Entering the last year of his second term, the lame-duck President Barack Obama may finally be showing his stripes on illegal immigration.
And many Republicans have decried Obama’s policies as “back-door amnesty.”
The White House formally disclosed this week that in the 2015 budget year, the U.S. deported the fewest amount of illegal immigrants in all of Obama’s presidency.
The Homeland Security Department oversaw the deportation of about 235,000 people between October 2014 and September 2015, the lowest total in eight years.
There are an estimated 11 million immigrants living in America illegally.
The DHS has also formally reported a large decline in arrests at the border. Border arrests dropped about 30 percent from 2014 to 2015.
The overall total of deportations generally does not include Mexicans caught at the border and quickly returned home by the U.S. Border Patrol.
With a presidential election coming, it has long been speculated that Obama would adopt a more passive attitude toward illegal immigration. Permissive immigration policies are considered important to wooing Latino voters, who will play a major role in deciding the outcome of the 2016 contest.
Previous polling from the Pew Research Center has also found that illegal immigrants are four times more likely to identify with the Democratic party, as opposed to the GOP.
The Associated Press contributed to this story.
John Becker says
Osama is an ass who needs to be stopped or the USA with be destroyed even more by next Christmas.
Larry says
Jo Lee says
xhomer12 says
JESUS? you kicked HIM out of all your schools taken Him out of all your Christmas celebrations not allowed His name to be spoken in your schools and now you want Him to come and rescue you ? Hypocrite!!!!!!
harold says
xhomer theres always room for one more, Hypocrite that is.
mesaman says
Be more specific. I doubt if Jo Lee kicked him (Jesus) out of anything. Put the blame on the lame-duck, no, lame brain in chief. Obumhole.
James says
You are correct! The last seven years has destroyed the United States more than all presidents before Obama. When I was in high school (1952-1954) the teacher passed the Holy Bible around,we read a selection,offered prayer for students needs,and for our teachers to put up with us. We said “yes mam, no mam, yes sir, no sir excuse me, and I am sorry. All that is gone today and may never, never return.Norm from Ala.
Michael says
Put blame where blame belongs . The blame belonges to WE THE PEOPLE . Who let the school boards push God out ? Who let the goverments push God out ? Then who let illegals and refugees push God out ? WE THE PEOPLE DID THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
male-1950 says
Jo Lee never said she did those thing idiot!
Rob says
My thoughts are similar. Our country turned their back on God with immorality, and the “me” attitude. Sure, laws can be made to support gay marriage, but those laws made by man do not trump God’s law.
We took God from everything and we have lived a wild life like the Romans. What happened to Rome?
I am not a bible thumper, only an average sinful God Fearing American that humbles himself to beg for forgiveness every night.
I do not know what God’s intentions are for the people of this country, and I am not concerned. God and Jesus Christ Will determine as yet. God and Jesus Christ will determine what happens to me and my family.
DixieBelle says
Amen. The hypocites will pay in the end.
zoey says
I agree so much with you jo lee and he will Satan that is he will go down Jesus is a million times stronger. then the evil one. Yes Um 🙂 Merry Christmas to you
Zoraida Golding says
The devil is in the WH. destroying this country at he please and no one do anything about, look like all the parties are agree with him under the table.
Liz Chayet says
Obama has done many things to bring down America for sure!
I believe one of the worst was throwing Israel under the bus so he could buddy up with Iran. I don’t hear many comments about this. What do you guys think – doesn’t this prove he is a muslim?????????. PLS someone respond to this very important subject. Even the dam media didn’t have much to say about this..
John potter says
Hang the son of a bitch
marcy bernstein says
Congress both Democrats and Republicans both agree with one another.
Both passed the Budget Bill for $1.5 trillion, when Paul Ryan was supposed
to stop the Bill.
All Career Politicians take PAC money and must vote the way the PAC’s
want them to vote, in favor of the PAC’s.
While watching TV I heard an interview with a frustrated Jeb Bush, he said,
Trump may be ahead now but he will not win in the end. Or something to
that effect. Made me think that the delegates no matter how many votes
Trump receives will elect Bush. If that happens, it will definitely be the end
of the Republican Party. I for one do not want the “Stupid” Bush brother to
run for President, nor do I want Clinton for President.
Confoundmeonce says
We have all heard the expression” He has the world on a downhill Swing…Just like the “Cat Swinging by its` tail” ..where it will land when let loose is anyones` guess ….Is it already a done deal with USA politics ? Everyone knows That is a Rigged process..And Is pointless from The Start to the Finish. I Do know that this Country will NOT Stand still for Another bushite..or another Clinton to be put in charge over Our Country. There is Still enough of it left that is opting for THAT Big Change,,b,Obama “”So eloquently Promised… Who are Still Believers in THE Good..And are Willing to Stand up and Fight for it,, SO..bush…Clinton..you may as well Shut the f…up.. You don`t stand a C..mans` chance in hell of becoming any more than what you are now,,, [ not even good ‘Has Beens’] … Rigged you say ? Not this go-round are you going to get away with Stealing it. D. Trump Will Be Our President..For one Good Reason. He is In the Running <<Not for His Own Benefit..but for The People `s Benefit. May God Stay WITH HIM..And Give him Guidance …And Keep him Safe.
Chuck says
The thing you appearantly overlooked is Big money decides who will be elected. ( as was shown with Obamma ) the electoral college casts the vote. Not you & me. Obamanite promised change. Didn’t you get it? From a free republic to a country Run by Socialists, Muslims who will go to ANY extent to overthrow( Control) our way of life. The Congress does nothing, nothing to stop him, They are in this for the big money. How much do they rake in??? How much do THEY pay for their insurance? Pension?Wow, Vacation? Wow . You sit and gripe. Let’s sent these scoundrels ( keep it clean) home. Congress was intended to be a part time job? Wise up America, it may already be TOO LATE. Chuck
Huey says
JK W says
Me either. I swear to god that if they do something dirty like that that we Americans need to do something about it. They don’t want Trump cause he’s letting the dirt out of the bad and they are all about to fall to pieces. They know that their Cushy job is at stake. So sick of all of them. I could puke. I guarantee they are planning his assassination. Been all over twitter. So gross. They would. Just like Hilldabeast let the world know she took a nasty big shit during the debate. She would. Big gross bitch.
Rob says
I guess Hillay wins then, because I won’t vote if Bush gets the non.
DixieBelle says
I think they are going to slip Rubio past us. Wait and see.
Eleanor says
Have you never heard of rigged voting machines? They’ve been rigged for and by the democrats the last few elections. Tell me, how do we keep our voting machines monitored for this election? The S.I.E.U. puts these machines in place and maintains them. They just came out with their endorsement for Hillary, (as did LUNA). And who awarded this contract to S.I.E.U.? Uh, huh! Bingo! With fraud and corruption, bought votes, and with intimidation at the polls themselves like in past elections, what makes you think your vote will go to your candidate of choice? Computer settings inside can be easily changed. Ask any reputable computer technician.
John says
It is time for the voters to rally around the homes of the Senators and Republicans and make it known that they will not be back if they don’t eliminate the traitor and muslim now. The voters should vote on the benefits that the politicans have and not the politicians. IT IS TIME TO RALLY
JK W says
I agree
And I’m ready. They think BlackLiesMatrer has a rally?? Just wait
JK W says
Sorry for misspell. It’s my phone. Supposed to be Bkack Lies Matter
JK W says
Another one. Dang phone. Changes soon as I hit spacebar. I want to their it thru the window.
Sheila says
John: Rally in front of the White House is a good place to start.
mid jones says
The total us gov. should be tared feathered and run clear out of this country.
Karl Landgren says
When do we deport–or imprison–this illegal? What’s taking congress so long? Any “representative” unwilling to remove B.O. the traitor from our WH should be castigated and promoted to private sector work.
mesaman says
I don’t think anyone would be more elated to see Obummer removed from office, but it won’t happen. You can’t put the blame on the GOP. If they voted as a block they still wouldn’t have the two-thirds majority vote it takes to dump this fraudulent clown. Even with a vote coming next year you won’t get the votes needed from the decadent party.
Sheila says
Larry: Our Congress is a bunch of crooks that is what’s wrong. They don’t want to do anything for We The People. Yes, we voted for them, but they are really bunch of crooks.
pjt says
This man is a vile, snake in the grass.
Jerry Dixon says
Most of the comments have nothing to do with what Obama is doing or has already done most of you are worried about the republican party and Clinton or Bush. You are doing the same thing the people you elected to be the law makers. You are allowing the distraction to let Obama win again the same thing the congress and senate are doing , giving him a pass to break the law again and further destroy the constitution. Open your eyes and fight for your rights as Americans and not be sheep following blindly. Its time to take America back we voted them in we can vote them out if they don’t represent us have special elections and get rid of them. We as Americans control where this nation goes not them,.
Arlene Mitcavish says
This country has to wake up everyone puts there head in the sand, B.O. has something up his sleeve what about the thousands of signs ( ROAD CLOSED MARSHALL LAW ) ? I have seen them truck loads of them. B.O. has brought the fox into the hen house already. Check the military bases who is being put up in them. OUR so govenment is there only to fill there pockets. OPEN YOUR EYES AMERICA before its too late!!!!!!!!!
anita says
we need to impeach and deport that SOB now before he completely destroys our Country ,
anita says
we all have to contact Congress and demand that they will impeach this SOB Traitor ,he is out to destroy America ,what is wrong with the politicians ? are they out to destroy America too ,get rid of this bama SOB now
Gerald Mann says
Congress is Pandering just like everyone else in Washington , Business owners like the illegals because they work for 1/10 of an average workers pay . But because we have limited jobs a lot of our citizens can’t get jobs or afford to live on what the illegals do , Possibly most Americans that have paid taxes , worked all their lives, and have family’s cannot move into a one or two room apartment or garage somewhere and merely exist ! Obama is an illegal himself I say this because he has 2 social security numbers , both belong to dead men who never lived in anyplace Obama lived so we know they could no possibly be his , Obama cannot pass an E-Verify test so he cannot even get a job pushing a broom in a McDonald’s somewhere ! Congress won’t impeach him even though no one in this country that isn’t on the public dole wants him to continue his reign of Treasonous Tactics ! Congress realizes if Trump is elected , the gravy train is over , I am hoping to get rid of their lifetime salary’s because Obama has got the United States so far in debt that it will take several generations to possibly get out of it ! If we can impeach him we would be rid of Obama care and a lot of his other detrimental communistic ideas . We are defiantly in bad shape and I think Trump is our only way out ! Seems like everything this guy touches turns to gold and he is a hard nosed business man which is what we need after this milk toast that managed to sneak into our White House with his butt buddy transsexual Michael/Michelle ! Lets get together and do something right for the first time in 7 years ! Now if we could get rid of the Electro College which we do not need because in the age of computers we can count the votes in plenty , and get the man in office that the people want in not the guys that keep fixing the elections !!
Jim Evans says
Obama should of been deported.
paul says
the law is the law and he is not enforcing it so just impeach him
Jack says
Demand congress require voter ID and only legal citizens can vote.
big red says
larry not with killery, vote TRUMP
xhomer12 says
It doesn’t matter how you vote as the RNC has got it worked out on how to get rid of TRump in the closed door deals!
Get used to it as they will have a party man they control as their candidate and i won’t vote!!!!! All the party candidates are just like Hillary!!!!
Sheila says
xhomer: I think if the Republican Party try to get Trump out, then I also think that Trump may changed to the Independent Party. After being an Republican all my life, because of the so called Budget thing that Paul Ryan approved of, I changed now to the Independent Party. As I say, the Republican Party is a bunch of crooks just like the Democrat Party.
DixieBelle says
I think a lot of people are beginning to agree with you.
Rob says
I feel the same.
zoey says
you are so right about that big red 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and everyone else too 🙂
Lovette says
Why is anyone surprised? Obama has never espoused the support of the rule of law. He does not support the Constitution. All he wants is to pander to the Latino vote, and if Hillary doesn’t completely mess that up with her idiotic comments in her version of Spanish at which the Mexicans are having a good belly-laugh, those votes is what they will have. If Trump wins the Republican primaries and is nominated at the Convention, he would be smart to coax Ted Cruz onto his ticket, and let Sr. Cruz speak to the Latin American voters in their language whenever he has them in the crowds. At least he won’t become a laughing-stock as Hillary is. That’ll frost the Ice Queen.
Rob says
I suggested to Hillary instead of pissing Latinos off. And saying I am your Grandma in Spanish for the word grandma, I suggested she say to Latinos and Latinas that she say “I am your Puta (who’re).
todd says
Yes this is insane, to break the laws in place to stop this sort of thing, just to get votes to serve their own ambitions. It IS Treason, and when Trump wins, he more than likely will at least try to arrest these people. Wouldn’t that be some thing to see. I’M voteing for trump 2016, to reverse the flow they all gotta go!
John says
This is why the republican party does not want Trump for they know that they will go to jail along with obo and hillary
Sheila says
John: You are right. I agree with you.
Tom says
I am so embarrassed that someone of such low intellect and character, almost completely devoid of any meritorious achievements, and with unAmerican values is actually our POTUS. Shame on the voters for doing this, you guys doing this the 2nd election are a disgrace. Obama voters have hurt every one of us.
and now the Dems are trying to elect another POS in Hillary… again, someone of very low ethics and with no meritorious achievements..
this sucks
Obama is a disgrace and a joke to this great country. America needs a strong, outspoken president.one who is not afraid to say what he thinks, for fear of being politically incorrect. Trump is the man!! If we really want change, let’s unit and make it happen. All of the morons who were paid and who voted for Obama, you got change. The kind of change that has caused our great America to become weaker in the eyes of the enemy. Get your damned heads out of the sand and wake up to reality before it is to late vote Trump.
John says
Get rid of obo now and for one year Biden taking over can’t do any worse
Linda Chris Smith says
No one seems to be checking how many Sirians and others are illegally sneaking into our country late at night. I guess they figure we are sleeping and no one is paying attendtion except Obamma????! I was flying in from Cancun and transferred in Denver to Palm Springs when 20 + children marched on single file looking straight ahead not talking. ??? Who might be smuggling them on at 12:30 am ???
Anyone checking?
Jc says
Not only will he not deport the illegals, he will saddle us with 10’s of thousands of savage animal “refugees” to support. Trump will help us rid our country of all these unwelcome cockroaches.
Cate Ekstrand says
As an election official, it doesn’t matter how may illegal immigrants he allows in this country, the law states that you:
•Must be a United States citizen
•Must have lived in the state for a period of time (usually 30 days)
•Must be at least 18 years old on or before election day
•Must not have been convicted of a disqualifying felony (or have rights restored)
•Must not have been legally declared “mentally incompetent” by a court
If you are a permanent resident, you may not vote in elections limited to U.S. citizens, such as the presidential election. You may be able to vote in local and state elections that do not require U.S. citizenship. Be sure to check the requirements carefully before registering to vote as there are serious penalties for registering or voting in an election where you do not meet the citizenship requirements.
We turned away people who did not have proper identification. So, the possibility of Obama trying to throw the vote to the Democrats is highly unlikely, but not an improbability.
Justin W says
Our nation has a major problem when our leaders ignore the law. While the President and the beltway politicians are able to enjoy security courtesy of the taxpayers, the citizenry is placed at risk by the criminals who are allowed to remain in our country.
There are many ways a person can come to this country legally. Those who choose to come illegally are criminals. They should be kicked out of the country.
Rocky Massengale says
Obummer has had the destruction of America in his sights since the blind voted him in! The folks who are not doing their homework during election time are also destroying America! What has happened is a disgrace to the country and the world with this OBUMMER in office!
We have suffered sence day one he came outer no where to run our country, NOT ONE US OR SOME GET VOTE TO GET OUT. THINK ABOUT IT. YOU ASKED ME IT TO LATE.
HE LOVING IT WITH THE ONES THAT ARE COMING IN AMERICAN , EATING UP , AND MORE PROBLEMS THAN EVER , NOT GOOD PERSON , AND THERE CHILDREN . They want to come here to control America, Soon we see war here soon due to it . A lot of blood shed .
Huey says
Obama needs to go. He has almost ruined this country. no longer is the USA respected. I hope we can make it another year. God please help the USA
wolftalk says
Google – IFOR 21
then you will know!
mike says
Yea he’s a lame duck, Also a lame dick who has no balls when it comes to the American people and our freedoms that a lot of vet’s fought and died for, muslim to the core he is
bozzbuck says
America may respond for the first time. We may be seeing it in the polls which has baffled the so called experts and propagandist media. If we vote the opposite of what the experts and media push we will get the right guy in office. The eligible voters in the country must register and vote to compensate for the imported base of the left. This may be our last chance to stop the destruction of this country
Gerry says
Cyndi says
Yes, We the people need to be heard!! We have been suppressed for 7 years, our country cannot take any more, Muslim terrorists are living among us, and we won’t know who will shoot next!! Go back and watch thevTV series “24”, amazing what actually comes true out of that show!
suzanne says
It is time for all Americans to stand up and say NO MORE. we should all gather togeather and demand that Obama be impeached. We have to stand up for our country, our children and our grand children…please everyone, call your congressman
and demand that they take immediate action againts obama. DO THIS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE THANK YOU.
Confoundmeonce says
How much Confidence do we have in The “”Electoral Process ? Surely we have Learned our lesson By Now ! How many times are we Going to Go Along To Get Along.,.And Allow These Law-breakers Get away with It ? I say Never. We do not have Another Election to be Stolen from us…nor does this Country have any more Time to Waste ..hoping The Situation will Change for The Better. IT Has to undergo a Complete Overhaul… From Top All the way down to THE Cellar. Believe me..to leave even a ‘few’ of these bad apples would rotten the whole lot of them… ( for what they Are All Guilty of is ”Love of Money AND The Power They have become accustomed to, and want to keep. People, It certainly Does Appear That “”It is Left up to us to Get this Change Underway.” And I do believe We are Ready to Begin the “”Show. ” Don`t you think Obama is starting to look a bit peaked ?? Of course, we Do have d. Trump to Thank for That !! He Has no Patience in him for Traitors to THIS Country. So Look Out, Obama. (( How much Of that Acreage gwb bought in Paraguay ..for His safe Haven…..Has your name on it ?? bush is not going to Make it out of this country ,,and nor is Obama. It just isn`t in The Cards !
David Jacob says
WE got what we deserve we slept at the wheel ask most people about sports figures or how many morons are on the drugs that makes them vegetables between the ears . but lots don’t even know who the vice president is or any of the bills that kill half us with crazy taxes and keep the welfare dirt bags voting like one brainless blob . thats where America has put itself .
kanawah says
As it should and must be.
We cannot afford to deport the illegals.
Joanne says
If your Illegal you have no legal right to vote
Susan says
Voting machines are only as accurate as the “programmer” wants them to be. Does anyone NOT believe they are rigged.
Bob says
Da Queen Bee Have you seen this?
From the Canadian Free Press, a report worth reading as a reminder of greed and corruption.
Copyright 2009 Canada Free Press
Just think, Mary Lincoln was taken to task for purchasing China for the White House during the Civil War.
> And Mamie Eisenhower had to shell out the salary for her personal secretary from her husband’s salary.
Total Personal Staff members for other first ladies paid by taxpayers
> —————————————————————————–
Mamie Eisenhower:— One– paid for personally out of President’s salary.
> Total number of Personal Staff Members paid by Tax Payers.
> Jackie Kennedy: ——-One
> Lady Bird Johnson___One
> Pat Nixon —————One
> Betty Ford—————One
> Rosaline Carter: —— One
> Barbara Bush: ———One
> Hilary Clinton: ——– Seven
> Laura Bush: ———– One
> Michele Obama: —– Twenty-two
> How things have changed! If you’re one of the tens of millions of Americans facing certain destitution, earning less than subsistence wages stocking the shelves at Wal-Mart or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to scream and then come to realize that the benefit package for these servants of MS Michelle are the same as members of the national security and defense departments and the bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by YOU, John Q. Public:
> Note: Look out for Hillery if she gets elected
> Michele Obama’s personal staff:
> One.. $192,200 – Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
> Two.. $160,000 – Frye, Jocelyn C. (Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)
> Three.. $133,000 – Rogers, Desiree G. (White House Social Secretary for Mrs. Obama)
> Four.. $122,000 – Johnston, Camille Y. (Director of
Communications for the First Lady)
> Five.. $120,000 – Winter, Melissa (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
> Six.. $110,000 Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
> Seven.. $104,000 – Lilyveld, Catherine M. (D irector and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
> Eight.. $95,000 – Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
> Nine.. $90,000 – Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Project for the First Lady)
> Ten.. $85,000 – Burnough, Erinn (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
> Eleven.. $84,000 – Reinstein, Joseph B.(Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
> Twelve.. $82,000 – Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)
> Thirteen.. $80,000 Fitz, Alan O.(Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)
> Fourteen.. $77,500 – Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
> Fifteen.. $72,500 – Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady)
> Sixteen.. $70,000 – Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Sc heduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
> Seventeen.. $65,000 – Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
> Eighteen.. $63,000 – Tubman, Samantha a (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
> Nineteen.. $60,000 – Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
> Twenty.. $56,000 – Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
> Twenty-One.. $55,000 – Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
> Twenty-Two.. $55,000 – Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)
> Total $2,075,200 in annual salaries – all for someone we did not vote for and apparently have no control over
>>>> There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady’s social life. One wonders why she needs so much help, at taxpayer expense. (I’m wondering why there are no guidelines or restraints for this and other activities concerning our government officials and their kin.)
>>>> Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49, and “First Hairstylist” Johnny Wright, 31, both of whom traveled aboard Air Force One on all ALL Trips, Europe included.
>>>> Michele usually gets dropped off in another City along with her Mother and 2 Daughters
>>>> Note: As of 11/15.2015 the Obama Family has spent over
>>>> 1.3 Billion dollars on personal family family trips. They were
>>>> personal not political or Government related.
>>>> Copyright 2009 Canada Free Press:
>>>> Yes, I know, The Canadian Free Press had to publish this, perhaps because America no longer has a free press and the USA media is too scared that they might be considered racist or suffer at the hands of Obama.
>>>> Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
>>>> Get the new AOL app: mail.mobile.aol.com
This should be sent to all e-mails in the the U.S.A.
Maybe, people will wake-up not to like Hillery
Vote for Trump
Karrie says
Obama is a sad mistake – thank goodness he is almost GONE! I would have thought that anyone who voted for him the first time would know better than vote for him again!