Just weeks after a top French prosecutor said terrorism was being “actively investigated” — and months after a former Malaysian prime minister accused the CIA and world governments of engaging in a massive cover-up — the mystery continues to deepen around the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.
An Air France pilot Tuesday said that he’d spotted a large object in the waters near Reunion Island, off the coast of Africa, that could very well have been the remains of MH370.
The French pilot is estimated to have been 10,000 feet in the air when he said he spotted the object. At that height, anything spotted would have to be very large. But when search teams were dispatched to the area, they claimed to have found nothing.
It’s the latest suspicious development since the flight disappeared thousands of miles off course on March 8, 2014 with 239 people aboard.
While investigators have tried to play up mechanical failure or even fire as a cause of the flight’s crash, there’s long been speculation that an African-based terror group may have been behind the tragedy and that the link has been kept quiet. And the fact that pieces of the plane continue to wash up off the coast of Africa has continued to feed that theory.
Last month, French investigators formally identified a piece of airplane debris found in July on Reunion Island as part of MH370.
Investigators have been examining the wing part, called a flaperon, since it was flown to a French aeronautical research laboratory near Toulouse last month. And while experts were examining the wing section, French deputy Serge Mackowiak admitted that terrorism was being looked at as a possible cause of the crash.
Until the wing flap washed ashore July 30 on the French island of Reunion, investigators had not found a single physical clue linked to the missing plane, despite a massive air and sea search.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Phil Sargent says
We will never know the truth, unless THEY decide to tell us……ALL LIVES MATTER!
drbhelthi says
The recently speculated parts of MH 370 are no more than additional speculations.
The originally released information by intelligence operatives indicated that the airliner remained in flight until the engines were shut down normally. The time registered would have placed the airliner on the secretive, CIA-NSA-USNavy island of Diego Garcia, which airliner was reportedly seen by natives of nearby islands. The unusually high elevation to which the aircraft initially climbed and remained for 15 minutes required the pilots to go on oxygen. Which, suggests that all passengers would have died from oxygen starvation, asphyxiation. Neither the CIA nor the Israeli MOSSAD will publish accurate information, and to which information the MSM does not have access. Intelligence operatives who whistle-blow, and publish the documented, secretive information would likely be tracked down and murdered by the CIA/MOSSAD.
Tommy Kelly says
Time for your milk and cookie, dr.
Troy says
LOL! That’s for sure!!
Bobby says
You do know what you are talking about. What about the secret cargo, the freighter the US ordered to take an emergency cargo to a nearby island, and the allegations a mystery cargo was destroyed on the White Sands test range in Nevada? Can you fill me in there?
Carol Hunt says
The chunk of the plane could have been “planted” there to keep everyone wondering and speculating. One General at the time suggested the plane had been hijacked and taken to Palestine, or maybe where??? There is a lot of cover up of many things with this current gov’t, and probably with past gov’ts, but then we don’t find out until years later when someone’s conscience gets to them.
Felix says
I have seen most of the videos and news comments on WHERE 370 went/is. My current belief is that the USA Gov highjacked
the plane TO Diego Garcia Island. This is all about the Cloaking Patent, that the 4 persons on board owned plus the 20%
then owned by Freescale SC, and if these 4 died, their interest would go to Freescale SC, mostly owned by The Carlyle Gp
with the Bin Laden family as investors. From other videos the plane was/is in an underwater hanger awaiting the next phase
of the “mystery” cover up. What a conspiracy
Tommy Kelly says
I think the plane is on the grassy knoll.
Bigfoot says
Don’t eat the grass!!
steve edwards says
I have believed all along that this plane never crashed but was hijacked int Indonesia
by terrorists. The passengers were probably gassed or killed upon landing.
To avoid further scrutiny that wing part was put into the ocean (easily replaceable).
The plane WILL be used for an attack (probably on the U.S.)!!
Murray Stirling says
I believe that terrorist involvement is the logical answer. Flight MH370 was more than likely hijacked and is probably some where in the Middle East. Dumping the wing part to mislead searching teams makes sense. A remarked plane could be used by terrorists for an attack on any US Target.
Dave says
I was told that a friend thinks that the plane was hijacked and is in Pakistan or Iran and will probably be used in an attack on US and Obama probably knows about the plane.