It’s the memo critics of the Clinton Foundation have been expecting for years — and the timing of the leak means BIG trouble for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s election hopes.
The leaked documents show just how deep and disturbing the Clinton family corruption is. When combined with tightening poll numbers just a week before the election, it means bad news for Hillary.
The report, released by anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks, reveals the ugly truth about the Clinton’s controversial charity. They show how the Clinton Foundation operates and how it raises money – and prove in black and white how the foundation’s biggest donors also gave MILLIONS not just to the charity… but DIRECTLY to the Clintons themselves!
This arrangement is so ugly that even the mainstream media can’t avoid it. Even Clinton-friendly MSNBC called it “sleazy.”
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Blue lives matter in America — but Hillary Clinton and her only “Black Lives Matter” liberal friends have turned their backs, insulting the men and women in blue who put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve our communities.
That is why we must elect Donald Trump president, and why we’re supporting Great America PAC.
He’s the only candidate for President who understands the only way we can make America safe again is a recommitment to a system of justice in which no government official, no private citizen, and no elected official (ESPECIALLY Hillary Clinton) can be above the law.
Just click here to show you support making America Great Again.
The documents themselves — written by a longtime Clinton ally — refer to the former president’s greedy cash grab efforts as “Bill Clinton, Inc.”
“We have dedicated ourselves to helping the President secure and engage in for-profit activities,” the 13-page report from longtime advisor Doug Band states matter-of-factly.
The payments include “in-kind services” such as personal travel and even vacations.
But mostly, it’s about cold, hard cash.
“Since 2001, President Clinton’s business arrangements have yielded more than $30 million for him personally, with $66 million to be paid out over the next nine years should he choose to continue with the current engagements,” he wrote.
Here are some examples of how easily the cash flowed between the Clinton family, the charity and its “partner” companies:
Laureate International Universities: The for-profit international college chain donated $1.5 million to the foundation and cooked up an “honorary chancellor” position to pay Bill Clinton $3.5 million a year.
Barclays: The banking giant paid Bill Clinton $700,000 for two speeches in 2010 and 2011, and gave $1.1 million to the charity.
UBS Global Wealth Management: Paid Bill Clinton $2 million for speeches between 2011 and 2015, and gave Hillary Clinton $225,000 for a speech in 2013… along with $540,000 in contributions to the foundation.
BHP Billiton: This global mining company paid Bill Clinton $175,000 for a 2011 speech to its board of directors a year after kicking in $20,000 to the charity.
Notice the trend here? Some of these companies are paying the Clintons MORE than they’re giving to the foundation!
That raises the perfectly valid question: What’s the priority?
The Clintons claim it’s the charity, but it’s a hollow argument when you see some firms giving more to the Clintons themselves than to the charity they claim to support.
Clearly, they’re not trying to buy vaccines for African babies.
They’re more interesting in buying the influence of one of the nation’s most powerful political families.
In some cases, they paid off Bill Clinton while his wife was serving as Secretary of State. In others, they made payments knowing full well they were buying more than access to a former president.
They were getting into the pocket of a possible future president, too.
“If the Clintons were willing to play this fast and loose with their enterprise when they weren’t in the White House, just imagine what they’ll do given the chance to once again control the Oval Office,” Repulbican presidential candidate Donald Trump said at a rally in Ohio on Thursday. “And we’ve had enough, honestly. I think we’ve had enough of the Clintons.”
— The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
20 or 30 years ago, she’d quit because of scandal. Today, she is considered fine with self proclaimed elitists, able bodied folks who’s career choice is to live off of government subsidies and aging sexists.
Jabba the Hutt says
20 or 30 years ago she would have got away with the scandals because social media was nearly non-existent and groups like WikiLeaks, Anonymous, etc did not exist openly. She is a criminal and I hope that Trump charges her for all this crap while he is draining the swamp.
Nadine Roberts says
I hope America sees all this when they go to vote – Many women I ask say they are voting for Hillary Clinton because She is a women and nothing else – That is scary because they are not looking at all this crap that surrounds the Clintons! I hope Trump wins BIG TIME!
NJ says
I’m concerned about the woman vote too. I’m a woman and ask my friends how they can vote for a criminal — a liar, a cheat, as well as a sick old hag. What a terrible reason to vote for someone — because she’s a woman?????? Good God! There are plenty of women in this country, and a deserving one will come along. Wait for her. Don’t give the White House to this one. This election should go to Trump. He’s the right person for the job at this time.
Shelly says
Will says
“There are plenty of women in this country, and a deserving one will come along.” AMEN. I’d vote for Condi Rice in a heartbeat!! And so would, I believe, many who care about America.
But, alas. Condi’s not running. Not voting is a vote for Hil-LIAR-y. Voting for a third party candidate is a vote for Hil-LIAR-y. If we care about America, we have no choice but to vote for Trump.
suss says
all of mine too!!! i just cant fathom why, and when i ask what shes gonna do,,,well what do you think i get for an answer…..not much……. really
Marguerite says
Maxine says
Yes Trump is here for such a time as this, wisdom needed, God given.
ANNA says
AMEN ! AMEN !!!!!!!
Will says
WHY is this not? ALL over main stream media???
Robert Manwiller says
Jeanne Stotler says
Read the connections between top commentators and this and other Democratic administrations, plus I’ll bet there is a money connection as well.
Susana Kay says
Because most of them are already left-wing in their viewpoints – -like George Step-On-All-Of-Use — and they have all been threatened to support Hildebeast or lose their jobs. It’s not “fair and balanced news” any more. It’s propaganda pure and simple.
M. Marjorie says
The reason it is not all over the mainstream media is because there is evidence that even before this election campaign, Hillary CCC (Career Criminal Clinton) made soft padded money deals, dinner deals, job-giving, face-saving, threatening deals with many of the media people. A long time ago, CNN was about the best news channel one could get; now, I refuse to listen to their one-sidedness and their “diversionary tactics” to evade the truth FOR Hillary! MSNBC got caught not long ago (red-handed too) -rigging the poll numbers but that’s no surprise at all. And NBC’s Matt Lauer just had the hatchet thrown at him by a very angry and even screaming and cussing Hillary after being asked about her emails in the 2nd presidential debate and words has it – he’s now set to RETIRE -(and he’s young too!) but at least he got away with his life! Mainstream media and especially FBI Comey and others have been rewarded through corruption and it all starts with messiere presidente!
Ellie says
You really don’t know how completely right you are!
Our mainstream media is corrupt and trying to destroy America and our Constitution!! You can check this out easier now without researching for hours like some of us did. Now you will know why the MSM (alphabet media and Fox) is so much for Clinton and so anti-Trump.) See what other media/communications they own, and how we became so liberally brainwashed over the years. Then check into NWO (or One World Government) and see how it effects you, your family, and your lifestyle.
Yes, we know why the MSM doesn’t endorse Trump. You’re all tied in with Clinton! Even has Beck, Kristal, Kelly, and other reporters and journalists on her (Soro’s) payroll.
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to Hillary Clinton’s former Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
Now we find out Glen Beck, Kristol, and many reporters and journalists are on her payroll.
Our only line of defense is BOYCOTTING. THAT is the POWER OF THE PEOPLE..
6 Major Media Conspiracies Happening Right in Front of Your Eyes
By Activist Post on October 7, 2016 in Economy
Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations. These corporate behemoths control most of what we watch, hear and read every single day. They own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many of our favorite websites. Sadly, most Americans don’t even stop to think about who is feeding them the endless hours of news and entertainment that they constantly ingest. Most Americans don’t really seem to care about who owns the media. But they should. The truth is that each of us is deeply influenced by the messages that are constantly being pounded into our heads by the mainstream media. The average American watches 153 hours of television a month. In fact, most Americans begin to feel physically uncomfortable if they go too long without watching or listening to something. Sadly, most Americans have become absolutely addicted to news and entertainment and the ownership of all that news and entertainment that we crave is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands each year.
But even those areas of the media that the “big six” do not completely control are becoming increasingly concentrated. For example, Clear Channel now owns over 1000 radio stations across the United States. Companies like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are increasingly dominating the Internet.
But it is the “big six” that are the biggest concerns. When you control what Americans watch, hear and read you gain a great deal of control over what they think. They don’t call it “programming” for nothing
Scott says
That shows how ignorant they are. They want a woman for president even if she is the the ultimate of corruption, thievery, has trashed the laws, killed people in Benghazi and all over the world, corrupted the untouchable FBI (Comey) became millionaire via State Dept pay-for-play and much more and some stupid women identify w/her and the “abnormal” Elizabeth Warren voting for the destruction of America. God save America from the domestic and international gangsters!
Roland Osbold says
The BOMBING IN OKLAHOMA CITY, nobody is talking about that) most People are not aware of what really took place, they are brainwashed by the MEDIA
The reason the 1995 on April 19th took place Oklahoma City Bombing of the Alfred P. Murray Federal Building was blown-up,
it contained criminal Evidence against President BILL CLINTON for 100 million dollars COCAINE( importing) and GUN smuggling Operation (out porting to a rebel group) MENA Airport, Arkansas Clinton wants not the People to know about these PAPERS, after the Blast there were People in black Tie and Suits seen gathering up these Papers
It killed 168 People including 19 Children and injured more than 680.
Timothy Mc. Veigh was a Scapegoat, yes his Rider Truck had 6,200 pounds of ammonium, nitrate Fertilizer, he( that what they are saying) parked that truck in front of the Building, if that was only Fertilizer it would blow out only all the Window in the Building, did not killed anybody. You can see at Picture of the front of the Building, the damage was horrible, it has to be something much more, powerful Explosion then just a Fertilizer Bomb He was working for the Government he was set up by them to take the fall, so the real guilty ones can HIDE (Clinton) and point the finger at him., only 90 minutes after the Blast, he was arrested for driving a Car without License Plate Mc. Veigh was executed 6 years later by lethal injection
The real damage was caused by Bombs, placed throughout the Building INSIDE. The FBI had an Office there, also BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives)
Mysteriously, the day of the Bombings, nobody of them showed up for work (it was during the work week)
. They knew beforehand what was coming, this is very important
The FBI had the Tapes from 4 different locations; all went blank on the same moments. All the higher-ups, including Clinton, who was behind of all of that , was to save his Skin, they knew months before it happen, they all have Blood on their Hands. What a stupid Guy this Clinton is, he does not belief in a powerful, all knowing GOD. He was the most, evil President ever to occupy the Whitehouse. He is also an Alcoholic, I can tell just to look at his Nose, the Tip is all red and shaped like a Cauliflower, if I would be him ,I also would drink, all the stuff he pulled off, to save his Skin, FOR NOW…!!!I just read (which I did not know) that he is a HEAVY DRUG USER, COCAINE, it tells me he is possessed by a DEMON
He does NOT know!!!!!
I like that, nobody gets away with anything
Clint Hall says
The Clintons and there kind will always be around as long as there are people to be bought.
Hillary bought Obama’s approval by her willingness to carry on his agenda.
She bought the DOJ’s approval by offering a job.
The FBI did not press charges ( I speculate) due to the fact Obama controls them plus strange things could happen.
Lets not forget our representatives. Seeing there were no protests from them, they must condone the corrupt actions.
Have a great day.
Cristi Loken says
I think there are a lot more woman voting for Trump than the media is reporting. Today they have a new narrative in the main stream media. Rush did a montage of all the major news outlits ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN and FOX all saying one after another that his path to the election according to the electoral college is virtually impossible. Just another trick by the liberal media to suppress the vote
Lilly Putney says
To the man on Mcvey. You can add Benghazi as well. Stevens was sent to Benghaiz to retrive stinger missles that was sent there buy the Clintons. It was a do or die mission. Also the cocaine is not for Bill. Hillary has been a coke head since before they was gov. of Ark. His brother was her supplier and that was the only reason he was allowed to stay in the WH. She could not function before she had her hit of cocaine. This is old news. All of this came out in a book buy Kitty Kyle called the other woman. The missles was sent to Syria through Turkey. Inside the border they was divided up and some went one way and the others went to the war with Assad.
Joe A says
My two sisters will vote for HC because she’s a women. Well they don’t like men much so there you are. A lot of voters are just brain
dead zombies who fall the media BS. The fact is that career politicians don’t work for us. The work for the military complex like D Eisenhower
spoke about in his farewell address. Banks finance both sides of any conflict, military manufacturers sell weapons to both sides and energy
corps sell fuel to both sides. Profits are not expendable, people are. War will never end as long as there are profits to be made. America is
a corporation . Your vote doesn’t count because once in office career polys only serve big money. These corps tell Senate , congress and
the president what to do and how to vote. If HC wins the country loses and it proves that the one with the most money , that tells the most lies ,
and flings the most mud wins. If Trump wins what can one person do against the massive and all most completely invasive control exerted by
these corps. ? Thx for your time.
your VOTE will count and if you stand up and speak loudly so your voice can be heard speak loudly and often then someone will hear you and join you and if you get enough people together all speaking loudly then maybe something can and will be done to better the U.S.A…..WITH TRUMP YOU ALL WILL BE HEARD AND SOMETHING WILL BE DONE
HL says
I pray everyday that God will open people’s eyes to before it’s too late and that He exposes the corruption and brings them ALL to justice!
capt ron says
Nadine …
. Ask them if they would vote for Lizzie Borden ? …
.Shortly before noon on August 4, 1892, the body of Andrew Borden, a prosperous businessman, was found in the parlor of his Fall River, Massachusetts, home. As neighbors, police and doctors arrived at the scene, the body of Abby Borden, his wife, was discovered in an upstairs bedroom. A week later, Andrew’s younger daughter, Lizzie, was arrested for the double murder. In an era when women were considered the “weaker” sex and female murderers were nearly unheard of, the trial—and subsequent acquittal—of Lizzie Borden made her a media sensation. Officially, the case remains unsolved.
Clarence Clark says
Have to bet many of the women voting for the Bitch are DUMB BLONDS
Joan YW says
NOT on your life would I EVER Vote foe that DESPICABLE Excuse for a human!!!!!
This country has been Screwed Over Long Enough!!!!! The CAREER POLITICIANS have BEEN Ruining it Too Long!!!!!
We Need to have 2 TERMS …ONLY!!!!! That would save this country $$$$$MILLIONS & MILLIONS$$$$$…..No More all the Life Time “Retirement” Checks, Etc. !!!!! They need to Go Home…Get a Job…Like the rest of us!!!!! It would Save this country MILLIONS!!!!! And, keep the CRIMINALS from Sucking on the Gov. Tit !!!
That would be a Good Start!!!!!
Joan YW says
NOT on your life would I EVER Vote foe that DESPICABLE Excuse for a human!!!!!
This country has been Screwed Over Long Enough!!!!! The CAREER POLITICIANS have BEEN Ruining it Too Long!!!!!
We Need to have 2 TERMS …ONLY!!!!! That would save this country $$$$$MILLIONS & MILLIONS$$$$$…..No More all the Life Time “Retirement” Checks, Etc. !!!!! They need to Go Home…Get a Job…Like the rest of us!!!!! It would Save this country MILLIONS!!!!! And, keep the CRIMINALS from Sucking on the Gov. Tit !!!
That would be a Good Start!!!!!
steve owens says
if she wins we are done as a nation
Hanko American says
We need Trump as president & not the “Jabba-the-SLUT” that government is trying to force us to choose!!! Time to destroy government crimes & takeover of what is left of America! Vote Trump/Pence while we still have our freedom to do so!! Or say goodbye to our beloved country & get ready to serve the “one world order”!
Charles Masterson says
Nadine, I TOTALY agree with you, HITLERY is the QUEEN OF EVIL AND CORRUPTION and the women who are voting for this discussing POS have no idea that their rights as now known will desolve with the borders being wide open and every evil POS flowing into America !!!
Judy says
No one should elect a president just because they are a woman…or just because they are black.
This comes from a 68 year old woman. 1 year younger than the aging Killary
Kevin says
Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, crook! America can’t trust someone like that to be president of the United States! She is definitely hiding something on those emails that she don’t want anybody to know about! Why do you think she destroyed everything? Donald Trump is the only savior for this country! Hillary Clinton needs to be thrown in jail, disqualified for for for the presidency!!
Phyllis Schultz says
I have heard women say that too. They are so excited, “a woman president”. That’s all they see, not the corrupt, evil person she is.
Will says
20 yrs. Ago. Maybe. 40yrs ago, she’d have been arrested and imprisoned already. Seems, the more liberal people become , the softer, more irresponsible, lazy, & idiotic they become…
Sandy says
I want her to spend the rest of her miserable life in jail, which is where both her and her husband belong! GO DONALD!!!!
Clarence Clark says
In Jail with no access to anything they both could use as a leverage too get toilet paper. Let them lay in it now.
Patricia says
Kenna says
Well said… I totally agree.
I am a woman and I’m NOT voting for Hillary.
Trump is ONE Man and can do this only if WE the American People elect him and not this Hillarious Woman with Open Fly Billy as Partner in the W.H.Vote Trump and God will bless you.
Judy says
Agree, drain the swamp with her in it. I hope this most recent investigation puts her and Bill where they belong…in prison.
TRUMP 2016
Rog says
Amen brother, we can only hope!
Don King says
Jc says
Then there are the BILLIONS unaccounted for from Haiti. We all know what they say about what can be seen of the iceberg.
Money can even buy a Birth Certificate.I am happy that you can not change Color with Money.
Jerusha says
Haitian President says they STILL haven’t received any monies from the Clinton foundation…Bill & Chelsey going there was just for show….Haitian gov’t is still waiting for the cash
Earl Mock says
IF…IF HRC is PUT in as POTUS we must all go out and buy our children and grandchildren
a Koran, have them study it long and hard because soon they must make the choice
James Munke Sr. says
Hillary has lied to everyone in this Country, not just The Republicans, The US Government, and especially her supporters in the Democratic Party. If you Dems vote for her, then your dumber than she and the rest of America think you are. She should be arrested and charged accordingly. I knew the Clinton’s were bad when Bill was in Office, but if you honestly tell me your still going to support a Woman who has bilked her supports out off possibly Billions the you need to go to Prison with the Witch. She is not fit to be President and I’m sure she won’t be now.
Roger Mann says
Check you food labels for poison, if it says contains GMO’s like rBST or rBGH, especially in milk, which I believe is similar to HGH or Human Growth Hormone and we know what that does to the human body over time and I think GMO’s will affect milk cows much the same way! I have also read it may cause some types of cancer! I suggest you check it out for yourself and if you don’t like what you find you may thank Hillary Clinton and Monsanto!
Captain Henri Aubin says
Firstly, Let me say that “anyone who love this country” cannot justify! and not only for that reason.
Nuclear and every other weapon in our arsenal, should never be taken off the table. If it is then no one should know about it but our principal people assigned to that area of expertise!
Why do you think we have classified documents. Obviously, Hillary does not know, so I will say it now for the others who do not. There are some secrets and especially military secrets that cannot be known to even the American people. You cannot put this stuff on the 5:00 o’clock news lest the world will know. There are things within the realm of security, even Congress cannot be privy to. And this is correct. This is Good. This is the way it should be.
And Please, will someone tell Obama, “We don’t tell the Enemy What we are going to do before we do it”. You just do NOT fight wars that way. Also, you Do NOT Draw red lines in the sand if you are not prepared to back it up.
As for Hillary, there are just some people out there who “DO NOT CARE” What she has been, what she is, or what she is going to be. There are people out there who “DO NOT CARE” What she has done, what she is doing or what she is going to do. I have to wonder, Are these people willing to sacrifice so much just to have a “Lady President.” Personally, I would Love to see a Lady President, Just (NOT THIS ONE) The right time will come, and I will be patient. We must have the right person!
I say to all: Do NOT listen to the uninformed! Do your homework, Make your own, educated decisions. If we are going to be guilty of a misjudgement, Let it be our own. Let us NOT be judged by someone else’s mistakes.
There is plenty of History out there and there is plenty of current news out there. Seek out the truth. Yes, it is “THAT IMPORTANT.”
Remember: There are none so blind as those who refuse to see!
Respectfully Submitted: Captain Henri D. Aubin (pianoman)
DRD5508 says
Whenever the Clinton name and money are mentioned in the same sentence, you know a crime has been committed. Now Hillary and Bill, show us your tax returns, I do taxes and would enjoy looking at yours, so we can see how much you owe in back taxes.
Main Street says
I saw Hillary’s Morgan Freeman narrated tv ad that describes Trump as selfish and money seeking. Freeman as an actor drove Miss Daisy, now he is narrating for Ms. Sleazy.
Gary Smith says
Maybe he is confused.
Maxx says
No confusion here…….. it’s the prevailing socialist ideology that infects ALL OF HOLLYWIERD. Almost impossible to name any sane, conservatives residents of the entire entertainment industry. They were communists back in the 1950’s when Senator Joe McCarthy was hunting them down and nothing has changed except McCarthy has been vindicated. He was correct all along.
ChicagoThunder1 says
You bet! If you could read what Lavrent Beria sent to Vice President Nixon that got Joe all worked up that explained what Nikita had told Nixon about when he told him that one day you would wake to find that your country had turned to Communism. It would blow your mind!
It got Beria tied for Treason and a bullet for his trouble. Beria’s son published it here in the states
under the title “How to make a Manchurian Candidate” By Lavrent Beria. Beria actual name is Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria he authored the Soviet Spy manual ” The Art of Soviet Style Brainwashing” In this book he devotes an entire chapter on projecting what you are being accused of back on to the accuser. I find this quite interesting because it is exactly what Hillary is doing to Donald Trump. The book also explains what a Community Organizer is, They are Manchurian Candidates that have been turned to Communism then trained to do it to others.
B.T.W. They do most of it using Political Correctness and the term Community Organizer is the P.C. Term for Spy! How’s that for being flexible? When Trump first started out he came out swinging against being P.C.
I thought to myself Thank You Father, for Donald J. Trump!!!
ChicagoThunder1 says
I also find it interesting that the former CEO of the Clinton foundation is now seeking asylum in Russia!
Haroldeugene says
Amen to that
Will says
Clarence Clark says
Wonder how much he got from clintons ? I never watch another one of his films.
Lois-Anne Nichols says
They keep talking about Trump’s taxes, but she did the same thing. That only came out once, and dropped. WHY?? Don’t we all take advantage of any and all deductions we are ENTITLED to? His were legal deductions, and his bankcrupcies were business decisions to keep jobs for his employees.
Main Street says
It was on the news yesterday that according to a study, over 70% of Americans in 2016 would NOT have $1,000.00 on hand in case of an emergency. Then Hillary and Michelle tell us that we are all so lucky.
Roberta Chezik says
This just goes to show that money is the power that makes this country run. I am very distressed that liars, thieves , and the ultra rich who got that way illegally get to say how the ones of us who don’t have 1,000. to survive an emergency will live.
Maxx says
I would just like to see one of these despots strung up. I’m so tired of reading the headlines “this could destroy Hillary’s campaign” or “this could sink the Clintons”. Been reading these stories for 16 months now and we have watched helplessly as one terrible treasonous scandal after another has be covered up, whitewashed, or ignored by our own government or more appropriately by a corrupt DOJ. Obama could not have picked a better successor to Holder than the bitch that is A.G. now.
Jeanette says
Isn’t that the truth?!!! I’ve lost count of how many “This could destroy Hillary” announcements I’ve seen, and no one has shown up at her house with the handcuffs yet.
It seems that once a country is gripped by evil, many of the decent are frozen (by shock?).
SavvyRead says
WULL … In this ODUMA ADMINISTRATION, “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION” IS THE CODE FOR BLACK AMERICANS .. Valerie Jarett, of Chicago Municipal got the $300K job for Ma ODUMA and without her having to actually work; he was a “community organizer” in the city known for crime and murders .. The socio-economic disaster will not soon end.
There needs to be some kind of “get out of here message” sent ODUMA by BULL HORN .. to let them know no need for them to hang around anymore … take the rest of the term off!!!
adrienne says
I was just. thinking the same thing. Every day. “This will sink Clinton” …… Nothing happens. ……
Roger Mann says
Maybe you should get involved instead of just whining!
Will says
I live by Faith, by Grace, from Our LORD, JESUS CHRIST. Otherwise, I’d perished many times past. To Whom, I give ALL Glory, Praise,& Honour…. AMEN.
Robert Kiss says
Praise be to our Lord Jesus Amen
Carson says
Roger Mann says
If that works why does GOD let thugs burn down a church?
Clarence Clark says
TWO slezzzzzzzzzz bags
Farmer John says
The day I see on the (NEWS) the Obama’s and the Clinton’s sitting in an electric chair sentenced for high treason and the switch being pulled down this soap opera of who can steal the most money while in office will continue…..!
Bud webster says
Public execution farmer joe, that way ALL THE RATS CAN SEE THEIR FATE. And for the mindless progressive drone,(those progressives who dont see the big picture but rather be spoon feed with the Marxists propaganda) perhaps they can be debrainwashed. Or exiled, since they hate america so such, let us accommodate them
Will says
I just hope that all of the people who said: if DONALD TRUMP wins the Presidency I’m leaving the country. PACKS THEIR BAGS, & DOESN’T EVER COME BACK !!! AAnd to think that I liked so many of them, Till now… I now realize that They’re either, Idiots, or TRAITERS… 1 or the other…
Patriot says
You heard that Fox News host Sean Hannity has offered to charter a plane to take the Obamas anywhere in the world they want to go as long as its not America. The catch is that they must agree to never return to America. Perhaps he should make the offer to the Clintons and their fellow criminals (ooops, I meant their campaign staff). As greedy as the Clintons are, they should jump at the offer of a free trip. I fear that though that they would agree to never return to America, and then come back anyway since they obviously have no integrity and their words mean nothing.
Maxx says
How about a super cruise ship loaded with the entire administration and the Clinton crime family with enough fuel to get it just into international waters where it develops a huge hole in it’s hull?
Mike says
How about a real life ‘Designated Survivor’ or enactment of the Tom Clancy book where the 747 flies into a joint session of congress while the pres and vp are there?
Robert Taylor says
It would take a fleet of planes to remove that mob. Good idea though.
unionquickpicks says
Quite frankly, I am sick & tired of seeing this same headline ad nauseum for the past MONTHS.
It is LONG PAST time for CONGRESS to get off the pot & take action!! NOW!! We now KNOW that the Justice Dept is CORRUPT right up to the Attorney General. And the feckless, spineless Repubican leadership in Congress (B*tch McConnell & Paul RINO) have been proving themselves to be a subset of the Leftist, Democratic Party.
So, who in Congrass has the Brass you-know-whats to DO something about all of the KNOWN crimes that the Skank Hitlery & her equally corrupt, miscreant sexual predator husband have ALREADY COMMITTED??
Congress, PLEASE flush theses 2 turds of corruption down the bowl & into prison!!
Indeed, We the People, & in fact the entire WORLD are watching what Congress either will or most likely WILL NOT do with the Clintons.
Maxx says
I’m with you on that but he problem IS CONGRESS (aka the ruling class). Until forced term limits are instituted via the demands of an irate public Congress will continue as it has for over 100 years; chipping away at our rights, freedom and liberty. The only thing Congress will understand is pitchforks, fists and ropes.
george ward says
amen to that maxx we should pick up are and clean them all out
Greg says
Unionquikpicks, There may be a few in congress who would like to do something. However, the leadership will not allow it. You have to make it very clear to your representatives in Senate and House that if they do not do something NOW they will never get your vote again. Do not buy into their argument that we need to maintain control of the House and Senate, at all costs.
Roger Mann says
That is the problem we are watching and doing nothing, the American people should be demanding that congress bring Hillary Clinton to justice! The way senators and representatives set up their email, I am only able to contact my Indiana senators and my district rep and I write/email them everyday demanding that Hillary Clinton be arrested and prosecuted! I need people in every state to do the same! I use google Chrome auto fill and I have several messages saved to send and I can write/email both of my senators and district representative in less than 10 minutes!
The number one reason to vote for Hillary Clinton: STUPIDITY!
CaptTurbo says
The Clintons are the epitome of filth.
Bud webster says
the word evil would be more encompassing cap, and covers it all, just like the clintons. The only first lady to ever be criminally indicted. While her husband gets DISBARRED, and IMPEACHED. You can go arkansas, with the racketeering, mena arkansas, slick willie had over 100 mil every month of coke being flown in as governor on to a landing strip in mena arkansas. overseas with it (Russian reset) THAT charade was all about bills 750 thousand dollar speaking fee, while she gives the russian the written authorization to 20 percent of our nations own supply of uranium. America got nothing from that deal, however, that espionage against our nation cost us our defense source. Urainium is only found in certain parts of the world. It’s very rare, and the clintons were the only ones to profit, the foundation, tens of millions. now their looking on the global scale. Satan, the greatest liar of them all is behind all the deception if one can see. The clintons are the main puppets, soros the german ss apprentice, one of the puppeteers pulling the stings. Amazing the intertwining of politics and religion. Its the politican that tells you they dont mix. Then again when do they ever tell you the truth? Trump in a LANDSLIDE, with a Mandate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim says
Agree with your statements, but the Clinton Crime Fraud Foundation or Arkansas mob for selling U-235 to Russian for nuclear weapons received $20 million from Russian to their Foundation of crime. Jim
Helen Higgason says
Greedy also my friend!!!’
capt ron says
CaptTurbo …
. Just like the Bushes ! …
. Maybe on a smaller scale but then the Bushes had a head start.
Frank W Brown says
Vote for Trump/Pence OR expect MORE of this…
A Country Founded by Geniuses but Run by Idiots! AND TYRANTS AND BUREAUCRAPS!!!
If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the media panders to your openly socialist leader while the IRS targets groups with dissenting views— you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your government ‘cracks down’ on legal gun sales to law abiding citizens while secretly supplying illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels— you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your local government (Chicago) outlawed gun ownership for ‘the safety of its citizens’ and now boasts the worst murder rate in the country — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
What a country!
How about we give God a reason to continue blessing America?
This was borrowed from another blog, authors unknown, please spread it far and wide!
n says
muslim women and all travelers can ask for a pat down in private, so the head covering and outer long jacket can be removed in privacy. everyone gets the same X-ray type screening.
the age to avoid the stand up screening if you are in a wheelchair is 84 or 95 I think (the wheelchair pushers will tell you)
lets keep praying for a better tomorrow…
Old Geezer says
The author of “If you….” is Foxworthy. How true…on all accounts.
What gets and surprises me more than anything, is how stupid and completely ignorant and misinformed anybody can be who will even THINK of voting for Hillary. It blows my mind.
Sid Abma says
Wouldn’t it be awesome if on Nov. 8th if everyone voting for Trump would wear a red shirt or jacket so everyone could see the number of people around town and streaming in and out of the polling stations. It would make quite a statement no one could dispute.
Maxx says
It definitely could not hurt. That way people could actually campaign without campaigning.
capt ron says
Maxx …
. IF any of US witness an appearance of voter irregularities call the local sheriff to report what you believe is fraud. …
. Wear your red shirt. …
, Write TRUNP on your sign in form. …
. Tell the media, if you can, you voted for TRUMP.
Yadja says
The leaks getting heavier and heavier and pretty soon will be such a weight on the Main Media, two already broken and reporting some they will have to say something or be crushed under the truth like ants on a sidewalk. This disturbed and abusive alcoholic woman should not even clean toilets in the WH.
Diana Schneider says
Those who voting Democrat are voting for a Living Hell!!!!
here in the USA- Hillary cares for No one but herself her wants
under Clinton there will be ww3 No survives if the main Attack
does not kill You The Nukular winter will!!! A Dead World!! no Lie.
randy says
These Clintons are immersed in corruption.
Always have been.
Time for America to show them the front door (and include a boot in the ass).
Then, fire Comey and let the FBI throw these bastards in jail, that investigation should include Ovomit—another dastardly bastard.
Maxx says
54 dead bodies and counting.
Irish Lad says
Anyone voting for a Clinton should be in a mental ward FBI Director should be impeached ASAP. He was appointed to
the job by Obama. He was Never a Agent and his Brother has made millions by being connected to Hilalry No wonder
that over the last 8 years about 48000 thousand people have left the US with no intention of coming back (6000 a yr)
Most have gone to Canada, Australia, the UK, France New Zealand
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
I already voted for the TRUMP-PENCE ticket absentee in the Loser City Tucson, Mexizona metro area. I’m selling everything right now, once all sold, I will be living 8,500 miles West of the Loser City Tucson,Mexizona metro area and won’t be living in our country anymore.
No more desert heat to put up with, no more desert cold either, no more Press 1 for English, Press 2 for Spanish. My membership on the Pima County Pothole Dodging team will be NO MORE, and most of all, NO POS White trash Clinton’s to hear about.
dani says
vote trump
Stephen Davis says
We as a country will be in so much trouble (more than the “Great Depression”) if Hillary Rodman Clinton is elected President. Only if the demarcated people would look at the truth of the Clintons. She (Hillary) is not the logical or best choice for our great country.
Barbara LaMaina says
Praying that Trump will be our next President. If the Clintons win, our country is lost, probably forever. Very sad.
El Tejas says
We have constantly seen these leads to the affect that some news or scandal is going to prove to be the end of Hillary Clinton. And yet nothing happens and she simply goes on and on. Most of these stories are no doubt true but no one does anything. It like she is walking through a storm that never touches her. She is one person that should never be President of the United States.
CMA says
Why should I leave a comment it wont do any good because something would have been done but the Clintons are above the law and Congress are afraid of them.
rodney burke says
If someone gets some BALLS she wull fact ruin, so far no one has any BALLS to arrest her. Trey can’t, or he would have a long time ago believe me! Somebody with some enforcement authority, gets some BALLS and arrest this criminal.
Eddie says
The really sad part about this is not that the Clintons are as crooked as a dogs hind leg, the real issue is that there are so many stupid blind people who admire them and want to put Killary in the White House. They are so star struck they can’t even see the corruption or they don’t want to see the corruption. Either way…never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups !
Lori says
I agree with Maxx, we have been reading daily for 16 months “this scandal will force Clinton to drop out” and yet here we are 11 days before election and she is so far ahead according to the polls Trump supporters should not even waste the gas to get to their polling site. I have become one of those people praying daily these polls are junk and are being touted to suppress US, the people that want this Clinton Cartel TO STOP. How about her and Mrs. O on the stump yesterday hugging and saying what great friends they are, that was about as genuine as when Bubba told about their fairy tale love story at the Democratic convention. who is buying this stuff?
Lois-Anne Nichols says
The media wants us to believe it is all over, so many will not bother to vote! Don’t buy it……VOTE!!
Jeff says
The polls are fixed. Go to YouTube to watch videos of rallies. Clinton and her running mate have low turn outs. Trump and Pence rallies are big. One rally in Florida they only had about 30 people. Please don’t give up. We need to all get out there and vote.
Mark says
There are the “BLOOD SUCKING HOLOWEEN MASKS” of the year and devils with all other their gangsters.
Vote for Killary if you are one to join them.
John G. says
It’s obvious the entire Liberal side of government has been corrupted by the Clintons, O’bozo’s et all to include all the departments of government FBI, DOJ, Homeland Security all cowards, liars, cheaters and thieves. We can only hope and pray that we defeat them at the ballot box in November. It’ll take years to recover from the damage O’bozo the “Big Eared” Clown and his side kicks Hillary the “Hun”, John the “Hachet Face” Kerry, Loretta “Thunder Thighs” Lynch, James the “We’re the same FBI You’ve Come to Know & Love” + the remaining cast of total misfits has created during his two terms in office.
Louis Intres says
Once again, I say; until we have a change of leadership in the Republican Party there will be no justice, and America will continue to erode under the weight of corruption and cronyism. The Democrats will certainly never bring their corruption to a halt, and RINO leadership (ie. Ryan, McConnell and Priebus) have shown no courage at all to stop Washington corruption; more interested in staying in power themselves by giving in to Obama’s policies, executive orders, and subjugating america to a corrupt IRS, FBI, DOJ, VA, and State Department; all led by the most corrupt presidency in american history.
Amina Oamri says
Why Is it you people are sorely against the clintons what I do are rather small is. A Rat in your political manuoverings, in trying to bring that Idiot trump to the fore, God help the world if he ever comes to Power God Help us All.
mike says
Amina Oamri my ASS! You’re a BOUGHT and PAID FOR SHILL named CREAMER!!!!
Amina: you are an idiot. How can you even think anything good of the Clintons. They are destroying America and it is people like you that love it. Get the Hell our if you don’t like the American Way of life?????????????????????????????
maryann says
well now you had better pray Donald trump gets in or this land is dead, I agree IF U don’t like our land get the hell out n take the Butcher of Benghazi with u and all the other trash in dc,. she is a demoRAT emphasis on the word rat as are all the other scum in the demoRATIC PARTY, 4 men dead due to her lies n I want my country back 4 those that come after me,. you must be a DEMORAT TOO ANNA WAKE UP IF U DONT U CAN BE HER SLAVE. NOT ME MATE NEVER
Karyn says
Amina you must be one of the foreign money supporters of the Clintons. Hillary is evil and satin’s hand maiden.
Carson says
You don’t even sound like the Clintons. You sound just like Barack Hussein Obama! I Wonder why?
Carson says
I was and am referring to to ALL like Amina.
Alan Humphries says
If you have to ask why we are against the Clinton Crime Syndicate you truly are a jackass. I can’t believe I responded to a moron but first time for everything.
jwb says
mike says
SO FUNNY to hear that. Don’t you GET IT? How many of these “Articles” will be published asking the SAME QUESTION? The satan worshipping Clintons will NEVER BE DESTROYED by ANY REVELATION that ANYONE PUTS OUT!!! The ONLY THING THAT WILL destroy the Clintons is if GOD Himself helps AMERICANS to WAKE UP and TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK by GETTING INVOLVED IN THE POLITICAL PROCESS instead of being LAZY and LETTING the LYING, CHEATING, TREASON COMMITTING TRAITORS that they “elect and pay” to look out for them have free rein to DESTROY it. Although I doubt even GOD could make a difference to SOME Americans when the NBA,NFL,NCAA, ACC, ETC………..and ALL their sponsors are STILL IN BUSINESS after PISSING in the FACE OF AMERICA like they’ve been. Can’t even get them to put aside a STUPID GAME in their own interests OR the interests of their FAMILIES!!! You want to KNOW how PERVASIVE the “Problem” is? Type the word satan and ask yourself why does your spell checker think it’s WRONG that you didn’t CAPITALIZE it?
Lee Perez says
Seriously folks, you keep repeating that this and that is going to destroy or hurt the Clintons. Absolutely nothing hurts the Clintons! They are the untouchables, and they will once again reign supreme in the White House. You just can’t stop that from happening, save a miracle. I am disappointed that Donald Trump made it possible for them to do so – he was the “gift that just kept on giving.”
Scott says
The Clintons’ corrupt and criminal career will soon END. People got out from the lethargy! Dems and Reps are scared to death that people no longer can be fooled. Both sides of the isle have been in cahoots for years at the expense of the American people.
Zinka says
Trump is once again yesterday in Ohio showed how little respect there toward electoral process in the America, this ostriches first time he brings legitimately of the elections.
He is certainly very difficult to always win in the polls that show that show that Clinton far ahead of that in the absence of other ideas constantly carry out attacks and insults addressed to the account anti candidate and the entire electoral process.
All statements Trumps are irrelevant!!!!!!
“ignore the elections and declare me the president of America “” “”???? &__$$#@’
Trumf declared yesterday in Ohio!!!!!
Jerry says
You must have been on MSNBC. Your a Criminal Anarchist Supporter
Larry says
Some of the best comments I have ever heard, and I will add them to my Democrat and Obummer and Hill o rat file. I may take the 500 articles and put them in my book “Truth Be Told”.
mike says
You know, this is gonna be SO MUCH FUN!
Donna says
It seems that Michelle Oboma is plugging for Hillary so her and husband won’t be thrown into jail if Trump wins
Jerry says
Hillary-Once elected, We officially will need no more Police, Sheriffs, Lawyers, Courts, Judges Presidents, Congress, Senate. All Hillary will need is The Military, To keep us in line.
That’s why we need Trump worse than ever. If she is elected The country is gone. It could never come back
Helen Higgason says
She is SO greedy, God will take care of her, one day, please take my word on it!!!!!’
lizaz says
The corruption in our government has been insidious since 2009 and people who have to work for a living don’t realize it. I hope these many rallies Donald Trump is having will get the word out, because the so-called “media” refuses to cover the issues he discusses. They are hoping for a liberal win and could care less that the clintons are ripe with corruption, which they will continue to perpetuate in our government. Only the ignorant and uninformed could vote for this corrupt person…..
Scott says
America WAKE UP it’s a matter of life and death. Donald Trump must win or America is gone and HELL will take its place!
Kkat77 says
Our God is an awesome God of Truth and Justice. He has said that “everything done in darkness shall be exposed in the light”. Looks like the Clintons are about to reap what they have sown. Vengeance is mine, I will repay says our Lord! Thank God He keeps His Word!
RLS says
Isaiah 57:20 “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.”
james says
don’t vote for Hillary for any reason. she is a sick person.& does not know what she is going to do next.
RLS says
Most people live meaningless lives of vanity. They live only to serve their own flesh. They are a burden to themselves and everyone around them. John 8:44 Jesus said to the wicked, “Your father is the devil.” We are all getting a good look at the Past, Present, and Future of the Clintons.
Thomas Martin says
I think if that corrupt lying treasonous traitor hilllary rodham clinton get back in the white house, America will be under another corrupt administration far worse than even that corrupt lying corrupt treasonous traitor barack hussein obama. There has never been such a corrupt person in my life as evil and vile as that disgusting irresponsible irrational irritating obnoxious self-centered witch. We will have a lawless administration that means we the people will be dealt with harshly and those in DC can break our laws and laugh in our faces like obama and hillary does now. We will all be slaves to this tyrant witch who is anti God, America, and has not one bit of respect for our law of this country and breaks them at will. She has not one bit of respect for us either, and will strip as many of our rights away as she can. She is anti our military and treats them as dirt under her feet just like obama. Our vets will still take a back seat to all the law breaking illegals and welfare recipients. Our borders will be open to let in millions of undocumented unvetted terrorist from all over the world. our country will be sold by lillary to the highest bidder for more power and money.
DUMP TRUMP AND THE [ ONE TRUE GOD ] WILL DUMP YOU!!! In the words of Ron White,” You can’t fix STUPID” RIGHT???
Why should you listen to me??? Because of all the people who have contacted me for help in their cause! The Iluminati asked me to join their ranks! Soros asked me to support his cause! The wife of Bernie Madoff asked me to have his Bank Account unfrozen! Rudy Guliani asked me to support his Campaign! The U.S.Senate passed the mew VA Funding and Benefits Bill and Corrective Bill at my insistance because they didn’t want me to publish my book about Coruption in Government, Titled [ How GOD Found ME ] ! The President sent me a copy of his 911 Speech at 12:05 AM because he didn’t want me to miss it, DUE to emails I sent him previously that caused him to close the WH and Vet Memorials to the Public! Virtually EVERYONE running for public office has contacted me for support??? There is much more but I don’t want to take up a whole page??? If you need more reasons just read what Jesus TAUGHT, or read my BOOK !!! It is only 114 pages and has something for everyone??? TRUMP IS BEST FOR OUR COUNTRY AT THIS TIME! FIXING HILLARY’S BRAIN IS NOT AN OPTION??? NOTHING CAN BE DONE TO REPAIR THE BRAIN OF A HABITUAL [ LIAR ]??? THEY DEVELOP THAT TRAIT AT AN EARLY AGE AND IT REMAINS WITH THEM FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE!!! SHE IS ONE OF THE BEST EXAMPLES OF THAT TRAIT,RIGHT???MOST PAST PRESIDENTS’ HAIR TURNS GRAY DURING THEIR TIME IN OFFICE DUE TO THEIR CONCERN AND PRESSURE’S OF THE OFFICE! DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT HILLARY CAN HANDLE THAT??? JUST PICTURE HER WITH GRAY HAIR??? NOT IN THIS LIFETIME,RIGHT??? THE MEDIA IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE WATCH DOG TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS FROM PEOPLE LIKE HILLARY AND THE CORRUPT DEMOCRATS WHO WILL DO AND SAY ANYTHING TO KEEP THE PEOPLE UNDER THEIR CONTROL LIKE ALL THE OTHER FALSE RELIGIONS??? HOW can anyone believe a habitual LIAR??? She is just using all you women because she knows she NEEDS your vote to win,RIGHT??? SHE studied the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO in college and has planned for the past 30 years to make it her GOAL to establish COMMUNISM in these United States to create disharmony between the men and women using SEXUAL INNUENDO AND any form or comment pertaining to such an encounter to persuade as many women as possible to vote for her!!! That clearly shows just how STUPID she believes you are,RIGHT??? She used the same APPROACH in the last four elections and the REPUBLICANS fell into her TRAP??? THAT IS WHY THEY LOST,RIGHT??? WHY WOULDN’T SHE USE THE SAME TACTIC THAT WORKED BEFORE??? THINK ABOUT THAT!!! IS SHE RIGHT??? MORE IMPORTANTLY, IS SHE RIGHT FOR AMERICA??? I THINK NOT!!! A HABITUAL LIAR FOR PRESIDENT??? HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? MISERY LOVES COMPANY AND IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY MISERABLE,YOU HAVEN’T SEEN NOTHING YET; IF YOU VOTE FOR HER!!!
Justin W says
I can’t understand why anyone would vote for this corrupt woman. The greed of Hillary and Bill are legendary. If elected president she will pocket untold amounts of wealth off selling America to the highest bidder. By the way, if her emails were this easy to hack how many classified secrets have been stolen by our enemies due to her gross incompetence.
Some people are considering voting for Hillary Rotten Clinton in this election because they dislike Donald Trump. A review of my posts will indicate that Donald Trump is far from an angel, but there is nothing to suggest that Trump will sell America off to the highest bidder and pocket the money. Some people have been turned off by Donald Trump’s crude remarks which were recorded several years ago and the women who have come forward and accused him of harassing them. Do you think it’s strange that only one incident of crude remarks has been released if this guy was a serial sex harrasser? Do you think it’s strange that his accusers didn’t come forward earlier in the election cycle if their stories were true? Isn’t it odd that the stream of Trump accusers has stopped after he called them all liars and threatened to sue them? Slander suits fall apart if the accusations are proven to be true. Let’s face it. The recording likely was made public by the Bush family without considering it might cost their relative his job. After the Clinton campaign realized the “bimbo eruption” was not going to drive Trump from the campaign they didn’t see any need to continue it. The “bimbo eruption” dirty trick drove Herman Cain from the Republican primaries in 2012 but the Hillary campaign realized that Donald wasn’t going to fall for the trick. Hillary rotten Clinton has run a campaign of deception because that is the only way she can win. Americans must decide if we want corruption to become the new standard for presidents.
Don Yaw says
I’ll bet the Clinton’s didn’t report all the income from this “enterprise” especially the value of the gifts, travel, and other in-kind contributions. Fat chance the IRS will investigate!
YouKnowWho says
hardly more than crickets from the MSM
Clarence Clark says
Patricia mugnier says
the majority of people in the U.S. today are, unfortunately, ignorant of the corruption of the past 8 years, etc
we have enjoyed the “good life” and ignored the warning signs of inadequate federal/local corruption by greedy men
and women who worship the almighty dollar and power in government “service” ! the crisis is HERE and the only survival
for our once great nation under God is to make your voice heard-loud and clear- at the ballot box on ELECTION DAY !
I cast my vote, proudly& patriotically- for Donald Trump !! In my opinion, he is the man who has our beloved country”s
survival at heart This is our final effort that will save the United States of America….the land founded by our
God fearing forefathers who believed in freedom and liberty and justice for all. thank you and may God bless us all
and keep us strong through these trying times.
CrazyJoe says
I don’t know your circle of friends but I and the people I know have hardly been enjoying the “good life” over the last 8 years. It’s been a hell that I keep thinking we’ll never get out of unless Trump wins this election.
Frank says
That Clinton Foundation is paying the media to keep there mouth shut. The media is not going say a damn word about all this Clinton corrupted shit that is going on. I got one question where in the hell is the IRS they need to audit that bit time Clinton Foundation there is more corruption in that Foundation you would not believe. I guess the IRS is getting paid off also from that I guess Foundation what the Clinton’s calls it that is all bullshit. The IRS will audit the working class people but will not audit the Clinton Foundation which is corrupted.
GMB says
Do you remember when you were a kid, the term Dingle-Berries. I for one think of the corrupt people in our government all hanging on by a hair, and the only way to get rid of them is a complete wash
Renegade says
….All the above points are valid…….but too many lazy, entitled brats are drinking the Cool Aid…….cant wait to see what the debt is in 4 years
We need another Truman Dewey outcome….. my greatest joy will be to see that smug look wiped off that arrogant woman’s face on November 9
patricia reppin says
Pat says:
“There” is a location, a place; “their” means a possession of more than one.
I admire all your comments and agree with mostly all of you. You are true patriots, clever, sometimes amusing, but All American.
I especially enjoyed Frank W. Brown’s comments and unionquickpicks.
Keep up the good work; go after your friends and neighbors to vote Trump ———– and GO! Trump and Pence.
God and Jesus, please help our country to elect Trump. Throw the Clinton’s in a dung heap; it is what they deserve. Then, fine them all of their money because they stink.
Mae says
Let’s all pay for the Obamas and Clintons to take a cruise to the Bermuda Triangle!!!
RLS says
If people vote to put the Clintons back in office, our nation is finished.
JR-IA says
Might not be the people electing her….she could very well steal it!!!
RLS says
Wake up people and Take Back America, Take back the Republic, and Take back Freedom.
Minerva Moser says
Who wants to get in on the bet…? Which of the main stream media hucksters are going to flip FIRST and start revealing just how rotten the Clintons are/have been? I’m putting my money on MSNBC.
Olddog1 says
Hillary Clinton is the most scandalous person ever to seek the Presidency. The scandals are too numerous to count. I am encouraged that the FBI plans to reopen the Clinton e-mail scandal, but Hillary’s corruption goes much further than that.
JR-IA says
I have to say this…..Politically she should be dead. If she does manage to steal the election I’ll look at her as the anti-christ.
Ralph W Draves says
Wow ! Where was all the Investigative News Reporting on the Clinton’s rerun ( One Clinton was bad enough and they want to give another Clinton the Presidency). True we have the Internet, TV, Mobile Phones, but due to the Media bias, we’re still not being given the unbiased News. Where’s the Objectivity. Shame on our Government, our Congress, our President, our Justice Dept, for allowing our Nation to sink to this level. Shame on us the People for allowing it to happen.
pat mcalpin says
we need a place to all demand she gets prosecuted i:ll sign up right now
CrazyJoe says
Voting for Hillary because she’s a woman will have an effect that will resonate for decades and maybe longer. If elected, she will be the last woman to occupy the office of president in our lifetime. You have to ask yourself if you’re a woman voting for her because of her gender, “Is this the woman I want representing me and my gender”? You have to know that if she’s elected she will be the last woman you ever see in the Whitehouse except for the first ladies. Gender should not be a reason to vote for someone. We will one day see a woman president but this is not that day.
Ron Laven says
How come no one mentions the 114 dead people so far on the Clinton’s hit list? You have to go read it on YouTube to believe it. 114 people so far. Like the business partner who committed suicide. Like Admiral Borda who committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest twice. One guy committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head. And the Author of the Book about the Clinton’s hit list, who said on a radio talk show a couple of months ago,” If I wind up dead it wasn’t me. I would never consider committing suicide!” But he was classified a suicide about a month ago. That is more appalling than all the other crimes. People murdered who had opposed the Clintons, were going to testify or present evidence against them. That is just too much. How can any one support a candidate like that?
william a harward,jr says
Everyone in the world including from the seventh grade and up should be made to read this for the future of the betterment of these UNITED STATES. GOD BLESS AMERICA and all people!
Roger says
Thank God for Wikileaks!!
jeff vaughn says
And another spoon full of innuendo, accusations and predictions is lifted to you and your mouths fly open ready to gobble it down. Still nothing. No taste or flavor just more of the rhetorical, fact free, evidentially absent morsels the conservative mind has become addicted to.
Rog says
(copy & paste this statement everywhere! Let it be our rallying cry until we win next week!)
Duane Bowen says
The only reason that anyone might guess why the mainstream media is supporting Hillary Clinton is undoubtedly because they’ve been promised a huge cash payoff or some other big benefit if she’s elected. This woman is so corrupt that I wouldn’t doubt anything bad that someone said about her to be wrong. She is a pathological liar. She has never succeeded in any position she’s ever held. She is the “Poster Child” for corruption. The only thing that interests her is money and power. She’ll sell out America for a dollar. SHE HAS TO BE STOPPED!!!!!