A former Republican congressman from Illinois says he plans to grab his musket if Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump loses the presidential election. It was a simple metaphor for civil disobedience… but it caused the left to spin into a frenzy, claiming the protest plan was a death threat.
Now they’re the ones who are up in arms… and foaming at the mouth.
Former U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh tweeted Wednesday afternoon :
On November 8th, I'm voting for Trump.
On November 9th, if Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket.
You in?
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) October 26, 2016
Walsh later said on Twitter that he was referring to “acts of civil disobedience.” He told WMAQ-TV that the reference to a musket was a metaphor, and said should Trump lose a rigged election, “we’re going to protest and boycott and practice civil disobedience. We may start a third party.”
Whining liberals didn’t quite understand that it’s not the early 18th century, and quickly took to Twitter to express their fears of musket fire.
USA Today affiliate Indy Star, displayed their clear misunderstanding of Walsh, suggesting the tweet should alert the Secret Service:
Could former congressman Joe Walsh's "grabbing my musket" comment raise the eyebrows of the Secret Service? https://t.co/2N7mXDA7kF
— IndyStar (@indystar) October 27, 2016
American Radio Journalist Kai Ryssdal criticized Walsh as irresponsible for suggesting a boycott by tweeting:
This is beyond irresponsible coming from a former member of Congress. (or anyone, really.)
Also, musket? What? https://t.co/I7VYnWpJNI
— Kai Ryssdal (@kairyssdal) October 26, 2016
One Twitter users urged others to tattle on Walsh for “making threats.”
Clearly the loony left is too sensitive to understand a simple metaphor for a protest. One utterance of the word “gun”, and they take to the internet to cry out in fear… huddled safely behind their computer screen.
If only they could see through their tears to see that no one is actually proposing violence, but advocating Americans to stand up for their beliefs and protest clear corruption?
We guess that’s too much to ask.
Someone get them a Kleenex.
The Associated Press and The Horn editorial team contributed to this article.
DRD5508 says
Basically, he is saying that he sees the writing on the wall. To him I say, welcome and what took you so long?
Maxx says
That’s probably the only choice left to save America from the likes of Clinton, Soros and the other liberal degenerates. We no longer need to fear a foreign attack on America because our enemies have infiltrated our very government and it must be exterminated by whatever means necessary. Being a subversive used to be a serious crime until the democrat party became that subversive organization. The Second Amendment is the only thing keeping this a semi-free country.
Lloyd L Jones says
I agree agree completely
Will says
Most of the people behind the corrupted government, are not even American. The New WORLD ORDER is backing all of your latest Presidents since R.R. left office. Starting with G.H.W.B. – Obama… all have received Big donations from the leaders, & cronies of The NEW WORLD ORDER… THEY must have a one monetary system in order to control the whole world…. this is their goal. Clearing the road to perdition… that the antichrist Must take … For It IS written, thus sayeth THE LORD !
Billy65 vietnam vet says
Mark Plenn says
SOROS a foreign national has no right to donate to a political campaign. Hillary Clinton has taken millions from Soros, something fishy?
Bee says
No truer words spoken! They can say and do anything, because they are above the law. They (the dems) can’t take it when the tables are turned. ????
Southern By Choice says
Sure didn’t see any outrage from the lamestream media when Biden encouraged violence by saying he would like to take Trump “behind the gym”. This was an open invitation for someone to “beat up” Trump – but that was OK since it obviously came from Crazy Joe, everyone’s drunk Uncle. But let a Republican say anything controversial, and the media is all over it. Like Stepphenalous (sp) asking Trump is he felt guilty taking time off from his campaign to attend the opening of the new hotel.. Thank goodness Trump kept his cool and only mentioned Hillary taking time off to attend an Adele concert. What a joke this media has become, and appears they will soon be infecting social media, the internet and all other forms of communication, especially with their lock on Google, Facebook, etc. We may have to go back to the days of the pony express to get the real news. Has anyone checked out One American News (OAN) – great alternative to FOX, especially during Megan Kelly’s time
Frank says
Look up One America News Network un your cable channel listings. Go to http://www.oann.com. Look up their schedules and watch Liz Wheeler who is far better than Kelly.
JoAnn says
Totally agree. One America News is great!
wandamurline says
Sounds like a really good idea to me….am tired of a tyrannical usurping government …. our forefathers foresaw this and that is why they gave us the Second Amendment….it was not for hunting….it was for addressing an out of control government….our forefathers gave us the right to take it down….actually they said it was our responsibility to do so.
Judy says
That’s the real reason the libs are trying to take our guns away.
Robert Taylor says
That was the cry of the early defenders of this country. If we allow the country to fall into criminal hands (and Clinton is a criminal even if the FBI was bought off) then we have no one to blame except ourselves and the spineless media. As proof of my statement read the following;
First Mrs. Clinton did have custody of records, documents or other things (electronic documents). Next she did willfully and unlawfully conceal or destroy the same.
So let’s break this down to her (Mrs. Clinton’s) actual actions pertaining to files that were considered work related. Mrs. Clinton did willfully and unlawfully initiate work related documents to be placed on her private computer. Mrs. Clinton did willfully and unlawfully allow work related documents to be removed or destroyed from her private computer. We could proceed further, however those two actions alone fulfill the requirements to be prosecuted under the law as shown in this document. Even if Mrs. Clinton is not fined under this title (18 US Code 2071 (b) or imprisoned, she is still disqualified (if found guilty) to hold any office under the United States as per the cited US Code. However, Mrs. Clinton has admitted and the FBI has stated she did in fact do these actions. You should take notice that “intent” is not mentioned in this section of the Code. Further, “ignorance of the law is no excuse” is a statement we have heard many times and by virtue of her position she either knew or should have known what she did was illegal.
Any person with the knowledge of and the authority to take legal action to implement this US Code against Mrs. H. Clinton and does not do so is guilty of dereliction of duty. If the legal action allowed and demanded by this US Code (18 US Code 2071 (b)) is not taken in a timely manner then later action could be implied as “election tampering” which would give the President reason to intervene on behalf of Mrs. Clinton. A pardon usually cannot take place unless the person is first convicted of a federal crime but the President may have other options. One of these options would be a blanket pardon which pardons crimes committed or may be committed in the future sort of like Mr. Ford did for Mr. Nixon.
jim haney says
Where was the outrage when Biden made his asinine comment about taking a double barrel shotgun out on the balcony and firing it? Everyone knows the liberals are as looney as they come, even the liberals know but will not admit it. Where is their outrage over the attacks on law enforcement? Where is their outrage when black lives matters torches buildings or block a major highway? I suspect it is too late for any of them to come to their senses and realize how stupid they truly are. They are either on the dole or have drank of the kool aid for too long.
capt ron says
Robert …
. You are so right with one exception, the main stream propaganda is not spineless they are a bunch of sellout whores.
Barbara NElson says
The writing was on the wall when Obama endorsed crooked Hillary before the corrupt FBI Comey told the world that he was giving the psychopath Hillary a pardon, which he is not authorized to do. I understand fully what Mr Walsh was saying. It is also called freedom of speech.
CJ says
The left are too dumb to understand metaphors, allegories, sarcasm, etc. Many are the product of our failed public school system; which by the way Donald Trump plans to fix. Check out Mike Pence’s former state of Indiana to see how a school system SHOULD be run.
Kris says
If the Egyptians can put 100s of 1000s of people in their capitol to protest, wtf is wrong with us? Save a few vacation days…. You get what you demand & equal justice und under the law is a righteous demand to make.
Tom Hacker says
The left is a bunch of sissies that wont be able to protect themselves when attached by the real enemy. They will either joint the enemy or rely on real men like Joe. I for one, support the notion that we need real change in the Government and to stop the Government from controling nearly every aspect of out lives.
Ronald Williamson says
win or lose this is a movement if Trump loses the movement Will Go On the people of America will take back this country if we have to start at the bottom and work our way up we’re going to clean out corruption from all levels of government and we will do whatever it takes so when the election is over the movement will continue this is a wake-up call for all media All American citizens we’ve had enough
DUMP TRUMP AND THE [ ONE TRUE GOD ] WILL DUMP YOU!!! In the words of Ron White,” You can’t fix STUPID” RIGHT???
Why should you listen to me??? Because of all the people who have contacted me for help in their cause! The Iluminati asked me to join their ranks! Soros asked me to support his cause! The wife of Bernie Madoff asked me to have his Bank Account unfrozen! Rudy Guliani asked me to support his Campaign! The U.S.Senate passed the mew VA Funding and Benefits Bill and Corrective Bill at my insistance because they didn’t want me to publish my book about Coruption in Government, Titled [ How GOD Found ME ] ! The President sent me a copy of his 911 Speech at 12:05 AM because he didn’t want me to miss it, DUE to emails I sent him previously that caused him to close the WH and Vet Memorials to the Public! Virtually EVERYONE running for public office has contacted me for support??? There is much more but I don’t want to take up a whole page??? If you need more reasons just read what Jesus TAUGHT, or read my BOOK !!! It is only 114 pages and has something for everyone??? TRUMP IS BEST FOR OUR COUNTRY AT THIS TIME! FIXING HILLARY’S BRAIN IS NOT AN OPTION??? NOTHING CAN BE DONE TO REPAIR THE BRAIN OF A HABITUAL [ LIAR ]??? THEY DEVELOP THAT TRAIT AT AN EARLY AGE AND IT REMAINS WITH THEM FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE!!! SHE IS ONE OF THE BEST EXAMPLES OF THAT TRAIT,RIGHT???MOST PAST PRESIDENTS’ HAIR TURNS GRAY DURING THEIR TIME IN OFFICE DUE TO THEIR CONCERN AND PRESSURE’S OF THE OFFICE! DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT HILLARY CAN HANDLE THAT??? JUST PICTURE HER WITH GRAY HAIR??? NOT IN THIS LIFETIME,RIGHT??? THE MEDIA IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE WATCH DOG TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS FROM PEOPLE LIKE HILLARY AND THE CORRUPT DEMOCRATS WHO WILL DO AND SAY ANYTHING TO KEEP THE PEOPLE UNDER THEIR CONTROL LIKE ALL THE OTHER FALSE RELIGIONS??? HOW can anyone believe a habitual LIAR??? She is just using all you women because she knows she NEEDS your vote to win,RIGHT??? SHE studied the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO in college and has planned for the past 30 years to make it her GOAL to establish COMMUNISM in these United States to create disharmony between the men and women using SEXUAL INNUENDO AND any form or comment pertaining to such an encounter to persuade as many women as possible to vote for her!!! That clearly shows just how STUPID she believes you are,RIGHT??? She used the same APPROACH in the last four elections and the REPUBLICANS fell into her TRAP??? THAT IS WHY THEY LOST,RIGHT??? WHY WOULDN’T SHE USE THE SAME TACTIC THAT WORKED BEFORE??? THINK ABOUT THAT!!! IS SHE RIGHT??? MORE IMPORTANTLY, IS SHE RIGHT FOR AMERICA??? I THINK NOT!!! A HABITUAL LIAR FOR PRESIDENT??? HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? MISERY LOVES COMPANY AND IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY MISERABLE,YOU HAVEN’T SEEN NOTHING YET; IF YOU VOTE FOR HER!!!
Samuel Crabtree says
William – I agree with your goal – hillary should not be elected. But BOY, do you need to learn how to use words. Just one example:
“she hasn’t learned nothing yet”. Double negative. The meaning of your phrase is “she has learned everything”. Correctly worded for yhe meaning you intended is:
she has learned nothing
she hasn’t learned anything
Please don’t take my criticism personal because your mistake is very common among the younger people (under 70). It is a criticism of the school system in that it doesn’t teach English usage. The present and recent teaching is that “if the statement is understood because of the context it is ok. But often those words will be repeated without the context and will therefor be mis-understood.
I apologize for my errors in the above – but I graduated high school in January 1953 and have forgotten much.
Will says
Personally, I LIKE old, incorrectly spelled on purpose. And I use it often, just to express my down homeness. Lol. But you are correct in you correctly stated statements. Who cares? He still knew what he wanted to say, & GOT his point across… Regular people talk like that, or similarly so. I can speak or dress according to the Ado… But I like speaking Easy… you should try sometime… I’ll be doggone, ifin it isn’t somewhat relaxin at times.
John G. says
Sad but true – it’s OK for the Left, but not so for the right – O’bozoCare floundering after Pelosi begs for it’s passage before could read it to know what was in it. 100% responsibility on the “Liberals” while O’bozo the “Big Eared” Clown insists it’s working fine just needs a little tweeting. Talk about ignorance and having your head up your ass – unbelievable.
Charles says
Why do you think the Liberals want to grab our guns. Certainly not for safety. They want to grab your guns so that when the American people have had enough of their lies, failed policies, support of aberrant life styles, and corruption we can’t fight back. Who was it but Thomas Jefferson who said a little revolution is good now and then. I hope the Trump revolution wins, because if there is even the slightest evidence that the Libs try to steal this election through there normal fraud, they are going to have problems. Patriotic Americans have had just about enough of this Liberal trash! Take it from a converted Liberal; government is not the answer to our problems. Freedom and hard work and core values need a rebirth in this country before it swirls down the drain like other corrupt, hedonistic nation states in history.
Abe says
Right on Charles! Libs don’t have the balls to be real men! That’s why Ron Paul had more support from the military than all others combined.
vck says
I,m in my seventys and still ready to give my life for my country. 20yrs navy. the disrespect that evil evil traitor deserves nothing but
bars around her. She is no patriot.
patricia wright says
if my dad and hubby was alive lets say they would fight for the right of the ppl. i wish i could hit the broad side of the barn lol i believe that they want us where we cant protect our home and country. but i wished i had my dads 50 caliber flint lock i helped make it that was fun to do. if some one came into my home look out. i hate the evil of the goverment that lets murderest rule this country. i have seen this country go from bad to worse. i do know that in texas they are having problems with there voting booths. they are not letting ppl vote for TRUMP it would go to the murderest and the dip whod that she picked. i also watched her visit a place where ppl were voting talking to the ppl. i thought that was NOT for her to do but will they put her behind bars for that HECK NO that ohate full president will let her off the hook. too bad him and her with that i didnt have sex with that women behind the barn. our for fathers fought for or freedom and terriony we dont need that . we need to take all the ppl who have made this election rotten to do the media, hiltory, president ohateus putting lies out there against women lol guess what ladies just because a man said that doesnt mean he does that. i am a women being around men its all talk and no action. good god how smart women can be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO DUMB.
Dee says
The liberals need more safe places !! I’m sorry but their a bunch of a holes . Soo desperate to try and defend their objectives ( taking over your Every way of life ) they have to turn you into BABIES that have no back bone , who cry “that’s not fair ” or ” you hurt my feelings ” over Everything . Grow Up !! Sooner everyone can fend for themselves , the sooner we can get back to a Happy Way of Life !! Embrace diversity , embrace Life !!
Patrick Henry says
The people that have legitimate grievances against the government have the right and responsibility to protest and demand an end to the corruption and mob-like control and influence. Currently, the government can be considered a banana republic or an oligarchy. A coup already occurred when obama was put in office. The Saudis supported his campaign just as they supporting Hillary’s today. This protest needs to happen before the election, not after. Hillary needs to step down or be prosecuted. Those are her options. If Berkeley students or obama can organize a protest, then the American people can do the same.
Solo says
The media and the Liberals want to jump all over the words of anybody who disagrees or goes against their beliefs and plan, but yet, they can provide weapons, finances and sponsor ISIS and terrorist….save it!
WarrenC says
μολὼν λαβέ molṑn labé – Come and take them – King Leonidas I of Sparta – response to Persian demand to lay down their arms at Thermopylae, also on the flag of the Texans at Gonzales when Mexican troops demand the town’s cannon (Oct 1835), starting the Texas War of Independence. This is a battle cry that rings through history.
patricia wright says
u got that right warren c
bob says
Joe Biden threatened Donald Trump in a speech the other day. He said he would like to take Trump behind the barn. Not one word to the secret service.
John Canavera says
Where was their outrage when BLM issued this statement,
“Dear white people if Trump wins young n****s such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
But no, MSM bias is another of the many conspiracies created by the right.
Guntoter says
John, just note WHO and from what group this was sent. B L M (black lunatic morons) should be regarded and dealt with, as necessary, to maintain peace and order in a polite society.
female tax payor says
A lot of people are scared to death of a Hillary cheat win. As the “Hillary Busted” article tape exposes her campaign saying ” we are starting Anarchy ” by paying creeps to engage in violence at Trump rallies & BLM & cheat, lie, steal, defraud multiple ways to rigg the election…..Obviously the people know Hillary has already fired multiple shots at Our Nations Heart & the good law abiding people can only take so much injustice & corruption before their line is crossed. That line is hope Donald will win thus removing the snippers & thieves so we don’t have defend ourselves & fire back. If hope of removing the corrupt Hillary clan gets stolen, the good will fire back, fight the corruptness…Hill’s stir anarchy scheme they employed to win,will backfire on them. Retaliation by those for justice, transparency, good will be viewed as justified…She fired off multiple dirty shots instigating this..and bares the blame.
patricia wright says
u got that right female tax payer there are already having problems voting in texas make sure that ur vote if u vote for trump get counted i heard that someone voted for trump and the vote went to hilas and her dumb butt. make sure ur vote for trump goes threw. that should be every one that vote for trump to make sure that the vote is counted for him and not the bit.h. if hil0RY goes to voting places tell 500 ft away from it and not any closer. it really is illegal but that women gets away with murder get away with it.
RLS says
Corrupt leaders have led to many a nation’s downfall, especially when there are so many people they bought off to get reelected. The country will collapse at some point, and even these people who keep voting for corrupt government will suffer, by then it will be too late to save the Republic.
Fabian says
Relax libtards, a musket is NOT an assault weapon.
Deplorable Rick says
musket was the original assault weapon, banned from import 1774, British attempt at confiscation 1775, REVOLUTION 1776!
patricia wright says
u can make them if u want my dad got a kit and made a 50 caliber flint lock i helped him make it. my dad was in the marines and he died from agent orange. dad made the tool to scrape the wood to put the barrold of the gun. he made his own staine he took a block of tobacco and put ammonia in a glass jar with a lid had that set for a month untill he used it. take it out side to put on the stock of the gun u will need the air
DKD says
Although I do understand the context / meaning of your post about so called muskets and assault rifles.
I beg to differ with you over the accuracy of your statement….a musket back then was a modern implement of war.
For all you so called experts & Libtards out there, the left coined the phrase of AR or assault rifles. For all you nimrods out there, AR stands for Armalite Rifle not an assault rifle.That is B.S. no such thing only a modern rifle used for battle. By the way the design is over 60 years old, so get off of the cool aid and wake up and smell the coffee.
patricia wright says
DKD a musket good god that isnt an assault rifl. how can that be it was a flint lock. it took a wad and the round ball shove it into the barrow of the gun then put in some black powder in the side where the flint makes a spark to light the black powder and out comes the bullet. those guns were not that accurate. i would love to see some one make that into a assault rife out of it. i wonder how fast they would be to shoot it. them are very dumb ppl out there on a musket.
Guntoter says
So many good words have been co-opted by the liberal left, they have assigned different meanings to them. EXAMPLE
“GAY” The true meaning is HAPPY, CAREFREE, JOYOUS, Hardly recognizable now
AS for ,ASSAULT RIFLE, —Ask any T.V. talking head, ANTI-GUN politician .etc,
Can you describe an assault weapon and the major ,one feature, which identifies as an ASSAULT WEAPON?
NOT one in a hundred can do so. THE ANSWER — An ASSAULT WEAPON is capable of FULLY AUTOMATIC FIRE.
This feature places it under the 1934 FEDERAL FIREARMS ACT. ( A MACHINE GUN)
Few people who use the assault weapon term ,even understand what they are INCORRECTLY describing.
Eddy says
Y’all, stop whining and complaining and do what Americans have done best since the beginning of this great nation.
Get your act together and form a new conservative party where the legacy of Donald Trump and the tenacity of the people will help us to get out of this mess and form a new and more just Nation.
Civil disobedient is one very powerful weapon to achieve our goal.
Disgusted says
I get a kick out of Obama saying he learned re Clinton’s private emails server the same time the public did…..non truth since they were communicating through email the entire time. You mean to make me believe he did not notice the private server, nor did any of his staff? Why did he use a pseudonym?
Then 6 or so months later when asked in an interview on CBS if he thought her email server was a threat to national security, he said NO! Wow, now a year later he is so sure that Russia has hacked into our computer system to allow all the Wikileaks dumps.
Just how frigging stupid we the American people are?
DKD says
To quote one of our Founding Fathers, writer of the Declaration of Independence and past president Thomas Jefferson “From time to time the tree of liberty has to be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots”
Kenneth Bowman says
Vile Liberal Scum (communists) always LIE! Never fail to LIE just will very much like to make up and tell lies. Remember always whatever they accuse others of doing they are guilty of it many times over.
These enemies (liberals) of the United States Constitution are planning an armed rebellion using Muslim barbarians Obama is importing into America where are those arms and hollow point ammunition waiting for them at the various agencies stockpiling them under Obama’s orders. Enough to shoot every American citizen five times each.
Kevin Beck says
I would suggest someone get something other than a Kleenex for those libtards, but I might be accused of making a death threat for suggesting that item be a bullet. So I won’t make that suggestion.
We are dealing with a group of people that can’t understand the use of metaphors that get used by people other than themselves. These same louts will then respond every time one of their own issues a personal attack (like Killary talking about Trump supporters as a basket of deplorables) that it was just a metaphor.
What kind of trash are those libtards eating? It’s certainly not doing anything to help their brain power.
Politically incorrect says
Well at least someone is saying what a lot of others are thinking and I have even said what this country needs is a civil war against the gov’t and although I also said I am to old and it won’t happen in my remaining life time but it might just happen come the 9th of NOV if she happens to win.
Every damn politician should have been screaming about her not be able to run and should be facing jail time but the low life’s that support her and the ones that did not stand up for real justice are just as deplorable as she is and want to destroy this country.
RLS says
I think he speaks for millions of Americans who know what Socialism brings, total loss of freedoms.
Debbie T says
OMG OUR COUNTRY IS TURNING INTO A BUNCH OF WUSSIES! Grow a set and man up! or woman up! And get real!
Richard Barnett says
I still can’t believe Trump has not ran the statement that proves Clinton is not interested in American only those she can control and lie to. For instance she was asked on FOX at the beginning of the Campaign. Is there anyone you HATE? she said no, then stopped and turned to the cameras and said that was not accurate, I HATE Republicans! in other words about one-half (1/2) of the American people, she will not represent them, only those who share her HATE for them, those who believe in GOD the Constitution, and more, but that’s enough. She will speak and pass by the pen many bills into law to destroy the American Dream, if you can’t show up at Trump rally and push and hit, shove those who support a free trade and jobs for blacks and other who have not been able to get ahead under the Democrats who just use them to get into office then ignore them until next election, they have fallen backward in all areas for over 75 years, and she has not plan that includes these great people who keep looking up for hope. but will never see it. I was very pleased to see the many Black ministers get up and back Trump knowing they will finally get good jobs and fair treatment. My best friend is my Black neighbor who is so fortunate to have a good job, house and a wonderful person. Like me he knows how many are just waiting for their turn, it’s time for all of us to trust a business man not another rotten political hack, who else would use these good people to start trouble at a place where all men are welcome not just Democrats. Hillary said she HATED THE REPUBLICANS AND NO ONE HAS MENTIONED THAT VIDEO IT WAS HORRIBLE, TO SEE WHAT SHE REALLY THINKS OF ALL AMERICANS.
Kathy Carpenter says
If we care about our freedoms and our country – we need to vote Trump – Maybe we do need a revolution
Justin W says
This sounds tamer than what has come from Democrat groups like Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street. The Democrats know the only way Hillary can win is to stir up a lot of paranoia about Donald Trump. Unfortunately their scheme seems to be working.
Skipsart says
It would be interesting to poll how many democrat are armed as to how many conservatives are armed.
Just don’t give out any names, of course.
Tarheel says
What metaphor?? Most of my friends are arming up. Can’t ever have enough.
aw says
Democraps quick to accuse………well, more seriously, did the Hil-Liar-y campaign sabotage the Trump plane carrying Pence?
Some coincidence??
Or, will Hil-Liar-y say, “The Russians did it”.
That plane & everyone who handled it, should be investigated & done so with a Trump witness watching & that runway should be scrutinized!!!!!!
NAN says
Michael Morrow says
I wonder if some of the tweeters even know what a musket is and how it operates.
Jay Bell says
LOL—Dems are so ridiculous sometimes. Where would one even find a “musket” outside of a museum? The former Congressman was merely making reference to the idea of patriots not calmly accepting the presidency of a person who is a traitor to the American Republic with her criminal machinations.
Vote against Empress Clinton–the viability of the Republic depends on this woman not succeeding. There was a tipping point reached between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. We have reached that point.
Trump / Pence 2016