At Wednesday night’s Democratic debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to rule out that she would continue running for president if she were indicted in her growing email scandal.
Rather than admit that she shouldn’t stay in the race with the dark cloud of an indictment hanging over her campaign, Clinton refused to address the possibility of withdrawing at all.
When Univision’s Jorge Ramos asked her if she would drop out of the race if indicted over her handling of email while secretary of state, Clinton bristled.
“That is not going to happen,” Clinton declared. “I’m not even answering that question.”
Ramos then asked who it was that gave Clinton permission to use her private email server. Clinton replied that her actions weren’t prohibited and that that her private email server set-up was no different than what other secretary of states had done in the past, a claim political fact-checking website PolitiFact quickly labeled as “Mostly False.”
The FBI is investigating the possibility of mishandling of sensitive information that passed through Clinton’s private email server, and legal experts have speculated that a federal indictment could be coming shortly.
Should Clinton be indicted, it would have an immediate impact on the 2016 Democratic primary, which Clinton has been running away with thanks, in part, to a commanding lead with party insiders and super delegates.
But an indictment on its own would not be enough to force Clinton to drop out of the race.
Rival candidate Bernie Sanders has been running a fierce campaign of his own and surprised political analysts with a shocking Michigan primary win Tuesday. While the win was narrow — Sanders claimed 49.8% of the vote to Clinton’s 48.3% — political analysts say Sanders victory was considered critical to his campaign’s momentum considering how poorly he had been polling leading up to the vote.
Sanders said his Michigan surprise was evidence that his message is resonating.
“We are going to continue to do extremely well,” he said, adding that he expects to convince superdelegates who are backing Clinton to switch to his column.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
She’s at a debate in which the even the signs are in a foreign language. He avoids and downplays serious questions about issues. How come the debate signs have to be in Spanish? They don’t have to be in Chinese, Swahili,Gaelic, Italian or Polish in debates in Boston, NYC , Chicago or San Francisco. How can you say you have a balanced immigration system when most today are of the same linguistic group and region? That’s diversity?
Roy Fredrichsen says
According to this mornings newspaper, her signs are in Spanish because her staff is fundraising in Mexico. While not illegal, it sure causes enough eyebrow raising as another desperate move on her part not to spend any Clinton monies from the Clinton Foundation.
drew says
Hillary is the saint from hell and the GOP establishment willing to vote for her are her disciples. UNREAL!
LARRY says
but you cant cure STUPID
Retiredextremelydangerous says
Well if she is convicted. And is elected president, she can pardon herself. What a Hoot! Her slogan: “Fighting for All Americans,” is a contradiction in it’s self. She didn’t do any fighting for Ambassador Stephens and the three soldiers, that she sacrificed in Libya to “Allah !” Now did she?
Millie says
And the people who sit and grasp at every word she says will be surprised if the FBI walked on stage and handcuffed her in their presence. I’d have to buy champagne. She’s not above the law.
Constitutionalist says
So far, it does look like she’s above the law; she’s never been indicted for anything, and neither have any arrest warrants been forthcoming…though there probably should have been over TWENTY, by now, if you go all the way back to Billy-boyz escapades as Atty. General, let along as Arkansas Governor.
There’s a possibility that this sorry situation will change, but only if the Justice Department cannot ignore the evidence the FBI collects. If the current head of the Justice Dept., who owes her job to D’OweBama, does NOT call a grand jury to indict Hillary, then the Justice Dept. should be picketed daily, along with the White House, with all the attendant world-wide media coverage…and “leaks” from the FBI about Justice Department malfeasance of office should take place daily, “anonymous sources” and all that hoopla. Perhaps both the head of the JD AND Hillary’s will roll semi-simultaneously, we’ll see.
Kathy Walker says
Hillary and Bill are one of the biggest Crime family’s in the US they both should be in jail. If we the people did half as much as them we would be in jail. She is saying just what Obama wants her too so she can stay out of the clinck. Sanders is a communist. He needs to move out of country. If Obama doesn’t pardon her before he leaves she is toast. Voted Trump
Confoundmeonce says
Wow ! What next won`t this Creature Use to Garner Votes ?? Since when Has it been A Legal Thing to do..To Beat the Bushes of Mexico For Votes ?? Is Mexico now .. Already ? one of these United States.. how ?? This Whole Process Is Turning Even more Weird With Each Day . How dare She be Seining for Funds From Across THE Border ( and From a country That is Already guilty of Adding to The concerns Of OUR Own Citizens` fight for survival.)
How much more Shameful Actions are we going to sit back And absorb ??
Dee Smith says
If she wins, she can then have the people of Mexico be on her side when the one world order become a reality. Don’t you know that when that happens, Canada, US, Mexico will be the biggest part of this section of the One World Order. So of course she wants Mexico on her side.
Madelene Jacob says
Not just Mexicans fundraising , but also Moslem brothers, and Wall Street . They all wants Hillary, not because she will make a good president, but for their own best interest, and for other privileges. They can establish their political goal, and reach their political dream.Hillary is a good fertilizer for terrorists, Isis, moslem migrants, illegal immigrants,and Wall Street . Hillary plays sugar mommy,and cheer leader. She tells people what they like to hear, to gain their support. Just wait, you will hear her sings “Don’t cry for me Argentina”!
Len says
“Clinton replied that her actions weren’t prohibited and that that her private email server set-up was no different than what other secretary of states had done in the past,”….you know, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Qiuncy Adams……
Piero Strada says
Hillary and Bill Clinton’s arrogance knows no perimeter whatsoever, I am astounded daily by those who dismiss their thuggish behavior and rationalize their misdeeds. There may be a crack in the marble though. For the very first time, I saw them run scared when Donald trump mentioned how Hillary was an enabler to Bill’s never ending sexual abuse of women. It would not surprise me if the St James Island scandal emerges soon. It would be very interesting to see Bill talk his way out of cavorting with a convicted pedophile
on his private sex orgy estate in the Virgin Islands.
jim says
Both of these pigs should be in jail or worse they are communist assholes at best
Chuck Parsons says
This only shows how corrupt both parties are. The both know she is a liar and let people get murdered and yet they want her as a President only because they are AFRAID OF TRUMP and he will start cleaning house. This really brings out the corruption that is in our Congress.
rodney says
And HOW tragedy is the GOP is doing nothing to hide their corruption and their fear! This is the BEST reason to clean house in DC. And make the democratic party a subversive organization. full of communists socialists and who knows what else. they are NOT the party of the constitution nor for the american worker. They ignore Margaret Thatcher’s axiom: “Eventually you run out of ‘other people’s money.” I guess Bernie hasn’t read any Winston Churchill lately, he needs to read WSC’s definition of socialism. A scathing indictment!
jim says
Bernie the jew is a communist no question about it
PattieA says
Seriously!!! Watch how you address someone who doesn’t even mention his religion. Shame on you — are you a phocking christian????
Robert Early says
No Killary. You will not run for long. You will never be allowed to occupy the Oval Office.
I’m trying to help you.
Go to prison.
anita says
the Clinton cow and Obummer are Americas #1 enemy ,
walt says
so true
anita says
how could the Clinton Cow still run if she is indicted ????her ass would be in Prison ?
Jay P. says
Special arrangements for nights and weekends program for her to serve her prison term..?
Baadbill says
Well, if she gets indicted and convicted, Obummer will obviously pardon her on his last day in office anyway, so she’s not too worried.
Robert Early says
She may run; but she can’t hide. There is a thing called justice.
Main Street says
She dismisses evidence against her in the Benghazi issue like most folks forget about a bad day at work from 10 years ago. She has as much feel for the lives lost at Benghazi as most folks do for yesterday’s newspaper. The fact that she is a presumptive nominee is a comment on the decay of the U.S..
Bill says
Amen she is a criminal and fits right into Obama’s plan to destroy America
Constitutionalist says
…and the memory of the American Idiot, in general.
Yesterday, i saw someone recommending a video called the “Clinton Chronicles.” Just for fun, i put it in the search-window at Youtube, and found it.
IMO, it should be required viewing for EVERY democrat voter. What a despicable, contemptible, lying sack of filthy excrement who has used every trick, deception, manipulation, blackmail and bribery known to man or devil to escape justice since the Arkansas days!
But just like the gangster Al Capone, who was never jailed for the many murders he committed but died in jail anyhow, it’s my sincere hope that the indictment comes quickly, and a judge who is NOT disposed to granting continuances but IS committed to the Constitution’s guarantee of a Speedy Trial will get her convicted of Title 18 section 2071 ASAP, for one of the penalties of that section is that the convict will NEVER BE ABLE TO HOLD AN OFFICE in American government again.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bitch.
GrammyUSA says
I agree with your whole statement..BUT, she will not get indicted, she will become President and America will suffer
like we have never suffered before. Get prepared, gather family close and pray. She is the BEAST and no one can
stop her but GOD.
rodney says
Yep and I am asking God to STOP her everyday. Want to join me? I didnt’ think someone who is under criminal indictment could be president. What an example that would set before the world/ Crap! We DO need some divine intervention and NOW!
Roy Fredrichsen says
From what is saw of Loretta Lynch interview, while they gave immunity to the guy that built her server, it
suggested that Hillary MAY be offered the same deal, effectively letting her off the hook WE would be convicted with. It sure looks like collusion between the Justice Department and the Whitehouse.
Don says
Actually big Al died at his home in Miami 9 years after he was released from prison.
Confoundmeonce says
She A presumptive Lier who Really believes She is Above the Law. How much longer are WE, THE Citizens of This Country Going to Put up with this Supercilious Bitch who Is Making This Country Look as wishy-washy AS She is..By Letting This Farce of An ”Election ” Go on…With HER INIT ? What More proof has to be Supplied in order to Put her Packing ?? It is Enough that This Govmt.. Is Fastly becoming the Laughing Stock of The Entire World..But Must we Add to It By allowing this woman to Stay in THE RACE ? It is ridiculous, considering Everything WE DO know about her Under-handed Tactics thru the Years, But there has to be an end to it >>And NOW. How much More Will we Find out about What Else is “Lurking Behind The Door ? Better To ” Clear the Field ” Right Now.. than to drag out this bad smell even more ; While we Hold our Nose.. And lose Time we could and should be Using on Improving our Image , not tearing it Down into the Gutter. Clinton should not be Given Another Minute of Air Time.. ( But we Know Who is Paying For That Air-time, and we also Know This Main Stream News Apparatus is Hoping For even More of IT.. while Getting Richer off such as this with every Viewing Hour > How gullible Are we ?
john bernardi says
Ron says
she should be totally rebuked as a self serving, lying, smoke screen inducing puke of a woman. She is a clear case for abortion!
john bernardi says
never thought of that, you’re right , she would make a wonderfrul candidate for abortion….her and heroffspring…
TexRancher says
Maybe Hillary thinks she can get elected (considering the history of the Socialist party and massive voter fraud) and then she can pardon herself! Or maybe she thinks she can still be president from Leavenworth!
On the serious side, Obama is in a corner on this this because far too many people are screaming for justice just once to hit Hillary. If he pardons her, he’s built a problem for himself. If he doesn’t she’ll open up on him with everything the Clinton machine has built against him true or not. The truth never stopped these people before! Don’t forget the long line of dead people following the Clintons around!
Robert says
Unfortunately way to many have forgotten or just don’t care they are voting for a career criminal. Hell even when she was charged with coming up with a way to fix health care she turned it into a criminal enterprise. Who paid for that mess? The tax payers and yet they still want her in office. Insane just totally insane.
stoth says
She is in, and unless Sanders can get the nomination, considering how the GOP is destroying itself. When the GOP pushes Trump out because of the stupidity of Romney, McCain, DeLay, McConnell, Ryan, and Cruz, Trump will go third party. Turn out the lights, the party is over.
john bernardi says
I agree completely, especially the part about the long line of dead people…..I figure roughly 26 persons so far…
Roy Fredrichsen says
Hey! Tex,
You just may have hit the nail on the head. O’Bummer can’t pardon her if she is not convicted of a crime, but he can be sure Loretta Lynch will find a way of giving her immunity by frying one of her associates instead for being an accessory after the facts. Tricky crooked lawyers protect each other.
leo says
Why hasn’t the Clinton Foundation been subject to a pubic audit and also why hasn’t Sanders demanded full disclosure of the source of funds that have been coming in from Canada?
Mike says
She will still run, because she knows she will win. It was determined 8 years ago when B-Lack O’Blame-a was given the nod and Hillary was told her turn would follow. It is the “Great Harlot” riding upon “The Beast” to our total destruction. Boy, I hate being a doom-and-gloom guy. I’m usually quite positive. But, this is exactly what it looks like to me, and though it may only be a smaller part of the bigger picture, Hillary for President will likely be a precursor to the actual curse!
Patriot Oilman says
The Clinton Chronicles was sent to almost every CEO in the US when Billy Bob was up for a second term. Even thought it was wide spread, it never surfaced in our liberal media. That was before Fox News was so prominent. Maybe Fox should bring it up again. The Clintons are basically criminals. For anyone who has not seen the Clinton Chronicles, it is worth the time to watch.
Roy Fredrichsen says
I remember when Bill Clintons brother was accused of being the pimp that kept Bill supplied with female company when he was Governor of Arkansas. The pattern Clinton follows hasn’t changed. What will happen if he gets into the Whitehouse again? How many more Monica Lewinskies do we expect?
James Gannon says
Why hasn’t Obama and hillary been arested? ??????
Will Henderson says
She should be indicted. I was one of several USAF guys that jjjjwere to carry briefcase to the general officer.
We all signed document that we could not even discuss what was in the case. The same is covered for TOP Serert. No excuse !!!!!! Big fine and jail
Justin W says
The Clintons are no stranger to illegal activities. I don’t see why Hillary would consider something like an indictment as a cause to end her presidential campaign.
The fact that an extremist such as Bernie Sanders is able to do well in the Democrat primary shows that many Democrats don’t want Hillary as president. She is one of the best known candidates in history. Many loyal Democrats know her well enough to know they don’t want her as president. The pool of Democrat presidential candidates should be an embarrassment to the party. Surely they can do better than Hillary and Bernie.
Fr. Tom says
Ms. Hillary repeated exhibits her attitude and sinful pride “it’s ALL ABOUT ME” not the welfare of our beloved nation. She belongs to the ME generation!
Constitutionalist says
i think that the LAST thing on D’ohbama’s mind will be a pardon for Hillary, what with his legion of Oath-breaking words/deeds and the clear cases of Treason he’s engaged in; as it stands now, he’ll be lucky to escape to that 4.5 million-dollar estate in Dubai(no extradition treaty, you see) that some corporation bought for him relatively recently.
Besides, even if he DOES pardon her, there are a HUGE number of other things that Hillary can be indicted and imprisoned for; whoever becomes president next should insist on an FBI raid, in force and by surprise, on the Klinton Klepto Klown Foundation, to seize all records before they can be destroyed or hidden, then let the legion of Election Fraud, Influence Peddling, and solicitation of Bribes trials begin! Once D’OweBama’s been replaced, there’s no one left to shield the bitch and her husband from their fates, perhaps(some in the Secret Government may still be able to do something for them, don’t forget about those criminals either).
Joy Uhrin says
And Trump almost has his name on everything and He’ll come at us as” I told you I could do it.”
***I have a son in law like that. SAYS-NO ONE CAN DO IT BUT HIM.You’ll never make it. you can’t afford it.
He screwed the GOV. of $75,000. and does not have to pay back. BUT,,SS found him out. about him not claiming work money-and made his pension stop from VA.-knows how to play people. WHAT gives ***
NOW—What will happen to our HEALTH CARE if all is dropped. I mean all. we have Mammograms free now -but if it changes – because people want TRUMP. will he pay for our Mammograms. ..
john bernardi says
Wake up hon and smell the sulphur fumes they’ve created just for you
Robert says
Are you insane there is no such thing as free. Wake the hell up!!
gordon miller says
The witch fails to consider that the Democrat party may not want her to run if she is under indictment and may well push for the draft of someone like Biden to replace her as the standard bearer.
Bill says
And her base will still vote for her. Even if she is in prison!
steve says
How is she going to run while in jail?
Constitutionalist says
“Nowhere to run to, baby – nowhere to hide.”
May she be cornered and caged asap.
Gerry says
The very fact that she is still allowed to be in the running is a disgrace and shows just how low the demoRAT party has sunk. They are scum bottom- feeders from the top to the bottom. And to think there are actual voters out there who will vote for this POS.
john bernardi says
ou’re right Gerry, remember Rome burning???
Gerry says
It is a total disgrace that she is allowed to stay in the race by the low-life demoRAT party. Just another indication of how low that party has sunk. And to think there are voters out there who will vote for this witch.
Jan says
I know people who can’t get a job in a factory or anywhere else due to a felony in their background. They did far less and they were punished far more than Hillary. What is really going on here?
Dez says
She is an anti christ, part of the self serving Elite, their masters pull all the strings such that she will not be touched because the real USA has long lost democracy and is run by the Elite and their Commercial master race….who are already looking at taking over the rest of the world. It’s no use looking for justice with integrity anymore that went years ago…..
Janice Gibson says
I have watched the political machine at work for many years. However, I was either deaf and dumb or maybe the “Powers that be” weren’t always this crooked, lying, I will do ANYTHING to win. I have become so disgusted with both parties this year that it makes me sick. How the Clintons’ have managed to get away with anything and everything scares the beejebers out of me. And they have to have a big following of people just as crooked as they are to let this happen. I jumped to the Republican side this year only to find out they will back stab Trump any way they can to keep him out so they don’t lose their precious perks. I’m beginning to think our entire Government is made up of people only interested in ME. ME. ME. They are completely ignoring what the people want and their votes mean nothing. Our once wonderful Country is going to the dogs called politicians. How sad!!!
Confoundmeonce says
Janice G….You Said It in a far Better manner than I Could. .For My way would Have Been So much More Harsh and <<Yes, Hateful as Is Deserved To be. It troubles me So much to realize, That even after All That has Come To Light Concerning This Woman..There ARe Still Many In this Country that Remain Blind And Don`t even want to See the Blackness Of This Womans` Heart ( If she Has one. ) I can only Pray That enough Light Will be Shown on Her Black heart to Be Sufficient enough to Expose her for What She Really IS. She would then Be Indicted and Put Away forever.
stevenl says
Convenience as she claim is the ONLY reason for the use of her toilet server! This is the supreme insult to the American people.
Although those who preceded HC to the SD acted recklessly, they had NO PERSONAL ambitions besides serving the country. This is NOT the case for H. C. For her it is a mean to an END. To hide her secret activities. As we know a ME gentleman was a super major contributor to the Bill foundation and her association to the MBs and MSs are major (fanatical Islamic) connections besides her network of VILE antisemites. She is haunted by the Nixon years and wishes to do better than he did. To fool the American people. Because she believes that “the American people” is STUPID. Sadly enough, MANY ARE!
Jay Bell says
There is a vast difference between what she did and the small amount of accidental “leakage” that occurred under Colin Powell and Condi Rice. Clinton set out to subvert government requirements. It is simply NOT allowed to systematically PLAN to send ALL of her email as SoS over an unsecured system. Clinton knew that and yet did it anyway. What were the Clintons attempting to hide? (Thus the influence-peddling investigation by the FBI) And they almost got away with it.
terence says
Sadly one suspects Clinton is right `it won’t happen’ largely because she is far to well linked into the machinery of State not to ensure her immunity
Lois Wenk says
Obama, H Clinton & Trump are 3 of a kind. Berney Sanders believes what he says, They out right lie to us to get votes. I’m not voting Socialist but BS is better than those 3.
Joanne says
Hillary is a sad and pathetic lying OLD BAG who has no business as commander in chief. She never did anything worthy or significant as Secretary of State, and lied repeatedly about Benghazi. She’s a player plain and simple and is an exact replica of the Muslim Moron currently in the White House. Get out of politics Hillery you’re a washed out has been.
Annie says
My question is: Why is Donald Trump being audited and Hillary Clinton is not?
I suspect that only God Almighty can forgive and turn our country around, and I pray and ask His help each day.
God bless America and Donald Trump.
Jay Bell says
The woman has brass cojones. That she would DARE to suggest that she would continue to run even when charged with a federal crime is unbelievable!
Jay Bell says
She would never even qualify for a security clearance ever again. How on earth does she believe that she could be President?? Clinton lives in la-la land. Not only is she corrupt and inept–now she is nuts too.
Lorraine E says
Most democrats always vote democrat irrespective of who they are voting for. They have always been guaranteed votes. As we approach the end of this campaigning circus hillary Benghazi clinton has the most electoral votes and if more are needed she and her comrade george soros can buy as many additional votes needed to put her back into the white house.
hillary claims to care about women. No so! Read Roger Stone’s book “Clintons’ War on Women.”
hillary is appealing to black people but after reading Jack Cashill’s book “Ron Brown’s Body” it will be clear how the clintons treat people of color.
Also view “Clintons death toll documentary” on line to find out what happens to people who cross the clintons.
hillary Benghazi clinton has the support of the democratic party, the liberal RINO party, the lying corporate media, the one political party in Washington D.C., the CFR, the Trilateral commission, the iIlluminati, and the new world order leaders.
Donald Trump is the People’s Choice.
Who do you think is going to become the next president?
Don says
If Hillary IS indited, we can only hope that the trial continues on PAST Obummer’s presidency.
As sure as the grass is green, the sky is blue, and shit stinks, Obama, if still in office, would grant her a presidential pardon.
Marilyn says
Hillary thinks she can go ahead with a political campaign when she is caught in scandal. Well, it certainly didn’t work out well for Nixon. He got elected, but the scandal just wouldn’t go away and he had to resign.
Dave says
She took for ever to stop her campaign when President Obama took it from her.
Dave says
Dave says
How many minutes missing from a tape, that had President Nixon tossing in the towel? He was President at the time. This is way more gross then what he did.
Margaret Thomason says
I have read every ones reply and I do agree with every ones saying. But we as True America Citizens and Christians must rally and stand together. I have always said that America needs a business man for our president and not another politician!!! I know that Donald Trump is not a strong Godly man, but he is what America needs right now as well as God’s almighty hand back on America!!
But we must humble ourselves and fall in our knees and ask God to forgive us and heal our land. If we will be willing to do this, then God will open up heaven and heal our land. We must get back to God, His laws and His statues. This is what our forefathers and founding fathers built this nation on.
For to long we have let others such as deists and atheist tell us that our nation, our constitution is a godless constitution, and yet we allowed them to expound upon this issue until most now believe it. I for one am a Christian lady and very much proud of my Christian heritage, and I will not let any one dare tell me differently!!! May I suggest that everyone watch the movie “Monumental” by Kirk Cameron. It is a great DVD and explains in depth of our great country and the sacrifice that our forefathers endured to reach this great land. But it does not stop there, but tells the truth about our founding fathers.
Remember, that every one will stand before God Almighty and give an answer for every word and deed wether good or bad. But the wicked and evil person will spend for all eternity in he’ll with the devil and his demons. Yes, this includes Hillary and Bill Clinton as well as Obummer and his cronies!!!
Clint Hall says
What Hillary and Obama have in common?
Obama lies. Hillary lies. Obama commits acts of treason. Criminal. Hillary threaten the security of the USA. Criminal.
Yup, they belong in the white house. RIGHT?
wizard says
If she is not indicted, convicted, and sent to jail perhaps the next president will get her appointed Ambassador to Libya. That would be poetic justice. While we are at it; Sanders could be Ambassador to Russia where he can observe the failure of the dictatorship of the proletariat firsthand. Joe Biden could be appointed to a nice quiet out of the way place like Lieghtenstein. Nancy Pelosie would be a good choice for Poland. Debbie Shultz might be considered for Austria. And Harry Reid could go to Mexico.
Robert says
Sadly the one thing that everyone has just let go is she signed a pledge to keep information protected and to never remove it from the government. She has been negligent in the handling of this information and as a result should have been stripped of clearance as stated in the document she signed it also states that negligent handling along wit lose of clearance she could never hold any elected office again. It has already been proven she was grossly negligent in the handling of this information as she not only removed it from the government but allowed access by her lawyer and the people she hired to backup her server and the people she hired to wipe that server. None of these people have clearance to see this information. Why has she not been stripped of clearance yet ?
Constitutionalist says
Here’s my understanding of what is, at present, the hierarchy:
At the top of the pyramid are the Banksters as embodied in the fictional corporate entities of the World Bank, IMF, and even the WHO, among many others.
Just below them would be the Oil cartel, wealthy beyond the imaginations of most people…though those who control the WB, IMF, and WHO, et al, are far more wealthy.
Then, there’s the USG, a bankrupt corporation in receivership, to the “holders in due course of the bankruptcy(ies)”.
If you have a bankrupt corporation in receivership, you must do what the holders in due course require.
Apparently, right now anyway, they’re requiring that Hillary NOT be prosecuted, hence the stonewalling, obfuscation, and delays.
If public outcry gets too bad – and ONLY if it gets too bad – will they relent and allow their Quisling sycophant to be prosecuted.
All that said, Title 18, Section 2071 is VERY clear as to the penalties for it’s violation. IIRC, it was that SAME SECTION that Petraeus was convicted of violating, but HE got no special treatment; the FBI immediately removed all his computer equipment and sent it for analysis, quite unlike Klinton, who’s used her friends in the Justice Department to delay, deny, and obstruct justice for quite some time, with the FBI apparently buying the excuse of “national security” for their delay in turning over what they have(which i certainly hope eventually involves prosecution for obstruction of justice on the part of ALL those who have participated, are participating, and continue to participate in covering for this Klinton Krime Klown currently employed at the INjustice Department).
Don’t forget to wear your “Hillary for Prison” T-shirt on Election Day, ok?
ron says
This so sad that such a low life scumbag could possibly be running for the presidency.But the uninformed electorate elected and re-elected that incompetent idiot from kenya