Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been a fierce defender of conservative principals for the decades he’s served on the Supreme Court.
Since being nominated by George H.W. Bush in 1991, Thomas has been a key conservative vote on the nation’s highest court.
And, according to at least one report, he could be ready to retire.
Newsmax reported today that, “Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is reportedly considering retirement from the nation’s high court after this year’s presidential election.”
The court is currently split 4-4, and the next president would be expected to immediately replace the seat opened by the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, providing a one-vote edge in the court.
If Thomas were to also leave, and presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were to win, that would allow the Clinton administration the chance to flip two conservative seats.
Additionally, Justice Anthony Kennedy — a crucial swing vote on the high court — will be entering his 80s for the next president, Newsmax noted.
But there may be good news for conservatives. According to The Washington Examiner, Thomas’ wife, Ginni, took to Facebook to refute the rumors — and blast the reporter that first broke the story.
The truth, of course, may lie somewhere in the middle. Thomas could be waiting to see how the presidential election turns out before making a decision, as other justices have done in the past.
— The Horn editorial team
Justin W says
The next president is likely to replace a large number of Supreme Court justices. I’m not a Donald Trump fan but our chances of getting good Supreme Court justices are better with him than with Hillary Clinton.
The biased nature of our judicial system is highlighted every time a vacancy occurs on the Supreme Court. Everyone starts jockeying to get a justice on the bench that will support, or at least not harm, causes that are important to them. Our judicial system is dysfunctional. Over the years the high court has become the body that is able to override the laws created by elected officials and impose a totally different standard on Americans. School prayer, abortion, gay marriage, the 10 commandments and gun control are some of the issues that would be better settled by elected officials who must face the voters rather than ultimately decided by 9 judges who answer to no one.
docmeb says
Good he don’t do anything anyway.
Estelle Goforth says
Please do not retire from the Superme court. We need you to stand up for all Conservatives. We need and want our country back.
Bernie says
If Thomas retires before the Election and Clinton won it would be the death of the United States and freedom around the world.
Faster24 says
Please say it aint so, that Justice Thomas is even considering retirement, he is a pillar on the high court and that last thing America needs is Justice Thomas to leave the court. An event such as Justice Thomas leaving the high court would leave America in even more serious condition than she is already in, and she is barely hanging on with life support now.
Kennedy on the other hand is a traitor, who needs to be gone from the high court along with Ginsburg and the two latest appointees by the pretender in chief. Please Justice Thomas if you are to read this, do not even consider stepping down until there is a solid conservative not a republican or rhino and certainly not a democrat but a solid conservative the likes of a Ronald Reagan in the white house. Please sir the country is begging you, do not, do not, do not step down your country needs you.
Ralph says
Rebecca says
Please do not retire not unless your life is threatened. I read that Scalia had been murdered. If Clinton becomes the POTUS, she might decide to put Obama in the Supreme Court and then our nightmare will never be over.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Donald Trump should talk with Clarence Thomas and ask who he would recommend as replacement judges on the Supreme Court. We need for Clarence Thomas to stay on the Supreme Court for a few more years. Newt Gingrich would be a possible good choice for judge on the Supreme
Court, he’s a Conservative, Duncan Hunter of California, he served in the House is another good choice, he is also a Conservative, Allen Keyes
who ran for the Republican nomination in 2000, 2008 for Figurehead is another good Conservative choice for the Supreme Court, has solid moral values
which we need to get back to ASAP.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
This is when Donald Trump is elected and has taken office.
EDW says
Allen West Would Definitely be a Primo S.C. Justice !!
merrie egloff says
Some excellent ideas
Kenneth Cameron says
If Trump get in ( and he will ) He will clean house “DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT”
Elaine says
IF Justice Thomas decides to retire, it may be wise to wait longer than just after the election. He should wait until the actual inauguration day … just in case. If it isn’t obvious, I don’t trust Democrats (especially the Clinton mob) at all. They have been known to steal elections before, by hook or by crook.
Arthur Hartsock says
The next President will probably nominate 4 Justices to the US Supreme Court. Replacing Mr. Scalia, Ms. Ginzberg, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Kennedy. Making this next election very important. I’d personally like to see Senator Cruz nominated for one of these openings.
Hillery who doesn’t know the words to the song,” JESUS LOVES ME ” AND DOESN’T HAVE A TALKING BIBLE,RIGHT??? That indicates that she must be a CLOSET MUSLIM whose teachings are clearly VIOLENT ACTIONS like have been shown here at a TRUMP RALLY since her LIES haven’t had the effect she had hoped for,RIGHT,???Hillery makes the [ WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST] from the story, [ THE WIZARD OF OZ ] Look like a Sunday School Teacher??? Anyone who believes HER LIES would hand over their wallets to the first person who offered to sell them the Brooklyn Bridge, the Washington Monument, or Mount Rushmore??? G ot IT??? Something for Nothing??? Yeah, RIGHT??? LIKE THE MANSION SHE LIVES IN FOR FREE at the expense of New York taxpayers and gets paid rent on the guest house provided for the Secret Service assigned to protect her??? Or did you ALL, FORGET THAT ??? She has been teaching Obama since he took office 7 years ago,RIGHT??? What else could you expect???
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
William, Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton is an atheist, she only believes in corruption, evil, greed, power, abuse of power, bullying, pushing people around, lying, cheating, stealing, fixing & rigging elections where her & former Figurehead Sleazeball,
Draft dodger Bill Clinton only benefit the most.
Keith says
They talked about Lyin Ted, but the DEMON craps have HILLNOCCIO Clinton who is far worse. She has ties with all these foreign investors, taking in illegal money, swapping favors for it. She gets 4 people killed in Bengazi, only to cover it up, with more lies. She had excuses for putting our country at risk with her e-mailgate, then lies about that. I would trust Adolh Hitler a thousand times more that this hamster. If people value the USA that we live in, value your families future and lives, value keeping some of your money, have any values in life at a, then you simply cannot afford to vote for this wicked witch. Looks to me that our ONLY hope is to go for Trump. Believe it or not, I’m a Democrat, but I see disaster in Clinton. She simply does not have to be accountable to nobody. We cannot afford that.