Just when you think the terrorist goons behind ISIS can’t sink any lower, they continue to shock.
A new report from the United Nations has shined a light on the appalling cost of the terror group’s campaign throughout Iraq. The report revealed that, among other barbaric acts, the terror group has kidnapped more than 900 children in just over a year.
Once abducted, the children are brainwashed in the terror group’s radical Islamic doctrine. Many of these indoctrinated children are forced to take up arms for ISIS, and children caught trying to flee are executed.
At least 18,802 civilians were killed and another 36,245 were wounded in Iraq between the start of 2014 and Oct. 31 of last year as Iraqi forces battled the ISIS group, according to a U.N. report released Tuesday.
The report documented a wide range of other human rights abuses, which includes ISIS’ conscription of some 3,500 people into slavery, mainly women and children from the Yazidi religious minority captured in the summer of 2014 and forced into sexual slavery.
The reports called the civilian death toll in Iraq “staggering.” It also detailed the various methods the ISIS group has employed to kill its enemies, including public beheadings, running people over with bulldozers, burning them alive and throwing them off buildings.
Such acts are “systematic and widespread… abuses of international human rights law and humanitarian law,” the report said. “These acts may, in some instances, amount to war crimes, crimes against humanity, and possibly genocide.”
Iraqi forces – supported by American airstrikes – have advanced against the ISIS group on a number of fronts in recent months and driven them out of the western city of Ramadi.
But U.N. envoy Jan Kubis said in a statement that “despite their steady losses to pro-government forces, the scourge of ISIL continues to kill, maim and displace Iraqi civilians in the thousands and to cause untold suffering,” using an alternative acronym for the Islamic State.
U.N. human rights chief Zeid Raad al-Hussein said the civilian death toll may be considerably higher.
“Even the obscene casualty figures fail to accurately reflect exactly how terribly civilians are suffering in Iraq,” he said in a statement.
ISIS swept across northern and western Iraq in the summer of 2014 and still controls much of Iraq and neighboring Syria. It has set up a self-styled caliphate in the territories under its control, which it governs with a harsh and violent interpretation of Islamic law.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Main Street says
Britain, France, Germany and the U.S. allow this barbarity to continue. Despite this threat to civilization, the British Parliament is debating on whether to ban Trump from Britain. How hypocritical the British are. They brought so much misery to Ireland, India etc. Then they try to ban someone who expresses an opinion. They were the 2nd largest trading partner with North Vietnam in the 1960’s. They are a strong ally when it suits them.
Donna K DuBois says
Larry says
The U.S. and its Allies need to step up the war with ISIS and the U. S> needs to actively decide once and for all to win this damn war and put a definite end to ISIS very quickly. This barbarity on the part of ISIS has been allowed to continuer far too long and the Allies, and particularly the U. S., has basically turned a blind eye to these terrorists and has been silent and hesitant to act.. Enough is enough. ISIS should not be permitted to continue on with these tactics,its operations and the barbarism. We have been down this path before in WW2 and we also turned a blind eye then too. Let’s not continue to repeat history over and over like a bunch of fools. We need to step in and put an end to the misery that is taking place. No more excuses!
Girard says
Right on, vote for Trump
hectoragrandos says
Obama is the main culprit for turning the other cheek. We all know why and Congress also cause they are not doing their job either.
FRED says
VOTE TRUMP 2016 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Larry says
I say, vote Trump and Fiorina! The are both strong, rationale and fully capable of dealing with the kinds of threats we are dealing with all around the world. What are we waiting for, war to break out everywhere all at the same time? Think about it folks. We are hesitant to act on every dangerous front and we are getting nowhere fast and to a very dangerous state of affairs.
Al says
These atrocities are essentially no different from the extermination of Jews during WWII. Then we had American leaders who stood up to evil. Regrettably, Obama not only doesn’t defend the victims here, he facilitates their demise. Obama and Evil are synonyms.
Wendy Luckie says
Ahhhhhh, “religion” of peace and love is at it again. Prophet Mohammed would be delighted.
me says
Why can’t we get this crap under control????????????? It’s not like the US and our allies don’t have the FIRE POWER!!!!!!!!!! DO YOUR JOBS THAT EVERY CITIZEN THAT PAYS TAXES HIRED OR ELECTED YOU TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Larry says
This is the point folks. The Administration needs to curtail the rhetoric and take care of business for a change! Stop pretending and start acting. Our Allies ought to hear and be told the same thing. Stop pussy-footing and get the job done!
hectoragrandos says
I agree.. we all need to pounce on our respective congressperson to start doing their jobs. In our case, us who voted them in. And for protecting those innocent children. Can you see the terrified look in those children? Which will soon be EVIL looks if the USA and it’s Allies don’t step in. Use the resources on this instead of the flock of dangerous refugees that Obama is allowing in.
DrAnalog says
ISIS needs to be exterminated like rats. As the leadership in the west are making excuses for Islam, ISIS is showing what Islam is all about. We have morons for leaders, here and in Europe.
Frank Moses says
Great, another UN report of crimes against humanity with zero action! I have forgotten why the UN is useful.
stevenl says
Iran did practically the same in its war against Saddam Hussein, sacrificing many thousands kids on Iraq IDEs. That is what human life is about for Islam.
Gordon says
O’dumbo and the vast majority on the left are Muslims or stupid. The book they say is peaceful and live by “is not”. there are over 100 Scriptures in the Qur’an that tell these peaceful people to; Kill, lie, and behead all who are not believers. O’dumbo says the Muslims are our friends. There are 13 scriptures in the Qu’ran telling them “Do Not take non believers as friends. Look them up yourself.
glenn davis says
When poverty is endemic, life is cheap for it is the only thing left to lose.
hectoragrandos says
It is the main reason obama (he doesn’t deserve his name to be spelled with a capital letter) is letting in all the refugees and immigrants from S. America. It’s his plan to make this nation poor. To benefit his muslim plans. This also ties in with his gun control plans. Easier to control. Even though I DO believe in the Right to Bear Arms. I had never felt the need to Bear one or two for that matter. TILL NOW, but mainly because of the refugees. Look at what’s happening in Germany.
marlene says
Death to islam.
Fed up with O'dumbo says
Is O’dumbo still got croc tears going over the abuse of children by ISIL ?
Put the 101st and 82nd Airborne right in ISIL’s back yard with tank, artillary and air support (A-10s, Black Hawks, C130 gunships)
and special forces and be done with this group of JV terriorists. Quit hiding behind civilian kill concerns when its a fact – – civilians are dying by the thousands every week in the region. The O’dumbo legacy be damned .
hectoragrandos says
It’s what I’ve been saying..start calling your congressperson.
Justin W says
ISIS seems to know no limits to depravity. The kidnapped kids will never live to adulthood. They will be used by ISIS to kill innocent civilians. In the end the kid dies along with his victims. Meanwhile most of the Islamic world seems to remains silent to the destruction being committed in the name of their religion.
arthur says
Look what we have for a president gutless wonder or a muslem I guess they are the same.
RM says
ISIS…….. A continuing clear and present example of why the UN is totally useless.
Ken29 says
Not too long ago some “academic researchers” reported that some sixty-odd percent of millennials (I.e. some 75 million) favor boots-on-the-ground in Middle East. Of course most of them prefer boots-not-their-own, but there were still some fifteen percent (i.e. 11 million) who claimed they were willing to do the heavy-lifting. Now, if only ten percent of those really meant it, we could still mobilize a million-“man” “citizen’s militia” and eradicate ISIS fairly quickly. It would hardly require a blip in TV, video games, texting, and other entertainment for the general population.
Main Street says
Do you think they’ll give up their smartphone and reality shows?
Kent Powers says
Wonder how many good democrats who slobber & give Hussein credit for getting our troops out of Iraq have the intelligence or are educated enough concerning the facts to know the truth? The agreement to remove our troops from Iraq had been signed 10 yrs. before the act by Bush & the Iraq leaders, the difference was there were to remain a training & security force of 12-14, ooo troops to prevent exactly what the Obama administration caused, the resurgence of the terrorist troops, the beginning of ISIS, the slaughter of thousands, & now the returning of our troops to Iraq. Another wonderful failed idea of the worst administration in the history of the U.S. & the slaughter of civilians & thousands of troops because of that stupidity. If you are a democrat, a liberal, or any supporter of this joke of an administration you have to be so proud! Vote for Hillary, then you can see just how bad things can really get, idiots.
hectoragranados says
I agree
Capt'n Pizazz says
Spot on Kent. As a former combat Marine Officer with three tours of duty (Vietnam/1965-1968), it would take very little to be of rid these ISIS scumbags with American firepower and military know how. we just need a Chief Commander with balls which we are far from having. Hopefully, 2016 will change this picture and decisive action can be implemented. Check out the newly released movie, “Thirteen Hours,” …………eight trained Seals, Special Forces, and Marine send around 300 ragheads to Allah. OOHRAH!!
Kenneth M Cameron Sr says
go,go. go.go, HaRa
RD says
IS, ISIS or ISIL, has become a hang-out for the world’s disgruntled. Many aren’t even Islamic but just those wanting to hurt others to satisfy their own demented attitude toward the world. Get them all in one spot and nuke them. We may even have some breathing room for a time until the next bunch start a new cause.
Dr.X says
All fighting men between the age of 18-40 that try to immigrate to Europe and the USA should be castrated before admittance. That should solve the problem. These people are below the level of animals…..does anyone else not see this? Or are you a liberal?
Donna Piteau says
Three billion cheers for TRUMP! The Donald will take care of us and that is no joke.
He will not put up with the lies our current president is telling us.