These uninformed Hillary supporters will agree with anything she says, even when they are told she wants to implement Sharia Law in America! Watch to see these mindless responses.
Sorry folks but its time for minimum IQ requirements for voting privileges.
I would add we should not let vote those who has nothing to lose, who has no money in the bank or RE property and so on. those people are suckers, leaving on the working middle class expenses and voting for those who promise them more ans more.
What a pathetic bunch of ignorant idiots – I agree with Brock; at least a slight, tiny little bit of understanding of politics, the Constitution, and the dangers inherent in ideologies like Sharia Law must be a requirement to be able to vote. Being a misinformed fool is one thing; being stupid is forever!
Where did you find all those insane people who (particularly women) who think Sharia Law would be good to live under. I can’t believe there are that many complete idiots walking around loose. And these are people who are going to make some man a good intelligent wife????
Somebody opened the door to the lunacy bin!! GOD HELP US.
These idiots need educated on what they are answering to….OMG!!!!!!
Obama Hillary Clinton all who are involved be put in jail bottom line and you know we have the proof we need to stop them before they stops us that will be the end of America
Sorry folks but its time for minimum IQ requirements for voting privileges.
I would add we should not let vote those who has nothing to lose, who has no money in the bank or RE property and so on. those people are suckers, leaving on the working middle class expenses and voting for those who promise them more ans more.
Ur estupid.
What a pathetic bunch of ignorant idiots – I agree with Brock; at least a slight, tiny little bit of understanding of politics, the Constitution, and the dangers inherent in ideologies like Sharia Law must be a requirement to be able to vote. Being a misinformed fool is one thing; being stupid is forever!
Where did you find all those insane people who (particularly women) who think Sharia Law would be good to live under. I can’t believe there are that many complete idiots walking around loose. And these are people who are going to make some man a good intelligent wife????
Somebody opened the door to the lunacy bin!! GOD HELP US.
These idiots need educated on what they are answering to….OMG!!!!!!
Obama Hillary Clinton all who are involved be put in jail bottom line and you know we have the proof we need to stop them before they stops us that will be the end of America
Simple unbelievable!