Hundreds of Christians are set to be put to the sword by the mad terror organization ISIS.
According to a report from the Christian Post, the group took more than 230 hostages in February, of which 180 Assyrian Christians still remain in their hands. ISIS is demanding their church leaders pay millions in ransom, or the Christians will be executed.
The Assyrian church leaders have desperately pleaded for international assistance, saying they don’t have enough to pay the terror organization to deliver their members back unharmed.
Syrian Catholic Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo led initial negotiations, explaining to ISIS that their original demands – $23 million for the release all hostages – weren’t realistic.
Hope began to grow for their safe return in September, when ISIS’ began lowering their demands.
But the blood-thirsty terrorists used the weekend to send a chilling message to the churches – time is running out. ISIS posted a brutal video online of three prisoners being executed, and have demanded payment of $12 million for the release of the remaining 180 in their possession.
“We plea and beg of the international community to intervene immediately,” wrote A Demand for Action spokesperson Diana Yaqco, a watchdog organization in the region.
“They are helpless. They are children. They are women. They are somebody’s father and brother,” Yaqco said, adding “We have been driven out of our ancestral lands. We have been killed and crucified. The international community must act now to save lives of others kidnapped.”
The U.S. led NATO FORCES should find and destroy ISIS. Serving there demands will only further their cowardice murdering regime. It will cost more in lives and money to give in rather than to respond, the way the U.S. always has. God calls us to ‘not stand by and let people be led to slaughter’..Proverbs
When did NATO ever help any situation? Generally they make it worse. What is needed is a strong nation with a strong leader that ISIS would fear if they carry out their threat. At one time the USA was a stabilizing force world wide until we elected one of the enemy as our fearful leader. He is so worried about offending the muslims that he won’t even call a terrorist attack a terrorist attack when it happens. The nations that are sponsoring terrorism should be destroyed back before the stone age. The politically correct policy of worrying about civilian casualties is a total crock. The enemy doesn’t worry about our women and children, in fact they target them on purpose. As to the innocent muslims, in my opinion there are none. The muslim religion requires muslims to lie to, and kill anyone that is not a muslim. I don’t advocate lying to muslims, I advocate exterminating them. I firmly believe if you are trying to kill me or mine, it is my right to kill you first.
Now the Russians will help eliminate ISIS. Putin is a Christian believer.
I agree. they believe they go strait to their 72 virgins, so I have no problem with sending them on. They become terrorists when thy grow up, if not terrorists then terrorists sympathizes. They are a bunch of savage, barbaric. pedophiles that needs exterminating from the face of the earth.
Once again we see President Obama’s inability to recognize a threat. The Islamic State was labeled as the JV (junior varsity) team by this president. Would the president be as uncaring if some sort of Christian group was murdering Muslims?
President Obama is giving aid and comfort to the Islamic State. Obama is unfit to serve as president. If our Congress was worth much this guy would have been impeached and removed from office a long time ago.
The truth is that none of us is safe. There is a spirit behind the personalities of ISIS, as well as wicked people funding, equipping, training and enabling ISIS. The wicked are those shilling for world government. NATO, The West, the globalist banks that are using any and all means to collapse the Western nations into their dystopic New World Order. Perverse incentives mostly in the form of promised power and a counterfeit immortality are the human motivators; however, the agenda is transgenerational. The end game is to establish a Luciferian world kingdom. One of the final steps to this end is to provoke the Islamist-Zionist War, World War III, which will drag the entire world into an exhausting conflict. Ultimately, Islam will be defeated, but will leave the world disgusted with all religion. This will usher in a technocratic, totalitarian secular, surveillance world order that will set the stage for a new god, Lucifer.
God’s message and messengers will be ignored, discredited and eliminated on the road to the goal of ridding the world of all of humanity. The powerful globalists envision a singularity, in which they might attain a counterfeit immortal life by uploading their minds into cyberspace, where they will dwell forever. At first, the world will be culled to a population of 500 million, in order to service the robotic technologies, until artificial intelligence will maintain and even develop its own “species” without the need for humans.
In this manner, Satan envisions nullifying the promises of God in redeeming His creation. By voiding God’s promises, Satan would have legal claim to God’s ruler ship over His creation. While Satan’s ultimate goal cannot be realized, we are in the midst of a growing darkness, with global war on our immediate event horizon. It is sad that the once bastion of liberty has fallen into becoming the instrument of global catastrophe. The personalities, recent presidents et. al. are small, but effective, players in the spiritual, moral, demographic, economic, military and geopolitical destruction of America and the destabilization of the Middle East and the West.
From Albert Pike’s letter, allegedly written in 1871. Even if not authentic, there are those in power who seem to be following the libretto, acting out their part perfectly:
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
Cut the crap please.
In the article there is reference to Islam as “a religion gone mad”.
I take this as a subliminal admission by the author that he is abysmally ignorant of Islam the religion.
Killing Christians has always been seen by Islam as a form of worship and obedience to Allah.
“Allah can’t kill Christians so we of Islam will do Allah a favor”. Read the Koran, Read the Sharia and you will be enlightened (but no liberal ever bothers to read them). The religion of Islam is a death cult and is foolishly re-branded as “the Religion of peace by the politically correct who are also known as the willfully if not woefully ignorant.
The acceptance of Islam is an example of “Western Society gone mad”.
Madness reaps a well deserved reward and the west is seeing it now – too late.