Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is promising her union backers and the rest of the voting public a new road and bridge system… to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars in new federal spending. On the hook for the bill would be many small businesses who rely on tax breaks to stay afloat.
The latest piece of her spending promise agenda: a staggering $275 billion infrastructure plan, unveiled to cheering union workers Sunday.
This new spending promise comes on top of the previous array of Clinton-proposed new federal programs, including a $350 billion college affordability plan. Other new policies, like universal pre-K, drug abuse help and expanding family leave, could add an additional hundreds of billions in spending to the United States deficit.
On Sunday, she added a pledge to give all American households free access to high-speed Internet by 2020.
So far, she’s offered few specifics about how she’d fund her plans. Her campaign said that her infrastructure proposal would be paid for by closing corporate tax loopholes but didn’t bother detailing which breaks would be targeted.
Republicans have seized on her spending, with the Republican National Committee accusing her of treating American tax dollars like “every day is Black Friday.”
At the same time, Clinton has pledged to roll out hundreds of billions of dollars in middle-class tax cuts, saying she’d increase taxes on the wealthy to fund the new breaks.
Clinton’s infrastructure proposal allocates $250 billion in direct investment by the federal government over the next five years. An additional $25 billion would fund a national infrastructure bank, an idea unveiled by President Barack Obama in his first term that has been blocked repeatedly by congressional Republicans. The bank would support $225 billion in loans intended to spur private investment in struggling projects, adding a total of $500 billion in new infrastructure funds into the economy, her campaign estimates.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Main street says
She was in Boston yesterday at a pro-union rally to get the endorsement of Boston’s goofy Mayor Martin Walsh. She promised the moon in her speech. No mention from her about her hubby signing NAFTA has cost us millions of good union jobs. No mention as to how her policies as Sec. of State have caused the hellish turmoil in the middle east and Europe. Our union leaders today have so forgotten the working class. They flock to anti-working class elitists like Hillary.
Fierce Look says
This she-devil as her former pimp, the Muslim-Marxist jihadist, are evil as sin! They, like most of the former democrat party which is now the COMMUNIST PARTY USA are all the Devil’s advocates and that explains why they are a culture of death – abortion, euthanasia, homosexual marriage! REVOLUTION will be the SOLUTION, Armr=============================?
Richard Haller says
ArribaPosts says
If you can relate your comments to Constitutional Government it may be helpful.
rodney says
She is irrational, and a marxist. She is NOT for America, she is against all we are and ever were. It is time for a rope and a tree. I think we can find one somewhere to hang for murder and treason. The time for talk has been over since 2012, the time for justice has been for more than two years. Serve it America! We have traitors among us calling themselves progressives. They are communists and destroyers. It is PAST time we took it back.
Expecting something rational from Hilary is laughable. The tax, shows she is a communist/radical from the get go. Tell her to sit down and shut the hell up! We don’t want to hear her rantings anymore.
Wendy says
At least a Marxist thinks about the good of all. She just cares about her own bank account. How often do you hear about some politician going to bat for some little kid, using their power and pull to get them a medical procedure, or justice for something that wronged them? When did you ever hear Hillary going to bat like that (and actually carry through)?
Linda Thomas says
Agree 100%!
Connie says
Well said Rodney. She is everything you stated and more. A traitor, a liar, and a blow heart who will say anything (she thinks the American people want to hear) to get elected. Same tactic her co-hert (Obozo) did in 2008, and continued in 2012, and still to this day. America is lost if we elect any democrat as President. Change is needed, and only the GOP party can give us that.
Tom says
A lot of people don’t remember that Bill Clinton was impeached but still believe he can tell the truth even when he charges a half million to speak. Pretty sorry. Why would people anywhere believe anything of what Hillary has to say or promise? she hasen’t told the truth since she first got her law license and then was taken away for unethical practices and lying. She has kept up the lying but without the law license that was taken away from her. Why would you believe this liar to begin with??????????????? It is all more BS. She wouldn’t know which end is up should she even be considered for the presidency.
Connie Webb says
Hillary needs to give up and go away???????? she is a nut case and does not belong in Washington any longer????????????????
Mike Maybury says
what planet are you on?
I refer this diatribe to the administrator:
” please refrain from personal attacks, profanity and hate speech. Comments that don’t meet our standards may be removed.”
Mike Maybury says
I was referring to what FIERCE LOOK said !
Jeffrey Cahoon says
Do NONE of the cheering masses (unions), realize that this woman is a flat out liar and a criminal? Maybe that is who they want as president…A LIAR AND A CRIMINAL! so in reality….NOTHING CHANGES!………never mind.
Lonnie says
Hey, we are not virgins any more after the won. A criminal non-government is what we have and shrillary will only follow the cloward-Piven plan to destroy everything American and true.
Wendy says
To remember that would require an attention span longer than a goldfish. It’s been proven the average American now has a WORSE attention span than a goldfish. (Remember, these are folks who would vote for Sharia law with no more information than some guy telling them that it’ll benefit minorities and Hillary’s for it. Don’t believe me? Check out Mark Dice on YouTube.)
Peter Joffe says
This is the problem with Democracy in that any idiot can become a president and usually does. Never do you hear “I will put together a cabinet of the leading, lawyers, economists, construction engineers, planners, etc. and all with experience and know how. Then we will consult with the people and decide how to make America safer and better. How can you choose a president because he can give a good speech? Did we not learn from “Yes we can” Obama who only showed us that “no we can’t”. Obama had no qualifications at all but like Hitler he could spin a good story. Also an American President should not have absolute power or be able to take absolute power unto himself. He was elected by mainly uniformed people. We need a qualified franchise. All the brains and experience lie in the Republicans and delimitation and numbers lie in the Democrats who would give Obama another 10 terms if they could.
jimmy.dawes says
Yes, NAFTA was signed into law by Clinton in 1993, but it was conceived by Reagan, and also signed by George H. Bush, two of your favorite presidents, I’m sure.
Bud webster says
What your point asshole? Your too stupid to think for yourself, the idea your defending the indefensible tells me you have no brain to think on your own. What an idiot
ArribaPosts says
The Bush Boys, The HILL-BILLY Team and King Bo are all puppets of the 1% Liberal Elite – they control the White House and Congress (both houses) Liberal DEMs and RINOs are the MAJORITY.
Main street says
Not my favorites. I’m still a Democrat. However, not foolish enough to buy into Hillary’s lies.
Maxx says
Yup. She is a democrat / socialist / lying hag….. what do we expect. Promise the moon to the unions and entitlement crowd and punish everybody else. This is what happened to the middle class. It’s called “redistribution of wealth” and Obama and Clinton are the poster children for full blown communism. Both are students of Alinsky and Ayres. I know the democrats and liberals will vote for her but if the republicans, conservative and independents don’t wake up then America gets what it allows to happen.
John R. De Lude says
We can only hope that common sense will prevail, otherwise this country will soon become another communist dictatorship.
Mike Sabota says
Her turnouts for her speeches and rallys wherever she has them are dismal at best which says to me that people aren’t buying her BS no matter how they try to spin it in her favor..She will never get elected…Might not even make it to the Dem. nominee…
John R. De Lude says
If Bull Shi* was electricity, Hillary would be able to power the world.
Shelia Minor says
If she gets in this world is in for a big hurt ,yaw better think about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gary says
She is one of our world’s big losers. Her and “Slick Willie” are as crooked and corrupt as they come. 4-8 years of her would be the same as Obama, and it has been useless. Vote but vote for the person who will get the job done and take us back to where we belong. I hope Obama realizes what a complete he has been. I am waiting for the Obama Library to be built. I have been told the blue prints are already prepared and it will be a “Two Seatter” for him and Mochelle also with lots of magazines. As far as I am concerned, he has been in the Sh*t house for almost eight years. Has not helped us at all. We need America rebuilt and made strong once again!!!
Connie Webb says
Yes, everything and almost every one is tired of Hillary????she is clueless???? she is old and needs to retire! She would be just as bad as obama !! We don’t need another round of a bad president like obama????????????????????????????????????????
Phil White says
Hillary is just like Obama and the results will be the same… She intends to dismantle America’s economy until the United States is completely bankrupt !!
Rob says
Oh didn’t you know? She is donating all this from the Clintong global initiative and the Clinton foundation as a bribe to keep her out of prison!
D.G. says
Taxes need to rise at minimum 500 billion a year the Bush cuts should never have been made permanent.
fishinjunki says
And just who should pay for these ridiculous programs the Dumbocrats are pushing? Who is going to shoulder these outlandish tax hikes? Small business is the life’s blood of our economy, yet you liberal azzclowns want to end small business for good. Dumbocrats, and RINO’s need to be eliminated from CONgress, and the White House. A vote for Hitlary, or Sanders is a vote for the destruction of “The American Dream”.
John says
Right you are
Connie Webb says
I totally agree!!!!!!!
Karen says
I totally agree..She can never be President..My children and gtandchildren deserve better..
michael zitterman says
Written July 4, 2011
The Democrats (“playing” the “role” of the good cops, but are just a different degree of bad) and the Republicans are starring in a playful farce designed to tenderize the People by inundating them with poorly designed scripts, but sadly these poorly designed scripts should be sufficient to accomplish the “immorality” of the play.
Sometime, prior to August 2, 2011 (the date that our esteemed Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, has suggested will be the Armageddon date regarding the extension of the federal debt ceiling), our “leaders” will present a plan to mesmerize the People into a numbing acceptance as a coup de grace.
This presentation will include “adjustments” to Social Security, which has nothing to do with our federal deficit, but can and must be repaired as a separate matter, dramatic reductions in Medicare (this too can and must be repaired as a separate item), Medicaid, more layoffs, and a 60% (guesstimation) rollback of the Bush tax malfeasance for those with taxable incomes in excess of $250,000.
The thespian script the Republicans are following, i.e., NO TAX INCREASES, is an important piece, as it will provide the facade of them negotiating, in good faith, a resolution of the budgetary confusion. The top 0.1% of wealth-holders have fought too hard and too long to accomplish the massive shift of wealth from the middle-class to that 0.1% demographic, since 1981, to give back more than a modicum of the larceny, enabled by Congress. This thespian script is so infantile that no rational economist would sign onto it as it would destroy our economics, pure and simple. We are watching a pretend game of “chicken” and both sides (of the same coin) will “compromise”, which will be a very sad phenomenon to the United States of America.
The “rollback” is a set-up and another get-out-of-jail-free card for President Obama. When Senator Obama was competing for the nomination to run in 2008, he said that he would reverse the Bush tax “cuts” (misnomer) for those with taxable incomes in excess of $250,000. He was elected. He did not admonish Nancy Pelosi to legislate this rollback. An excellent question would be to ask the reason for his reluctance to stimulate that legislation.
The legislation was passed AFTER the November 2010 mid-term elections. Another excellent question would be to ask why it was not passed prior to this election.
I posed this question to Lori Montgomery, a reporter at the Washington Post, to which she responded that she didn’t think it could have passed the House. Her assessment was absolute nonsense.
About two months ago, after a Townhall meeting at California State University at Northridge, I asked my Congressman, Brad Sherman (D) the question. He said that there were a number of conservative Congressmen who didn’t want the vote prior to the election because they were in conservative districts. I believe that response to be nonsense, at best. I replied that the legislative effort should have been prior to the election, if for no other reason than to show the People that our “leaders” were attempting to do the right things. Further, I suggested if our leaders do the right things at the right times, they will be doing the best they can do and that is what the People beg of them.
The legislation, passed by the House after the mid-term elections, stalled in the Senate because the Republicans demanded that ALL Americans deserved the continuation of the status quo.
After a few back and forth slick dance moves, the act proceeded with President Obama signing modified legislation, which included those with taxable incomes in excess of $250,000. Although he said that he thought it wrong to continue the Bush cuts (misleading terminology) for those with T.I.’s in excess of $250,000, he signed the legislation because the Republicans were holding HOSTAGES (President Obama’s first get-out-of-jail-free card), i.e., the long-term unemployed and the taxpayers with T.I.’s under $250,000.
The ancillary phenomenon of the “hostages” concept was the extremely unattractive signal President Obama offered, i.e., all an adversary had to do was to hold a “hostage” and this President would cave.
Interestingly, during an interview, on January 25, 2010, by Diane Sawyer on ABC’s World News, President Obama said, “I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president”. The signing of the legislation did not reflect the act of a strong President who wasn’t concerned about a second term.
Thus, his handling of the 2001 Bush tax cuts (where is my Thesaurus? LOL) appears to be oxymoronic, at best. President Obama displayed his naiveté when, during the same Diane Sawyer interview, he stated, “I can guarantee that the worst thing we could do would be to raise taxes when the economy is still this weak”.
Was he naïve or complicit in the effort to enable the continuance of our inequitable taxation? He could have killed the proverbial two birds with one stone, with the stone being to, immediately, reverse the Bush tax errors and to stimulate legislation that would provide a permanent tax credit equal to 100% of the Social Security taxes, paid by an employee, up to $60,000 of wages, while the two birds would be an adjustment towards a more equitable taxation and a serious economic stimulus to our economy.
My speculation is that they (Democrats and Republicans) needed the continuation to enable the rollback, later, to paint the picture that the wealthy were contributing to the mitigation of the deficit effort, which will be presented to the People as a fait accompli. They will trumpet that the wealthy will contribute via a tax increase, which is a well planned fraud, since the 2001 tax legislation was enabled by Alan Greenspan’s lie to the Senate’s Committee on the Budget on January 25, 2001.
If this immorality and poor economics were accepted and ensconced into legislation, our economic woes, which I characterize as “economic erosion”, will worsen.
There are simple solutions to our economic malaise, but unbridled greed is blocking rational solutions from even being discussed.
My own Congressman, Brad Sherman (D), appears to be complicit in this Kabuki Theatre.
[email protected]
Last modified July 4, 2011
TJ says
Why? Gov’t is spending unrestained whether they have the money or not. Why do democrats so readily agree that the governemnt should run and control every aspect of our lives, and then expect us to pay for that “priviledge”? Some people are content on being slaves to others. I guess it requires less effort and intelligence.
dfinch says
The US has already taken in over $3 trillion in federal taxes this year. What are you talking about?
Eastedie says
The Hag = more of Obama & worse.
fishinjunki says
That’s a true statement.
RM says
Before we begin any new mammoth infrastructure projects nationwide, we need to study why the costs of same have gotten sooooooooo out of hand. This is something we don’t see too much written about, just the occasional, local “the project took seven months longer and 17 million dollars more than was budgeted” type news article.
NO WONDER those Unions are excited, eh?
Lee Dyer says
Bill did the same thing cost us billions.. remember obummer said the same, he threw 1 trillion $ at it..
again .. nothing got done.. just another way to steal our money !!!!!
Bob Haugh says
Hilary, would 100% of our income, plus100% of any savings we could possibly acquire be enough to fund your crazy ideas?
TJ says
Probabaly not, they want all of yours and your childrens future income too.
Randy says
This Independent voter will never understand how anyone with intelligence and common sense could ever support Hillary.
RP Johnson says
This plan of H. Clintons’ would move our national debt heading towards 30 Trillions of dollars! She must be from the Planet Alderon if she thinks Americans will buy more of this Democratic pap. The Clintons need to leave the political scene before they destroy our country.
Go back to Arkansas and fix that basket-case economy….you are the ones responsible for it!
jyrine says
Only a crooked Progressive intent on rigging the election would promise to raise taxes BEFORE the election.
kevin says
this is a redistribution tactic: marxism: transferring wealth to others and were supposed to like it! she is an idiot who will not stand by the constitution..she was never my madame secretary! she gave weapons to al qaeda which became ISIS!
John says
I never met a Socialist/Communist/progressive who ever met a tax they didn’t like. They are always running out of other people’s money, with which to buy votes from non-producers. This horrible woman is a liar and a life long crook. She has stiffed female staffers vs what she paid males. How anyone, especially someone not on welfare, could even consider voting for her, amazes the heck out of me.
Karen says
Oren says
It’s the Progressive way. Squeeze the golden goose until nothing comes out. This is one of the reasons industry has fled this country. Between the unions and the taxes, they have been priced out of competition which means they have to either find greener pastures or fold up the tent. Either way, the American worker loses, and we have more unemployment. But, the Democrats don’t understand real world economics.
Bud webster says
They understand it alrite, their tactics are intensional, no one could be this stupid to run an economy this way. Over 20 million Americans out of the work force, let’s let 200 millimmexican nations invade America, along with Arab terrorists, and if that,s not enough, another 100,00 Syrians with Isis among them, throw in a militant Marxist progessive named barrack Hussian oasshole. Is it any wonder were in trouble?
Mike says
I’m not sure why anyone would give her the time of day. Everytime she opens her mouth she wants to take this or that from us.I wouldn’t vote for her even if she was the only one running for president.
Catman Rocker says
It’s no wonder Monica was around… she could do the job that hillary could not !!!
Dan Volker says
Let’s pillory Hillary ! Maybe even a few dumbocrats. (Liked that word)
John R. De Lude says
I suggest that “Horrible”, “Hopeless”, & “Hideous” Hillary do this great country a huge favor by crawling into a hole that is no less than 2 miles deep, thereby giving her more than ample room for her grossly swollen ego.
Bud webster says
Hopefully the hole is wide enough to accommodate that big ass she,s carrying around
Keith says
When will people understand FREE stuff costs a FORTUNE!!!!!
A.W. says
Humble says
I still think Hillary represents the culture of today..As bad as it will be for the country and probably the world I’m afraid she will be elected. God gives us people in Gov’t and other positions of power to punish and chastise us. All you have to do is read the Old Testament to see how he used different kings and countries to punish the Jews…And people have not changed over the last 2000 years, well maybe for the worse. God is the same today as He was 2000 years ago…
Richard says
When Pilot said to the people that he found no fault worthy of death in Christ, and he offered to release Him, the people screamed, “No put him to death.” They preferred Pilot release a convicted murderer instead. And people are just as stupid today, asking this women who we know is also a murderer to be our leader.
Jarhead says
It proves her fall a while back has effected her brain…..and when you consider her massive colon mucus burden why has billy not sent her to an asylum?
Larrysmile says
Already Americans are spending about 50% of their income for federal income tax, social security taxes, state income taxes, county taxes, local taxes, gasoline taxes, and other ‘fees’ that are the same as taxes.
That leaves little disposable income for families and single people to live their lives.
Elect her and she will solve her promises of FREE stuff by sneaking on more taxes and fees for this and that until Americans are overwhelmed and can not afford the basics of life.
College? If Americans are so spoiled like the people of University of Missouri have shown themselves to be then maybe fewer and fewer people should go to college.
Only people who appreciate college and go for the education and not the terminal uproar that is happening now should attend.
The snot-nosed kids bend on trouble and disruption should stay away from college and ‘get a job.’
The ‘free’ internet means government take over of the Internet in America.
It means that “George Orwell’s 1984” has arrived.
It means that everything you say or do on the Internet, every website you visit, every purchase you make, will be tracked and controlled by the government.
It means that they will add fees for this “free” Internet.
Like the Affordable Care Act, “free” Internet will turn out to be the same kind of “benefit” that people will live to regret.
A lifetime of misguided thoughts dwells in this woman’s brain.
Voters: Put her out to pasture.
She should go home to your daughter and granddaughter and live out the rest of your life in peace.
She has played in the government cesspool long enough.
Good Bye, Hillary Clinton.
Be well.
James says
Obamas attitude is racist and he doesn’t try to hide any thing. He just shoves it down the american peoples throats and around the u.s. supreme court because he believes as the man in the oval office he doesn’t have to answer to anyone and so far no one has held him accountable for his actions but with hillary she is even more dangerous than obama because she is a out and out bald face lier and dishonest and does not believe in transparency for the american people because its none of anyones business what she does because its all about her. Any one who would lie about getting those marines and the ambasssdor at the embasee in bengazi killed just to cover her lieing hyde should not even be allowed to pertisapate in the american political process.
Joshua says
The issue is, as with most politicians and bankers, money is nothing but numbers. They deal with national currencies, which can be printed, money carries its own value, while currency has a given denomination and value based upon other factors. In no ones plan, have I seen a interest in developing new materials, or expanding research projects for new ways to make the supply and demand equal out. We do things the way we did them in the past century, and we wonder why its costing more, and has a shorter life span. I don’t see any interest in working with the states, who constitutionally have a role in their local infrastructure being allowed a say in how this plays out. Over the summer, we were supposed to come up with a solution for the highway fund, and most of that money is donated to other sectors so we never do any infrastructure projects. The road way of the route of a Presidents inauguration is always re done before the event takes place for security, so the money is available, we just have politicians who don’t have a clue how to be legislators.
Walt says
Taxes for badly needed upgrades to the nation’s infrastructure of roads and bridges will be raised through fuel taxes, a just and efficient way to pay for the work. With the plunge in fuel prices of the last year or so this can be easily afforded. It is only Republican obstinacy and hysteria that has prevented fair, affordable and badly needed hikes in fuel taxes to pay for work that just gets more expensive the longer it is pushed off. Thank god Clinton has the courage to take this position in the face of endless right wing stupidity.
Justin W says
President Obama has spent nearly $10,000,000,000,000.00 more during his administration than was received in tax revenue. Why couldn’t some of that excess spending have gone toward improving the infrastructure? The next president needs to bring our spending in line with revenue.
William says
Same old LIBERAL BULLSHIT TAX AND SPEND GLOOM AND DOOM WAKE UP AMERICA SHE WOULD BE OBOZO’S 3RD TERM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gary Smith says
Everything is free at this point what difference does it make.
Gary Smith says
She says everything is free at this point what difference does it make?
Elizabeth says
I, for one, am sick and tired of picking up the check for the 1%. Last time I looked small business, big business, hedge funds, the Koch corporations all used the infrastructure. I cannot keep paying corporate welfare while these unamerican businesses keep all their money off shore. Pay up Bozos!
Elizabeth says
I notice the disclaimer at the bottom of this page warns against “hate speech”. Why have posts containing threats to hang someone allowed to stand? Just because a fanatical right winger posts it?
Jc says
The reason she hasn’t said how she plans on paying for anymore of her delusional plans is her team has informed her that with what she has proposed so far she’s at $1 TRILLION dollars!!! ANTONE voting for that deranged, delusional. lying idiot needs to have their head examined. Voting Hitlery into office will amount to us being just like Greece in a couple of years except there will be no one to bail us out.
Richard Cunningham says
That old witch is really a piece of work. Having been a Teamster nearly all my adult life I find it impossible to understand why organized labor supports her. Democrats have proven themselves to be just about as anti labor as they come. In fact they’re on a level with the RINOs (all Republicans.) who are devout believers in the “right to work laws” that are about as non union as they can be. She proposes all those fantastic highway jobs and college tuition expenditures but doesn’t really say where the money will come from. That money will come from all of us. Including those union workers who are told to vote for her, and we retired people who simply can’t afford it. Sure they’ll get more hourly wages but will be paying higher dues and very high taxes. Obviously they haven’t been told these things or haven’t figured them out for themselves. And we retirees will also be stuck with higher taxes that are absolutely unaffordable.
abinico warez says
This can easily be funded by shifting military and foreign aid spending to this cause. This would help and benefit Americans instead of crooked dictators and parasite countries like israhell.
Scooter Tramp says
Just a second while I shit it out.
Connie says
Well said Rodney. She is all that you stated and more.
Connie says
Hillary is Obama in a dress. Her views are his views, her promises are as false as Obama’s were when he was running and promising Americans the moon in 2008 and 2012. Voters need to remember, he stole her campaign in 2008, that’s how close they think alike. Do we want ANOTHER OBAMS???