Former secretary of state and current Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has always had an uncomfortable relationship with the truth. And at last night’s Democratic Party debate, critics say Clinton was caught telling three whoppers — including one sure to anger black voters she is working diligently to court.
Lie #1 — Offending the black vote?
Though Clinton has been feverishly working to lock up the minority vote she lost so badly to President Barack Obama in 2008, she may have stirred anger by implying that many black males are criminals.
During last night’s debate, Clinton speculated that black men have a 1-in-3 chance of being incarcerated, which isn’t even close to true. In fact, Clinton’s estimate actually doubles the rate at which black men go to prison.
Previous government reports had found that 16.6 percent of adult black males had actually ever gone to prison, or 1 in 6.
And the incarceration rates have actually declined since those reports were issued.
When it comes to racial issues, Clinton — who was recently criticized for pandering to Latinos through a series of ads comparing herself to their grandmothers — keeps putting her foot in her mouth.
Lie #2 — Shots (mis)fired on gun control
Clinton was eager to gain favor with the anti-gun crowd, and attacked Democratic rival Bernie Sanders for his stance on guns.
Clinton complained that, “He voted against the Brady Bill five times,” as well as for allowing guns in national parks and for shielding the gun industry from lawsuits.
But Sanders is no friend of the Second Amendment, and his opposition to the Brady Bill and other gun-control measures had nothing to do with protecting gun owners, as Clinton well knows.
Sanders repeatedly opposed gun control legislation because he wanted longer background checks and stricter control measures. In many cases, Sanders didn’t think the bills went far enough.
Lie #3 — Health care spending
Some days she seems to distance herself from the Obama administration. But last night, Clinton was eager to cozy up to its health care law.
Speaking about Obamacare, Clinton said, “We now have driven costs down to the lowest they’ve been in 50 years.”
But that’s not even close to true. Health care spending is far higher than a half century ago.
Even if she was talking about year-over-year growth in health care spending, Clinton still isn’t close to right.
The government reported in December that health care spending in 2014 grew at the fastest pace since Obama took office, driven by expanded coverage under his law and rising drug prices. Not only that, but health care spending grew faster than the economy as a whole, reaching 17.5 percent of GDP. That means health care was claiming a growing share of national resources.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Richard says
So what’s new. This woman has a history of lying that goes back to before her “wonderful” husband made her “Co-President” remember her first run for his old job?
Main Street says
In a nation where nearly half of the citizens are on welfare, huge amounts are addicted to smartphones and reality shows, her candidacy is relevant.
Pedro Zorza says
Half the citizens on welfare? How do you get that number? The vast majority of people prefer to be working and not on welfare. Yet, the cut taxes on the extremely rich and watch trickle down has not worked!
Main Street says
@ Pedro: From the U.S. Dept. of Labor statistics. 47% on some sort of public welfare program. I couldn’t believe it either. Sad.
Linda says
This is true ONLY if you count Social Security retirees as Welfare recipients. May I remind you that we who worked for 45 or 50 years and contributed to the Social Security fund, which our government misappropriated to pay for other social programs, had no choice in paying money into this fund which our government promised to hold in trust for us and give back to us when we retired.
Janjampan says
College professors teach that seniors are freeloaders. So they should count.
Steve Martin says
Every word from her mouth or fart from her ass, is a lie. She should go home and be a Grandmother. The people have had enough of the Clinton Crime Family.. The Clinton’s only care about money and how much they can steal.
Pam Ela says
….the Cartel Clintons are masters at stealing and ruining peoples’ lives (or snuffing out peoples’ lives) and I wish her fat a$$ farts would start her pants suit on fire while she’s wearing it.
Joe S says
How do you tell the difference. Either one is very foul.
Connie Webb says
She does not know how to tell the truth???? I hope she does not become President- we don’t another liar in chief
Rick says
If she wins….God forbid! We should insist the. White House use paper plates ,cups bowls. So when she steals them !Who cares!
Connie Webb says
Sooooo true????????
Francis says
How about the lie she keeps telling about 33,000 people killed each year due to gun violence?
21,000 of those are by suicide which is not considered gun violence.
Francis says
Maybe she will accommodate us with the latter!!!
Jeff Irwin says
Most were in $hicago too !!!!
Lorna Carrier says
I totally agree…she wouldn’t know “telling the truth” even if it slapped her in the face…God help us if she is the NEXT PRESIDENT!!!
nj says
I agree. If that happens, why don’t we all immigrate out across the border and see how that works. Mexico and south has best climate, soil, etc. What do you think a bunch of hard working, talented Norte Americanos could do with it?
Hmmm, started out being sarcastic but….
Connie Webb says
Her lies will only cause more issues???? that woman is a disgrace to all women-she has no clue how to be a real women!!!
Masanja Balele says
What – Hillary a liar? You must be a Repub or TP that Trump calls dumb. Were you alive in 2008 when this Country was penniless? Repubs like Romney had shipped their money to Swiss banks. GOPers’ money was creating jobs in Switzerland; China, Japan and Malaysia leaving people here on welfare. Then the same GOPers wanted the WH job. We would not let them. They lied they were good at creating jobs. So actually the liars and hypocrite are Repubs, TPs. Since you support GOPers, then you must be a liar too. -shame on you! Tell me your friends and I will tell who you are.
BB says
How can you blame the Republicans ? Dumbocrats have been in office for over 7 years and have done nothing, but create $15 trillion in debt !!! More people are people are on welfare or public assistance than when Obummer took office. The worst part is that you blame the Republicans for something the Democrats started. Bill Clinton was the one who forced the banks to give people subprime home loans that they knew they couldn’t pay back. When people couldn’t pay back the loans,they walked away. The banks collapsed because people were no longer paying their mortgage’s. Everything got worse from there. !!! The sad part is that the Dumbocrats played the American people by blaming Bush and the Irag war !!! The truth is, the Dumbocratic president Obummer has spent more money than any and all the presidents before him and has nothing to show for it !!! The only way a Dumbocract knows how to fix something is to through more money at it !!! God help us if we get another Dumbocrat in the Whitehouse !!!!
joe jacobs says
Obama has put us about 18 trillion in debt. We may have been penniless in 2008, but now with our WONDERFUL president we are trillions in debt!! The dems never talk about that. They just promise that they are going to promote all kinds of social programs, without explaining how they plan on paying for them!!
theicecube says
Quit it, you made my soup come out my nose. You funny.
Rick Worthington says
Bloody hell – it’s stikingly obvious where your loyalties lie!
dfinch says
Romney’s Swiss Bank acct was closed in 2010. He ran for president in 2012. Were you aware that Obama has funds in Bermuda and the Vatican Bank? Of course you don’t.
dfinch says
Sorry..not Bermuda but the Bahamas.
Danuta Kubelik says
Somebody get out of mental hospital.
Alan Humphries says
Killery is that you? No time to watch 13 hrs. But come on here and post more lies. Lady we got your #.
eddie saenz says
it is sad that there are so many Americans out there that don really care about the information/ facts about h. Clinton these are the same people that will pave the way to the white house for this corrupt politician…..
Steve Martin says
Liar,Liar, Hillary’s pantsuit is on fire…………………………
theicecube says
Connie Webb says
I wouldn’t vote for Hillary ever????????. She is (along with obama) two of the most corrupt people in office???????? in a speech obama made he lied 145 times in one speech???????? So Sad????
Connie Webb says
I have never voted for any Clinton???????? they are corrupt to the core and will never change???? they both belong in jail!!!
Rick Worthington says
Connie – What’s with all the question marks? Surely you shoud be using exclamation marks, like this:- !!! !! Just in case you’re not aware, a question mark (?) after a sentence, denotes just that – a QUESTION.
I don’t believe you were asking a queston here.
I agree if you are talking about the House and Senate–they all need to be fired. We need a new party “The Peoples Party” to undo all the damage the current crop of self serving criminals now occupying the people’s houses.
come election day do not believe their lies, they will forget the day after, and vote NONE OF THE ABOVE.
Joe says
obummer goes first!’
Lorna Carrier says
Well said…very true!
Lorna Carrier says
Well said…very true!
nj says
Agreed. I am not voting for a single incumbent Ever.
If congress won’t impose term limits, then we need to do it ourselves.
No business would hire people based on the resumes the majority of candidates submit.
James Jones says
nj I agree with you. Congress will never limit their own terms the way they did with the presidency. It will be up to us to do by voting them out. Too bad we can’t just walk in and say you get out you’re fired. We should cut congressional pay too. They keep taking from the people and giving to themselves so we should reverse it sink their pay into Social Security and Veteran Benefits.
Connie Webb says
I agree!!
Beverly says
I pray that all Voters use their privilege to vote. I pray that they forget party preference and vote for the person who will work to save this Country and its Citizens rights. Who will honor our Constitution. God Bless America. ????????
Jay Bell says
And that person is Donald Trump. He may not succeed in turning the ship-of-state away from the shoals that loom in front of us–but he will give it his best shot which is much better than the Democratic fools who have been on deck, playing their socialist tune while stuffing their pockets at America’s expense.
Anyone who doesn’t believe that the Clintons were doing influence-peddling while in their various offices hasn’t really been paying attention. Oh, they’re slick alright–but Hillary got a bit sloppy as SoS and they likely will be paying for the wrong that they have done to this nation. The F.B.I. is not in the habit of putting 150 agents on a case, if they don’t expect to get an indictment. Hillary will likely be indicted within 60-90 days. She’s just hoping that the DNC will put pressure (through Obama) on the DoJ to delay an indictment until after the general election. Won’t that be a fine kettle of fish?
What is sadly hilarious is that Hillary tweeted that “no one is too big to jail” and it backfired. Most of the responses were, “Does that include you, Hillary?”
bozzbuck says
Understand that we are now a minority. Over 45% of people are morally corrupt. Many innocent in the fact they were raised corrupt and have no sense of right or wrong. They do not know any better. Over 51% of the left supporters would still vote for her if she was indited!
L. Shamus McQuade says
Tell me something new?…….The Clintons are LIARS…Plain and Simple…Ever since they came onto the national political scene in the early 1990’s it has been self made, self manufacturered, southern trailer trash drama in a well taylored suit.Everything they touch and do turns to S**T….Get rid of these two, tar and feather them both and send them back to jerk water Arkansas….where they came from
Gary Smith says
Only three?
rfrichey says
Only three, if a person had a couple of bucks for every lie hell-liar has told in her life I’m sure you would be an instant millionaire. She is a piece of work for sure.
Henry says
Imelda Marcos Clinton needs to be executed by a Marine firing squad. Whether it be murders, suicides, accidental deaths, bank fraud, lying under oath, using a private hidden server to store Top Secret government emails, the typical American would have been thrown in jail or executed. She must wear Teflon dress shields.
Larry says
Is someone going to openly confrount this Hag?
Rosech says
It seems as though her illnesses have interfered with her mind. Perhaps she, too, needs a teleprompter and a better scrip. Inadequate, untrue and confused language are telling everyone she is NOT ready for any job, let alone as president. She is not capable of any call, let alone that a 3 a.m.! She takes meds and apparently has fainted several times and has missed several appearances. All point to her physical disabilities as well as mental problems. Hopefully, the FBI will act ASAP to put them creep behind bars. And, as for Bernie, he will live on more than the 10% you will have to live on because he wants to take 90% of your income. In today’s world, who can live on 10% of anything so that means less good food, no new cars, TVS, homes, clothing, etc. In other words, living say in Guatemala in real poverty! Thanks, but no thanks, Bernie. In any case, you are a flipper having been an Independent, a Communist and now rants you are a Socialist. Actually, I think you are as mentally disturbed as Hillary. The DNC has not EVEN ONE viable candidate, thank God. Trump as president in 2016 to get our country back on track and clean out the vermin, stench and garbage as quickly as he can in all departments and putting Congress on alert that they, too, better get their act together or their voters are going to remove them pronto. No more politicians, so how about once more statesmen!
Lorna Carrier says
Well said…the DNC does NOT have even one viable candidate. Trump 2016…all the way!!!
Ralph Johnson says
I hope true Dems wake up and realize that nothing good has happened for America in the last 7 years and that none of these three are proposing anything that will help or resolve issues….Not one has talked about national defense and our military men and women…not one has been critical of the Iran deal which is so inherently bad, not one has talked about Israel being thrown under the bus, not one has talked about ISIS nor Russia nor China, nor the disastrous refugee problem that Europe is facing, nor closing borders nor allowing Syrian refugees, all Muslims and no Christians……..these are hardcore issues that have Americans fearful and not one of these three are addressing any of them….seems that they are all supporting Obama and wanting his endorsement for the black vote….we have seen what Obama has cost America along with the complicit 34 Democrats Senators that give him veto power.
Justin W says
Hillary Clinton is a complete liar. I would not trust anything she says. The Democrats are going to be able to select from three total losers. Even the worst Republican candidate would be much more competent and honest than their Democrat challengers. My grandparents would be sad to see the likes of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton offered as the best the Democrats can provide.
anita says
this Country is in sad condition if all we have is old sanders who is too senile and the lying Bitch Clinton who can not be trusted for the Democratic Party ,that means none of the other Democrats think that it is worth to run for the top position in Government anymore ,we are in bad times in this Country ,
anita says
looser lying Muslim Obama ,lying looser Clinton Bitch the garbage of America ,HELP !!!!
Linda Littles says
Someone should confront her and Obama about Bengahzi since they watched the debacle on live feed and saw it happen and yet did nothing. My son gamed with one of the dead men and was very upset and to learn he was dead. Obama and his staff including Hillary watched the attack on live feed and yet did nothing to save them. When their bodies were returned to Andrews Air Force base Biden had the audacity to ask the father is his son had balls the size of baseball balls. that is just one example of the caliber of this administration!!!
Ernie Palmquist says
The thing that bothers me most about this Presidential Election is the choice that the Democratic party is offering to the American people. Surely there are better candidates than Hillery and Berney in the democratic gene pool. Polls say that 80% of Americans are fed up with politicians and want a real President that will do what is best for this country regardless of the political party. This is one election that the “Silent Majority” may come back roaring like a lion. The CHANGE that Obama promised to the American people has been a pill that has made this country sick instead of healing its wounds and ills. The last election gave control af the House and Senate to the Republicans and our citizens have not seen a healing perscription for our miseries. It’s time for America to wake up! Read the Constitution and VOTE, our forefathers knew what was right, then and now. Vote for what is right for America not a politician or political party and America will be Great Again.
Terry says
We have been misled for decades. PC, invented by WJC, really stands for Political Corruption. As I see it we cannot continue to exist as a country with govt operations as now practiced in DC.
We have a govt for the people. Islam has a govt for Mo the profit, oops prophet. This latter is clearly illegal since the govt is prohibited from establishing a state religion and a govt for a prophet or even the prophet would be the same as a govt for MLK, or a messiah like O who was elevated to by his supporters after election in 2008. Probably by his staff. His modus operandi is to be ouf town or out of sight, like during the 13 hours of Benghazi, when the going gets tough leaving others to deal with hot issues. At best, the man is a fraud.
Do citizens have the right to say no and not pay taxes to support illegal and unconstitutional govt activities? Activities elected officials spend money on to enhance their own ego or press releases. In other words America under O and the crats is the largest plantation in the world? This massive influx of muslims is similar to importing slaves by plantation owners. The govt is the plantation owner this time however. These people have no money, no skills, no livelihood, no cars, no education and are going to be wards of the state far into the future. They will be living in muslim ghettos created by Obama! How many refugees are entering into Iran and SA and Pakistan and Quatar. Muslims countries some of which are rich. After all our reps, or someone’s reps, drove Nixon out of office for illegal activities. But I suppose he still got his pension? Of course he was never convicted of anything since he resigned. My oh my. We do have an upside down govt under O. The people have to support, are forced to support the govt. Govt officials are not accountable or responsible for their actions since they seem to hold the law in contempt and think they are above the law, or worse they are the law. This is boss politics and patronage politics at the national level instead of at the city level when machine politics ruled the day. If an official was embezzling money or other criminal actions not authorized by the speed limits such as the Constitution or the Hatch Act they would pay the penalty? Does O think he is the America Saddam or an ayatollah? Elected officials need to be held accountable to the letter of the laws they are subject to! This is the essential essence of the Constitution! No royalty above the law. They are not allowed to speed in school zones are they??? Their audacious/arrogant behavior is beyond the pale! Lying seems to be the coin of the realm of this admin?
MLK is a govt saint. I am not saying he should not be since he certainly was instrumental in overturning Jim Crow laws. But neither him nor Jesus or Mo can eliminate discrimination since it, along with other sins, is in the hearts of all humans. To varying degrees. Charity is a person to person action. It is not a govt to special interest groups action. Govt does have a lot of resources, i.e.-money and people so can respond to natural or man made disasters. And ours does. But the govt cannot tax millions of people and then just give money away to others pretending to be charitable and claiming “we are not that kind of people”. Both charity and jihad are in peoples hearts. But jihad can and is sanctioned by govts that want to rule the world.
It seems to me that Iran should apologize for trashing our embassy and holding hostages for 400 days years ago! A boat drifting into their waters is insignificant compared to their actions
George says
All these debates may be for nothing.
If ISIS or Russia takes out our national electric grid, there will be no election.
Then Obama will stay in power and
declare martial law. Just my opinion.
Joe says
Baloney!! We will run him out if we have to!! That’s a reason he’s not getting our guns!! And a100 million strong army will not be stopped! Our military will be on our side as they hate obummer worse than we do!!
Joe says
Buy moreAmmo!!!!!!!! Be ready.
Terry says
Will the govt arm these muslim refugees so they can protect themselves from white terrorism they might find on military bases where O is going to house them? So they can spy on our military who will be responsible for baby sitting them???
stevenl says
The accordion lady of the circus.
Sal Belardo says
Why anyone would watch the Democrat debate is beyond me! Obama and Hillary are incapable of telling the truth. They lie so often that they can’t distinguish the truth from lies. They are both pathological liars. When are the dems going to get it?
Probably never from I can see! Stupid is as stupid does!
Doug says
I can’t believe with as many times as Hillary has been on video flip flopping, or just flat out lying, the people of these United States even consider her as someone who should be president. Wake up people, pick who you want but get rid of the people who shove lies up your ass on a daily basis.
Francis says
Hillary is just another “bump in the Road”.
YOYO says
I didn’t read any views by them Dems. Apparently they don’t read the Horn news. That’s sad!! If they did and were reading ya’lls comments maybe they might get a clue and wake up to the fact that they are thinking wrong and supporting the wrong side. The other day my daughter came over and I asked her who she wanted to vote for and she said Hillary. I was like WHAT!!!!! Are you kidding me? I said , you don’t watch or read the news? Do you want another 4 years of Obama’s s**t? Are you a Democrat or a Republican? She said, what are they? I said their Democrats, you need to watch the news so you can be informed and know who’s the right person to vote for instead of just wanting a woman in the White House. She asked me who I wanted and I said Trump. I think he will take no crap and turn this country around. BAMM!!!!!
Porkorama says
She only wants the title as president for power but she cant hold on much longer.
She takes lots of breaks, wigs, not seen for days- needs the rest, rumor has it she has had mini strokes that why her sight has altered and thick glasses. She is not in good health. Her vp will be who the left really wants- shes just the name to get her vp back in power.
$10 bucks says it will be Obama.
Neither of them run the show – its much more sinister than people will imagine- their just the poster children for total communist control.
Texas Mak says
She is indicative of the younger generation today. They have not been taught the entire history of our country nor have they been educated in true civics. They only see what is on the surface and if it feels good, do it! sorry, but that is why our country is in the shape that it is now. When we allowed the education of our children to be taken from the states and put under Washington, we failed them. I’m a retired teacher and I have seen the dumbing down of America from the inside! It is a travesty!
drbhelthi says
Hillary Rodham´s (Clinton) initial action of significance was in 1974, a year prior to marrying Wm. Clinton, as a member of the “impeach Nixon” committee. She wrote a fradulent brief that denied Nixon the right to a defense, and hid documents that proved otherwise. Her history of dishonesty, in some cases treason, has been consistent for 41 years.
The following quote from “Of course, Nixon’s resignation rendered the entire issue moot, ending Hillary’s career on the Judiciary Committee staff in a most undistinguished manner. Zeifman says he was urged by top committee members to keep a diary of everything that was happening. He did so, and still has the diary if anyone wants to check the veracity of his story. Certainly, he could not have known in 1974 that diary entries about a young lawyer named Hillary Rodham would be of interest to anyone 34 years later. But they show that the pattern of lies, deceit, fabrications and unethical behavior was established long ago – long before the Bosnia lie, and indeed, even before cattle futures, Travelgate and Whitewater – for the woman who is still asking us to make her president of the United States.”
Dan says
I think she is in the running, should she get elected, ( I hope and pray not) to be even worse than Obama. I think Obama may support her so that he is only the second worst president in history. She certainly is a dim wit immoral piece of crap.
Porkorama says
Clinton is stroking obama because he will be her vp!
Obamas not running the show- but it appears to be so and the left will love that ticket.
And when has the left ever worked on fact!? Never
They operate only on emotion and lies- because it works on the lower IQ.
Thats how dictator, commies and socialist have won since beginning of time. Its propoganda 101.
Smith Dawson says
Hillary is so worried about the 30,000 live lost to gun shots, where the he ck does she stand on 4000 i9nocent babies being murdered each day since 1972?????????????
How many lives is that , that she doesn’t care about or want to do anything about, since she is N.O.W. supporter!
rodney says
Hilary lies, what else does she do? Gee tell us something that isn’t so obvious!
reese hunter says
We all know Hillary is a liar. She lies so often she thinks its the truth. ITS NOT. My question is how long is the F.B.I. going to drag its feet on the email investigation. A retired General only did 1% of what Hillary did and he was convicted. Do you think Hillary can run a campaign from a Federal Prison? I can’t wait for a Trump-Clinton debate.
twykes says
Masanja balele soundsforeign to me.
Probaly on welfare of some sort.
Charles Bagby says
I graduated from Medical School in 1960, and after post grad training and the US Army, I started active rural medical practice in 1964. Office calls were $5 to $8 depending on the length of the visit——-usually 15 to 30 minutes. We were busy and made a good reasonable living–but a 60 hour work week seemed like a vacation. Due to many factors, including medicare, and now Obamacare—-the fees for those very same services hover around, and usually over, $100. And the never-ending increase in government regulations is driving many very good Docs to early retirement. All of the democrats are living in a dream world. My experience is that public funding of medical care, in any form, is like a bottomless pit———-no matter how much money you pour into it, no way will you ever fill it up.
Philip James says
I would like to know where they get the numbers from that say health care cost are at their lowest in fifty years. Since Obama health care law when into effect my health care Insurance cost have raised $150.00 a month. That doesn’t count the increases in copays and cost for office visit that also went up. If she gets in and continues Obama policies as she says she going too, I will need to move out of the country to be able to live.
john furlong says
God Bless America, please make this lying fool go away.
Esther says
Everyone who supports Hillary Clinton and the Democrats is BRAINWASHED !! You all need to wake up; the year is 2016 and brainwashing is alive and well people. I heard this from the highest source possible in the entire Universe ! Believe it ! As an outsider to America, I have been watching in complete disbelief after all the corrupt dealings and the lies and the deceit by Clinton. Politics really is a such dirty game. The world is watching and waiting in complete disbelief at the strong support that these mere politicians and they are mere politicians and NOT future leaders have. They have such a tight grip on Americans after everything that has gone down over the years, that surely it can only be due to brainwashing. STOP watching and reading all their brainwashing material and START PRAYING for your FREEDOM and that you are able to see the TRUTH ! I’m looking at this from a different perspective with fresh eyes, so I think you should all LISTEN and do as I say ! If I’m wrong and you are not brainwashed, then nothing will be lost or changed, so you have nothing to lose. Try it ! Freedom is the underpinning or the very foundation of every Democracy and you can only be free when your mind is free and NOT brainwashed ! America needs to be free and vote for a good, strong, courageous, intelligent and wise leader who is a fighter and a true leader and not a mere politician who looks only to be re-elected and the next election. A leader plans for and looks to the next generation. Peace be with you !
John R. Stallworth says
Most Americans realize that Hillary Clinton is a narcissistic, serial liar. ( I think that she is a sociopath. ) At eighty-eight, I’m too old to be a delegate to the Democratic National Convention – as I was in 1964 and 1968. However, if I were, there’s no way I would support her. Never have I seen a politician get by with so much. JRS