As the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics are set to get under way, disgusting new allegations have surfaced involving American gymnastics coaches sexually abusing girls they were trusted to train — some as young as 8 years old!
Even more shocking, the USA Gymnastics organization – which oversees training at every level, all the way to the USA Olympic team – was allegedly repeatedly warned about the abuse.
And in most cases, the organization seems to have done nothing.
A damning investigation by The Indianapolis Star reveals that for years, USA Gymnastics received complaints against at least 50 coaches accused of sexual abuse and other misconduct against little girls in their care.
But instead of going to the police – or instead of even launching an investigation of its own – USA Gymnastics locked the reports away in a filing cabinet in its Indianapolis headquarters, reporters claim.
The reason for this twisted cover-up is sending shock waves throughout sports.
Instead of protecting these little girls robbed of their innocence, USA Gymnastics says it was concerned about the reputations of its coaches!
Steve Penny, head of USA Gymnastics, said in uncovered court documents that he was worried about a “witch hunt” against his coaches, and that the only way his organization would investigate would be if it received a “”written, signed statement” from a witness or victim – or, in the case of a minor, a victim’s parent.
In a statement released after the investigation, USA Gymnastics claimed “it went above and beyond its legal obligations to report on this matter.”
But experts say waiting only for “written, signed statements” is a burden of proof that deters victims from coming forward — and it allows sexual predators to continue their abuse.
Indeed, it looks like the organization’s policy of refusing to investigate has for decades kept pervert coaches in positions where they could keep molesting children.
In 1998, USA Gymnastics dismissed a complaint of sexual abuse against Georgia coach William McCabe, allowing him to work with young girls for six more years.
Today, McCabe is serving a 30-year prison sentence after pleaded guilty in 2006 to charges of sexual exploitation of children and making false statements, according to The New York Times.
Yes, USA Gymnastics knew about the complaints – yet they apparently kept him in a position where he could continue to prey on young girls.
In another case, the organization received a detailed complaint about coach Marvin Sharp saying he’d been touching minors inappropriately and shouldn’t be around children.
But USA Gymnastics didn’t go to police until it received another complaint four years later accusing him of sexual abuse against a 12-year-old.
Sharp later killed himself in jail.
Those examples are just two of the dozens of sexually deviant coaches accused of sexual abuse and rape linked to this twisted program – trusted leaders who were given access to children even after the organization was made aware of alleged inappropriate behavior.
“USAG may not have been the hand that ultimately abused these innocent children,” Shelley Haymaker, an Indiana attorney who represents victims in child-welfare cases, told the Star. “But it was definitely the arm.”
— The Horn editorial team
No excuses – determine those who are guilty put on trial immediately and then lock them up for as long as possible – their the dredge of the earth.
I think mandatory castration is indicated if allegations are proven true beyond any doubt.
We take guns away so
why not that weapon of destruction . Those young girls are forever victims of these monsters
and should receive the treatment which makes it
a sure thing sexual activity for them will exist only in their perverted dreams.
That won’t work. It’s proven that impotent or chemically castrated pedophiles resort to other forms of abuse -including using found objects as substitutes. Many do that now to avoid leaving DNA in the victim. They become worse because they have frustration that builds and is taken out on the victim. The sickness is in their mind. Even if they show remorse, even if it is genuine, remorse fades when temptation away from scrutiny presents itself. As I’ve seen many tearfully confess, it’s beyond their control. The only solution for proven offended is the death penalty. As such, there can be no room for doubt. Because as inconceivable as it used to seem to me, people lie about abuse all the time. Discretion and scrupulous tact must be paramount in these investigations. Simply being accused can destroy lives. Witch hunts, especially around such an emotionally charged topic, are all too frequent. If guilty however, a swift execution must follow.
ASW, you’re quite right that castration doesn’t work. Often the perpetrators blame women for what happened to them and go on to murder victims.
While I agree with the death penalty, my concern is the number of people who’ve been sentenced to death, and some executed, who were innocent. Are you willing to support a law demanding the same penalty, including death, for those who make false accusations or for officials who lie, plant, falsify, or withhold exculpatory evidence that their victim suffered? Would you support draconian monetary compensation to victims of false accusations who are punished but innocent? I suspect so as I find your last few sentences to be essential in this area.
I remember the Tawana Brawley and the Duke lacrosse cases all too well anong with the Brian Banks case. In college, a classmate accused me to friends of having raped her because I wouldn’t date her. So we have to be very careful in proving guilt.\
Thanks and a thumps up.
It is not the sex. People emphasize the sex. It is the spirit in the person that is unseen that has the sex. People have sex. Make sure your heart is pure before God having charity in it which is the bond of perfectness. Charity is not a man made thing. KJV Cambridge editon bible 1611.
This is very difficult to reply to logically, partly because there’s no logic in the statements themselves. I’m not disagreeing with the words, per se, and would certainly accept Scripture for what it says, but don’t have much patience for what you make it say.
In fact, it is the sexual abuse and the violation of the trust placed in the coach by the parents and the gymnasts. You can’t treat the spirt separately from the person or the actions. With respect to the victim, your distinction is one without difference. The lack of outrage, compassion, or sympathy for these victims (assuming the story is accurate) should make readers recoil in disgust. This response is little better than that of USA Gymnastics, perhaps worse.
There is a segment of today’s so-called “Christian” church that is often so heavenly minded as to be no earthly good. Here is a classic example.
As a fundamentalist Christian I must agree with you. Artie should have mentioned that the Scriptures clearly state that our spirits are fallen and that we WILLINGLY submit to evil influences. For that we MUST be held responsible before both man and God.
So if a person truly repents and turns to God, they should still face the consequences here, be it prison or worse for crime. They may be forgiven by God, but there’re still consequences,
To much thought – try, convict & incarceration, simple.
This has been going on for years……S**T….I have worked with men who were involved in gymnastics and their behavoir when speaking about coaching them and their interaction with these girls seemed abnormal and unhealthy. The vibes they gave off was one of PERVERSION….All those tight little outfits, derrieres, and overdeveloped physiques are too much for these perverts to handle. So it is no surprise that it now comes to light….
And you reported this knowledge, correct? If not, you are as guilty as them for allowing this to continue. I would have started at the top with this..not expect it to go up the chain of command. And to the police and newspapers…and FB for that matter!,
WTF, why are these people allowed to work with our kids, our grand kids !!!!!! They tell the kids if you say something, I will cut you from team or I will lower your score. If your a good girl I will raise your score and move you up. These people should be removed !!!!
Sick! Just absolutely disgusting! Why were these people allowed to do such things? These young girls were ruined for life! All because these perverts was allowed access and power over them. The coaches had total control over their future and abused them. Find out who they are and cut their balls off. Shut down the entire program if necessary.
Plain and simple, no complaint no investigation. Until someone abused files a complaint this is only and purely supposition.
Artiewhitfox has nothing between his ears. What planet is be on?
I absolutely agree – alternative universe as all “Liberals” live in.
Same thing happened in the USA Swimming organization. Eventually some coaches did get punished.
Allegations of sexual abuse should always be investigated by law enforcement. They are best equipped to try to determine whether someone has committed a crime or not.
I feel that many of these young people are being abused – it’s horrible!! But, I wish these young girls were not dressed so scantily. Their bottoms are not covered and the outfits are really so scanty, leaving a lot to be an invitation to those “disturbed coaches.” However, this is not the reason for this abuse.It just doesn’t help the situation. And also, to reveal the situation, the ones participating in the olympics may feel they will be not permitted to participate so nothing may be reported. It’s such a sad situation.
Change US Team Mgmt alone, wholesale Fire Mgrs for inaction & hire Ex Team mates for Mgrs IF want role.
Make public deeds done,
Name names.
More can be done.
It seems that the four main complaints against the coaches resulted in convictions and jail time with one choosing suicide… What is the evidence against the others.?