for the trade imbalance. There are fantastic people over there too, including a boy who could finally afford to college in order to help his parents buy a house. I have never agreed with trade embargos because they mostly hurt people who don’t have anything to do with politics. This could backfire in a big way right now. They deserve courtesy from us. I have listened to Putin on the Russian news station and he appears to be logical in what he says most of the time. I don’t know if we have the full story on Ukraine due to our biased media coverage. I don’t have the full story on him and therefore can’t judge one way or the other. I think different people need to work with Russia, good people who really understand Russian culture and politics. There are many Christians over there because it was denied them so many years. At least one girl interviewing Putin was wearing a cross but they don’t put up with any nonsense in their historical churches. They put the Pussy Riot protestors in jail for two years. Perhaps they have been patient with us because they are Christians. One boy gave us life for the United States when he disabled a nuclear sub in the Atlantic Ocean back in the 1980s. This was made into a movie. They also created a beautiful monument in New York for the 911 disaster. It is there in New York City but you seldom see photos of it due to our biased news media.
dick says says
time to take America back hard working people are fed up trump can do it.
Charles vitelli says
I feel Hilliary should just walk away out of politic’s for I have heard her foul month on my friend’s buses that they converted to bullit prove for Bill Clinton for his campaine tour. She would walk on anyone who disagreed with her such as now we here one lie after another. This woman had a one good thing and that is her daughter Chelsea.Ierved in Viet. Nam in the Marines in recon and with my clearence so high as an officer would have had just one call on espionage woulld have
been in the brigg. This woman has no respect for our secret and even less respect for our military. We need Donald Trump for president and Ben Carson for vice president. The politicians do not seem to care about our military f.or they would not tri and close down Tricare for our service personell. Let’s bring America back and have some stability. Ask yourself why 70 persent of our home less are VETERANS. Thank you cv
Paul Cavanaugh says
What gets me is why people still vote for her. she’s rude, caught in God on know how many lies and people still trust her. !!!???? ARE WE THAT STUPID????
Joy-Ann says
Like all sociopaths she presents a false image; one image for those whom she needs to deceive and another image for those whom she doesn’t care if they know who she really is…. typical textbook sociopath.
Some people will support/vote for her because they are more gullible and more easily misled than others who are aware and can see right through her, and then others are brainwashed or just in denial.
Also, I personally believe that some of the scenes/photos/videos with her surrounded by her “supporters” are staged. As I’ve stated before if she becomes our next president (God help us) my suspicions will be confirmed; she was selected, not elected….. as mainstream media will surely have us believe.