One or more gunmen opened fire Wednesday at a Southern California social services center, shooting several people as others locked themselves in their offices and took cover, desperately waiting to be rescued by police, witnesses and authorities said.
At press time, ABC 7, the network’s Southern California affiliate, was reporting 12 confirmed fatalities. Initial eyewitness reports claimed multiple shooters were wearing masks and body armor, but police were yet to confirm these accounts.
Federal and local law enforcement authorities converged on the Inland Regional Center and searched for the shooter or shooters. Stores, office buildings and at least one school were locked down in the city of 214,000 people about 60 miles east of Los Angeles.
Triage units were set up at the center, which serves people with developmental disabilities, and people were seen being wheeled away on stretchers. Others walked quickly from a building with their hands up. They were searched by police before being reunited with loved ones.
The shooting - less than three weeks after the Paris attacks that left 130 people dead- immediately raised the specter of terrorism, especially after the San Bernardino police said there may have been more than one gunman, and President Barack Obama was briefed on the situation by his homeland security adviser.
But police shed no immediate light on a motive.
Terry Petit said his daughter works at the center, and he got a text from her saying she was hiding in the building after hearing gunshots. Petit choked back tears as he read the texts for reporters outside the center. He said she wrote: “People shot. In the office waiting for cops. Pray for us. I am locked in an office.”
Marcos Aguilera’s wife was in the building when the gunfire erupted. He said a shooter entered the building next to his wife’s office and opened fire.
“They locked themselves in her office. They seen bodies on the floor,” Aguilera told KABC-TV, adding that his wife was able to get out of the building unharmed.
The president and CEO of the social services center, Maybeth Feild, said the focus was on a building that houses at least 25 employees as well as a library and conference center.
Check back for updates on this rapidly developing story.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
william says
The frustration of “MOONBEAM” & the LIBRATURD PARTY!!!!
Mindy Zumba says
……so where is “guns don’t kill people = Wayne La Pierre?…who is paid millions by the NRA to maintain these KILLERS, and their rights to KILL?
roger says
guns don’t kill people, people kill people. get a grip
Alicia Salinas says
Those that had a grip on the AK’s are the ones that did the shooting, the guns DO kill, otherwise theses dead 12 people would be alive right now.
warbunny says
Yeh….and spoons make people fat!
Guns have accomplished nothing except eliminating slavery, dictators, fascism, attempts at world domination, injustice, crime, and defending lives of people who came under assault when immediate redress from government were not available.Get a grip? Yeh! …. a grip on a weapon.
Mike says
Take awaY the Guns and everything will B OK, YEAH RIGHT. TELL THE BOSTON BOMBERS THAT !!!! How about some chlorine gas. U can’t stop stupid & evil. Just get rid of it as it rears it’s ugly head.
Woodco says
Where did it say anything about AKs? You just made that up because it fits your agenda, didn’t you? Would those people be any deader if they would have been killed with a hand grenade? How about if they were in a bus that went off a cliff? If nobody was there to shoot, nobody would have gotten shot, right Sherlock?
JAM says
Pleaaazzz use common sense, any jerk with a corrupt mind will use anything to kill, specially inoffensive people they target, it could have been a car, a pipe bomb etc etc some of you people against guns use so many illogical views that are so downright degrading and often wonder about your mentality, have you ever wondered what the outcome may have been if some of these people were armed and willing to protect themselves and others against these nuts, for these nuts will buy guns anywhere even if there were no guns in the USA and they will use anything to harm the US of A. WAKE UP .and tell bark obama to do the same.
yardmannn27 says
They could have used a knife or a spoon !
Jane Salt says
Guns are the instruments used by the killers. Killers need guns!
Bill says
JANE JANE JANE….England still has a very high murder rate and they haven’t had guns in there possession for years.Why because evil people do evil things.What stops them from beating you to death with a kids baseball bat.Do you band that.They gut you with a knife so do we get rid of knives.Doctors kill more people than guns do,do to medical malpractice so we get rid of them to.How about that sell phone you can’t put down for a minute.People die every few minutes because some idiot thinks it’s ok to TEXT AND DRIVE.So now what get rid of the sell phone to…((((Hay I kinda like that one.Freedom from the world.))))So Jane I could use a ink pen or a pencil to kill you or just simply run someone over with my car.Guns kill not people.In my many years on this planet,I have seen some very harible thing’s.Two tours in Vietnam was horrendous.Women,Children.Old or young trying to kill you.Boobie trapped there new borns with explossives so a young man with a heart goes and picks it up and BOOM.Don’t dare tell me gun kill.Do you know that many things you have in your kitchen to clean and cook with can be made into a boom.Hell your old ass preasure cooker.BOSTON BOOMER TOOL OF CHOICE NOT A GUN.Lets band all cleaners to Hayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy that will save many lives.No chemical run off or polluting the air.Lady put fourth a real effort by getting involved with something constructive.
Colby Galeza says
Thank you
Logical says
Well, then the logical conclusion to “people kill” is not to give people any guns, wouldn’t it? I mean, it would be OK for English gentlemem to have guns for hunting foxes but that’s not what we talking about here, is it?
Luther Robinson says
Yes people kill people and they always have and always will as long as there are more than 2 people in the world before there was guns there was bows and arrows ,before that there was knives which arestill used before that there was clubs and even rocks if someone goes bonkers and wants to kill someone they will find a way to do it and the only thing to stop them is someone with a better weapon that it tough but true
Michelle says
Can you be any more of a moron????? You spout this crap yet where exactly is your plan to take the guns away from the criminals??????? All you give a shit about is law abiding citizens who have a right to won a gun and for this reason so they could protect themselves from criminals, deranged criminals!!!!! NOT ONE LIBERAL WHO WANTS TO TAKE AWAY THE 2ND AMMENDMENT HAS OFFERED A PLAN TO TAKE THE GUNS AWAY FROM CRIMINALS. WHER IS THAT PLAN????? So as far as you are concerned only criminals should have guns??? Are you friggin serious???? Do you know any dam history????
Dan says
You are right,there is no plan. Geraldo Rivera demonstrated how easy it was for a criminal to get a gun by buying one in an alley. If there were some concealed carry people around there would have been some live’s saved. You will not have this boldness in area’s where these type of people know for a fact that there could be gun’s all around them. UN ARMED PEOPLE = VICTIM’S.
Jc says
Did you notice the moron didn’t present her case with verifiable information to defend her stupid post? Typical demoncrap.
Alicia Salinas says
Michelle, can you please tell me what is wrong with having AK rifles owners on a register or data base?
Dh says
It is a fact and even a verbalized strategy that databases and registration leads to confiscation from law abiding citizens that defend rather than kill people. Murder is illegal. Passing laws restricting me from owning a pair of pants because the murderer had on pants, is just as helpful as restrictions on non-murderers. All of these highly publicized crimes are in gun free states or places. CA has crazy restrictions on guns, laws against murder, laws against firing a weapon in city limits, noise ordinances, littering with empty cartridges, etc. More laws for non criminals is just clear insanity. The murderer already ignored the laws on the books. Each one of these cases is another reason that gun free zones should be avoided or made illegal.
Woodco says
What AKs? Time to come down from la la land,,,did the article mention any thing about A or K? What are they, anyway? Do you know?
Winston says
Having gun owners “register” their firearms on a government data base may seem routine and even reasonable, but in reality it can easily be the first step to a full scale confiscation.
That is in fact precisely what the communist government in Hungary did after taking power in 1919. After ordering all gun owners to register their firearms, they promptly confiscated all of them and disarmed the population, so that they could begin their campaign of terror uninhibited.
Bill says
I’ll tell you why..Plan and simple.Registration is knowing where the guns are.What guns you own and where to come and get them.This is a treasonous act.Follow up with your history.If you don’t know your history your doomed to repeat it.
Alicia Salinas says
Dh, your logic works as well as saying, why wipe your ass after you shit, because you will be taking another shit.
If we had laws that made the purchaser responsible for the weapon they purchased, the guy that sold the MK rifle to this idiot would be answering to the feds, for being irresponsible. And nobody want to away with guns, stop fearing, calm down.
Vicki Hughes says
I agree completely, if the victims in that building had been packing guns, this wouldn’t have had so many people killed, they might have gotten afew but if people were packing there would have been gunfire back and alot fewer casualties. The guy left the meeting and came back if he knew those people in that meeting had guns he would never have come back and did this crime.
shipfixr says
You are 100% correct.
Cade says
Do any of you anti guntards really think that if gun confiscation whether (mandatory or volunteer) was instigated, all the criminals would come forth, see the error of their ways and offer their weapons up as a token of solidarity with all the liberals? HELL NO! What they would do is hide them until all the foolish law abiding citizens relinquished their 2nd amendment right and then have a heyday with all the idiots that cant protect themselves. How could you hope for any other outcome? Criminals comply?
James Lewis says
You tell him sister! Word!!
Pop says
Guns don’t kill people, People kill People you libtard. My guns have been left unattended plenty of times in the last 35 years, and they have yet to kill anyone.
Alicia Salinas says
Well POP, pray that your grandchild doesn’t get a hold of it, it will kill when he handles it.
Elaine says
Alicia, I understand your concern but I know many, many people who own guns. The guns have not killed anyone and the children and grandchildren have not killed themselves. Yes, I do know that it happens but not as often as accidental poisoning, fatal car wrecks, etc.
My dad stored his rifles in a closet that did not have a door on it in the hallway where I grew up. He never ever told us to leave the guns alone. It was just a given. Taking guns away from the American hard- working citizens is not going to take the guns away from the criminals.
Patricia says
No it will not kill, the grandchild will kill, what part don’t you uneducated people get, A GUN CANNOT KILL WITHOUT A PERSON PULLING THE TRIGGER. A criminal WILL ALWAYS & I mean ALWAYS have a gun, just like a drug addict will ALLWAYS FIND DRUGS even though it is illegal, just like it is illegal to have corrupt politicians but yet we have them and WE ALWAYS WILL. SO EDUCATE YOURSELF GO SIT BY A GUN FOR 24 HOURS YOU DO NOT TOUCH IT LET NO ONE ELSE TOUCH IT AND SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE IT KILLS, THEN PUT A SIGN ON IT DOWN IN DRUG ALLEY SAYING TAKE ME AND FOLLOW IT FOR 12 HOURS AND SEE HOW IT GETS USED TO KILL SOMEONE. Then come back & BE HONEST & tell us how the gun miraculously all by itself killed someone because I have yet to figure it out because mine have never ever done a heinous crime and I have never had to have a talk with them on proper behavior and not leaving the safe when I am not home.
Michael Fulton says
You train your grandkids to not touch things without permission. You don’t let kids run amok and just do whatever they want. If more people in this country would take responsibility for their actions things would run a lot smoother.
Alicia Salinas says
Elaine, the point is that nobody want to take the guns away, you guys are just repeating false information. I own a gun, my children haven’t shot themselves, but if I owned a high powered rifle, as a law abiding citizen, I wouldn’t mind being on a register, or I wouldn’t mind if the loop holes that deranged people use to acquire them. Is that so bad?
Pat De Esposito says
What a glorious opportunity for you to exercise your bias, Mindy!
Patti P says
You are in Disneyland Mindy. Taking guns away from law abiding people will not deter the crazies or disturbed people from getting them…. I want my gun and there is no reason I shouldn’t have it for protection. With all the terrorists coming into this country, every person should arm themselves for protection. Terror attacks are coming, believe me.
Alicia Salinas says
Patti, why do you think anybody is trying to take the guns of law abiding citizens away? Is it wrong to want this country to be safer and want to keep up with the high powered weapons. surely you don’t need that for protection.
wayne says
You’ve got to be kidding yourself. obama has a plan to take away all of our guns, not just semi-automatic rifles. Are you that naive that you don’t know that, or just swallowed the kool-aid from the annointed one?
Woodco says
If you want to make the country safer CLOSE THE BORDER!
Bill says
Removing guns from the people only makes the government more powerful over the people.If you give cops,etc bigger or better guns that simply overwhelm the little pee shooters you will not be able to defend yourselves against Tyranny.So simply speaking.If you don’t like guns don’t own one but don’t come running to me when someone kick down your door and has a gun and they will,Do this.Lets place a sign in front of your yard and it should say.I don’t believe in guns but my neighbor does.People with guns are un American….See how that works out for ya.
Alicia Salinas says
wayne, prove it, educate me, show where you get your information and please don’t use the propaganda the NRA puts out. They have a purpose, they want to stay alive and need your money, so they can legislate the laws that keep them rich and powerful.
Alicia Salinas says
Bill, when did I say take away guns from responsible people, I didn’t say, you are putting words in my text. We need control and we don’t need open carry, it only promotes fear. I have a gun, and have owned one all my life, I’m a pretty good shooter, but I don’t need to prance it around, it’s there incase I have to defend my family from an intruder.
warbunny says
The definition of criminal is a person “who BREAKS LAWS.” What is so hard to understand? Criminals do not obey GUN laws. Only law abiding people obey laws! Restrict them and leave the criminals armed? Duh! Have you ever heard the expression “don’t bring a knife to a gun fight?” If criminals have high powered rifles or even automatic weapons and the law abiding citizens do not have them then we are out gunned and criminals are in control. This is common sense. If good men are not able to defend and fight evil with an EQUAL or SUPERIOR force what will happen? Who will be in control…good guys or criminals? Respectfully,DUH! Wake up to reality…..and even awareness of history. Hitler banned weapons. Only a small percentage Germans supported his Nazi party and murderous, evils….but any unarmed opposition were powerless to stop him!
Vic Bailey says
IDIOTS Kill people Dip-S_ _ _ and morons like you make the Gun Free Killing Zones, so the GOOD Guys with guns couldn’t help STOP these Idiots!! Semper Fi.
bud skelly says
without the people behind the gun, the gun is useless. no moredem coolaid for you.
Ben says
The problem with these shootings involves mentally ill people or Muslims. I mean, who commits these type of crimes but for them? Gun Control should involve only keeping guns out of these two groups hands, otherwise the anti-gunners will go nowhere because the majority of people own guns. .
Alicia Salinas says
Ben I think it is a good thing that most people own guns, it is our right, BUT, why do you need a high powered rifle?
Jerry says
Regarding your question on why anyone thinks they need a high powered rifle; In my case; I want one to have the best means possible to protect myself, my family and yes to even help rescue those people like yourself who would like to deny firearms to other law abiding citizens. At some point in your life, you will need to take responsibility for your own personal protection and for that of your loved ones, as well. why – you ask? That is because those good police officers everyone thinks they can rely on to always be there when needed – won’t always be there! When this country is over run by terrorist, the good Police officers will be home trying to protect their own families. There just won’t be enough officers to go around! So, you had better wise up in a hurry and try to be a little smarter than you are – especially about what’s happening in the real world around you! There are way too many folks like you who think thy would feel safer – if firearms ownership were completely abolished in this country. But you should know that there are over 90 million firearms in the hands of US citizens which happens to be one of the greatest deterrents to our country being taken over by terrorists, foreign armies, etc,, etc. You should think about that! Let me remind you that Ben Franklin once said; ” Anyone who would be willing to give up a few of their freedoms in order to gain a little more security – Deserves neither.” Incidentally, I am retired and a former police officer and my ancestors first came to this country in 1659 and they have been participants in every war since then and I’m a proud Yankee – American! Have a nice day!
Alicia Salinas says
Jerry, the NRA has put out a lot of literature about guns being taken away, they have an interest in staying alive, there is a lot of money still to be had, and they are destroying our country. Gun manufacturers don’t care how many people die, it’s business. People that put out fear in order to maintain clientele are responsible for this hysteria. This has to stop. This country was not like this, before 2008. The NRA has run the republican party and now the Koch’s want to control. America belongs to all of us, we need to take care of us and our country. We cannot do that with hate, greed and racism. We are better people, and we need to work together to maintain a great country for the future of ALL our children. I am a proud American as well. May God bless the people that are wounded and wrap His arms around the family that lost loved one. You as a police officer should know that more guns on the street make it harder for them to do their job, and we put them in more danger. This world needs a lot more common sense, then guns. Not all the guns in the world would have stopped 911. A terrorist can be stopped. I own a gun, nobody is going to or is trying to take it away, we just want better control and restrictions. Again why is that such a bad thing>>
Dh says
Ak47s and ar15s are not High powered rifles. They are small arms with short range purposes. That said, high powered rifles are useful for hunting big things, shooting things far away, or defending yourself against murderers that are trying to kill you but hide behind steel plates, ceramics, etc. i wonder if jewish Germans in the 40s would have liked to have a rifle or two. Certainly other countries like russia, china, turkey, uganda, etc would not have been able to kill millions of their own citizens if they had not implemented gun control first. The nazis get the most attention but there are many more examples of Democide after gun control. The king ordered firearms to be confiscated before the revolutionary war. Thank God for those rebels that didn’t comply. If they had we would be speaking that weird sounding English today. Dozen of murders is a shameful tragedy. Gun control will lead to millions of murders. That is unthinkable but proven history.
Woodco says
“,,,it is our right, ” That’s it. Just remember you said it.
Bill says
to protect yourselves from Tearonie.Ever heard a strong offence makes the best defence.Other governments don’t invade us because everyone here has one.A better gun makes a better shoot.Each gun is designed for a specific purpose.If America had no guns we would never have become a free nation.We would still be England.Answer this quickly.What two countries invaded the United States of America.
Gerg6z says
Seems you are targeting the wrong people. Obama has allowed this threat to fester. Reports allude to three suspects in a black SUV. Sounds like terrorists.
Mark says
Three suspects in a black SUV. Sounds like Feds to me
Alicia Salinas says
QUickly let’s blame the President, and maybe we can file another lawsuit to accommodate the other 300 lawsuits.
Richard says
You live in fantasy land not the real world. Keep waiting for Peter Pan to come to the rescue.
Ralph Avalanche says
If some of the employees had been armed there would have been many less injuries and fatalities!!! They would have been afraid to strike there if they knew guns were at the ready to shoot back at them!!! Guns are the only way to deter these idiots and morons!!! Criminals and terrorists always prefer people that are unarmed and unable to protect themselves and others!! Even if you banned gun ownership, the criminals and terrorists will ALWAYS be able to get them on the black market or other countries!!! Wake up before you become a statistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alicia Salinas says
Ralph, why did a policeman get killed at PP, was he not armed?
Richard says
Because he was wearing a uniform that indicated he would stop the criminals. If it was a person with a carry permit, he would not stand out.
Alicia Salinas says
Richard, the policeman new he was confronting a killer, he didn’t have a chance. Most people don’t when confronted by surprise. And the policeman’s job would have been easier if those guns weren’t easily accessible.
frank says
Alicia Salinas says
Why don’t you give them your number so they can come to where you are armed.
Jon says
Hey folks do you not get it this one of BHO’s well paid trolls.
SHE He whatever is really behind the pen can go on forever with the dumb worthless comments they have much more time to spend spreading their manure.
Alicia Salinas says
Jon thanks for the compliment, I don’t work for the Obama administration. I am self employed, I’ve been working since I was 16. I am a concerned law abiding citizen, who wants to live in a friendlier America. I like dialog.
Jc says
You’re a moron. You’re one of those who jumps to a conclusion without facts and that makes you as dangerous as the shooters. What will your defense be for your ridiculous comment once they find out it was an act of terrorism or just some disgruntled idiot with an illegal weapon? Present your case to include data of how many of these cases happen where the shooter is a normal citizen with a registered weapon.
Roseanna says
Focus on getting rid of cars , they kill more people than guns silly thing….
Alicia Salinas says
Roseanna, that is a lie. Guns kill more people then cars. But calm down, nobody wants to take your gun. You can still sleep with it under your pillow.
G BOyd says
You had better look at the sats once again. Your comment is WRONG. More drunk drivers, text messagers, teenage idiots, sleep deprived etc.etc kill more people in this country than ANY other with their CARS and TRUCKS. Ban these and then you can go after the terrorist and mentals that get a weapon by MOSTLY illegal means.
Alicia Salinas says
G BOyd, is some States it is true guns have killed more people the vehicle, and other states are not far behind.
Dennis says
Alice, Where did you get that statistic?
Woodco says
Before you call anyone a liar you better do a little research, cupcake. You are WRONG! Cars kill way more than guns, so do pharmaceutical drugs and heart disease among many others.
Joe says
Here’s another one Mindy , ALL THESE KILLINGS ARE IN GUN FREE ZONES !!! By people who should have been incarcerated in institutions FOR THEIR OWN GOOD but LIBERTARDS won the RIGHT for these NUTS to parade around , on the streets and KILL people. It ain’t the GUNS FAULT ” IT’S YOUR FAULT” and the fault of anyone else who thinks backwards like you . IF YOU OUTLAW GUNS ONLY OUTLAWS WILL HAVE GUNS , they will never GIVE THEM UP!!!
Alicia Salinas says
You know I read mindy post looks like you are putting words in a comment that weren’t there. I didn’t see where she sad guns needed to be banned.
Jim says
Don’t be stupid people pull the trigger. If the folks in the building had guns some may be alive that aren’t.
Fred says
You forgot to finish your quote and that was “People kill people” Especially treeoists who always will get guns.
clhodg says
In Africa they when they don’t have guns, murderers use machetes or cane knives. Murderers are virtually always those who have been brought up to believe that they are an accident of nature, there are no moral absolutes, and you have no eternal soul subject to the judgement of Almighty God. The 3 big lies that bring us to this point in U.S. history.
Rtm says
You are so stupid guns don’t kill people, people kill people the same way drunk drivers kill people not the cars or the alcohol you ignorant
Dale says
Look, these areas where people are getting blown away are areas where there is “Gun Control” and Gun Free Zones. So, obviously the libtard whack jobs are going to be out shooting up people they can. And of course, the Libtard media and the butthead in Chief are going to politicize this saying we need gun control, which is really taking guns out of law abiding citizens.
Quite frankly, I believe it is the Democrapic party that puts these people up to it so they can have their issue of disarming all Americans.
And you will see that all of the killers in these types of shootings are Democraps.
Woodco says
Bingo! Of course most of these are arranged and choreographed events. They are called ‘false flag events’ and this administration has done more than all other administrations put together. But watch Ohomo politicize it within 2 hours. He’ll put on big show. I’m surprised he doesn’t blame these ‘mass shootings’ on global warming.
Jo says
Those fools would get guns regardless of anyone banning them. It is only honest people that have problems buying weapons. Jerks like this never have a problem. If someone inside that office had been armed this may have been stopped before anyone got killed. But for some reason too many people never reason this out all they see is someone walking around armed. If our forefathers had not carried weapons I wonder what this country would be like today. It is bad enough, a person has to be on guard all the time. Even leaving home to go shopping, going to work, or any where else they need to go is scary because you never know if some one is going to jump you. This country is going to hell in a hand basket and it feels like too many people have their heads in the sand or expect someone else to solve to days problems. No one wants to get involved, that is until it happens to be them or someone in their family that has been hurt by a jerk walking around robbing or hurting others just for fun. What has happened to the days when your children could go outside of there houses and play without their parents worrying someone might steal them, use them and then kill them. Of course even when the law puts them on trial too many times they do not get the punishment they should get. What has happed to our laws where people are treated different depending on who they know or who they are. Too many judges are not hard enough when they decide on the punishment.
Raymon says
Zumba you are an idiot.
sirvando vargas says
Mindy Zumba, Guns don’t Kill poeple, Mentally Ill , Criminals and Radical Moslims Kill poeple. Your Moslem Dictator,Obamer released about 6,000 Felonous Criminals early this year besides 100’s of thousands of angry, “Refugees” from the Syrian Civil War,are comining. The Mess Obumer Created, Flipping leaders thru out the Middle East, to place Islamic Moslems in Power. Good Luck—-Arm yourself. It’s your Right under our Costitution.
Alicia Salinas says
sirvando, where are you from your spelling is horrible. President Obama has not created any mess, the fear mongering is what is creating this up rise of hate. You are part of the problem, not the solution.
Keith says
You’re saying the gun went off by itself??? I would pay to see that you IDIOT!!!!!!!!
Steve says
The tragedy today is no doubt horrible. Still shocked at people who think guns are bad, there not. Absolutely not bad. People are bad and those who are or have evil thoughts on the innocent. Guns do not get arrested for murder and never will. PEOPLE GET ARRESTED FOR THERE evil thoughts and actions. Common sense is needed here
Robert Berry says
What in the hell are you talking about?….No one has the right to Kill innocent people….NO one is suggesting anyone does, especially the NRA…Guns have nothing to do with it..If people are going to kill people they will find a way……..Planned Parenthood is killing one million innocent defenseless children every year…with an exacto knife..THEN they sell the parts?…If you want to talk about the right to KILL…Start there…..
Otherwise…Shut up
john Larry phillips says
Thank you Robert, I agree 100%.
The president doesn’t mind killing millions our most precious and innocent citizens but wants to blame guns. He is in my opinion the dumbrest do called smart person I’ve run across in my 73. Years. May God have mercy on us all and…
Bill says
John I hear ya.But don’t believe for one minute this administration or Obama is stupid.He has accomplished nearly everything he has set out to do.Just watch to see what he is up to now.He with the FAA control the media now with that come power by controlling what we see,hear or watch on the TV.Now nobody get in a huff.Let me start here.1)Controlling the programing on TV by making things like Modern Family.Simply enough show right.Well with all the atrocities he has let out of the bag this portrays to Islam that we are all major sinners.It makes it look like we all don’t mind homosexuality.Major sin in every Bible I have ever seen…2)Syrians who hate us with a passion,who waves the American flag while it burns screaming (KILL THE INFIDELS).For those who are scratching there little heads, I hate gun because they kill people.Well don’t come crying to the Constitutionally proud people who believe in self protection,to be able to defend yourself,your family and even THE VERY PEOPLE WHO HATE GUNS.Yep yep those dumb asses.The only reason a government would want to take the guns from the people is to keep us from defending the Constitution and the Bill of rights.To keep us totally under there control.3)Now number two been said,think of this.I hate this.Just think your sitting at a light or gassing up the family car when all of a sudden you hear gun fire.Your favorite corner store just turned into a Muslim battle field.It’s not a secret that a very high percentage of them are owned by the Middle Eastern people.Now just think if their are 6 men working in each corner store and they bring their guns to work one morning.At coordinated times every open fire spraying the corner store,the parking lot and move out to the stop light where rush hour traffic and they start spraying the cars at the lights.Now if this sounds terrible in it’s self,your right but you know they won’t stop there.Now just think how many corner stores are in and around your home..I have about 20 in a small area.They are all centered around residential areas.This is where they make there money.Now take 20X6=120.Now you have 120 of the most hateful humans on the planted running a muck in your neighbor hood,Shooting at anything and everything.Now what is your plan.Lets look at your possible survival rate.1) Readiness=0…Willingness=0…Armed with a bug out bag,ammo,prefered NATO ROUNDS,water and food to last a few months if needed.A secondary place to get to with other members of who all have the same agenda in mind.Preparedness=0.WELL I THINK YOU MIGHT LIVE PARTLY THE FIRST FEW HOURS.Not good.See to allow the enemy just to(walk in)across the border or fly them in directly from there home land by are government who we all know is crocked to begin with is just allowing them a free ride to the battle field.Now if you take the guns from the people how do we defend ourselves.See I could go on and on with this but it comes down to very important thing….Our Forefathers foreseen this coming where the people would have to defend themselves so this is why we have the SECOND AMENDMENT.See the first thing is that everyone who has entered office or the Military you are sworn to a oath.TO UP HOLD AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This so called president has stifled the economy.Weaken the Military and is allowing the enemy a free ride from Syria directly into the battle field.So for all the people who don’t believe in guns.Make sure your a marathon runner.So good luck when the shit hits the fan.Really why do you think we have only been invaded two times in history people.If you put fourth the effort that you are on just the second amendment and focus on the security of the Nation.Ya ya ya I know you think that’s what your doing but your not.Simply speaking taking the guns from the people who are law biding citizens will not stop the gun violence.New York,Chicago,Washington D.C to name a few all have had the title as being the most dangerous cities in the country.Why because the people are not allowed to protect themselves do to laws like THE SULLIVAN ACT ETC.See I refuse to give up anything that would need to defend myself,my family and friends.It can be used as a tool to feed your family and to defend your right’s given to you by our FOREFATHERS and most of all…..GOD…….IT IS MY SOLVERANT RIGHT TO LIVE FREE….
RDH says
Alicia Salinas says
Robert, they are not children, they are fetuses, the unborn cannot survive outside the womb. It has life when it is born. People that have babies and then abuse, neglect or kill, those are the killers. The doctors performing the surgery are not killers, the women having these abortions are not killers. People that kill people with guns and other weapons are killers. Let’s start talking about the real hate killers. Aborted fetuses are performed for many reasons, and it is none of your business why a women chooses to terminate it.
filo vance says
Ask any good OB-Gyn when life begins… they’ll tell you that its far earlier than even the first movement in the womb; possibly the first fetal heart-beat would be closer. Babies survive, with care, after 21 weeks where the mother may have died – if removed and placed in proper facilities
Martha says
Alice, you don’t get it, do you??????
The more you defend the undendanle, the more you act extremely stupid!
Everything the other people have mention that our arms are for our own protection, the less you understand!
Sweet heart, did you finish Kindergarten, because more stupid you can’t be!
Now you are justifying and see no bad in dismember children, because that’s what they are , a fetus is just the phase before they are. Actually children, and is done to sell their poeces for money! Just disgusting and inhuman!
About the “women right to their bodies, has nothing to do with the other person developing inside them. Give yhem the chance to be born and you’ll see that their little bodies are not part of their mothers bodies in anyway!
That crime that you take so unimportant is as horrible as what ISIS is doing, by killing innocent people. And can you think of a more innocen than a developing baby inside the place where they are supposed to be safest????
Agreed with what the others think of you!
Kirk S. Moore says
My God Alicia; are you on Barack, Harry, and Diane’s staff? Please take a vacation to one of your favorite muslim countries to see if they will listen to your insanity; We Americans believe in a basic right to life and thereby self-defence; what warped sense of morality and decency do you hold as values? Do you hold any values or is everything relative for you…..
jdrog says
Alicia, you apparently don’t know much about living things. My daughter is 16 weeks pregnant and I’ve heard the heartbeat myself. So your saying that a fetus (unborn child) with a heartbeat is not a living creation? If some one ends the life of a heart beating creature, THAT’S MURDER!!!!
Alicia Salinas says
filo, most abortions do not happen after the first tri master, and when they do it’s a matter of life for the mother. It’s her choice if she wants to live or die. Key word unborn, can not sustain life on it’s own, it is a fetus, not a child. Life does not happen at conception.
Gordon says
If someone else had a gun in there those gunman would be stopped on the spot. Take guns from the good guys and open the door for the bad guys.
Judy says
IF some of them had had a gun, there wouldn’t have been as many killed. Some were texting (according to this article) that they were locked in their office, praying for the police to get there.
rebecca says
um you forgot the rest of what he said. ,”PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE” !!!!!
Dale DuBois says
Obama employee?
RDH says
What’s your view on abortion???
pancho villadeltren says
Mndy Zumba, you sound sooo stupid. How do you know this is not another example of liberal doing all they can, including murder, to remove guns from decent folks? Maybe that is a plot you are a part of?
Alicia Salinas says
panco, now you are really showing your mental state. Democrats don’t need to prove guns kill. Now let me turn the situation so you can understand. What if it was done by republican gun fanatics that are trying to push President Obama into using his executive order, so that you all can continue the hysteria that guns are going to be confiscated. It’s best if we stay focused in making the US a better place to live, don’t you think?
jdrog says
If guns are outlawed, only the outlaws/terrorists/islamists will have guns!!
Alicia Salinas says
But no one is trying to outlaw guns, why do you keep repeating such bogus non-sense.
Bill says
How stupid are you.Really…Why do these so called mass shooting take place in states that have strict gun laws and or gun free zones.Wow the criminals plan there attack and run up on the building then yell,,well boys lets go home this is a gun free zone damn it.Really.Criminals,cops and the government will be the only ones to have guns.Now ask yourself this.If someone knocked down your door,what would you do…Pick up the phone and call 911or pick up a weapon to defend your family.Shit they would probably put you on hold for the next available agent.LOL…So now what,You yell at them and tell them i’m on hold with 911 you better leave,they are about to answer the phone…So now what do you do now as they hold your daughter or wife down in front of you and beat them and rip their cloths off and beat them some more as they rap the shit out of them right in front of your eyes.They scream and beg for you to help them because this is what fathers or husbands do.Protect their families from danger or harm.The constitution gives us the right to have and bear arms to protect us from all enemies both foreign or domestic governments.. Trust me when I tell you it is very important to have the Constitution and Bill of rights.Look at history..Every country that has laws that keep the people from protecting themselves have the highest murder rates.Look it up.Hell for years in the UK they have not permitted the people from having guns and this has two main effects.#1)Without guns you must rely on others to protect you and your family, and you damn well know the response times.Now you say well they weren’t killed by guns.Your right..They were beaten to death with bats and stabbed with knives.Yep that’s better.RIGHT..Now how would you feel about someone you know your neighbor,and they put up a sign in there front yard with a message that says THIS HOUSE IS PROTECTED BY LETHAL FORCE BUT MY NEIGHBOR DON”T BELIEVE IN GUNS.What would you think or say about that.Well that is what you want me to do is rely on others to protect me and my family.Never gonna happen.Believe me when I tell you GOD gives me the sovereign right to protect my family myself and others from harm.So now that we have had this conversation do you still think more gun control will help or work.No way.They can’t even enforce the laws that are already on the books.So now the NRA is the only true power to help the people to hold and carry firearms to protect you and your families.To protect the people from government control.Yep the government,criminals and especially the Muslims would love to see the people loss there rights to protect themselves.Yep lets just hand them the KEYS to the cities and say.HERE YA’ll GO YOU GOAT SCREWING BASTARDS.Those who believe that guns have no place in the hands of the people are not true AMERICANS.Not only did our forefathers foresee this as a major issue they made provisions to protect us from all governments.Now if in fact we had no guns prier to the Revolution we would still be own by the English.The constitution also gives us the right to have armed malicians to train to protect themselves in case of invasion from foreign governments or our own government from taking total control over our lives.Remember this if you don’t remember anything else….A government that is big enough to give you everything is a government big enough to take it all away from you.AMERICANS FOR A FREE NATION UNDER GOD.
Bill says
Mindy you are blind deaf or dumb or maybe all of them but leave my constitutional rights alone.If you don’t want guns then don’t buy one.But if you need someone to help you save you family,don’t call me.Please do this.Someone who doesn’t believe in guns should all place signs in your yards that saids I don’t believe in guns like my neighbor does.That’s what your asking me to do.How you might say…Well simple by taking everyone’s guns you open up the doors for more home invasions as well as more gun assaults in plain daylight.Well you say that already happens, yep to the people who don’t exercise their rights to have and to bear arms.
Bill says
More deaths occur by medical malpractice or drunk driving then guns.Do your research.So with this kind of thinking should we remove cars or alcohol or cell phones or doctors from the equation.OH NO NOT MY PHONE.Now that wouldn’t make sense right.So why do you think taking away the guns from the people would help curb gun crimes.It won’t happen.History has proven time and time again that disarming the public only makes them more susceptible to fear and control.I’m am not and never will be a SHEEPALL..This country was not built on cowards who are followers but by real men and women who believed in the American dream.And when I tell you a true American would rather go down fighting then allow the asshole unconstitutional/Treasonous to get there way.Remember GOD and our Forefathers gave us Americans the right to have and to bear arms,To protect themselves and their families and Constitution from those who set out to destroy it.
icemancold says
And how do you know that these killers were not ISIL/ISIS brought here by HUSSEIN OBAMA as Syrian Refugees ? ever stop to think of that or are you a democrat drunk on HUSSEIN OBAMA kool aid ?
Alicia Salinas says
icemancold, Maybe it could be one of your ancestors, have you called all of them to make sure it wasn’t. Let’s just pray that ISIL/ISIS terrorist don’t reach us. President Obama is working hard in trying to keep us safe.
John Hunter says
Alicia Salinas,
The “acting” president zero buma, is NOT working
hard to keep us safe. he does not care about us, in fact he hates us, he wants millions of Americans dead. he loves
Islamists that are committed to the Koran, he says enough and does enough of the right things to keep his followers asleep. he is working hard to get America taken over by
Islam. he is the enemy of ALL righteousness. he is
not a 100% clone of Hitler, but he is following closely
to what Hitler did. I challenge you to do extensive
research into this matter and prove me wrong!!!
Kirk S. Moore says
My God Alicia; are you on Barack, Harry, and Diane’s staff? Please take a vacation to one of your favorite muslim countries to see if they will listen to your insanity; We Americans believe in a basic right to life and thereby self-defence; what warped sense of morality and decency do you hold as values? Do you hold any values or is everything relative for you…..
Kirk S. Moore says
Alicia, you must be deluded; that is the only possible explanation for your defense of current Federal policy; There is really no point in Americans discussing anything with you; I personally think you are just trying to get us upset. Not working. I hope at some point you have an epiphany moment where you get to realize how blessed your are to live free here…….
jdrog says
Another fool, taken in by Obummer.
Alicia Salinas says
John Hunter, you are a liar, and are promoting hate. Why don’t you show facts to your accusations. How do you research fear mongering, what you are saying is totally insane. If it hadn’t been for him, you and i would be having this conversation at the soup line.
Terry says
if it was the guns that killed the people why did they arrest the ones they have? should not they be screaming false arrest?
Gerry says
Yo Mindy Zumba —- I think it would be safe to say that those weapons didn’t get to that facility by themselves and I’m sure they didn’t squeeze their own triggers. What that means Mindy — is that guns DON’T KILL PEOPLE —- PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE. Why is that so hard for you gun grabbing morons to figure out.
John Hunter says
Guns are inanimate objects, they have no power of their own, they have to be acted on. AND The NRA is NOT “maintaining the Killers”.
Gun control is what is maintaining the Killers. Dictator wannabe’s
push for gun control. Mass genocide is impossible when the citizens are armed. Mass genocide can NEVER precede gun confiscation,
It ALWAYS follows, gun confiscation.
To you gun control advocates- God has NOT removed the sin nature from man and placed it on the gun !!! The gun is NOT the sinner.
Alicia Salinas says
Mass genocide really! You guys are hopeless.
carl says
This is response to Mindy
I ride with my pistol in my truck every day. After hearing some one like you saying such things, I decided to go to Walmart and lay my pistol on the dash with the window open. I made sure it was fully loaded with 9 shots. I let it lay there for over an hour as people walked by. There were young, old, tall, short, ugly, pretty, white, black, Asian, Korean, Spanish, and several types of people I don’t even know how to describe walked by within striking distance. You know, I waited and waited and waited, but my pistol would not shoot at none of them, even when these punks came by and made some derogatory remarks at me, never once did it shoot any one or even go off. I am totally convinced that someone would have to pull the trigger for it to shoot. Someone that does not have respect for their life or anyone else s life. Just to make sure my pistol was in a bad mood, I called it ugly names, tapped it a few times with a stick, slapped it on the butt, and yet even with it being in a bad mood, it still never shot any one or even tried. Of course, I was ready to stop it if it tried to shoot because I would never hurt any one myself, unless they were trying to harm me or my family. To respond to your comment, I just have to say “you have no idea what you’re talking about”.
robert says
Guns dont kill the person behind kills !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
best we take all cars away cars Kill persons right?
so some peopel cant use cars or knifes or we take this all away YES???
Think ,I D I O T
jdrog says
All you’ll do by taking away the guns, is give the criminals an advantage, because criminals will always find a way to get guns.
Alicia Salinas says
What do you mean, what do the democrats have to do with this.
carl says
WHAT DO DEMOCRATS HAVE TO DO WITH IT???? They are the ones with these stupid ideas that guns kill people, when it’s actually a deranged lunatic that has no respect for his on life or anyone else life, that pulls the trigger. They are the ones with the stupid idea that taking away guns will stop the senseless murder of innocent people, when in fact it will allow more people to die. IF YOU OUTLAW GUNS, ONLY OUTLAWS WILL HAVE GUNS!!!! Can’t any of you liberals understand that the ONLY reason these radicalized muslims or any of our enemies haven’t came in and over run the good ole USA is because we are armed and it would be suicide for them to try. Our 2nd amendment was put in place for a purpose. It was said in the 1970’s that the USA would fall without firing a shot, when the guns were taken up in this country. You should be thankful for the NRA, Ga Gun Owners, National Gun Rights and any other group that fights for our gun rights. Unless of course you like the idea of being one of the radical muslims women they abuse and use for a sex object. If it wasn’t for the right to bear arms, we would already be a third world country. That president of yours is trying to take us down and doing a pretty good job of it. He has said that this next year, he is gonna focus on taking the guns and taxing the ammo to the point we cannot afford it. If he succeeds you can count on being a sex toy for one of the radicals or Russians, or who ever decides to over-take our precious freedom as we know it, and then you will wish you had a gun or knife or something to stop the idiot from having his way with you. Your question “WHAT DO THE DEMOCRATS HAVE TO DO WITH IT??” They have everything to do with it. If our guns go, then so does our freedom, as we know it. Only freedom you will have if this happens is the freedom to be a slave to some dictator. That freedom will be to do only as he says.
“THEY CAN HAVE MY GUNS WHEN THEY PRY THEM FROM MY COLD DEAD FINGERS” I will never freely give up my guns and neither will any man that lives in the original 13 colonies, unless he is a liberal democrat. THAT IS WHAT DEMOCRATS HAVE TO DO WITH IT!!!!!!!!
EdJohn says
Good Grief William ; People are dead and you go on a worthless political rant!
steve h says
here we go. 3 shooters in mask.
Fierce Look says
More than likely they are Obama’s S-ons O B’s! Here we go again, another government false flag, gun control job. These Satanist’s are out to disarm “US” at any and all costs; any regime that would legislate public funding of killing babies for body parts and promote euthanasia is EVIL and will neither stop or stoop to whatever measure it takes to enslave the dumb-(m)asses! Like I had predicted when this Muslim-Marxist jihadist was implanted back in 2008 by the One World Government satanic elitists all hell is going to hit America! FALSE FLAGS to take down the American flag! REVOLUTION will be the SOLUTION, Armr=======================? mInr, NSA!
stephen e crain says
I’m starting to believe the 9/11 hoax and the purpose of that was to get us to be ok with the patriot act. Using scare tactics to take our freedom. Look at the security pics of the pentagon blast, From their own cameras, Yes, our words REVOLUTION went right to their computers.
Roy A Koch says
Anyone who believes these B/S Events are NOT Orchestrated by the Fed. Bureau of Instigation to Beat the Drums for Gun Control, is a God-Damned Dem-O-Krapp Fool! Normally we would have an Event like this every m3-5 years or more! Now, it’s every week or two!
rebecca says
Alicia Salinas says
Roy, go back and study who did the shootings,we have had 7 in the last 5 months. Here is a hint, they were NOT Democrats.
DAY says
filo vance says
“What you don’t know won’t hurt you” – BS! About the time the Patriot Act went into effect, American chip-makers were presented a “U-Must-Do”, government engineered nano-device(s) by the millions to be installed on the next version computer chips (26 to those used in standard computers – sold to the public, here & abroad). The purpose was two-fold: (1) spy on e-mails; developing personal & corporate programs – disseminating this data into and estimated/desired 38,000 personnel at regional centers, who then examined it for possible “terrorism” traits, as well as financial and anti-government sentiments… (2) These nanos could then be remotely programmed to specifically spy; encrypt computers on command when physically located, and send authorities in.
220-million computers were built before the program terminated; only a few thousand employees manned any examining stations; not a single documented terrorist was ever discovered! Ahh – but foreign interests hacked the Pentagon files, coming across the operation details – not much use these days, however – these guys have sold the ‘encryption process’ and since all your data, including BC, Bank-account, phone-number is usually available after a short search among things like contacts’ lists… don’ be surprised if a couple guys call you, demanding ransom (often $1,000 and up) while they have control of your computer; examine your bank accounts, etc. in front of your face… and when you refuse their “guarantee” of not doing so again for up to 5-years – encrypt all the data on your hard-drive ZAP! Your IT guy will tell you hard-drives are cheap, easily replaced, but chips run other things like Programs installed – you can try replacing everything – or – just get a new computer if yours was US-made between 2002 & 2009, even if you updated memory, system and HD over those years. Hey – this wasn’t even available to NSA!
Alicia Salinas says
Day, You guys are really, really on overloaded of fear mongering. When is it going to stop. Why don’t we just stay focused on facts and then have an adult conversation, unless your not capable then I understand.
Ben L. Hall says
When are we the people going to arm ourselves and march on Washington and haul these people who are behind all of this, outside and string them up. Any one in office right now must go!!! The longer we wait, the worse it will get. Obama brought them here and paid all the rest to keep quiet. Get some Balls, Get moving.
Bill says
Our constitution is clear on this.We have the right to protect ourselves by Peaceful assembly and not with guns.Want the government to lock down this country by Marshall law.At that point Obama has the right to declare Marshall law which then over rides the constitution.Then we will have the dictator he wants to be. Believe me I know how you feel but if that fails then yes a revolution is needed to remove those who violate the Constitution.
robert says
I agree 100%
Robert Berry says
Thank you for bringing this up…YOU’RE RIGHT…I don’t trust Obama, or his puppet master George Soros any further than I can spit….First thing I thought of.. millions I’m sure feel the same way….Every time Obama starts with the Gun Control BS..someone gets shot…
robert says
did you figger it out me to
Alicia Salinas says
Why do YOU have to make false accusations, they have your MO.
Bill says
Ya buddy
B.Zerker says
Yep, Obama will come on TV tonight with a plea urging Congress to ban masks…
Patti P says
Tell me when Obama is coming on T.V. so I can turn him off. Ask him if he has people all around him with GUNS to protect him, but he wants to take the guns away from The American people. We don’t count.
I’m sure Obama will give a big speech tonight about gun control. Can’t wait until that fool is out of White House.
Moe Verner says
Obama doesn’t want to take guns away. Just increase background checks. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they want the exact opposite of what you want.
Bill says
Moe they also want gun registration which is the first step to gun confiscation.So for one minute stop and think for one time in your life.
MSUEH says
and body armor.
Bill says
believe this or not.Nearly all states have laws prohibiting people from wearing ski masks in public places of business.And people so called Americans they can’t even enforce that law and you want them to protect us.I hear ya bud.I hear ya.Real Americans support and protect their families and not wait for others to do so for us.We the American people have never been ones to wait.We are defenders of our Nation.Americans for a Obama free zone.Lets take out the Hillary’s and Obama’s and anyone else Democrat or Republicans that wish to take away are GOD given rights and the rights that are forefathers set forth for us.To remove my constitutional right for whatever reason constitutes TREASON nothing less than a hangable offence.We the people will not stand for weak ass bitches that are so afraid of guns that they believe that if we take away the guns we will solve the gun violence in America.Never gonna happen.
Mindy Zumba says
!……so where is “guns don’t kill people = Wayne La Pierre?…who is paid millions by the NRA to maintain these KILLERS, and their rights to KILL?
D Ward says
Mindy Zumba, maybe we should find out if these guns are illegally owned. Wayne La Pierre stands for legal ownership of guns by US citizens. We don’t commit crimes. Criminals and crazy people do.
Anavi says
mindy–I have yet to see a Ruger or any other gun walking around and shooting on its own. Your repeating the left-brainwashed’ non-sensical talking-points is sad. Have you seen any weapons do harm without people using them? Personally, I value my freedom to defend myself, carry a gun and may be some day will save your sorry….ss from a deranged shooter or stabber…wonder how you’d feel then?
Michelle says
Hey Mindy where is your outrage over the 8 killed and 20 injured in Chicago over the weekend all in a city that has some of the toughest gun laws in the country?????? Maybe if they had been legally armed they could have fought back and still be alive. Where is your plan to take the guns away from the criminals and not the law abiding citizens???????
carl says
You tell her Michelle. They have the toughest gun laws in the country and look how many die every week there. Don’t have anything to protect themselves with. They don’t have a problem killing millions of babies a year and selling the baby parts for profit, they ignore all the outlaws killing the unarmed innocent people, and want to take my guns so it will happen to my family. I DON’T THINK SO!!! Yes, I would like to know how they are gonna get the guns from the outlaws too. Miss Mindy, how you plan to get the outlaws guns???? THEY ARE OUTLAWS!!! They don’t obey laws!!!!
Even if they could get them from the outlaws, I’m still not given mine up. They can get them when they pry them from my cold dead fingers.Thank you Michelle for your comments.
Jon says
This is just one of those paid BHO trolls, He cam right out and said he was going to hire a bunch of these numbnuts to do just this sort of thing.
MSUEH says
mindy, luv, are you PAID to cut & paste the same idiocy every few minutes? feeling sorry for ya, and if I were you, I’d delete all my crap and get rid of my name in a public forum where I was obviously outnumbered. I thank God I’m NOT you!
carl says
MSUEH, you have a valid comment directed to Mindy. She could change her name, but when she started commenting, we would know exactly who she was. You can’t hide that ideology. There are others of that persuasion commenting too. You just cannot hide being a liberal demon crap.
Don Dillahunty says
I can’t believe someone can be so ignorant as to think that the NRA is responsible in any manner for Criminals who use guns to kill people. The NRA Is an organization made up of the most patriotic citizens in the country who know for a fact that the libtard fools who think that disarming the law abiding citizens have no knowledge of what happened to Germany in the 1930’s. Hitler sold that libtard foolishness to the German people and look what it got them. Only in our case, What Hitler and his henchman did to the millions of their own citizens and others is nothing to what the Muslim hordes that are spreading out across this planet have in store for everyone that is not one of them by birth. The libtards think, well, all we have to do is convert and we will be safe. Well, if being a slave until you are no longer able to work and then having your head sawed off with a short bladed knife is better than what they will do to all Christians they find, then I guess the libtards will find out which is better. As for me, I will shoot until I don’t have any more ammo and then I will us my “Long Gun”, which I own because the bad guy also has one, in answer to your libtard question “why do you need a rifle”. Do you ever think beyond the end of your nose? The Muslin hordes spreading across the planet have only one goal, eliminate all religions and force Sharia Law on the entire planet. I bet you even think Islam is a religion.
Well, here is a news flash for you, It is NOT! It is nothing more or less than a Political movement to enslave the world while being disguised as a religion. Wake up girl, start looking at actions and factual events rather than soaking up the libtard BS.
Wyoming Native says
Shut up already Alicia and Mindy. All you can do is repeat yourselves and write drivel. Why not
stop writing for a minute and think. When you state incorrect things as fact, you just display how
ignorant you are. Read a history book, look up statistics on car crash fatalities, use your brain to think, or ask someone who knows something if your writings are correct.
You are making everyone ill.
carl says
Well said Wyoming Native, well said!!! Bothers a lot of us, we just didn’t want to hurt their feelings, again, well said!!!
marlene says
The more desperate obama and the democrats are to confiscate our guns, the more mass shootings occur. I see a direct connection and don’t like what I see and don’t like where it’s going.
Jay smith says
Obama can’t claim this is about guns. It has to be because of climate change. After all, if terrorism is caused by climate change as Obama says, it stands to reason that climate change can cause people to shoot others.
Dave says
If climate change goes past a certain point, it can produce hotheads!
Harr says
Yeah; you almost have to start wonderin’ if Ms. Barack doesn’t have a silent hand in these somehow. Now we’re due for another lecture from the Queen herself, direct from gay Paree!
Paul says
Did you see look on her face when our pres kissed a male gay activist square on the lips. Her look is priceless..
frances quinn says
my thoughts too…
Mindy Zumba says
!!……so where is “guns don’t kill people = Wayne La Pierre?…who is paid millions by the NRA to maintain these KILLERS, and their rights to KILL?
Allan Davis says
It came from you. Your messed up ideas to blame innocence for your cause.
Mindy Zumba says
!!!!*****…so where is “guns don’t kill people = Wayne La Pierre?…who is paid millions by the NRA to maintain these KILLERS, and their rights to KILL?
Kenny B says
Mindy give it a rest already. We got your point that you are anti gun. Until you can come up with a more logical post please take a break and let the grown ups chat. BTW do you get paid to put this BS on line?
Ben L. Hall says
I don’t like what I am seeing either, but I’ll tell you this,. If it ever happens again & I know that it will, I know where we all better be heading. Armed & on our way to Washington. ONCE THE GRID GOES DOWN, WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COMUNICATE. Then he has got us where he wants us. Right by those things he has been sucking on.
carl says
Marlene, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were not making all this happen, to make them look like heroes to the liberals. He is a sneaky snake. Look at all the junk he has done with out any checks. He has proved that the “Pen is mightier than the sword” I think congress and the house of reps are afraid of him. Any one that stands up to him gets knocked down by both branches. He should have been impeached the first year he was in there. This Obamacare is illegal and the courts are afraid of him. He was born in Kenya, lied and said Hawaii. I guess it’s easier to believe a lie than fight for the truth. He set it up 4 years ago that he could declare martial law for any reason he sees fit, i guess we just gonna let that happen too.
Phoenix23002 says
This was said just in passing by a news reporter, that there were ‘training exercises’ going on nearby so the response was very quick. Funny how ‘training exercises’ were going on up the street on the same day as the Boston Bombings and also on the same days as some of the school shootings. hmmmmmm But heart felt condolences to the families of the slain and wounded.
Mindy Zumba says
!***…so where is “guns don’t kill people = Wayne La Pierre?…who is paid millions by the NRA to maintain these KILLERS, and their rights to KILL?
Brian (Mike) Hargreaves says
Mindy you are stupid. Just repeating the same silly message.
Police Chief of DC, a Female. Always said wait for Police, be a good witness. Did her best to stop Concealed Carry going to DC.
Today she says hope for Citizen’s with CCW’s to take out the terrorists? What a reversal.
HotFrog says
The sheeple are going mad again. Not grandma!
Mindy Zumba says
!!****…so where is “guns don’t kill people = Wayne La Pierre?…who is paid millions by the NRA to maintain these KILLERS, and their rights to KILL?
Darl Krtetsinger says
+I think your records broken. Try the flip side.
Surly Curmudgen says
Do we have some of Obama’s insurgency forces jumping the gun?
Miene says
Meine weaver hurts for the libshitz
MC Schultz says
Per the spouse……..”Yet again, big SWAT training event right around the corner from where and when this happened in San Bernardino.”
frances quinn says
they want to make sure it goes as planned….it would be hilarious if they were muslim refugee infiltrators though. wonder what obama would do then? seems they have the right sounding name.
William (Tommy) Robbins says
Obama we law abiding citizens don’t want to hear you talk about taking guns. It’s our only protection against terrorist like this. Tommy.
David Burson says
more ammo for the leftist to try-NOT-take guns away
Harry says
3 Masked shooters with body armor, must be workplace violence! I mean, what else could it be, surely not Islamic terrorism.
Just ask Obama, he will tell you the truth. Islam is a peaceful religion! I mean, just look around the world, do you see any acts
of terror by Islamic terrorists? I guess only those that are not delusional see it!
JImm Grant says
If one thinks Muslim is a peaceful religion I suggest they read the Life of Mohammad.
carl says
Mr Jimm Grant
I know marrying a 9 year old girl, had not even reached puberty yet. Sick is all I can say. Don’t mean to offend any of you liberals that justify this crap!!!!
Kenny B says
Wonder if they came from that camp 8 miles south of the border? Too bad they didn’t drop any weapons so we could see if they were part of Fast and Furious or part of the weapons shipped to ” peaceful, friendly groups”.
Dave says
Likely just some Syrian widows and orphans. Nothing to see here; move on!
Elaine says
Body armour???? Not to be martyred??? Afraid someone might shoot back??? Social services is one of the most thankless jobs and now people shoot at them and clients. Obama hire someone to do that?
Arthur says
If Obama and his cohorts will have their way with our guns, there will be no need for body armor for peaceful Muslims in a future. And for guns as well. They will just freely cut throats with cheap box cutters they used so proficiently in 2011.
bud skelly says
social service is a gun free zone. what better place to go kill when you know you won’t be shot.
frances quinn says
gun free california….
Denis says
It must be climate change…people get irritable when they chafe from sweating in their camo undies. Climate change has to be the dumbest excuse the OBAMA ASSHATS have come up with yet…
Mindy Zumba says
!!!***^…so where is “guns don’t kill people = Wayne La Pierre?…who is paid millions by the NRA to maintain these KILLERS, and their rights to KILL?
FEdup says
Sounds like muslim scum at work
Chas says
Another gun free zone sprouts bad guns, but no good guns.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Mindy Zumba says
!!!!*****…so where is “guns don’t kill people = Wayne La Pierre?…who is paid millions by the NRA to maintain these KILLERS, and their rights to KILL?
carl says
Mindy, Cut the copy and paste crap!!!! Got to be a side effect of being liberal, what else could it be???
Rev. JW Olson says
Actually, idiots who seek to disarm their citizens so they are unable to defend themselves and thereby make them into victims in gun free zones are 100 percent responsible for allowing all these mass shootings. Innocent blood is on their heads for passing these foolish laws.
bcassatt says
Any Allah Akbar shouts at this one? Most likely just that damned climate change!
carl says
bcassatt, That what it is, the climate changed in his head and he overheated. The temperature raised 1/10 of a degree in the last thousand years, the water level come up a quarter of a inch in the same time frame, Looks like we in trouble boys. Sounds like a decoy to me guys. What about real problems??? Toss them aside, another thousand years and the water level will be a half inch and the temperature will rise another tenth of a degree. WHERE IS THE LOGIC IN ALL THIS????? The way this is going, won’t be no life on earth to worry bout it then!!!!
Mindy Zumba says
…so where is “guns don’t kill people = Wayne La Pierre?…who is paid millions by the NRA to maintain these KILLERS, and their rights to KILL?
Ud1 says
If everyone were allowed to carry a gun, then others would think twice about committing atrocities unless they were intentionally committing suicide.
Anavi says
Pam says
Nicely said.
les k says
MASS SHOOTINGS….never happened before at least not to many now ts like every month…just to take our guns….DONT EVER GIVE UP YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT….THE REST WILL BE LOST IF IT EVER HAPPENS
Jack Walker says
Obama will never let these killers be immigrants, no matter how many talking points they have to rearrange.
Lois Wenk says
people choose to kill guns are only the tool get a life
judy says
It very strange our beloved America was doing just fine and everyone was peaceful and non-violet until Oooomba and Michelle came into office to destroy our way of life white & black. He has turned this country upside down with the blacks. They have no values in their home life and most (not all) live on government assistance. Thinks everything in life should be just handed to them without working. housing, food stamps, phones, and just plain welfare. They have no goals in life and want what you have worked for all your life. Very shame full what Oooobama done to America. Oh, let also bus those imgrands to the White House and let him feed them house them there so tax payers don’t have to do. Trump or Cruz can’t get here fast enough.
Arthur says
And who do you think is paying for White House meals?
MSUEH says
it’s the change øvømit promised, Judy…
Bill says
Sorry but this country has only seen peace in three years of it’s existence.
David says
Must have been a “gun free zone”
ellen says
Everyone talking about Americans doing shooting HAVE PEOPLE FORGOT ISIS SAID THEY WOULD ATTACK AMERICA NEXT TIME AND IF YOU REMEMBER THEY PICKED ON SMALL BUSY PLACES TO ATTACK SO NOW WE NEED TO BE PREPARED FOR THE BIG ONE LIKE IN PARIS AND MAYBE A COUPLE MORE SMALL PLACES sheesh people blaiming gun’s OMG are they so stupid? OOphs wrong question they voted for Obama so that is our answer . You idiots can continue to talk about guns and Onamas which could also but I am leaning to terrorist just starting as remember they have had some of those refuges allowed into America in the last month so I lean toward that of course that is only my opinion TIME WILL TELL AMERICA HAS TO BE PREPARED AS WE ALL KNOW THAT THEY WILL TRY NOT JUST ONCE BUT WILL BE MANY ATTEMPTS UNTIL THEY ARE WIPED OUT
Pe Cu says
Praying for the victims and families of the shootings. God have Mercy on us.
Old Rock says
This is disturbing. No one has a right to kill others unless it is sanctioned by the govt. Been there done that. There were still people behind the guns and unless they were absolutely crazy there was someone behind the people. Would it have been better if they showed up with swords or knives and cut the heads off of a few of the folks in that building. Can you say “no kitchen knives”. In time, if you give up all your weapons and all your rights there will be some folks that will be happy to come by and put our female population in long black dresses and cover their heads. They will then be treated like property and have no rights. That is only if they submit to Islam. Outside of that they will just kill them. All the same rules for men except that they could convert and have rights. It would be wise to look at the bigger picture. When all the countries give up their nuclear weapons I will be the first one to say we should decommission ours. When all the bad folks give up their weapons I will consider it. Until then I will be a soldier. I will protect my family, my community and my country from all enemies foreign and domestic. Although it is getting harder to tell who the enemy might be, it gets easier to sort out when they do things like attack innocent folks. To the person that is complaining about the NRA, I will defend to the death your right to say what you think. You should remember that there are many in this world that will take that right and all the rest of your rights from you. We are all in it together. We should help each other focus on the bad guys in the world.
Wendell says
I agree, but when we focus on the “bad guys,” we had better have a gun!
Kirk S. Moore says
Well said Rock; thank you…..
Moe Verner says
Lord, you folks are insane. Get a grip. Wait for more information.
Pam says
We blame the guns for shootings. Then can we blame cars for the drunk drivers? Both kill people.
Dale DuBois says
I knew and have said that Obama was made President to take the guns, he will not be able to if there is a gun behind every blade of grass. Look for lots of false flag shootings within the next year. It looks as though this was a planned shooting that is if it was a shooting. I think if false flag shootings don’t work out, real shooting will begin in the gun free area’s. You have got to remember none of these shooting started till after Obama became President.
Sal says
People who think you shouldn’t own guns, King George lll, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Barack Hussein Obama.
People who think you should own guns, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi.
Mike says
Mindy, Wayne Pierre is probably heading your way with a free gun for your protection. He will show you how to use it for self defense in case you ever need it. He will also help you get legal ownership of it at a local FFL dealer. Guns will save you in the end!
William Pedersenh says
Jan says
There are more left leading persons that are doing the shootings then right leading persons. Just my thought anyway.
Kimberly says
My sister-in-law is a social worker and I am mentally ill, does this mean I’m ready to get a gun and do something really stupid?!?!? That very idea is insulting!!!
Wendell says
This is just another example of why we all should be carrying a weapon. Dead people stop killing people! California a disgrace to bravery. If those employees had access to a weapon, they could have killed the creep(s) before they did so much harm. If you have no gun, you are a sitting duck!
Greg says
This is not real is it? Isn’t this just another scam implemented by the Govt. For the first time in history because the president is a Black Guy?
jb says
this is to mindy zumba,,,, this is another case of a mindless ass ,,these ppl have nothing better to do than to blame a tool ,, not the low life bastards that are behind the tool ,,,, these ppl need help , like that mindless bitch hilary clinton…
Bruce says
Since when has any gun law passed? Congress is way too afraid to take on the NRA. So WHAT The F*** are you worried about? Who’s stopping you from buying all the assault rifles you want. No limit on purchases.
EXERCISE THAT RIGHT to BEAR ARMS BABY. Build up that arsenal.
Virginia says
It is going to get very much worse, beyond comprehension. Obama plans to stay in office. If he doesn’t get to No one will take his place unless they are doing the same evil stuff. I am grateful for friends and family saved by providence today.
Flexkc says
Hey mindy how about we send them to your house so u can understand what the rest of us all read know
Glenn Jensen says
I know of a guy who stores a .22 caliber rifle unloaded wrapped in the trunk of his car. The bullets are kept in a locked strong box in his home. Now that he hears that guns kill people, he is afraid to travel over a railroad track for fear the bump might accidentally discharge the unloaded rifle. Perhaps some will commend him on his caution.
Darrell says
In Mexico it is against the law to own a gun. Yet, 33,000 people a year die from guns. HMMMMM — Better to have than Not
Gunnery Sgt Bud says
It never ceases to amaze me that some people still could think banning guns or blaming the NRA or even gun manufacturers for a crime done by a gun.. a criminal will use ANY tool to kill if he’s got the mindset.. me myself I’d fear a knife attack over a gun.. or a madman in a car that’s happened before. I know people with this thinking and mindset can’t be convinced otherwise.. I Know a few myself.
I cringe everytime I hear of these shootings and feel for the victims. for I know that there are forces at work that love it.. they will feel justified by ranting ban gun ownership.
Concerned gun owner. & Vietnam vet.
Gerry says
Is it just me or have other people noticed that whenever it gets quiet ( no major violence ) in the U.S. — all of a sudden we have another mass shooting. It is almost like — wait —- we can’t have it this way because I won’t be able to defend my agenda of disarming American law-abiding citizens. Maybe it is just me but what a coincidence.
fred says
•A law enforcement official has identified Syed Farook as one of the suspects in the shooting.
All you need to know.
Catman Rocker says
This is what happens when you have an illegal president, communists bureaucrats, and in general a government not of the people… We are at war people… when will the average dumb american wake the hell up…
Stephen says
The rest of the world’s laughing at you dumb ass yanks with your gun-toting god and the crap that spews out of Hollywood.
I say give you lot a hand grenade each for Christmas.
Lina says
The way I understand the situation what’s happening now anywhere in the world has been the terrorists activity..after the Paris shootings, it follows now in the USA ….American people should be aware of these situation and should be extra careful of this domestic violence occurred
inside their country, it’s not just that this person who does this has mental disorder or disability, but there are demonic influence in their minds who dictates them to do this barbaric and horrible killings to innocent people…. they are attacking under this ISIS terrorists group, and other organized groups of terrorists, who unites with ISIS for the same goals to destroy their enemies who are against their religion, and their ideology,
and to be most powerful in the world.
Cynthia says
The sad fact is that even if there had been armed civilians there would they have been able to pull the trigger. Yes military, ex-military and law enforcement officers are trained to defend and kill if needs be but I fear that the average person would freeze and become a bigger target. My daddy always said that if you pull a gun you better be able to pull the trigger. If you can’t then leave the gun at home so you don’t get yourself and maybe someone else killed. Myself, I’d pull the trigger.
Gilbert Weissler says
Guns are inanimate and cannot function without a human being and so cannot harm a person in itself.
This past week many law enforcement leaders have said we need to have arms in order to resist aggression until law enforcement officers arrive. There will always be a lag in help arriving and without arms we simply sit and wait wondering how many will be killed before help arrives. For me that option is what we have now and should be corrected,
Gilbert Weissler
Guns do not kill people, people use guns to kill people and these people planned this well, it was not a knee jerk act. Having signs that say “this is a gun free zone” is like inviting the bad guy to come in. Bad guys will always get guns and to stop us from having guns to protect ourselves is WRONG Maybe Obama will blame it on climate change because these were muslims that did this and he supports the muslims, to hell with the American people.
carl says
By crackey Margaret, I think you got him figured out. Now how do we get the liberal democrats to see it?? “THIS IS A GUN FREE ZONE” is definitely a prime target. Would you go in to shoot up a place that had armed citizens?? No, and they wouldn’t either. WAKE UP AMERICA, BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!!!!
Les Bergman says
Our first President had a gun or we would not have liberty to-day. We would be slaves to pay taxes to the British. If someone came in to your house to-day to kill your children and your wife do you think it would be wrong to shoot them before they killed you. They are the ones that came to murder and steal.
Just like the ones that think that Donald Trump is wrong to say that all Muslims coming into this country should be banned until we find out what to do about these killing in California, and Paris.
Just like someone said that it is not American to stop Muslims coming into our country. Read their Quran, it says to kill all Christians and Jews. They are murdering Muslims just like the Quran tells them too. That means over half of the population in UNITED STATES. IF THEY DON’T BELIEVE THAT THEN WHY IS THERE NO UPRISING WITH THE MUSLIMS THAT LIVE AMERICA WHEN SOMETHING LIKE WHAT HAPPENED IN PARIS AND CALIFORNIA. ???