Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton took to Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show” last night to deliver zingers on everything from Donald Trump’s hair to his stance on women’s issues.
But while Clinton let the super liberal Fallon fawn over her on national television, Trump spent his night engaged in something we’re yet to see out of Clinton.
A debate with his political opponents.
While Trump debated 10 other GOP candidates last night – and weathered their attacks for the second time – Clinton still has not taken the stage against either of her Democratic foes.
She won’t until mid-October, and even then the venue – a casino owned by Clinton acquaintance Steve Wynn – is designed to be Hillary-friendly.
The Democrats’ obsession with protecting Clinton from former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, who is polling in the single digits, and Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders speaks volumes about the perceived frailty of her campaign.
So instead of talking about issues, Clinton last night clowned around with Fallon, participating in a sketch where Fallon impersonated Trump and schooled Clinton on handling interviews.
During the bit, Clinton took potshots on everything from Trump’s hair to his multiple marriages.
Fallon as Trump told Clinton: “I haven’t seen you since my last wedding.”
“I’m sure I’ll see you at the next one,” Clinton said. She then asked him, “What is your stance on women’s issues?”
He responded, “I know a lot of women and they all have issues.”
It was another reminder of how dynamic Clinton can be when someone is writing her material for her.
And at least until October, that’s all we’re going to see.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Gary Mercatante says
Well that’s what you get when you have a Democrat in the White House, or one trying to get in to the White House. Have you ever noticed that they can’t spend even ONE DAY away from the TV cameras, having to get their faces out front every chance they get? Have you ever wondered with all that “trying to be a Rock Star”, who is REALLY running the show back in Washington? Love ’em, or hate ’em … at least when a Republican is in office, he is actually spending some time at the job we elected him to do. When a Democrat is in the White House, he only serves as a “smoke screen” for the American People; something designed to take our “eyes off the ball”. Hillary Clinton is no different. All “style” and no substance.
Maxx says
Ah yes. Hollyweed, the place populated by the “bottom feeders” of the world who are held up as “role models” for some strange reason. Back in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s Hollyweed was owned and run by people of the Jewish faith. I am not being bigoted, I am stating fact. It was also known that these people were practicing communists (they called themselves progressives) since the government had dossiers on them. The people in the entertainment industry have changed very little since those days. Republicans in the entertainment industry are an extreme rarity. Being socialists, communists or progressives with lots of money makes them the ideal people for democrat politicians to use.
Texan says
Screw Hillary! What about Bengazi????? You will not rest until we get the whole and real story!
Baj. Orduh says
The GOP would like to rob Clinton off their woman of the century. America do what Great Britain did with their late Margret Thartcher.