In a stunning new ruling issued by Islamic State terrorists, the group proves it has no interest in outlawing the widespread rape of women.
It just wants to make the process a little more orderly.
The “fatwa,” according to Reuters, was uncovered by U.S. Special Forces and is meant to set rules on who is allowed to sexually assault female sex slaves captured by ISIS.
According to the document, for example, fathers and sons are not allowed to rape the same slave. Nor is a slave owner allowed to rape both a mother and her daughter.
The fatwa also states that ISIS members are not allowed to “sell” their slaves after they become impregnated.
A report from Human Rights Watch found that ISIS has carried out “a system of organized rape and sexual assault, sexual slavery, and forced marriage.” And several women who have escaped from ISIS have described brutal conditions.
To read a translation of the fatwa in its sickening entirety, click here.
Islam!…….NOT A “RELIGION”……A SERIOUS CULT…….To be dealt with…..Much force, & death to it’s members!
No way….”They”….can ever assimilate into Western culture! { SEND THEM HOME!}
Aached Haazmatt says
you gotta have standards and rule to abide by!
Jim Evans says
So it’s OK for any ISIS man like you to rape anyone at will ? How stupid can that be Aached Haazmatt, and your OK with that ?
Sal Belardo says
I guess goats and sheep aren’t enough. What do you call a Muslim with six goats……………………..
A Pimp!
ricardo says
cut their heads off
milton says
Aached Haazmatt Ohhhh man what if the christians were like yall and you were like them would you like for someone to take your daughter and rape her at will????????????
Randy says
Are you Islamic?
John Wirts says
If you can rape and murder in the name of your”god”, I and any person from any religion can try and execute you and anyone who follows this perverted self-serving cult! I say feed you nothing but pork, and alcohol to drink, use the methods of your false religion, and burn you all alive, or behead you with a dull chain saw. The more painful and degrading the better!
jack cole says
Pebodie says
The present administration forbids saying anything bad about Muslims. When I read this story along with hundreds of other stories. I have not read one good thing about Muslims! The only sure fix is a 45 caliber shot in the head. That works every time
dna says
we need to include 9mm 8mm .308 30-06 223/5.56 .270 45-70 .40
milton says
DNA i’m sure thats what its going to come to before its over said and done. they want war and christians will have to decide what is murder and what is self defense
Randy says
You forgot 12 GA….but I’d like to bury them in a Fire Ant nest. Now that would be one horrid slow death.
John Wirts says
I say borrow their methods instead, burn them alive, behead them, feed them pork and beer before hand.
Joe Cars says
That’s because this Administration is loaded with Muslims ——————– starting right at the TOP !!!!!!!
BURNS says
James says
Well said Joe!!!
Jim Evans says
Because Obama is a Muslim and that’s why.
Teddy Tys says
Jim you are right on that!!! Will anyone in congress ever get the nerve to make that statement?
It appears that everyone in congress is afraid to speak out for fear of being called racist.
It’s a shame that out political system has detreated to such low esteem.
If Obama was tried in a court of law for being a Christian the prosecutor would not be able to present enough evidence to convict him!!! Does the congress members not understand that Muslims are not required to tell the truth to infidels. Its in their doctrine. I don’t understand why more people ignore this fact.
Roseanna says
I will always say exactly what I feel !! No moslem fake ass will tell me I can’t !!!
Main Street says
The U.S. and the major European nations sit by and let these horrors happen. Sad.
Aached Haazmatt says
Rape by the rules or be punished. And homosexual sex is forbidden unless they are your captured enemy OK to rape before you behead and sacrifice them to the evil demon Djinn. Torture and sacrifice empowers the demon Djinn. Look it up. Spread the word that the press won’t tell you. Look up Ground Zero radio and listen to a show about the Djinn for free.
Yankeelady says
I take it your Muslim?
EverywhereEyes says
To Aached Haazmatt: If you are indeed a Muslim living in the USA, be aware that women choose an assortment of retaliative methods of dealing with rapists: burning men in their sleep, hanging men from tree limbs, gun fire to the heart, lungs, and head, food poisoning, cutting off the penis, and many more. Which method would you and Muslim men prefer to experience?….
william g munson says
Be sure to stop them from coming Donald Trump He is the o nly one with Common sense and not political Correct too
Patty says
No he’s not, Ben Carson is too.
Tony says
Afraid your both wrong! Ted Cruz has a PROVEN track record of standing up for those who voted him into office. He is a true conservative, while not a brash as Trump, he has the same beliefs and has PROVEN IT. He has been a true representative, which is on record by not only his votes, but by his speeches given directly to the Senate, berating them time and time again for turning their backs on those who voted them into office!!!
Trump has given millions to democrats in the (very recent) past. Trump IS the 1%, and Trump IS Corporate! You think he’s going to implement anything that hurts “him” or “corporations”?? It will be business as usual. He talks tough against our current greatest concerns, but what about all the other concerns?
Ted Cruz is the ONLY true, fully true conservative, with a PROVEN track record. Vote Cruz 2016!!!
Randy says
Cruz is Pro NWO, Big Banker, and Goldman Sachs, Puppet. I don’t know what you’ve been reading but he’s a republican corporate sandbagger. Stop reading the crap posted on his web page and you might find out the truth. Cruz is not electable based on his NWO connections and ties to those organizations. Get a brain and do your own research, as campaign ads don’t tell you any truth.
James says
William your are right! Donald is a little wild and crazy but Obama is big half black half white PUSSY! Political correctness is for losers!
Vee Van says
Janet Reno open fired and bombed the cult leader David Koresh in TX, with innocent men, women, and children dying, those who had no control over his weaponry stash, nor responsible for the violence going on in the compound. Why did not any American complain about her actions?
Jim Glen says
Absolutely. The Bill Clinton government murdered those woman and children. No more Clinton’s in the White House ever! Rapists and murderers (Vince Foster, Waco, a Serbian passenger train, on and on, and on. Just plain evil people.
Kathy says
I did as well as most NRA members
Randy says
I remember, we did complain numnuts, and it’s not like we had an internet back then… remember?
MTZ says
But the DEMOC-RAT POLITICIANS WANTS US TO EMBRACE THEIR CULTURE AND OUR CHILDREN IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE NOW BEING TAUGHT THEIR RELIGION (CULT)> Any woman that would vote for Hillary is okay with this? If your daughter is captured by these animals, will you jump for joy, because that is who you are supporting, the agenda of evil….May God bless America.
I have considered any belief on such cruel obstructive subversive to be a CULT Mohammad /ALLAH or whatever he wants to be known as was a Man not a deity or man of holiness he conjured his belief and subjected people to adhere to his words or DIE.. not caring loving or religious
As long as Islam is considered a SO-CALLED Religion nothing will be done to STOP its infection & creeping sickness. The entire area needs to be cleaned out if the SO-CALLED good ppl are there they can leave & start another community but not where they can harm or kill just to because we are Christian Jews & believe in what is right for us.
p carter says
Not all Muslims are the same, just like not all Christian are the same. They has been a lot of bad history from people who have taken the name of Christians. There were the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition all in the name of God. Of course none this things were Justified by God but it happen, and smoked scene through the centuries. I believe there is True Christian Religion among they who call themselves Christian and that there are peaceful Muslims. here and there. What this group who call themselves the Islamic State are just a diabolic group from hell. There is nothing holy in what they are doing, they won’t escape the wrath of the Just One.
Tony says
Crusades?? Learn your history!! While early Christianity was most certainly not “so very nice”, we’re also talking several hundreds of years ago, and you have to understand the times. It was not the same as today, so try to have some perspective.
But, more to the point…. The “Crusades”, and while there were many, were never OFFENSIVE actions, they were DEFENSIVE actions brought about by invading Muslims! Read and understand your history before you bring up “the crusades”!
Randy says
I can tell you have no idea what the Christian Crusades were about, or where they took place, or how many battles there were. How you can compare the Christian Crusades to the mass murder and genocidal atrocities, rapes and tortures, committed by Muslims across Africa and Europe and the Middle East? There is not a comparison… period! What the Muslims did was 1000% worse, than the Christian Crusades, which were only in self defense and or to free captured Christians. Just because president Dumbo said the Crusades were the worst thing in the world doesn’t mean it is true. He is a proven liar. Stop listening to the liberals and then regurgitating it here for us, it only makes you look Dim.. wow this is proof the Government educational system is failing us.
James says
Yes but all Muslims go by the same book!
don8157 says
day says
..islam is nothing more than a vile form of government like communism, fascism, or socialism, with its own rules for everything just as any other form of government, hiding under the guise of a ”religion”… to even call it a cult gives it more ”respect” than it deserves…..
dee says
I read many of these comments and as a medical professional there’s no way a society could survive from the disease they would encounter from the unsanitary sexual lifestyle they are practicing.
carol says
sick ass killers that as an American I want them all shot down like the worthless trash they are freedom well never our if they are left here in America death is all we need to give them worthless haters GOD BLESS AMERICA and all her people
Joseph Stonelake says
Send in the Military and kill them all, take out the TRASH! They are PIGS RAPIESTS and CRMINALS ! They do not represent any religion! They all need to be EXTERMIATED !
Joseph Stonelake says
Do you know the REAL reason they don’t eat PORK? Because then they would not be able to know the difference between themselves or the PIG ! They are not CANNABELS !
Aached Haazmatt says
Yes they are. there is a guy that eats lungs and hearts in Syria and gets it on the foreign news. Look it up. ISIS leader!
Roseanna says
These people are not human , they are demons filled with evil!!!!
Spike says
Shit, there are millions of them that eat Dick on a regular basis. They are just careful that it is a very young boy so they aren’t considered Homosexual. Rape to, as long as boy is not yet considered a man he is considered same as a young girl. These are some really sick S.O.B.’s that found a so called religion that aids and abides them.
kamoun says
You are wrong to degrade pegs to their standard.
MTZ says
Right you are, they are lower than pigs….
James says
They will also take over America in time.
Jeffrey says
They will never take over America! !!!!!!!!!
Tony says
They have already taken over America! Look who is in office, and look who he has FILLED his cabinet with!
They already own and run the government! And it will take an armed battle to take it back.
Joy says
Only if we let them. The only reason Obama has been able to remain in the white house is because white America doesn’t want riots over a black Muslim being ousted as president. I would like to know how they feel about Obama since I think he has shamed the black community and what did he give them? I didn’t vote for Obama because I felt he was bad for the country but I did hope he would do a good job for the time he was in the whitehouse. I prayed he would prove me wrong. Instead he had dome more harm than even I ever expected and gave nothing to the people who voted for him and trusted him. He should be the first to have to sacrifice for Isis. Congress is cowardly and a failure at best. Give them to the enemy as well.
Connie Webb says
Obama is a coward too???? when the shootings happened in san bernardino he was in lockdown inside the white house???? shows how much he cares about America-NOT????
James says
They will eventually take over America.
Deb Miller says
Not if PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP deals with them first!
Yankeelady says
yes deb TRUMP will straighten out this country
George says
not in my lifetime. death to all Islamist.
Roseanna says
God will take care of them , he knows how to deal with non humans !!!
don8157 says
Not as long as I AM A LIVE.
don8157 says
Why is this site censored? ( Your comment is awaiting moderation )
Joanne says
I wonder if the rapes apply to females only. They are a dispicable, disgusting and immoral spawn of satan known as Kenites.
john-atlanta says
No, they raped our Ambassador Stevens and left him alive as an example.
For the “mild” pictures:
► TQO#208 – Fox News Benghazi New Revelations – is 100% WRONG! Look – Proof of rape !
Susan says
All these rules are in the quran and taught at Muslim mosques and schools to all students. These aren’t new.
Guy Lautard says
POS race and cult !
They need to be sent back to the caverns they escape from !!!
I hope Trump will take care of this very fast .
don8157 says
I BET it is in the top ten for Donald on the first day.
Tyreese says
I think we should all convert and let all these left wing hillary lovers, especially the educated white woman, be subject to the islamic law and methods. they want to be free of the evil american male, hey, i am all for it as well.
ray says
These has a great point. Liberals live in a fantasy world. While most are atheists they do sort of believe in the “Golden Rule”. The problem the Koran does not. Besides women young boys are also on the menu.
john-atlanta says
I have only read part of the “English” quaran and all the fatwa does is explain in idiot cliff notes what the quaran supports. I imagine the full truth is known in the Arabic versions, they probably dumb down the English version so the sheep do not know the full truth before they convert or kill them.
john-atlanta says
BTW: Do you know you are not allowed to eat a “prophet”, you can only bury them !
pretty says
Hillary Clinton is hell right handed not left.
If I was president. I, myself round up all thr ISIS and throw them in the ocean where ton of white sharks can eat them alive. Sharks will enjoy their dinner. I don’t have any problems with the it. You can’t blame the sharks.
Roseanna says
I would round them up chop off thier penises , shove it down they’re throats , then chop off thier heads , gut a hog stuff as many heads in there I could , sew up the hog and bury the hog in the ground and cook it ….. : ) Feed it to the other moslem prisoners , tell them it’s goat lolol…
Ray says
Historically speaking, these atrocities have been going on ever since that charlatan Mohammed perpetrated his phony cult on the unsuspecting masses of the Mid East. Only ill informed and uneducated masses in America–most of the population that is between 25 and 39, who have no point of historical reference to reject this unreligious cult–are gullible. America awake before you fall asleep with your heads in your laps–decapitated in your sleep. Trump is sounding the clarion call and we should begin to listen to it before it is too late. Liberals are hiding the truth from the American electorate, expecting to use the ignorance of the masses to overtake the country and spread ignorance as was and has been perpetrated by the Obama regime these last eight, unholy years. Obama and Hillary and thekr ilk are the serious causes of our collapsed immigration and foreign policy policies.
geeme says
Hi pretty,
I agree with you. The ISIS got what they need. I will pick them up now and get it over with.
I hate Hillary and Obama clubs for what they done to our American people and American country. Hillary hates the Americans. She’s no class act.
Go Donald Trump. Vote for Mr Donald Trump.
Mark says
There is also a fatwa with well-defined rules for having sex with animals. What a wonderful “religion” this is.
Coco says
I repeat….The only good muslim is a dead one. They have no desire to treat anyone humanely, they are animals, that must be stopped. That includes the master terrorist, Barry Soetoro!
EverywhereEyes says
Willie Reynolds says
It’s a shame how mean some people can be to suggest that all Muslims should be shot because of some of its members, as if we should punish an entire race because of some of its members. It goes to show how ugly we came be. Just because Donald Trumps says things that we want to see happen in this world doesn’t mean that he can accomplish these things. The President of the USA has a cabinet, congress, etc., to contend with. Plus, Mr. Trump is not small enough to be the president, plus he has no class or respect for people. The president must have diplomacy; not ‘shoot um up cowboy’,
Roseanna says
Stupid Willie go live with them !!!
Deb Miller says
We are a civilized country, we don’t want all Muslims shot, we just want them out of America, because we just can’t trust them. I would be afraid to have one as my neighbor. I am a Christian, and I would live in fear of being killed coming home from church, or when I put up a Christmas tree to celebrate the birth of Jesus!
Spike says
Wilie Reynolds, You just read an article about the rules for raping women and turning them into sex slaves and your reaction is to call people commenting on the article “mean”. You’ve shown me a whole new level of Stupid.
EverywhereEyes says
To Willy: Islam teaches to hate and murder any human that does not join its belief system (80% communism/socialism and 20% Islam). Whether Muslims were nice to you yesterday or today is not relevant … the relevance is whether you are chosen to be a dead man tomorrow because you did not convert to Islam. In the USA, Muslims are waiting until their pseudo leader, stinky BO, gives them the okay to begin mass murdering US citizens. Are you a US citizen? Are you a Muslim convert? If not, you are on the death list. By the way, Americans are civilized humans and Middle Easterners are uncivilized humans; therefore, uncivilized humans cannot be assimilated into civilized nations. Now do you understand? Have you purchased your weapon of choice yet?….
Raazor says
This is nothing new. There are hundreds of thousands of female slaves in all the muslime countries, especially the Gulf states like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc. They are raped and sodomized daily by the men and boys in the family and tortured, beat, burned, starved and bought and sold by the women and girls in the house. It is all part of the muslime culture and the Koran teaches them that it is their right to do that to anyone who is not muslime. The young women are bought in all parts of the world and smuggled there and sold like animals. A lot of them are from neighboring countries that are also muslime but the rich slave owners do not care. Today there is an estimated 42 million slaves in the world in one form or another either forced to work for little or no pay or forced to have to be sex slaves. We have an estimated 1 million here in the USA today. But all we can hear about on tv and read in the paper is the few hundred thousand that came to the USA out of the 10.6 million that were brought to the new world a couple centuries ago. Too bad the real history of the world is not taught in the schools today instead of all the politically correct socialist garbage that the kids are indoctrinated with.
ray says
Razor makes a double of great ponts. World history is not taught. We are kept in the dark about what really happens behind closed doors in the middle East and other parts of the world. However we (Americans) are not the religious police. If Muslims want to bugger little boys of their own kind and buy and sell sex slaves have at it their God allows it. If however they try to impose their life style on nonbelievers that becomes a game changer as is now happening. For other religious beliefs to continue ISIS must be destroyed, PERIOD, as Obama likes to say.
John says
What does our president say about this ???
Wumingren says
(Whistling … lines up for the shot … wiggles his rear end … swings and says, “I’ll take a Mulligan.”
josebear5 says
These are human they are animals.
Todd says
They try that here in the US. , and some may see allah before they are ready!
Wally says
The extremist Muslim terrorists such as ISIS must be defeated totally. Look @ history. The Crusades was a 105 year war against the extremist Muslim’s over 1,000 years ago.
Justin W says
ISIS is an evil organization. Anyone depraved enough to set ground rules for what is permissible rape is pure evil.
Women need to realize that Islam in general considers them to be property of their husband. I can’t cease to be amazed at how eager liberal women seem to be to embrace Islam.
ray says
Razor makes a couble of great ponts. World history is not taught. We are kept in the dark about what really happens behind closed doors in the middle East and other parts of the world. However we (Americans) are not the religious police. If Muslims want to bugger little boys of their own kind and buy and sell sex slaves have at it their God allows it. If however they try to impose their life style on nonbelievers that becomes a game changer as is now happening. For other religious beliefs to continue ISIS must be destroyed, PERIOD, as Obama likes to say.
ray says
Muslims are not married in the mosque. Marriage is a civil contact not religious right.
MTZ says
Porkorama says
MERS is because of all the “same” sex.
The only women who get MERS are nurses and caretakers cleaning up the blood that flows out of orifices. (SA hid this disease for over 2 yrs- ask yourself why?)
They rape the dead, small children and animals and its allowed because its law- no joke.
They passed a law to allow sex (rape) with dead wife (slave) but i think they limited it to 6 hrs after she died! Sick mf’rs.
geeme says
This is stupid. Why do people are still putting animals into this. Let clear that up. Almost all animals don’t hurt people . Animals don’t deserve to be named calling. Yes, there are some crazy and means animals do things.
Please, name calling for the bad ISIS and the Muslims that. They are means and rapist monster doing bad thing to people and animals as well.
Go vote for Mr Donald Trump. ASAP.
I am going to vote for Mr Donald Trump. He has my vote. He is very smart man. Go Trump.
Connie Webb says
Killary strikes again!! How many are you going after this time Killary???? Me too! Trump for President!!!!!!!!
pretty says
Hi geeme, your are correct. Stupid people, stop putting the animals down. They didn’t do these things. Only ISIS and muslims do stupid stuff.
They don’t own the world. I don’t care about it. They are over there. Let them fight their problem. They are pysho and brain dead. I hate Muslims and they are very nasty. I’m don’t care what happen in them. They are all evil,
Texas Son says
And we have to be politically correct for this? As the sayings goes, “Actions speak louder than words.”
JTT says
I guess the phrase “Stupid is as stupid does” gets proven again!
Joseph Franchella says
Read their Quran, its says exactly that. If ever there was a book written by Satan its is the Quran.
bob says
After working and befriending Muslims for 50 years, they are all the same and should be.Their writings-Koran, Hadith, etc.
teach such behavior.
pretty says
Do speak out louder and VOTE for Mr Donald Trump as your next president for U.S. of America.
Mr Donald Trump, don’t give up. You have work very hard to get this to make our American country great. We need to support you for our American country. Go Trump.
I’ll keep praying for you Mr Donald Trump. Stay strong for those who supporting you. Vote for Mr Donald Trump as he will be our next president of U.S. America and the American people.
Stop worrying about that damn Hillary and Obama clubs . Bill Clinton as well. Don’t vote for Hillary. She doesn’t care about the Americans peoples. She will do us harm. You mark my words. She’s not going to be the best president for our American country. She is doing good and support for the Muslims. Muslims go back to your country where you belong and that’s goes to Hillary, Bill and the Obama clubs. Get off our American land .
tips says
Wow, I’m supporting for pretty.
I’ll vote for pretty. You are very strong about this. I can tell you that you are very much support of our American country and the American people. I’m also going to vote for Mr Donald Trump. He is going to be one of best president for our American country.
I’ll vote for you tips.
I will love to see Mr Donald Trump in the white house today.
Hillary and Obama clubs are not going to be around sooner. They will end up in prison. Hillary, you are evil, psycho and weird. Go Trump.
ron says
Trump is right ,keep all muslims out until they can control thier own “”religion””.They have been an evil force for thousands of years.
Our president is a coward. He has divided the country worse than ever in my 67 years. God bless America because he is leaving the White House. Now we need to pray that Hillary, the snake, does not get into the vacant office.
pretty says
Please people, vote for Mr Donald Trump. American people need to stop argument one another. This is what Hillary want. She is trying to get us in her feet. Go Trump. Vote Trump. Hillary is not a very happy women. That’s her problem. Mr Donald Trump will be in the white house very soon.
His hands are tied as it is. Mr Trump is going to be great president for our American country and the Americans people. Go vote for Mr Donald Trump. There is good chance of Mr Trump. Please don’t forget Americans people . God is great. Let Mr Trump does his job to protect and support for all of American country. Go Trump.
pretty says
Something is not right. It’s awkwardly. Why are a lot of people are concerning. this about problem. Hillary,Bill and Obama clubs are hiding from American people? They are wrong for being here. They are evil and liar. They need to leave the white house. They are not trustworthy. Go for Mr Donald Trump.
AW says
Because these “animals” usually have many wives, all dressed the same-all covered up, they really don’t know who the hell they’re sleeping with, because they all look alike. Could be their mothers, sisters, daughters, brothers? Results: massive in-breeding leading to widespread brain-damaged births throughout the culture, unable to evolve. That’s why they still live in caves! It’s a shame that all these wives, who are horribly abused don’t have the brains to ban together, and kill their abusive controlling violent husband in his sleep……..that would end terrorism!
john furlong says
I believe their crimes and lack of any morals whatsoever require immediate extermination. Use of nuclear weapons is justifiable against these savages.
tdarty says
isis may think it is ok to rape who ever, but there religion is sick to begin with. they think they can just do what ever they want. including goat humping, . camel humping, which requires a ladder for them. these are very sick people, evil people that worship a sick low life false prophet. and GOD is holding his temper for now. because my GOD does not accept that evil . his laws are against that kind of evil. so these animals that roam this earth are the sickest of all humans and any thing that roams this earth, they are satan children for sure. they only live to kill , hurt, destroy, thats all these, children of satan know how to do . because u done believe there way of life . well my GOD is coming AND JESUS will crush them like a bug , and all that they have done will hit them in the face like a sand storm, like they never seen before. and it will be to late for them to change . because they did not want to believe that JESUS is the true savior of man kind. so when these pigs start a war with the USA we give them, ammo with a little pork grease on the tip . give them a little love .
david a galler says
If a farmer has a horse who behaves like an ISIS member ,the farmer either shoots it ,or gives it an operation.