It’s the nightmare scenario authorities warned could happen — an immigrant who may not have been properly vetted is a suspect in a series of bombings in New York City and New Jersey.
After hours of frantic searches, authorities say they’ve captured Ahmad Khan Rahami, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Afghanistan who was wanted in connection to the weekend’s bombings in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood and an explosion in Seaside Park, New Jersey.
According to reports, Rahami was taken down by authorities after engaging police in a shootout early Monday morning. Two officers were reportedly injured during the gunfire.
The danger hasn’t passed, however. Cops warn that there could be a larger terror cell is operating in the area.
In addition to the blast in Chelsea on Saturday, a pipe bomb exploded in a New Jersey shore town before a charity 5K race and an unexploded pressure cooker device was found blocks away from the explosion site in Chelsea. On Sunday, five homemade bombs were discovered at a New Jersey train station, one of which exploded when authorities tried to disarm it.
The bomb’s explosion has been widely shared on social media —
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said as investigators gathered information they learned there were “certain commonalities among the bombs,” leading authorities to believe “that there was a common group behind the bombs.”
Early Monday, FBI agents swarmed an apartment above a fried chicken restaurant in Elizabeth that was tied to Rahami. The activity came hours after one of five devices found at the nearby Elizabeth train station exploded while a bomb squad robot attempted to disarm it. No one was injured.
Saturday night’s blast in the bustling Chelsea neighborhood in Manhattan injured 29 people, and another unexploded device made out of pressure cooker was found several blocks away.
On Sunday night, FBI agents in Brooklyn stopped “a vehicle of interest” in the investigation of the Manhattan explosion, according to FBI spokeswoman Kelly Langmesser.
She wouldn’t provide further details, but a government official and a law enforcement official who were briefed on the investigation told The Associated Press that five people in the car were being questioned at an FBI building in Manhattan.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about the ongoing investigation.
No one has been charged, and the investigation is continuing, Langmesser said.
Cuomo, touring the site of Saturday’s blast in Chelsea, said the unexploded pressure cooker device appeared “similar in design” to the bomb that exploded in Chelsea.
On Sunday, a federal law enforcement official said the Chelsea bomb contained a residue of Tannerite, an explosive often used for target practice that can be picked up in many sporting goods stores. The discovery of Tannerite may be important as authorities probe whether the two New York City devices and the pipe bomb at the Jersey shore are connected.
Cellphones were discovered at the site of both bombings, but no Tannerite residue was identified in the New Jersey bomb remnants, in which a black powder was detected, said the official, who wasn’t authorized to comment on an ongoing investigation and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.
The bombings in New York City and New Jersey happened the same day that a man stabbed and injured nine people at a Minnesota mall before an off-duty police officer fatally shot him. The St. Cloud police chief said the man reportedly made at least one reference to Allah and asked a victim if he or she was Muslim before attacking. The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
Then the Hillaryites call Trump xenophobic and racist for sanely wanting to keep out violent, racist and xenophobic haters.
Peter Joffe says
Oh no!I don’t believe it. How can we assume that this terrorist look alike is actually a Muslim Terrorist? This is Islumophobia at its best. We are clearly anti Islum and should be ashamed of it. The truth is that almost all acts of terror are committed by Muslims who are normally peace seeking citizens planning their next rape attack. It is more likely in the case that it was an old lady making some chicken soup for the weekend, in a pressure cooker that blew up and spread bits and pieces of chicken all over the place. Muslims, NO but the chances if it NOT being a Muslim are about 1 billion to one. Shoot the killer on sight and don’t waste taxpayers money defending him. Why do we waste our time trying to find other reasons for terrorist acts conducted by Obama’s tribe?
floyd says
vote vote vote
TRUMP says
Amen! Please VOTE TRUMP!!!! Before were all victims!
Theresa brex says
Never trump.
Our NYC cops and the antiterrorism units are doing what they need to.
Don’t give in to fear.
Trump is an authoritarian who follows Hitlers playbook. He even began his campaign with Goebbels style propaganda.
Vote Gary Johnson. The logical, safe choice.
And I am a NYer.
And former R
Charlie says
I agree with you my friend. you are absolutely positively right! the only thing that I can say is fuck you Barack Hussein Obama!!! we know who you really are and were you really come from you Can’t fool me!
BORG7 says
He sure fooled a lot of the Sheep already. Hannity is angry that the dems, Illary, Obama, etc, treat voters like idiots and look down on them. Well, I think they are idiots too for electing these liars and criminals who promise to steal from one to give to others.
Yolanda says
Blame it on the Mexican’s. Why pick on the Islam when you can just blame it on the Mexicans and all of white of America will believe it.
Yolanda says
Hey America just blame this on the Mexicans. Why pick on Islam when you can use Mexicans as scape goats and white America will believe it. Oh, I forgot white America is now half Asian kids. No such things are pure whites anymore with all of these white men ordering mail order brides from Asia.
Retaliation seems to be the name of the game. When are the legal american citizens going to wise up , Hillary and obama plus kerry want to let in thousands and thousands more refugees?????????????????? i for one can not wait for Trump/Pence to get elected in 2016…….. The time has come to stop the insanity that has been slowly coming in……
Roseanna Martin says
We need to get every single mooslime out of our goverment and state jobs , school etc. !! They should not be allowed period !! We also need to get all of them out of our Country ASAP !!!!!
JOHN says
They all belong in jail for not doing their job as pledged
Charles says
When Trump becomes our next President he can put Obama Bill and Hillary in Prison where they belong for treason and supporting terrorists.
pastriesqueen says
Please add DHS, IRS to your list.
JINH says
Stress term limits! Term limits for anyone in public office. And while the GOP, RNC, Cruz, Bush, Kasich followers are going for each other’s throat, more bombings happen. This will not end until we can stand behind the R nominee and vote him in as our next President and Commander in Chief. During the current so-called “president”‘s terms, who was voted in by American voters, he plots against our country and sold out. His duplicate, Hitlery, will do no less and continue this horrible legacy! In fact, Ocrap has committed to 110,000 refugees to enter the U.S. by 2017. Hildebeast committed to nearly 100,000 more if elected! We must do something. Stop the arguing, bickering and belittling. I too liked Cruz, Bush, Kasich, Rubio etc, but in the end, Trump prevailed and I will support him. Let us strengthen Trump’s candidacy into victory. The RNC, GOP, past candidates have to unite if we are to preserve America as we know it. We must support Trump and vote him in as our next President. He truly is our only hope and it will be our country’s only chance. Everyone……unite!
DAN says
Tell that Muslim ISIS leader in the White House that we don’t give a sh*t about offending Muslims. Their people are offending me and many others around the world by killing Christians, gays, people who are not Muslims and innocent people. They offend me by demanding to live by their own laws in America, and not the laws our Founding Fathers and Congress have creating for the people of EVERYONE in the US. If you don’t like our laws, GET OUT OF THE COUNTRY!!
Where are the protests and marches against radical Islam violence by the Muslim leaders and communities across the country?? If legal Muslims here do not unite in solidarity against radicals within their religion, then they are supporting the acts that the radicals do.
If Obama and Hillary cannot name or do not wish to name who the enemy is, how can they say that they will be defeated? By allowing tens of thousands of un-vetted “refugees” into our country, the doors are wide open for evil people to enter, which is part of Obama’s and Hillary’s Master Plan. To destroy America!! The enemy is already here in the US, and without competent leaders who love this country, ISIS will spread across America.
VOTE DONALD TRUMP 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charles says
If our next Pesidential Candidate was Hitler he would be far better then Hillary or Obama at least he wouldn’t be supporting the people who are murdering our citizens.
Charles says
I hear you if i have to hear another freaking demo Lib say we are all immigrants and the only true American is native Americans i think i will Barf.
pastriesqueen says
Obama & Hillary are American-phobic! This morning obama called for the media not to jump into a conclusion before the investigation is concluded. Obama & Hillary, where are you? I dare you to call it as it is “radical Islamic terrorist”. The bomber is not a Christian, nor a Jew, nor an Asian, nor a black, is he?
John G . says
Perfect case n point (weekend bombings) as to why we need Trump and his people – enough of the PC crap and bringing in all these unvetted Syrian immigrants. We need a Commander-in-Chief willing to do the things necessary to protect our citizens and country we aren’t responsible for the worlds problems.
CJ says
You said it. How many bombings are we going to have to go thru before Hitlery & Obumma get it thru their thick heads that terrorists are coming in from Mooslim countries.
Roseanna Martin says
This is what they want , not something they don’t realize …
Main Street says
Educated and ambitious folks from Ireland, Italy, Taiwan wait many years to hope for a visa. Folks from hater cultures come here with ease and most are on EBT, Sec. 8 housing within days of arrival.
Roseanna Martin says
Yep and they get in front of the line even before the African American community , I bet that really pisses off the BLM people lololol … : )
Joe Blow says
Thank you obummer!! Arrest obummer for treason to the American people!! He has caused this and continues to allow and encourage it to happen!! He better not try to stay in office or the REAL AMERICAN people will run him out of this country!!!
floyd says
Obamer needs to be sued by relatives each time he brings these people here and hurt some one. sue the government for bring them here.
Nestor Blanco says
Apparently Obama and Hillary are engaged in a concerted effort to import more Islamic Jihadis terrorist to America. They are talking about bringing aboard 100,000s more Middle East refugees without proper vetting. What is their goal? Are they trying to destroy America. Obama fits right in because his father and stepfather were Muslims. If he really converted to Christianity why he didn’t referred back to his birth name? No he kept his Muslim name Barack Husein Obama. He Hillary; I don’t understand unless she wants to submit to Sharia Law as she was victimize by Mr. Bill Gigolo Clinton for so many years. maybe she likes it.
frances quinn says
we all know who to blame for this. imagine the damage if all those bombs had gone off. what are we waiting for. throw obama out of office. he is still letting these terrorists into the country. vote trump 2016. America First, American Safety First.
floyd says
vote TRUMP vote vote vote vote. and get ever one else to vote trump
JOHN says
Put one of those bombs on Air Force 1 and another in Chelsea apartment to go off at midnight.
Theresa brex says
You are sick john.
And you are one of the ‘ deplorable’ trump voters.
And that will never be a compliment.
Your just like your fake savior.
Greengirl says
Open your eyes. It’s not Democrats against Republicans it’s doing what is right to make America safe. Trump wouldn’t allow this to continue and Hillary wants more of the same. I want to be able to sleep at night knowing that our leaders are doing their jobs and promoting American values. Values that allowed Trump to be so successful. Hillary takes from the poorest of nations and neighborhoods. Help yourself and this country. Vote for someone who is not afraid of the Clinton Foundation’s corruption. Vote for someone who loves this country. I don’t know where you stand spiritually but … I know from experience God answers prayers. I know my final destination as do many Christians but it’s up to you to choose God’s gift of salvation. No one can make that decision for you. Get the facts before you go bashing someone for their beliefs. Go in peace.
Justin W says
Hopefully this man will be found. If he is part of this bombing incident he should get to spend the rest of his life caged up in a federal penitentiary.
Inspector Tom says
The only problem I see with caging him up in a federal penitentiary is that ‘We the Taxpayers’ will have to support him for the rest of his life, to bad we cannot deport these people to some planet where they would have to work sunup to sundown to survive, and keep them monitored so they cannot develop any way to get back, nice dream but won’t happen since our space development program is in the dumpster
JOHN says
NO He should have a bomb put around his waist and set to go off once he moves and activates the timer and he has to wonder how long it will be
pastriesqueen says
I like your solution, John.We don’t to waste taxpayers’ money to feed him.
Donald says
I would be very happy to feed him for the rest of his life wouldn’t last long feet first into a log chipper to hog feed in the forest.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Better yet, if they find that damned POS animal, kill that damned POS SOAB on the spot right then & there, get it over with. Round up every damned POS illegal alien from Iran, Syria & the PLO & ship their damned carcasses back to where those damned raghead animals belong.
Alex Benjamin says
Well what can I say, we keep voting these people in, and the one who speaks the truth but politically incorrect we call him a mad man, make the right decision America.
Theresa brex says
Trump does not tell the truth. And he is ignorant to boot.
He idolizes dictators. He won’t rule out nuking Europe. He wants to order soldiers to commit war crimes. He wants us to use torture. The list goes on.
So….. I’m voting for the sane and decent candidate- libertarian Gary Johnson.
What your boy plans on doing is unconstitutional. Unless he plans on becoming a dictator and destroying the constitution.
Forget trump.
Donald says
Forget you Theresa brex , Do some time in the military with your best friends getting blown up to bits and pieces all over your shit face and tell me you don’t want to kill all these sick cult followers of islam . you want to protect them i will shoot threw you to kill them that is my job. live it breath it do it fuk you fuk them. The American warrior is the last line of defense and I am never going to stop hunting them now go cry in your fucking milk.
Tom Day says
All, this is what Obama, Clinton world has bought to our shores, Trump has been on point all the time. Clinton is running on another Obama term, they are both weak and dangerous. What bothers me is Obama telling Black Americans to vote for Clinton and his continuing policies, and if you don’t, you are a traitor to him. What he and Clinton don’t know is that Black Americans do not like him or Clinton and will not turn out for her, minorities, especially Blacks are voting for Trump in mass numbers, they are also changing their affiliations from democrat to Republicans. Really, I don’t know anyone voting for Clinton……..I did meet one lady who thought about Clinton, but said if she voted for Clinton, then we get Bill with her and that’s a non-starter.
JOHN says
You are so right. Only a few people I know are voting for the Bitch and then the polls show her with all those votes. You know, like everything else democratic, they are fixed.
57girl says
Hmmm, I guess this will be the excuse to call for Martial Law if the elections don’t go along with the ‘Establishment’ (that allows anyone with a pulse to cross our borders) plans to place their next leader for their NWO goals. I guess we’ll soon find out.
floyd says
Donald says
I know Mr Trump will do what we ask him to do and I am sure he has greater potential then any others . A builder of dreams and wealth is his life and now will to bring us online not the whole dam world in a give away prize like the killery process .
Mathew Molk says
Read the Posse Comitatus laws.
Furthermore where is he going to get the troops to break their oath to defend the constitution and obey an unlawful order.
If he tried that what he could end up with is a Coup D;tat and end up hanging from the chandelier at the White House Front Door.
JOHN says
You started out sounding like you were against Trump but then ended up with OBO hanging which I liked. TRUMP 2016-2024
Constitutionalist says
Mathew Molk-
Where have you been?
Posse Comitatus has been overturned. There are NO restrictions upon the use of US military force anywhere in America, now.
While it is my sincere HOPE that military men and women will hear an Unconstitutional order, laugh, and not only refuse to obey it, but place the GIVER of that order under arrest, this is unlikely, given human nature.
On top of that, D’OweBama has been smuggling in about 10k Muslim men PER MONTH, on average, into semi-deserted country airports in converted UPS planes around 3-4AM, and wants to work with the UN to subjugate Americans(i’ve seen the aerial photos of THOUSANDS of UN vehicles at various US military bases). It’s a betrayal worse than any other in the history of this planet, if what i suspect is about to happen actually DOES happen.
Look at the facts:
Billions upon billions of rounds of illegal(Geneva Conventions) hollow-point ammunition have been bought and stored. USG agents have trained by shooting at targets of US civilians, including pictures of women, children, and old men. Military purchases of all other ammunition is at an all-time high, making it quite difficult for US civilians to acquire ANY. Trainload after trainload of US military vehicles have been filmed traveling hither and yon. Documented evidence of “Civilian prisoner programs” has surfaced from military sources loyal to America. FEMA prison facilities have been built all over America. Plastic coffins capable of taking 5 bodies each have been photographed all over this country; the military sent out letters to all manufacturers of long-term storage food, asking what their maximum daily output is, and how soon can they gear up to deliver it. Foreign countries have been contacted about the possibility of taking in US refugees.
Put it all together, and anyone with a couple of still-functioning brain cells can see that USG agents are preparing for something big, something which AIN’T GOOD for America or Americans.
John Ranellone says
This is just the beginning….OBumma and if she is elected Lying Hilary will destabilize this country just as Europe is right now. What does it take to see we are allowing animals into this country.What sense does it make to allow this to continue. Our only choice is to elect TRUMP and if he is defeated by the American people then we are done,our country and future generations will pay for this catastrophe.
James Hines says
It’s unfortunate when it happens, but it all the more proves Trumps message! Hopefully those that are blind will wise up and vote for him!
Clark Kent says
Another piece of human scum representing the “Religion of Peace”
Les Fortunate says
HilLiary Rottendamn Cliton will make for the worst president in America’s history .Worst though for the American citizens , NOT for the Elites under Oligarchy control . Sadly , HRC , the devil’s daughter , will be victorious for a vast amount of reasons , however here are the 2 painful main reasons . #1; Public opinion propagated by the immesley filthy wealthy Oligarch’s supporting their long planned agendas who have more $ than God (Oprah) , will flood their propaganda via their controlled media , to sway the apathetic , unawakened citizens , by perpetual demonization of Trump , an establishment outsider against the evil global controlling machine and for the people . #2; In the event that magically and rightfully , a majority of apathy oriented persons wake up to the Oligarch’s illusions , and vote for their ultimate freedom from the clutches of satan , their votes will be unaccounted for pursuant to a verifiably rigged electronic OLIGARCHY CONTROLLED voting system and few people will question the rigged victory because the current untruthful controlled polling system #’s will appear that it was a close enough victory to not dispute .Democracy ?????????????
Charles says
And Hillary supporters want more muslims to come here sounds like Obama is Dum and Hillary Dummer
Jude says
This has all been ordered from the WH & that corrupt bunch. They want election to be cancelled since they are fearful that Hellery could lose. Obama is one of the Muslim extremist. He was hell bent from day one ( per his handlers) to destroy America as a free nation & her citizens. Guess what folks, he has about done it.
Tom Day says
All, look up and google the Chicago Tribune newspapers, put in “Kenyon born senator elected to Ryan’s seat”, Obama’s own words, and his intro to his first book, his own words, then ask yourself who started the birther thing, not that we care, we just want him to go away.
Zinka says
The a good news, of the moment on,TV this idiots located and caught police.
His judgment should be HUNG BY THE Manhattan, other idiots would consider a dirty intentions and killing of Innocent :men, women, children and the destruction of social and private property.
Worlds terrorist, idiots all that is disgusting and everything is dirty are, Islamic State group
Malcolm Proctor says
if this is not a warning to get rid of clinton and obama.then you deserve all you get america
Poncho Villa says
Trump is right all along. VOTE TRUMP!
AW says
Dawg# says
GOT HIM!….. ????? I would say Amen to this, but actually it is just another mouth for the tax payer to feed!
Wise Owl says
Trump just won the election ladies and gents! My boy won! Now please don’t get me started! Is anyone surprised that this happened? Trump’s been telling it like it is about the Muslims and he was branded politically incorrect for it Okay? “Shoot first and ask questions later”. Second Amendment all the way baby! This Muslim garbage could have and should have been taken down immediately. He can pray to Allah ifrom his jail cell. I know that I can rely on the prisoners taking good care of him in jail. They got their own law of the
Land and it ain’t Sharia either. Keep taking the Muslims in libs and don’t forget to cut them a big welcome welfare check while your’re at it!
Wise Owl says
Anybody who doesn’t vote for Trump needs to have their head examined!
Wise Owl says
Castrate the mother-!
Bring back the gas chamber, hanging and public execution! Open carry everybody! I dare Obama to shut down the Internet!
jose says
Ill bet you anything that Hell-lary is behind these bombings now she will try to pass an anti pipe and anti pressure cooker law. See Hell-lary is blaming guns for all the shootings. The problem is not the guns or pipes or pressure cookers the problem is these crazy people who are following you. Hell-lary wants to ban guns because they kill people with them but as you can see they used another method to carry their criminal acts
pastriesqueen says
What are Obama & Hillary gonna ban next? Knives, powder, pots & pans?
Hondo says
Her new name I have heard is ” ILLERY ” !
Sounds right to me!
clarence lipscomb says
hillary is not a normal woman. She’s certainly not defenseless; but, she’s definitely guilty of more than several capital crimes (State not Federal). And…….she’s also easily indicted and prosecuted for treason, lying under oath, money laundering, obstruction of justice, theft and misappropriation of charitable funds to her own personal use, a multitude of conspiracies, trading with the enemy (Russia, Iran, ISIS/ISIL, ETC.)…….all Federal crimes to name the SHORT LIST.
I don’t believe a pardon from Obama can be granted prior to her having been indicted. Besides when she is indicted, tried, and convicted, sending her to prison will be cruel and unusual punishment since she is so ” inflicted” with degenerative diseases. And then too, sending her to prison will totally defeat the mission of incarceration because she will ruin any hope of rehabilitation for the other women prisoners.
My dear, lovely Grandmother would have said this, “She won’t do”.
Constitutionalist says
clarence lipscomb-
I don’t believe a pardon from Obama can be granted prior to her having been indicted.
Unfortunately, not true. i WISH it were true, but it ain’t.
Google “presidential pardon limitations” and do some reading; SCOTUS has repeatedly ruled that this Constitutional presidential power is virtually unlimited, and can be granted at ANY time after the crime has been committed, even BEFORE an indictment(much less arrest, arraignment, trial, conviction, sentence, prison, appeal – ANY time). The ONLY limitation is that ONLY Federal crimes can be pardoned; miscreants can still be prosecuted for violations of any State laws, as the presidential power does not extend that far…like, for example, voting fraud…