European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s annual speech to the European Parliament on Tuesday included a strange question to his fellow EU statesman: “Will Europe disappear from the international scene?”
According to Professor Gilles Kepel, the European “Jihad Generation” has that exact plan in mind. And if they get their way, in just over a generation’s time they’ll be ready.
Kepel, an expert on the Arab world with a focus on Islam, spoke recently to the German newspaper Die Welt.
His warning was dire: civil war is coming to the EU — and should the West’s enemies win, the horrifying end result will be a European Islamic caliphate that will be focused on global domination.
“Kepel, from the Sciences Po in Paris, claims a growing number of Muslims with poor job prospects are forming a ‘Jihad Generation’ to continue to commit acts of terror across Europe,” The Sun reported Tuesday.
Kepel went on to explain that this so-called ‘Jihad Generation’ is following a central strategy that the Islamic States used successfully in Syria and Iraq – sow chaos through acts of terror, then mobilize and grow in power among the fighting.
“The long-term goal of the Jihad Generation is to destroy Europe through civil war and then build an Islamic society from the ashes,” Kepel said, according to The Sun.
Is the Islamic State of Europe really possible?
It’s likely a long shot – but for conservatives, the trends are still disturbing.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls recently announced that the country’s police was monitoring 15,000 radicalized extremists in their borders.
In Germany, the Counter Extremist Project estimates some 7,900 jihadists were living comfortably within the country’s borders as of December 2015, and were actively recruiting refugees. The organization also warns of potentially tens of thousands more radicalized individuals settled in nations like Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Greece and the rest of the European Union.
If they were all to be organized under one goal after a generation, it doesn’t take a math major to sum up that it could be a substantial terror army.
— The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
Yet, if one reads the European newspapers, many of those “sophisticated” Europeans complain more about Trump than the hater culture. In recent months we see in the news stories of terrible atrocities that were committed in Europe by the folks from the hater culture. Then in the news we see images of guys and gals in skinny jeans placing flowers at makeshift memorials. They are so crippled by political correctness that they don’t even criticize the haters yet fight them.
Richard B says
They don’t have to infiltrate the U.S. Obama is inviting them in and handing them a big fat government check and free everything.
RLS says
The U.S. faces the same situation as Europe, more militant Islamic men coming into our nation and attacking people. There aren’t enough jobs for the legal Americans already living here…What a diabolical plan of destruction and collapse for America.
Debbie says
did you hear the latest? Obama wants to be the United nations Secretary General. When these Muslims die they will know there is no Allah But only one GOD.
Obama has other agenda’s in mind before he leaves the White House and it’s not good. He also wants to make the death tax 50% thinks he owns our bank accounts
JulieT says
Americans have guns. Makes a difference
Charles Masterson says
And trying to disarm us so we can’t defend ourselves HE’S AN EVIL POS !!!
JulieT says
Just a
King Kong vs. Godzilla says
america will soon sees “babylon of muslin world” we american will be dead in 20 years from now…..(mark my words).
Jeanette says
Obama is an evil monster – one of many.
But Europeans and Americans have been unbelievably lazy about the threat of Islam.
Jerry Todd says
I wrote this 9 years ago based on papers dating to 1938 – The depraved death cult in Islam enjoys support from another death cult – the deniers of the sanctity of human life at all stages – the “progressive.” We are in all out spiritual warfare. The following statement dates back to 1938. I got it from my mentor, the late Bishop John R. Sheets, SJ in 1978. I published it and most of the rest of his paper in two books I wrote in 2007 and 2010. Since then, it has been posted numerous times on various blogs – and ignored.
“At the present time, the hatred of the Islamic countries toward the West has become hatred against Christianity itself. Statesmen are now taking it into account that there is a grave danger that the temporal power of Islam may return on a broad scale, and with it, the menace that it may shake off a West which has ceased to be Christian, and affirm itself as a great anti-Christian world power. Muslim writers say, “When the locust swarms darken vast countries, they bear on their wings these Arabic words, “We are God’s host, each of us has 99 eggs, and if we had 100, we should lay waste to the world and all that is in it.”
I put the onus on progressives because they have goals counter to life that parallel those of radical Islam in terms of outcome. For the progressive, it is to rule a world with an 80% reduced human population – “to save the planet” while enriching the greedy with climate change mandates.
For the jihadi, it is to rule the world under Islam and Sharia. The two may cooperate in a strange way today just as bankers finance both sides of wars, but they cannot co-exist.
Sadly, the evidence is now overwhelming – the United States of America is Islam’s “100th egg!” Aren’t we supporting jihadi’s here and everywhere with impunity, weapons, and money?
Haven’t we thrown the whole Middle East into chaos by eliminating inconvenient Muslim dictators (they’re all dictators) that once respected history, antiquities, Christians and traded with Israel?
Didn’t we replace them with the well-funded anarchy of radical Islam, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, ISIL, Dash or whatever new militant group with parallel goals of world dominance?
Are we not enriching our enemies with insane energy and fiscal policies?
Hasn’t our education system been taken over at a level of governance and propaganda that cannot succeed because it is working to expunge every element of our founding Judeo-Christian principles and patriotism?
Haven’t we worked tirelessly to destroy our free enterprise system with regulations and harassment that destroys initiative and private enterprise while driving people into poverty and dependence?
Haven’t we ignored the principles of personal responsibility and e pluribus unum that made our nation and its health care system the greatest the world has ever seen?
Haven’t we disarmed and allowed the outdating of our military – even on its own bases where a single insane terrorist can wreak havoc on its personnel?
Aren’t we ignoring the slaughter of Christians by Muslim terrorists from beheadings to people gunned down, burned, stoned to death or kidnapped to become slaves and “wives” to Islamic perverts? Are we tolerating a culture where 75% of marriages are to first cousins – ignoring the genetic necessity of third degree of kindred to avoid genetic and mental disorders?
Are we the once freest nation in the world now the 100th Egg to “lay waste to the world and all that is in it?” Praise God, we will overcome –
Sanctity and eternal reward are arenas of spiritual warfare – the bloodiest kind as history has proven time and again. Call it “spiritual warfare in the political arena” if it makes you feel better. After all, that’s the only way it’s reported – politically.
used to be a liberal says
I am not going to dispute anything that you stated, there is no argument there. However, there is one little thing, and that little thing is that Muslims, and Islam were next on Hitler’s and Himmler’s hit list, they just didn’t know it.
You wrote your comment 9 years ago, well 9 years ago very few people heard of George Soros, most people laughed off the Bilderberger Group, Bohemian Grove, and the Illuminati crowd. Now it’s not so funny anymore. Then too, most people sluffed off Bush 1’s New World Order comment[s], and didn’t see the agenda that was continued by slick willy, carried on by Bush 2, and now Obama, who is attempting to pass the torch to the Hilda-Beast.
What is coming if they succeed is Nazi style socialism. “New World Order” , and no it is not the same thing as communism, or Marxism. We have led ourselves to believe, or think that it is the same, because we have not been taught, or educated in the difference. Most people think that when Nazi is mentioned, it means Hitler, and the holocaust, and they do not go any further.
Prior to the out-break of World War 2, many politicians, and business giants thought that Hitler was the greatest thing since sliced bread, Britain, France, Canada, and the U S A to name a few thought that he had great ideas. In the U S we had Bush, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Rothschild, and even Henry Ford, who received a medial directly from Hitler for bringing the assembly line to Germany. There was a Nazi rally at Madison Sq. Gardens that was filled to capacity. This adulation for Nazi programs never went away, along with Germany’s anti-communist stance.
Prior to the end of World War 2, and there after, the U S government, along with others, but predominately the U S, were bringing in the “brains” from Nazi Germany, “Operation Paper Clip” is just one example, others were brought in openly via immigration but their Nazi ties and links were kept hidden. The likes of George Soros, who was Jewish, but had turned on his own people, was a Nazi Collaborator, and espoused greatly to Nazi ideology was given safe haven. Then there were Nazi S S intelligence officers, who were also given safe haven, and jobs with in U S Government Intelligence agencies not only because of their talents, but because of their ant-communist stance. I believe Major General Gehln was one, and another example was Klaus Barbie, that’s right Klaus Barbie. When “things” became a little too hot, it was the C I A that got him into Argentina.
Many of these people who still espoused to Nazi ideology went to work in education, and other government fields then step by step inch by inch, their influence, backed by many politicians moved foreword, many Nazi programs were implemented, and accepted by the American public, not realizing from where they had originated. Eventually the “progressive” movement took hold, and those people think that they have new, fair tolerant ideas, when in reality the vast majority of their so-called new ideas are right out of Nazi Germany.
So here we are today, Bush 1 spoke of the New World Order, Bill Clinton carried it on, Bush 2 continued it, Obama enhanced it, and now we are at a cross roads. If the Hilda-Beast gets in, this goes on, Trump is the wrench in this wheel.
Keep in mind, George Soros was and is behind all those mentioned, except Trump. Then just as Nazi Germany had to create an enemy, we also had to create an enemy, one that everyone world wide can get behind to fight. What was and is the easiest, why Islam of course, well how do you get populations to “hate” Islam, why simple, you import the problem, then let them run loose, and on and on it goes.
By the way, one of the reasons why we are having a “problem” with Russia today is because it has been manufactured, as Russia, does not want any part of this new world order thing, and either does China.
The other thing is, and you can research this. The Obama administration has backed, and helped to install pro-Nazi politicians in Ukraine, then through NATO, has tried to provoke Russia, but Putin will not take the bait.
The U S put up with far less when the then, Soviet Union placed missals in Cuba.
We are being set up for a major war against Islam on a world wide basis. If Trump is president, we will be allied with Russia, and China and others in the invasion of the entire middle east. We will be there to win, and end this Islamic cancerous threat. There will be fighting in the streets of most cities on this planet. Islam as we now know it will come to an end.
If it is Clinton, somewhat the same thing will happen, but we will be at odds with Russia and China, until they are brought into the New World Order fold. Then we can kiss our sovereignty, our constitution and bill of rights good bye.
There will be no American Revolution, because both left and right united to fight Islam. Most people won’t even notice what they are living under after this war, if it is headed by Clinton. We will have the illusion of a democracy, and freedom. We will have our sports, T V, sex, drugs and rock and roll, and be told daily how great things are.
Then too, just as in Germany, prior to the out-break of World War 2, they had all that apart from T V, they had the Olympics, Obama Care, ok Hitler Care, environmental programs, Hitler was the first leader on the planet to ban smoking in his presence, and in a lot of government offices. The economy was “booming” unemployment was near zero. There were no homeless, because if you did not produce for the collective, you disappeared, masculine gays were not only tolerated, but were recruited into the S S because German psychologists, along with Himmler believed that they made the best killers. The effeminate ones were disposed of. If you “kept your nose clean” life was pretty good, unless you were Jewish. The similarities between then and now are far too great, were just taking longer to implement all these progressive ideas.
One more little thing on Putin, he is and has been setting himself up as the saviour of Christianity in Europe, he has had meetings with the Vatican, and the Russian Orthodox Church. His defence of Assad, is because he sees the game that Obama and his minions are playing. Putin has also clamped down on Islam with-in his borders, and in case you weren’t aware of this, China has outlawed Islam about a year ago.
Yup, we are in for one heck of a ride.
Jeanette says
It isn’t necessary to import Islam for non-Muslims to see what the problems are with Islam.
I lived in Saudi Arabia and saw them first hand long before most Americans had seen a Muslim here.
JulieT says
Best response is to ridicule “PC” wherever it raises it’s ugly mouth,, keep guns securely, vote for “Constitutionalists”, put kids into charter schools, and join organizations that support your views.
Susan says
A repeat of the crusades in our time. Whether EU or the rest of the world want it, this horrid death cult is bringing it to all of us. They are animals with a death wish and I think we should meet them with their heart’s desire. Send them to hell with their founder.
Hanko American says
I TOTALLY agree with Susan!! Bring it on! Hell awaits! An American Jihad awaits all “DEATH-WISH-ANIMALS”!! Come get some!!!
Hanko American says
What I mean by an American Jihad is simply this–Destroy all Muslim Devils!! Using children to wear & use their suicide vests is despicable! Shows what their religion is all about!! Time for action!!!
Jeanette says
I almost forgot!
Pamela Geller calls them “an army of Charles Mansons”! Best line I’ve heard in a long time!
Jeanette says
“Animals” doesn’t carry evil enough connotations to describe them.
How about “evil monsters”?
Arthur Hartsock says
These Muslims have such a love for every significant date since Muhammed’s wars of conquest. But they seem to forget the Crusades. This was when the Christians proved that they could be as wicked and blood-thirsty as the enemy. When their backs are against the wall the Europeans will fight these Muslims. But one victim will be their democratic system of government that they’ve enjoyed since WWII. Almost certainly the war against the Muslims will bring about a new generation of Fascist leaders. The Europeans will win against the Muslims, but they’ll also lose a lot in the ‘victory.’
Main Street says
Does any sane person think that open borders and having no kids will bring forth anything positive?
Main Street says
The Europeans like to think of themselves as way too sophisticated and like to be bystanders on the world issues. In reality they are apathetic.
Jeanette says
Angela Merkel?
Get rid of all Mosques period, to start.
Roseanna Martin says
Then get rid of ALL MOOSLUMS PERIOD!!!
Jeanette says
Do it the other way around: Muslims first, then take down the empty mosques at our own pace.
Rivahmitch says
Of course, it can happen and….extermination is the optimal solution.
John G . says
This is exactly what we’ll face should O’bozo, Kerry and Clinton have their ways, but O’bozo master plan is to lead the Muslin Jihadists when the civil war begins.
Yvonne says
They want America too!.They are a trogen horse and they will do anything to own America! Look at our flag today, turn around in next 4 yrs if Hillary gets in and it won’t be our flag standing! Americans will fight if we still have more than a six shooter to fight with! WAKE UP AMERICA! GOD is slowly being removed from America under Obama! She will finish us!
Karrol says
To stop terrorist you must stop Islam. All terrorist are the babies of Muslims who teach their children the killing commands of their holy book “the Quran”. You must stop Islam or they must take all the evil commands out of their religion. (it’s that simple)
It’s not “Rocket Science”.
Jeanette says
Start by pointing out that the “religion” actually meets all of the qualifiers for a cult, including one that most cults aren’t evil enough to meet: Human sacrifice.
Does anyone doubt that a coven of witches who were caught on video killing someone while calling to their Goddess would be said to be guilty of “human sacrifice”? Well, the Muslims do EXACTLY that. They’ve done it hundreds of thousands of times in the last decade, while the whimpering westerners pussyfoot around that fact, refusing to call it what it is, and now being forced under laws that make it a crime to even say that they don’t think that crucifying children is very nice.
If we could get Islam re-labeled as a cult rather than a religion, that would be the end for Islam.
Why are we putting up with being bullied by the pro-Islam, anti- American, Christian, Jew, western European crowd?
RLS says
That’s why the Brexit vote happened. The people knew they were loosing their culture and their sovereignty. The EU also threatened to have a military coup, this is becoming alarming to the Brits, and it should be alarming to every other country. All these refugees coming into Europe have one thought in mind, and that is Jihad against infidels…Its time to stand up and defend your lives and families.
Justin W says
From what I’ve read Christianity is on the decline in Europe. Yes, it would be possible for Islam to become the major religion in Europe. If that happens Europe will enter a new dark ages. Once the tipping point is reached, European democracies will be replaced by fundamentalist Islamic dictatorships. The Muslim holdouts will face increasing persecution to convert to Islam.
This should not come as a surprise to Europeans. When a group of immigrants fail to assimilate into the host country’s culture trouble lies ahead. Is anyone in Europe listening?
Jeanette says
The regular people on the street are listening (thus Brexit); it is the evil elite in all of western civilization who are infesting their own countries with Islam and its monstrous primitives.
mike says
the answer is easy . just shoot them . terrorists are traitors to yhe country and as so should be taken to the nearest army base and tried for treason and if guilty shot ,what is so difficult about that , you just need balls
Hanko American says
Bravo Mike!! VERY well said!!
Jeanette says
But since that’s not likely to happen, it looks like we’ll have to handle the cleanup ourselves. If it gets uncomfortable enough here, a bunch of them will leave on their own steam.
Linda says
That is the reason that Hillary and Obama want our guns so bad. Obama signed an agreement with the U.N. for disarmament. He is evil. Giving our internet control to a global with Russia and China. He is trying to accomplish as much as possible to take down America. before leaving office.
They want the Muslims to take over, so he is letting in as many refugees as he can.
If Hillary is voted in she wants another 500 thousand or more. She will load the Supreme Court with liberal judges, so we can kiss our Constitution goodbye.
We owe it to ourselves to vote Mr. Trump in.
He presented his economic plan the other day to the Economic Group of New York. They went in thinking he couldn’t do it. but after hearing the plan they were surprised thinking he just might pull it off. Cutting taxes and all the regulations that have made it close to impossible to keep a small business open. And turn this downward economy into a growing economy. Trump 2016
Constitutionalist says
The practice and/or imposition of Shar’ia law is inimical to western countries, their liberty, freedom, and values.
A perhaps overly-simplistic solution would be to ban it’s teaching, practice, implementation or imposition in any and every Western country, on the grounds that the host country has the right to demand that immigrants respect and obey THEIR laws, not accept the premise that these immigrants wish to supplant them with their OWN, and impose them on the unwilling.
IMO, the penalty for violation of such laws would be the seizure of the assets of those so convicted, along with their sale, in order to pay for a ticket to any country which DOES practice Shar’ia law…and a permanent, lifetime ban upon any re-entry to the country that expels them.
Let ’em squeal “persecution” all they like; let them whine about “religious intolerance” as much as they want; let them piss and moan about their hard lot in life may be forever or until they die. Too damn bad. You want Shar’ia law? Stay where it’s welcome. Don’t like not being able to practice it in your new country? Too damn bad! Go back to where you came from, since it worked so well for you there – right?
If they wish to fight deportation, especially with weaponry of any kind, kill them. Problem solved.
Jeanette says
Get Islam officially re-labeled a “cult” – which is what it is since it meets all of the qualifiers for a cult, including the practice of human sacrifice.
Discrimination against a death cult probably wouldn’t be too frowned upon!
john-atlanta says
It is called the locust army and Obama help raise it up.
God’s written word says civil war breaks out the world over and at the end only one man is left for every 7 woman. If you think they are bad now, wait until God wipes 2/3 of the USA off the face of the map (Zech 13) and see how the world devolves when there is no more food leaving what is left (17 states) of the USA. Then see how they are when their false messiah/13th prophet/anti-christ sits in Jerusalem and declares himself God and Jesus. The Jihadists and Jews (red heifer crowd) will be falling over themselves to convert everyone at the edge of the sword.
In short, you ain’t see nothing yet.
Jeanette says
I’ve always wondered about that – this is the God of what? Love?
If that is love, then what is hate?
Something doesn’t add up.
female tax payor says
This is real. Prevention is the best policy. Trump’s on the right track. Lets not face the hard choice again of what to do once you’ve let too many of the wrong bunch onto your soil, turned them & their poison loose into your society. We gotta build a wall to protect the Nation. The libs who wanta experience mingling with third world can go to France, Germany, Guatemala, Cuba ..go for it. Ilegals who wanna live with their foreign families go home and do it. Nobody is stopping you.
David says
I believed that you will see a rebirth of fascism like never before . Future leaders will offer extreme measures to counteract the muslim threat. Adolf Hitler will live again.
Jeanette says
Better Hitler than Islam.
The Muslims have killed about 270 million people since Mohammed’s time (and that’s an OLD number; it must be higher now, since their recent worldwide butcheries), and enslaved 185 million, according to an older article in American Thinker.
Hitler, Stalin and Mao didn’t kill 270 million, combined.
The U.S. Navy was actually started by Thomas Jefferson to do something about the Muslim pirates on the Barbary Coast.
It would be a severe understatement to say that I have no love for Hitler, but he also didn’t force women to suffocate in head to toe covering in 120 degree heat, force them to stay alone in their homes with no food until they died of starvation; murder women whose shoes made noise on pavement; make law to allow genital mutilation of women and girls; make law that allowed rape and murder of women and girls (baby girls as young as one year old, in the case of rape); make law that allowed polygamy … and I’m sure I’ve forgotten some other atrocity that Muslims find oh-so-titillating.
If I had to choose, I’d take my chances with the Nazis. But then, I lived eleven years in Saudi Arabia, so maybe I’ve seen a little more of the Muslims than most.
George says
There was a time when we were a nation that was respected by most of the world but since WWII we appear to have lost our way . We have become one of the most immoral nations and we will probably continue down until we finally learn who we really are. When this nation was formed we had freedom Of religion , not freedom FROM religion. It was considered a Christian nation at that time but others were accepted. They just had to live by our laws.
We are told that we are to study to show ourselves to be approved. The bible is the book that is the most bought and probably one of the least read in the country. Most homes will have at least one or more and yet most of us have little idea just who our ancestors really are. An example would be that I know my family history is both German and English But who are they originally?? They are Anglo-Saxons and we can trace those back to much earlier times. Check where Saxons came from, try (I-sax-sons). Yes many of us could trace our ancestors back to Hebrew tribes and may be part of the promises and punishments we read about in the old testament.
It has been recorded for all to see since Genesis what promises were made to Abraham and the punish for those that failed to keep the covenant . The covenant was made as two separate promises with Israel with the (Scepter or Christ) , remaining with Judah and the promise of wealth and multitudes staying with Joseph .
The prophets also record that the tribes will split with Judah taking one other tribe, (Benjamin), with him. We see that later when Judah and Benjamin actually separate from the other 10 tribes . The Kingship stayed with the remaining 10 tribes Israel. From that point on all Jews are Israelis but all Israelis are not Jews. A common mistake made today is assuming that Jews represent all Israel.
When we understand that the land mass today called Israel is actually occupied mostly by descendants of Judah we have to ask where is the people referred to as the 10 tribes of Israel ?? We are told that they would be carried of and scattered among the other nations for failing to keep the covenant. We are told that they would be lost from site but not lost as is often quoted. We are also told that there would never be a time when on was on the throne of David.
The tribe of Ephraim was the ruling tribe when the 10 tribes were carried off to Assyria as slaves for 400 years. We are told that Jeremiah was allowed to take the daughters of the king of Israel with him but kept the Israel king in captivity. The prophet writing in Jerusalem has told us we can find that kingship by looking North and West across the land into the sea where it will have turned and turned and turned again.
The only king in Europe today that has been continuous and has turned three time, ( Scotland to Ireland to England is Great Britain. It is also the only land looking North West across the land and into the sea.
Has anyone ever questioned why or how the name Great Britain came to be?? It would be difficult to arrive there from Scotland, Ireland, England , or Wales. If we translate it in Hebrew We would have Brith- Ish which is Covenant Man . We also know that it was settled by Saxons or I-sax-sons. We can find the other tribes there also if we really look. The bible also tells us that in the end time that nation , that is to inherit the wealth and multitudes of people, Will be a nation that will form a company of nations.,, and a nation will come out of that that will be greater than the first . At their peak they will hold the gates of all their enemies. It also says that they will lose that because the lose their will to fight This was prophecy 5000 years ago and no one could describe the US and England better even today.
We have become one of the most immoral nations on earth and in the process are probably the most hated.
We have to get rid of the corrupt leaders and return to our roots if we want to see this nation to be great again . We can do that in November if we have the will or we can continue to allow the descendants of Ishmael to slaughter thousands. The 10 tribes will soon figure out who they are and re unite. Great Britain is the first to move out of the EU. The prophecy says that the kings of the North and South will join to attack Israel and be destroyed . We know that Iran plans to attack Israel but they are looking at the land called Israel. Surprise when they attack Judah and find the real Israel comes to the Rescue.
By the way for those that were not born back when Oboma was born you should look at the birth certificate again. When the original birth certificate was created we did not have a printer that generated different width spaces for different letters or for upper case and lower case letters. They were all the same width whether upper or lower case because the devices were mechanical . All characters were the same width. Computer generated documented wary in width according to requirements of each character. They tried the same thing with computer documents and Bush. Obviously the Democrats think everyone else is stupid .
Doug Rodrigues says
The difference between American citizens and European citizens is that Americans are armed. Bring it on. I’m more than ready to kill Islamic terrorists. Armed Americans will probably be the first responders beforw the police arrive to a terrorist situation.
female tax payor says
Oh my the lib. guilt play bullshit. David, We are not going way of Hitler by barring destructive killer cultures, disease carriers, predators from our land, our neighborhoods, our homes. You wanna embrace Islam and their ideologies go tp Mecca or Sadi Arabia and do it on their land. You wanna try to change inhumane populations, YOU get off your ideology ass and go to them, preach to them. Have at it on their sand. But don’t bring them to my turf, disrupt and endanger my family, my society to conduct your wayward experiment. We don’t need to battle inhumane infiltrators on our soil who given an inch destroy a mile and us with it. Frankly if you’d stop to realize you”re spouting off brainwashed fairytales of good natured pray inviting predators in with open arms that magic just give um a hug and you get to skip to the unrealistic fairytale ending of “they lived happily together”. Again you wanna go hug an Islamic who wants to cut off your head, don’t do it here, keep the blood shed on their sand OK.
Jerome A Gray says
All of this is a plan to make Islam the only World Religion. Europe is Not the Main goal,America is the Main goal.We are the only Christian Nation left besides Isreal. Once all these Syrian immagrants come here by the thousands and they get comfortable and learn our systems,they will slowly infiltrate our government and military. Then they will try to pass sharia laws in certain segments in our American Cities.Also,try to suppress the Christian Voice,inwhich all of the latter is trying to creep in as I write.It will fail!God will stop it.The elites are trying to introduce the New World Order.It will fail as long as Christians are still on the earth.Obama and the NWO elite want civil war so they can envoke Martial Law in America and allow the United Nations to bring Troops to America from other Nations to put down the Mass revoke from American Citizens.Why do you think they Really want to take All firearms from the Americans?Think People…..
Jeanette says
Think is a four-letter word to too many Americans.
They’ve grown up in liberal/progressive/socialist/communist schools, so what did we expect? That the instructors would actually teach them critical thinking? Did they do that in Soviet Russia or communist China?
I don’t think so.
Constitutionalist says
A 1952 Law, still on the books, just needs enforcing…
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 405(b) , no person shall hereafter be naturalized as a citizen of the United States-
(1) who advocates or teaches, or who is a member of or affiliated with any organization that advocates or teaches, opposition to all organized government; or
(2) who is a member of or affiliated with (A) the Communist Party of the United States; (B) any other totalitarian party of the United States; (C) the Communist Political Association; (D) the Communist or other totalitarian party of any State of the United States, of any foreign state, or of any political or geographical subdivision of any foreign state; (E) any section, subsidiary, branch, affiliate, or subdivision of any such association or party; or (F) the direct predecessors or successors of any such association or party, regardless of what name such group or organization may have used, may now bear, or may hereafter adopt, unless such alien establishes that he did not have knowledge or reason to believe at the time he became a member of or affiliated with such an organization (and did not thereafter and prior to the date upon which such organization was so registered or so required to be registered have such knowledge or reason to believe) that such organization was a Communist-front organization; or
(3) who, although not within any of the other provisions of this section, advocates the economic, international, and governmental doctrines of world communism or the establishment in the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship, or who is a member of or affiliated with any organization that advocates the economic, international, and governmental doctrines of world communism or the establishment in the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship, either through its own utterances or through any written or printed publications issued or published by or with the permission or consent of or under authority of such organizations or paid for by the funds of such organization; or
(4) who advocates or teaches or who is a member of or affiliated with any organization that advocates or teaches (A) the overthrow by force or violence or other unconstitutional means of the Government of the United States or of all forms of law; or (B) the duty, necessity, or propriety of the unlawful assaulting or killing of any officer or officers (either of specific individuals or of officers generally) of the Government of the United States or of any other organized government because of his or their official character; or (C) the unlawful damage, injury, or destruction of property; or (D) sabotage; or
(5) who writes or publishes or causes to be written or published, or who knowingly circulates, distributes, prints, or displays, or knowingly causes to be circulated, distributed, printed, published, or displayed or who knowingly has in his possession for the purpose of circulation, publication, distribution, or display, any written or printed matter, advocating or teaching opposition to all organized government, or advocating (A) the overthrow by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means of the Government of the United States or of all forms of law; or (B) the duty, necessity, or propriety of the unlawful assaulting or killing of any officer or officers (either of specific individuals or of officers generally) of the Government of the United States or of any other organized government, because of his or their official character; or (C) the unlawful damage, injury, or destruction of property; or (D) sabotage; or (E) the economic, international, and governmental doctrines of world communism or the establishment in the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship; or
(6) who is a member of or affiliated with any organization, that writes, circulates, distributes, prints, publishes, or displays, or causes to be written, circulated, distributed, printed, published, or displayed, or that has in its possession for the purpose of circulation, distribution, publication, issue, or display, any written or printed matter of the character described in subparagraph (5).
(b) The provisions of this section or of any other section of this Act shall not be construed as declaring that any of the organizations referred to in this section or in any other section of this Act do not advocate the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means.
(c) The provisions of this section shall be applicable to any applicant for naturalization who at any time within a period of ten years immediately preceding the filing of the application for naturalization or after such filing and before taking the final oath of citizenship is, or has been found to be within any of the classes enumerated within this section, notwithstanding that at the time the application is filed he may not be included within such classes.
(d) Any person who is within any of the classes described in subsection (a) solely because of past membership in, or past affiliation with, a party or organization may be naturalized without regard to the provisions of subsection (c) if such person establishes that such membership or affiliation is or was involuntary, or occurred and terminated prior to the attainment by such alien of the age of sixteen years, or that such membership or affiliation is or was by operation of law, or was for purposes of obtaining employment, food rations, or other essentials of living and where necessary for such purposes.
Chapter 2, Section 212 presents a prohibition of entry to the US if the person belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the US government by “force, violence, or other unconstitutional means.” The Koran and the Hadiths present Sharia and demand submission to Islam, which is antithetical to Biblical law and the US Constitution, as well as to our Republic.
Whether one pushes Islam as a religion is irrelevant. It’s ideology is opposed to America and her laws, including her Constitution.
NAN says
Jeanette says
It isn’t a religion, period. It meets all of the qualifiers for a cult, including the practice of human sacrifice.
We need to start getting that out there, because if we could get Islam re-defined as a cult (even just in the minds of the “folks”), we could get rid of Islam. No one cares of members of a death cult are discriminated against!
Edgardo L. Perez-De Leon says
More than 23 K jihadist being monitored within France and Germany borders! It is cheaper take them out and send them water and food to the Sahara desert.
Stephen Russell says
Time for a United European Armed Forces: Naval, Army, Spec Ops, Intelligence, logistics for all EU.
To combat Islamic JIhad.
Then who will?
Unite EU & fight alone.
Or lose.
Jeanette says
A great idea. But I’ll eat my hat if it happens; the elites will do everything possible to stop it.
The Muslims must be paying them a tremendous amount of money (enough to get to a planet without Muslims?).
Rick says
WELL FOLKS – – the time has come to show these BARBARIAN ISLAMIC SCREW BVALLS jsut what it is like to live under war conditions . ///////////////////////////// IF YU SEE ONE OF THESE barbarians SHOOT TO KILL . /////////////////////