The verdict is in on last night’s Democratic presidential debate, and the ruling is clear — former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told some big whoppers.
Here are her five biggest lies from last night:
Lie #1 – On her email practices
Clinton said, “I have been as transparent as I know to be. … I said I have answered all the questions.”
Here are the facts – Clinton has yet to explain how the server was set up and serviced, whether she informed the State Department about her decision to use the private system and, most important, how it was protected from hacking attempts.
Russia-based hackers tried at least five times to trick her into infecting her computer system with malware in 2011, and her server was hit by attempted cyber intrusions in 2014 from China, South Korea and Germany.
Her server also was connected to the Internet in ways that made it more vulnerable to hackers. But her campaign has repeatedly declined to address these details.
Lie #2 – On her college tuition plan
Clinton said, “My plan would enable anyone to go to a public college or university tuition-free. You would not have to borrow money for tuition.”
Here are the facts – Free for the students, but someone has to pay.
Clinton and would shift more college costs onto taxpayers and away from parents and students.
Her plan is bound to cost more than the $35 billion per year over 10 years projected by her campaign. This is because more students would probably switch to public universities on the potential to graduate without debt, raising costs for the government and potentially leaving many modestly endowed private institutions in the lurch.
The potential of a debt-free education would also depend on states providing reliable money streams and controlling costs — both major sources of uncertainty. The Clinton plan would also expose a sharp generational divide. New college students would be helped, but the 40 million Americans who already owe a combined $1.2 trillion in education debt would receive little aid other than refinancing at lower rates.
Clinton failed to tell TV viewers about the costs to the treasury of what she proposes.
Lie #3 – On her Syria strategy as Secretary of State
Clinton said, “What I said was we had to put together a coalition … and yes, it included Arabs, people in the region, because what I worry about is what will happen with ISIS gaining more territory, having more reach, and frankly posing a threat to our friends and neighbors in the region and far beyond.”
Here are the facts – Clinton is ignoring much of the context of her coalition-building effort in Syria. It was designed to push Syrian President Bashar Assad from power, not target the Islamic State or other extremist groups fighting among the opposition.
As secretary, Clinton helped spearhead meetings of the U.S. and various Arab and European countries frustrated by the escalating conflict in Syria. The coalition was concerned primarily with helping armed opposition groups better defend themselves and directing political groups to coalesce behind a common, inclusive platform for a post-Assad Syria.
At that time, the Islamic State didn’t exist. But al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups did. And even as they gained a foothold and became increasingly prominent among the anti-Assad rebels, the coalition Clinton worked on didn’t come up with a military plan for combating them.
Lie #4 – On gun violence and gun control
Clinton said, “I think that we have to look at the fact that we lose 90 people a day from gun violence. This has gone on too long and it’s time the entire country stood up against the NRA.”
Here are the facts – Clinton deliberately misled voters to think gun violence is worse than it is. There are not 90 homicides each day, because most gun deaths are suicides. While these are a violent act, they’re not a crime as some think Clinton implied.
There were 33,636 firearm-related deaths in 2013. Sixty-three percent of these, 21,175, were suicides. Homicides totaled far less, 11,208, a rate of just under 30 a day.
Lie #5- On being for the Trans-Pacific Partnership before she was against it
Clinton said, “I did say, I hoped it would be the gold standard'” of trade agreements.
Here are the facts – Clinton did not say anything about mere hope in her speeches around the world in support of the trade deal. She roundly endorsed the deal taking shape.
In a November 2012 speech in Australia, she declared the Trans-Pacific deal “sets the gold standard in trade agreements,” a sentiment she echoed in many venues.
Clinton said in the debate that when she looked at the final agreement last week, “it didn’t meet my standards.”
The final agreement, however, dropped or changed some provisions that liberal activist groups — the wing of the party she is assiduously courting at this stage of the campaign — had strongly criticized.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
rodney burke says
Hilary lied? that’s not news, that’s an everyday occurrence. Hilary is STILL unfit to serve in any capacity as she is out to fund herself and her corrupt friends. Even BILL is starting to get some morals. Hard to believe but…
Hilary showed us her true self last night just like many others said she would as a corrupt, communist bitch who is out for her own personal gain and to hell with America.
Lila Thompson says
I agree. Hillary is quite an “actress” and that “false” smile makes me almost puke.
She lies, lies, lies…………..and some believe her.
May God help us all.
Richard Magnano says
Lie,Lie++++. Her followers must be Deaf, Dumb, or Blind. Literally. Sorry to have suggested any of those who really are actually handy capped are for Hillary. Anyway she never looked directly at the camera or
the questioner and almost never does. The SI smile is another give away. She has been following the same pattern for her entire public life.
Gary says
It does matter– for Americans that love this Nation – lets review this person record — She step down after Benghazi incident, most of people would of been jail – Obama & Hillary news report – lie about the reason for the deadly attack blame it on a Hollywood movie about Mohammad, It was Hillary Clinton that introduce the UN Gun Treaty a direct attack on 2nd Amendment — this bill was to be vote on 2012 but after the School shooting was move to March 18, 2013 –interest date in history March 18 –1938 was the day Hitler start Gun Control in Germany another interesting facts HLS was conducting a school shooting drill same day same road 15 minutes from school. What happen to men arrest running from the school that day? (check out the original news report on YouTube Sandy Hook School Shooting fully expose) — demo-rats offer nothing more concern with global warming, looking for the free stuff education — someone has to pay for it — wasteful spending let remind folks that Obama has spend more than ALL THE PAST PRESIDENT put together– let that sink in — another interest fact Obama come into white house net worth approx. 1.5 million and within les the an 3 years grows to 12.5 million – I’m sure it alot higher now Change has come to America — formula used by Obama – create a crises, offer hope, play the race card, control the news media, attack the constitution, create social unrest for Marshall law, disarmed the citizens, control the medical, food, etc. used of executive order to sign in the hidden agenda —
Gene says
First, these are not debates. It’s who answered question best. You don’t have to answer honestly or even address the question posed. All candidates were not questioned equally. How could there be a winner? It’s a “media gotsha” event to discredit candidate’s they want to loose. Very tired of this BS.
Frank says
the fact of the matter is, that she is a Clinton and the government as corrupt as it is will do nothing to a Clinton. The government proved that with a whole series of Clinton affairs dating back to when Bill was governor of Arkansas. The people that will undoubtly elect Hillary, are mainstream everyday people who do not know or care how the government operates.
Ronald Hyland says
Why is it we ask what their beliefs are and what are they going to do about it.
Don’t they represent us! Shouldn’t they be contacting us asking what the people what?
L says
Her brain is mush too! Just like obama’s
John vitale says
Get over it. With your cast of characters on the republican side, the only jobs they would qualify would be in a circus. You insult most peoples intelligence with your candidates . Your Tea Party, with clowns like Sarah Palin, are basically clueless people. Shame on you! Give us a point of view that makes sense and stop with the nonsense. You are anti-abortion but quick to execute! You are anti-immigration but we are all from other places.. You are gradually falling into the minority group so i have faith in our future when our country becomes more of color and not so more lilly white
Mildred says
Get over it? With our country falling apart from the last seven years of no real leadership (or leadership down the wrong path) and too many people showing the morals of baboons? It is time all you brain-washed drinkers of the kool-aid wake up and see things as they really are. We may all have had forbears who came to the USA from other parts of the world, but THEY CAME HERE LEGALLY. They followed the rules. The GOP has some really well qualified people to be President, unlike the Democratic candidates. And Joe Biden is just another joker. Go wash your mouth out with soap.–
Tony says
I generally do not call names but your statements idiotic.
Anti abortion (innocent babies who have not committed a crime)
Quick to execute. (are you comparing those committing violent crimes against innocent babies) Seriously, are you really making that comparison?
Anti immigration? Get your facts straight. It is anti invasion from illegals. They are not immigrants. They broke the law. We have borders. Should we just open up the country for everyone and go bankrupt?
Warren says
Amen and Amen !!!
Dan Kam says
The only reason why the Republican party has so many candidates in the field for the 2016 election is because there are so many people who have recognized how abhorrent this past administration has been and want to be the one to change it back to a President who truly represents the people of this nation and not one who tries to break the backbone of the nation by driving it into debt, depression, poverty and violence. They see the Obama administration conducting so many policies which results in divisiveness, racism, joblessness, re-education and so many other things to break down the fabric of what made this nation strong in the first place. They want to set a new and correct course to get the nation strong and vibrant again. It’s not a circus these Republican candidates should be part of as you imply, but candidates trying to incorporate a change to the political circus that now exists. They represent an energetic party that can get things done as opposed to the those 4 tired old men and one conniving lady who showed up for this debate representing the Democratic banner. Have you ever seen such an array of mediocrity as these five? Hillary exhibits a little spunk, but that’s because she can’t wait to give you her latest twist or lie on any particular issue. I could never conceive of a party who would consider her as their candidate for the highest position in the land since she has so much to hide and has exhibited such untrustworthiness in her past. Even the other Democratic candidates tried to point this out in their own quiet way at the debate without mentioning names or specific instances. Don’t try to pull another routine on us. We’ve already had 8 years of unsuccessful POTUS circus acts and are more than tired of it.
Loyal patriot says
I am anti abortion b/c the fetus hasn’t had a chance @ life, quick to execute b/c that adult had their chance @ life & screwed up, (usually by taking another’s life).
I am not anti LEGAL immigration, I am anti ILLEGAL immigration.
Arecee says
First off, this wasn’t a debate, it was someone asking the questions that I’m sure each candidate submitted so they would have the right answer. I hate politics and all these arguments are one of the reasons. This country was founded on some pretty good policies and I don’t know why we can’t just go back to them. They were thought out and had reason behind them but the candidates today just can’t wrap their heads around that this is a country of people, not just themselves. It isn’t about them. It is “supposed” to be about what they can do for the people. They have lost that sight of that. It comes down to having a brawl of words to see who is the biggest, the strongest or can lie the most convincingly and they’ve got no idea of what the role of President really means. I don’t see any that are actually qualified to take that position. Either they have one qualification that works but all the other issues counteract that one quality. Hillary unfortunately has none. She is a sad, evil woman that will do what ever she can to further her agenda of destroying our country following in the steps of the current person in charge. Republicans and Democrats are the people of this country and we all need to get on the same page if this country is ever to recuperate from the last 7 years. Why are WE fighting amongst ourselves, we should find the RIGHT person to lead this country rather than look at what political party they belong to as our sole focus.
Patrick says
Some people are unable to look past what’s good for them, to what’s good for the country. Seems to be an inherent trait of the Democrat.
Charles Hood says
John Vitle,,, Your post is a perfect example of liberal brainwashed Hilary follower. You ca only hope you ma some day have the understanding that Sarah Palin has of the state of our nation. Look at the Democratic president hopefuls they are master lat lying cheating and stealing, the self proclaimed socialist or uncle Joe. Every one has a uncle joe but most don’t talk abot them. The illegals are destroying this country and providing little in return. If you had experienced having a illegal hold a gun to your head and telling yyou to get ready to die when the police arrived. Then see him back in this country walking the streets on Waco Texas within 2 months you might think different. Take a look at the world.
Gary says
Demo-rats have no solutions — None– What need to happen Trump has president with 5-6 VPs help run thing give each one a duty assignment to cut waste, 10% improvement each year –Citizens we need to pass the 28 Amendment – simple Congress you make the rules/laws for citizens it apply to you as well —Bitch Hillary should be in jail -It does matter Hillary for Americans that Love this Nation –Lets review her record – she step down from her post after the Benghazi attack the emails send by Stevenson months ahead prior to the attack on the embassy man by 4 men that was killed. After action report — the attack she blame it on a movie about Monahan I recall the Obama & Hillary news report. And there more – it was Hillary that introduce the Un Gun Treaty a direct attack on 2nd Amendment this was to be vote on 2012 but after the school shooting it was move to March 18, 2013 — interest date in history — March 18, — 1938 was the day Hitler start Gun Control in Germany… demo-rats issues global warning, guns, free stuff like education, gay rights, build more prisons, open borders, it was Obama & Hillary that gave heavy weapons to Muslims brotherhood and we get ISIS,- hold that – lets remind folks It was Obama that has spend more than ALL THE PAST PRESIDENTs put together his first term in office — let that sink – wasteful spending – who pay for it — taxpayers —lets see this woman was broke ??, and tell me how does one come into office with net worth of approx. 1.2 million but with in less 3 years grow it to 12.5 million and I’m sure it much higher now — ask Obama ?– More to review what the formula used by Obama and democrats.. create a crises, play the race card, offer hope, control the news media, attack the constitution, control medical, food, water, etc., disarmed the citizens, used of executive orders to push in the hidden agenda, create social unrest with the hope introduce MARSHALL LAW, — that what has happen in this administration, Lie after lie and f you tell it long enough people will believe it — ITS TIME RESTORE ORDER we need return to the American Values — and its not the democrats agenda — we had enough of Obama & his associates,– liberals hate the facts & truth — Gun violence in the USA is 2nd in the world buts lets removed 7 CITIES that are democrat run with toughest gun laws in the books from the numbers and USA has a country drop closed to bottom — USA need to take a clue from Switzerland lowest crime rate in the world. Closed 19 prisons its a choice not a chance ID problem and look for solution — and DEMO-RATS don’t have any
kathy says
Excuse me. We may have all come from “somewhere” else, but if we did, we came here and WORKED to get a life. We didn’t expect the “government” to give us free college, food, health care, cell phones and etc!! But now, since all this free stuff is going to be given(LOL) out, who do you think will be paying for it? Could it possibly be the people that still actually do go to work, or try to start a small business or even a big business to possibly employ some of us that still work?
Robert Frank says
You are missing a word. The GOP is not anti-immigration they are anti-illegal immigraton, although the Democrats would want you to believe otherwise. Even Trump is not anti-immigration. He is against anti-illegal immigraton, which mostly all Republicans are in agreement with.
Jim says
Just listen closely to Hillary, she is a clever person that has perfected the art of lying with a straight face. Anyone that votes for her is kidding themselves, she is totally unfit for just about any public trust position. The country need straight forward leadership and Hillary sure isn’t that !!!
Bundoker says
During the last debate Hillary read from crib notes better than Obie does from his EverReady teleprompter; that gave the impression she knew the questions and answers.
dani says
Hillary can’t take care of her man? how can she take of business in the white house.? she lies every time she opens her mouth. the secret service hate her
Kathy Diamond says
Are we supposed to be surprised ?? Hillary Lying ?? !!! OH GEE. I think God gave her a mouth just for lies.
Can’t believe there are actually people who would vote for her. I guess these people either don’t see, or don’t care about the shape Our Country is in. She praised Obama more then once last night. She will just be a female Obama in the White House.
Patrick says
Half the people will vote for her just because “she’s a woman”. The other half because she’s a democrat. Only a fool will vote for her because they think she’ll do a good job.
Geber says
Who is worst? Hillary or Barry? It’s like who came first the chicken or the egg. Barry has wrecked this country and Hillary will wreck it even more.
WK says
One that was missed; her email accounts were “allowed”. I don’t think so since she had already passed on to other State Department employees what Obama had put out as a rule; Don’t use private servers for Government business. Everyone knows this by now but she is the last to know because her narcissist brain hides it from her consciousness. When she lies to the Senators later this month I hope she will be under oath and can be prosecuted therefore.
Mr Richard Martinson says
the fact is all politicians lie..that’s why we must vote them all out of office
Mildred says
There is one candidate who doesn’t lie — his name is Ben Carson. —
Jules says
You kidding me…Carson looks like he’s stoned everytime he opens his mouth!
eileen says
you are absolutely right. All politicians lie and here in Chile are some of the world’s worse.
Raymond says
I believe that last night was a complete Sham. Beniny Sanders is running only to give Hillery some competition as are all the other 1% phony campaigners that have no hope of succeeding .( I call them Shills.) All this only to get Hillery to the White House. LOL.
Pam w says
Why can’t we get rid of the electronic voting,this is why we don’t get who we vote for, if they got rid of that, she wouldn’t get the White House think about it ever since we have had it, our votes don’t matter they put in who they want and will do what the rich billion Aires want
Karin Akouete says
Hillary is as criminal as the cabal who she is collaborating with. Never, ever will I vote for her!
Mildred says
Vote for Ben Carson…… he doesn’t lie and he is brilliant. —
kathy says
Ben Carson needs to run with Trump
Patrick says
I would like to see a Trump, Carson ticket.
Justin Wachin says
There is no surprise in Hillary’s performance. Rearrange the letter’s in Hillary’s name and you come up with liar as the base. Hillary realizes that most of the people listening to her lie will never hear the truth.
The email scandal came about because of her Benghazi testimony. The scandal has been multi-layered. Originally the problem was about her deleting the emails. It has progressed to security concerns. There are several more stages left in this issue. For example, if she did not handle any classified information as secretary of state should that be taken as a sign that the Obama administration ultimately did not trust her? If Hillary exhibited such poor judgment regarding her communications can we assume she will handle our nation’s military secrets or nuclear launch codes any better?
As far as the rest of the things go we need to consider the audience. The same people who thought Obama was the best choice for president in 2008 and 2012 will be picking the Democrat nominee in 2016. Most of the Democrat’s base has shown they are not critical thinkers nor interested in the truth. People who visit this blog are not likely to be in the demographics which today’s Democrats are aiming for. The Democrats are aiming for people who consider The View to be a source of serious journalism.
MicG says
If they had another debate tomorrow she would have to repeat all of the same talking points or have the DNC wait a month for her to prepare new BS.
She came off like a dumbed down Carly Fiorina to me.
Robert says
Walt says
In terms of liars, the Republicans are absolute masters of that domain. has been monitoring the statements of candidates closely and one of the biggest liars has been Donald Trump, but the rest of the Republican field is not much better (what else is new: anyone remember Weapons of Mass Destruction? Keep your wallets out, suckers). Democrats, on the other hand, come out pretty well. Fact is, the five speakers on stage last night were shining jewels compared to anything the Pachys have trying to pass off as “candidates”…
missourisam says
What rock have you been living under for the past seven years? Which yellow dog could the deomocruds run that you wouldn’t vote for? Sanders is an avowed communist, Hillary is a proven liar, and the whole party conspired to elect an illegal alien that is now trying to destroying our country. The democruds have a lot to be proud of, but then when did they ever not lie, cheat, and steal to and from the citizens of the USA. They are trying to blame the republicans for the Social Security problems, when it was Johnson and the democrud party that pulled the money from the SS fund and spent it. It is the democruds that never saw a tax they didn’t love as long as they can buy votes from the welfare crowd.
Jeff Burns says
Hillary told the biggest lie when she said that her plan to reform WALL STREET was tougher that Bernie Sanders plan. Bernie calmly and quietly said “That simply ins’t true.” She got caught in that lie on stage, but it was glossed over too quickly.
missourisam says
Ever since I first was aware of Hillary, I could tell when she was lying. Her lips moved.
Bety says
You are so right. I think everytime she opens hrr mouth, she spews out more crap than B&B circus elephant drop in a month. If I hear her kiss Obama’s butt once more i’ll puke.
gboyd says
Hillary is already incorporating what Obama has been doing for the past 6 years. Divide the country, blame the republicans, lie lie and smile about it. Do YOU not reconize this ? It has already started, the scandals, the moral absence and the just plain lies, deception and deflection that Obama has been soooo good at. She follows what the dems have gotten away with now for years. The media just goes along with it. What is it with you libers any way ? You all to damn stupid to figure out the truth or are you just plain blind ?
You people are as ignorant as George Bush.
Patrick says
Look who’s calling who ignorant. You’re in the wrong forum. You need to read Dear Abby, and not involve yourself in intelligent conversations.
Beano says
Only a MORON would vote for a Democrap or Hillary so she will be your next president.
Fred says
When Hillary lies, people die! I want her to pay for her crimes including Treason, she should be In Federal Prison, not out on the campaign trail!
cleve says
The Democrats say it is the right thing to do to let the illegals come here because they only
want to better themselves. Is there a limit and if so what is the limit ? There are several
billion poor people on earth so if it is the right thing to do, why don’t we just go ahead and
bring every poor person on the planet here and give them welfare . food stamps, free health
care, free cell phones and any thing else they want and be done with it?
ShowMe says
This was no debate. It was a farce! The Dem candidates had access to questions. Of course they could prepare. Everything was scripted from start to finish. Let’s have a REAL debate with questions from a bipartisan audience from the audience or social media on topics ORDINARY American voters feel are important directly from the audience or social media which have not been reviewed by debate organizers. That would be REAL debate & definitely more informative.
James Rawlins says
When as a nation are we going to come together and support the rebuild of this country instead of slinging mud at each other. We need to abolish the party system and just have independents as candidates. The party system is dividing this country not uniting it. There are problems within each party. What happened to the idea of compromise. This country is in the worst financial shape in it’s history. We can’t keep spending what we don’t have. Anyone who lives their personal life this way ends up bankrupt. This country needs to elect financially smart and trustworthy people to fill all vacancies in the Government.
evelyn says
i was under the impression that you could not runif you commited a felony since she is under investigation for e-mail scandal how can she run for presidency
Michael says
Hilary Clinton is slimy snake but only 1,3 and 5 are lies. The 2 could prove to be lies- not showing her true intentions. We loose 90 people a day to gun violence- that’s true so a lot of them are suicides or accidentals but its all BS to say that the ease of using a gun to cause death is not a factor- every other means of killing yourself or others requires considerable effort- guns don’t so easy with people not taking any responsibility for them.
Ray says
The republicans never told any big whoppers. WMD in Iraq is true. Let’s go look for them guys!
Patrick says
I believe that Sadam used Sarin gas on the Curds and killed about 5,000. Isn’t that a WMD. Do you think that 550 metric tons of “yellowcake” (Uranium) found in the Tuwaitha nuclear complex about 12 miles south of Baghdad produced to make the numbers on watches glow? The yellowcake was later sold to Canada and taken there by the U.S. secretly. There’s no evidence that shows anyone lied. Rather we had faulty information, and to a suspicious minded democrat that could only mean that President George Bush intentionally lied to get revenge on Sadam for trying to assassinate his father HW. This is simply a hypotheses being taken by an entire political party as fact. The intentional spreading lies for truth is done by your side.
phil says
To All the Dems, Liberals & Progressives that have responded to this news site: (and those that will)
We’ve all read what you have to say, so I APOLOGIZE, I really do…..I apologize for calling you all STUPID. I actually thought
you already knew.
daniel says
If Hilary Clinton told the truth she would have to apologize to the whole world
E J Quinter says
Oct. 15, 2015
In regards to Gun Control : Yes people get shot every day but most of them are suicides now that being the case maybe you need to have all of the automobiles removed from the highways that cause many deaths every day what do think about that? Or maybe the people who are in favor of Gun Control are afraid one of those bullets has there name on it, yes I can believe that to be true.
Del says
Oh my gosh, an American politician lied! Who cares? They all lie, it’s what their good at! That why they were chosen by the people who really control our government, and it’s not you and me pal! The two party system is an illusion to make us think we really have a choice. Hillary is just one of many who are as replaceable as cockroaches.