Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has made his strongest statement yet on his party’s presidential nominee, telling a rally in his home state Wednesday that “we need a new president, Donald Trump, to be the most powerful Republican in America.”
McConnell has warned repeatedly that Republicans could lose control of the Senate this year as they are forced to defend a handful of seats in swing states across the country. Since endorsing Trump shortly after he secured the nomination, McConnell has been mostly silent about the nominee so that vulnerable incumbents — like New Hampshire’s Kelly Ayotte — could distance themselves from Trump and his increasingly erratic comments. McConnell even told a group of business leaders at a recent speech that if they wanted to hear him discuss Trump, they “might has well go ahead and leave.”
But speaking in a cavernous tractor dealership in central Kentucky on Wednesday night — where McConnell was introduced as the “most powerful Republican in the world” — the senator went all in for Trump before a small but enthusiastic crowd.
“If America votes like Kentucky, we’ll be fine,” McConnell said.
While McConnell has not been eager to discuss Trump, he has had plenty to say about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. His decision to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee has emboldened members of his party. Some, including John McCain of Arizona and Ted Cruz of Texas, have vowed they would not confirm any Democratic nominees, leaving the court with eight members.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Kenneth Freed says
I still don’t trust them! I don’t know but I just have a feeling they are setting Trump up for something! I hope I am wrong on this though!
Ellie says
MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. I too, still don’t trust them! I don’t know why, but I just have a gut feeling they are setting Mr. Trump up for something! (And I too, I hope I am wrong on this though!) They’ve made statements in the past that if Trump gets elected they’ll impeach him as soon as possible. These republican elites and Rino’s better stop messing with the American People. We are fed up with their crooked ways. Watch your back, Mr. Trump. Keep these oath breaking, back stabbers under eye at all times.
Rob c says
I agree we need Trump not so sure about Mitch though. Tie congressional pay raises to the same CPI index as social security today and watch as change takes place. Don’t allow congress to vote themselves in another pay raise ever, make them make sound business decisions based on growth for a pay raise to be implemented. If they screw us they screw themselves too that way.
PattieA says
The Republicans are finally coming to terms with the fact that Donald Trump is IT. Better get in line and support the candidate.
Joe Palladini says
Amen to that !
yogiman says
So how can they be so against him when they thought he couldn’t win, then become so in favor of him when its become so obvious he’s going to win? Only to the public that has favored Trump from the beginning. No one in congress deserves to be kept there because of their strong support of the usurper in office for the last 7+ years.
I hope Trump can get that congress term limit law in place.
cristoiglesia says
I will never support the one person that promises to destroy the Republican Party and Conservatism, Donald Trump. This lifetime far left liberal Democrat ideologue will destroy the Republican Party from within which is something no one could do from the outside. This is a plot between the Clinton’s and the Trump’s to get one of these leftists elected. At first I thought it was just to get Hillary elected but now I am not so sure. I am sure that Trump will do everything in his power to destroy conservatism. This should make his supporters like Michael Moore and lying Ted Cruz very happy while we conservatives suffer another leftist administration and the destruction of conservatism. God help America.
Donna Smurawa says
You need to dig deeper & put your liberal self aside & get at the whole truth & not from the media or the press.. The truth will set you free. You are not well informed at this time, it’s still not to late.. Trump is God’s man for this time to turn this country back to what the forefathers set it out to be, on Christian values which we have gone so far away from.. I trust in the Lord with all my heart & lean not on my own understanding, in all things I acknowledge Him, then He will direct our path..bringing this country back to a Christian nation again..
cristoiglesia says
I will never vote for Trump. To do so is to vote to destroy the Republican Party and conservatism. Trump is a Trojan Horse candidate and the Republican Party, Conservatism and America is his Troy. Vote for Hillary so that the Republican Party can live to fight another day.
Rick G. says
cristoiglesia – pull your head out of your ass, put down the Kool-ade and try to have the first thought in your pathetic life.
Ruby says
Just wondering which Republican you are thinking about that will fight for the American people. The members of both parties have done absolutely nothing to protect loyal Americans from the one world globalization movement under George Sonos and the elites. Better dig deep into what’s going on in this world. PARTIES ARE NOT GOING TO MATTER
Tim Kline says
This is correct! now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of Donald Trump! Seems as though there are very few republican holdouts anymore. Most of the republican members of the Congress and Senate have jumped on the Trump band wagon! (it’s about time) I have said from the very beginning that Donald Trump started this whole political thing like a German shepherd to make sure that he got everyone’s attention, once this happened he has been more presidential than ever with ideas to benefit every sector of a Great American society. So!
don’t worry folks, with or without the wikki leaks, classified emails from a private (non-secure server) and now the Clinton foundation all haunting the Clintons, Donald Trump would have won this thing anyway. Mr. Trump is the great unifier,protector, and the best watch dog(so to speak) that this country has needed for decades. GO TRUMP, GO Americans, let’s watch a landslide victory for “President Trump”
ron says
Moehummit Leroy Goldberg says
Mitch and the Bitch need to go
Ron Bramlett says
Trump is our man his the only one to cure our land Vote Trump are we will lose our freed and become a socialist nation and lose everything that we have enjoyed for over two hundred years GO TRUMP you have my vote so America go vote TRRUMP!!!!!!!
cristoiglesia says
If you want a leftist utopia for America then Trump is your man. He is ideologically to the left of his friend Hillary.
Dagonet says
I hope Trump won’t become the next JFK, we need (someone) to clean house.
charles says
The Trump card is?????
We are tired of the same old PC nonsense, politicians were elected and took an oath of office to represent the PEOPLE and “The United States of America.” It is time for all elected and appointed officials to do their job regardless of political party.
yogiman says
Congress has been representing the industries for decades. Can you name one law that has been passed to benefit the people? No? But you can name several laws that have been passed to represent the industries.
Congress does not represent the industries. By the constitution, they represent we the people. But then, that oath only takes a few minutes of their time to swear they will follow it… then forget what they just said.
cristoiglesia says
The lifetime leftist Democrat ideologue Trump promises to continue the Obama Presidency except on steroids. Remember it is Donald Trump that gave us Obama with his money and influence as a Democrat kingmaker. After doing so he gloatingly called Obama a “great President”. Most reasonable Republicans would disagree with trump. A vote for Trump is a vote to destroy conservatism from within and a vote for Hillary allows the Republican Party to continue and to fight another day. voting for Trump is the certain destruction of the Republican Party and conservatism.
papawpaul says
This is a perfect example of a TROLL. Probably paid for by HRC camp.
Donna Smurawa says
You are so miss informed I’m sorry to say. you do not see what God is doing because you do not understand God’s ways, He uses the ungodly to get the job done, that is to turn this country around, at this point we are heading for corruption, a wrong direction. God’s ways are higher than our ways, He sees the future & acts to correct it.. He hears our prayers & is answering them in the best way possible. Trump is a Cyrus, a man who did not know God but He used him to correct a problem. You can read about him in the Bible in Isaiah there are many more
You people are sure miss informed & listening to the wrong people, it is so sad that people like you do not dig deeper & find the truth. I get my answers from our Father in heaven & the Bible, He is above all things. Trusty Him to do what is right. There is more than a remnant of Christians praying for this country, God listens & acts & does what is best..Can you dig deeper & not listen to the media & press. We are no different than Trump, a sinner saved by grace, our sins are forgiven when we accept Christ as our Savior & Lord, believe on Him, He paid the price for our sins on the cross, suffered & died so we can go to heaven when we die. You may not believe this but it is so any how!! GOG LOVES YOU!
Bert says
Please God, he wins! This demonstrates the need for Trump. Keep praying.
2TX4Good says
McConnell and Ryan are part of the problem not the solution. They have caved in to Obama ever since they were put in their respective positions. They need to be dumped with the rest of the swamp.
yVONNE says
Hillary Clinton is a true Communist—-she will put us in the hole forever, we will have criminals running around, trying to make us a Globalization which in essence is COMMUNISM, where she will have full control. she wil have people killed in the name of Socialism/Communism,. The woman is a LUNATIC. She is the worlds most dishonest woman, along with the Clinton Crime Machine. This is unthinkable that we would have to put up with her and her dishonesty and tearing this country down more than she and Obama have done in the last 8 years!!!!!!!
We need TRUMP now as he will not tear this country down. GOD HELP US
cristoiglesia says
Trump has always been to the ideological left of Hillary on issues important to conservatives like abortion, the public funding of Planned Parenthood, gun control wanting a national registration of gun owners and universal healthcare.
papawpaul says
Go back to your Mom’s basement, TROLL!
Politically incorrect says
With Trump not being a career politician and the fact that he is a rude businessman and not politically correct is in fact the best reason to vote for him. So many politicians dislike him because he is a threat to their graving train that is the bottom line. Trump may not be able to do all the things he says he will do but then again all the career politicians make completely empty promises where I really do believe Trump will try his hardest to get things done because 1 his ego and 2 He’s not in the back pockets of the corporate greedy people.
Betty L. Smith says
I truly believe that Trump is the one to help us get back our country as it used to be before Obama came on the scene. He has to be the worst President that we have had, and I’m 82, and lived through a few bad ones I think everybody thought Carter was bad, but Obama has him beat, and that wife of his is not First Lady material. She has spent more money than any First Lady that has been in the Oval office since my time. I read where her Mother who lives with them at the White House is going to retire with a salary of $160,000 a year until she dies, just for taking care of those two kids, when Obama leaves office. Now that has never been done in the history of our country. I sure wish somebody could stop that. We need to feed our veterans and homeless, not give money to some citizen close to Obama, and why should she be paid for taking care of her grandchildren? Another way for Obama and his family to screw our country out of money.
Justin W says
Mitch McConnell is a master of strategy. It is likely he realizes Donald Trump is going to win and he thinks it will benefit Senate candidates to align themselves with Trump. Mitch was largely responsible for turning Kentucky into a Republican controlled state. He is good at seeing how things are trending.
Patriotic Rebel says
Sounds to me he is kissing ass. He know that his constituents are supporters of Trump. If he wants their votes he had better speak the right words. Note what he said previously. Now, everyone has the “right” to change one’s mind. Guess that right hasn’t been taken from us. He knows which side his bread is buttered on. Trump is no politician by their standards. However, he knows how to negotiate and have two sides actually meet and agree to an amicable agreement. World leaders, by now, know that Trump is blunt and tells it as he sees it. How many times has Trump made a statement that the politician morons said was not true only to have it proven true. He has literally put his life on the line as he believes in America and decided he would do what he could to have our nation great again. He did not have to run for the Office of the Presidency. But, tome, he said enough is a enough, someone has to get out there and stop it, including the shadow government. Our forefathers, if you read their quotes they warned the people that if you let government become out of control and start ruling the populace, you will have lost your government. Washington, District of Corruption needs a thorough detoxification.
Stephen Russell says
Hope Trump dumps his sorry A**.
Backstabber & RINO.
Dont need him in power.
Same for McCain, Reince,
King, Speaker Ryan.
Fire them all.