When far-left liberal House Democrats officially re-elected Nancy Pelosi as their leader Wednesday, they sent a clear message to voters: We REFUSE to change.
After being beaten resoundingly in three out of the last four election cycles, it’s clear that Democrats must change, or they’ll continue to lose elections.
But that’s not a message they seem willing to hear.
And by ratifying the status quo in a changing Washington with Pelosi, these extreme liberal leaders have even caused backlash among top moderate Democrats.
That disenchantment showed itself in 63 lawmakers supporting Pelosi’s opponent, Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan, in the secret-ballot vote. That was by far the largest defection Pelosi has suffered since she began leading House Democrats in 2002.
Ryan and many of his “Blue Dog” — conservative Democrat — backers had a dire warning for the party.
America is sick of the games.
“There’s a whole lot of anger,” said one Democrat who opposed her, who spoke anonymously to The Huffington Post. “I’m astounded that this caucus refuses to acknowledge reality and change.”
Democrat lawmakers have expressed frustration over a range of issues, including stagnant leadership in their caucus, and Democrats’ failures to connect with white working class voters.
“I’m very concerned we just signed the Democratic party’s death certificate … unless we change what we are talking about, which is really the working man and woman’s agenda,” warned Oregon Rep. Kurt Schrader.
Other House Democrats vented their disappointment with the party as well.
“It is obvious the current strategy doesn’t work,” said Arizona Rep. Kyrsten Sinema. “Millions of Americans don’t feel that our party represents them anymore and they’ve said so, loudly, in multiple elections.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Main Street says
Pelosi is a wealthy out of touch person. She has no clue as to what working class people need. Tim Ryan is an old school Democrat. He worked towards opposing pension cuts to military and civilian federal workers.
Nellie says
Our government found a way to tax CA Union retirement funds. My son in law is paying 33% of his retirement. 10% federal, 5 % state, 5 % county. CA needed to find a way to support the illegals and refugees. Polosi is another Hillary/Obama who are worthless to our country.
Main Street says
@Nellie: Yes, they take away from those who worked and give to those who refuse to.
lin says
Lynn K says
Wait until the traditional Muslim families start growing their families from 1 or 2 kids – 7 or 8 kids. Unless the parents & their kids adapt to Western values, you will have America’s culture be overrun with an Islamic culture. This is not a racist comment. It is fact. Just look at what’s happening in France. French citizens working and having taxes raised to pay for the thousands of unemployed immigrants living in their ghettos. The people running for office bend to their constituents and a western democratic society is slowly changed to their tribal justice system and culture. England, France, Spain, France. There’s a YouTube video with a globe and data showing the global demographics. Frightening and Tragic.
rojo says
The Islamic culture is like a virus spreads fast and furious. Remember little snakes grow up to be big snakes in Vietnam they grew faster. I trust no Muslim good, bad, or indifferent. If that’s racist so be it. I want my country as the forefather wanted it. A nation founded under Christian principles. Don’t like it there is always England, France and Germany.
Disgusted says
Yes agree rojo…there can be no assimilation of ISLAM with our Christian values, it is impossible! So why bother to try!
I heard a Muslin college professor say that the recent terror attack at OSU occurred because the student was radicalized by our country because he did not feel like he was a part of our culture…..so she blamed the victim for his terrorist act! Need I say more.
marlene arseneault says
you are so right they all jump on welfare and use up our s.s. payments they don’t belong here.
Sarse says
Hear! HEAR!!!
Rusty Bucket says
The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks has said that is they’re plan. To out produce the population of the western governments.
Thomas Odell says
jack says
we all are hoping she would just disappear. the we can sing “dingdong the witch is gone”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JoAnn Graham says
They are WAY WORSE than “useless”, Nellie. They are actively DESTRUCTIVE, and NONE of these clueless COMMUNIST JERKS should be trusted anywhere NEAR political power, ever again. That they would elect the QUEEN of the Moonbats AGAIN to be Minority Leader just shows you how clueless and out of touch with the REST OF US they are, and how LITTLE they care for what the people they are SUPPOSED to represent want or need from our government.
Mike says
EXCELLENT – I think your being nice. Great comment!!
Michael J Surwin says
AMEIN to that! “PELOUSY” Feinstein and Boxer have been there my whole life!!! It is time to drain the swamp with term limits! DEMOnCrazyRATS hold power forever! DONALD JOHN TRUMP will be 7 Decades, 7 Months, 7 Days old precisely on Inauguration Day 2017!!!!!!! GOD Knows The End From The Beginning!!!!! 2017 is it!!! 100th Anniversary Fatima (Front page 70,000 witnesses) 50th Anniversary Jews controlling JerUSAlem 1st time in more than 2000 years. 100th Anniversary General Allenby taking JerUSAlem on first day of Hanukkah. 500th anniversary of muslim turks taking JerUSAlem. Jesus said He would return before this generation passes away! Re-Birth of Israel EXACT date is easily found in the #1 selling book in all of Human history. So 1947+70 (Psalm 90)=2017. The ONLY Great sign in the Bible Rev 12 & Genesis 3 began on November 120th and comes to completion on Sept 23rd 2017. Hebrew Year 5777 Just began and “5” stands for GRACE and “777” stands for Completion. Be “EKPHUEGO” Ready!!! (Luke 21:36) also (John 14:1-3) (1Cor 15:51) (1Thes 4:16) etc.
Jeff says
Let the idiots stay. We need Republicans to run the country ;+)
Angry Asian patriot says
True. Thanks for these info. I believe in God. Mr Trump is out King David who had fought with Goliath. And HRC and all left wing Libs were the Goliath.
Deb says
Pelosi, like Hillary has dirt on all the demorats, they know better than to vote against her!
shopdrop says
True true. And if they talked she would let loose on them and bring them down with her. She is worthless to the Dems and they know it, but can’t seem to change for the better. What they have going for them is constant defeat and they are crooked losers to the core. The Dems refuse to see the errors of their ways and they just signed the Democratic party’s death certificate by putting Pelosi back in her stagnant power. She is getting senile and has trouble getting her thoughts together. Good move for the Dems cause they will be out of commission a long time. They can’t believe Hillary didn’t win after all the crookedness, using agitators, pulled Bernie down, illegal voters registration, all the corruption inside Dems to get Hillary to the top job and none of this worked for them to get the election outcome they wanted. Tells you something inside is corrupt, and they act like they don’t get it. The do get it but they won’t change their agenda to have a world government. The voters are not stupid.
Bobbie says
I am no longer a dem. I changed my party after the Clintons. were in the white house their first term. I saw then how the money was their goal.
Pelosi is the same. Wanting an Air plane to take her home to Ca. on week ends. At our expense. They do not know what it is like not to have money to live on. I sure do.
People like them are greedy and feel they are so important. My hopes were that she would not get the nomination.
IrishEyes2c says
My grandparent were die hard as well, but they started to notice some unhappy and disturbing things. They were more interest in creating victims than anything else as they lined their own pockets themselves. They used to represent the middle class, working hard families and were more interested in minorities and the wealthy, what my grandfather American victimhood. They couldn’t make middle Americans victims, but minorities and the poor worked wonders. Re-electing Pelosi one more time just show how out of touch the liberals in congress haven’t learned a damn thing. Nothing changes, same old, same old cow dung.
Speaking of cows, Gov Brown just signed a laws to regulate cow gas as being harmful to the greenhouse emissions and climate change. I figure everytime Pelosi opens her mouth she also emits harmful gases. Can we regulate her? Where do these idiots come up with this crap?
JG says
Nancy got rich for getting funding for her husband bk solar company and her son’s bk solar that got hand outs from the fraud adm.
JG says
The demo lost touch with reality after Truman left office!
rodney burke says
Yeah how about 5 years worth and the $ is worth nothing, and prices keep going up! It is beyond “out of touch”
But then what can you expect from a party that gives us Hilary the KNOWN crook, Tim Kaine e-w-w-w-w!, john Kerry , Al Gore, Slick Willy, dukakis, and jimmy Carter; intellgence? I don’t think so. They have been out of touch ever since Humphrey lost.
What happened to democrats with intelligence like Stevenson, Mondale, Tip O’neill, Edmund Muskie and Glenn?
The dems are pro muslim, pro crime and anti American. and no they don’t represent America. All the dems apparently, want to do is Spend and roadblock anything that improves America in general. did they not elect, illegally, a known communist? and did they NOT know that Hilary is a communist? anyone who writes a thesis or paper on a communist, can’t be all there. All the ovomit professes is what they practice; approval of our sworn enemy; Islam.
You don’t declare ware on ISIS in three countries and then allow the enemy to move in to the country! That is insanity! But liberalism IS insanity! If this continues and tey dems do nothing but throw up roadblocks to anything Trump wants, they HAVE signed their death certificate. The electorate will rise up in more anger than they have now, which is considerable!
Okay, I’ll get off my soapbox now
Lupe Sanchez says
I agree with you Nancy P doesn’t know what she is doing like Hillary didn’t know what she was doing.
Chris J says
Dem’s just can’t accept reality, just as they ignor facts. I am glad Pelosi was re-elected, she will continue in her ways that have devestated the party.
Roy Faria says
When you get in the mud with pigs, the pigs will enjoy it and you’ll only get dirty.
Jim Clites says
Amen! It is better to know the ways of the snake in the house than to allow new snakes in.
carmelita says
exactly,i would not worry too much about DEms Losers,kinda good it happened that way,God has a way of doing things,Republicans Controls Everything so let it be
Linda Ward says
Pelosi and the Clinton’s focus only on building their fortunes. They are so out of touch with the working class of people in America. This country was built on the hard working people who wanted to make a better life for their families.
carolina bartolome says
Pelosi is so corrupt the grandmother of all the mafia. She is like Clinton that never knows when to stop.
Cassandra says
She might give hitlary a gov. Job
carmelita says
she could not,unless she is potus,they are both old hag with memory problems,lol
DixieBelle says
Pelosi’s father was Mafia. I guess you could say “like father – like daughter”. Google it.
Robert Bradshaw says
Again, the house Democrats have shown that they want the Republicans to keep winning elections. Nancy Pelosi is one of the best gifts that Democrats have given to the Congress (now that Harry Reid is gone), as she is a polarizing person and caustic to a point that the American people are no longer hearing her. Now, is Paul Ryan would only listen to the people and stop thinking he is another elitist who knows better what the citizens of this country need instead of what they want. Better listen up Ryan.
JnAZ says
This is just delicious. Don’t know about everyone else but I’m just loving the daily dose of watching these anti-freedom loving, socialist/commie, politically correct, social justice snowflakes implode. God, it feels great to be an American again.
J. Badillo says
You got that one so right JnAZ, oh yea! As we can ALL see, you just can’t fix stupid, can we? LOL!
VERY delicious!!!
Constitutionalist says
Have to admit surprise that ol’ “We have to pass it to see what’s in it” Pelosi was re-elected. She seems to epitomize lazy, duty-shirking, and irresponsible democrats, and in essence, is a symbol for the idiocy of democrats in general.
Besides, i believe they have no intention whatsoever of attempting to do anything other than pander to working people, making them the same old promises upon which they never deliver, whilst imposing monthly “healthcare” rates higher than most people’s mortgages.
reggiec says
“It is obvious the current strategy doesn’t work,”
This says it all!
They are not concerned with America or Americans. Their concern is only about a “strategy” that will increase their power and promote their Marxist ideology.
Paul phipps says
The demorats are the gift that keeps on giving
CJ says
I do believe that this last election spelled the death knell of the Dem party and not a minute too soon with all those permissive wackos
Constitutionalist says
Did you happen to catch the election-night meltdown of TheYoungTurks? Hilarious! Cenk Uyghur(or however he spells it) said he’s declared war on the democratic party! The rest were whiners declaring their opposition to Trump even before they see what he does in office.
*shakes head*
i sincerely hope that they lose all possible support, and go off the air due to lack of interest. Oh, i mean Democrats, not TYT. *grin*
Dr. G says
As long as the Dems stay focused on alphabet-soup bathrooms and Social Justice Weirdness rather than Reality, they will blunder on into obscurity, especially when the “triggered youth” grow up. Then no one will be left other than the outlier fringe.
Robert says
They must be in bad shape to put her back in, they have not learned anything!
james McKinsey says
stupid is stupid does !
JD says
Yep, downward spiral for the elite, who haven’t had the American citizens best interest, Nancy Pelosi never did…and they are just now catching on to that….too funny….a little to late wouldn’t you say…buh-bye dems…
the says
The Swamp it be draining…….
rw113 says
To Pelosi and most Ds these days, President Kennedy would be called a radical conservative “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” probably would accuse yim of being mentally unfit….
J. Badillo says
The democrat party died when Kennedy was assasinated, it was only a matter of time before it would start to show it’s dead trows, too bad it took this long and more so because of that moron obama, stupid is, as stupid does, and the socialist party, under cover as democrats, have most definetely proven what stupid is all about! Oh yes!, I am glad they chosse Pelosi again,lol!
carmelita says
me too,ha ha ha,i am glad someone shares my views,lmao
birdog9999 says
Pelosi is nut case and the Dems have proved that they are also nut cases by reelecting her. This is really great for Reps as she will destroy the democratic party. Have at it all you liberals who are out of step with America and Americans. Thank God for Donald Trump.
lizaz says
The “democrats” have turned into America’s Socialist party and we want no part of it. What keeps voters in CA electing pelosi is far beyond my understanding. I guess they just aren’t paying attention. We hope that Donald Trump’s presidency will keep the socialists out of power for many years to come, and their numbers in local governments will continue to diminish to zero.
Chaz says
Donald Trump won’t have to keep the Libtards out of power, they are doing a good job of that by themselves !!!
Robert from Maine says
Pelosi is still dangerous, as Lyin’ Ryan and his Rinos worshiping @ the feet of the Golden Saudi Calf, can still tie up the bills put forth by Lyin’ Ryan’s nemesis, Mr. Trump. She went to Cuba a few years ago and spent $10,000 on “candy”, shown on the one night’s bill. One wonders what kind of candy that was. Cabana boys or….. . Ha,ha!
Inspector Tom says
My opinion is,.. that there just is NOT enough money in the world for me to ever become a piece of ‘CANDY’ for that woman, excuse me I’ve got to run for the bathroom now!
vivienne Campbell says
i used to vote labour ( you call i democrat)
labour deserted the worker
now, as a worker, and seeing labour has no interest in ensuring that i am paid properly and can house myself as my parents could, and have some self respect, i will never vote labor or democrat as the case may be, again. never again
and when i say “house” i dont mean house myself in some high -rise depressing ghetto while i slave away in some factory
i mean house as in a small section and a house!
i will vote for the right. their social policies are better..realistic, honest, pragmatic. i will be poor , but happier than i would be if i voted for the liberal lefties who are in fact controlling fascists!
the left wont pay me properly and i work hard …….SO WHY ON EARTH would I vote for the left!!?? you stupid lefties, cant you see where you have gone wrong!!
you are left, but your money attitude is right! you should have paid the workers! and the workers arent silly, you superior, arrogant, pretentious lefties!
John G. says
Anyone who would willingly chose to have Nancy the “Hand Waver” Pelosi represent them is totally void of reasonable thought and should be institutionalized.
jude2811 says
Rob c says
The more people become independent of both parties and vote the person the better. Parties are almost a thing of the past not soon enough just my opinion, no more stupid sheep mentality.
Robert says
Its time Democrats understand white Americans are tired of black Americans getting all the apple pie.
This falls under the DUH!!!! category.
Old1 says
Clueless is way to kind. They just don’t get it.
SJ GA says
If Pelosi had an ounce of concern for anyone but herself she would have stepped down for the sake of the Party. She doesn’t. The Democrat Party had a chance to elect a young, attractive, Ohioan with fresh ideas. They chose the same old same old and will remain the Party of the Left Coast and East Coast. They deserve to continue in their decline.
Russell Ruthruff says
Like the old saying goes “you can’t fix stupid”. This is about one of the funniest things I have read in quite awhile. Go libtards!!
Carolyn Reilly says
Pelosi raised 5090 million dollars for the re-election of House Democrats and they did nothing to stop the demise of Social Security in 2034. That money is from employees and employers where is it going?
Patrick Jensen says
Pelosi is as crooked as a snakes back! The Democratic National Socialist Party has become irrelevant, contemptible and wretchedly narcissistic . Pelosi is blind, deaf and dumb reelected to as leader of the blind, deaf and dumb!
Thomas R Hedden says
Pelosi is laughing all the way to the bank! You have to elect her to figure out what in her!
lin says
Term limits. Enough is enough.
Ken says
Have Jill Stein raise a few million more $$$ and demand a recount. Can’t trust who tabulated the votes since it was a secret ballot.
Mike W says
Shows how pathetic they really are, this is what they feel is the best they have to offer?
William Albert says
Now comes the clinker: Obama will pardon the AWOL SGT as well as dear Hillary
Jack Burner says
The Democrats will reap what they have sowed! Pelosi is a nonstarter and should have been replaced many years ago. i cannot believe our Congress is so out of touch as to put her back in a position of power. She and a few of her retired on the job cronies are holding this country back from becoming what we should be all at the expense of making our representatives richer through our trials and tribulations. Yes, it is time for term limits, but how do you get the Fox out of the hen house when the fox has been hired to guard it!??!
Bob Harris says
Pelosi is nothing but a true COMMUNIST and should be kicked out of America and sent to live in RUSSIA!
Joseph C. Moore, USN Ret. says
There are two ESTABLISHMENT big government parties that have been destroying our Republic for decades. It is time to re-establish the REAL Democrat and Real Republican parties that believe in the Constitution of our Republic instead of the New World Order that both (establishment parties) are complicit in trying to establish.
Presela Anne Robley says
The good part about Pitiful Pelosi getting re-elected is that YES, it PROVES just how out-of-touch the idiot Dems are. And beyond that, it shows that they have learned NOT ONE DAMNED THING in all of this, which means they will CONTINUE to stay OUT-OF-TOUCH, STUPID, and CLUELESS. And these things translated mean that for those of us who oppose these idiots—-Republicans and otherwise—-this is OUR DAY IN THE SUN. And PRAISE GOD, it may last a long, long time. So let the weakling and ignorant Dems can keep up their stupidity, their “good work,” while we on the other side take our country back, and glory in watching Donald Trump Make America Great Again!!!
JoAnn Graham says
Presela Anne, the Dems are in TOTAL DENIAL about why they suffered losses of political power locally, state AND nationally. They keep casting about for excuses. A couple of days ago, Obama said it was because FOX NEWS was on in every bar and restaurant. They just do NOT get that we are a FREE and independent people, and want to STAY that way. We don’t a bunch of out-of-touch, CLUELESS elites constantly lecturing us on what “racists”, “homophobes”, Islamophobes”, etc. etc. we all are, while they put everybody in the WORLD ahead of the citizens of th is country and do everything they can to weaken and DESTROY what has been the GREATEST country on earth! They believe they are soooo morally and intellectually superior to the REST of us that we should naturally want to just hand control of EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES over to them, and become the dumbed-down, compliant SHEEP they believe us to be. They will NEVER admit they were wrong, and therefore, will NEVER change, and that does NOT bode well for their political futures.
They and their globalist masters ALMOST succeeded in taking us down when they put that nasty, sociopathic RACIST Muslim in our White House. We were SHOCKED at how quickly he moved to consolidate political power in HIS HANDS only and how CLOSE he came to the DESTRUCTIVE “fundamental transformation” HE envisioned. We’re awake NOW, and they will not find it so easy to con us with their Communist BS again!
LadyNavyVet says
I am a California who voted for Trump. I, too, cannot remember a time when Boxer, Feinstein, and Pelosi were not in office. Californians just voted a Democratic super majority in both houses of the State. They will find out how stupid that was just like we found out how stupid it was to give the Democrats both houses at the federal level with a Democrat in the White House. The next couple of years are going to be depressing here.
Errol says
In California, you can say goodbye to prop.13 and hello new taxes that will help pay for the sanctuary cities like L.A. and San Francisco
DixieBelle says
The Democratic Party is called the left for a reason. They are the ones that are being left behind because they can’t keep up with the needs of the people they are supposed to represent.
Ever wonder why the Republican mascot is an elephant, and the Democratic mascot is a jackas…oh well, you know what I mean.
Dagonet says
What the **** did this ***** say about obamacare, “we have to pass it to see what’s in it”? She needs to be removed from her position.
Paul Stumpff says
We have more people on the government dole now then we have working. That is a road to
told ruin of our way of life. The left wing Democrats can not see that at all. God please bless
Sal Belardo says
I’m so happy that the Democrats keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results! That is the meaning of insanity! The far left took over the Democrat party and the middle of the road Democrats don’t know how to take it back! Good! That means they will continue to lose election after election! And the Fly Shit Media will continue to support them!
JoAnn Graham says
Unless “moderate” Democrats stand up on their hind legs, and WREST CONTROL of their party away from the damned COMMUNISTS, they will continue to lose elections! Earth to Democrats: The United States is NOT a Communist country. We have never BEEN a Communist country, and we DO NOT WANT TO BE a Communist country. And since every TIME you lefties get in charge you try to “fundamentally transform” us INTO a Communist country, we repudiate you–finally and COMPLETELY. If you can’t get that through your THICK SKULLS, then your party will end up on the ASH HEAP of history where it belongs.
RJintheUSA says
When the Democrats allowed the liberals a foothold that was their downfall. Liberals don’t care what the people they are supposed to represent think, because they feel they know best and all others are just uneducated children. When in reality it is these children that want to lead who are the most clueless. A Liberal is nothing more than a spoiled child that wasn’t disciplined.
These are liberals and they show their stripes daily.
Howleyesque says
GOOD! I can’t think of a better way to INSURE future losses for them than to CONTINUE to support twisted idiots like Piglousy, HairLESS Reid and Pocahontas!
Nata says
It is call socialism, communism dictatorship what is Obama did for 8 years ! Take money from workers and give to thugs who is never working and will never do it. All of these parasites on the streets now , look at who is real supporters of Hillary ….
loren Iversen says
pelosi is the wicked witch of the west. Here in california she has many puppets, mainly Jerry mcnerney
Mike Dar says
‘…the current strategy doesn’t work,” Sorry guys and gals, the strategy fails alongside failed social policy and fiscal policy. One cannot sugar coat stagnation anymore than one can pick up a clean end on a turd..
sure.. the left can say ‘ That’s shinola! Not $hit!”.. till the cows come home.. but they cannot fool people that have been around for 50+ years, nor can they fool people that had to eat the Turd Sandwich Cater delivered.
No one on the planet is always going to accept those in power always blaming someone else, they know the difference between losers and winners.. and most of America was told they weren’t winners by Obama, they were the reason America was ‘Bad’.
‘Strategy’? A fools errand if you ask me.
NAN says
Justin W says
The national Democrat party leadership is out of touch with the views and values of most Americans. The national Democrat parties journey into depravity has trickled down to state and local Dems. A large number of them have switched parties. Others have stopped displaying campaign signs for most Democrat candidates because those candidates don’t reflect their moral values.
Election night 2018 could be good for Republicans if they spend the next two years working to make America great again. It’s clear that many Democrats still haven’t got the message.
Mark Steiner says
The Trump voters gave him a Republican majority so that he could get his agenda completed. If the Republicans pull an ” et tu Brute on Trump their party will be the next to go extinct. As much as Trump voters have had it with liberals their contempt for the so called conservatives who bow to the special interest gods is a close second. Want an example of these congress people? Why don’t you try any of them that have supported managed health care which has been cheating hard working Americans for more that 20 years now. If you don’t think they haven’t been profiteering just look at who owns most of the hospitals and clinics in the country now. They even got the government to make it mandatory that we buy their products. The Trump voters anger is mostly locked on to the harlots and butt boys that make up our congress today.
Jon says
Keep Pelosi,
Come 2018 the republicans will rule even more then they do now.
I love it.
janice d. says
I think so too. Thank goodness.
janice d. says
I think so too. Thank goodness. The last years under this present administration have been awful, from the divide and conquer president.
Master Therion says
I have only one thing to say to Pelosi, “You’re a SWINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. She needs to pull her lips over the top of her head and swallow!!!!!!!!!
janice d. says
Now that is funny ! I find that people are in such a much better frame of mind since President Elect Donald Trump.
Won. Thank Goodness.
D0rvalin0 says
Well said ShopDrop.
I stopped to be a Damn ocrate in the beginning of Obama second term. Do not hit Hellary that much.
she was a republican converted to damn ocrate after meeting, dating , and marrying bill.Those two guys never have been democrats did you ever read about bill Clinton Family, perhaps you could know how he ended up to be a double agent
they were infiltration units for the republican party. after came the anesthetist boy to put us into a deep slumber with his bitter sweet
mouth, Osama. With the mission to achieve the total destroying of the DNC. All of them were under the command of only one person: who was the Mastermind of all that Perversion: Lord Sidious Georges H Bush The Father. The Real SITH Lord. All of us have been hoodwink. By not Having the knowledge of the real political word everyone got bamboozled. Give me some insights ShoppyDroppy. Lol.
SlyFox123 says
One answer…….Look Left, Folks……..you people lost, you got your butts beaten and badly, get over it, you lost You treated the VERY people who you expected to keep you in power, like they were puppets, like children and like fools, well these actions along with ALL of the lies and what ever else Obama and Clinton and yes you to Nancy, were just a bit over the top, really you folks are not that important an d NEVER have been! Get over your self’s. Bottom line…….U all got a whipping and now LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT!.
Stephen Russell says
No change= No chance for 2020 race IF going as IS.
U Lose Dems forever more
Cat be Open to Change & ideas & growth this Trump wins
Stuck in rut, tone deaf & narrow minded, dead weight Dems. Chap 13 DNC then.
MrTruth says
Those stupid lemmings will keep on drinking the Kool-Aid and follow their Pied Pipers right off the cliff into the ocean.
Robert from Maine says
I seriously think we all are missing the big picture. “They” in Congress are ALL ultra wealthy, and “they” don’t care who their masters are, whether a shadow government, the Saudis, or Communist Soros, as long as they live a life we cannot really imagine. Once in the Establishment clique, they follow orders, make deals in the back room and get their turns @ the WallStreet gavel, retire as Lobbyists on K street, have a ghost writer pen their legacy, get the very latest technology of world medicine, to live on in power, and as one blogger stated,….laugh all the way to their offshore bank(s).
aw says
not just Congress…….include Hollywood with the wealth that the average American will never have……
The Texan says
Once upon a time long ago the Democrat party was the party of the American working people. The party cared about everyday people and attempted to identify and address the problems they faced. The party was reasonably good at identifying problems but not so good at creating workable or realistic solutions. Their solutions typically included spending a lot of money and creating an agency to pass a lot of rules and regulations. When their program failed to obtain the desired results they would try to fix it by expanding the bureaucracy with more rules and regulations and spending more money. But those days are gone. They still like to expand government and spend money though now it is all about power and control over the working masses. This is what happens when the socialists infiltrate and take control.
Frank says
As a former democrat who saw the light during Slick Willies tenure I say it’s time for its deluded leadership and the rest of the out of touch socialist communist democrat party and its failed legacy to fade away into the dark recesses of history! I am a white man but by no means a racist and have several close black friends but the most racist people I personally know are white democrats who act like the black mans friend to their faces but as soon as they’re out of earshot use the N word and all sorts of vile vulgar names describing the man they just acted friendly towards!! They have successfully beguiled and fooled most black folks but not all of them with lying promises and hand outs instead of hands up and are still white democrat slave owners just like the original slave owners were using them to further their agenda and when they’re done using blacks will stab them in the back! The original slave owners were all white democrats and the founding members of the KKK were all white democrats so black folks wake up and make yourselves free!!! Black folks for your own sake you must stop allowing white democrats to use you as pawns to do their bidding!