Critics of President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran warned that it was a Pandora’s Box of problems that would put the world in danger.
The president moved forward anyway — and it has been nothing but a disaster since.
Now, Iran has used the loose sanctions to buy a state-of-the-art air weaponry — and has begun deploying a Russian-made S-300 air defense system around its underground Fordo nuclear facility, state TV reported.
Video footage posted late Sunday on state TV’s website showed trucks arriving at the site and missile launchers being aimed skyward. It did not say whether the system was fully operational.
The large, underground facility is located in some 60 miles south of the capital, Tehran.
Russia began delivering the S-300 system to Iran earlier this year under a contract signed in 2007. The delivery had been held up by international sanctions over Iran’s nuclear program, which were lifted this year under the agreement with Obama.
“S-300 air defense system is a defensive instrument, not offensive,” Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said earlier on Sunday. “But the Americans applied all their efforts for Iran not to have it.”
The Fordo site, built at a depth of 300 feet below a mountain, was revealed by Western nations in 2009.
Critics of Iran’s nuclear program pointed to Fordo as further proof of Tehran’s intention to secretly develop nuclear weapons. Iran insists it has never sought nuclear arms, and says the security around the site is intended to protect it from U.S. or Israeli airstrikes.
Iran claims they halted nuclear enrichment at Fordo under the landmark nuclear agreement and says the facility is now being used for research and the production of medical isotopes.
On Monday Iran inaugurated a new radar system it says is capable of detecting radar-evading aircraft like the U.S.-made U-2, RQ-4 and MQ-1, state TV reported. It said the Nazir system is located in “the heart of desert” of Iran and is capable of detecting ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as drones flying at an altitude of over 9,800 feet.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
John G . says
And O’Bozo/Kerry are surprised?
Wendy says
Cranking up their capabilities to hit the NY bullseye of the great Satan. I think that means us.
Charles Masterson says
Wendy says
Plus that extra ransom payment works out nicely for them and their dream for apocalypse. 70 days til we might be smart enough to vote Trump
Kevin says
Amen !!! !
Bonnie Berry says
Give um he’ll..she even as sec of state gave American soil, land to the Russian Government with Uranium on itt..for a fee of course..600 million to the Clinton Foundation first..3 weeks later they paid for the land some where in the Southwestern part of OUR country..were is the news on this??!
Nancy says
They don’t want us to know. They hope they can sneak Clinton in as President, one way or the other. Its amazing to me how corrupt the whole system is. It isn’t just the government or just the media………….its all of them. Where the hell have we the people been while they’ve been stealing our country????? Busy being so P/C we weren’t paying attention?????? I pray it isn’t too late to pay attention now. We have to vote for Trump. There is no choice………………….if Clinton becomes President its goodbye America. And hello tyranny. We will all be slaves to Hillary and eventually the Islamic State.
paulette says
@Nancy,I totally agree with you,i cant believe how many people are so blinded by Clinton and obama its just sickening to see whats happening
Born in South and proud of it says
Dear ole George S. needs to remember that his fantasy dream of being God like can end oh so quick. Even make believe Gods fall and when they do, they fall hard. I suppose he also thinks he is immortal. The evil triad him dumbo, and hillr-killr make suck a wonderful trio. Maybe we should all fall down pee in our pants and give praise to the all knowing. What a crock. Makes me want to throw up.
Trump 2016 for America…. Let Freedom Ring…. God Bless America and Mr. Trump.
William says
Let’s kick all republicans but a very few the hell out of Washington, they have no balls, are nothing but Obama lovers, cowards, piss ants, traitors, liers, crooks.
Michael says
And these politicians hate the tea party movement made up of the common citizenry better known as you and me of all races.
Ken says
100% agree
Kevin says
Absolutely right!! Voting for Clinton will be a disaster for America!! Why can’t these Clinton lovers see that! We don’t need the old baggage, old ineffective policies, corrupt government continuing in congress!! Wake up people!!!
Donald says
How long is congress going to allow this Muslim terrorist continue to attack our country? You sons a bitches can see what Obullshit is doing if I can see it ! And y’all want to know why trump is getting elected, He won’t sit on his ass and do nothing while Obullshit screws us over like congress is doing !! What’s wrong with all you candy asses ?!?!
Malcolm Proctor says
i hope all you obama supporters are happy now
Bruce says
Clearly Iran is probably trying to make nuclear weapons. There would be no other reason to
need to protect this site, if it was being used for peaceful purposes as they said.
paulette says
@Bruce,They already have them
Skirmisher says
A friend and I were discussing what the world might look like after a third world war. It looks now like Obammy and his Catsup King have just written the first chapter.
Daniel Spickard says
George Soros needs to be eliminated! This guy grew up in Israel as a Jew, but now hates his up bringing! He will stop at nothing to destroy Israel, and he’s using Obama,and Clinton to do this! If and when Donald Trump gets in to the White house, this will throw a monkey wrench into his plans! This is why Obama sent the ransom money to Iran! This was to pay Russia for that surveillance system they now have! If we do not stop this soon 2/3 of Israel will no longer be habitable because Iran is building limited damage nuclear weapons to use against Israel! This people is the beginning of Armageddon! Obama should be arrested and detained at Guantanamo Bay on charges of abetting know terrorist state (Iran) in building and deploying weapons of mass destruction not only against one of our allies, but against all of humanity! This is worse than what Hitler attempted to do!
Nancy says
Yes it is. And we let him do it.
SG says
Please get out and vote out every politician that has unending tenure in their position as none of them are doing anything to stop this run-a-way president !!! He has and still is putting ALL Americans in jeopardy and harms way with the extremely poor decisions he is making!
Put the heat on ALL those politicians who think they just will get re- elected year after year!!
It’s up to us to ensure our country is safe and pressure on our politicians and push back is what needs to happen!
We are witnessing the demise of our great country, America as we once knew it!!
Please call and vote! Trump will be my choice as he has a voice in influenced by lobbyists and politicians! VOTE and CALL!
Thank you
SG says
Meant Trump is Uninfluenced by lobbyists and politicians ! Thank you
guy says
Why every one wants to vote for traitors like John MC cane
Kathleen Shipley says
Soros is paying trolls on Facebook so if you leave a comment be prepared to be bombarded. All of this is part of NWO. Google is protecting Clinton too. This whole business is very frightening. Obama knew exactly what he was doing on the Iran deal. Lets be clear, Clinton does not care about blacks, whites, illegals of any race, she just needs to win so she can take us all into the New World Order. Cruz was for NWO and that is why he lost and why he acts so arrogant now. He, Cruz, knows what is coming. Trump is our only chance.
NAN says
Clif says
Request a copy of the current “declaration of independence from Obama” and a copy of “Wake up America, USA” to know where we USA AMERICANS stand today.
YES, VOTE FOR TRUMP or you choose communism by not voting or voting for Killery!!
I am so sorry this deadly action has come down just as we all knew it would. Worth a couple more ransom payments, Iran will control the region, if they don’t now. Obama was out to destroy America and I’m afraid he had been successful. With the disarming of our forces, the national debt, unemployment, racial fighting, illegals, secret Muslim refugees, and our current servient Muslim government, to name a few of his accomplishments, America may not recover. If lying clone Hillary is elected we don’t even have a chance.
terence says
In fairness to Iran these anti-aircraft missiles are far more likely to be intended as defence against Israeli bombing attacks. Israel is generally supplied with advanced US planes and drones and have made it clear from the first that they’re unhappy with any form of Iranian involvement with nuclear capacity even if claimed to be for peaceful purposes – they have frequently threatened to attack these facilities and been restrained by the US. That is the threat Iran faces to its nuclear installations not the US.
M Hennesy says
terence , Why do we owe Iran… ANY FAIRNESS ? You can’t be that uninformed ? Iran is one of the major sponsors of terrorism around the world. They helped terrorists and the Taliban KILL AMERICANS , in Afghanistan and Iraq . They chant DEATH TO AMERICA everyday . They held Americans as hostages ,…until that dumb ass Obama paid them ransom money. Now every American is at risk of being grabbed and held by them for money. They are clearly developing nuclear weapons at that site ,…if they don’t already have one ,…with Obama’s help they probably already do have one. Iran is a scourge on the entire world and if they hand off a nuclear weapon to one of their terrorist friends …..with our OPEN BORDER with MEXICO…we are in serious DANGER.
clarence lipscomb says
It’s too late to try and learn on one’s own accord how and why we find ourselves having to struggle and try to survive in this pigsty of a Federal government Voter disinterest, loss of hope, ignorance, and apathy have contributed to less than noteworthy turn-outs in the past. (More than some have never even bothered to register to vote.) Believe it or not, many still believe that if they register to vote, they will be put on the JURY DUTY LIST. Ignorance! The JURY DUTY LIST is actually compiled from the State’s DRIVERS’ LICENSE LIST.
Be a RESPONSIBLE CONSTITUTIONAL AMERICAN CITIZEN ! DO YOUR DUTY AND VOTE…….HOPEFULLY FOR DONALD J. TRUMP & MIKE PENCE. If you don’t know for sure where your voting precinct place is (Usually a church, school, or fire station), call the county government voter registration office ASAP and make sure your voter registration card is current; and, make sure you have it with you when you go to vote. This is our last chance to save our beloved U.S.A. THERE MUST BE MAJOR, MAJOR CHANGE IN WASHINGTON NOW !!!
As Americans, our plight here is MOST SERIOUS and DIRE…….more so than it has ever been in our history ! THE SLEEPING GIANT IS AWAKENING and PREPARING TO TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK BY VOTING THIS NOVEMBER FOR TRUMP & PENCE.
Justin W says
The string of Obama failures just keep coming. Barack Neville Chamberlain Obama has created a monster with his Iranian deal that is likely to cost American lives. This guy’s stupidity is off the charts.
Constitutionalist says
Is it stupidity or cupidity?
Personally, i believe that D’OweBama fired more generals, admirals, and top brass than any president in history because he wanted obedience to HIM over obedience to the Constitution; when he discovered that wasn’t going to work, he began importing his own 5th column army – the Muslims.
He doesn’t have much time left to get them to rise up and strike out; perhaps he’s waiting ’til Trump’s victory before launching his “from hell’s heart i stab at thee” exit, if so. He has stated on multiple occasions that he’d be fine with a third term. Who knows the depth of his perfidy and betrayal? Lately, he’s tried to stir up trouble with China, Russia, and the N. Korean madman at a time when he’s reduced American armed forces strength to levels not seen since prior to WW2.
I got this as an email t’other day:
Think, all of this in less than 8 years.
Before Obama there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in America.
All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. Christianity and the bible are banned in schools.
All of a sudden, we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools, airports, and businesses.
All of a sudden, we must stop serving pork in prisons.
All of a sudden, we are inundated with law suits by Muslims who are offended by American culture.
All of a sudden, we must allow burkas to be worn everywher,e even though you have no idea who – or what – is covered up under them.
All of a sudden, Muslims are suing employers and refusing to do their jobs if they personally deem it conflicts with Sharia Law.
All of a sudden, the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in “anti-Muslim speech.”
All of a sudden, Jihadists who engage in terrorism and openly admit they acted in the name of Islam and ISIS, are emphatically declared they are NOT Islamic by our leaders, and/or their actions are determined NOT to be terrorism, but other nebulous terms like ‘workplace violence.”
All of a sudden, it becomes Policy that Secular Middle East dictators that were benign or friendly to the West, must be replaced by Islamacists and the Muslim Brotherhood.
All of a sudden, our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the middle east, giving rise to ISIS.
All of a sudden, America has reduced its nuclear stockpiles to 1950 levels, as Obama’s stated goal of a nuke-free America by the time he leaves office continues uninterrupted.
All of a sudden, a deal with Iran must be made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars handed over to fund their programs.
All of a sudden, America APOLOGIZES to Muslim states and sponsors of terror worldwide for acts of aggression, war, and sabotage THEY perpetrate against our soldiers.
All of a sudden, the American Navy is diminished to 1917 Pre-World-War I levels of only 300 ships. The Army is at pre-1940 levels. The Air Force scraps 500 planes and planned to retire the use of the A-10 Thunderbolt close air support fighter. A further draw down of another 40,000 military personnel is in progress.
All of a sudden, half of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama, rendering the Atlantic unguarded. NONE are in the Middle East.
All of a sudden, Obama has to empty Guantanamo Bay of captured Jihadists and let them loose in Jihad-friendly Islamic states. He demands to close the facility.
All of a sudden, America will negotiate with terrorists and trade FIVE Taliban commanders for a deserter and Jihad sympathizer.
All of a sudden, there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry Americans, or displaced Americans but there is endless money for Obama’s “Syrian refugee” resettlement programs.
All of a sudden, there is an ammunition shortage in the USA.
All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do after a mass shooting by two Jihadists, is disarm American Citizens.
All of a sudden, the President of the United States cannot attend the Christian funerals of a Supreme Court Justice and a former First Lady because of “previous (seemingly unimportant) commitments.”
All of a sudden, the President of the United States won’t attend the funeral of a flag-rank Officer (Gen. Greene) killed in action; he played golf. But he sends a big delegation to Michael Brown’s funeral. He sends a minor delegation to Margaret Thatcher’s funeral. He won’t acknowledge Chris Kyle’s murder, but he’ll fly the Flag at half mast for Whitney Houston.
All of a sudden, I’m sick to my stomach. I’m not sure the majority of Americans recognize the seriousness of the situation and how much “progress” has been made by Islam these last 7 years, a very brief time compared to a 75 year lifetime!
M Hennesy says
RIGHT ON THE MONEY ,…Constitutionalist ! Yes, most Americans are CLUELESS to what is going on right before their eyes . They are more concerned with Pokemon go ….or what the Kardashians are doing. Now ,…we have an ungrateful spoiled brat NFL football player who won’t even stand for the National Anthem of a Country who has afforded him the freedoms to become a millionaire playing a game. All the while ….Obama is doing his best to plant as many Muslims as he can into our Country , against the will of the American people, in order that his evil ideology , ISLAM , can become dominant here in our dear Country. Yes, most Americans won’t become aware I’m afraid until it is TOO LATE . In 2000 there were roughly 300 Mosques in the USA …today there are OVER 3,200 . This is where Muslims are taught that they are to follow the Qur’an at all times and follow Muhammad . Where they are taught THEY ARE the BEST of peoples and non believers are the WORST OF PEOPLES. Where they learn there is no law …but SHARIA . Lebanon used to be a predominantly Christian country , and was known as ‘The Jewel of the Mediterranean’ where many people went to vacation. Now look at it , after the Muslims have taken over and it is run by Iran proxy Hezbellah. We ,…under Obama ,…are headed to the same fate as Lebanon,…if we don’t stop this madness now.