Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been working feverishly to lock up the female vote — and it looks like she’s gotten one unusual bloc of women to come over to her side.
Nevada prostitutes.
By helping Clinton become president, these women are helping themselves. That’s what “Entice Love,” an enthusiastic Clinton supporter and member of the political group “Hookers 4 Hillary” had to say in a recent interview with The Guardian about her group’s mission in supporting Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid.
Love continued, “When I’m looking at who I want to pick for the presidency, I look at what are they doing that I can relate to that will be of benefit for me.”
The political group is based out of the infamous Bunny Ranch brothel in Nevada, where former NBA star Lamar Odom was found unconscious last year.
According to the Hookers 4 Hillary website, the group plans to campaign aggressively for Clinton and perform media appearances plugging her candidacy.
The support of these “women of the night” isn’t exactly the push Clinton was hoping for in Nevada.
Despite winning Nevada handily in 2008, Clinton has seen her lead in the 2016 race slip leading up to the Feb. 20th caucus. Recent polls show Clinton locked in a dead heat with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Clinton herself is rapidly working her way through Nevada, stopping at Elko on Monday and heading to Reno shortly thereafter, looking to expand her support among Nevada’s multiethnic communities that make up her base.
Wow, Quality all the way!
Just what I want to have my daughter look up to!
Can anyone say…
Get lost!?
I know right? I feel the same way it is just ridiculous to me that Hilary Clinton would pull something like this. My daughter is old enough to protect herself, our Grandchildren are not that’s what tweaks me. They are the up and coming future. Hilary hopefully will face charges and this nonessential thing she is up to will become the past.
She does not care anything for a vote
Think about it she has a grand baby .if that don’t help her we don’t stand a chance! ! Life as we know it has bee cast aside for a few gold coins on one side and no coins with sanders
Hillary’s whole campaign and her life is a stinking mess – its like Hillary is trying to pick up a fresh piece of dog crap by the clean end !
Did you see the TV clip where she went GAW GAW GAW just the day before ?? Sounded so true ????????????????????????????
I agree, too
Hookers and dogs she must be deparate
No….she feels at home…..rightfully so !!!
I agree with you. Hilary= Dogs and hookers. Bill will have free sex.
Bill Clinton must be so excited, if THEY are elected, they can invite the Hookers to the WH for an overnite:)
Only problem is he will not be up to handling the activity….whoops, maybe he can by reliving the Lewinsky affair. The Clintons’ should have been wearing orange jump suits under the pen many years ago.
Unfortunately the younger voters have zero historical knowledge of these immoral slime balls. It would be good if they would goggle: ‘The Clinton Chronicles’ and ‘The Clinton Conspiracy’ . I grew up in Arkansas and I can assure you that the citizenry said good riddance when the went to Washington.
I remember all that ,too. I even heard his brother was procuring women for him when he was Governor. The Hillary got into a scheme at the Rose Law Firm and got caught at it. Those two carried on shystering their way in Washington and the rest is history. Maybe one of them will get some well deserved rest in the Federal Prison.
To Howard and Roy, your right, most of the younger voters do not know the Clinton’s great history. Mrs. C. called the women who had the guts to speak up about Mr. C.’s behavior, whores, tramps and trailer trash. Does that sound like a feminist? We who remember need to get the word out. Not so much about Mr. C but about Mrs. C’s reaction to the victims. Thank you, ps look up Mr.C’s background you may even be surprised at how many women actually pressed charges at a police station..
Are you suggesting everyone should “goggle” at Google?
Bill is probably licking his chops over the queens of Nevada!
if THEY are elected, they can invite the Hookers to the WH for an overnite:) bet Bill was all for this
wow! How low can she go????
There was a joke about bill Clinton
He travelled some how to heaven and met The POPE . POPE asked him where are going ?!you suppose to go to hell !!!
Bill Clinton replied POPE. You are one
day too late. !!!
So Killary gets backing of hookers!! Maybe Bill still has some PULL after all!!
If the poo Sh*ts wear it. I mean if the show fits wear it. . . .
or the show fits, wear it. Hilary is one of them
Just when you think Hillary can’t be anymore of a disgrace……..She must have promised them high dollar jobs with her sexual assaulter husband and George Stephanopoulos. They can call it the Clinton Cartel Bordello.
What a great role model for the first woman president: Crime Pays.
Oh! don’t be to hard on Hillary she just doesn’t want to leave any stone unturned. After all hookers vote to. To Hillary’s credit she wants to make sure she is the candidate of inclusion.
Its what she’s finding under those rocks….er…stones, that’s so repulsive.
On top of that she accused the Republicans of lying saying something about training dogs as lie detectors an started barking like a dog. It’s beginning to look like she’s getting desperate as she sinks in the polls
Is that one of the brothel’s that the Moron Church, oops i mean Mormon church owns, Hey just asking,
I’ll be Bill would love to arrange votes for her here!!
With his poor health, he probably wouldn’t be able to secure more than one vote for her, but I’m sure he would give it his best shot.
At least ‘One Thing’ that can be said in support of the hookers, they are HONEST in what they do in their chosen profession. The same can’t be said for the ‘Butcher Of Benghazi’.
“Butcher of Benghazi” and don’t forget her partner in crime Obama!
Just wondering if Monica Lewinsky will be the flag bearer
She could tie that blue dress to a pole and wave it around. I’m sure it would garner a lot of attention for both Clintons.
She could bring a stable of them in the White House for Bill.So he will stay away from innocent interns.
Not surprising this is her kind of people guess she’s trying to make
her husband happy while she’s at it also!
Entice Love sounds logical and similar to most voters. I tend to think that if she and her associates reviewed the historical abuse of women that Hillary Clinton – and husband – have practiced, they would join the ranks of the women who support Hillary Clinton for prison, rather than the USPresidency.
Ha, ha, ha.
This is exactly as it should be! “Hookers for Clinton.” Bill is probably pretty happy.
Can’t wait to laugh about this with my daughters over dinner tonight; my daughters actually haven’t sold their soul to darkness: they have inner integrity. The Clinton’s could learn a lot from them!
And we will probably end by having a good cry, too.
Will the Clinton’s stop at nothing? Doubt the greed will allow them to see; it has blinded them so far. I am a woman, a long time feminist who took a leave of absence to work full time for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment in the 80’s. And I don’t support Clinton!
Tarasa– I am so happy to see that a feminist is smart enough to see Mrs. C. as she really is. I could not believe it when I heard that feminist were voting for her just because of her gender. She called the victims of Bill, whores, tramps and trailer trash. Proving she is no feminist!!! She thinks that women are stupid.
Hillary is disgustin beyond belief. If only there weren’t so many ignorant idiots who give this loser any credence to het campaign.
Isn’t it wonderful she has the unbridled support of her sisters? She has been practicing the profession in a different manner for many years.
These are nothing but a host of disgustingly baseless gossiping remarks!
You absolutely DO NOT know what you are talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is Killary paying you well, DGena?
Everything that Calvin said is TRUE! Hurts, doesn’t it DGena?!
She getting them ready for Bill
Whartons can I say. I agree with you all.
What can I say.
Crazy, but true!
She and Bill could have a really good time!
Bet Billy Bob is loving this news.
i agree with that statement.
The average prostitute has higher standards than Hillary. The Nevada Hookers 4 Hillary should reconsider their stance before it drags them down to her level in the public’s estimate.
Don’t forget one of the Bride of Frankenfoods biggest supporters – Monsanto. She truly doesn’t care what she does to us. She is a piece of work! Don’t let all that smiling, hugging grandmotherly, all for women act fool you. She nauseates me.
LOL! Thanks for the laugh!
Why not Hookers have rights too. She has all been about women’s rights.
wow, by the comments above, this rag is comparable to faux…they both HATE, JUDGE, HATE, JUDGE…specially women, people of color, gays, immigrants and anyone ‘other than white and christian (I am not talking about my christianity which is LOVE), I am talking about the ‘christians of HATE’ who spew their crap everywhere and try to get us to make it into law…sharia?anyone.
so, my solution to all your HATE, BIGOTRY, MISOGYNY, XENOPHOBIA, HOMOPHOBIA AND HATE is to urge eveyone to VOTE:
HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON/JULIAN CASTRO (yup, he is Mexican..was the Mayor of San Antonio, Texas) 2016, 2020
Well it’s a darn right shame, I can’t believe these Lady’s of the Night could possibly lower themselves to the likes of Hillary Clinton. But I suppose if they had to play around with Master Harry Reed, Hillary looks pretty good to them. Unbelievable…. Hookers gone Wild or Crazy?
This smells of a set-up
Hillary has definitely fallen in with the right crowd. She has been prostituting herself to special interest for all of her adult life. All I can say is “birds of a feather flock together”.
I am so sick of the .Clintons! There are rich enough! We need to send Hillary and Bill into retirements and fast before they steal the American people blind!
Well, this what you can expect…….look, this person lived with a husband who was “doing his best business” while she was in the house, it just happened to be the WH. Yea…..the Clinton’s will do ANYTHING for the vote…….it’s so sad!. Look at it this way…..Trump is telling us, that he’s going to things……stopping parting the oceans, building walls, you name it Trump says he’s gong to do it, but has never spelled out the “PLAN”. Clinton, has sold out the country and from all indications the Office of the President, boy, what a pair to draw too or from, yea……world, the United States has a problem!