Billionaire basketball owner and “Shark Tank” host Mark Cuban came to the defense of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump yesterday, saying that Trump’s criticism of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton isn’t sexist — it’s fair.
“People talk about Donald being sexist. There’s nothing he’s said about a woman that he hasn’t said to me. You know, he’s called me ‘ugly,’ he’s called me ‘short off the tee,’ he’s called me all these ridiculous things. That’s just how he combats it,” Cuban said during an appearance on Fox Business Network’’s “Cavuto Coast to Coast” on Wednesday.
Cuban said that Trump’s attacks have been boosted by years of Clinton scandals — and said Trump had simply done a good job making his national campaign about “anybody but Hillary.”
“I think he looked at how the Republicans treated Hillary — ‘she’s a criminal, she’s a liar,’ whatever else you want to call her, every name in the book,” and went with it in his own way, Cuban said of Trump’s attacks.
In the interview, Cuban goes on to discuss his dislike of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and talks about how he remains an undecided voter before making a prediction on how the campaign may play out.
“If Hillary stays Hillary, I think it really hurts her and helps Donald.”
Previously, Cuban had praised Trump’s unorthodox campaign, in July of 2015 noting that Trump had “changed the game.”
“Up until Trump announced his candidacy the conventional wisdom was that you had to be a professional politician in order to run,” Cuban said on social media. “You had to have a background that was politically scrubbed. In other words, smart people who didn’t live perfect lives could never run. Smart people who didn’t want their families put under the media spotlight wouldn’t run. The Donald is changing all of that. He has changed the game and for that he deserves a lot of credit.”
“Now maybe we will accept candidates warts and all and look at what they can do rather than what headlines they create. Congrats Donald,” Cuban concluded.
Cuba has stated before that he does not like Trump, but like that Trump has shaken up the Republican Party.
Well I do not like Cuba period
Well I do not like Cuba period and Casro is a communist
And are you the typical liberal that thinks because we don’t all agree with you that we are fools? LOL
How did you equate Mark Cuban millionaire from Shark Tank to Cuba a communist country lead by Castro? Are you that stupid or what?
I don’t think they paid attention to Cuban’s last name. Typical.
Now you know how Obama got elected!!!!! Nothing Trump uses against Hillary will be sexist, it will be the plain truth. She has painted herself in the corner with her scandalous past, that is finally starting to catch up to her, she will have to step down here shortly and fade into the past.
If only that were true! She will NOT fade away, she will be with us until long after she dies.
Sure. Obama loves the communistas and especially ElCasro
I assume u mean Cuban,
Let’s analyze this.
The Republican party has been run by a number of incompetant political hacks. Absolutely no real life, real job experience.They have net worth like all politicians of millions of dollars. Far greater than if they saved every dollar they ever earned thru their salaries. The answere is obvious !! Hillary and her ILK, are in many ways the same but are proven Liers, SHADY MONEY LAUNDER AS WELL AS CON ARTIST.!
Like Trump or not, we need change. Who knows how the crooked system works than someone who has had to feed it than Trump.Try to do a project like a varience or sub division in a SHITTY Small town a u will see how difficult it is if not impossible without juice $$ or connections. Let’s get rid of the dirty laundry.DON’T WORRY IT WILL GET SOILED AGAIN DOWN THE ROAD!!!##!!
Hey Cuban stupidity is a choice not a privilege!
It’s CUBAN people.
Trump is a business man and as the head of the USA he will do what is best for ‘his’ business, the USA. He will protect ‘his’ business for the benefit of all of us and most probably the world too. Following Obama or even perhaps Clinton, allowing your opposition into your business is suicide. America first and always must be first. Lets have a go at majority rule for a change. For too long we have had one man one vote – once, and then minorities take charge. Is this democracy? If those who don’t like the fact that the majority are the most important they are welcome to leave and go back to the desert. I don’t like the idea that the President is the CIC (Commander if Chief) he should be first and foremost the CEO or Chief Executive Officer of the Business that is the USA. Trump knows how to do this more than most. Is he perfect? No, but he is more perfect than anyone else in this ridiculous and loony presidential race. Presidents elect in a debate?? Its madness.
Very well stated & I could not agree more with your comment as well as your position on “The Donald”. I wish more people, who profess they are conservative, to understand what’s at stake in this election year. If we get this wrong we will lose America to her enemies that are running the government, “fundamentally transforming” her into a 3rd world nation. Keep telling them, over & over, in hopes more will wake up to what is happening. Bravo!!
Frank comments by Cuban, can’t help but applaud that. Trump has truly changed the “game” that politics used to play. It’s about time it happened. I’m for giving Trump a try and think all Americans ought to think hard before casting their votes. If you vote for Hillary, you deserve what you will get and it isn’t going to be a pretty picture. She will further tear apart this country, possibly do more harm than the pathetic president that we have right now.
Well worded James. I feel exactly the same way.
It’s time for a non-politician to clean up the mess.
I dido that!!!
Me too.
Me three.
Me four!!!
I totally agree with your comments. It’s long overdue that the ‘establishment elite’ get a good, thorough shaking up. I had totally given up on the GOP with the lame choices they made in 2008 and 2012…both losers. Killary will finish the destruction that this current administration has started….the only difference, she’ll do it much quicker than the O has.
Trump will support the American people. I don’t believe he’d ever go to sleep while our people are getting killed in Benghazi!! Right now, our country needs a leader who can get the job done & jobs back in the USA!!
Apparently Trump don’t support American women. All the wives are from the mail order variety. You people are delirious if you think he will create all these jobs. What is he going to do pull them out of a hat. He’s not Houdini!
Brad….Trump is the only one that has hired tens of thousands of people over the years. Give me some names of any politician that has even hired a single worker, except perhaps a gardener or window washer….
He also has more CEO’s who are women. Sexist, I think not. He’s the ONLY one who isn’t a puppet to any party.
Hey, Melody…Just a small word of advice….simply ignore Brads then he MIGHT go away! We’
re ever hopeful…isn’t there an old saying: “Hope springs eternal…?”
Brads is one of those guys who posts unmitigated rubbish – he never says very much in his posts that is correct…ESPECIALLY when it come to The Donald. Let’s just wait and see who becomes next Prez, and then we’ll see who was right or wrong!!!
The best way for Donald Trump to bring all Republicans on board is to go after Hillary. There are many things Republicans disagree on but our thoughts on Hillary is not one of them. Hillary Clinton is the undoubtedly the most flawed candidate in this election cycle. This woman has left a trail of incompetence and corruption that is mind boggling.
No doubt that Mr. Trump has re-invented politics; I believe the whole World is silently watching.
Amen to Justin W’s comment, it’s time to realize just how much more damage Hillary will do in 4 years in all aspects of government including nominating liberal supreme court judges. Wake up America!!
Well Mr Trump may be flawed, but I believe there was but one perfect man. Trump has nothing left to prove. He has made his money, now maybe he can help the rest of us. I don’t know one business man who hasn’t made plenty of mistakes. I truly believe he will help this country flourish again. He has an incredible amount of energy and that’s what it’s going to take. I have been for him from the beginning. Now I hope everyone else will get behind him and let’s roll the dice…
I do not know Mark Cuban but I know people who have met him. All those who I know speak very highly of Mark
Cuban. His comments are truthful. Donald Trump truly wants to make our country GREAT again. Have you seen
or heard of any other person, running for office, using one dime of their own money for their campaign? Oh, NO!
All others running for a political office spend hours soliciting tax-payers for contributions and this time spent on
the telephone begging us money should be used to do the job we sent them to Washington , D.C. to do and that
isn’t to raise money for their campaigning (and to increase their personal wealth). If they were not millionaires
when they went to Washington, they will certainly be millionaires when they leave.
Trump doesn’t need to beg for money, He has enough of his own.
Agree, unfortunately money “is” as they say the root of all evil. We send good women and men to DC to do our business and at some point they stray toward the special interest groups. Sounds like term limits need to be instituted and the only money that can be raised should be in your district and/or state. Just a thought!
Mr. Trump is the only candidate for me. Term limits on the aging politicos in Washington, with their special interests etc. DEFINITELY need to be instituted, I agree with you, Trump can economically put our country back into the black again, very savvy businessman, which is exactly what our country needs
We never send good people to DC. The only people that have a chance to go to DC must sell out their souls for the money to run. This is the game all the way up the ladder. If a candidate does not take the special interest money and become owned then the special interest money goes against them getting into office. Therefore, only corrupt people who can be ok being run by the establishment can move up in politics and that is why when the party tells our corrupt lying politicians to vote for something they don’t like, for example the ACA, they do it anyway. We have a totally corrupt election system and until it changes our standard of living will continue down the death spiral from the constant sucking by the parasites we call politicians and the establishment.
Technically, it’s the LOVE of money that’s the root of all evil – according to Paul/Saul of the bible, anyway – but some evils simply have nothing at all to do with money, love it or hate it….and i hate blanket statements anyway, because as soon as you find ONE exception, the whole “rule” is exposed for the hogwash it has always been…like “all Cretans are liars,” for example…
ER ~ By the way, the quote is: “The LOVE of money is he root of all evil” NOT money itself…..and by the way, also…Shouldn’t it actually be: ALL Liars are CRETINS!…Not the other way round?
Just sayin’……..!!
The ‘Love’ of money is the root of all evil, 1 Timothy 6:10
I’m awake, “TRUMP 2016-&-2020
Trump is not my first choice, I was leaning toward Cruz until recently. If you take Cuban at his word, with whats known about Trump; he treats everyone the same seemingly; then the answer is easy! If you are over 35, then you are aware of the “Clinton Legacy”, not pretty. Her personal political history; not including her husbands; is pretty lackluster and as Sec of State has proven she is not capable of much. She probably won’t be held responsible for any of her personal/legal inequities, but she “has” broken fed codes undoubtedly. If we are going to elect a “woman” as president because of fairness, then are we going to elect other people for what they are, not due to there ability or because they deserve it? This is an important position of authority we are hiring! Remember we are their employers, not their subjects!!!
Yes your right!!! There fired.
Until Trump, we have all be subjects. I give Trump massive credit for going up against the corrupt establishment.
I will be voting for Trump. He can and will chew Hillary up and spit her out. If she gets that far without getting in trouble.
Why would a man who accomplished the American Dream, be worth 10 billion dollars, have a great business, a beautiful wife and children, want to run for president. Why would he open himself up for all this criticism and aggravation if he truly did not want to make America Great Again? Thank you Donald for pointing out all the flaws in our system which I never knew until you informed us.
Love mr. Trump.
Don’ t trust Washigton
Personally, I am all in for Mr. Trump and have great hopes for him to help change America back to what it’s true values are. I’m 81 years old and am a first generation American as my parents immigrated from Russia during the revolution over there. My Father, bless his soul, taught us boys (5 of us) about how his father (my grandfather) was murdered by the Bolshivicks because he would not follow their dictates. My Grandfather was a Constable (sheriff) over there and was loyal to Russia and her resident people. He would not slaughter Jews, Germans, Gypsies, or remove them from his Jurisdiction. Our Russian language at home STOPPED when we entered Kindergarden in Chicago and I remember our Father telling us, “From now on, you will look, smell, walk, talk, dress and act like an AMERICAN”, because THAT IS WHO YOU NOW ARE!!”
When I see or hear these Liberals, so-called Progressives, I see exactly what my Father warned us about. “Communism”!!! He hated it, and so do I, and for GOOD REASON. America has been super good to us as a family and individuals and what I see going on now scares the hell out of me. I personally teach and speak to young kids I know in my community and actually show them photo’s of cars, homes, schools and thing I’ve had through my parents hard work, and that of my own. If they want the same things, well, it is work hard for it, stay loyal to the values and principles that gave it all to me, and they will be just fine. Today is bleak for our next generations as for WORK and HOPES for what is great for them to have. But, I think this Mr. Trump is sincerely and simply wanting to give back to our nation and it’s next generations what he has been blessed with. And that is in one word,…. “OPPORTUNITY” to do and be whatever you want to be. That is the American way. May this nation return to simply,… “COMMON SENSE”!!! Thank You.
Could not have said it better. God bless You.
Ronald I hope you won’t mind me copying your comments and post it to my facebook page. I do not need to include your name.
One thing Trump could do that would impress a number of voters would be to declare that he would fire all of Obummer’s Czars on day one. A great way to start cleaning house.
Trump is going to “let it all hang out” when it comes to exposing Hitlary for the greedy, corrupt, enabling leftist that she is. Expect Bill’s “conquests” to come forward to remind us of HIS repeated violence against women & Hitlary’s enabling of Bill’s conduct. Also, I would just LOVE it if Trump, as a direct CONTRIBUTOR to Bill & Hill’s “foundation” brings a lawsuit during the election against them that forces them to open their books & ACCOUNT for who contributed how much & how that money has been spent!!
No, none of the other Republicans were going to go there. Not even Cruz. But Trump WILL Crooked Hitlary!!
I’ve already got my popcorn ready & can’t wait for the show to start!!
I ‘ve been for Trump from day one and since then I have had my eyes opened up to how the GOP and RNC have been as manipulative as the Dems. Most of them are Rinos and I will never trust an establishment elite politician again. I hope Trump mops the floor with Clinton.
I believe Ronald F Litke has said it all and I think the same way. I am 80 and have put in 23 years in 5 branches of the military and been in 24 countries and I have always said it’s not the people in the world which cause wars but politicians and rogue governments such as North Korea. I fought in that Police Action since it was never called officially a (Koren war) and several others and it was hard to think kill the enemy which is a person same as I and told to do something which will always pray on your mind until you die. I am now a Capt in the USAF reserves which try to remove drugs and find people which have been lost or crashed a plane along with teaching our young people have respect. The Civil Air Patrol was first created during the second world war called Civil Air Patrol and still holds its high values even today and are non combat official.
Signed: Dr. Donald Lewis Law ( retired USAF Capt )
The liberal left have always been loud mouths , And finally the silent majority has raise their voices in support of Mr. Trump! God bless Mr.Trump and God Bless America!!!!!!!!
We tricked Repubs and TPs. It was Dems secret that Trump wins the GOP nomination and that we will crush him in November. I have told you Repubs and TPs are not that smart, but they love to be called racists, bullies of Blacks, women and other racial minorities. They wanted Cruz to be the nominee to make USA a Sharia Country and province of Canada where Cruz was born and raised. They have now lost it all. I have nothing against Trump. We Dems just want Hillary to take over from where Obama will have left in January. Dems’ trick worked
What in the world has Trump, said to make one want to vote for him, all he does is call people out of their name say ugly things insult people that is not president material he would be the biggest mistake, and America would be the laughing stock of the world,with a president like him another Hitler.
Before we pat Mr Trump on the back ! Let’s see what he does for the people everyday people I know he has a lot of money and you don’t make that kind of money if you are Mr nice guy ,but like everyone I hope Mr Trump don’t lie like the rest of the men we put in the White House with that said ,GOD BLESS ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE U. S ????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s love not hate!!
To say it depends on which Hillary shows up is the most asinine statement I have ever heard as the Hillary that has intimidated the women in Bills background and pedophiles and others that would have made her guilty of obstruction of justice. To have a felon in the White House just shows where your moral compass is aimed which is into the gates of hell.
Duanu you hit the nail right on the head gates of hell !!!
I have enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. I love my country for that very reason, the freedom to expressi ourselves, let’s not lose it. Our country is being torn apart, we can agree to disagree,agreeably. I am for Donald Trump. I don’t agree with him on everything but I believe he loves his country too so therefore I can respect him and vote for him. I love Dr. Ben Carson but they would tear him to pieces and he is to good a person to be treated like that, he really treats people like we all want to be treated or should. I would urge anyone who has not seen the movie 2016 by Dinesh and read the book by Dick Morris, “Power Grab”. We don’t want that for our country. Bless all of you and God Bless America. Have a great weekend. ????????
IISE: I THANK YOU for your kind words, and from others likewise. If my thoughts might help someone else as you say, you have my full permission to post on Facebook or whatever. One other factor as A PROUD AMERICAN or US CITIZEN, I might mention that I and my four brothers and a beloved Cousin of mine, have all served honorably in the Military. My Cousin and I both, at the same time served in Germany, helping to develop NATO under President Eisenhower. Our Cadre of Leaders, and Officers were from the Korean Conflict and were brilliantly leaders in case we ever had to fight at that time. I was so honored to learn from them.
This whole Political Mess that we now find ourselves in is because a “certain generation AFTER mine” (and you probably know WHO), ALLOWED the Politicians to take over and scam us Citizens. Just think,… about 535+ elected officials in Washington D.C.telling US, the 330 million some Citizens how to do, act, and live our lives. 535+ some Scam Artists controlling US??? That generation now is in charge of things (supposedly) and it’s about time we take our Governance Back to what our Founding Fathers gave us, and I might add through the Grace of God. Good Morning America,… I hope most NOW see the light of Day and rid ourselves of our faults. Time to speak up. Thank you.
Thank you and your family for your service to our country. My family gave a lot too. My Uncle served in World War1, my brother in World War11, two brothers in Korea, and my nephew in Vietnam for two weeks was killed and sent home in his military casket, 21 years old. His name in on the Wall in Washington D. C. All we have left are precious memories. Sammy Ray Smith. America can’t sit back any longer. Stand up for freedom. What we have is so precious!!!
I am apalled by the widely accepted, historical, string of corruption, self serving, policiticans have twisted out of, and weaved into, our Founding Fathers’ deeply insightful, meticulously crafted,
They had a vision of a fair and equitable democracy of the people, by the people,
NOT a pathway to a privilege and personal benefits for public service through entitlement.
I simply can NOT fathom the mindset and values of “staunch” democrat, liberal, socialist, and republican loyalists… Damn the torpedos at any cost, as long as it lines their pockets!
They bury their rewards in hundreds of pages for each bill they attempt to pass. A bill should be a single page essay, simply stating it’s intent and purpose that a small child could understand.
The general populations’ collective denial of plain the facts; The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is poised to disastrously implode.
The vast majority of our legal, naturalized citizens are struggling to survive the fallout of the obama mission to systematically destroy and dismantle our once great country from the inside out:
He has drowned us economically, crushed and weakened us militarily, obliterated healthcare, inflated our debt astronomically, sent our jobs to foreign countries, decreased our exports, subsidized imports, pushed expensive, big government regulations into small businesses, he has destroyed our world superpower status, making us a joke around the world…. He even ordered an increase in his pension after he leaves office… while the citizens drown in poverty.
A-America. Not just once, but twice!
The chaos he implemented is in full swing:
Anarchy, crime and unemployment reign in our decimated cities. “Made in America” has been replaced by “Made everywhere else”. Our open door policy has allowed terrorism to bloody our home turf. Our schools aren’t educating our children, Our veterans and seniors are losing basic necessities, living longer, and forced into poverty… Just to name a few of his “accomplishments.”
And now…
idiots are championing his corrupt cohort
In modern history, the most productive president America elected was a simple, yet discerning, soft spoken, man of integrity, with homegrown values.
An actor with a clear, politically untarnished, vision of how to rebuild America into a World renowned Superpower. His name was Ronald Reagan.
You can bet your boots …I am voting for the businessman. Viva la Trump! He is smart enough to know, he doesn’t have all the answers, connected enough, and willing to surround himself with those who have common sense, expertise, and no special interests. Turn the map RED.
For the love of God Almighty, run this country like the failing business it is! We need a Board of Directors! Fire the corrupt, ineffective, self serving fools, politicians, and czars. Build our borders to mightyly protect our natural citizens and resources, so we can remedy and repair our home turf! Bring industries, factories, and businesses back to life here on our soil, let us be proud to produce quality made exports, and grow our economy, Donald, awaken the sleeping giant we once were and make America great again!
Implement a clear course for those that want to immigrate to America, you must learn to speak, write and read English on your own dime, you must go through the arduous process of becoming a citizen, BEFORE you can legally apply to be able to work, educate your offspring, own property, and you must pay an immigration tax to be able to do so, you must pay for your families’ education, you cannot get any federal, state, or local government benefits, you cannot ever own border property, you cannot ever hold any political office, or vote until you have established legal citizenship and residency, if you are found guilty of any crime you and your family will be immediately returned to your country of origin and you will not be allowed back.
Let’s clean house, Mr. Trump, and make America the land of opportunity and prosperity, we once were.
I also support and will vote for Trump. He’s the first politician I’ve heard say we have to put Americans first.
One thing not in previous comments – there will be potentially 3-4 Supreme Court Justices nominated for the next four years. Do you want a liberal Supreme Court or a conservative one?