Just when you thought the fighters supporting the brutal terror group ISIS couldn’t get any sicker or more evil, a disturbing new report has emerged from Syria.
A Syrian human rights group has confirmed that an ISIS member yesterday personally executed his own mother in front of hundreds of supportive onlookers.
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a woman in her 40s who works at a post office in Raqqah was hauled into the street and killed by her own son.
The woman reportedly was accused of “inciting her son to leave the Islamic state and escaping together,” and her son turned her in to ISIS authorities.
ISIS allowed the young man to carry out its death sentence personally.
The incident follows several other reports of ISIS fighters killing or turning in their own family members. And in October, ISIS released a video from its Saudi members threatening to murder their families back home if they did not “repent.”
The large European nations and even the U.S. just stand by and let the barbarity continue unchecked. Disgraceful.
Those hateful head loppers are here and more coming thanks to Pres. OVOMIT. Cmon Donald J. Trump!!!
contact your Governor via facebook and tell him to sue Obama, other states are doing it to stop refugees from being settled in their states…
How many governors are actively opposing Ovomit? Only one democrat last time I heard.
Dito – Comon” Trump 2016
We need to hunt down every single one of these animals & kill them. Every one, no repenting just death. Killem all let allah sort them out. Where in the sam hell did they come up with allah? That is a stupid ass name any way. You coming after me now? Come on sorry asses. Aint nobody scared of you or a made up god named allah. Lets change his name to Bullshit.
So right! Love and totally agree with your comments! If obummer hasn’T been enough to ru in our country, now I sis is trying! Trump is the only guy who has balls enough to speak truthfully of what is going on and kick some Mosley butt!
It is not up to the USA to interfere in another country’s problems !!! WE are NOT the world’s police force !! They have lived the way they do for centuries, and they refuse to come into the 21st century with the rest of the world, they want to drag US back to their level of existence !!! They have been doing these things since about the seventh century, but because of the internet, cell phone videos, etc., it is more broadcast !!! WE are not the country that should be interfering with ANY OTHER COUNTRY !!! WE need to bring our military forces HOME to guard our OWN BORDERS and our OWN CITIZENS … because they are here, and we need to stop them before they force US to be under their savage and barbarian and FILTHY rule !!! Some say that we need to fight them on their own turf ….. I DISAGREE WITH ALL MY HEART !!!! WE need to stop them at the borders, by closing them and building a WALL like Israel has !!! The only way we can do this is to get a MAN in the rainbow house who will do what he says and BRING OUR MILITARY HOME to man that wall !!!! Let them kill each other off !!! IT IS THEIR WAY OF LIFE !!! WE need to mind our own business and keep our noses out of their countries !!!
Well said. I agree.
Stay at home, spend at home, employ at home and mind our own business. This country is as capable as any place on earth of being self sufficient. See how the rest do without our help. They don’t appreciate it and we badly need to tend to our own sick.
I completely agree !!
For whatever good it will do I and many others agree with you-our government should be vetted from top to bottom ankeep the good ones–which probably won’t be very many. loved your comment.
They have to be stopped – Period
Just drop the Big one over there and let their sorry asses start over.And get rid of the ones here….doesn’t matter how! Bet the majority of Americans feel this way
That’s one of the reasons DJT is doing so well….not afraid!
Why should the United States go there & fight & die when you people wont help yourselves? I’ve always heard if you need help, help your self. If you & your people are too chicken shat to help your selves the hell with it.
They will never change with any amount of help! It’S their sorry cap culture and it is ingrained in them. We are throwing American money and lives away for nothing. All they will ever want to do is destroy the most civilized culture in the world!
I agree,theUS president cares nothing for any one but the Muslims and his phony acting as a leader.In my opinion he is not worthy to be called President. I will be glad to see him GONE!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe ,you are so right ,calling him a President is an insult to our Nation ,
if that useless Obama had gotten together with the free World when the Bastards started out, then they would be gone now ,but No the Bozo did nothing until recently, he could not admit that they are Terrorists, the Chicken did nothing ,now they are out of hand because of Obama is a Coward , because he did not want to offend his Muslim Brotherhood for Fear that they would come after him ,we do not need a chicken in the Whitehouse ,the free World is calling him a do nothing sitting Duck ,and we know it and pay for his Inadequacy ,we can not wait for Obama to leave the Whitehouse ,we need to make that day a celebration day .
I fully agree. It was a sad day for America when this left wing scumbag got elected President. I can’t wait to see him gone, and I don’t care how. I pray for impeachment or ANY other method that gets him out of the Oval Office, now!
Why should the US get involved? The last time they got “involved” (ie Gulf Wars) they actually set up the middle east
for this entire debacle.
Mark,you are completely correct.
Sadly, “we,the people” were bamboozled into going down the Middle East rabbit hole/quagmire for reasons that are discovered when one follows the maxim”follow the money”-
We the people have paid the price in every way possible to enrich the coffers of those who exacerbated the baseline Sunni/Shia conflict for their own distorted benefit-when someone is pointing his finger and screaming “look at the moon!-look at the moon!- ” truth is found when we look NOT at the moon, but at who is pointing the finger”….,
Yea wait till they start moving in here. Some are already here.
Yeah, wonder where they’re going to “move in” first..
time to get your head out of the sand, watch this…http://youtu.be/44vzMNG2fZc then you will know why…
Because we will have another Nazi Germany on our hands..another holocaust..which we have right now. The genocide of Christians. The gang rapes of young children..until they die!
We MUST go in there, and blow them to hell, where they belong!
And Obama wants to invite more into this country; when will the “left” ever stand up for America and see the light? Vote Trump!
Amen to that
Linda I could not say it any better than you have said ,
And the Democrats continue to bring them into the US
The left hates America, but, does not have the guts to kill us , so, they import people to do it eventually.
Why do they continue to live here?
You may be on to something here, Obama has done nothing good in his 7 years but support Muslim countries which is training grounds for Isis. He may one day leave the Us to live in what will be his palace currently the US embassy in Baghdad, US military equipment was left there and is now being us by Isis. Another possiblities an executive order for war an no election to come takening him out of office. Very far out I know but knowing this president still possible.
DEBBIE: You do not know just how close to the truth you are in your final sentence. Take a look at all of the recent headlines and the accumulation of weapons and ammunition by government agencies, like Homeland Security and several other agencies that normally would not need to accumulate any military weaponry. Obama will set up a series of event which will permit him to declare marshal law – which will permit him to cancel free elections – which will permit him to collect all weapons from all citizens – which will permit him to become the one thing he craves – dictator for life! Think I am crazy? Stick around – I believe we will not have long to wait. May God have mercy on us!
Everyone is pointing fingers at the politicians. Bush started it, Obama continued it yet no one is accountable to look in the mirror and see who enables it. You do and I do! Oil and money is the driving force behind this. Why do you think we were ever involved in the first place? It started way before Bush or Obama! Large corporations and the sheepish attitudes of many Americans to just follow the leader of corporatiion puppets like Bush and Obama, Trump? Hillary? See the pattern? We need a leader with the balls to make us go to an alternative and clean energy source and get away from those maniacs in the Middle East and their oil. Then we build our borders up and watch from behind as they destroy each other in their madness. ( Sunnis against Shiites). We can’t save the world just our family & friends.
We don’t need to buy oil from the Middle East. U.S. and Canada should supply it! (Keystone Pipeline!)
You are right on many points, but the major cause of this American debacle of electing BO President is that the people do not take voting seriously. They do not try to understand who is running and why. Does it make sense?
One woman told me she voted for him because she thought he had a cute butt. Needless to say, I do not have anything to do with her. We do not educate people on the importance of voting and what the candidates stand for. Remember the saying don’t discuss politics as you will offend someone. Too many people believed it and that is what got us to this point, Time to understand what being an American means and how to take back our country thru educating voters and would-be voters. And no open borders until we understand what is happening at the present time with our open borders and who is coming across. All I can say is what a mess!!!!
jan, you are so right-as far as saying what i think politically –I care more about our country than i care about what people care about me. get even one person to open their eyes as to the goings-on in the government then it will be worth it.loved your comment
Robert, I agree with you, we cannot stop what is going on with these Isis individuals, but as Trump suggests, our borders should be closed until any individual that wants to come into the USA provides documentation as to their background. Several years ago I went to Canada….couldn’t get in until I had a USA Passport, went to Venice via a cruise, again no admission on the ship going to these Countries until I showed a USA Passport! So why are the illegals coming here from ANY country without a passport? Then there is Hillary Clinton, if you want to know about her background go back to when the two of them were in Arkansas. When Bill won the election to be President, almost EVERY person that was associated with the Clintons while he was Governor died within months of the Clintons moving out of the State going to the White House. The only person that didn’t die of suicide (including a bullet to the back of the head which was deemed “suicide”) drowning, heart attack car accidents etc. was a woman that demanded she be put in Jail as that was the only place she felt “safe” and if i could remember the name I doubt that she was alive after six months or less in “Jail”. I recently finished reading a book about the Clintons written by a FBI individual that was in the White House in charge of “Security”. The way his job was able to handle security was such a joke, I actually had to quite reading for awhile because it turned my stomach the way that he was treated and what he observed of Hillary Clinton when he tried to conduct security checks of those that came into the White House. In relation to Obama, he is a Muslim, which I don’t have a problem with this belief and EVERY one on his staff is also a Muslim. I remember seeing a tape on line where Obama was in “Church” and the preacher made the statement “it shouldn’t be God Bless America, but GOD DAMN AMERICA”, this “pastor” and I use the term loosely has faded from sight, would not be surprised if he didn’t commit suicide as he has never been heard from since. Regardless of any faith or religion ANY individual should go through the process just as the Jews did when they were able to flee to American and others from Ireland, England and any other Country.
Suppose to keep our country save, while being liberal with letting Syrians in not knowing really when we find out that our President let Islamists in while they do not like our way of life. Read the Koran see how they like you and what they would like to do to you Americans. Is it really time to wake up to what your Government is doing and getting away with,while we sit by and do nothing. Germany is their a similaritie here by doing nothing .
ISIS is carrying out their interpretation of the Koran. Over the years Islam, which means submission, has given those outside the faith a choice to convert or die. Advocates of Islam say their religion is about peace. The only way you have peace in Islam is to submit to those who are running the religion.
Hopefully the murder of this woman will open the eyes of Muslims around the world to what awaits them if they don’t deal with the extremism within their religion.
Please take the time to sign or make petitions call your senator’s Congressman or Congresswoman and legislators, to let them know how you feel about this issue and others. Do nothing and they will continue doing what ever they feel like doing, that they can get away with
I would like to ask an ISIS member a question. If you believe so much in what you are doing and so much in your religion WYH do you hide your face. I believe strongly in my country and my religion. I don’t hide my face and I show by my actions I am a strong believer in my God. Whats the matter ISIS. Too afraid to show your face????????????????????????
yes the chickens are such cowards that have to cover their snouts ,nothing but Cockroaches is what they are .
Big deal. One time a child murders the mother and Americans are up in arms. Since Roe vs Wade, over one-hundred million children have been murdered by their mothers and Planned Parenthood continues to openly brag about its’ operation while Hillary Clinton has a good chance of being elected President of the United States.
Yes it was all about OIL, that the WEST was interested in. So they set up their own puppets and this is what we get. The WEST should be responsible to clean up this mess when the opened the can of worms.
USA’s policies of destabalising and creating chaos in foreign countries have killed far more mothers and their childrens.
The isis guy is too late, she already gave birth to a murderous bastard.
Inbreeding has made this barbaric cult so mentally psychotic that they’d kill themselves if no one else was around. Killing, torture, rape and pedophilia is all they know and love.
This son murdering his own mother in public, because she tried to convince him to escape ISIS, is eerily similar to the brainwashed Hitler Youth Organization that turned their own family members in to the Nazis if they tried to criticize Hitler. ISIS is no different from
the Nazis they are both Terrorist Groups that hate and want to destroy anyone who does not agree with their warped philosophy.
YES! Finally, somebody who gets it right. I have a brother who served in Vietnam and another who served in Desert Storm. Those wars are BS wars fought for the rich. But thank you to those who serve honorably even though the reasons are dishonorable.
Wait…..this is just the JV squad, noting to see at this location, it’s just the JV squad, just a bunch of “folks” who are ALL upset about something or other….not to worry! Yea…….this outfit was made by Obama and Clinton, they may not want to admit it but……what’s new with these people, they admit to nothing…..but they sure want you to. Yes, those two made this band of killers…..called ISIS!……..But, will anyone in the Democratic party admit to such…….Oh NO WAY, they’ll tell you that this “band of merry men” came from something that the Republican’s invented……….REALLY!.
These Barbarian from ISIS and all the rest of the MUZZIE Terrorists are NOT HUMAN….and are at the very Lowest Class of Animals…
Feel for those kin in ISIS whose parents say Nyet to ISIS but bottom line it demoralizes ISIS in long run for Victory.
Laying seeds for own demise.
I think it was just play acting about his own mother maybe it did happen to some women but not his I will tell you why. In a debate not to long ago Donald Trump said to get ISIS you get to their family first which he said they do care for their own family believe it or not he said it. So I think they did this just to show him that he was wrong and put this play on hoping we would believe this B.S.
Eventually, Satan will drive these devil worshipping Islamists to kill, eat and destroy themselves along with rape and even doing homosexuality!! This is the final destination Islam in its purity has to go. The lake of fire.!
Same thing the Nazis did when the Nazis youth turned their own siblings and parents in to their leaders.
And our “president” still refuses to call them terrorists!