Iran’s capture of 10 U.S. sailors in the Persian Gulf, just days before implementation of Obama’s nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic, caused outrage around the world for it’s provocative nature. And now, the Iranian supreme leader has taken it a step too far, say critics.
Iran had previously distributed humiliating video of heavily armed Republican Guard soldiers making the Americans kneel and surrender just days after their release.
On Sunday, Irans supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei publicly celebrated the Islamic Republic’s so-called victory over the United States by awarding Fath medals to the four Iranian naval commanders in charge of the assault and capture, as well as the commander of the Iranian navy.
Iran had awarded the Fath, or “victory,” medal only 210 times in it’s history. It is considered one of the highest awards the Islamic Republican has for its military.
The Ayatollah used the award ceremony as an opportunity to warn that Iran will remain on guard against its enemy, the United States, despite the recent nuclear deal reached with Obama that has seen more than $100 billion worth of previously frozen Iranian assets be freed.
The U.S. sailors were kidnapped while traveling in small, modestly armed vessels known as command boats, headed from Kuwait to Bahrain, which is the location of the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet.
The boats were boarded and the sailors seized by Iran and escorted at gunpoint to Farsi Island, which is in the middle of the Gulf and home to an Iranian military facility, after the boats drifted off course.
Main Street says
Back in the winter of 1981, Reagan should have put our Air Force into action to give Iran a clear message after they released our hostages. I wonder if a clear powerful military message was sent to Iran 35 years ago if they’d still be acting like this? Today we have an administration and apathetic citizens. Back then folks cared a little still.
Joe says
obummer condones these actions by his buddies!! All you stupid people who thought they got over on Iran, are now seeing how dumb you are! Thank obummer for this
rachelbrent says
I have no doubt its coming, Iran has been asking for it for quite a while and the White House has made America and its people look foolish. Anyone with common sense, if they know anything about Americans, know they are a proud people and i believe there will be retribution. So enjoy all your fanfare Iran while you can, dont ever get the idea Americans are weak, do not ever make that mistake.
JerryD says
Rachelbrent, I wish that I could feel the same way you do about what they did to our Navy people. AS a Vietnam Veteran and someone that is 100% disabled. I think it would be a good thing to let Iran know that they can not treat Americans that way. But there isn’t going to much of a change in tactics as long as we have Obama and his Administration, and as long as Iran still holds Americans hostage we should should not let them rest till all Americans come home. I wish I could help but I am nothing more than a old military relic that has out live his usefulness. It really pissed me off the other day why some news guy said John Kerry was a decorated hero from Vietnam, Then Kerry spoke and said we never leave anyone behind. He is nothing but a coward and a traitor he was then and is still today, him and Jane Fonda both should face a firing squad.
james cain says
Well, Jerry D:
First off, thank you for your service, and I feel very bad that you’re disabled.
But you are NOT an “old military relic that has outlived his usefulness”! Not by any means.
I read your comment, above, and see you are still a strong American and a patriot with fire in his belly. So don’t count yourself down and out! And keep on expressing your opinions!
Another vet
Martin Pearson says
Who afraid of the big bad wolf “NOBODY”
patruccio says
Nothing will change in this administration until Mr. Trump is elected. How can we sit back and take this trash talk from these Iranian thugs?? We have no back bone anymore, let our military do their job.
Alan Wojtkowiak says
THIS Christian & USAF veteran & avid student of history looks at Mr. Trump and sees another Benito Mussolini – the Fascist dictator of Italy. Trump is no Republican. Trump has little regard for the U.S. Constitution – just like all of the other “Progressive” presidents & politicians of the 20th century. FYI – the “Progressive” or “Liberal” movement is an outgrowth of Marxism (anyone hear – Communist?) since the late 1890s. What about the Constitution? It is the very “rule book” that lays out just how the U.S. government is to be equitably run. Trump will broom the Constitution aside. Trump is of the same spirit of Woodrow Wilson with disdain for the Constitution. He would run a command & control government like Mussolini. Lots of words as a demagogue, but weak on Constitutional order and freedom. Trump, the wannabe emperor really scares the bejeebers out of me. In October 1968, I took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I oppose the present domestic enemy in the White House, and I don’t care to see another one in the same office! Do you really think that Trump will be good for us???
Ken Shaiffer says
I do not understand the support for Trump. What is wrong with you people. I like many others have followed Trump history and have found he is egotistic, liberal progressive, not mention quite a few other things. Just because he now says what you want to hear? Like the Clintons, he is a liar and a fool. Do you really believe what this man is saying. I have a tendency to judge people by there actions not by their mouth. Be very careful what you wish for, it might not be what think and by the time you realize it will be to late.
Sue says
Well said!
Adelle says
You are a stupid liberal woman. I am a woman so you can’;t say I am prejudiced to say this. I call a spade a spade. Hope you have to deal with a muslim.
Dorothy Roberts says
I believe U are the IGNORANT one. In today’s complex world. You must do a LOT of verification & research. Don’t believe EVERYTHING you hear or even SEE. I do not mean to scold or judge you- just encourage you to dig a little deeper to confirm events.
Pam says
I agree with you he’s very scary man I don’t think he would be a good president
Joe says
Calling Trump a fool has destroyed your creditability! Nothing you say is believable!! Bye!
Dorothy Roberts says
You R so right. I was smitten by him at first because he spoke STRONGLY. I soon found he is too egotist, Nasty, quick to judge, flap his mouth, make faces like a spoiled brat child. I fear for our country if foolish people think he would
SERVE US if he steals the nomination. I don’t believe he is a CHRISTIAN. He may have joined a church but that doesn’t qualify.
Phillip Lake says
We need to act the same way they do when it comes to America and Israel. Just blow their ignorant asses to hell and turn that backass country back into sand. Eliminate and eradicate Moslems.
Sue says
Two wrongs don’t make a right!
Joe says
It cures the wrong!!!
Ken Shaiffer says
I thought you said bye already!!!
Rogelio Hermosillo says
I would just bomb them back to the slime pit they crawled out of, but with this traitor in DC, we have to wait to unleash the fury that has been building in the US for years. This was a blatant act of piracy and this admin. aided and abetted the Iranian efforts to capture and hold our people while allowing sensitive equipment to be seized if that is not grounds for more treason charges, the term will have no meaning.
Justin W says
I’m sure this is another proud moment for the spineless Obama administration. President Obama has turned America into a wimp in the eyes of the world.
Martin says
Well said!
dan zip says
Not too surprisingly Iran has many people who do not agree with Iran standing and what they do to their own citizens ,,,,,,,,,,,they kill them if they become vocal!
Elizabeth says
Mr.Trump will deal with the thugs. He proved himself by raising six million for our WOUNDED WARRIORS . Actions speak louder than words. He is a true American!!
Proud mom of an American Soldier.
Ken Shaiffer says
For three years I too supported & donated to the Wounded Warrior project. Until I found out the truth. Did you know that the veteran who started the program was push out. So many wounded veterans who worked and believed in the program were fired. They started questioning the direction the program was headed when the lawyers took over. This had been going on for awhile now. I found out a little late from a friend of mine who told me that the workers (500) stayed at the 5-star hotel here in Colorado Springs, very, very expensive. A place I never could justify staying myself. What was started as good program for wounded vets, has turned into greed. When I first started donating I was told that this program would include Vietnam Vets, wrong. Also, not that it makes any difference, I am a Vietnam Vet.
JohnB says
I’m surprised Kerry wasn’t there to pin the medals himself.
Joe says
He’s in hiding!
Adelle says
TRUMP was giving to many VET organizations. I know he has checked to see who the good ones are that actually do for the vets. TRUMP for AMERICA. every other is either a traitor to America or can be bought
patruccio says
Mr. Shaiffer seems to know a LITTLE about EVERYTHING !!.
If your a Vietnam Vet, try acting like one.
Willow says
Your response, Patruccio, makes me believe that you are not a veteran…Vietnam vet or otherwise, therefore how could you know how one should act? Be respectful. I tend to side with those who are questioning the viability of Mr. Trump as presidential material. He was born into wealth, has lived his entire life in wealth – which doesn’t discount him as a possible candidate per se – however, Mr. Trump has experienced business failure in his wealthy lifetime, for which he chose to make expedient use of U.S. bankruptcy laws. He emerged from his bankruptcy filings in fine form – fine enough to continue on his way and to file another day – his creditors weren’t so fortunate. Although he had the “right” to take advantage of the U.S. bankruptcy laws, and “pare down his debt,” how many times is enough (already) and at what cost? This points to integrity. A President should be someone who has earned his way, honestly, by hard work. A President should have the best interests of our Country in the forefront of his decision making and a rock solid understanding of the content and meaning of the United States Constitution. A person running for the high office should speak the truth and be clear (no double speak), and surround himself with sound- minded thinkers and proven leaders. America has plenty to choose from. Also, in my opinion, it would be beneficial for the Commander in Chief to have actually been a servicemember in a branch of our military…not to mention a natural-born citizen. Mr. Obama was a “constitutional law professor” (???!), yet he seems to be lacking an understanding of the precepts and concepts set forth in our Constitution. How does one teach constitutional law and when one becomes President of the United States virtually ignore the rule of law? Surely ignorance cannot be claimed (arrogance, maybe). The person elected as President should have a firm grasp on what it is that he’s swearing to uphold as President and, after doing so, prove that he spoke the oath in truth an in earnest…so help me God. Character really does matter and history has proven that many times over – think about our very recent history. PLEASE take the time and due diligence to thoroughly check the background of your candidate. Upon voicing their intention to make a bid for the presidency, the candidates welcomed the chance for each authorized voter to get to know them. They willingly and knowingly made their lives public. Get to know them. Do your research. The future of our national sovereignty depends on it! (P.S. We already serve a King and although Mr. Obama apparently thinks he is or should be…he is not, nor is anyone else on this planet; but they continue to try.) Adelle: Everyone has a price, some are just cheaper. P.S.S. A President should not be ashamed to pledge allegiance to the United States of America and do so with his hand placed over his heart or his right hand on The Bible.